THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Fify YarsAgoCLKA1tNG If noisadys notlced pou, you mut le it Yer Ag AUCTION SALE ThXS ndtheho amatd'ssihedyu ums i e ¶ken tram the Ejtion of The fr4 GUELPH TOWNSMIP eth tf nooy1. ghe os utl catadUiau Campion. Tumdy, Lesson il If nobodys bowed te Yoo, Yeu muat, Febrssary 156h., 1897 IeARM STOCK, IMI'LEMENT191,n le kw; FEKI), ETC, SUNUAY, FEDRUABT 28ed 29 If noblays klaoed Yeu, you're ugty Jas. Robinson, Stlpendlary Maglo- Te oerige-lv r(evVtb We know; Teudrindhv eevdI-th it otaiy' enief yo, yo'r a oortratrf ai Rat Portage, in wrttng taetrurtlons frein efh; ysëvidYuyureaplr enew lis subcription sald that le s E HRENJESUS THE GOOD SHEPHERD 14, If nobody'a fattered you, flatter your- had Oiral ouborlbed ta the Champion T elb ulcacina i oel; ln 1864, when le wao a boy attendlng forin Lot 14 15, Con. 2B. Gueph, it- bord: the good aeplerd tapeth dowo Th If noitodys rheated pou, Yeu are a île otd Miton Grammar School. As nateti 1 mile W. of Higlmap No. 86, 1 lito lite for thr stieep. Jo. 10: il. pet knave: the Champion wao etabllohed In 1860, mile N. of No. 7, 2 h milrs E. af Mary Lesson Trot.-Jno. 10: 7-le. par If nobody's hted Yeua,Yen are a Mr. Robinson ta ane of the oldeot, if Hill on Ti. -Octotuer, 29 AD. te If caai' alled rtu 1 a i)Nt ie eldail ai our oouribera mONDAY, FMREOARY 24th Plate jeruaieai. lae;' uge McGibhon ofai Bramp;tloba, <olii. ti ;tri ttt'lttk '.larp;, .xpu.ýttttt. I.Jestu fle Dot', 779 Ni Somiebod'aiaelietfoi ut' i a't:k ialetarai lite ine tesiteneofeaiE. D. flte ittlaitg. noewosesacs eteSF lia itiace: Roolonu ~~~HORSES Brama Perheron Mare, Anaeiatebareu aîe If aobody klowa'ofai our baaults i ltoGryaseecaMreOY'O teeibtiysltrtayhalyl o friend. W. H. Cadwell ouhrew bswek lRack Percheron Mare, 5 pro.: Back door, l.e., lp Christ, la a thief ai Nobadyli miss them ai the manlds pybog a toremeli cusit ta hi amîîy Percheron Mare, 3 pro; Blark Ferrb- a roller. The sheep con avwapo tell by enad; Hebagvau i uiini a:eroa Mare, 4*yra.; Grey Percheron the difiereace lelmeen the true ahep Sl If nabodyrcliogs la saur porte lile ra onooand aili set out on Satordap forcIMare, 5pro.; Grey echeo ae fawn;13 yrs.. uppaued Iole ilaft]a. A erd andtherabber (va. 3, 4, 6, 27). a Noladylifruat ie a bond wmIa 'a Caitorala, arbre le iraeds lamolte aire loi of goad barses. Cîrlisolseep haveosixoclara tratlco; gaiuor: sho lme. COWS-Croy Cow, 5 pro., due (1) Tlep hsîam îlerSeplerdo voirest If aabady'o ratea pour lî'eod tram TIreaaivertory servicesoia con.- May 1511; Briadie Coit, 6 yru., due (v. 41. Everp oleep la île East untem pal pour sore, avrtil00 il île Meiladist ClarI April 5th; Red Slortharn Cuit, 4 pro,- le lusurick recogninea lia ileplerdoa Nolodyli eall pou o "mioeriy lare;" aere blid an Sandap. Codctor dur Map 5t;Rerd lortborn o Ca, 4 t'caire na iesek.Evr n 3 peu ' s lndrdYe-heeiseeSolder preacîrd a othlservicesuonti pru., duerh. 511: ,,, d Shthot0 Cîrlotu îleep rerogniar Cîrlts Ca Siaposei"od"qirauaa1otmao eeitneîp ar Co', 5 pru., due MAlut: Roan Hel- of can o. ef"ooy"qika ou issret eeitney eiesl, er, due Fel. 204; Hiereford Cam, voire despite ailthîe destructive frit- Br con. Ye'tlecdap itsou ne ufthîe luirt freol Fr.1. ltI: Reg. Holsein Caw, les. (2) "TIr ueerp leurhIlu volte"pi dua îothaMtonaabau urra tiluwiutee, due thre ed ai Fel.: 2 fat Cowa; (va. 3, 271 Thep înot ofltp boo It, m Abaut fiiip frmera gaileeed tram ail Hereford airer, abouti 00 11.: 6 tlep lerd It. This lu one of tle sur- l Need Science to -Aid paria ai île coaîp for île delivery Aagu Catile, 2 pr. aid; 3 Slaribara esîtosa amne o r n ae tremtaifgriclural implemeata Hefers; 4 BaIP Brevet. o hit he.Aeyuheigm oree rot esr.Cihomad HOGS-Yorl Saw. duc Apr. 1 a5 Cros leptr pnleda InIm idrrotamMeur. lilom dYot'k Suw a't;i:York Saw, dur Mov Hisvoire? 131 "Tlir nIera fatto Apîaelp, local agents for île Mauoep 16; 34 Sîtot. ' im" (vit. 4, 27). Wlerever therialeE Harrat Ca. Theepaî'errivrdSomfngot POULTRY-80 Hplrid Pallela; 40 er île alepleral galng thepwii1 fl- Io îr aiîl tri Ia "SliCot lm île iolloiau'g: 19 liadero, 6 Plymouh iRock iMatt. 16: 241. Thr wa maype setioand Uie ai Lanad" a il te pains trucks, 8 ouvra 6 drilla. 7 FARM IMPLEMENTS- M. H. orpim darl. dongerosa and 'o:iul, thr main taie etthîe 1947 ronventton tore cra, bridea a'agoas anal Binder, 7 fitraintagod reltir; I.11. lai ilrp "taiiom Hlm." 41 "They 'n ai île Agrirulturalsiuto aCn- letgla. C. Mouer, 5 il. ratintagaad rtltair net the voire aistirangera." AI(o ada, an extensieutîr ainta"Sali Con- DCoabsutilhale DliverrpRale: IH. rue alrep mlii ail foluowa a aragel ervalian la Canada" lp Dr. E. S. DAWSON AI Ita reoadtenrr. Bramp- C.10il Dup iat(ilhe arm M.H. t'a vie.T'ir voire mapsceauot and Hopkins, Aaariuî.rDirecior, Expert- -io.',reDa'a gd70pu'. DaumîtRoba'r: DiiN iat. Bssl 7 menta Forins erie, mkes n. i.-p nNsaaeyo a ay26th. Brairire. avale ai Keaneil CaOlail t2-larrua'Riding Floua; Na.'voire ai île alepberd. Tlose spa opportune appearoore la îhe Jaauarp red 1 e ia rr 21 FleucyP Fiait:4-seriia Harrow; :Clriullana" mIa are forer er ruania iaoeaiîl Arialarl noilteRe Leh , n Aier6B erm . loa 1e-totFaPoer Liii Cultivator: M.H, off afler iragera, "ut ta Ier 9 virm. Sailicoservation,lae alaird, e, an Frbruacp 1711. 1897.,a in fil- okhitu Serd al i2s itCrora:e lIîtviaet a, r ltuae impliod maie alan i10noame rapreaurd. 1111 3eor. (C)r"A stil 10-plate Dianrt milI iaren îî mpieî mpovmet a îe ro ___________ rriafe: M.H. Bale Bar Loader; p"eirae ii lpîltfia It irplie impovemnt i thepro-Fonalng Mil; ruler ired Wago& nlvdrnilp manp profroard Cîriatians i doctivltp ai tle smilfad nul merrlp 600x16; 2 WagoBoxes; Beach are nt aeep. 16) Tlep "miii fieew maintenance ai lia prearni condition. Recoiniîieiid 'fa'astou Siriglitu Flot Rack 14' rampirte: Col- fcom Hlm." Jesa lu alun tIr door hy Originallp, u'rl la Ibisfiteld Oaas o- iag Bau: Sieel Wlerl Cari: Talla oliel île ueep pasla. To mIai Ooe rseoioly l îe rniol f A a~nsua Ri Falpier; Binder Fore Carniage, la Ho thr danra (1)1To aalvtoi sie eabn. Nom salitheconervon of .reage at 50,« U 2 liane Bots: DeLaval Separaor' . soil ersion. ow soi consevationFred Boxes 3 Eertrtr Frnrra:Forkse "Bp me,If anp man enterInliehli incloded a uide fieid of artivilirs.- Horu, Sbnvelu, Wlifletrees aidaun- le saved." This mares the wap af ha lits at'icle, Dr. Hopkins taira ta 1946 thr total arreago planted laInnh ton aumneroas la mention. salvatian vorp plain and simple, Jos îilotl:Canada, bing oui a large Canada la toaoaru aa 53,760, tfei HARNESS- 3 sels of Ternim Haro- pass rigît la lp JeauChrist. The routry770arri mre 0 O ru; several good Coitaru. door lu open ta ail "anp mon cutygreograplicalp and bavias i hel44,70arswr nOtaro, GRAIN and HAY, R'lC-1-200 lus.1Tog se msarp diferenrt sanus and rilmotea 53,920 ta Qaebrc and 3,070 In British mixrd Grain: 150 lus. Whoat: 15 lha a e île freateai afIsilo thata Cnadan verge neldedColumbta. For 1947 tIe Dominion- tons Hap: 350 bus Manfalala:IO ners tle danr saonds opesn6(lIm. I: man3' dissimilar regions. Tîerî mere Frovincial Argicultoral Coafereace, Iun. Torahîta: Groin Bogo: Sorku; ao1l). soverlîriesa, Inn principal ogrirul- wmîl et nlaOtawa in Decemîere qaontilp of Feore Foutu. He la île oalp dune tAv. 4: 12) turai rau--the aob-lumtd ta sea- Iroiedta speeg IOUSFHOLD FIIRNITURE --2 1-94, cnsidredflin anacr aOf ilelen'Tablies; 6 Clairs: 3 Srrrra Neither tIr laitlier tle clarrl, oie arid Prairie île bamld su ueo la 1947 mouid meel ailthîe Duori: Marris Clair: 3 Raoizmnralltp, lnor laptism. aier a cerd reginoof Easternanadoa lhist demanda for domeuli anad expet Chairs; 2 Worth Sads"Go1d_[tle douer. "bm île don." Thilt door dairp and miord iorming agrculture' ri CIer"'Kirlea Range. Cuimbard: mou apeard lpPil atoinig deail Eacl of tlesr large terltureeaio- 'Bax'Heaier. tvs. 10, 11; CGsi 3: 1; EpI. 1: 7 rladed map smnalr areas mîecr Whicle heittalltnnage ai lamaînes TERMS: CASH Hel 9' 221. Wr enter Il hp simple conditions meemarI differrîti. Net- Ipracsrte amougreoler la 1946 flIon ln No arti'la teb caoe sl uithstanding lIeue greal difiraer îtpeviousa r sethu îe pak ai rsaned . untled fur. No rere alt 1c ufouIin Hli.ttRm. 3: 25; 4: 3-5; sal od clmîrIlne ainul lmai anuitai raaadernoitip educed in 1ttiai. EpI 2: 6; Ar. 13: 38. 39). Aapaae mua in sit nd horste thre asIetIINDI,' AND EILIO'i"l'. enfercsi in ,' euaaChristl miiilho strage t mch ditet'eee ta cuoinaun mii: previaut pears. TIr 1Aactrt:tner,sacîd. noanaeePiseill. 121 To IlI- thevarousprvinialaveag yildspac o toatejuie as.ho bavr'i iti'h Phoniaet'Ernor Milltona1 rnlp"altigo Ilanad oul." The true' asmgt i xpc .Lng fniepoIthe bipckarofJivte ta tihatilira _c _____n__________ treptlnir e u ui rda nul lea aamiltleîperflitc ai tear aid cnraina, huitIrth vincliaverage iridu ahamed lîtîrle i donc i inriitoiiy IP mactins, change. waln annint tomalasru ai'res ras- i (ILEAECNG 1perfetiertyileno f a ehld (Rom. 0: 151. TIrfritiipaiîl ali aaaae-itderahle bondi labor.: Frarvuori hnve' A TON S LE r('.l'a ierar-ily. Thtis tuaisiounad la tie oprdwt abtkacutfud idittiraiiiiarerentipeasutaelgoainanad out" Theaa0., n time cupuar avlI a100 ar otalinlla r icaaalag lomatra. IN i'iSi.INCII P"O.iII' ala mrima y Chritlsi etenaiisea- - te wIieh deposlta, or înam avlel -tre lvs.2S 2). 1) Te aIaiiýatiaaa. witldcramuls, migît le made. Itetas FARM STOC6K, iMPLFMIFNT.S, "alttl finit poaare ."'l'iece iv no aise camparod ilI o mine. tho terralIAI', GRAIN, KET'. th atrl utore tafortît n la h "moil miner" bing uard la dearie a Notice of Application' ,orldiias te ioe trIo enitrasîty .îc- formermIa delrtod le terihitp f Il ,'lirt' aitieratgti aveItî ttta'in-. uîtatîa'îIlte pitrte la"grees" formerli wHoeer, it erprarrutef THENLiQI'61R lI('E.NC'E ACT, 1800 ,Iiulti i ott.tP 72 a"o, tnv ovdin. rop perodueilo ee irroasilg Dstrict Nosaler 5 1 WîILLOIAM PiNOSER AiNDofN P.')1' ) I-' ",,)1'i ft mach maI cpproivucduin thaer T'i- ot~ aira' ttat te Canalian 1 'olt, 'y pubtlic: ,artttîail hi' Feel .31: il: cf Ia 41): 9,.10). 1' muchmor Invlve tha thse i o of::t.1ei:BriihEmpireSe'rvict' farata.1 ,i91aaatadit*)i.' 7,l'uslincri, oertaill ec. 7:l16, 17).l'i eaher oftese camparisoni. Inlîr ,1.agat.. Brnc-h RamIer 136,'I, f lieaiaa't: ie"aelnlictiraaitrea piue i:i a uipare, li mos impossiie laelsua 'tata aoftai lton, intahîe î'unîp A. . oftillamitta lii'ttutta on laanad barreaaierIrnlarîtl the amoonit of teniililp ln île virgin tiiai. uil mule apiatiuilaîn a t'hlLOYull41AY, OEBRI'ABV l601 'anuita ailh Ib:is. Ciaiatil ltidoc sui uvîlcI mgît ecume acallahir îo 1aa'tai Iaetingtout'lIlittaan 1,L.- ('tmntl'at'a i îlt ritr 'ittiitla aierilcc nl eaiaarrl erapa: tle calo of loua taougtaout a-cae Btoard aif atOntaoe hfeltd li"tittt:1 Tqi l1ack.Mr rn.1: :E 2 8 Zml tititRosaRetraiumin île Kogli iHal, tiS.t"r !,l:r.'.Str ",aan.i'0 Ett2 i;R by vartusa fcors wsdaffarot 10 1C) Sonttral Avenue. Seuil, ainhe ;t'iig, 10 yr'u. tit:atly. aa'aIi t1-0- 5: 1, 2: tiel .10: l19. 22). mensure, setîie variable ealler co-('ti t i ofuHailatan 'ruraday i-- lt" -, . tt',, l îtaI l. t..attt i odSîttpitt'ît, la-iK dallons oacI unauoa added Iota e leiiiaday ai Muent. 1947.,'ai le t iett. a'anrynig 2na tait eu sntolytedo.le difficoltp afi uipng oup possible barutaiOf9.30 'rîurî lan tle larennion 'ft:cittas i28; Htlstehintiaac.dti Irenafoir flit, latuanre ut a tabltabious a'l 21.1; Iltistîria Utait due ira flt itciai:ca'id "flt,eiludSIp: teni.eorîldsie.n rnam a lOigt. Ayrilaire"a%%îdueMa,."" Fîlu ritan d leadens aia TIere ivore lboaad.i ut difteren i ionseaior hte napemîr adcomiat-a15a1h: Ayrshiine 'on',dut-Han. 281h;1[couve rlaiming ta le aleplerda, lot sali types and lnnumlerabl i riimsllctay are odmilîrd for tle flîowng 1 aaîi eir arMn tit eupihee n alr b condlias mhll lgrîlr m11 lrentasea: The Club Raimu aofîth- Shocilara Ctatîa. idur til 411a; ira-Pio tnm-esaI 'arrmea condiions hich togete iatadanNule 16 apCati, troleneal ,iaîa litI, itettetThe rae t proviausafarmning meilada, cernid ' Caa bc Igiaa, Branrl I "tirai1o6d l1iilnal dciii-ap -' Bo campleitp f o! ii conditions diffiluilttltn Dlro rar nCailsttit n t:a'l. r -B I isus' mission vai giariaut. "I crime teadrian.Sre n the si] Tomwn ufMlton. YiN;C"', uat' lu unesan.t as itou lnotc Anypebrtaun ceident la île irraising ,;fersn'; 6 yuantStacherea; Slorthiia:flitIlitep sp lave lie, and mai' bomovor, lIatI n manp rogbuno and disrct map ajeet la île appiration,.1 i -or Sw, rt Jn.Iri avctrt Ilhavsîiip» Aut aiau tIfen lumld regians, tîlothîe prodstiîlly log uhal ie le ird milI rGeorge C.rGage, - 1 tend 6h;Yrta 3.rd;Yd jint. 1maxcpdn tphav ie b al itaeira. ut îe aoh ld leamo greaip .C.. tle dnpoiprgitarcof theleie:-. 7tiu Yorb Saa, Irrd Roc Iliii'12 Havoe pou tIlt supecabunatal ut': rftesi a bcm ra' nslot dirlict hateaddrraa h 0810 mtrtc aI. SPma ae u b flrata Impoird. Sailironservation pnîtices PBa rvIi-utraCummrearkr.e ClamIonssrtia Hum- re meenoruaap 0 iprae îra ral-aoi. Doietc, Candhiatrs ra . 2 grade Safiaib, u. sî- lite. How abolndat wi an nhlov ditîonn. Srliaiilc methodu muat le dapo Irfore tle meeting ai mhic lelenlitl aaI ieapatnJo a3 r.Ci1 rvoived la increnue ypldsasnd ni tle appication lu telie beord. FIIbt 5iilihhmo 19' Cal. 2- q,10: Epia. 3: 16-lOi. TIen stmelime lmpeavr tho soi]. Doird ut Miltai ibis 101h dap if FAIiMdr6 f, oMa eR'i' M.C l. ratiaton"Ia ______ ~~Fehrunny, 1947. Bmîr6f. aa uat .l.rmaIa ro einln Iî 'l'lie Canudian Logion ufthîe Moiter, 6 fi.l.a; 11 fi. Damp talc; the Gaood Shepherti"Ir beau escai- LOVE FO~R THE Brtish Empire Service Longue, Mil. 2-diar i'lotu';sangle Waliag taon, ufthosl %e en avandulu the air HOME TOWN -Bianrl Rto. 136, Mton OnDo. Fiait; bH.C. 2-turait Woling F luit; ou miii gei uplon pour bnecs pondr- Bp ror C.MaraIFreldel,4-section Huarro; -ertauion ram; iug Ihem, inlc ihem ravecanad By BuceC. McNa, PrsidntIJiii'. Sîriat TulhCaltivoton; MHi Tr tarerai and develulîmen ofai Mlon, Dntario. 36-2 13-dise rb3iil, 2 Iare Wagonsit vearni, ronaontlylp oking lae God la lob rammusîtp drpend te aiireexeîni - _-_ _ Fui-m Vagon wuvu laoit boy rack;a pou nia the r aiîh o! mesning. Il on hw fr popl fee rel afecionWagon Boxu; Stocb Rak; Sitring iv nil antp a maadertu itp eomtarting oa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ot hmorpulfelcaafrli'oaIScuffier; Tueaip lama-c' 2 hilng thon Jestai sapa here. lt la aise for il. Ib!onnemrslatkiai 1Il as a Cattr-; OuI Beach SI lgî9; Rentrir on smaabaglp dasting one. I h1e Odi pace sere Ilep earn monny and A. H. DEFREST Seules; Fanniag Miii;e M.HE. Foi lare, Tesament Jehovah lu9 fIe (,oi flnd a place la lice, and if thep maaid nti; rindîlane; Choc. '20 Coupe:Oeped F most as usci lve suneuvîrre e If T XESR IC ietrir Fence ilI theusisal int ai - hrd Pi..23; boa. 40: l0, Il, TAXISERVICE imaîl foaim rquîpmrnî aur os daai, ParI. 34: 11-13). Hero Jeais sapa. I the oppatanilp offerd, manp o! haocsfonha etc. nomflIe.ihsval'a taice. Jesas Iaa tIens lii ne1 feel tle rnergy and Taxi Stand ni Gray Coath GRAIN anti IIAY, ETC. 300 bits. shundanllp proven tînet tîsla laon enthuoiasum lu do s greol dm1 tfoc Linc Terminal oa: ;200 las. Miard Groin: 125 lusilldmand bisuiplenua etalm lIaIHe île lame toma. Foui Whroi; 4M0 lui. Bocbmhral; 21(1 mnlra He Ia proves that Ne ta If tlrp fort a reai] and strung lave 24-HOUR~ SERVICE boa. Taenias; 100 -lu. Mongolda; 50 ad l od bpedod5 forîlelae lma illa peaure No Trip Téoo HARNESI n-Set fBarlhand'reslas bas proven f1l01 He la .ehnvaiano- fin llem ta ra-apecole au for au IIey 1Honru'ett 1g Haar;Dd Irllalefs. co i-un mîl mvemettifor hume bava DAY-Phone 404 or 218 Hrni -ellah etotaSineHies d fst ntef peageesa and give ta rammonlîy NTGHT CALIS-Phone 219 HOI;SEHDLD FIiENIlURE Il mestle r ale laortheepaindu rauses, and ta do uvîsi îlep con teILTON I1H.C Cî'eum Selaratan; Mil l'ailsm otl rd nd l ae beauifythei hoe plcesand akeetc.; 30 Ssp Folio: 4 iranSap Kenles; If ai tle aourarh af danger mo lrmauttative.n eo plaet d mlle ------ 3 Waien Foontoaur : galinized irer îlte slivcp foan tan a ety lIrs atrativ. Pupl doave laCirl Fend raugla; Sascîraul Cal- me sre llrrling aad aut oleplmrda (l iralitiretlathe lame lama dousa -t er: Syrap Cana; Auminium 'T-al PeI. 5: 2). Jeou boama Nia anad gret ldeai for ibem, In givisg Ibm Relue; lamer Fais: Brarlea; 20 Hua oms bnoomHlm ecen ns tle Fa- moi-I and opportntand msop ad- gai. Crorb; Aioddin Lamia; Husgtng lIer latava lmo and Ne klaeisathe vnapadtlep sold leg e iOmiai;Halrl - a on 5îtlam île dopa ~ tconnrtocl. iadta I LTOIN Baîin-y Radio; t<ien n ils miu. b'ather. h o atlsihnmih det W ELDING WaI Stand; TitISels; nînali Tabtl- Teelu 1fr andetornai apecniy la BRASTIC TREAT9IENT ru; Kiiehen "aImes; tran Brdaleud, fi Joie. 17: 3; 2 Tame. 2: 19; 1: 12). olalîngi, etc.; Selleerad 12 Chsirs, Ten treot palins a1ou1 tIrei7oed A mon rereivrd a slarp intter feona antique; amil Setlre, atique; Morris Sheplerd' (1)1Ho Inoma lbe slrrp ev one s!fls creditora. Ne mette bc e a Ebrcie and Acetylene Woldlng Choie; BRaymond Seing Machine'; Fiant; Clore Jemni Ntchen Ronge en asu the Father baomell Hlm ond ibis 8crm: "Dercsr: Every monil I1 lepir Weling of AU Types ailI maîmiat nIoset. Ne île Faller, (2) Ne bus pecoonai toial athe bis I have and putltirem TERNI: CASH ilterest In tarI uheep and dents mtI on the talle, chu060e thornasnd pîcla Portable Eqsipment No reterce as île form ai saif]. I ndividoalip rails Il bp nome (v. aut six mîbi I 1pap. Nem If I larie FasilacIroudis are naird ion being 3). 141 "Leadetl Ibm rast." (5) ay mare ai poar impertinence, mîy PHONE - 348 brut taiumed. Trs ot h agr he v Tet monts pouil le evra out t! île NMBL ST9ffl TON HINDLEY AND ELLIO,IiirTrn oi l atr lr abOe."Aurtitanrers d4). f6) Oveionlu attue 1"att His aufe"A. McWilliims, Clrc B ama" iv. d). 17) "l3orth befao îeam," Me las traditen every stop ai he may tisaI me main taise. (8) CR-, Ih foc tle aleep (v. 13). (9) 'Lay- 4h domo Mis 114e for the oleep" (vo, I, 15). (10) Givetl eternol and ab- indontl îe la the aiaeep (va. 10, 28, tM, Jesua lau obeep auloide o! borool v16). WIen le bs Imoght taem tep mli lecoame oefold' (EpI, 2: 14, 15; Gai. 3: 28). It la tîrougl lear- ng Mia voice îlot taep are braugot. le iaping domnofo!Meis 11e mas a ertertlp voiootary aton Jooaus )art. It mas perfonmed la oledience ailte Fatîru miii (ci. 6: 381. tANT PLENTY EGGS FOR SHIPMENT TO U. K. Slipînenis of freol eggo ta Sellais ry tle Speciai Pcnductn Board tram 3eplemnber 1, 1946 ta île end of Jan- urp, 1947, tntolied 16,410,000 dozera )2,910,000 dozen more tîan mou aimaird sîstes île Duminion De- iaIment o! Agriculture. Dua'iag tle seot ais moatta tle oard ropecis lao se ane-Ilird ofail] Canadien egga offrrd focroeporItat Brilaîn tnr conversion to augar egg .atcder, and tle cemnalader foc sîip- test to Britalnasau reol oleli eggs. witI 600,000 casea, or 18,0000,000 lbze, galng loto atorage foc albp- lent test fatt. TIr Bard las for lia objective for the British cantract 1.100.000 cases nc 1,000,000 dozen treul eggs la île enilod brimera Sepiember lI, 1947 ad January 31si, 1946, tle tatter da belagthîe lap-dsondste ofsalp- tents ai Canadion sealoard. TIr Dominion Entomahogical LaI- :'aiorp. Vinrland, Ont., hasliaurd n trop calendar for nursery stock, 147. ut cavons oppir budded atark, apple oeedlingu, plama, poaco, ameet ad macr cherries, mazurd stack ranhes, rurontu, ond gouarbecnies, liha rec pe for posn bail forc coi aor eonîol. 6"STARI Chock Starter os mode front À Ne1w OUl-Burolag Automalh COLEMAN WATEU =AM provldas phonty oet bu lr ison Ma vant IL orne le a mmMas if yas are tlhisg aoOot a aav vai Ouater COmo lea uwva-u.uf Bailey & Toews Phone 259, Miltoot LIGHT" a carefully prepared formula te assure vigooau growth and otrong healtoy birda. Get your chieko early, and for a beUter stait f ned tloem frmsh "STARLIGHr' CHICK STARTER Place your order now for Peat Mosa while the supply is adequate MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. COUNTY 0F HALTON 1947 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR- 1947 cia-of i tt.gDlyteoaisititnaIlan.,aM., stiiti Nov. 94 t hfila .'. a-dt....... . . .- 7 t o a 7i 9 6 ......,T iits s.... I 6 a A O ll'ic-î Bull. -d fi ...a...1..aartas Mndna djuane, it: .;Monayin st ..t,,aî.i. t ulîa.:t jury, tlaada, 7Apil Antai i n ta.m nsmodn., ta., Soit ta"1r a 0 a .'iatitijata.ooit'.itttArttttlTctaviiaartMas- OC Ordor W. 1. DICK, Milton Cl-u faittlanP.-s This pearu Conadia ed Ci-osa Sncety budget la explolnrd ly Lewis A. Winter, OSBE., Haaaîary Tressucer ai île Society, 10 M Helen G. MeAthur, MA., receniiy atponted National Dîrectar of Red Ci-osa nursingusevires. Allerîs-bocn MsMeA00bsc mas Dirertor af publiclelîto rses for Alerta. Preeiausty aIe mos on île taculty of te Sehool uf Nîaning ai Ion aima mater, ile-Uiviers- hpy of Alerta. Hec pirirai dulien loIr 1er laail ports af Canada. Mc. Wlnier, nam Htocarp Treaaitrer, mas Nanoramp Compîcotier tram 1939 ta 1946. o'AGE 0Mx I -l'IriUfflJ.)AY, FEBRUARY 2M, 1947. TIIURSDAY. PERRii.&nv 2mh lmw-