Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Feb 1947, p. 3

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TMURSDAY FEBRUAIkY 13th, 1947 0f Intei Relia Romemahersl The troe griddle gake lover ajaya eatiag theas la the itghen-nvhea he cas. Rn ils aI a white itchen tahle, Osanbed hy a deep-lipped piteher filled mith rich looking yrsop and 1the otier eesoiala for a pertet îriddle taise meal. aamne aitaus trait, spiced aasagea and rot- ee are the onty ther iooda needed apat iraas the giddie cahe logred- lents. There he itn, and as the lace- edged pancahes or patterned wattica r baked and roue off the iran, he enta bis ili. Thiaat a paoile o the Iras and ardent gaiddle robe tan. Rarrini tiar privilege It bld pou Of, let as hope the waaite iras as set upos Shepherd's Taxi 24 HOUR SERVICE T" g tassiOspalte Paoss PHONE 301 AUl Pauacgan rs saed HAIRDR-FSSING( In Lateol Styles Nemest Methods la Permanent Waviog Ail Linsofa Beaoty Culture ELLIOT BEAUTY SHOP Paons 61J far Appolalmienta A R.ELLIOTT PAROSFTSTH VHAMOROFFCE phone oroanC pomii t *aEdperieceetshppiog Coaliep ar we fe sui tis ' VigrCommercialoar.M Tuaieseare adassew othate speIEXTRA profit. Invesigate 11ONOR LATE PRESIDENT WEi.CHpOI,. N.B. ICPI Special saaio ervices toc President Roosaevelt mere hehl in StAunes Claaech hbrrr hieh the tooseelst lauily aneat ta attend treqaenîly a'hileson visita 10 their Casphello Island home. The lte peeident was laanseary vetrymas ai the rbureh. CANADA BIJILDS ENGINES FOR FRANCE Caastrctaono 4 te4arOuIncomot iveslacrIlar Frna'hNational Rail- maya aa nuan anderay in Canada. Cantrecta mers plauerd bp the Canad- ion Esiascl Boarad, nuntlae Casadian ('omuetrial Corporation, uhin ils the totalcruta aI$18,193,O and Stip- ulale taal ailtIhe engines muaI be coupleted by the emdof ay ap1947. Il la the irt ime Ihal Canada bas bor utlocomsotives toc Fronts. Theiracnsterctin 10 bing undertais- enhy tht Mosîreal Loramativei Wachn Lta., mhirh bas alroadp coup- eIrîd 60iiof the engines. andt hy the Cunadias Locamatice Ca.. 144d. King- alan. ont..,ahererproduction 10 lust ramasenint. Fr'ance' s nal Itae only toceign country, hamever, ta place ordeas of Ibis salace la Canada. Tht demand lac Canadiao locamotives ana rail- mop cura, s seglliihe ose hetore the aar, became a great ln 1946 thal thep arr nom laîred amont Coadas len principal sapotrs. 1 THE CANADIAN ICHAMPION Fifty Years Ago (JWAmdCa OlsO% asFebruMo7 reg toW om n lt,1897lU 4 John Maffat, late af Atsn, hu * opened is muit store in the Porter _____________ Ctizeuship Act nBlokand ai es a ar stok ni Sr peanas end organsa. -And its Effect on At the mid-witer eonosilationsofa the Toronto Consrervtory of Mosic, Canadian W omen Miss Mbel M. Benett,of Milton, .~3. aIN 'iCaflrtan~77el~hi Awh h hnsesriday a party af Mitoniatss becoes efecive anuay lt 197acretreated ts atallyha drive t ~ brshsnmconiitaiona graodCoapbellvilia and bock beMund s iooticaioriy oas regards Canodie o m . mes. For the irst ime In sur histaory 0pankint faur in bond teas couposed the dlsslag laam table. Bcta he oltfasrig Ctze l iJ. B. Scotto 13%4 bond pair and the tatte ovenIn Ciizmhipthatofailaty Cisholm 14% habnds. 'bt ait the griddie' bs the hast rcenobes the equai siats of i mmen. W. A. Lawrence handied the ribhakns. qaality moitie. Farmeriy, wamen sppiying for itia- Bob Dewar tooted the bars. WAFFLES enship were cassed s persans "under A vecy fast and exciting hockey 2 caps sitcd cahe flear, 2 cois a dsabiity' sn the snone ctegory as mtch waos ptayed here at the chia- eparated, ha tsp. sait, 3 tops. mnins ansd insane persans. llnder the yesterdoy evening belmeen the local boina paandec. 1 i caps milh, 6 sean Art, anamen iii bave contrai ai and Bramptan teslas, The tlais thalas. oeted shoriening. Iheir naioals stators. anre detealed hy ane goal, the seore Using mixer-, braI ahle eags 1 Becane the legislstian la impatant belng 6 la 5. min. asiot high perd. Add the milk ta them, as Il la ta ail Canadians, an- BORN and heat lac t mia. Adficesafte itaens aganlcoiiana accasa Canada anec ARLOIo'rr Ai Oahalie. o a .iay dry ngredicots. Add melird sabateIr- 1taking an enihuiaslle prt In Cas- 251h, ta M. and Mr.. C. C. MRlaIt, ina and heai tac 15 sec, t high speed adias Citizrsship Weeh mhich Is helng a sn ar anlil the mixitare s ihacaaghly aherved tram Janaary 11h 1a Jasa- DIED bleded Mks8 i- 0. iray 111h. Daring h01 eeh Ciizes-.1BAKERlAt Trafaalga OnFerrary IN(r. aeahar1.71h, GIl.1. aehrtkeea .INEPIBIEAD WAS'FLES Ioiaccaa'aaehigled s 77y>,ar.,h. ,ollecaag' 1-3 up horenin, l3 cl) Chorlatclaann, Halitas, Frederictan, 1-3 cg a artei, 1-3 ul ata q.s, Qachre. Macîreal, Taranto, St. Catir- DESTIOY IVASTES ha3îline avar 1-3 uegg, .a', aranca. Welland, Windsar, Sudbary, 1-3 ap sgar t ea. lighly Winipeg, Sasaooaa, Regina, Edman- Vatanleai Onepadc- heaienso, r cap. aar a taa, sli, ton. Vonraavcr and Vicaria. tn huanan as aeil as indatrial-resat 'a, tp. sada, ', itap. hainarpond- rclOfaihese cilles, tarai committees tram the pracessea ai living. Nat- ea',tsp. îivser aapof bn n, aiacmens orgasimailans, serice ianal Healthathariir haveiaassud Plc' hrnn na mc. clones. clahs and eduatiosol bodies are a wanig fthon accamulation of 111h Plae sortnin Ina main boel orhlng anth civie and provincial cas be daaastraaa. Prompt, pissord and pour bili aster oerfi. Add fficiais In rrant rgeremasiro disposa] af sswaandrisuse la ai molasses, nagar and egg. sir In floor ahen sean citizens wiii be given rer- prime Importance ta health maintes. siiled anllhsait, soda, aing poater liictraes ai ctlzenship and melramed tance. Care mont he lobes ta essare and spire. Cook mitare in hot moiBle Ila the Canadien tastlY. ttoraagh reseoval ai ail sncb media Iran. Serve with syrap or mith col- Heme are oue ai the clauses mhlch of infection sa0 that they crnest pal- tage cheese. MaSes 3 or 4. affect aomes: When oCandie o elale the minsomarres ai lite-toad, SOUTHERN PANCAKES mon marries os lles, she no langer aster and air. 1 cap httsrntiih, 4hcap oeet atouatlcaiiy changes ber ntion- coish, 1 eg, aeli heaten, 1 toip. alty. She retonsa ber Canadien Gt- FEAR ANDS COMMON SENSE naota, '_ iap. ait, 1 thap. meled ienship antil naeh irme ans he files ft, 2 thap. crnaseai, 2 caps a forcir volastorily retînquishlng it. It ns humas nature taa tear carloas flour. A maman anho marries a Canadien elia. that may ahuIctIhe country in pMia ingredienta la ordere icto.crs. If she ishes. obtals Canadien the imes alead. But tisera Ir, a ana. Bahe il affoitiron or sizllng hot citioenship atter ose pears residesce ais rommos sense In the mincis of the greased griddie pan. When bahl'ýsIo Canada mth hec husbasd. Prev- people ibat ordinarlly mocho ta cor- taras, taro and broans on ather aldc. laanip nach ires mere regaîdcd as rect the tendencien that are teared, Serve mith amiaes-or wth trait "Canadie asols" under the C on- sa thot these appreoensins are sat tac dessert. Mahen 10 or 12. adias National Act of 1921 even prior crezd. ORANGE PANCAKES ta landisa sn Canada Under the 1921 Sa a gond msny people bave bers fi.,cup preare panake Art thry Oece entillcd ta racelve a learlstg that a business recesson mwu tfl.ur, pal eeparcd ps gacae Casadian passpart ahlrh requenird comlrfg In the sot distant ftlon. It torl' t 2thps gsid proerinand as% itance in iarrtgs mobe a realtao irchears. tinta orange rind. tran gratingos ut- caaatrlcsasona Canadion satioala, bt god many peope are repartîd st meap s.sughrar. ltoal.I hey wee net regardedas Canadien5 ta be npending mcass n rerly on Ta psahe or ar. adorne rin itianso usder the ImmigrationsArt. ilaey d41 T and n flura.dd orangeuidti This anaunaly noa longer en ltn ander A gond uany people had hcan apend- ntue n ua.Ad iu tirthe Immigration Citîzrehll Adt and ina rtrovagantiy, sa 1ha1 they creal- ustil tter is nuasth. TuantnIathe Immigratiaan Art hatsha'en atered 'ci a farce tintal anawrhang toarat roes. erveFr bots ieth buttr and ta caniaras. ainfation. If uany peaplc arr o cake. Srvehotwit buterand In orcordanre aith the prisciple ni huaing marecation, thercauntry honey. Mahas 8. gvintavamas an a'aîal pasitiasnaith nay he jant on mcii off. Thefir greter TAKE A TEPf men, an alian nir dam nat arsiire eonauy iii heip ta check Inflation 1. Uae aaruanlmeaaaurntaofnsat Canaaiaa citicrnship an a remaît ni andha'rphbusinessantesdy. What the ailh flour tac thaaa atter rnutar. her ha.shanal ecamning o naturalized cuntry needs la reglar aperatians 2 Usr sal-it arett ta gta cae griddles Canandan. She ialles separatety and aiflbusiness and lsdastry, nor o hig aad aaitia-roon sanca nat cau.rn ater qai allyiaag ander the regalatians hbo oo eur and a depren.naan the mixturcs ta stickhIotacieal. Meli m1i1 raelve laer oaus ecciticate an a next. fat and siu ffait a uli amutICanadian. tram taoa ta us. arkoehflt in hrriter' Woaen m hi marrird Canodians anal thao huIler an the lter haran %c clamtaliy odanattad ta Canada 4. ou- aly. omapt(irabuýheisce Janaary laI, 1947. alaro the 4 taurhuiertaaan tbacahaatCitacenslalaAt roues InIa ettet, hatr Aliswabohut lia ta 12 uic-. iecasasder the Art. an eaah nde la lrsua a'laa's lu- Atter Janaary ls. 1947, It reqires hic.. hagao ta rrinar a pnrahea, i arcsveyrar'n resîdence heinre they cras a' lama' ta tarani an hrnsteaaa iaiee Casadiasritlzesship. laajan ing fotaa a aam iai' aiA woanmon arrird to a Canadien ýaffliroarasil an tiuc taa lit cal. aaaat sho la already a British sabjeel 5. Stah ,k aras and aoila'sneand an hacoeuCasadanacitzen after:V I tslaaa p,ýt saiivas.. irna' a im o a)i Lceaiadmission ta Canada iSe luate. ermanent renîdenre. h. Spradaasoiat ultr reatiaarliei sar ah) Ose year's catissaous relBusi aate) n uaaitic anal top aith 'alanre on Canoda mith ber hosband. moaflaîr yrap. laI Flling the appropriaIs incas THSE (ilEITION ROX aith the Natuaolcation Braseh, De- Mr.,.i.Casha: lana(aosyaau laeeat îaarimai- aIoflbh Serretory ofiStatC, gravay irsu ha'asuasg gra'ny? Otawau. Anssara iLet the jaice as the pari An aian ite Is this etegory mus remoca' 14te uciat, tIbm aim ofcatlia. ast ai e iaatuily udmitrd ta ola graseanandsd ana-fortac kIng. la(ssolu tafr paruasent reidenre and Braa'v hna 4 aahcnîaaaa tar a r.nalc ha'a'cftac ane year prrredlng sillai las aval 4quirhly nI ir in the 1-telaa ofraihec prîta o llcsi meu jivu. Ald taintavaer r paatoasd mont hbe an appropriate tarm mIh w ta-, olaaaa aIa ala'nra'al a'anincsa'eth, a-]arh a ielacCourt In the ladiial dil na a t avta' c etrceai des. Mm .131<n'K. What mahes fiîca liacraa'ayhard? 1ajANEW Domn THIS YEAR AtONE aie are spending $3,500,000 s. tisai mors farma wil bave teleplsonee mth muwer people on ecd lin.. For the lse,î telephone ervice, remember thse master rule. "Do unto others as you would lik. theas to do le you-asd do it it1" THE BELL TILEPHONU ---COMPANY-0F CANADA-- .TERANS' âness and Professional LOANS Up to $3,o000 ninion Government Act provides that war veterans, iCanada and entitled to War Service Grants, may $3,000, on long terms, at reasonable interest rates, .d professional purposes, as follows: ase of a business or of an interest in a business. wse or repair of instruments, tools, inacbin.ry quipment tb be ased in a profession, trade or wction, repair or altercation of a building used d in carrying on a profession, trade or business. uthorized to make tbese Veterans' Loans, and our b e glad to give helpful advice and assistance to sucb loans. freely consult our Managers - many of them selves - as to bow they can conveniently borrow id professional purposes. CANADIN BANK 'COMMERCE Chsck Starter la made f rom a carefufly prepared formula ta assure vigorou. growth and atrong he.Ithy blrda. Get your ehidia early, and for a botter niart feed tIses fresh "STARLIGHT CHICK STAInER Place your order now for Peat Moua whie the supply la adeqsoate MILTON MILLING CO. Phone 50 Limited Milton Ont. Aaaoîna'aa L.acrrahaald lac 1pd' mahalan cla -ver aashnoananla il. Porh lavcrmay ha' nealated aitt luaic-'v!ia aot tt; browning bthr siIl aa'a crcarov ighly andt roaab5 1 banls ý lwheat. This ucthaad prvnslivr r trm lucamisa tsagh.f Mc. M. 1IL aysa That isce the supiaiy o atrrh Knvery lumited t I shoolat he anrd sparingly. Whes mahing blanc mange, ane i thsp. ai corn.tarhanadlegg: and taasulie suret saure. use part chalalaal hait or grabam rarecrumhs taa sub- dtilate tarcocamatacch. BRITAIN TO UISE ATOMIC MATERIALS FOR CANCER aAtaule piles" now bsisg hut up n Rarmeli. England, sel produis asaterlals tac trealasent ai rancer. Ttaene maoîlal i aat as o uppie- ment ns radium. This ansauseement mon mode by Proiesmor Cckcroft, United Kisîdoas Diretor o Atoas Research as Deeuher 131h. A metal sarh as robat soutd be putl nIalIae plie and et there toc a monta, he said. ny Ihen l uoutd boys arqnîred prapeties veey sîmlar ta radium. A smaatipieeai coalst moalat hsve as artlvlîy about equal to the btîgst radium source osed lnasedirsl treal- ment. Our repentunre a s ot smach e- gret tac the 111 me have doane as test of the il that asay happes la un la consequence. resident in borrow up 10 $ for businses ani The purchai The purcba or other eî', business. 77/e contri or to be usei This Bank is at Managera will ail entitlrd 10 Veterans may veterans îhemsg for business an THE1 or~ i 1 Fn boit rajah 1. Ksse sallIs brisO 2. Sean.yaae sla,. 3. Ao-id "isslsml. 4. Gin. Iah-of.eyp ta aeuea.soc salis

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