Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jan 1947, p. 6

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Tl6USSD.AX. JÂNIJAUT Skd. U~ 55A1'.s THE CANADIAN CHAMPION UN OiI IN ANY TYPE ENGMN If boU gfus sald clearly si, Teana eeigo i reses. thldeel5oorw s trod- Asd th sn Inner olgt divine W. A. wau held et the home et Mmca.i wsfud htodiaymn ,_tse maisnlof tyour ieart and mine, Willam Dles, Wednesday, Jsnuscy uâ erg) ocilorbonned and gummed Up rm sure tho we wvould duRfer lems .Sth Tise ladies declded ta hold a %, itn'ndrns sa euto m Our houghts mould pleosantly agsee eucbre and dance et Limestone *I lderable research In mhlch the Dom- If I imew 5ou and you knew me. Slolg ottîcero er apo Tte:foi- D on l"inlon Experimental Station, Swift lawin offi____________________ lia Current, Souk., hou hod o part, It mas If I hiles'yto ond: yoO lnew me., sroey Preident, Mro. Jackson; P5essi.-'-" 1 ound tise addition ot a metal seap Csuid loonek eohsotiser lf te dent, Mms. Hrry Richaraun; Vire llntended for Lest Weaisl belped ta keep tise motor clean. Hose- Andse thren atrer rae. Ptealdent, Mes. Hrry King; Serre- ever,,thlo oil rould hiued uuiy lu Lite bas su mony lidden mues, tory, Mrs. Tomn Howard; Assistant, Milton Girl GuidesoautIheir firut engiors wth buisit bearings. Research Su mony thorno tfse every rose: Aitrs. Lorne Powell; Tresoorer. Mru. meeting ut the New Yeor iseld on u otne nti yau ) e The "mby" uft tiingsour0 heartu would C. Winný Asistant, Mro. W. Dae; Januaey 9th voted ta "edopt" a 1 sultlng lu the recent Introduction of IJose Darcas, Mro. S. Contie; Asstant, "Lune" Company as s practical dem- aens If hnw uu uds'u kem e. Mes. Parsons, Mrs. Bell. Mro. George ustration uft tieir "service ta oth- ovaillble and conlho usd in any type Richardsoun; Living Mesage, Mc. N. er0" training. ut engins sud under entreme condit- 0 Howard; Thaok Offerlng, Mns. W. The upenlng ceremuony ond roll Ions. Tisey ece belug sold for tract- OAKVILLE . Powell; Babys Broncis. Mes. Lorne rail issvlng been dlapssd ut. ond, 'Ors, trucks and automobiles, ond are - Pus e); Fluseer Couvenur. Mc& a.oe. wtb lise exception ut Juan Motgssu- developed tur hevy dsty operetlng Membeen of tbc newîy ereaîcd lJgis Stokes; Assistants, Misa Pettît. MMi ery. who la reruperotîng frsm an ap- conditiunusud tise vlecotleso or S. A. Scboul Ares Bord toob tbe catib of Wlnn ond Mrs. W. Powell; Extra pendia operation. heoluf petlclpatcd E. ratingo, sre theise uordlnary off ire un Tburuday nigt sud tise trsI Cent-s-Day. Mes. W. Dales; Socl)vlgoroualy lu a lively, hilaclous or rcgobar cilsuasu nuwssub. meeting mou heid ln the tomu lerbus Convenur. Mes. Gotie; Assistont, Mes. gome. the girls, inludiug anutiser Hcsvy duty cilla are vluable on- uffire. H. Kng; Prugesus. Misa L. Cowley; 11Gw recroît, Nrcen Andersoni furm- der besuy 1usd conditions. 'rbey heep A Iscgraus ut expansiuu ht ih l li Luch, Mes. Jsy; Pisulot. Miss Evelyn ed a hueseshue ut chairs tscing tise the ustur cean inteenally sud ousa bave impront c'slts toc GaisilleJ Stokses. Leaders ai tise open end. gesersi rueieisep tise englue free ban bren lanried by the Brrsng- - Discussion of varouas Company mat-,I rom sludge. Tisey ere eecomuscndcd humo Rabier Couspany, uireudy ose tees fi6llowed, Inrludlng thst ut sdopt- for englues sehere ther cisaere riut ufthIe tow's lrgest industries. A, B R IN T N ingsa Lurse" guide. Wtb but uitIle'gting satlstsetury service. formai anfluunceuent ta Iis effect tbeslts y cwbsteeetis ueanlguert ie yeu isu been msde by M. Edmard Bar vole mus eutbussaisil erld it esvy duiy oil speclal precautios rinisss. treidei u tie rmpsy. Depuiy DistritGvernur ut Zone 6. tise Company taise au active lnterest sboold lie tuisen. An there are ususîly Susart and fast mues on tise prt A. R. MeDougail, ut Hsmilton, pid lu tise "Lune Company"sggtebysumîtustsid.gm on ut Constsbles Edmard Heatis and Len is ufficial visit lua lise Burliugtsn Proviscial Hesdqactees. Irsion, besvy dat i lI i) quicily Brownofuthlie abille plire force 'Lions Club aithtiel reguaer meeting This priculse "Lune Company" become dsris sud tise cachou heomes led ta a dsisg mtur chase long t tise Brant Inn un Monday evenlag. cnsisin ut osly tmo grls miss live ln uspended in tise il. If tise englue tise Loisesisore Higissy lu tise early Giont eartis-moviug uachines are icely sepsroied districts misere Io uery dlrty lise uil ystemn may ise- bours ut Sanduy morning ond endcd busy leuellung tise site ufthtie propos- Ibese use nu regnîse Guide Compan- couse blucbed resulting lu o burut lu lise capture oftwso siieged auto- cd Qosensmay Super Msrkset, just les. Eues girl bas taisen al ber besrlng. mobile tiieves nnd tise recuuery ut e met outhtie Humhor. near tise Quecu Guide ors mitisuot contact, escept Tise tolulowng system ut cisange uver stlen cr beturertise umuer mas - ElizabehsWay. by lîtters and/or telepisone. miti shsiuud be tulumwed: mre t mas missing.. At tise annuel meeting ut tiseailber Guides. At Hesdqsttcrn tses 1. F11 il hcsevy duty cil, uprate Au tise oterinatis of on ccident et Caushrofu Commerce, beiiaiuthtie tmu mere "banded" tugether by cor-'15 minutes sud drainot; 2. Refill, tise Intersection ufthtie Qseen Eliza- Estaminet un Moedsy evenlng Gardon respondenre tsuIformns "Company," operote 2 boues and drain; 3. Reffili hotis Way and tise Seventis Lns lu Blair mas again risnen os president miicis nom tise Hilton gila mît) su- operate 10 boues sud drain; 4, Refi. miicis Miss Eapbemia Tacher, ut Tue- for tise cousîng pear deavor ta beip, sud glus encourage- change iller cartrldge. sud uperate nta, lost ber lite. Tbhomas Wolturd, At a meeting on Jonaary 3rd, 1947 metlS o ietrlsd ttu us eoueddb'Isrcinbe yusug IHamislton truck-driver, stmod outwSo iundeed employees ut tbiss sldy atone for montisu, periasotureiesocisanges. before Magistrate Kennetis Lsogdou yesrs. misaI reglar Couspanles gtlun No nîber uscisuod ide mixcd mitis In poilescorst on Tiuseay ateenoon re, A. S. Nichosonssugave s completssociatiounmitis tiers. beavy dsly ol. colliineouthlie semiy establiabed Em-One__________________________the lu onsmer lu s charge ut dangeroun. Osee,'Lune"emas lPtrfdtced biygtiseDivision____________________Dougla drivlng. He mou flned $50 snd cstt lyr'Bnft rftSaigadDrou umîsoe.M.Duia ____________ a toto) ot $71150. Record-Star. Savingo Fund. He ssplalned tis te Fiabeis ut Port Nesn athtie Guide - Pion bsd ciuaiiy been lu effect sneCamp brid ists smmer. Sie lu El- Augut i2tb. but caminIta effet ut- lenTyrel ut Pleusm iswo, bsviag M ILTON lclally on Januar>' lst, ater arronge- sisdisd tise varions parts ufthlie bd ADVERTISING PLAYS umets bad beh oes - aswrkaoe tene apt ELDING IMPOTAN PAT Dparmen ofNational Revenu,Itoise ber testa betore Captoin Robin- Ottawa, iu regard tis tanatlon-Gax-Isosansd ta enju>fotutie f lst timai Peublema perteiniluf lu sdreriising ette. tishespssy ut tbsr Guides lu s ond ffcctlug peace and pruspeity iun_______ roup. Amand 40 gila attesded this Electrilcand Acetylose Wedbag tise Dominion ers diseussed oet tise f lst meeting ut 1947. Iepair Wcldlag ut AIl Type 32nd onnuel convention ufthtie Aoc- 'Tj-fVEm CsT At tise sent meeting on Junuory 16 itîsu ot Csnsdlan Adertisera ield G f7"GEi5 TJ 0i' W N M. George H. Damsons, wmisoi ' Purtable Equipset In Tronto lat mesi. Tise Asocition w- s 5tabilt asymptietîr interest lInOE- 4 ut Canadien Adertisees lu o non- Damage amounting ta about $215 tise actîvîties ofthte Boy scout sud POE-U profit orgenization. dsigned ta pro- mss caused ta tmu crs mblch ere In5 Girl Guide movemns. wmliishowmto NUýL ST-HILTON tet and serve tise , aduetîsing lad- colion ait tise John St. Hlgismsp tise girls, tbele psrents and felenda. utasi ouseu su ta0pesmte o better corner lbt Sanday atterecoun at3.30tise pctures miicis ie tekoiun is e- usderstondlng and appreclatlon ofthtie Tise estiseemo nrocsliedtise cent trip tu Britis Columbia. - _________ protection affoeded tise gencral puis" mueS ut some uemhrs ufthte Firee ___i___ lic b>' the use ut trade marised and Brigade misu spent s couple ut buses. beandsd goodu. It bos attaineda on Munday igt l*lnlg tise GRC VEAI. cALVES IN1947ed statua utfiigis importance lu Conadian rnuiset tise psrb. Tuesday's tias' busneuss. pt tise risis bonistu stotlng point. Slaagblerlngs ot viol raines ln 1946 Indications are thsI Cnsda la un Th isenuis as been completed sud ilhisn plantsunoder Dumnion Guverusent tise tbreshisslduof n ea ut progresos tavorable etiser Iis meecS, mlii ho inspection toisiisd 750,000 besd, sine and prospeelly upocllelsd lu tise refloudsd and eady tue ose 10.000 leos tisonIn 1945. It la esti- long history of ut r country'. To e- A tuerai service mou beld troustise mtîd tbst tise staogbleisgs ut esivea tain tise hîgist degree ut growtis and MClure Fanerai Hume on Munay lu 1947 miliibe about tise saieos lu expansion duelng tiis esobussinessfo tueMîie C. Bousili, mise dled 194. indoste>' aud finunre mot becisske ,uddenly In Hamilton Hospital un _______ ilhSound, siie ad isunest advrt- Fridu>', Jauose>'lti. Born Ln Gueph' ising. 82 yesrs ado' be mou tiesonuofuthtie SUPPLY FEED GRAINS * t laie Witliaum Bounkili ond Escisori NONE TOO GOOD LSltRCOO FORt RUBBER Hudgtno. Hi mus a veteman othtie - ust GeatWar. jInrvi'cutisaystflic eed situtions Dut ufthtie 3,500 plants ut Russu Surviing are is ite. torusel>' iuCnada s reluird lualise 19,16-47 A U dandellon anslysed by tise Botany Florence Balliluont. one dangiter, winicc-tccdloc sesinuss similur tu sud Plant Patisolof>' Division. Science Mes. W. J. McDonald, tEtiseli utfthot e inc e vorcuposdlug ptirtd o Service, Dominion Depatusent ut Georgetomn and tmu 'nuns. Gordon ot yiOl ugo. ccoîdio to tise Cunodisu E Agriculture 376 eruretolned becouse Georgetounuand Clarence ut Avion. ('orsi' Giuin Qîastrty Rrctcw. Du ut tiseir bîgis rubberc mtent-il pe Tisire are fosteen grsndchildreunnd lise tiqonofuthtie second estîmte ofi cent, or moire tismegret-grsndcbîdrin.-Herald. thsc 1940, fheldcropo itis estîmaeilTt tecrtc that lisecuver-olitsappty of ted grainsuihteciia _________________________________________________ in the Dominion tuortise 1946-47 ses- Ontario, it is m~ ".11tis oly sllstty or th00t n 0 Ilvngelctic at tis tirne in 1940; aigelcrct Wiile lise sapply relaivue ltise of everyone. Do nums oftruo-consumtsd anmlusut a y rc THIS IS THE TIME TO THINK ABOUT hntss ouk nalsuficteut fr requine.me satytrc u(s dig thse reutcmop yi-r, us isîy hcomne slmted os It, W i1 etSsrig ot 1940, Tise iigis- THE DA Your WINTER Feeding utmqleis.ocie SAVIN01 No mtter shat your requirenlients are me have a "STAR» atisougis somemisat susslir tison In CONDITI 1943-46, uppeor to bu large enougis. LIGHr' Feed for ail kinds of ]ives stock This minier fecd lccept in "ome local reas, tu mel ACUTE 1 "SMtLIGHT' Feeda for better resuits and higiser production. ssticipatcd nerds and lise mdsced boy Remenher"STRLIGT" eedaare RES Feea upplicis bave hein offset Io a cer- Remeber1ýSTRLIHT'FeMsareFRES Fedltsnctent isy a sltgitly tnceaesd jprodtucton uof udder cocu. #,ril64R Sd$ UP TO TIE F1is" MILTON MILLING CO. A Curne Wardîn mas cbecking fiis ng liceuses aîong a river bois. wissn Tues off lights when ni Phone 5ù Lim ited M ilton Ont. bsecause uumn ausdde-aged mnfis- Ue the minimum cure ___________________________________________ fo"r ooaag nylohUseuuscelectricals' heuted "H-avent lied a bits." eeplled tise fisis- Do net use range elemi ___________________eruson. elements as soon as pi "Wisat Slnd of lbit are pou using?' Cook oven meuaaesofte asised tise off Icer. Tuen off verandah end "ýWsrus." - Tues off ail imali oppli "You sisold tep saime siier bit," oug- Do net use elecilc air1 geted tise Wsrdsn. P~wO~~ce#K 4Tise floshemau drected o 015cr>'- eysd gaze t tise Wordeu and repllsd, __________________________"MecS uant S oint runain' nu csf- llinte th. use of ela eteriat Tlsey cac so m or go Turaouoffcil ligies whei isongry." Use eiectilcaliy heesed He CeLAIRDDe net use ectdric air OPTOMETRIST --OPTICIAN Swltch fiee, day te nigl THURSDAY AFTERNOON Turn off factory end of AND EVENING Tues off motor-driven r c possible. Avold the use of ail ni De net ase electric $P APPOINTMENTSpiaTCËDtEL MARCHAND'S - Jewellers JeHONE 5M For TICKETS and INFORMATION CONSULT- "tUseOur PasSage Expre,. Servicefor Q"i aDollverlus» AdvertisItgAlways lluverlslng-Gets Resuits al shortage of power continuing in Southern nost necessary that everyone co-operate in y. The need is urgent. It affects the welfare ýyour part by saving electricity by every command. .ILY PERIOD DURINS WHICH 88 UHOULD BE EFFECTED 18 EN 8 AM. AND 8 PME AND kONS AtE PARtTICUÏtARLY BETWEEN 4 PIL AND 7 PIL ME OfhE I*UM MMEU aet required. uber of 'lighis ln the living-room, consistent wifh good vision. àwater sparinuiy end checlckinq hot water tapa. eonts on "high" whon a iower haut wlI serve, end taira off ai possible. wn as possible end avoid the unnecessary use of surface elementa. o ther outsîde iights. lances as sen as possile. heaer ndgrates. 1 hetre*i ;;c lctuicity for signa and store windows front S a.mý toi8 pas en net requlred. 1water sparingiy and check oking hot watfapin rheaters. M1D9 7.M hlt aperations wherever pmcticablie lfice lights when nat needed. nachines when net required and e@%cit le savlngs wherever non-essentiel ouldoor iighting. sace heaters. ,ECTRIC POURI COMMISSION 0r ONTAIO x-A "SALAIS TUmA

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