PAGM TWOTHE CANADIAN uia pious mai-not just a churchgoer a priv. il ,olan for sersonal zalvation-but a go getter with I cheOaobtan Ettiamptontt 'pd.i.hid 8,0cTh«e.dnr Ateomf Aouth".d od ucaernes$lomanil, p.5ostOffice Dartmont. SIJBCS2ION ATU- P- xe -re laho dao&e thiited Sassiocmue.di[nxm l Soqto optun Su. otlhnd oo ndd e.ohooid bho axu i- 01 n ADVCORTI5iNG RATES-Oni uclictiuo metd o8 lun invroscolmn ain s. Athuagi eer ececonobxo n u ts onen to motd em Te Chaompiox accepte detiing in t. mbono.8 un teunoderstoodina tho, it iii not bu fiable 'Or uny ho n o detisennt puhttohed heoode un10u a pniof uchàdý,tiemt l mqestd i wrtig b, th detie nd e-edtoe t.Chamon buemes ofice dle iad Se and if th aosu reo 0 e, iropimiote mted ioxeithoa thee mi m ud h te =.a, if noxerCer nu .t.ed li.eut reetelir 7Th.Oohamp- ion, lis io lito$hloht cexueeod ors n aproportnof thoentie osot oiu.cS deetibsueCoom-the sace =noOOd Sye noerrornuere, tothOe ohuopmoactophodby .uhodseeiome-ee. G. ARLOY DIL-% Edion BusinessOfflice . . moto Street. Milton Telephoce Nu. i a workabl plan for nalvation of the world. Ho bo.1 lieves in a btter way of lPfe enough to work for It. And not unly in the hereafter but bre and now. i CHAMPION L cn t ci ies tatMunicipal Counicils bave not ful th-rt the malter of municipal expenditure but ED ITO R IA L are u,,jec.t1 toe ruics laid down by provincial huards. Be Sure le Vote on Mooday Mondy nxt i élctin da inMilon. ateay-a 6., Monae sda see îclionmdayginuMioton. Ratciyz A National Point of Vlaw f 8J orsareased slec frm grupof wele ili~Z The Canadian Citamber of Commerce as a rep- b E ens, six who willuserve on the Municipal Council in resentativo of organizod business in Canada is vt- 1947 Th com niy i fotunae i haing itiensally concerned thot the objoctivenes ot reconstruct- IL interested in the weltare of Milton who arc willing 10 ion should be approached fromn the national point of! - give Iis community service. Il's wtrk that t00 of- vicw and in harmony with the democratie idéals for len receivos more lault-finditig than words of praiae. wich îwo worid wars have been tought. These ob- As citicens '0e owe it 10 our cornmunity 10 go 10jcivsae the pols next Monday and choose tote who will 1tt. Freedom of opporîuniîy for ail on equal termis. serv e. Il's a ime ta forget any personal diffcrences 2. Economy in public 0dm inistralion to colore low but in making sclection think only of the gcnéral taxation. good of the lown. 3. Expansion of frade with other countries. Another important question is being subrilted. 4. A high levcl of employmenl and production. Il's a question regarding the termi of office of Coun- . A higit standard of living. cillors. If approval is given il will mean hat no yeat wili sec an enirely new Council elccted but ai. T ways there wiul be saime mcmbcrs from the previous This Machine AgeH. Council. Il's a question tat deserves careful consid- A new dcvice is shortly lu be madc known as the L Di eration and in our opinion is a forward step. %Opinion Meter' is for use at board or confcrecec .gtiterings. lostcod of using othodox tachecs in ap- Narrow Down the0 Solution proving or darning a proposaI.lte conferet yl - John Atkins, the only farmcr in Canada 10 publish soon lie oble to save wear aod Icar on is nrrvous a rnonthly paper right on the frm, bas a solution for systcrn by simply trting a litle dial hld in the recovery tof proper price levels. In the Octobcr issue palm of is bond. HeU just ask imsclf if bt's dcad pt thîs thougitt-provokiliR journal "The Scene" from against an idca or 10, 20, 60, up 10 100 per cent. in Sbîngwauk Farm, Bracebridge, Ont., be suggcsls favor of it and set is dial accordingly. That dial, Iis bit of econoit philosopby: along wilb the rosI 0f those iteld by fllow conferees "Since the farmers are large boyers of the pro. is wired to an electronic mastermind in front uf the duels cf urban iabor, and urban labor is a large boy. chairman. Tht mnaster dial makcs no hones about or of farm producs; and inte botb these groups are saying what thc meeting as a witole thinks. dcmanding more money for lcss gotds wbcnt tby are First opinion mtcrs wiul be able 10 bandit up to secing, and more goods for ess moncy wben lthy 120 persans' opinions, but the rieccrical men are arc buying, it would bc a good idoa 10 lotk up ail tht bard ai il 10 ittreose tiis copucity. If îhcy gelt labor leaders and al the farmi leaders in a room. op high enough, il rnîgbt even run heckiers 001t0f "Give titem a staff of cost accountants and an et- business, or vice-verso. Only weak spot in the gadget onomist or two in order 10 explain wbat il is 1h01 somaie sort of arrangement 10 make coch ont in makes tht wheels go round, and soy 10 the: 'Hore conféerce have an opitnion of is ovn. you are gentlemtn, and here you stay untîl you tan agrcc on a proper basis for eceanging labor wth catit other. EDITORIAL NOTIt1 If lbey succced, well and good. If they fail - no mucb tht better, for with hef out 0f the way, Self-important people are wli named. Thryre wagcs and prites would probably find their own prop- important only 10 themsclvcs. r levels in tht market." Latest tota1 for sale of Canada War Svings Bondi Jut A UàtIle Thing is $406.5 millions. This figure is dividcd imb $107.8 Parking by-laws and régulations inay be5slnric millions for poyroll and $298.7 millions for general Ibat tbey bccome a dtriment 10 any communîty and canvass. bave an adverse et fect on business. On the other band, tbey may be sa lax h01 lbey are a dtriment 10 the communily. Our community would secm 10 bo Store window and inleriors are displaying tht auffering troibe latter. The business Street and things taI suggest Christmas is netnly bere. Take nection of Milton is none 100 wide. Il was laid out a tour of te local stores corly for good suggestions before te présent traffit was visualized. Ils caelat- and slection. ity is four lanes of traffit or with cars parked on both aides, there is just room for ltw lanes of mov- The CCP Govrnment in Saskntchewan bas ent. ing traffie. ered te field of insurance, shoe manufacture, box- We know taI it is permissablo 10 park double making, transportation, radio, prinlîng, clay produtîs and block one lane for te purpose of unloading. and otbcrs. Reccntly il capped evrything by gel. But sucb a practite sitould have tonsidération for té ing in the lsb business. amount of unloading and te ime the traffit yl be __________ btockod. It is only reasonablo to assume titwiten double parking tan ho avoided traffit will not be .1 s argued, and qsite rcosonobly so, by te Metz, blocked even if il means going a few extra stops inMisTm, htheraowyadlaron o makirig theo delivery. A littho more considratio as mucb os il once did is bocause people wont do as would indeed hocitelpful and make te shopping dis- m1uti for a dollar as titey once did. trict more ploasing 10 lite folks wito must tome ta lown by motor cor or otiter transportation. Building csts in Canada rose belten 47 and f,2 per cent. ietotyen 1939 and 1945 and a furtiter un- Piainly nd Bluntly staled amount in 1946, aceording 10 a new publicat- To put il plainly and blunlly titore tan nover be ion "Housing in Canada' issued last wcek hy Central poace in a pagan world. Titere tan nover be peace of Morîcage and Housing Corp. any kind - aI home, in business or belween nations. And a pagan world doesnt necesarily mean a Tht Br tîsih are slvaging te pipe lino ocross world et infidels. Il con tmoan a world of people teehctonoel w"icit crriod a million gallons of gas very mucit liko you and me-oevon those et ua who go aday 10 lite invasion army in Normandy. Tiis 10 churcit, beliove in God and te possibility of a will result in te recovory ut about 10,000 tons of btter lite, botbre and hereaflor, lead. I is anotitor indication thal costs do not tount It doos, howevor, mean a world of people who do lienIere sawr1 eyn nol lt tes beliefs sriously affect their livea, A pagan doos not believein a boter world seriouily In an0 ctitnge we learn titat Cobourg 15 10t- n enougb 10 work for i. Ho works instead 10 gel îll stal parking metres and to quole te commeont from ho tan eut of te lite ho knows. His ls a philosophy tht edilor ut anoîher îown witere métres ar. in op- of demand aomething for titerstlvoa, Ho, thorefore, rotion "Tite penalty for dnming tht metres wilfully ihapes a world where clasit, deadlock, divdrce, de- 1s a fine of notleîss titan $5 or 30 days in jail." linquoncy and war arc not only possible but i nevit- WOnve hoard te moIres wre proftable, but surely able. intorisîs s5h11 have o rigitl t aîl tem witaîtey The opposite la a pagan is a Christian-and ot like wititout biog subjetltb a fine. BUSES LEAVE MILTON To TORONTO TORONTO To MILTON L45 aie. c 3.10 pin, xa 8.45 amn. d 5.40 pin. .00 amn b 9.20 pn. lb 9.50 min, b 6.45 pin 12.05 pin. c 1.30 pan. c 11.10 pin. a-To Streetavile Only -Dm117 ex. Son, & foL b-Sun. à HOL 0o-S"e.17 -D"il ex. SBat, Sun. a Hol. e-a" & BOL. f-iniO. 07 Standardlme BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FOR rFFALO - DETOIT - NORTH RAY OTTAWA - moNTREAL and AU U.S.A. Pointa FARES ARE LOW Round Trip - Ta included ORONTO - $ 1.3 NORTH BAY $ 14.20 UFFAL - S$7.35 OTTAWA - $13m8 ýTROIT - $1Z15 MONTREAL $ 17.10 ULuoup&i 'rr»3 zc c,,&944 -AW IU U& M ST DIt aT5m 100 CLE A U m PUus me 70 FOOD m 70 BOL PEAU zun m eN UIs sa 450 BRAN -.IEL@«COIRN nva e I l flOOOina s t»L me. "a P». mot TOUATO *UICK OP SOU NET MEm ARETME ai. 29 ApRtICOrS seo IGRAPEFIRUIT BRELLEDJUICE à -f li «bm Ba 2LO C M 1 L 1 '.à,»90W suRNO 18& 7wu 143 ICUO IN ORolu 2.25 HEAD LEUCE 15C 60'. - Each ..- --- . . ..... Bunch16 GRAPEFRUIT-MARSR SEEDLESS 5 For 15C HOT IToUSE TOMATOES31 Per l M31-. . .... ........c... TRUPISAY, NOVmfflm Ili Business Dinecory Power Llnd Folks who may on occasion blame municipal Councils for nul prtviding ail the focilities they de- sire wll ite intrrrsted lu kntw that the rccent by-law possed hy Orangevilie citizens t0 erect o $51,000 swimming potl and Legio Hall in tht community cannot ho put juta ffect. The Municipal Board of tho province whicit keeps a watcbtul oye over al the municipalities hon refusod permission for te pro. erte. Aecording ta theo Banner the reasos for rofusal of permission are given h01 the only had a majority of 7 whtn pasaed, that only about fifty per cent. of the pernons quaified regîsterod a vole onl titat existing debt of the municipality in equal 10 about 20 per cent. of thetotwns' total asesiment. 1 Ili DR. C. K. 8TVUNOI% mmD., LJri.C.C - pbjolobm and gore-ee phono 2w - K-Rap OSto. itours 8.30-9 a.m.; 1-89 74 p.ý coroner. C.P.. and Gant Surgen DR . G. R.SYER Phyien and Surgeon Offie-James Street Phono No. 38 office itouro: 9 am.; 13. 74.30 PJ@. Coroner - M.0.1H. LBGAL DICK & DICK W. L DOCK. KGC tCounty Crown Attorney) KENNETU X. 010K. &&8 Barniotero, Soltritor Court Houoe - matou Tlephone 4 T. A. RIJTCRIN'SON ibarcistor, Soliefiors Ue. Office-Next Door Champion OMM0 Main Street-fihton Telephone 54 GEORGE E. EWLOTT Sarrlolor. Soilttor, Noar LOME office-Ia Farmerg' Building, Ma" Street, Milton Telephone 70 G. HOWARD GRAY, &QC Bearistor, Solicitor, fos7y,"> . 238 Keole Street, Toronto, Ont. Phono LYndhurot 8612 - Mion- AT ROOM 12 - MILTON DIX Modayn and Thuradapo Phono Milton 15 LEVER &HOSKIN Charioerod Acooualsah Succeoooro to JENKINSà A RBO a L1305 Mtropoltan Bîdg. 44 Victoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON OOhias in Royal Building, Mlton Hours-S9-5. Evenîngo by Appointment X-Ray Service Telephone 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL-SURGEON Office over Prioceon Theatre Night Appointinento may ho arranaun X-Ray Service-tion Extraction Houro 9 to 5 Telephono 65w NIELSEN-The Cblracto Drugleu Thoompint 23rd Tear ut Prartice fb Lady Attendant Ovor Dominion Store, Georoato Phono 150W Munc ALEC PUDWELL B.A., LZCL, 'M.R.ST. and hio onociato MISSHEMTY30OWILLM«TT TEACHERS OF MUSC Box 412 phono 368W Milton OPTICAL RL . C AID, . OPTObIERTIST - OPTICIAN Milton-Thursday Attrnoono and Eveningo For Appointient Phono Marehandos-SO Eyes Examlned - Lomoos PrescribOd TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIULWAT STANDARD TISE Gone Eat-7.31 m.m., dally; 2.2Z *p.m., doly; 8.37 p.m., dally exoept Sunday.. Coing West-9.32 m.m., dllyt8ole; 0.26 p.m., doly; 12.47 a.m., daly ex- rept Sunday tOlag). SUNDAY Coing Eat-7.31 .m.; 2,25pin.; 9.27 p.m. Going West-9.32 amm. (t.g); 6.2 * p.m. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAT b Goîng Soth-7.30 p.m. Coing North-8.t9 amm. S. A. FAY PLUMBING HEATING and .TINSMITHING J Main St. ,- Milton, Ont.