Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Nov 1946, p. 6

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THRI ANADIAN cRAMBIOI Proper Fed eI UMLONDON1 MWDAN C E- Iloge iniWinter M I TONLONDON .oU-AflbDai seter- MMny faes vison eedlnsgOpisefilas a show stalientlm y by tis T isatu d y i h drnrtihe vinter montha ma b- 11Ifeoples DIaenaary for siS*ur"i 4"gh eeuntersd due ta veather condtions hich saw war service In rtain s&iWlgwk4S~ lai addition te a sllstly greaterhe food~Ii I abroafi were =nee. IN THE ISTWN BATIL5 N TOI4 reqiuirsasent, pecl attenion ta nec- B e u y S a o Amnong thema waa Judy, a poiter T TH euary to ensure proper minerai and dogwhich waa takeflpraoner by tish. E vitatn ontnt f fefito revnt ttfMlt170Japanese aller homog wounded and vioan cote tat on ot rvnt.HN.10 G4dad h tllbma w-Lt / ,k #o~ crippilins, aya E. Van Nce, Domin- Womdasdwoatl ersat8 InExperlmontalSion cot asiilneh o se s ouvenir of an encouniter DANCOING -2 - AD5IO N se. Winter crîppling was once lhought ewîîh a Sîngapore aigîator. to be causofi by a lacic f exrcise Mercury, a bue hon raclng pigeon, ______________________________ but la n00 nw aasta ho a deflcincl fbl conidrefi by the RAP. te hava diasorlckets). liy f eeding ado- iJs,.15UR made the most outstanding operatin -______________________ quate minrais and vitamsine, piga can ,aIfight-Uo mites from Denmnbtae ________________________ ha grown and fattoned las amali pens pwcEgadi 92-wso wihu anhn or muh exie. Christmas AppolitUlefts Early soau wee hrftAe ons rm Your vote and influence respectfully Bol- It I a ondpla teprovde reeingworersdurlng Londons bit. Who stc itltaèral spore and pnture put an a demontration Of tunt- ct b ta snommr and outaide run ta winter, tclta jupnadreivIg but whon feediz for markiet, greater Wbat couid be marc beautiful or marc practclta upn n oreig gsins are made wthoUt ton mach o colorai laating permanecnt vave as a hasia for ycur winier Nearly 60,000 Canadieans are sut- exercise. coiffure? Have your permanent 110w and look forward tuOa erng frao tubercuioaia. Christmsas E. Le.[.Sa m] A few yeara ago ovry feeder pro- Saahl ufnnemtoso id paredl h ovo tonai mixture, givins crfe, Hife itr'Ing thsese rces ce that troatment separate attention te minrais, pro- edntemurioofhahca tata uppiemoit andi fiah istcibut liog eain wthta rern o aitsa concontratos now on thse mrket may Ouen AUl Day Saturdav oiyiiou atir~R A N D 'A L L ha mixed i wtlschois arcordino 1ta - Bni»wmATEER TAtIoN structians spplled by thse manufat- tirer, viiicii simplifies tisefed prepar- TiHE PAS, Man. (CP-A Domn- As Councie»Wfor thsa TO or of tosi ation. Tii.vtasJnncrntent of snii TO MILTON'8SMARTl! WOMEN ion meteorcîagcîaî station yUl ha ccncntrates may ha lent vhon ieidblnetsm ratairLao ta sicrage for mahsy mentis. a.n tha ul etrue t BakrLkeîlccion Day, Monday, December 2nd case, for vinter feouitag, saiaif aof n. N.W.T., Rov. W. J. R. James, vegran prcent. freas fiah isla added te tiihe- Anglican mlsalonary ald basr ont- HN YO per corect tse de-FoeSa ~ OS j~L '. tomfraotbis station inteaesea, 2H25 OI chsop vouid uull ourettde-FnotWantAS I Cid e umrs te zo r o r iles Itaai.frcmHudson Bay. flclency. Plgs runnlng _________do____tOMS require fiis il durlng tise sommuer. Trials ronducted t tise ErPertaset- tal Station at Scott, have siscvastisat a lihrai aflovance f prepared mnin- rais wtiscut vitansîn ' couldoc ha aaalmiated an pige becaneon tlrfty and crlppsied, viie pg e- relvlng fis cli sisced no sgn~ai crlppling. Tise addition cf fiBaitte the feed of tis erlppied lot qulciiiy lmproved tise thrift and gains. It van aiso. aberved In tisese testa tisat plus farroyed In Augu", and aiiowed it run oulsîde until roid weatiser, eemed to store up sfficient vitamin 'ID" fromtishe sunlight to enabie tisees ta endure confnnod wtnter feeding without crlpping. Howover. the late flu litters reqirofi mme vitamin auppiomont te prevont untisriftiess and rciset. Paralysis of hînfi quartera of nons- log scws uouali>' hsppens suddenly wilo nurslng a littor of pig, or acon aller. This a uaualy trareahie te a deficlency f calcium In th isfet dur- tag tise gestation peried. If a con- centrale la ntIused hfore farrowlng one per rent. ground imiaestane ta tise cisop viii ho heipful te bth oy and Imboro litter andisouid ho contn- und durtag the nursng perted& THE FAMI1Y SZE FARM HOCEUVI World's fceissport sweesao*ddsioff ie fe4adGlobe and Mail caneras sop isa lan id-su!l... HOMEI Globe sed Mail pictuees helpyoa bre tise typical cf aportsa siiots aisranch pou frs inisThe Goceansd Mail1l happisesof th hcse-cosisa. Tisere ls a grovlng tendency t- yard large scale arming on the a- oumption tisat a large unit la handiefi more efficiontiy and economicaliy tison ties mal farro. ITisa may ha true fram a dollar and cent vewpolntU But tier. la more la living tItan tise M accumulanf ilver and gaid or Il la tise anaii farina f 50 la 100 acres tisaI produce a vat amoont f lise fond for home and exper markieta. T'rue, nome f tise von la donse by tise onpaid labar of vile and cilf- Fire amrena rend the stillocas of the night. A crowd roars approval res, but la massy Instance@ al are partners ta improving tise herd. tise of a wciI played gamne. A loat child la found. A former reapa the fainastd tise, homeAu have same- -welI.carned fruits of toil. A fighing son cornes homo 10 greet boys and ginls crepting tieir daiiy. iv bis Ioved ones. Day aftcr day, thc photograpbic staff of The Globe doties have ta taiecresponsihhtty and devoiop Initiative. Tiere la tise pride and Mail is on the spot whcrc ncws ix born . .. ai thec fire, the of cvnerahlp visicis dornnetise 'is vas aiaved dovas througis unreason- ~~ gamne, the farm . .. evcrywhr . . . bring you the picturco abiy 10w prîces f tarin praduce, bt bhn h es soitdPesepdtdwr ht evc la bolng revaIve iltiste upturn Incidcs sw.Ascac rescpdîdwr ht evc prire of farin produrta. assures world pbocographic coverage of al cycots! Tise traclar vilslits al-vans t- tacisments, for field van and harvot- Pcue eeaenw bt rmorfls Te r yia lo. eectriclty In tise haro for pomp- . itrdhr r csaosfo u ie..Te r yia log voter. runnlng musker, separtoroftepcrilnw uejy.. or coler, andi similar power Intise isouce, tend ta mare tis ermier la- dependent of outide ielp, witisout overhordoninc eltiser hlm or hus amr- iiy Wltisferarn ishor practiraiiy ouI cf lise question at present, tise mon vitistise sesali unit viso con do tise anS vîitiout oulde heip, onropt for afew days Il ashyinc and hiarvot vison nelihors moy co-operto ta sulve lise laisor probiors, la In a pre- FOICnds aoad il ihhret'TeGoeadMi forred...psiltlon ta tise large land brnga yce mare farm, news.., crin moveeniss, liveeiock aricas. ccop nesev auner viso issuno taho In tise frm ...laeeep ycs fuily sformed! and Utille intret. Tise future for tise ensil lan ovner appears brgit,GM4--2 pravidef tise empisanla la plared on qualily af produrts. - Formeras Ad- varate. Every cent ralod througi tise sale af ChristaseaSs inl spent on tise ..... sPecifir Job of Oightlag tuhorruloala. Tisere la y"t mucis von ta ho don. BEWBD FR SRVCECLOSE SHAVII Osly the seve ibsi the driver 1 WANT MY MOMMY 1 Sympaibetic parissas plus REWRDSFORSERICEescapesl vitibmnsr injuries le sseded tc comaplets iearfsil, lcnt child-caught byGlcbe and Mail caneras A gond modern îawn in able te the siaep iis Globe and Mail phoorapis telS! -brisg huan.Isseren lste the nem. lateret a largo number of pepe !s givlag ltime ond effort lta public causes and organicallan worii. Tiseir spirit of ioyalty ta e eame tovn, f affection for l and ls people, of deelce te oee l mohe furtiser pragrees la mot admidrable. Maoy eturns comn e 10hase visa glve servics e 10hieir homne tavneand Wisa von in thieir organisations, or aid progresa la any vay. Tiey malte a great many friends. A large part cf tise sucen tisaI one han In hua vank or business comnes In any cases lisrougis suris friesdsip. Aso service for tisehomne town gîvezsaOF11Oepe vfi bog oeseebids peranvalabe epelenomdIl la dovsiovs Trosio-t'irai piciares oppesred the ieips hlm la express bie lobas sndb exercIce leadersip sand moe hie in- folloisî norsleg le The Globe andI Mail fluenre fait.

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