TMP. flAIAIDIAN CHA14PIONi Martd nths, msedsast ,,,8Thi"çCars Daniaged . f1 *0*E Only 7Per Cent . -uccnzrssvCollsion For the 4-1"a of publie he LandCultvate In Highway Coffision vel as. lathe lneresta of clive prde a dC liae _______________ Jst est f A ton and neatoeus, gsrbsgre siou4 be put- ARCIBAD-r. ndMca wmsn -ed containers.. Tise Dspartmeltt of ln Its worîd food .urvey wth rater- Achibald (nos Mahal Hars)al re Thraa, caca were lavôîved In ele National Pisaitlsand Welters, Ottawaenetthdeloiftmduei happ ta anounca tise arrivai of o colisalons on N . 7 Lghway ahs ssued a caution an handflng oi land, tisa Food and Agrîcultural Or- tiseyra. Edmonsd Ivs on NovBIn- wet o Actan an SatucdaY evening. garbkge, pantinlg out tisat tise useof gsnloatiooi the Unted Nations (FA ber lth. Bath wel.a A car driven by Gat Allas of Actait cardboard packages, paper baga or 0> says tbSt ln some parta ai tise = _ liait stapped beblnd s car making ai newspaper bundies for the discards tif wartd, the aras of cultlvated land la BlED lait bond turn lto a aneway at the itchen and closet mokas not oniy un tes. tisan ona-balf acre pger head oi tarin of Ornie Lamb. Anotiter car igty piles but createa deal breeding sops'ation. and ibis la decreasing as STEADMAN - At Chatham Ceorai owned by Mayor Dawson of Milton staces for flies and vermnsand for the popuation riscs. At present only Hosptal on Wednesday, Novaern n rve yRber t oka îtnsra fdsae about 7 per cent. of the tond surtace 13t, Mary Strachan Mrrison, be- addie yRbr oko itnsra fdsae struck the standing Allen car la the Filins>' 4arbage bondies, ay the o! the globe le cultivated. Iducis ut ioved wlte ai John Steadman f- eamna of er let dthse rostis a nt for cuitivatIoKi by Tilbury, Ontario and beIoved moth- rmc, drivlag il srons(he hîgisicu>la-d ateta 'furrarelilabl ah r of John Morrison ai Fieshre, ta the pais f a westboOnd car drivan isdltorbed and scattered by scavengeca present mtisods, but tisera ara large Scotisnd; WlitamnoaiMilton, Ontar- by R. DIII Cooper. R. R. 1. Hseplar. isciodinf rats. wha are asinn e tise a retietcold be foapedevp f cp- la and Charles ai Toronto,.ln ber Diset ieAlncrl sla- in6t notorloils agents in spcead aifats- Ia eeaalbefrterd lp 79tis year. Dang oh le a aeta ment by modern tachnical metisods, Fuserai wan beld on Frlday Nov- ed et $400 and to tise Milton ond Ras-, Idemits. lslsilg, la many casas, Irrigation ambr iltis at 1.30 wlthIs nternent at peler cars $150 each. FortOiiately nane and drainage. Extensive terrnttrlai Mapie Lest Carneter>'. Tilbury.,Gitar- ai tise Occupantsa wera erlausly loisr.- mgtb eoe afr gi h l. ed atisougis ail ware ahalten Up and i CLEABING emîgis e sathe(oafaria cfar- _______________________badly brulsed. Occupants ai tise Ac- AUCTI01N SALE deaig patsqis asd htisamalariar IN IEMORAAM tan cwara reM. and Mus. Grant Allen 1a-' xtryig maUtd btiselltsrasa ly and M. asd Mm. Cai Gbbnm and oaite i wtue ar e staercmiegb'wlls giod ELL S-In iavlog memor>' o darling. tahe ilton car Mr. and Mn. Robert Fscm Sock, lmplemasa uatr ag cl asaga Uitie Bruce, wba pasaed away Nov- Cok, Mc. Ce. Dawson and Min But thea opaning Up of new land ls embr 21, 1944, saei16 intin. Marjarle Dawson. Provincial ConStablea The undeulignad hava receivad l- only a part ai the problein oai ncreaq- Pila mr>' yla as dear ta-day, Ray Nanan lnvstigated tise accident. trsctiaiss fr055 lng land resaurcas. Equally Imnpat- As La tise bouc be passed away. ÎTOIIN W. MMIAN ant la tise racîsmation ai bond, wbltb, Graatiy missadl and fodly cbec- ta sali by Public Auctian, t isianoc ferr, ftile, ban bean rendarad barcn' labed by Daddy, Mummy, Buoti- .Lot 2, Co.3 tNsagaweya, 1 mileone r esadSptacs. d ssrd sauts ai Cainisbaiivile on tisa Guelphs by hunon mienne, and tisa conservat- arnadand (u'red Rond. os ion ai land 05w deteciratinf. EvrI - Bi Tom to C op RaiJDDAV, DECEMDER tb country ban its aws spacifle problamas Big omao C opat 1.30 'clock. thse falaowlng; ln increasiaf and safe-guarding land fli.sid.a.-REAL ESTATE-5O acre farin for raaaucceo, and they must leAtce 18,000s Ioo-Acre IsereasseOver Lautsasie, subct ta reserva bld. ln ifferent wsys. Tbe main pot MORSES-i Gray Mare, P yr.. 1 Is tisat the attack muet lbe sclentlflc- -MaY eole ilonh den . ý orn le ll pfor d ndco-ordinated, adad- - olie' o adleboe district bava atteoded the ROl'al RMIT,, nt tPIWlh on CTTE- Driai CwSed b>' gaverametl. Wlntr Fair, hld ln Tronto recenty.aAMyrs., a<laatalyurhm fin Ym ada oa r csars ndeth auractrlilng, brad Juip 18; 1 Dsrbam Tise nadt for dmpraveinaOt applils ta -Td bte bal audlg l t ucn o eer 40 pr coast ar e r y a. iulOf. bced Aog. 5; ail cousties.not oaiy ta cauntries -TedWhit, wo lastudingEl- a puchae nerly 0 pr cet. mr altier 2ycs.,miliking, bred Juise (bat are t law nutrîtlanal levaIs but ectrical Engineering et tisa Unversity tamataas ftram grawrs thon tha>'1 15;2 V al! CalVas. ta tbaae st medium and blgb lave!: lis of Toronto, Ajax Divisian, ban been did iast yaar, (ha bausewivas may a- IGS-8PIga about 75P Ibo. welbmayitsabglviInd awrdc4 $3W0.00 sghoarisllp an pnd- pet ta fmd linspraved supplias oai HAY-1O Tasnha>. elInm yoftehgl llad lng wth honore la his fit yesr. btis cassad toansa and tnaoaIPICaiENTS - Masrey Marris a re-rietstlas ai productio wll ba juie o teirgrcer' helestis 1 IpLFM rnearîy naw; 1i/'Scuffier: eqired ta fralis omars ai (ha -Tisa natis Trsfalgar Farin Farumn a hirgoeaiWhisflfitrees; 1 mt Tesin Rarneas; 3 fonds saedad foc isaath - llva-stock hld a auchre and crakinala social aifavrabe Horse Cltaca; 1 Whebarraw; 1 Piî praduets. imuita. vegetskîs-and tbis In PicCrdys Scbaaiisousa an Modsy Cotloasntaoffvoabegiwing Crata; Lumber; 50 Fred Bags; Quan. wîîî resat la types ai iacmisg (bat aveniaf, Novamber lti. wn weatisr asd tbe axpactatlan (th iy of Rsrdwond; Facka; Shovela and Winavallable foc numaraas ther stices: 1 Internat- favar gaad sali management. lscisd- were, aucisce: M. Wlfred Themp- secaasacls lahar wlIi havucîcaailonai Binder, 6 t. cut; 1 Rubber-tlced Oiaalog-term rotations and lscraased son and Mr. Wlfred Thompao cr0- tise pack msay resit ln poutinofwgo ndrcdi. use ai penture. Studies la tise Uited kinola: Miss Brett and Alfred Sbap- 56,000,000 mare cana ai tamatoas and Hg HOLD EFFECTS - 1 En- States, tac eemsiple, sow tbst la isrtomata lulce (is year thon la 1945, ainel frot Cook Stava. moal and woad; mony rs% fertilloars cauid ba putf- herd. itwas stlmated by E. R. Couisna, 1 Eectric Rangette wtb aves; Rub- tabiy sedsa!il grestar qusntitiao. sales divisbion oager ai tise Ainar- ber tlcad Eoglilh Prain. like sew: 1 sbaet mtai Box Stove; 1 Maney There ls so country tisat han yet ses- icas Con Companyy la Canda. Hparrs Elactclc Cream Separatar. 750 ierd aliJt con arbieve by tise applc- LIMEHOUSE Pacie acrass Canada bave aon-uIl. capact ltis new baw. atian ai techolcai advasaes ln agric- tracted for 53,740 acres ai tamainai R ý MS- CASH 24-2 uture. M. and Mus. Alex. Darragis ai Ta- in 1946-enouf h ta finil eariy 199,000,- HIPIDLEY A ELLIOTT, Aactlonsacs mants cllet! t Mus. Smtburst's this (1(1 cana--as comparad ta the 1945 week. total ai 38,610 acces. Tisa W.M.S. mat tat(ha home o Mu, M. Colsan cecmlled that tisausauids Jn. Scott in Gergetown on Tiusr- ai tamata plants wace destroyed la dsy lent, 12 ladies atteoding mmra Western Otaria ibis year by a Raugiley read scipture and Ms. tounado and atlier atarmna bt snid Sietiust led la prayar. Tbe cbsptar mnîot haaffects! land bansbean iran tislnofaiArical wan read >' replanted and grawes are conident Pic. Mitchell and Mus. Banton sun- (bey wll be akia ta bsrvast týe cinp carlzed an article frsn Readara Dg- beface the arrivai ai cld weatbar. est. Idol wan used in answaclag tise Last year, grawau bl Ontario and rail can. The hataissemred ce-sebCafferad conssdrbelse fresmants athetisa e. due ta ealy frct. Mc.Gav ArS a Otawavlsted Tise Canadiens tomata gowing lni tisa Mitchlias on Friday. dustr>' la cetdcieilfy la ise Tia oalaisa cside od provinces. Tisa cantmscted acreage la " The ocalschol cildrn an (bir aacb ai thoseatissyear are: Ontaria. teacisar, Miss Ruddll ara bus>' 44,700; Queheis. 5,920; asd Britis practising for their Christmnas ater- Coumbia, 3,070. taininent ta lield escrla LnDacein- ber. k # Mir. andPics. "Tin" Sratch wace SmIEmIE» RINOINOIA l lucky in obtainla dalilver>' i a new- Hudoon sedan and lant week-end mot- ST. THOMAS tCi-Ao Idea sdaa(- ars! ts Toledo, Ohio la t. c rn iaWaabcalad es Mr. sasd Mc. George Sturmn and t r!attaibab g ail ai ais daugbtec ai TrantsondPicanid Pics. Angals churcb iece. Because the Paul Spitzer and daugiter ai Bresa gsga h el nagcflthe vstad tise Spitoara an Bunday. tone tower, tise daiiy ringlaf ai tisa Mr. aid Ms. Law and chisldran oai bell hansiad (oaise discontinus!. Tise Bramptan vlatad tise Gsys an Sun- bele an th. Wabanb aicoadu are day. statioaae, onyt>'his clapper rmves. Mr. and Mca.. aRary Sma(hucst aiof _____________ Barrie; Mr. ond Mus. Bert Paul Mr. and Mc. J. A. Smthucdt and Jacqual A C IO S L ine of Tranto were wek-eod visit- aru wtb thir mtiser and attende! (ha cisistaning ai Keoneth, son aifp35ojEAl> 0F soOLSTEIN (50W8 A Mr. and Mc. C. A. Grant ai Stewart- MEIFEES, MOI00ESl, MAYGAN tswn on Sunday. WOOD'8 MILKINO MACHINE AND tSAIIY EQUIPMENTWes* Mr. and Mc. W. 1. Newton oi Bar- rie wera week-end vîitacu wtisfbis Tise undersifned have remelved in- parents. - strurtions firan Mus. Nable apent tisa wek-end witis . W. MeCALLtJM Mr. ond Mc. Faster a Badan. ro aei b>' public aurtiaa t bis Mr. Ae. Wight was home ran tarin Lot 1.Ca. , ;,p f rafal- Tocontarecentiy. gar, 'N.D.S.,on5 liwTP mile. Mr. and Mus. Wieelr and Ssen of soutb ai Milton, 2 miles uortb of Torontoand Mus. Johson oi Aucra P TeESAYDEEMEoPn visitai the Rougleys lant Saaday. TEDY EEIE r M. and Pira. E. Mller and Russell Connenrlnf at 1.30 o'mick sharp, moved inta tieir nen isame as tise t tise tollomni: - Iiýe ths week.COW-2 Hostein Cow, resb, nota g , lina isîs eek.bresi; 1 prt Hostein and GueraseY The eurbre and dansce soassred k>' Cow, fresis, sot bred; 2 Holstein Heuf- tise Lineiose Menorlal Hall Board ers, Ies, not bred; 2 Holstein and Seeel rsds ranc 220 o 1Ç Cs.sPhelà for Fr140>' velng wan weli attends!. JrsyAefprs, fes, not bred; 2 Roi- Tm t Jieqail op Mc. W. Sommera and Mr. LynnStia Cows, ln fuîl flow, bred ln Sept.; _______________________uns______ Smiths were isgiest screra t carda. .3 Hostea Com, ln fual flow, brad ln Desi Piadla, ViseS 0t 1 Rostein and Jersey Cow, la MapIe Let Manda tSnd ltsM u. anE- Cllfw, a ail loct.;rd laHov.lstein A'15 Mc. apnd Mc. daywhMraw anEl- uiiow, nrfullflo ct.; 1 Hin aNoveisCake Flour pi<g Foodeu Pi.and Mus. Mils and Miss Helen Hostein Cow, due la Dec.; 2 HolsteininatFoà Plls were Up oni Sanda>' tram Ta- Caws, due la Jan.; 4 Holstein Relier, Dursa 15 oz ç Apelassi Gistu&.P onto. due la Jan.; 2 Rolsten Hlera, due Be rLti tw2 Prune C~5D5ostarda Pic. . W Nrtn vaied a anln May; 1 Halstain Helfer, 1% years _______or __Lamb _________uns Mrs. . W.Nortn visted n H i d, sot be; 4 Roltein Reliers. 8 ta tas ora1awda s. 1maai; 1 Roltabn Relier, 6 mo. Da85 isced l2ozIai CUte Mr. Dog Scott and Miss Flassiealai; 1 ottein lier, 4 mon. oad; hpeef Deei tsaun ~PichI Cleman mtacad ta St Jacobas on 3 Histelo Relier Camves; 1 parae________________ Sanday.'bred Hostein BullCaif, O weaiss aid;- M. J. E. Campbell ban becs wth 1 pure bcad Raitelsn Bull, 2 yca. ld; Amt DIiu" 16oz 16ç Diced Bots tr.Ln heps ekisisrd sld abjact ta bioad tet iliOasseskibu cet Carrots Mu. Lana tia paut week and sîl ieliero undr 3 eaus vaccin-________________ sied. TressaIs wepum - ~HORSES-1 lia>' Perchron Geid uzusarbu1Fle REPORT ON SIM5TAGES lnf, 10 pus.; 1Bs>' Perccheron Mare, alsad8 r i 9 yca.; 1 Bacis Percheon Mare,9 -aa asa lerawr crsyrs. Dom"sS 10051 au ôqt **ç ut7Illit s- Nals ay n lara, ee crc AY GRAIN AND DAJRýY EQUIP' U Wax P" , e aa aven befre tise steel tilta and now MENT-dOé ton gand, wal-cslced nlaed ________ Grades_______n are amant Impssible ta fi0. Rap; 10 ton tbceshod Timatisyt 25 ton Dr. f.Mard'a uslias S He hmsel wa lucy, bciene aOatStraw; 500 ban. Oats and aria>'ç men hami an hlucky bca kof a Gai 300 bo. Ajax Oas; W. c. U591 J»,Sd da nis n hsdagles hlm ao.aTegmai Wod'MilkisIaffMachine, 2 units, nalson>'a awdaaag. is ui50wîbextra pani; 1% hi.p. Brlggsanid Deael mas Si* ftre Ou 5 wa abuilding cantrartar wha bad Strattan Gas Engins for nillIng *rh pSors pkg* Bon;il Jusat nsbed wrk an a bloCk ai bousses machine; Pipîng and ail aquipinent I" rke pg C u t and wan navlng on ta antiser job witb machisne; Mi1lk ale, Mlk Cana, Tisaebh alfkg ai nails, snid tisacon-trainar. Stirrar, etc. Doasies W50055 trartor, waen't wortb tisa trouble ai TEM'aS: Cash sttlamant witis clerk aara t . W$ ~55e Fad& 0501i5f It. bt iî-'in ay rasvanapale.ta ss.Tai eea 3102ç VL In cama thisssoanda qsittNog lser dicv ue asasnthe ai>'. Pesa atsmytei obad a mentioens! isi (a INDLEY AN) ELLIOTT, P B qat is3 N,8M caunpleadjabwa àGaermeAuctoneeca - houls prjei.R. R. Fard, Clrk B-I-20 PORTRAITURE CHILD STUDIES WEDDINGS 1COMMERCIAL Brig li your fis - 24 hour urvics EVENINOS DV AppoINTmmaN M 9 ~E MILTO' TRAFALGAR TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS TOWNSHIP HALL, TRAFAL~GAR AT 12 OICLCK NOON ON MON., NOVEMBER 25e,1946 1FOR One Reeve, One. Deputy Reeve, Tlsre Counciloqs, O0e Commissloner for Trafalgar Publie UftMes Commission, Oun Commssilon«r for Publi Utilities Area No. Z, OneCommis sloner for Lakeshore Véater Commission and Tbce Trustes for the Trafalgar Towsup lwholAres. FOR THE YEAR 1947 If a Pol be Oemanded, Election will be heîd MONAYDECEMBER 9, 1946 Poll wil b opn fom . am. o 7pi. W. E. FORD, Clera 2 *en PisodIe 50Z7 12 o le ja 22tZ'59 Immlt29e tj$ 31Ç jaoç WAX, NfOV. s"c GRAPEFRUIT 5for2c Size 96------ 25 Size 300 ..... o 3 Red GRAPES 18C CELERY STOCKS 2 for 25C CARROTS 3 lb. lOc Coo3 I bs.14 PEPPER SQUASH 3 for 15C ICEBERG LLITCE 15C b"d TOMATES Lb~ . ............. 9 PA«E Tm2 '. I e" Phot" MM . ý TMMBDAI