Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Nov 1946, p. 7

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TH CNDINCHMIO A Thisa la lb. houai tisat Jack wol 1k. '\ ta bulld. Tht. ln thse lmob that hem no dm a That ladai ta tise h#U tlat bhi no flar That bai ta b. croaied ta reicis the That tt't-to lft ans *xps-c.ozL-a there, lthe houi tht Jark would give at lot ta bud.1 Tiso la the rof, al make-belleve,0a That heso't a shlngie, trut or eave Tht acta ai a oblter for floors and That aent to be Xound In thse rooms and halls Tisat adjoin the porcis and tise camp-E (iait RWIn' h, iwept seti tise etlck- tqu broom, liait asant a loset te ail is own, -Vac tise twîdent reaion wdely lsoown, Tist thsa lunsber requireti for tht. -1 and tlese-1 19 exltlng itil te the focmn of trams Anai not la the homse tisat Jak seautt bise to bud. AI. Graisam CMIOOUTRSU GUwBs CHICOUTIMI, Que. toP> - Recent figura comPiad iy retiglas autis- arities sow Chicutimi%' population la 24,697, ailncreaae of more tiai 60 avec lat yea figure. Dan Hunter MWPRIECED, LICNSE» IMTONER Wltl am a"uctana for i prt. nue WUti 40 yens experiance Mr. L. SaIth, "mcater. OIMBS IM "K'RA»SOMLE &. .,i Caaspbanle _ SAVE YOUI Uneicin Uquid Rtoof Ceuse Makea Your Old Rouf SAVES YOU1 MONEY AND BUILT-UP, Grivri, Slag i ROLL ROOFING, Smoctt CORRIJGATED GALV. I CONCRETE and CANVA Roofs Either TeD ius to "ie a d"ted Ina -NO Oblgatin - I H.E. h * SpfclalZed Roo m WATMI Govarninent StandardL HAPPY AND ACTIV ACOLEUSTI4Hearingi and cord are hardly not inignificant. Plan toa obllkition. Free dama; if dàad. Telephone fo aeadit terrai nerou i ACOUSTICON RYMAL'8 - 1161 - Twenty Yem sAgo ThSupplyýInforinatioii j1......m'mou ututanUs SU U UU UUU B . Te unuay SehoolI On Latest Researchi RADlIOS ad" uia iale, liiueay, Nevenhm , 801 tItis tale. Iltmtsev Lint Tiustdila ridm cs b SUND1AV, NVEMOM 17 i Ice Ii om 0Coad" of m- RECORD PLAYERS- a large number ifS peaple tucnad out CHIT HNGSPEPL ciIfai e ai 1iSnge:n utm ti. fh o tise Mema Day CeceoranPark. Golden Tact, -SBenot eiry te OTTAW OPI-Latest dlacaveclea U O u»M 20W ouxLWU Mayor Irvne pceslded aidater theiL-dolng,Tei. 31: 1;13. au Ot cf entficrkolero la Canada and'MaÔ Leeoancext.eAc 17:an-7;praysasi.rtiscaugisut tise mold aealistng tract- ELECTIC MIXERS -TOABTM SAM!> MONS * sevie,1:eais2ad-p8.amae planted lto Caiadlai fartoiai pared t tise fot of tise monument. pstonLPllaTssaocticgitseecoculndpc-**S*E Tise Aton Free Pres soya Jack Ar 17 1a-7 ali hsaoia hoghtercntuto eat Kentoer as erome a professooal A.1; -.masta terhisirs Information service. hncenerlaer avnga ontac wth Paol bcd t this Urne a unifocm Estalised lest year ta form ca I hocke yeriaond a ryot iHmode af proredure; tbrai, he iegan lis istmeen arlentistsanad menu- MPHONE 376 ueertheom n i ilon anplay- iHe the Jemo at their cegular place fcueatiesRicebi NA. SJ. H88 t leanedtie gmeIn uta m ~fatmeeting, tise synagogue cf. vi. 10, aidred abth tervienqasuira * ali ou Srdoe Radioanmd Hoe ppliance ed iseaet se eovdtaAtoo 17; ri. 9: 20; 13: t; 14: 1; 18: 4; 19: wIliitoriste aimait ooythlng fconM Wi 1Srvc*o A vecy happy and enjoabte aven- 8). Second, ie mode use f tisa Sait- findîng new scurcea of rawmamterista M PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PUBLIC ECHOOL> ing masaillpent an Armistice Day in bath Day, tise regutor Jemiis da3' of ta reportlng on tateat devqtpmenta tin Grore Cisrri Sunday Sîboot, wisen asembly. 'nosie îready Chriatiais techiaa procesusc or tise patet M M M U U UN U M M U MP U M U the men of tie congregation resoved met an tie frot day af tie weelt for situatian. Ailtishe service auto frm _________________________________ ta dspiay their tattniry act, aid en- their omo distinctive servica tAc. 20: rise enqirer la fuit Infrmation an ____ tcrtained tise lodles f tie W.A.,tie 7. fn order ta reins tie Jewî Poul mit lie la îaatsng for. Unleai choir and Sunday Scisset tearisers ta msymoeuectiirdaii-speril invetigations ace fouaid nuec- - btanquet. sionories aonf tise Jewî stiti dc. eoasary tiese ervice la freat. COUNTY OF ' JALTON Tiird. "'be reasoned mitis them tfrom STUART-At tise Aexander Wlng tise triptureo." Nothicg eîae bai tise Tieracsmpoaegtpea- Western Hospitol, Toronto, on Sa- pomer ta convinre, convict ond con- ista Iin sfildsaisrisemistrl', mth- urday, Noveoober 13, 1926, ta M. 'vert and regeserate mecntin tise emotical phis, metalturgy, bltogy 1946- LOCAL COURTS CALENAR - 1946 an r. osStata o. Word cf Gmt bai tElpis. 6 7 e.:and several branches cf englue=4f DIM 1~~~29; 2 Tim. 3: 15-17; Jai. 1: 18; 1 Pet.Ms fte a alt.o laeo itn a 1Stigj FOD-AterPriravflle an Tisursday, 1: 23; Luise 8: 1).Hgaitcfsemndconcerted ftar tse ic insîîDya itails a.MyJi oLS Margaret Ht ~~~taioes ele aid coe ca iseunt taicrecords__________ __ Noeblttis.1926,. grt e In is preacbing, Paul empisized tsMdielaats rinii ectc s1fton, a - Oto~a O mutaeverai rounitrica if neresaary. oOan iDTac7dc-1 syas Gtvry ietvd ir f n re tsee points: (1) Tise Christ m:tOe.oe aOsaa 7 O. Foxn10Trafalgar Township on Wed. affer. Wisy tisaChrist must suffer, I TisaBomiligrcu a borised up isy 3 Gela -Tisrai o e Navemisar 17tis 1926, Major T. W. vie are toid ln las. 53: 6; Matt. 20: regiosat repreaettativcs irattared 6a sliniaSoa"Moder - 7 4 i s1.4 9s4 O Foin is 7tti yeor. 21; 2. 28; Heis. 9: 22; Jco. 19: 36, 37; arrosa tisecuntry mis a nn make Ait DicisoCsurt. Opus t osto. Stadad Toi. He tmust outrer ierause me hove sin.c-rcnacstrt iti tise people saeit BELlE tlNTi2tS DUBY ned, and ara tisrefare undar tise ing tise Information. As tise filea Scrsa f tise ioien iam cf Ccd (Gel. bud up it la blng fcsnd tisat aieorn e ai d A44,«ofil Oaist,. i ogla. Muit 2.i.s amibeai, RALBURON On. (P)Osisl«eit.;e.fi aTioapsua, Gorgetown. 4, WOtc.d Colse. Aos; 4, ýD iii. HALBUTO, nt tP)- Tamt3: 10), and Ha must saffer aven an ta questions nom belng aisedhbavea i- istagn Roaberts, veteran Haliurton issaismin deatis iy cracifixion ta radeem ai resdy iteen lnvastl gated ad if.r ootasadGociOois.lsda dbc - lai i and beur isunier, baggad saven large frcm tisat crsaeisy taing tise curse mtion can b. provided tramntise rer- - tY CoutsudGorl3e.in.. -y AIn, .;Ig",si bear in10 dy. ibtler huissers upon Himsaif Gai. 3: 13. Ha must ords, i Sttng. cf CouayCourt c5 ithast juyondaier., t Aprot, as 1e aM.. tid rapsrtadscresatul kilts ai tise anlm- iermasin on csr ieiain ardar tisat Tisa isancis no-aprates wltis suris h csis etc, t m&at.Mndi taie wera reportad! frequenting dtrict I e moy bacame tise rigitacusneascf g roape ai tisaOntario Researish Aodit ifinait juatsticeadCucasaAcula, Tsslsy. th lunss". Tous- lunsis aompu ln îaarcb af food. One Gcd ln Hlm 12 Car. 5: 21. (2) Tise Foundtias, Manitobsa Industrial De- Y tdht o' ,iIr; Tacidua, this 20,1 Tissead.ard sol bcsce, ber wos ceugit ln thee ct qf devour- Chrit mut "iriseasgaln frai tise vatopment Board aid tisa Britishs Col-.î eaawLDCMt. lng îeverai appla pis and elgt dead. Tiis, tac, ha prsvad fromntisah umii Indattirai and Scientiir Re.a-OdrW.LDCBU poands of butter. 014 Testament as Peter dtd an Pente- saci Counicti. Help a fraquentty c Osai o the i Pai rot; (31 Tisaitiis Jaas hm I tsaugist frcm tise Ntonal Rtasearcih __________________________________ __________________ procriim ata yc sa tisa Christ." Coanril or tramntishe experts cf sanie Tiserearoe macy in tis asadys misa gavrrmact dartmact.- wishisu tbstitate cama otiser Jasus! fram tise Ocemisam Paol presrisad,,- sonme Jesut cf tisir ownncrnceaptirn, CLEARING 1 OLD OOF cad nitishe. artusi ristarir Jesus. if OLDo ROOF hi Jsu womAUCTI2 *SA.LE- I o pay Lhg nt ends Yoar Roof Trouble- fui weifist cfcait tests upcoc <AA. DURHIAM COWS, STOCKE. PT r -U-Co p n L h fLait Tan Yar Longer 2: 3437;3 22, 23).Pcul set o an - ERtS, B&BI' BEEVES, alORSES-% amla nisat ha prearised soortisy cf SUIF.P, FAItM l1%LEMENTSO. ait iitiaticniy modemn misstonarico TOOLS, FtJRNtTUMEE, -r. OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE WORKWORRYcmlît-reisnra. a nhtirs ,Tis tsTisa underalfoed banc retieivcd in-'CAVALIER STOKER ) DAMAGE ON: iPaulsricanitodch oliis.noyr, bat ntîorîiostrom11 Purai Hedwect itrans otfta. c ce- CALVIN W. PATrEEBON FOR FREEDOM PROM W0RVY INSTAL A Smooh Srfac fom Haa'et atisacoo or isifi.Ta naît isy puisir aurt On atlbt or mothSufae ont isessed this kicd cf precric,: farce, Lot t, Con. 5, tmp. cf Nasafuis bh or Slatr SurfacceOm ftic stcvdwr.i ia.mya, 31.2mites met cf Milton, 3'1'r RON, TIN, ail kinds tise pore gospelt n prearîied ic tisa MAY NOVEMREE , i.vingstone S tok er ýSlpower f tisa Hly Spirit. In tisa ap- 'Commeciof ut.00 lot an hariop on A 5 mltle mhisiriPaultvernte ta tism amit-r tise tooitcis' me fta svry risrmice pitore of:' ORSES-i Bay Geidinf. t pro. aid; LIVOiGSTONE OIL BLANER *tiscm' il Tisas. 1: 6-1i0t. Tisase misalise- i 1Bay Gatdtnf, sged. INS2A.LLED ANM> SRVIC ,Fiat or Pitched ievd tiren thielot witis Paulf COWS--llted Durisam Cow, bred pet.onndeaimtaf ouraf is soiety cf tiser Cisistians. Buti Marris 28; 1iR(Ard amCcm, red PIONER FEKUS tiseiogoapdierousadedovisicoraifmtie Aprii 21 Red Durhacm 0c, brai, EEN atagspen Tisesativis ion acf 5lto My 10; t Red Durarsm m w, ised EM - r unio lnThesalnic; uionofse- May 17; t Roan Duriam 0cm. irad - Juat Write or Phonoetianars division brtmaen beienero and 1Jane 21; t Bue Durhsam 0cm, iscot'1 tise %vrtd. Poulsa sunnass arouoed tisa Juce 24; 1 Rom Durisam 0cm, sscd' env oftheJew: eerysu tis'ulJane 22; t1.latnay ond DurissmsC-ti. j1 R prahrmut expet ta e isacld Sp' iseitJune 5; t1fBlacisHostein Ca::, R eS A D M IIcKEOWN sprersncr e a mc tu brcd Juiy 5: 1 Bue part Durham Co, phone 48. ...............j . omalarme. Tac ms muistroisbreal iuiy 10; t Red Durhsam Can:. btilntenano Servie in tisa riarge brasgist sgicst Paul ired Jaiy 15; 1 Bark prt Holstein________________________________ ancd Sitas (v. 61: for no othar maan - 0cm, irvd Aug. 20; i Roasnaiefar- DOWN 56we er dld ai munis ta -tacs tisa rid up- 0cm. irad Jstp 30; 1 pure bred Dur-_________________________________ aedo" ai titis mon Paul. Til1en bous Bull, 1 yr. aId. Rod mgîw installatlong l getnedt-dys peahesw o uelpurpusa mme, ail pYoung, Ughtsln gret nedc-da cfprenisas WtO ostty 4 yesrs aId. tam thisls uptîde domc asd tisug fat STOCKERS. FEEDERS &~ BABY ;isem rlgit aida up. Tisey occased'BEEVES-12 Hreford Steers, sabout' hM toc ot 'soyisg tist tisera ta ai- 900 is.; 13 Durhasm tacrs, about 900 otisar ing. ana Jasas.' Ha 414 atoptat Iis.; 8 Pait Acfos and Herefarda and lt needa t0 b aaid ogaîn and crrcsed, aout tS iis.; 9 Boisp Beevas afIch. opl itros SHEEP - 18. Hamepshisre Emes; 25 Il iseGosel intrias.1 Tises. Lombs; i pure ired Hampasire Ram, 1: 2-8. 1pyaring; a gond, clean proifîr flans. - A nissrnis maosiioned out cf tisa FARH IMPLEMENTI, ETC. - M. W ram matarlal af tis a pgsaf Ties- H. Bindar. 6 ft., isa cem; Conissistt USIIsatonira. ai tisey mare ccava-rted un- F &W 011Bath Mower, 5 f.;FP& W 1% Grain Drill, Il-ise; Tsrntp Dril; t.d o ~dec tisa effective preschisig f Pal 3-section Dra Cutivater, Ccrissistt; iIVl» <el 0(. 1). Aflrtac tiap mre egeseratedi M.H. Dise, 14-plate; Steel Laid Rlter; ..etrjlOfl iy tisa Haty Spirit tisay lioad ccbtp i Set cf Hacrocea, 3-section; Siot lon.tmti nccd trac for Christ (Epis. 4: 22-24). Otigise; Set of Hacroces, 4-section; la Wisrevcr tis anio f <d's savatlon 'Hoy Ranis; MMH. Dise Place, 2 blattes, igsupr.poeef nipac la alowedto wrk ltProdc aste is'n ecsnvartad ta 3 or 4: Hay UflIPC laalioad t mar t poons tia Roe, steel; Single Furrom RWdng saute rassît. Wisat la ceedad ta change Pion. Oiver; 2 Wallcg Plame; "Y people ls cot exnaad ast mtaiai. Stars Ranis; tom steel misaatad W 9- . -àý t 6 9-MTbay caad a oiecr eurt iHeis. 8: 10- on; Ctter; Fannior Mil; Scetea'e, xi IN, M fol,12). Tiis Isvilat makes as Christiana. 2000 lts.; Buggy; Cyclone Seeder; Tini cf tise former pagans of ; ioat Palper« Stoce Boat; Oak Bar- rcls; Cîtern'Pipa; quaatity cf mater Tisessauonira. nom ieitif rompimetel pipes ccd ittingo; WIndmilltHeait by Pal for (1) 'morksa cf faitlis", (2) ccd Wbeet; 044 Sosis; Storm Win- 'taisor ai love", (3) 'patience f baye Iomo; Sitngle Harnssn; Sotcf isras,; on oar Lord Jasas Chisit" (v 3. moontcd Braetîln Harnes. god; Wbp mre tisey tazecaios and faîtis 044 Colltr; large qoont ty of Doncr -an,] (aie Mint; gond Ecclisis Sadt- fui? Berae tisa3' inem tiseir 'et- die; Whisffietrees; 2 Carpentero Baor- on of Ccd." Eterte t ta miat? Rend ing Mnchines; Cisains; quantlty nf Romans 8: 28-34. It means tist Tao; Docaisitrees; Place Siimmars; tbesor atmer palans 0cm iscece îiey Stone Hacis; Bars, Pînks, Wadges,, mre brs f Ccd and tisrefore tise AxeForks, Mcas, etc. Cai BU E L AV eteral cildrn ofGod Jno.1: 1, FUNITUE_2Tables; large ofiB S LE V atenainisidrn f Gt ino.1: 2,Heatar mus ta vn; smsit Coat H-ea- 13 n.3:.1,2;:om 9:8) E th Ids: Washing Machineanatd MILTON To TORONTO aru ffect oth ranah.ng cfte ; Btter Bocet and Print; Haaficf TORONTO To MILTON Gapt( iaoonina v. 5i. t ceas ,ausP miti ssiade and gtasa prIsms; aopll Tes: tiesenait iosaocd fferts. i 6.45 .a. lc 3.10 pais. xi8.45 ai. id 5.40 p:nt - notiln "mord )nyisbttlals npowler. TERMS - Coshisesttiement mitit f80 .s .0pis .0.. b64pn Indeedt Noc e me muld havea lkad ta clrn nday cf saale .05am. b0pm . c 1.50 S.i. cb11.10pan partiipate 1n tist geeat ravivai. Ne cserne as 1it1ltisof prapruet- i,1.5pn .0ia e1.0pn Tisis to tisa cay tise Gospel orisu, Or nenesitatias thtaiseoTea.eOnia sl cebn t a rrredIct tsaatrngsado HINDLEY AND ELLIOTrr, a-4busy es. BtARt is.àH BL c-at. Oily of sic asd Satan, Tise resuite itagat Auctlcnearn. murs assurance." TisaIta acwt e t L. McMltac, Ctecb 1B-23-2 d-I>a0iyex.B, at. ia HeR. 0--S"at. Hiel f-Rot. Oaly. asaurance. Get somte ceaI. and put St______________ ladtIts tise Gospel ta maris. Godi e aita I aprJ;d. Theai Tissilanlan seon de- - BUS CONNECTIONS AT TORONTO FMI veisped lIoasainata. True, thay hit VBdoiedefelTe te learn tisa iard cay, for tbey auf- MIL TON BUFFALO - DETROIT - NORTH BAY VE despite deafneaal The ferad (v. 6. fBt tiscaugis t ail tisOfAA - OTR Aidonatwualcoored Mrsae Jeaus mare aid more, It becainTTWeMNRIA ticoable. lie 7% oz. w t la a revival thot ipilleti ovar lto tise mIN ad Anl U.SA. point& aceit . ei iti t No aurcoundof country. lTh. Gospel intration in yosr oen* homo, coutd do tise semat to-day If Goi oralntment Convemant pecple wculd itetieea t cithIs 11e Electclc aid AritylmeWi«>edn A E R O Fr apep>om. Coveie eai tRam. 1: 16; A. 4: 31; 5: 10- F R SA O trd-naliance. 42). leaiar Weldng o! Ail Typai Ro0und Tnip - TaM hdue ~I HARTNub.D Potible- Equlpmnst TORONTO - '-j NORTE BAT 14 M ERN-AD Contribtions tetise Canadien Tb UFL .8 (J1AA - 888 Kinsg St. EB, Bnfilton ecculcals Asocation tiscougi tise Par- PHONE - M48 DTROI - $121M OTA 171 c-A chasiof Chisltmai seuls may b ted- MILL T-HILTON DERI - $15 alMN M$70 actati framInncarne tix. ________________-Mi__ THE CANADIAN CitAiLPION 'PÀW - opffl*

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