Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MRS. MARY JANE PEMBROKE1 Buelal wsamde l Esergreea Cem- etery on Suaday Sopaomher 22nd, fl Mes. Mary Jase Pemrohe Cosa, seho paaaed aseay Seplemhee l9h OCa hec home le Gira NY. Bore et, Laseslie. Ms. Laesesy hud residcd' as Gica otIhe psss lcCy ers. Ose doufaler, Mes. W. J. OUie and one suan-rhomas hoth oe tIlico sursive. She wsa omomher ai the Catholic Chuesh and he geaseside soi-ire ssii roeduclod hy Father Simith î,l MilIeu FREDERICI< . îEWctc A pramisent Milles business masn and luiser secreCary olit he Mlton' HicS Shosi ord, Frsdî-rek D.1 homowar,7,ed aosinc ilre four Domear,72,dîed OC is Miii Mccclour teen seoeChs ilinos. At he ime he Milton ttîeh Srbssl Board sas oganioed en he 1920s, M. Ceewasean appinied secrelaey. Thal position ho held unil hie e- tiremeatsoeaers ago on ascounC of ilithealth. Keenly isCeesesCd le sporCs, he as a former meseher and playor oa the Toronto Tecumsehs Laceosse tease aed aiso he Hem Yack Shamro. In Iter years ho ewa se active mem- ber ai the ittas Curling Cuh. He coducted aninsueancehbusinesshee a greaC number ofyears. Suevislng besides hiesidaseare four daughters, Mes. Austin Tufford, Milon; Edith and Kaherine, bth at Hamilton and Mes. John H. Allen eit Bullegse and tee gcsndchiMdeon. Mes. D. S. Robersn, Torontoa slI;- tel., alsa sursisse. Father H. B. SmiCh conducCed the fanerai service Thursdsy mocelng. Interment ioloseed la Holy Sepol- eblîre Cemetery, HamilCon. QGEBEC ICpI-PutîulotionofaiQîue- hec City nase nusees 186,6155îes- ons, scordîne Coa arerent ere sithie the Ciy tiseiC. Detiti stipolighta for your sors. Delicate, attractive rhinestone carringa . . - seonderitol value. By Coro, the best IsnOWn nomse in dq% q foason lewellery, fSi Q M. E. MARCHAND PAGE EIGHT Ladlies'Coats Galore Prescntiag a wcatth of distinguisheit tashians. Trimty itced amnd bas styles, with or scthaut bl. Plain spart cauts a nd richty fur tiîsed. Lavcly sinîe coating mate- aIs i lcccs, sbags, tweeds and boucles. AIl wrsely licd ta givecomseort ailtîhraagh the sonter. Sizcs 12 ta 48. Prices $14.95 TO $35.00 Ladies' Suits- t.îîe 1> Newcst Style Sais foîr fltIwcaî lîceqiastnuhjnd uannish tailored stylos. Haaitllytyailiîred etf lichi gradewaattcns. A large slectiîîn ta chocsc tram. Sizes 12 lii 44. lices $9.95 T(t $29.50 Coat Sets for Girls Three.piece Oatfits.fitîrd and box styles, zîppered leggings. Plain and fur trimmed, Cule largo rimmed bonnets. Worm, aCroc- ticc.toaking winterizcd materiots, Numer- oua shades ta choase tram. Sizes 1tota6x. Prîcos $4.95 TO $12.95 Boys' Coat Sets Fîtcd and bos styles. zipper leggings, wiîh cozy helsecîs. Wormls- lined. Sîurdy Hercîngoghaî twecds an4 ploie shudes, Beige Dach Brown und Navy. Chinchillas and blankel claîhs. Sîzes I ta 6x. Prîces $7.95 TO $12.95 j Girls' Coatsj Vey smart sîyling for girls. Boxanad fitlîd styles. Plain and for îrimmed, shags, I b lankrt cloths and tweeds, ail warmly lioed. j sizcs 4 10 filsand 7 ta 14x. Pricesj $8.95 TO$17.95 SHOP HIERE AND SAVE -sa44deaq a4m4.d do4 q<a4 Mo" R4««cdd Milton Dept. Store Open îTlsursday Eveîîings tili 9 pa.. Friday and Saîurday. Sigord with siacere appreciation RCY W. MERRY E. M. READHEAD Notice. oa irthhs. Mrr il sdDm55l, T 1 JJanior Champion; maie - M. C. CLEABONO aeinsssred la thi. ouaas5n5hr, atnw GadCapomi-. ae la .-aei N otice&soc50,,a.dthut ai. heH lt e sey Beaty.Dl A C ON S L dditionasi for nasic. Crd ai 'Tha n. rand CapiSon.-.Dais U T ON S L BOClub Fine Show Case, 4 yeaeo and aver, ln mlk- M. C. Beaty. Featherotone Bras., Jlm FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. ~~~~~akLm At Milton F i Holiands, Misa S. Coehenour, Miss S. Teadrledhv e~e a ta announce the hrth ai a daagh- ___Cas, 4 years and oser, dry-M. C. stroctiono fromt tee, Sanan Eizaabeth, SeptemOor Beaty, Featherstone Bras., Jîse Ml- MES. MARY COOK1E 3Oh, 1946, t Toronto East Generai 58 Jerseys in the Ent&;7 M. C *lanodsW Daviea and Son, Miss S. _ýrWoell by publie asetion at hien Mospital. Reaty was Premtier Exibtor Cohenour. home, situated an No. 24 Highway, MOWARD-Te M. and Ms Thomas Cow 3 years, le milk-W. Davies adjonl g Ospringe on Neson NHoward aC Ms. Roperrys Helalton Jersey Cluh taged her and Son, Miss S. Cochenoor, M. C. MONDAY, OCTOBERE 7t Nuesing Home on Friday, Septem- seventh ansni show oC Milon, os Beaty. omaifaIOUclhtnd her 27, 1946, tains, a riiher anîd Saiurday of lbt wecS. A total ao Cif .I 31;ry lu -îlonC.iilrmencibe oaw100o' k Sad sister toc Kareo and Jimmîy. Mth- Haîson J ers.eys paeadi-d for jailge Heiter, 2 yveolin milS M. C. IORSES -lock Percheron Mare, er and ables doiog fla. Norman Bogga, o 1the iccl knoosc Beaty M. C. Beaty, W. J. Alexander. 14 ycora aid. CeocraI ParoSe Boy RAMSHAW - Mr. aod Mrs. Henry firm of A. Baggs and Sas, Eitgley. W. Helfer, 2 years, dry-Featherotone Mare, 14 yeoea aId. Raseshaîs, tormerty Jesn Coueau, Davies and Son. Paleima. hsdt the Bras.B COWS-Hostele Case, due Dec. 20; wsih ta announce the arrivai Of sioiog aged sallIin Brampton LîghtSenirChm imle - M. C-Bla4h Jrstey omlkig, hred ony heir son, Thomas Henry, on Sep- Voliant, whlch tIsaseanonCtoeSenior BaS; esr Csmt, aisadSn 2; Holstein Cse, miing, hred a ember 201h, C46, te Milton Private -JBsyrsee .Dve n o.Jn 2 aseaCw ihshe Hospital. Brother for Chels and and Grand Champlanship for MaIes. Helfer, senior yesrllng-Jise Hal- an Jane 22; Hostein Case, iiking, Feene. M. C. Beaty of Mlons,sean thet Jun- lands, Jlm Noiisnds, M. C. Beaty M. herd ail July 7; HolsCein Cose, selîklo, ior Clsompoship- for Mles on hlis C. Beay, W. Davies and Sas, W. J. heed os Jiiiy 14; Holstein Case, seliS winnng enir bul clfLindle as-ing, hred Aug. 4; Jersey Case, milking, DU slso eio alct, îdt a.Alesander. 11e:lHostein 1Heier, 8 seontho old; ________________________il Flash. Bealy ase on- the Female Hefer, Junior yearlng - M. C. Hastrin Helfer, 3 maths aid. DEWAR-In Milon an Manday, Sep- Grand Champîonslîip as hîs selOOlof Beats, W. Docles and Sos, W. Doctes POULTRY- 150 Leghorn Pallets. tembr 30h, 946,Freeri D.tisa year aid, Liodale Descasis Day- ond Sos, Miss S. Cchenoar. Miss S. laylaf IHeodricha stralol; 75 Leghorn Dewaseher301h. 146,Frdo erie D.dresos 2nd ihDaisg ing thc Caclîrnoar Tom Aldeesan. Pallele, Ihre and a hall mantho aid. DeMar helaved nshsn3d aI H Rele 04.nis iing3avies cfeseir af-M eCi .2 vsasg Leehors Cachorele. Heseece Slas hs elb 3a. l, Hur clr o .C el. FARM 1MP1.EMENTS,ET,-M Mse Qis, hi 7rdyee. onraasSalats els. Fethertase Bras. M. C. Beaty, Jse H. Bledri-. 7 fit. rat, n le goETC M. Ia the oele Gel of Sire Claus, Fea- Hllaeds, Miss S Coliesoar, W. Day- pale; I1.C ecoMtita Moseer. 5 fi. .,crleeBas, of Oohille woan on les and Son. uiii;Cai-hahull 10 f1. Rahe: 1HC. TT- - LJevilLes - hocGeet fSlver Spelef April Kin?,. Gfril-. Jaeio a cR-W. aies oenl dise Ferlillezer Drill; M. H. Taeeip- a-hile M. C. Bely ssvo the jueiorrgellSoe, M. C. Beaiy, Fealherslaee Bras., q oiser, a ilh tecfliler llnchitiet:M. on te enry f Brmptn Bail W Daies nd on, . H.Devin PCT. piec Toolli Calivaor; 4-scrtIbe -Fiee Pros-ctolasWcek, October 6 o i eî iBsîla ui vDslsse oW .Dsi. ttirra-s: M. Ti.2-rose Crs Cultivai- ta 121. The local Fiee Ccpalmîil Wî,rd Tue T. Salue Special Cr the .Junior aimSnpion>. ýimIe M.C or:; tIil Blles-; Siegle bSoufflrc: M. ailI saehe heir anaal inspecian Champion (letwlas. won hy thealalle" Hesly. TT. ise fr rcîîlcî; Chstha nselec durieg Ihul oeS. enr. GaCh-a piîlon, liîals- M. C miii; PlirsbScalpss:Ils Lovai Jr. lM.Aa rwe fVnov ias niHollaîldi of Oubsille iaîîîedthie BelY. rase Oearso: T Tsivio Pîlger; Me bsCra-ly a Vnesa-tPragcny of danî clasand aseaaecared Dpens Cel-î,l-blî c Fîatlîeslîîe CalTes llîe 11- CPalaIsdîcer;iI edilr and letrer is aa spOisSiilfhe ieran anît Co. Spcciol ascoîs- BHcss M. C. Bcsly. Pints: Ltrzebioebcqreîs-.ach- Hiieis- loue with Canadien Clabsein caulecu - i-l ai thilanasa, Junior i-a-b-- M. C. Beal Y, Waese and Nov: Calie;: binap Canada and ailhe the speakerOai 1M. C. Beatilo soagaiathetfore 'W Csiesseand oW. J.Alesander. bliehs ailh liCforse; sel ci Tean the Womes's Caaiaa Cin e cl ei ohlhthe seioc and janior herd Chaio (-Pis t~-sf-SireoM. C. Bealy. lt'rscsRs Cdîl Collors. er.: 20 rw oher. Cotempoay CaoadiaPolcy clsesand aaiseothe wis-ior of PoeeeoffCam - Jim Holseds oTrips 40rndslng:ecFehs. Hoei. Is the ssject M. Crasley sell dis-1teRbe îyssSeil frFealheeslaee Brai., W. Havies sasd hoveto and siher artirles asualîs ai- runs. He is said ta ho a speaker '*i 2,ceismaesCiaa2al Champian Herd. Son, tise Hllands, Miss S. Caches-1 Mikwth lfholone. lecîrl moIne foe sit and discerment. Theseaseeeof r Miss SCocheoaur. , ccrieThi mac.hinecoas neoseIn Millon and vcieîly wohwsish ta hese Cîther asards scre as tllaiss: Junior Herd--M. C. Bealy. ise GaI- .iano;Milh Pelle. bîraleers. e. the finesere ut lectures plaseed for &Bull:ý2.. 2pusaesn1 W. liseils, . W Cavieand Sue, Ms . TERMS: CASH the lti and sinter shauld ake ot&Sas em. Cocheeoae. No roservo. The uinad e dalh if memhership nas.&Senior Champione.male-W. avies Senior pted -M. C. Haîy.Fetho. Mes Cochs sn. Cavî Cob ____________ &Sue.soreoBras. W. Caclo a .ueJi.e -HINCIEY & ELLIO7rr, Bail,,ycarlîegH Fsîor- oeBras. Glloeds. Miss S Caeenu= . B Auriaseers Couneil aînd Leoriu kv-e . .______MilonChmpon_______CBet .Senior Bull Clt-M. C. Boaly, Mil. Coner egadlasto; W.' J Alesondêr. GeorgeCases VANCOUVER iCPI Os the groued Liease of Arena ton; irull.Cail M. CX Batr dn hgleosead esaiede to as A. H. Deforest tCsnttnued fromt Page One) Tam Aldeeson. Hrehy; Jse Hollands, lsrge seords for parents a trader- - CahsîIllo W. Havies and Son. Pater- stand. Vancouvser Sehoot Board deid- a lata servie? the ton udequaloly. ca). ed recosily la hase thema eoisod. TAX I SERVICE M. G. OLeary and Mes. A Arm- -____________ strong aI the Leglas oece lreset a _A__l__________________ _______________________ iscissu seth the Couacîl the pcapased j AlPaees ul nae ortser sith Councl and a numher HAIRDRESSING Fr nworth 24 No Tnp To Lon of clauses wcre changed a Itie salis- In LaIet Styles faction f hose prseel. The Counecîl N5 5 .' I Vase Prmnen YuPatronaePleasee agreed ta chunges hieg made and the NMetMtus emnn vein iorials propasedl rentaI isas ehanfed ta $750 Waving ýl PHONE 218 MILTON a year. plus a share it the pofits Ail Lines ai Besuly Culturee rcachod a certain amasel. The draft Monumeni& ai Moderato Prkma hs la Se mode aut Sca scih the CEMETERY LETrERING changes sa h01 thc Lrgîae Casemillee ELLIOI'fBEAUTY SHOP rauld riec hia mater alte et Phoe6JfrAppontmeela Legian meeing tue discusson.As A . N.ELLIOtT Fios aRd. ai 2nerrp yel. na loaso has een sîgeed. M. andaîl, ire crlii oihea G (UELPaI, ONT, the mater ai laieg on firesen h hail enlisled and hase rcoladIL Milan. Atful higade is ________ CO/ ords attheopeoesttise Th e at-_____________________ tee wso]PetCfor the Fiee Brie ta: ___________________________________ M. Naseeey roqaeslod tC Ihe Caucsel sI10Ot et ofa t ane t tI aliose hlm more roase athîs proet. hIk o à The Coueril rejecedîthe propoa sI T M A sutd spil theoaliher ltfrild ing puepases. The d4 tos afHalton Agricltualo Society sish te thani. TSIUISDAY, O=TOBR 3rd, 18»M A Conmplete Eye Service AT C. GRIMWOOD, JeweUer MAIN STREET - MILTON - PHONE 113 EVERY THURSDAY Oue Service SocIodes: *EYE EXAMINATIONS * LASSES FITTED *MODERN LENS LABORATORY *CONTACT LENSES *FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE Cail at Above Addreos or Phone for an APpolntment PREPARING. FOR CHRISTMAS From 00W until Deceseher 25th we arcenedeavoring ta pur- chose giftware planned 10 atîract Christmas tradte. Many itenîs are pracîically unohîainahle, oîhers are in very short supply, heoce we soggesî yoî porchase wheo yo sec an article sehich appeals. Merchandise displayed 10-day may beot of atock t o-morrose. Owing 10 these circostsînces we saggesî you Cake advant- age of oor Christmas Lay-Away Plan. ASK ABOUT IT AT Norring ton's Coiifertioîîery and Gift Shop PHONE 14 - MILTON ~T WEEK! ILTON DEPT STORE i

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