Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 3 Oct 1946, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, 3846 Prarvn hePa U.EU*MaUMMU*MUUàUUUUUUU Business Directory n i; m,~~~~~~~- ~Rotent excavations of Indian villages in the vic-P l y r_____________ MILTON, ONTARIO ing thse attention of archaeologists and people gener. P.bli.h.d Ence Ths.day Ahteoonaal>' an early lite in Canada. The discoveries wilI SEE AND REAR TRIS DE LUXE DRL C. I. STEVENSON Authoei.ed a. ..aemdl..et .s eu otOfice Dprtmait. throw more light on a period of histor>' about which 4 F FE WO DIIIID LP>-l.D.,d 8uogaon . COttawa comparativel>' htte is known because surviving re- * E WO V M D LPhne 2wand Suro UntStaeSc PTiON onaT nle opieae c.ta jold crsare ,el and at timon inaccurate. Reconstruct- M Beautiful Tone and Plenty of Volume, Complote witbhneHuaaa-9an;13'- . and aaaoddresa.a..held leha osen ohen chaget ng hitory fro ruin8.i0a9painnking-tak7and:a odr-a la riqa.ated. NTreTb mlfe-oRdo R Coroner, C.P.R. and Goal Surgeon ADVEOTIINC, RATES-On application anod sa.ia bet lacks mucb of te detail a writton account could Meur in vaai-um. ,aaahCadinga. furnisb. 0 e 0 *DR.G. E.SYER AIhe5eretr,,aeei el e tokee te ild hs ititswl rw*Physalan ad Surgeaa 'T15e Czioaepîedertiitel i. . a ... ve.n sa, teedsrcswl rom ccv on da on hecnlest,,dig lîee.efi ii Cont bceiaila e foay osas>'visitr D I M mcm ete o onrtea-Office-James Street Cr_ ndy,;,vets et bliieed heceaander . trs wo co bodirNErdto6aconratean-No. 38u .tiii..a tis, ad ,tie,nti ed t tedinhoa.in ba.ya swer for the troquent question "Wbat in there o o, sec O POE37 hnoN. te detai seran d eted t teee.Chsattampo uiness0: R Jeaam ilton 0Office Houra: 9 arn.; 1-3. 7-8.30 p.r ofie meeanti o byth nio :ae a d l tissuherrr n pour town ?" Al places are not fortunato onough Saes and Service - Radio and Roane Appiancea :Coroner - MO. Cale it naoceimse ceted s oret eaeected ho Tthe Chant- to bave the nations pant uneartbed at thir doars,*- tnia ibility .haill Ct eceaed amis. opeortin etfM PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PUBILIC SCROOL> ______________ ýhtis ,rsie ceatt aceisdveeti.enent atisa paýtc csaint bat man>' bave tbir spots of istoria anterest volt bytiec ed err- a c,~ te th. w.nisel aace ocaeeib rmnns ans IE&DC .aeh daC,ti.Cenet. and rmnnlmakdDIK& IC G. AnLOr r5tLLS. Edtne Perbaps on old fort recalîs the days cf frantier - W. L DOCK, K.C. BuiO ffice0W nneet-î fights with tbe Indians or thse rivatries of old trad- ( Coutl Crown Attorney) t anSreMlo ng componies; some monument cammamorates an KENNETH Y DICE, B.A. incident in tbe war cf 1812-14 or territar>' formovi>' ('ICom pany Leflgh Court Hoase lpo- 4 Mlton Ne.n isut hbtween Canada and the United States; (.I e i hBriTerne L large cities ereet statues .1 tbeir foanders; the wbhote basin af tbe St. Lawrence River bas tbc mark- OLGA POCARONTAS - COKE T. A. HUTCRINSON E D IT O R IA L of istor>' and buntan interent stamped opon it. CAVALIER STOKER Iarrlter, Solcitor, Etc. Ail tis saands romaotic and it iv romantic. Bal Office-NesO Doar Champion Offc Main Street-Milton Tbe Nevpaper-Public Servant ever>' pince where pioneers broke gronnd for sttle-' FOR FREEDOM PROM WORRY INSTAL A Telephose 54 Octaher -, 1946. bans been set aide os National m nenîs bas a humait stor>' 10 beprc-ervcd. The fighl Newspaper Week. Il is mot itting tbat a ima blle for sorvisal in thc backvoods antd on tbe prairies,,, GEORGE E. ELLIOTT st aside for tbe nevnpaper to rcnind tbe public of tbrev mb orelief dccd-s ibat niche gond tiline ad L i~v i g so n eAI S to k erratee Sicltor, NRaon'Pobi tbe services wicb it iv consîantly performing for tbe are reason for local pride. Tbe tacts sboalct bc rc- OR A Office-ln Farmers RBuitding, Mui beneft of tbe commanit>'. corded before liime 51015 tbens ont. Tbe building of! Street, Miltan Too mon>' people accept tber nevnpape r and tbe e cbrb commercial boat, tbe erectian of tbe iret LIVINGSTONE OIL BLRNER epln 7 benoits tl briogs in tbe va>' of information, ardent' . ib te site of tbe iet meeting tu organize localINTLE ADSRICDEVR&H KN support of commanit>' projectn, campaigns for bolier sef.government sboald be appropriatel>' marked and' PIONEER FEEDS LEVEtRed&AaOoutNh goveromeot, and efforts ta imprave tbe general W-ý careful records kIttin tnwn archives 10 vapplelment CEMENT - LIME Suceessara ta fre as the>' ccopt al esthIe tber vital necesities' tbe nocesvarily briefipablie Lble ts. JENeOacoSe & HIARDY af life-toking ilfofr granted h01 those tings hu- The Hisînrical Stes anïd' onuments Board or 1305 Metrolelitan Bldg., Caad pay abi prtinth sletin f mprtn 44 Vctoria St.. Toronto long ta them as a rigbt, wiîhout a realication ofIb Cadapanaigorn the Reecio tfSmpranA D A MS1~ ~ VI Elg. 9131 tact that tree people have sach rigbts mai01> b>' vir-. national and international si, bt* hehitor>' cf I4. . . . . lha tue of their constant defense b>' the oewvpaper. our country' grovs as mach in lilîle places as in bel- hn 8N ht ' DENTAL ter known centres. What is nar tovo daing 10 pre- 'The slogan sot National Newspaper Week in 194 ' erve and pablicize the histary of ils area? D.G .KN ns 'A Free Pres-Voice of Freedom, Guardian of DENTAL SURGEON Liberty'. No other single instrument iv vo apîl>' Office ln Royal Building, Mltoi namod. 'World War Il might veli banc heen avoided $eaHauru-0-5. Eveins a y AppoInti bad al the peopirs of the vceid had the newvpapev The Slaughter of the Innocents X-Ray Service Telephane 197 as a Voice of Freedom, Gordian of Liberty. Worl.t Yen, one might almosi comte te that conclusion War 111 ma>' he prevented tbvoagh that self-vante afler studying the record of loss cf lite of children DR. F. E. BABCOCK mesos. b>' lire as contained in the Stotistical Report of FireI DENTAL SURGRION Losses in Canada, 1945, prcpared hy the Dominion àOfficeeavec Princess Theatre Pire Cnm issone. 1 o ight App aintmests may se arrong Our Conviction and Expression Il s 001 impiied that parents deiberateiy slaagb-' X-Otay Seevce-Gan Extraction W e a r e o v e > t a n o t e t h a t M ti lt o n B r a n c . b o f t h e t e r t h e i r c h l d e n i n bi s 'a , b t t h e r e s l s a r e t h e s "H r s O f IT e p h e i Canadian Legion is again making application forsae We find that over th e len year teriod. 1936-1 permoissionn 0 sel heer on the Legion premises in the 1945, .1,231 cid ren hase losI lbcîr lives Sp ire a nD.-Tons commanit>'. We va>' vaara sore>' hrcaace wa bava noted dovo tbroagh the pears thLefefeat on splendid arganicatîoîn vhicb the introdactionsontliqiior bas made whether ils sala is iegaiîeed or onofficial and va woatd regret to sec sacs appro tîsso fineaon rrgani!- ation as the Legion wiîh ils spiîýndid t ceord for a- sistance botb 10 comrades and cemmonit>' down tbroagh the >ears. Canada. In 1945, 146 salfeved Iis cruel tata.1 Twenty.ona dieu when their homes cauigbt ire in the absence of their purnts. Tan diad a,, 15e resait iof piaying vith mtatches. Savon acre harrît 10 deatis wbcn lIseur cioîhuîîg îgnited from stoses. EigIsI ra ccinad fatal burns wbcn gasolîn a va- asd tii ligit the ira and tourteeti shan kerosetia vas sistilarly ased. Forîcan ded when trappcd iii barîîîog Silui s-c w a'd' ha cmore bsoitead Ls suffcaf,,tion.cAdi We do not heliava. ither Ihe interenca that s50flli"'i tHe --- -UUDyhl(KUUI gbblOCtl)f.ý1 take vben permission for sala iv soagbl, Ibat eîorns- tes inada a>'. ntnesoui tetoalo lý ed oldiers ave as o wbole so deepi>' interesîrd in Whnmarctde epsîsheprop. Ii Slahi selling and convuming inloicaing beveragas. of the Inonocents"- ire preven tîînssîs point an ac- Our viewv ma> 'w rong, boltlIbste conviction easing inger 51 the pavants and sa>' ifIha>' badl hans of the editor rot the Champion that the communily, m ove cava fol i wîîbire, if 15e>' bsd îaogbt their the e-serviceman and the Legion wiii e baller if the ciidren the lemenlar>' prîncîpias of ire preven tion '. Liquor Control Board refuses ta grant the permissint if t5e>' hado't geine outl and laf itutIle cbidven alose roqoested. We epresent no gvoap, or individoal.i. -in tact, if tbe>' bod applied plain common aense or but sîmpi>' state 00v conviction as one vhn iv inter- bad fulfiiied their revponsihiities as parents shouId eted in the promotion oftIhe hesl inlersîs of Miltons- most of Ibeve eidren voald hune heen live',) rnd district or an>' olbav commanil>'in Ontario.' da>'. Granted Ibal "accidents viii bappen in t5e havi __________________regailad tcmiiev', there iv no need loy Iis appal- ling ioss of le among helpless chitdrnýn. Let as hope Nons What Dûo You Think Ibat Canadian faîbers and mothers viii awakess li A vabscrîber vbo vanîs s 05 0gaess is nome, sn: thai rrespîtssîbilîis and pat a stop t0 Iis mavcb of repi>' 10 an editoial nota vbich ecentli> appearc-d dealb. tare-t l, 1he remedpis in >oar banis! n Iis cotomo. ends os o clipping ha bad on file ___________ wbicb appearad in o farmers magazine. If is hcaded, This armer iv Hord 10 Pleasa" and va are qile EI)ITORIAL NOTES nove the incident didn'l bappen in Ontario. Bot_____ have iv the item o0v eader askv os te, rcpnbtisb in W sliîpped back te Standard Timc- îon Sond.iu' e' r editoriats. acd sîcce practisa makes perfect il scecos the change "'To prove Ihal is ifes charges of croall>' aîdr created iess confusion h00 soal Ibis pear. incompatahilil>' ara vithoal justification a defendant ___________ ta a divorce vit aI a coant>' seat bold fiends of bus onusuat kindnevs b oand conideration for is vite. Ho vciled tht ener>' nigbl driof the recent cold opel ho had rougbt the oo in and stond if b>' thu fireplaco vo that the cold bondIe vould not chili bis vifo's bandv vhen s5e caf the breakfast vood. He exhibilod their store bill wbre ho had attoved her 25 cents vorth of 500p over>' tbvee veeks and rocail- ed that ho had hbatced" for thre pors bfore be vas rnrriod the lat timo and that 25 cents vIs more than ho badl spent for snap in the entire fhree years. A year ago wben she had threatened f0 beave hlmt unIons ho quit tobacco ho had advanced ber $150 for a 00w drons to vin fier bock. To bumor her vhims. ho had consented that the dogs ho oxciuded from th. fireplace room oocopt on the coldoat aigIsîs. Wboît bis vite vas laid up last sommer b>' a fait tram the ha>' vago, ho badl miikod the covs imslf and takon the boo and kept the gardon free of woody. Ho bopos bis 00sf vife viii ho more appreciativeo cf kindness.' The item in our columo vhich rnaght forth Iis cipping vas "No vomon, says a philosopher, eau>' makes a fool ouI of a mon, but she sure tan fine him an opportunit>' 10 donelop bis natural capaiies." Maybe the philosopher vas rigbt. basehallimelîgbl Iis pear. esI iof loch 10 bem is Iheir future fanes atnd va hope wvilb cnev>onc aise the provincial championship. Professor L. Jostyn Rogers, provincial, anal>'sî. speakiof at Guelph the other eveniof said that liquisv vas the chief contrihating factor in at bonIt 50 pe.' cent of major highvo>' accidents. Murder deaths in Ontario are as nothing cornparod to the numbor (of highwap deatbs due ta liqoor. Professor Rogers tld his audience a driver vhs had consumed oni>' a pint of beer sbould not drive a molor vehicle. The anuol Milton Pair bas corne and fane again for unother >eav. The fine veather, cospted vith the splendid repulation tf the Coant>' osent made the attendance a record. The inet>'-fouvth Pair viii go dovn in hinlor>' as onoîher achienetoont in the on- couragement of agriculture and the praduets ost home and gardons. Officers and divaclors ma>' oli ha, pleased with the vuccens and vpovved on 10 make Mit- ton Pair enen btter in the years that 10110v. soUp ae 2 TtNoI l7C * 0 Sai SEEF SEOTH 2,-tise 8c 9 BEEF NOODLE 2-ei. 7oc ASPARAGUJS SOUP egoq GREEN PEA soup Mee AYLMER ONION soup z2aqc eNnooAo MUFFETS 2 ona 17C1 PEAS CORN FLAKES -e-.s 2 Pe.. i c sNt e -x PUFFE» W1UEAT ses...a. e 7c JELL-O CUSTAR55Dae&n go a2 "..29pe oxo CUBES APaon aRINr lot, An»2C BIRAN FOODS LO 15e Tese7 WAX 1e 7 =ltN 30fl!IeQ - T. -siiaaa, se..cisa WOODBUol'8 O AC 39a. 23. 5O AMPBEL MvORT bAp a .,.q.a PASTtSO CRIBCO ornu KGaZE: OL D-rliCLANEIl7N [ P LOUK I @MSI N DeeReAN.aTIN 25 . t LO COWAN'acS cA 1t. O4a da oAa-2 0 ILOLD ME.TC N.ceaa (La PROOSOeu cn as MAP WAX BOANS à TIs. 27. ALEBOTS N steOa PRUNE NECTAR note CALIPORNIA GRAPES 2 lhs. for 35C CANADIAN GRAPES-BLIJE 6 QuaurtBasketl. 55C CAULIPLOWER-LARGE HEADS C Eacb O CELERY-LARGE STALKS 2 for25 ONIONS-COOKING 3 lhs. for 17c lie an g9ed 65W 33rd Vear of Peaetlee *V Lady Attendant Mas., Tacs., Fni.. 2-5 p.m. Wcd.. Sot., 2-5 aod 8-S p.m. Cloned Tharada>' IOve Dominion Store, Georgetown Phsone1510W ALEC PUDWELL TeacisrorfaiVolee, Fiaoo, Dega. Elceation aod Sisoary ai Muic Bos 412 matou Telephane 398W OPTOCAL H. C. LAIRD, R.O. OPTOMERTaST - OPTICIAN Mlton-Tiusueda>' Aflernoons and Evenines Fer Appinitment Phone Marehaids-56 Eyen Examinad -Lasses Praserihed TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFOC RA1LWAY STANDARD TIldE Going East-7.27 a.m., daily; 202 - .,doit>'; 8.40 p.m., daily excêltt Saoda>'. t;aicg West-9.00 a.m., daily titag); 6.28 p.. dail>'; 1247 arn., doit>' ea- cept Saiiday itiagi. SUNDAY Coing East-7.27 a.m.; 2.02 p.0 9.17 lins Going West-.00 a.m. itiso); 6.28 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Gine Soati, 7.30 p.rn. Gine Rorth"-8.09 ar. Sa A. FAY Phane 205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Main St. - Milton, Ont. Milton Hospital (Private) VISITING HOUICS 2.30 p.rn. ta, 4.00 p.rn. 7.00 p.m. ta 8.30 p.. (No Chldrea under 12) RATES IN AUVANCE Semi-Private - 83.50 Prîvate-- - - $5:00 PHONE 216 - MILTON PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION MiURSDAY, OCTOBER 3rd, IM 1.

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