Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Sep 1946, p. 6

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z B F in cE x a] ci tr tt r( M ti w IC ici IP p fi Ic ti p a tg ti p t r t c r r tr r c IRITIN XPEDTES MiniuinSalaiesSEEK ALTERNATIVE ARM MECIIANIZATION MnmmSlre FOR SURPLUS RICE LONDON (CPl-Mdsling haste wîîh Low For Teachers THE WEE nechanlation o agriculture, a pro- - CANBERRA CPi-Overproducton !eon encouraged by war, the United Starting Wage for Toronto Women A ffANA trice ln Austraia ha, et estab- 'Ungdomt produced 13,298 agritultur- Lower Than in Rural Sehoola1AT OTTAWAFI li shment ut the Faikiner Memorial ià tractors in the first hait o 1946 t heii station te determine what ther ompared oitîn 10,029 la ail 1938. TORONTO (CPI-This capital city ~ Af66 cropa are adaptahle dor a pro- In addition, 6,710 marktet gardon ot Ontario legs behind ail rurai doton on duicelnods Oai have heen ru tos wro prodocoti againt 600 in chonin and 18 niher Ontario citles In t ooded tor ia mootha nf the yeac [938. the aîarîîîng aîary îî ottern womon store the 1930's. Tracior production hoomed during trichera b in t publiec chonin. OTTAWA, (CPI The cry oi a hon- The station, ln the Donilîquin dia- ýh war yonrs 15,600 ln 1939; 19,000 The minimum satary in the rora gry worid for wheat apparentiy in ah- trict ut New South Wales, mon et ni 1940; 24.000 in 1941: 27,000 ln sc'iohoa n on Oed vit $1.200 lyouunielu Se nsuere i n the cropu hceing up ecuse the rire crop la mueS [942: 25.000 in 1943 anon 23,000 ln the Ontariu Deprîmeol ni Edocot- ba,rest throughuut Canaoda. greoter thlon domentie requirements L914and 19-1. io. That vIistfle slry offcrnedlu , ieekin(, iua,iiut nuimal, 0and the expert mrktctruîd onlyyl Producti,olofai,,t), tica, \lploWS t,,aiifi tahr noo,, 'uînto aac1 î, ire r î,onn ion B,- lid h I aing Ilia roieat beîuw cool ,ose lronc 5,160in11381te 12,82 Ibutticiiee oacrd o aducation euleon S,,c'sîuoics forcisa wo hIeat ropI fpoucin 1945 and 9,000 in the six mottsofofufttheo$1000ooiicosl-ut-lving b- tor ail Canda Oc 440,567,000 toahols. Eaciy culerimcnsIndicale that thin yrur. Four combitne torevstelOOnnou eanmirried touchera, leaving Ths compares ilh the 1945 copauof Tpnese millet and cocn are promis- coco poduced ln 1943 and 107 in 15cm $1,100. 3050912000 hshein nnd the record ing alternatlives. [945. A srcey y the Woruoo Teachern 92co rdcio f56 8,0 Homo production ot mcm nmachin- Fedierolion ut tiro province shows thîl 1042 cr09 prodnliuo ut 510, 68400 cry min uppemented hby extensive six olher cities Sive a lomor minimum rports fromt Canada andtirlie United tian Tronto: Guelph, Ohawa, Owen Thc bureau estimutrd the avec- In punI yeara lino type ut peuple Sates duing the ma. Sound, Peterburuugh and Woodsloch agc yirtd this year ut 17 tistels an5cmlme ald hones hv - c~~~itt $1,000 and Niagara Falla mllh al- n ,oc ihrIantelo een acive tlc promoling 1he1 HOST OFt CANADIANS $1,050. Four ottier citicanhausre the hune record-trnnnsan esimaled sc- got n developrmen t ofmîoy PAY RETUEN VISIT 1110miiu u msrried 10- crace ut 25,900,000 seeded acren rom- gtu ndhymr mhtonl e - Imen eactencrt Toronto - Northn ird ih 23,414,000 eeded lat year. their communntlr grow in population, REGINA ICP1 A London solicitor Boy, St. Catharinen, Sarnia and SaulI The Prairies witt produre an esim- attract new Industries, obtain more chu playeti huai lu thousautis of Cao- Sic. Marie. sieti 420,000,000 bachein ot the total traite, and develop more prosperity. dian ervicemen 150w Ibrovrsing the Higher than those are: Port AgitSor groin yieid, cumpareti with 282,000,000 Theysove aise morheti tir greater rncetiurc ot ix yearsanad vlotlng Sîs $1,150; Beliville, Chathoo, Fort Wil- a yeur 000, mhie Onario has protior- ativantagen ln the homo tomns. TSey former gocts theouhout the Domi- lam, Cot. Hamilton, Kngston, Kit- cd 16.052,000 hushein ut tait mheai have worhed tirelessly through thir [n. chener, Ottama, Stratforti, Sudbury, compiret i mth 23,414,000 seedeti last organluationn and indivdual contacts. Ronald W. M. Atin, MB.E., enter- Weland and Wlinsr, $1,200; St. yeir. The amoîni of effort anti mrk tainoti 1,350 service-men troco ail Thomas, $1,250; Lontion, $1,300 Cils iccortiing te the Bureaus es-crhicS such people have pot inosucS parts if the muetti durlng the ma. Me But Toronto asS the highesi mani- imate wiii total 411,459,000 SuasheIt romotion efforts asan ean ruly adi- ns rarrylng i guest ook, la whlcS mum utf any city ln the province - tis year comporeti witS 281,596,000 mirahle. Their tSought mas constainîly servicemen signedti or names and $3,300. There isn 10ooti maximumt last year, harley 164206,000 againsi on mhai they couti do toetieveoap anti sdresesos. itShlmng on bsm Canadian for rural choots, any payment Sie- 157,757,000; rye 7,588000 anti tiuaeet iimprove the home tomo. Tliey moutti our. Oae airmanis franc appearu 20 yoi the $1,200 mnlimm Seing a ,742.000 ogaînst 7,593,000. Olten tliSte nrangers anti visitors. tme-a tribute 10 Mr. Atkidas Soa- matter ot negoiation etweon the -tlllng utfte ativantagea afthteir staity. Icacher adthe suhool huard. With iDomnion -provincil ngo-ome community, mitS the Sape thot Mr. Atin Is on a thece mentSt vac- the maximums: $1,600, Cuelph lontions ai a siondtilliince ttc broik pcrhapn somne of these people couti ation anti alihough Sie lantiet 1n early anti WootstocS; $1,700. Sauli Ste. down of theo Dominion-provincial co- Se persuader! to Icate ln tchoseetom- June, soe e S as fourni lit neoosary Marie: $9.750, Port Arhur; $1,800'f, rr etsrn poicsaee-munIies. oe tay anly tice aitSols. Tige Oshawa, Chatam, Fort William, Cait. tertedte sal cpeng proincte se en- nte oeagrla; elt restof he tme e sent ithwar Strtfod an Subur; $1900 u-a o, aeeks tere-open taxation maco- peuple mho thnstuaiti the intoroat st ime triontis. gars Folls, Nort Bay, Sarnia, Bell- 0,ry oin xisenc mten ttceo-otme their home tomn se deeply t Seart, He han leavelleti frnm the eassiville. Kngston, Ktchener, Woodtnich remn a ocue iigth n hyhv copihdm coult 10 Vancoover snd nom is on anti St. Thomas: $2000 Peterborough ornmotmuaunldt gs t oni forev harse coposeimn roule hack 10 Englani. asti St. Coihorîncs; $2.200, Cttawa, ferlri u laces, - e ole $ 2,300, Windsor. 92.100, Hamilon ant i FREEtERes, POSNiY London. [005c rlouvi ns ocli aileopt t lu EHE POISONl.îîocnsoîme agreementolitcui lrgov'- OF DISEASE In s,,oiher carocg lu brvre otf GREE.N FoOI-4IS -ouen, siî e hudigetagreemenut Poison lvy. the Cparimeol ut Nation- 1icar1, IrIce ciclulNDN CP~.0e5vofrn ai Heltnd Ielire pois o01 Imo lur oai f gacu. rota cavgelolo- ulroI 011-0 outoir, un'giions tnp'nationalîplan te lcor toterculosis meant ut osoidint t ectie. In i',s,,icolOdyle1ot ,.,în'ou î n,îauilo.o rom illîocmilkong terds toue oorisveflaiovnchityocuivy,,.nwntolNationacl lallIcand Wclouo 1l0iii,l la l lco(I ncl ,cal,',lil gonesci ftn r ganioions fromnttce e y c res untcoi-c hoult Se î,nhen il.,-Nuition Iîî,sioliofle., îî e pyr- -011 iil l oî l --i-,,on I, lo i tl îî , i grcîiiiîîecmlîstny. of poison 1cr. ocbien,. cîolrned. m100v ý ,,,,,l ion. ,î îioI lccdcl he 1,1. 1l-v,..,,rsi,,lo bloclill anniwd ,,,,,.j (,,I ri coliord, i n uirnreos ru1 Socraout, Thtcon, 0,ilcloll,,oî el,and.,Vita',l,,,îrlcpromotic- o r l.v.î,,,i, of,,ir(- 191,2 ,atirnei.l,,'WalosondlSothwe ctilodOanditç shoulti to-ce ompregoutd irduttce, Il'( , Il, 0,1 o liing,0, --lic iarrivp I, the N,,rO ln itoo.î:,oba, lî-,s,, c loalgh llyoic, lvpSucesoun iii te poson.ltheyopprimenoidvicss tucr- fabri of atllieskin.înporaiofeoicu. oiS e, la-îO theOk îo i,',lIlpro- the oî.,csldsilrkedoutas TB.- ou waushi in o t-coopy ococe., , h b5t..ua.guol,'uaoifrom icoabioiii n oirniOlOiogolilion flr srcts.l Cocplsuyiteslognis ýs :" , lin- I 0l ilriI\ a , oe t i 0n0 1tlire D pom- lo o, t ocutoîd, os Ioas Sers ilh manyrgi e aiilnn.,oie io manycs (ooolnvnunpllt- f i , .l ,,o S c , I slicn es . M ark E e y Grave cilf a n.,IiI,,l,,,,l,-o i11 Mansfacturers of Ditinctive Monuments, Cemetery Lettering, a le î g,,,,u-- a.îl,,a.-li-rinIl Corner Peala and Markers bang lascard pi, . uîi O.-,ele i NoAgents lu botterpo. No Salsmecc Cocci,iaoc la po. A LARGE ASSORTMlENTLN STOCK ee>hn rot mirt o nas I ~BUY DIRECT FROM US lheo 0"-l'o0itl, ci i cIrlle delorî- s O A O ient ooof i fwof lsoi brncches and A Card or Leiler Wîtt Brîng Or Service 1e four Donc vos i ie ,oi rs foiretocd,'î'ior- re.- r1er 29Coiborne St. W. (On Highway> Oakvilje doucol -acoaricdole cter the relorn _______________ - - - - - - - - JOu Resocres Minicir Cîco trnm n t ... tripltlutSe Nrtmcci Territocies anti IleoaltMinisier Ciaonn ronmttc '-.Pris Peace Cooleccoce. PAPER r-CH tiANGES rANDS ~r Record Playe TS :.(,'BOURG, Ont cP)IIeSn-go *SEE AND HEAR TRIS DE LUXE MbtrRncl omrcuo ni M 1opulishe ut the Crlticator Noms. Tino "FLEET OOD" ODEL SlOconel Stna r ason motiy A. R. A- 4"IE WO D"M DE : o* a adCompany outheOsawam Becitiful Toue anti Plcnly ut Volume, Complîl iS *rmsTreTb mlfi-oRdoRqte w : A CTOitI smo osilh *A CT O SA aJfLE. in persan ait Local PHN 376 L ii <0.t, i HO'EtIOtD 1FRNIT5'RF,, Etc. If you did not soi î R. J. HamiltonPHN37:lin Y . îcic'îcbodtisgof M T l, I!nlcciocî'i hv eevdi- ok.rn f * Sale and Service - Radio and Home Appliascea *,Iruitinsc liromto ek * M~~~~~~ MIEs S. TEA'Si>ELton W e -th M PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PUBLIC SCHOOL) l o elt ho Pubic Aucti cccuttoc r rccl- application card *~~d e Kinli Si- 1reeti. Milto, oc: *.MU U.U Mu.. mUu uUUU UU~I iATC5ttAY, SEPTEMBERE 1st Ration Board or theruo00 01olut I 7 olo-niniyour vicinity. .1li ,, iibI uiteO-o. relil g o o e ; 3 îîocîî Paloîl Onol.-; COUNTY 0F HALTON (ic ollof Seicrelrv anît ( ilici, i omblneocd; lurg, n' Wucol - Koîcloinou ' TaleliMulh 4 m,, - 1946 -LOCAL COURTS LALMI>AK - 4 imr t mth:bckrs adCai, I îj.n. i3iils CroS; Single-Sîîl11-i. îoip - /~~~~~Aýicmicccr lot; Iuioiic Mari. 18",. -- nîtin sMillen F..rPiday - n 0 a o 5 o 1) Porc Mini,. lcitia lIons; eliy1- a cts .,,,.T.osde 0 11 s , , elicîri Kîîclla. Vocîot n3aGergton -1 e,lIii.ay d O 1 n Piciul ciiii Jr.mcio;Ecii k AliviisionCourtsCOn at isa.m tandard Tigue to;P nO lcRdicbnt eth nsaer. t 5 ina. 7er. uele(Coo Silemeo alSlice Audi ulCoiina Josic md(ane Acaun., oosine It isuac Tu.' ii-hay utange ic. RtionAdmaSitrgeon lac, ilS anApel de, asof bien Tsir. oedusheo.Nutig u e lemuei nll ot Wp Ored W. LiCE M10;itn CCrd o r No Machientropîa],înrooe fýgIkviIe; 3,Elmer hompsh, seorotown;lier, home.l Citelaingtmi.sn, h ini e y&o hhiaI i. Auciioncrs Couty our an Geera Sssin.,MonaY,3rdlun, p..;W.ndy ontai, ar; C'in areh 14-Tbs Ebecause he H E Sud aashlgt telSe thsalkul fot.5Ore hosaid. He wus def. Andi au hi, doars. or sesed. i. Se fornhissa ie5trd to ehik.ihlosele misd thetîld ii, icaims ofhinefie5ds. Eses tins ofnoîninnînp s S, tmily tllItidotit8 et for ins-ust. I-e .iiin ln..iiern a,,i he sitoff fotril Ia,ngInof .0 i cii(Iren, the Ininscof ni s io eola tio n-ii, eîîuo 1.-d Bitter? Oin'u,ire nos-satl isi phiysiri.s5 rged h osa tiitite tIhe Ar»iani,'nns"Super-I'ower" mujo.r1-f.1hoaing au1. ices oraritt us Arousstimsa today. ehosagaini1 And 555ewtu Isppier. N96mw moethanintsl e Sa fouati mtst ha thougt haSud Iset-hit heisg. Iftysouae tard of herig-nr if yo kow sommasneWoais-te tueta, attesnd this fret dessos- »truti,,, ut tihe Acoastime '"Super. Puscer'tnip.e-, thoeheing &id thutrosnpomise yootmore in cms tara anti sati4iation. The sit-is. ose heuding amIdthan' sat susy to -ry as a sipectale Ciam. If pas cannot attesnd the desan- strutinn plis ta have ose is ynae .-honeJbsStrieephoas the Acoieician ut tIhe ohovo stderesa. itesarc. thers no obligaion -yri it might moin a smo Stfe fir you . . .or fr oit osa ps ou lye le YYos can caran Aoosticot "Super- Pne'Usipso ositînaut eharrseonor shscomafort! ts15,aturl- lored plasticear e pr e and cord amhardly soosie.ahle. Ami ~deise of its trilling 7V2 oz. ueight, it'. a * sy s o c a .iaspectace C ase.ÀAt Hle thecsaieehCri.ng aid is hb-y hit'C ,Cght, hbut the aise, that thettatiots at~ Att abos ut hsse nt Csovaiest Test dseud tss Tosd. in .-m»so Wol' is nd letMnfcue o lcrclHuigAid oa issue new Ration bookis ta conumrs nWho apply aRation Boards or et Ration Branches. Dure your new cial "Distribu- tn inail your ito any Local Ration Branch Bace suenthe geencardi ~ - filled ini completely before mailing, and thatyour name and address are printed. NS will have ta be cleared through the matin office of the -and your new book will bia znailed you as sean as possible. ONTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 Froin 10 anL to 6 p.nLBý 2 ptrong 7ATMILTON INN, MILTON A.ýjr M= Ask for Mr. Armstrong A REAL THANKSGIVING... J THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19th, 19M PAGE Mx THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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