Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 1946, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TI000ISrOAY. SEPT5IMRIIIO lSch. i045 would thus bave 1,100 of them. Actually, il bas 2,700. Politicians bave éntered loto the picture te 04rCaaffabtu O1amptuu secure licenses for their friends. It is alleged that MILTON ONTARIO six syndicates of former racketeers bave gained P.hi.hed Cotte T.rd.y AftrricS control of between 80 and IN0 Detroit bars. Ato,,ird a ond cad ns matitî Puosot c eprm Cleveland reports a similar situation. t has 1,801 Ottwa bars whicb is 355 above its quoto. Men with crim- SUBSCRIPTION RATES--$Se,, e-r tin td8,- isl records get stooges te froot for tbem in order United Sat.,. soadditiostonl. e pt. ie c s. oot t d an . dd ... esho.Id b. eîn.t h.tt meofui te secure a license. A grand jury reperted tbat lie- AIVESTISING RATES-Ont appiation uand ,as ivet enses bave becs sold ilegally for as mucb as $25,000 tnotos . haiheg.. altboug thlie States sels tbem for belweon $400 and Ai1theîîeh e,,ev ,,,uti,, it! hc ten ta aoid $10f(0 o lcuI_Jing that it wi teou t b ibe osi, If remoitto truc that te liquor trude lu its uwn ez n n d,t,,met ppbiihed hee.pnerud e.0 opir t.îsh dcrisemnt is rqes~t inotitiup by vorsI enemy. It fies sot conîrol ilself. If, us bas th dver-tiser and ,etees.d tathe Chtmpion buines ofice dutyse fil, bth advertisead .,th ouche .. been sbown acruas tbe lino, il allows rackeleers and n.sectuon plinuoed iueetig..thecnad inthuit csi ne, e a.td it t creted bTh Chamtp,. criminals lu bondie ils wares, il con expect lu contis- for ibitiy tiali ot ce.d stha tpoporti.. n thnIii ot e _ tt o u .os .th. p... acent d ue under tbe longue ut direpule and taI deceel i. stdo-. u- eh ee.too uidS people will object te ils taclics and support repressise mesures.-Cbesley Enlerprise. G. AIlLOF DILLO. Editue BuinssOffice . .Mai tee. .Mitoun o'a Teeptus. No.= Densocraey'a New Defeisce Germes isduslry lurned ouItlite weepons wicb mode possible tbe bîjîz. Demcrucy's free labur tursed out more and better weapoos. Eut demucrosy is 51111 E D ITO R A L sndesger-berd pressed, Ibis ime, sot by diclelor "Not As t Do Blut As I Say" rucy lu-day industry must sot oniy lors out betlcr Couusy judgcs buve been gruol cd jîcreuses in' veepos but prustice beller ideus. htf salaries ftum $5000 îu $66666. Nowl, if judges wrk- Tbî ideu Ibol iîdustry cure s for people. Tttc ed o 48 buur sek for 52 weeks oite yeur Ibul ils own free will il dunes mure for ils workcrs sn wuuld figure out luoa lilîle osver 66 cnts b ouc. bours and vuges, on sick bienefits and vorkiog cotn- We dont suppuse te icreese wus fgorcd tul w diions tbun ooy radical goseromeol would demuond. in tbe firul pluce. Tite awiile ugo, round iguriugngeTbendcanla rolloourylnprumvurksiterua wilboul considerulion for boucs gave metohers u of aulî t oo cll e elcstct te House ut Communs a yerly itîcreuse of $2000 produce mure gouds thun cither te slase luhur dis- wiichis tas exempt. \Ve are nul riticizittg these, talorsbip ur te soid clcultions ut un cooumîs iscreuses and lbcs muy bc wsd crocd in te wugc scale of lu day. The ojecciunahlc part is te dts- criminution. Thte potnîttat comes home tu te matuitt busin- ess bus'cscr, is bow con a gcscrnmcnl or croup tif mes wito sanction suchi creoses lu te wrkcrs s bi are on teir pupruil sitlin judgmuul un other folks and suy a les-cent increose is sor limit. If cotoful living bus iucreased su ha1 a 10 cent au bour raisc cusers wrkers in nîber fields, il sbould coser tea wage iscreuses of toseuon gosernmenl sage rolls. t Il couud bc reclled lo. thott bssc gocrrtîmcnl wage roll iscreoscs arc patd for hi- ltaxpayer,,s in ti- er lises of business. A drop iscome 1515 ssesc-t mensswould b he Iesomc os oas-cgeic us rc o lthe average workcr. But sumetimes il oppeas opu ru- ments sant lu itccp 100 mony itgero tn otitur people'-. business wbcn titey do nul managc thir ocit uss plnyces 100 sdl. Wc haose nu sunîpatitsfou cîrîkc action but wc scmtîmcs wcndur if titurc suuld f-c muci t srîke action if turs suas toreursa ilrmts it wuge incrcoscs Ifor sersics cprlirmsd. Frîin tilt lii 1945 we beord o lut about uqulilyo0f servicue lut 0cr country. There docsul scout lii bc any god rua ci, for dropping taI procram tn pecstimc. lsdcr te proscnit arrangcmenît te g uscroetutt s cerlaisly nul moking asy bcadwoy in suîîlîng lubur unresl. A witbdruwal from tefiield or a botter coý- ample seem te osly alternaotivs-,luft iurtosus-lis would lead. plus. i The idca that, coco ttt te mtd sl t fprcun t-dqy uncrtaioîics, husinecss whicb wll alwuyc do s%,hat tîorully os right ocs-cr con go wrîttg. lu thi srcspcct, on lact.industry carnhc te pattern for the 51015,- man rathur thon the huIt for his cusîpluinls. Tie idut. manilsy. titut iîtdtîry cao bouet the du- mouds ci ohtw ockcr andJ sustunter--nul jusI thuir ucoumtc tîcudo. \Vurk taI sattsftrs and incptrt as weil as suppotrts thc sur ker. Service s-itih glous the costoiur o hatt Ptuduce aluttu cati t sttpyls lndusîry wiich îîîco-urcs itt prfoîrmntc ho thu-i staodards îcart delund dutoura uS sOuS' illt *gaIu t the tduclcgî.tl attack. New Bîritis Cancer Trealment lits cou a r luial er hui, ,tsii tmad to glu ii thu avags oicancrthii t.isîil cru o ottt et tn,,-îî th tttî uh -îu i îuvttlttt d b\ a sl t Units-J Kitîgdo utît,uitcutt tt is h,.îo, tîttti gutud Ilits lBitisth-ltedricii llutt h thant,t itii,trud htii ptîl-.report cuti J totits-it Il- 1l in juut o-. Ott httsattJcanucer stc tttc r-- dularud ho spuuîaltst, t hasu beurtt-cod. N - claitbto lua cure hasu buurttriade but the ruutîîdc tttt- satd t itttlt.ît ltIsuicttoper uctnt. ilthe sc, ha-su hcnulitud tttd stote hau buun ccc tA the di scas for ittirsti tatitou luorc. Tanglas Take Time Tht other dus 1 waîciud anoli chia r stro-tttg i knols fromt a lîshing lise trosn away ina o bplss EIITORIAL NOTES aogIe ity sonme incom peteul rollur Altur tre____ bours il ws asusgod as ncw. Hu gave il tua oytuug- Mid, trc kustt sîtun bt s u j-ý lLacn ster osn te sîreel. Until I talited îu im 1 culdnt undcrstand a sone mas wasing imne unrasellisg o knolled balcit tf Nus- taI leitsuct wuuk out cuoitttlsout i iiý nylon. Couldo't bc spend is boucs beller c pstt- - siii bc utsg its tse cutintits tf tse terni. point or crocbeting? Tiis is wtaî lite old chop bold me: "Fixing a tasgled ise is mrs ucittng usun tito.tFrcudontîtîtttru- d îî itiit lîsti No yuttitLu .5 fisisg. You know yuu cas do il if you tay t il. Irunîcîttui)i o,iutl. lot cul t amnur î Yuu cant 100e onless you quit. Al pou nuu-d s pot-- I udmit fishiis gond 10. But you must base This it lt îImont of doligitî o:îsîg tîmu o,îd luck as welI t patience. There is nu luck ino unIong- lts se - ' h 0g e hi rcdn g ns ling a ise. JusI ptence. Il's as suascI a sciencs fni os nonh 'Workisg os a fine and fishing are ohItguîd lTe titis tic Hltîtu Ctunty Fair aI Mil tin rîtls truiinîg for unynne stos excîitbe or tends, to rush, arîîund ocamn. lItîsî it trc usuits irittti-itorr Iings. You sau't rusit o haso or o muskelîsinge. And and f-îtttrdtty bit ittopuens ils g;tets 1fîîr vsstît., sanîd if pou get euciîcd witit a langîrd fîshlinc pou jitlthoîr it mrs. sturl al oser. Perbaps tere's somclhing in witthlitsold hboy suys. Ptient folks areo't hors thup're made. Frîtîn ' osmtolt ,o ht i îîtthI r ttii holding a ising rod or d-knîttiug a toce or fron tinthetc ss it fuliitgu-mttd uosry rîîad litltecutr îy saying notiog shen tseoh arp rtor t iucs 5f. i carî,îîof uloîtr oîîd hutiy. Trylsg tb Control Liquor The Militn tsuetilus tic shoittîîstitt tIis îîîwî Despite many ullumpîs, il dues sou-m as is i i ts s o cmiie bil tsmmand bcitsilit, tithe ii g fitr.st:Itti huse pt devscd an effective liquor poicy, ptosiily pucrst o i itti Thuy du orse cru ditufor te gitt because il is a traifis wishis bard lu dual wiîb et- sitîwiîîg ihul ihavemad titis f-car. fectisely. ___________ Ontario bus swung frout open basl1 ttlpî iibitios. tes lu 4.4 beer, andfiînolly lu ieseragu Titose sito wosdured wcit adily oros papers ruums, liquor stores and sowc ocktail brs. Yel sould do foîr beadliirs afler te waq bad su idctî titere is musi t Ibuls wrosg cit uar lîquu esystein. folks could kck 5ut so masy strikes und otitcr Beseruge ruomo rceis discepute, nutlnsy iecause trouitles Oitbîatt sbtisg laI ecsh witb inIent lu kili. ufthIe mised drinkisg bitl lso because of te mess rouma. Nec is our esperience in Onturio usy ditterent Tiis week secspuper edilors nf weekly pupers tban Ibul t oter counes, A reporter for te To- acrnss Canadu are gaterisg in ossual cnventionst resto Globe and Mail bas iteen luoking oser te Halifax, N. S- We pity ourselves sn sol being able lu liquer siuatiosn ite Untied States. TitountryIe attend. Sisse we buse lready visited ha1 citp, be ase bas ils problems. Il was sougblte limil the felI nur lnnger tripstonvent5d5ion5situould be lu number ut saisons on a pupulation basis, and Detroit western Canada. DANCING HUTfoNVLLE PARK EVERY WEDNESDAY STAN PORTCH and I bs 10-place Orchestra SATURDAY EVENING JOHNNY BOYD andI bis 1O-piece Orchtestra Aiflsion - 50e per parson I '--e i CANNING k~ SUGGESTIONS 1 ZINC RINGS'7211 VINEGAR 59C PECTIN 1a'ic Ï. CERTOC ALS OC w PAROWAX 12C JAR RURBERS bc MUSTARD 3 QUAKER OATSPR JAVE rAAL ABLI nn-1- 4« SUPER 800DB ~S 23-nue CAM A y 3 FIVtt ROSEuS PALY40LIVE a2-- e 5* ALL PURPOS OSANT PALMiOLIVE 51Ori23. LO SANS FLUSH i iiiii290 lL Baus OVALTINE CiF(7,BS JUNKET TABLETS a52Cnet S PRUNE NECTAR IIT- 31. LISE FRUIT JUSCE TL .491, P'EÎ »-ý2 M OTHER PARKER'S cuýT;I c.3S COFFF ~ALLB fRTY IX 2e 9C -OXO CUBES îccs23, ISPIC andSPANI AYLMER SART FOODS ns7c L~.220 CHILI CON CARNEnî 24c MACARONI etr SPAGHSETTI r-- e 9c nuseuuisIJELL-0 VUSTARD IN gr BULBS R 0 EST - 4c _________BLOATER FASTE 2 T- ]Lqn KIWI SHOE POLISIJ IN Cî uesIl P TN n le 1SPAGHETTI SAUCE ans 14C l'earites are aI Iheir I>sl. Bit> nos aI lits-prices. 39c 79c PEPPERS, red and gren-Local Prices TOM ATOES 6 qI. ittskci PLUMS. Prime Vriris 6 Itackt . IL90 Business Directory SMDICAL DR. C. E. STEVENSON MD., LM.CC. -Phtysicien antI Suron Phone 2w - X-Ray Office Huera 830-0 a-m-t 1-3 7-9 pn& Coroner,. CP.R. andI Gaol Surgeons DR& G. E. SYER Phtysicient andSurgeCon Ofie-tamnes Street PhoenNe. 30 Office Hsurs: 9 a.m.; 1-3, 7-830 pan. Coroner - MO. LEbOAL DICK & DICK W. L DICK, K.. tCounty Crame Atorney) KENOIETH Y. DICK, BA. Barristers, Snlicitors, Court Houses - Mlton Telephene 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barristeo, Solicettor, Etc. Omînce-Next Deer Chamtpion Office Main Street-Milton TeIt-phete 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Darrbster, Seolteitor, Nolary PublIe Office-te Fermern' Buildisg, Main Sitreet, Mlonn relepttoee 70 LEVER & HOSKIN CStrtereI Accouatants Sucesoes tn JENKINIS & ARADY 105 Metrepoltus ldg., 44 Vitra St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Outrce isRoyal Building, Hilton Heuro 95. Eseniîîss y Appoittm.nt X-ltay tiersvice Teletîhose 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGIEON 1OffWe oser Pîtîtueso Theratre NighttAppoieînîeîîiooiese rrasgeô X-ttuy Serve-Ga;s Estraction isois9t5 u 5 leoilon65w NIEILEEN-Tha Chiropractor JiL DruglSmo,,Theospist j& 371d Year utftiractice fiLadtltiendat Montc., Tues.,Fr., 2-5 .. ALEC PUDWELL reastier et Viee, Fîno, Organ., Elueution and Theury et MunIe Box 402 maLtu TetepOose 398W TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN FACIFIC NAILWAY STANDARD TISE Cjoing Eati727 u.ns., daily; 2,02 tons i douiy, u.40jins., deiîy exeept Stitsdy. î;oîîîc Wrt-9unu o., daily itlag); 6.f20 pm., duîty; 1247 a.m., dily ex- sept 0anttay ltogi. S1JNDAY stotos Eaot--.21 a.mn.; 202 p.m., 9.17 .m. stoîne OVrt-.00 uns. illogi; 6M ve. CANAIJIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Gise Sootti 730 p.m. (tousg Nortit .09 s.m. S. A. FAY Phonusi-205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Mais St. - Milles, Ont, Pollock & Iîighamn MRiàiuttuRnUers of 1110H GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 151 MAIN ST. GALT TELEPSIONE 1048 Milton ilospital iPrivate) VIIITINC. HOURS 230 pm. te 400 p.m. -7.00 pst. te 0.30 p.m. (No Chftdres usder 121 RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Prvate - $350 Privale - - - - 8.00 PHONE 216 - MILTON 3bepusil your savings in an account wiîh us. Tbey will be secure from titeft or otiter form of buss, and will he t ycur disposaI witen and as you wisit. Tite asseIs of a srong bank are beind every doller you deposil ,702 THB ECANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE Milbon Branci-R E. McAndîess, Manager PAGE TWO * THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12th. IUS

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