PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, AUGUST 194IL No1tia1 -t Mll,tbh. Barrisse'l Ind Dlest Pumping Capacit PICKERSGILL-DAVIS - Isa" tir Notce .ao . bou C.a aa o. VT i !~T"WEDDING AT ANGLICAN lnrm Nocti. Card.nd -Thrk a.- TI S~ V LL Waterworks CHURCH IN PORT COLBGRNE DV DOE IlN To Be st.ese Onea s' Anglican Chureh, Port N IA G A~R A~ F A L L S BOBS*dUl Prsi staff W!itt7 otnudfot aeoe Coiborne, decorated with bascets 01o!I L X U SO LAWSN-ToMe. ud Ms. Dsidmuiti-eolored gladiai and whsite byd- AWSoD. o Mo.sany Auguo 5thi Haito rangea vois the ocene of ia weâding ot ltwoon rvteospa, augson Wi- al; NT ro CP)-Tbti long sprell Of ciuded firms ln Toronto, Ha in terest to local and district ceaidants EX US IONth litam Arthur. Hhoto api-bt, dcY weather measit trouble for and Fort Erie. th atrreoestty, when Beryl Isabel, SUND Y AU ST 1t- HUME-A Moe ir srs tbcoughout Nortlsern On- Cousseil voted to leae temte agie fM.adMs hra t a Mr. u t r. a mon S. ýpt Hom e atik fo res raii ssi esread 5 t e lue th in ta lla gin fo heeag a r She b ide s Port Co borna , h - Bus gors aîong scenie route, hal f hour stop at B rock' s ior.aderiy Gor oanOi So. m in-as efrssi wdsra r nIw ttc them onsetalaint ermecS- eth arideo Peter Barber Pick- Monument, Queenston Trip aifords ample tinie tc visit Buf- George Watson. prvico ispsa moecendrtoncr h ,giti, i. Catharines, son of Rev fain and oiber points of onterest. Sec aiso the illumination, A tir? dcsceibcd lis th!rtc in tihe if oh occniieata o o lmis. Ji. W. i'icbc.gîill, Conmpbell- mre brantifut thon coco. PELLETTERtO Mc. and Mes. Geo. Aicomo district in iny yeacs mas glVeco the moatter. IIu lt c i-i. L. Boogli viliciait n Pelletterio actor Witda Pranscri are flain arrosa ttc McFaddeO lomblîrCnnitrrondrsned10aiiecrsnyTCESANuNOttTIN T bappy Soa nnonce the bict ai a' property te the Misissa- ttc coint assesor mas ta, base bis Tebie wb mas given in mer- TCESADIFRAINA el 0mls n io Blind formo ready mittin tbe meet and thon -neb e aI brother for Liada, an Mosiday, Aoc- ga section 1 ie at Assensor F. MeNisen woutd be abte ng yteliemr ta nSt 510 ai Milton Peinais Hopital. River. tamt tr a seoacri en~mgt gomo made tram bier brather's io men more conuler arrent att aeastr oass acon Ste tparachte and lasbned mthaN R I C O S DIEII Hatîhorton sud police saad ihey wnsld ture new sysvnsas sponsored th liatqi bodice and rictiy gattsred tIIITON -PHONE 14 - ay chargesnof faiiîngto put ont aCh aro aonYOO lnt n n mk shirt soîlin __________a__circuler_____train.___ GRAHAM-In Miltn. on Saturday, capice aiftra blaze spîcad ov tcmote ni Thetin anic matnî stîng înalts train. Ttcr aîîtc lotir styteet mut porlird ws e Joly27th, 1946,Loaisa J. Mated, oiiaiiliCeercoîratr nîorcllnOtlaeao eevs aaiideepnprtraitmneottîoe - widm ni te lti Richard Graham, fn hstndSt ilai or o thc Arcn iommiitee toattsilt of Norvat Otario, in toc 8lld Itraten^tIlrrnofIaiur .usied viTii beettaof ni îtn yetiistt Looka 100 mes ta briog ___________________u_____________________________________ MoAirDhOJus 00 itetnilOilmeting îIlle ire nder cnntrni.vs s..wdt ouiir t0 lier trou miii o chapiet ni match- uxMEORII S olders lcom Caîp Harden more, anfîiclaîs picoe u,,i natîrl ot o iog lîielalîni lace. Sire crrird whilte Look, Lihstefl, aiid ]KIe in iiîd rolted ita action to, _ît nt e atm rJ iite oi bisi teipti tie coosi. Mlais t tn Paît Ny' Y r. i PELLETTERIO tn lovine înemory blaze in Maictedast tonship 0500 M____- is. C. 1. Pialrk, iiNw Yeok, ta- of a dear %itoand niotiler MtayParry Souiid but weekend rain re- olrnflioweigylo t- Petteiterin. wî t passed away Aag- s-cnted il tram spreading. There mele Ancet Iron Work 1 uta iii isi wiil long iloso and hostie, Wednesday Afternoon & Evening ust 4ib, 1943. atmo sevra lices in the Rainy River - thes qirier tîngt sireves and a We d arge e. y, oe e o district and a aumber in te Sudbury St aîds Tintie T est walvof illeli niitusle He c trradr a Fodear moy aotrefrmorrea. Fres o-ores t reported ln theîoo ilnv ie t ars lyes tte i drcam. Port Arthur andi Fort Frances diii- bouqîuîet ni gtauteli in pastel stades 00 lp oe ot patoro00 in.600 Year-Old Metal in Cathedittandoliti treat. SU e 14 1 4 beaýris mourn siseet. A oîdesîîccad ti-ovet bas nos !im- Spire StilI in tGood Conditionl Miss Elcaflor Corrîr. Niagara Faits. For riefoftn dwllsý%hee J sel ns iîrîiesmoîd wore ire blo SoUciaa Fo re Gndo -cl otee se l- pnsed by atteciais nf the Otario. -;LSBIY Enin oPndue ialmcr braddrcss and car- Nodty misird and ever i-einenibcrcd Landsaond Foreuis Departmnt as 14 tsAicdUOY Engitel CPIrliad alibeho h bi aei h lalevîrbn adfmiy onshipsin thSu Tirnmins-Cotiriie Illougil origi.îîil wouglit iron-mol irdpsekldnisdbbsbei.o h by aei u -area anda large partn'ofte SdOysi MissOlDianesOldriiWellandui - udburY~~ic lt ra Park Milt60onr odcotnust CAR» 0F TISANES district wers dselaed out ai bods hind nitlisbuiy Catedralis renoncd itower girl. Ste more o ilt 1 Agf __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ i oo iss untit he lire iaad de 4-f001 spire. ni r ir no ti lie r wheo ite octc l t r a oa rce Sail tmai Mm. R. J. Baitey, Me. and Mrs. Fît ri-esed. 10 lcînioree thestructure ithe Iith ilsîsr tî-aîiîss and carrîed a nase- tyt express trie sinere ibants isitî il punis and 2 bulldtozers mers cnoodmd an examinaO lastt m. ion Bilyanplmtyiacmbu pnranm1eteMissthgelos 3Wmn ndSitcetr1s apdt bb FivioOaveFpîomd teSQAUD i ETP 0 SQ ESN ib" a sovn uleîîie, of bimi man. Messcs Ho-ltir odn for the n espressions ai sympaty tîîîîîn lno action and mers atiempt- Trie îîasonry is higlac opusot and heautiiot Itoraitiriboies in tthig1e o îeîsso Iesoti otn itctlr.dîîo c )vii-lIne. Alan Sliorlv. and Williamnaehodn Speciai ibants in docinra and nori- crs biouits aI tir lire ares. Ornerai vouttîng arelîlirri olii a meeting ni Colîe tii-tici rit. Te o stitng music se~ j i tre, ,a s lîinsiin -Su on. n. S. o- n . es ni Miltn and Toronto Eosi Gmn-Ismott metsi ocre iii danger os Fric nd- ofi Satîiesr (allîedral 05Iydh o. 1SMotli ~ ~ n a l e e to orteercd ta gise tinaîl: Rsv. J.Rd- t iy th ine crs leWn-,i--o eiteini pre eb l'îi,,igri- I mon i eeto r n a l e e to deti, Caoadîao Legîo. Ladies Aid of ban RirIb ilars teae talc ben if s-the dîIl-lild iee n stlrr Membi ahl -it tttin ton. iStilvio - Knox Ctarch. United Churct and ai ve.h-1 imbaetitbe i i-ti nl iii nuîi h iir iluI bri rl eeth oh ttasm o-to sa tindty toancd cars. Tempoall1y rtecd. !rvrrotly mîîîtî-lt ire (îiiî-îlOîl Oct- "îtl ' Fu-ldllltai sc li t Ior the service personnel ni the Ward 10 csmmcmorî e -ý. patrisedul iii thîe mliv il,,r original or f iii id e aitei ini a0 gown il andsihiow ibvîr appreciotlon ni' the noble sernies renderesi to For ttc tuile4 rmie in lin hîsiîuuy ttc onîîlinieil naîi lias ouiîl..sird pain,- sIt mUe ini nvilet shlles ln wite, King andi Country in the lot Great War. - ltim.riiynofTolroto toi graiuit, ilcin added eli 1 otaciih l uýi( taire a foîni - reviLles - tains Toi.. tatire, in 1016 andî> Ilieuliv r.1vît uo ~v-i-r ; ria ii tlei siclulimndan ril hil 1929, the niSi.rsiyastoiiad asdro ail cii on ofltire t-aiti-uiei viii. cclliliu ýiul i,,su-ies. and tire -Labor~~~- Dywlbctusrei noletadfiltesi(Illm"li i- ol tlii' liui-ilvuiult. isiîuhoscv' The folluiming prougram milibe carried out on D. S. T. i l adtensrosreoe. J ls le ribuu Ot ltem ar i-- an uc- li ui-iiil co-ursaîge vina Admission fret, tv ait in tte aftrn n -Canada's National Dot foe Thant- gi o lit lit u, Il lit of" I 5l hoiday- basr iten srctn re-n ite 0le iiioiu5t.AONi u-lviuiuitt tc Nte , Iov >lvt30 p.m. RaIl garnis andi sports. Milton AiI-Stots cherio 1to s tee rtanr eDS ovluun.îaot .1 iîn ik ,UTO SAL ., li tii lit icir i lir il it-li vs. CampbottsitiC. aber 4it iia yer. il-., %a r yeurs. soaleul t. 11,0010 AosIO utL k, t .-uî iT i îuîtu 1 ir i- F.4 t1cst trsit11 o iot esns t t -FaIt Fairs are com fn iheoaS tio abis tati GiilCoitttc v-liuntp is-.u i I, 1art t u-tOl AT xl. s. NAt'Ali 1 5-.u-ui vinoc lui-leiiiio if su-îouîu lui-t to th Lou distant future ad Hilton Foie is e'-sîîitosra ai h a r set ta - - NIT1SItI ANS> 11115 SEIIt>L.t> 1 ii r-i iî- un Si -t. iiis Itu-vli, ss rvlic M.i, id r Sa.sonOc.l.Pw ]ated shdldfrSept. 27han 8-I-E<1elS %.trmakwhn icd sué-- uii-iiiit iî,sî Nov lotk Nîîug- i tNIr Iloi Il isM t d ti Slo iai b t u1otad svteduld iar 7tt on 28t otim Inas l mthe mrort in t brut - c. i il Mliraii. N.Y. tli-iutoO niotl Ilsi anquei miii t bc ld un hanse ai thc tomS andi an Page Tins the vcgeto^bte item CarisOoeNe- tsOcl sl Emiae. stiterg-labm Irlinuiii lîîeiiiSi u.iuul. ( alîîu s lii t,,,n s cvi\îo Vi i \adI Tomatars ai ttîli. for 111 mtouidIBCulId ott the i aerelaumd enti MIII BARBASRA 5400»FR Bloc NV ag.r lulls Datyc, e oca o tesie read 'Poiatoes. 5 lis. torc in mnt lu o inni-md espansion ofodCi- 1tuii-tt tm public aoutionu at lier and____ Nl sg al.Ot ct'coct A dance wiii te belli in Town Hotu. Milton, thc iliono1 iseuiitims. Nena de1arimeats tu- lus i t Haliliiiliimttehvn scrdte lit -pceocesr o h -Donna Love of Milton mas amuare heingospeoed and pîsoored and SATIKDIAY, AUGtST 501h SAY' NEW~S RATIONI) cmue augsvis t lim -ic rtse a t rentrerop for the ille of Miss salaries ofi prvirtsrs sue teing in iuiiiinenuuug at 2i00îlST. rte itY PAPER SORTA( evuoiiig. tvc mbîct on admissian ut tOC witi te chargosi 10 non- Lincaln CosOtyOtiapicic of Lia- crmased. Nea tuildings are bcbng foiîîsu 1 o%%RiriIT sevicv personnOel- eoln Cosnty barsers otea tarmeret- tilt and isidestiread cenhîsalilni arc IiNING itUM - -IRE ElitNBUI l lvi iuvinuud e-. « Ptdre the Ram. Mr. Andrews miii antertoin in tisa aftettoon in prta1ttlinilMoreia Suite vistlt- :tilioin (if nepini t sli s-itth mpemersinatrios.PitOlttgyi frgs Mar srtbtimlte bufi. chulina cotinit. lui' vitv. tuiihue bag pipes. appereds 10 DilyStar receaty. sou- availble oîtlî suit more espertrut. lJiii. suite is1 irm fo ii ics., îuîîu v i'NuodlSiv srnemioe.Creodbigyurlnhbsesa A driiorimemi ai Rumian studiosisv1n.ll o 1,,Ntoa u-uunsa.. llîîî-tg Chairs- Pis, e- o vroewlcm.Cm n rn yu uc akt n - _________-- almnut complmte ad a corse dii i- .1- Pull i uit 3trs mus ifi i-ud: 'lit> of F.i-tl 'iiiir v; 15 vl ejyyoste nigv b osara odmlo THEes CHvMPsO Silscsari tii-i Iie iun,,- i Tea and Coffee coni bo purchaaad on tise grounds. THE CHAMPION OFFERS ~~~~~~~A ctanto aiundustrial relations masý ,in amier htad Clst aStiiiil iii i :):;eOii noilil GOSAETEKN NEW SERVICE FOR sped aing the aummer and a I e Ctnd" Be-ot nd'; CI:bitco iis lui-lu îîî, poî sii u LOA DVR1ER rool ai journaism vs un prospect. Plates: ti ns-ari Teaison';I,,we l, ulcbstO n Te 'bigeclats' la sngineering un Dlîîlirs. Talte iiiiin., etc.; liii dloz-a dtlu ilui'il: îi.îuimui o eals o 1190-20 numbered 3110 stodens Tis ea Sîlvýer Des-sert Spous io CI, thé report i cid. _____________________________________ Ta assist 1mcaI adsertIsers O pre- >ath nnergfauywli PARIDOR FtISNITIISE Cosrb: Ciui r:tito ol at parr ttd cagneeritif !uîtm muttuC Wîu-lîr Riuui-ug Ctoirt: Feocel 1,~a itii-utt -i myna n n parg e a mpittons sasas advae fr- 10 imars tham samber muit firsS and Pari Rue. Roi, Mat: Haad Ilîocd liue i- tlil-itlvin filrii r# mei uhsa monhe Campeio tasahue frsccond-year smadests studying am te, agi: Coul oîr Wood iteoter; Purtor- Ibdilstatis ofsthnatt SbJapants nriemy-opsned AjLx dbvsion, ai Sarma-r i amilî nd antique. ' il 00ilditd.theIt usay mot. Atout tai ni this ypse-A vertising »Gets Resuits and lblethstbOso National c-g Be 'SprSDM ingIsE Band n at itlirii avoabl mbtOO adutb0alehr e n leoso.oberiag more A do and is exclusbve for ose montht osnriy remie pr 1u heito- F Sate ita îînds Waato Ruia- - sort advsrtîser nato agrees toouse pe'-reit te Tik Catîos Stuc Blnk ion. Q lît C otuir tonai ahtt ; t moistt's serviee. i '.uC,,O(lattes n' H ai Tooctu d The service lits splsadidty 050o a ". -e:Bý oes rse mîde variety of bnmiaesss First, - -- Rt IIP.N FiINtiIVRE Whte eome. luest served hiii te the order Brîtain Needs Inne Suave: Eteriri lu-ouis on.'ý- oi te attotmsOS. If the service plt Fln-tln. Sulumu' 2 'l proves acceptable we seili arrange fo10e geBos SI-d gliliu lui ler ; o uts eoatiauaOse. We are pteosed lu lUs. ail s.uces Puis tan, be among the fist eely newpap- Coig ttunsils ofil]kihîod ron estprsrtt bs service is, advert- Wouîd Offset Tieatened Animait lu.Hi. etp'- - et(.. iaise ises in paad.ees aousoti tý Fi ullr Ussuus. issunCnd Asatatmnt- Faed Shortisge ;ARDIEN 1101S ETC LONDvON 41' Brluisit Ilu lrs; ii-ýis i n:eu-m lu--sluols; mu,-1 um-ugstru I l oý us e liili is I' i lit'; S'IclIll' Cuyui ll ul - MILTON AND ACTON frontu mvii îîîltv t-ru-al-i-ils- ofi jho,;s La.-1a iltCitanAl GIRLS PLAY CLiIIîîuîe iinpî îvmlmîm TENt: ASTI I GAME ON MONI)AY Isl5if mm"i 'lmig stvlttlltis iiiîit Il NIIn iN Tl, mît. iul ri niu vils ' th i-inIIg i_______________ Msnmlay. Aagasl t h lii li o. MI. uttiii i-ii. ttc Avii to nd M ilo i ils ssiiliull vý It- Nrth-immuv so.,, tit gaine gît (,r ths waa 15 amis mi lmsv iii. ý iiiiiis mtlu o ii gomcntttlralill At u,' ril et i i ici iaîmin i ilui., F r w th the 2nd inaings Hilton girls mu-mu': ioniti (u,.>l Fasmivumv leadingtby 3 eunt. Acton viril tisre ul.i-0iîi lutu lcv [cmii -.- -1ejiiorials .soe untc Pimi. Mtilton toiv hSie 11htl Atimumu-nimimliii y 611110 lie îuad gino butt Amtsuied oami in fain Il,,'î sil -u.îî oî i tard tut Miltas vers tire nimiot mîtil Monuent lii tolunt ait lit s sano ear. iingdorin re n m-vrsî tro. isil)ly (1111. CEMETERY LETTERING Fverysam pisyrd a goti 9-e s lIillieuisrtIigss. Ttere mere no tomne runa bit bat ton utec minisîuv suggested ui îcuîîs puayers ceacte4 3rub, Crois oS ActoO sio croui lits iunipo. oye anit tortey Mtorts Rd. st Ceasatery and Evas, Multin. foe SsII ne mioter tornestigand as4 GUOtELPHI, ONT. image, and aloa plan raici csentismo_____________________ te ssmnafster arable iluest tare teca gattres. FIRST EXPORT WdeTt-g9rsme tale ne cottage Smoi SHIPMENT CANýADIAN m0S EH R ' TAXIon o ildwl CATFLE BY AIRmieanaal acioIsid The firat export ubiposent nf Cana-- For Reluable Service oS dbon cattle ever mode ty air telS Mou- i.MOONSIIINERS' BEWARE Reasonable Rates VML FRIRARS~ o aaaneIa0P~dSa~ members o OP tfj.AER orstn patmrli- reiedo pnio n aapoadlt onfe b M Ss>f on a the purhosei tythe1ubastee -t-goe ta tioc I*rtsnfta smdsaSPof snàdwoY. Thofats. !4tee 0lts batvae ofte»s. tes n Miniter ! Agiesuore ud te egt- tamb ontlileai osasoctns ofai tenetear eh-@ahill-Iswlnrsrd fleman