Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 25 Jul 1946, p. 1

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Volume 87.-No. S. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 251h, 1946 Eight Home-Print Pages-Five Conts. NOHIJR AUGT a- Turner Fainily Mark Full Programn Outlined Mito lOpe w G ms115th Anniversary Milton ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FFC Drope TwoSE Gae1N With Re-Uinion l itnsWloeHm lu the Basebali of Week Netweek theeditor anid 1 I Milton' uds eltrefome o mengoig stf of th hmin tl oeiedrn h atyaso Galme ons Saturday ini Park Rare NASSAGAWEYA INSTITUTE isse aix tIse paper a Augut 1 ynsng mite, left Yorkshire County M lo Gil udein atm hCviHldyR- Weît te, Acton by 7-5 Score- MAKE PRESENTATION j The etisemi eAgs England, toc Iroiand, where he laIn C et 10oa eption thtwl aeteCoort- Liat Night's Fixture ini OakvilAlBIESei married saan.Co ite1wl Mk Action in Cellar Position ini 6h. The juiy meeting ot the Nassoga- eisdbsg Monday, Augsist 5th -- Turner retorned to Engiand ta dis- ussfl a"Pot 5th-Big Parade to 'le Foi- Lmngue o'eya Women's Institute was heid at Civic Holiday. We'l be ready pose of bis ostate there le arder ta -oe yOe 0 rsnain the home of Mrs. J. Robertson, mith t0 serve yoo again for the no-st bu ais a peran hoon atroien 1 h uds1-a api vr Wdb vr20Punain Milton aine dropped a close yFaaioPeeuj bytspln hisle clr ony.Hsmeatrone inth peesident, Mrs. Rhisohart pees- ity-oso meebo and me hope buil oerier t temrs. 1bot the happy mesories et good coin- to Thosé Who Served ini Worid the Paris iast Saturday aternoosng h olri a o e- n eiu norsocswî It mas beioved by bis; tamiiy thet radeship le o'orh and play live- on. War Il talpya75soe iat o ode mui o, hyey Hi mie fe ait- Milton Companey seder tise leadership The Big Day for Milton le jts a dis iY 7- sor. A diaseou Msi.' Afttr the readieg et the now invaoe ln most weekllr ieg le vain tee tidiege ot hlm, took aio three Guides, Mosdames Rohinson, meeb tram Moeday sed loakilie over tifti ineings far Milton gave the visit- minutes and corrospondenco and a nemapapor attires. her three nons end tmo daughters and Ciuiid and Ellisit. Over tise sreei- the progcam ai oronts nom trheduled ohrea se ti nlea the ihs eeleg e. auies ot csin the m hatpace, - oneyed tu Eogiaed ta lire. 'end they more joieed hy tour Guides there miii not ho a duil moment le t tie boysl spte ihthe ied tka plpeesiigtu i a ea,_____________ Latrr on, le 1741, Richard, one et tram Port Nolson and tiseir Lieuites- tome tram eariy misreieg tilt may Milton oys, lnspite o the lad, thatof presnting furtiseorsons. -me-r---d-EleeesorsComaniedEieast.CoMisso tderyMs HoMar astieca and and neoon iaugist gamely tisrnugh and ln the Brides" mith a gift, mode up ai a Lancashire, and en 1774, mitis thisor Lone Go de. The meather mas idesi Of course tise tealure milI ho tise eighth came mitii tma ruestai lie- mooiiee blneasst and a set oai sth MANUFACTURE 0F SUGAR six eildren they sailed tor Americu, miih a sýhomer and a csuple of thund- boiser paid hy the Tome oi MlIton ta ing the rouet misen tisoy touhied ,tamets. The isrides, eamneiy Mrs. J. INTERESTING SUBJECT sottling et Whitehietd, le mhat lis nem erstsrms to add rariety ansd test tisoir ail mbo nerrod le the secand Warld Ryders oiior forsaneioneglidWtocc, rnoA.metegoedE. heSnot f din.Wacraiare.t Te Mes.sslptA.dr Baythrn.setatoMrse.sheuE walltst. . Wilson and Mrs. G. Allen ail tbanhod AT DRUMQUIN W. 1. Thi Sta ut Mase. Reouin romaa tin at The rmpors lnt u Der- Wda The praenthee Pare aboeul- Actan raueted tirst le the gsse ie the testitule ladies tor the glît. This mars onn the teuearyatts ramesh n lents is iyents isyo c. cd teael e tloise P ar- the tisird misen Morton came in se Tis o tulomieg prugeamn, aerangod Tise moeihiy meeting et the Dcum- Wcapre u th runtyd t o os-n theGmes, ma t coret triende, ahm d. imoatytelmsghepr Liedsayts throo bagger. te tise teuetb by Mrs. Prire, mas giren: Piano sota, siols W. t. met et the home et Mrs. cae te ai perutie tisenres~ to e Guidpes ihencets my tacee ado. Miltons pulted theonely double play Audrey Riiehaet; coading ,Visitors" Farmerli oh Jsly 9th mith a gnisd et- gaetilnpeed dseet etpopru tt. Dly mi dd Complte details ot tise erent are misn aeernan Rddll or pt y Betty Prîre; pisa solo, Fay wîî- tendansce, aise tme visitees aed une King George III, noverai ut tise tamiy i-aie drive un loto the rabie toc aup- sisom ;n a message on anether page out at second and tient. son and another soio by Audrey Risc- nom member.amn tbm Jmeisn acedprleisssu. Th ifti mas reatly Acton's ienieg hart. M.GMCtegaeaerine-to Rarhol Sylvester of Wescusset, tott Meals more coobed on a camp store Thbe mereing ereets milI start et Tise G.MCuegv yI teefo tise Britisis province et Nem Bren- isindiy lent isy Mr. Crazier. It made 10.30 mith races toc ail ages ad mise they piied up 5 morce runs by The meeting riosedl hy singing "0 entieZ paper ais Beet Sugar, le mbirb nmich, sotiling le the paeisb et St. the roising ut porridge, vegetahies. splendid prizet. At 10.30 theee milI W. Waterisause (single), Morton Canada". Tise isestens tisen served u site intermed tise members tisat tho Patries, est fsr tram, the Semis ai cottage roll, etc. and Sueday's chics- ho a seitiail samne isetmeen the Ar- (siongle), Footitt (triple), Beuah daieîy lunch ai cake ansd ire eream. tiett mae te make possible the com- St. Andrews. ee put-pie a simplo matter, siad tise tes and Milton Ladies' Toama. tdouble) and J. Waterbuuse (singe). and a social isait base mas eejoyod. mereial doreiapment of sugar tram Here. an Aprit 3rd, 1801, William eves eren tuceed out ciserry pims andI The big parade sa nrheduled la start Tise etiser Art an con came us le tise _________eets mas yiapoleon. emperar et Turer mas issen. Is tise speing et cheene bisciuitt. et 1.30 and miii erclude retlerana et sereetis mien Lindsay rame le on J. 1V~VFrance, mho le 1811 estahinhed six 1841, be toIt Nom Bruswirck tsr As evocy ramper mas a Tenderteet baths mars, ilisats, deceratel bicycles Watecbause's double, Brash reptared Goldeni Ved ing sugac beet eriseuls, iayieg the iuund- Ontario, and settted in Marisbam, bsut at camping, tl mas necennaey ta spesd and rehicles mith pcioet tac all. Ttse Clemeats le tise field toc Milton le tise allent et an îndstry mbich han sînco durîeg the nammer he turated per- quite a lut ut time an etetientaey Haltn Ceanty Cisampiennhip Trarb se the lbi. oserpalg~ r'iv rsr of mimprane. Snre isos aiy sead menentiy in Dntsîîo Co., on Lot 29, camp-rratt, le. mebing hedo, siins Meet mili tabe place et four aonisoc I. Tthea e rted Hutsehal reîlise M .a dirs W.ra sIeprnt ce. m eth ethse e bredine Concession 5. Pirisering Tomnsisip, bedding and tents and maising gad- 'and at 4.30 Gaelps and Milton Ail- and mus toltemed acrens the plate hy , and ruitivatien have takea maey long oanee the villagew ocut iteryig gatetu to freomttd renthe neu tr iIrmoel iîhî aie Nerrineteis, Tulelaisa, Nayter and A vry happy event teois place le 'stcides. Canadian land to-day predur-ontstam om rupe hy bsgteiotr-mdby ieiude At 8.30 p.m. s tenture bard hall Cleena. euisiti era-enusgrandse, Homard E. Turner. inntcsd ut e bendtul; rooising anal gam ietm e Ciatisam Att Stars Cleens. rokvileHait isst Thacsday ivn s eetu tour limes asrlch ln~ stIZar On Juiy 6tb, the decendants ut rteaning up aftr a beacty meal. 1 cluredi and Haiten Ail Stars mutl When A. Clements ins bis bsand ing mhen Mr. and Mes. W. Franks rentent as the lacets of Napsieun's Williaem Turner. lu the nusshrr (-t Earb ufthIe tbree tenta chone the tabU pae e ase a band concert. for a littIe more emphasini debated reiobrated their golden meddieg. Mrs. 'day. There are tmu heel proceuint saime tour, scure, galherod at Wood- nasse ut as Indian tribe, camp churon e ine eane ta rt oasre the umpice's decinion on a play at Franb mas bore is Paalinris and mas Items in Canada et the prenent tisse 1.n Pai i1, 0Cnouu tat is rbnî obmu aeth ertne toitine, bet. ainte- tirnt, lie mas throme eut et the the daughter ot tise latte Me. ansd mlh tour tplants, the Canada anal De- Mlan . lur on mîo c the u10 aonesio ater o carnries deetesi anod firg unthe fotue en tc.dnc-it gamne and ceplaced at second by Houn- Mes. Aisdrom Gilmuur. Mr. Frank mas minion Sugar Company. Manutartur- hondced and ttl onnivecsecy ot thc rorb day dutien rbanged. a munstr dîsptay ut tiremecis. tee mise mas sucreded hy Bhiere is bon and tired in Nssnagameya ail is ine of sogae trum loeatty grom beectu lement efthiis Williasm Turner Omimming mus quite tise mort Pp- Tbereit] be banda lis attendanros ail cener tie'd. Tbe gesse endeal mtth no ilite.t Theyo'eco marcleal le Pusiincb in tbese Imu retinerlîs 's initoid a and Abitoîl tlansn. lii uvife, lin the ulu Oîtiviiy ih lb et s tu'o smims day anal orerylhing that gen te malie fther eam. ngrgitre y i by tho laIe Rer. W. Robinison ot mervei ut mudern întiustry. Wihiirs'aie bumssooeai. i duy uald the Guidon morbeal bard up agrandl reuetisn and metreme te er.Duffs Cbucch Tise meoting me-, clu-id hy singiit lihe day c'on npent on goss in r- ulîssîîrîîrî t their steuhos. rbh toi- bosse toc thune icum, Miltoe mio ser- Line-upa more: The bail u'os heautituiiy ilerurateal Goal Sae the King. utter mbiî'h d(ýii ' ailiot tsmiiy heppenings sinîce the0 iussig terts merc oocumtiiished.' (1) ed. Milttn-Comentn ieunsOl et:ri Anad- îsîth roses. car'natiuns anal snap dra,- tous reteestîments wece sereal by the prestoun ce-union in 194t, anal s 50 yards ia ist Clans Test Croawl). J. Plan yuur decerations tee the bus- erson, 3 b; D. Toettea ss; Nayiec If: uris ad un the table mas a tbree- bustess anal a sucial bett bouc enlJuy- muuh cunversatiun ducîng tbe lua- idadingv. J. EliiotI, t. McLaugbiin loess places anal bosses nom. Put A. Clementn (Houston 9) 2 b; Ruberts ia>cr c'rdaing cake and guides ras- cri. cheur nnd sutiler bours. (Port Nelson). E. Tyrreit Luse Aucuot 5tb domn us you day in Mil- l b; R. Bcusb r; E. Toteteha (Houston allen. Tbe Busy Bees catecoal fur tbe -'-At thoclune ut lthe lutter meol, thc iuidet;salsruc J . Montgumery; tuo. Get un eetcy ceady tor tise par- 8, l.c 9'c;Ceet Nrigtn1eet yhi Etosur Mr n W o Bu R V S. WARREN yci-siihi-nt, MoSis-ly Turner, et tiumshs. (2) Siu'ieirigon Bvack (crawl, kick us ode'-i tu on mbeets try maikint. 5P.bles tbeîr uniuon ttma Mr.W uH E.HRR 2, look tli» i-hair anî tho sece-- truc bibiý .1 . Moîntgomsery (50 yds.î, Cîii Huliday is Milton Day. Arton-W. Waeouu ct; Murton lard. Kiibcido.' i Peacit Mcv. W. And- LORDYS DAY ALLIANCE tary. Miss Guidie Coyne, Ot Mounlboy' M. Ring (50 f i A. MeNires, J. Rob-______ 1 b; Fontiti If; Lindsay 3 bl; Beubsus Guelp, Aodrew. Nassaguiseya REPRESENTATIVE HERE As',-. Trontu, rclu tle minutes ot the insus. tP. Dye du0 fii. (31 Raring c; J. Watecbouoe 2 b; Mont arr ss nit iJuoeî Mlrs Jamses Evas, t -1941 moctîng. Dise: P. Dyor, J. Robinson, J. Mont- C.AiNIBELLVILLE Rîdall et; Ryder p. R îH;cuGergetvuwn. uo vix crundrbililren: l'h ttc tueu ty Aliiaoi,- i ce lier- Ni-rt i-uni .scvsraIl spceîs. umusu cînîecy. (4) Surface Dire, J. Gual- Arton 001 050 100R H 17 Knoetb Bullard, Biiy Andernun.'ecoud inou îîcoumunîty Ibis.year by 15,-m on ovîie.ital'Y happy une by diets. (5) Botinnee's tlest Othoso Ou loa -aeal9 eetdMl 717 Jean, Juan andl Donna Franb uid 14cr H.S. Warren.B.A. Colin Hawkinsofut Biwsvisi, a g'et cliv lornd to smim during camp) u oa aeaidtaeMl Milton -000 000 050 5 6 1 Mery Elizabetb Evans. Aiter a sbort "i raiain i cgi, jnsno ila unr ae ,calkcb rwam n ra o .L' atngt(Usa vn - tîîuec~possa the ceseinaler et tbe 0ev- il usgoneaîîî p rfomn vacuoieith ginrnutl Wllîu o rurner Lath a, clh, bdm ' r oat aM. ana h r n- ) tus P. L10.Intb Tesa r Ie Dalarilia last night tbe ioce1u înguasnspent in daning. Manie mus îsidel anuep stîe ratubce i e Snsl eyco Tut andier mlis hM. eodans 3. loat: M. ous, J. net o litul . osnLhar suttereal anoibar deteal, Ibis tisse ta supplieal by Aody Feanbns Orchestra. nînotoeilan î',cnîîy . r ire o hilit sîonlc uimul n c en G asi M.obhn s sn, . WrMrioneserh Wisn Foren ut r Mca. Heie Lueis aa a tune of 5-. Mc. anal Mci. W. Taylor mutoocit sîseguaîîiisg thetnutioutl ceehly dci ynehm nnmuî hnnO onuP yr alnWlorcyt erta b sdreta Mitton openeal tise soring in the îrum Haîbîrk, Alberta for îbîu bappy lii rent for Caneîinn murehems. andl ici-suent andt verretary toc tbe cuo- M. King*, J. Ciaysun*, M. McNirev. uperatisn lis Milton Hospital an Mon- second mheis A. Ciemonts anal Bturaui.DbcgoîmrepsethIe tceediîi ot uur Casadion Sundsy inn yeor. Mr. Rtoss Turner et Toc-1 Second Clans badge merk also itled day anal minh bar a spaedy remrecry. Reberts ibath crosseal tisa plate. CIa- trum Windsor, Toronto, Haamilton, trum Commercial explouitationi. The uI e luelrc-rsdil 5 ubo b ie nlts aîm h a bc eltssme i meets mas en an a bit mhile Roberts Gulboitn roGogtm 1puortunities tur Chrintian cuerluil cit-l-c mît n Sports anal Prize Coim- îng tisIt l esta punseal in camp showis a tut of goual anal me bepe wili ceap a made it an a tielderas choira. Muelhiton, Abcty, CeoetowKl nal spiritual cultur e ai-e tibotise im- mittee. 'tb c-bot oslbaniasm theo campers more bauntitut barrent. isait ~ ~ ~ ~ Mrrsn etIescn nlPn nlI AmberlleCle e, K lîcent.btteie oln u Finuhty. ynîvonlaliuns more made to orbeal tomards tii Beadge. Miss Joan Ccamp luat arcireal home Oakville rame barksnteungly is tboir bride anal Camblve pondra biutihse anal atquen 1for ~n t ofthIe Clan, Jobnoy: Sicnaiiing-J. Johnson. iross a vacation at Franklin Camp on Longmay acoreal, bath ise hy maike. MKBNN'.T A nyeeit the Ieiiure onal quiet oft1lHayes, Ofi Turontu. one year old on Natuco -A. MrNirrn. J.JennGogaBy Tise inig aleal mith a man un sec- MR BENNET uA bine day ufthlb, uech arc if real lune 4îh. to the olaleut membor, Mrs M. Kiong. Mueiun Wilsun, J.Wi- bMssAudean d att an Em arly Épn enal anal une on tisird. Dakirtii tuuis SPEAKER AT THE ruuidvdai olctevcy. I.1. t-.Tunr ilMtn, bucI-gnmt. VI' hlruird ber eigbty-elhtb hiethday Ov Fico-Ligbting --J. Muntgomery. A. Mca. William Currie. lise ioad le thoir bat! o! the tt MT. UNION W. 1. i.uiy 2nîl uni t theb descendant mbo MrNires, M. Ring, M. Tbempnen, P. Miss Teresa Hanter ot Hamilton !S misen tisey rounteal Ibrea more cuns - EBUN-cUIY csetecelo itne ui yc .TeetieeGuide). bulidaying mitb trienals ln thît vil- anceal by Post, Luagmay anal Marisey TheUREMCtR) Jumy meein utals thtace MuuntainE Trrll(Ln mlth tmo men oul. Tbe neot botter Theniun l. metin at thbse Muta Mes 'EDN LAST WEEK, hawins-is o! Broucnvlto, Ont. Thus rrarbing anal Stalkieg--J. Ment- lage. Utrucn out, meIboe oeo Ms DDN .h Turner Be-union ut 1946 panreal cumer. A. MeNiren, M. Tbempsnîs, CpI. Roy Roborts et tise Pravost srcou.F. Hadley. Nuit naît mas onnmeced IN STREETSVILLE loto bistofli F. Tyrrohi iLone Guidai. Corps arciveal home an Sanday atter Milton adleal anether rouise tac o to by "Wbere t henst met ssy Hus- _____~~~ Scout's Pare or Waikn-M. Tbomy- crossging thbo ean tremn Englanl an their scre ln tise nercntb mben Bilt ban"eit' m 14 îmembers and,15 15it-j A vry quiet but îîroity mealdiot;oM eieJ otoey . h Ahnc"Hsprns r n Roerts rame in. Heuston batteal toc ors. Mc. V. MoArthue favueal un mîtu lookcî place ai Streetsvilir oo Tîsursaoy JR. FARMER GIRl.S Dyer, M. MeNies .Munmcp.MIbe asr Minbrets , Me a nal Gevi n lmnsfrs.Tlt-asl.eenîoc. .tuiy luth ut the huome ut Mc. WIN CLOSE (.AMEDycA.MNrnMm JmsRbtugea sne ka anal ements t toc ge. thetex- csi.Heallb Rule--A. MeNives. tue be anal bis mite mise residen ln haletie oret e rytoge te 0 The guent speaker cas Mc. Bonneht and Mcs. Wihbu-rt McCcudy cisen hia FROM MILTON GIRLS Square I erbini M. Gourb, P. Dyer, Torontu, enal tbe ceot et the tamliy. tra coupla ut cunn but Houston mas chu no ably ipoheoun "Thé Pomor ut nirtor, Gladyn Dureen. dauchlor otf.CesiM TopoJ rg He bas nerreal about tmo poars avec- au a trs aalCemnt tlel 0Influence." Mc. 1R. Whoalbosd al.su Mr. ond Mcs. W. S. McCuî'dy, Hscshy, On Tuesdoo croning. Joly 241h fit clovuucth,.1J. Johisoan, J. Montgum- sens. lett fieId. W. Chementsie hoanul hu tarured tbe meeting cth ao wuu ams curt ln murrugi lu Raymuuiid Nu-Irlun Bull l'ark. Milon girls more osAMNri tise tbrd baseman anal tbo gosse Mrs PLah urd s.hsN hMiucesnutrui!I5 dhuucluniu luorFm ery A. Meiv E.Tyrt (Lone A shrongmind, tornade tashien, eeded P. tam m on aboe ofuu - Whiiî Mlbun, of Mlr. n Rs. cdîs atr, Pulcmî th Juibr 10mer (,utide), J. McLaaghlin, F. Biahotey, omept oror the tarm et Mc. CbaruO hbuObsp ture ui Doit 0. Wbeuthry, S. Stecwart <Port Net- Inglus lest Frtday erening, delisut Liogramr: cm anul aisu Mes. l-Odley the hssh,- :J1 A.' Neul îu,-cuîî-îu-u thu-> -oiu Il-lui, son) îouh domoago. Mont o! lise rooftcil Milton-W. Clemenhu If; Andersssosa . Fic brd- h u uul-dalub hhscu itnuus vn 1 Ess .1. Montguoery, A. MeNiron. huia barn anal sheal ceca torit eff anal 5is; Brush r; Nayhoc tf; A. Cloments ",, meetiog uhusot by siniocu Cod uit seuy riuimuicg in a thlur hongilu gaîî-s%%as very usu-iing. A bot argu- iServnd Chars Badge completeal -- nererol troos humi out of the grouna. 2 b; D. Toletzka sv; Bilt Pouhehs o; ýSare"The Ring, altr hicb o cuti ut coco <ut whiti suhinu and net cuîb mont war startel an the bhird unningr 1..Jhsn Me. anal Mrs. Harry Heed and E. Toîetzka et; Gervais p. tes mus enioyed by ailMuulou nî-cbliio aod whlite - tri- ibut us-s sctird usithuut ony rasuali -.1 eroo .lohnadiuis.t-Dnn fCalsl er u o r Dakviht Putorisc ns; Giihuss 3 b; _________ huitc ricbtoii hat. hue;cic io 1us 1i. rdotu 1sa anal Wnomeileni o liame coobgest eftiMc, le-sp 'Muriun Wilron. anad m ila Rbuau h Dariduon 1 b; Post 2 b; Lungcuy ci; FALFARDAE sus. lhe hapyy rouluic-tho A csu cnu g m usM lyhyd by Pli s hs etueu upu.vlae Marbey c; Bhahetch I; Snumbehi et; Mc.L anal Me.S Ais Mour arek va-epiesil nccptoal od O s lsTetueo ops.vlae MeGocan p. ANNOUNCED FOR icoc-hiie unBamt nit snd ili luor i-o- ~ic-v ciFlorunc Coroperu.lh g iua il idn 6pit ysnad M.adMs lx or r a tutu lo THIS DISTRICT s rmlu.nll yFoîr ute.stars--M. Goris, J. Robinnon. catiocîtng la tbe nortb this meois, Milton 020 000 1 3 6 0 5 n onn h apr wr p1OTGVGTBE Oakville -020 030 0 5 5 l' Fahi talc dates toc tise rosing senr- cils tise hirds anal one aisd att ex- tOOOVGTBE un coco celeasual tu-day isy tise Agric- LIGIITNING KILLED. 21 JERSEYS tuerioncal thal bunh anal roter et a- The Lecesse Stndinsg uhhucaî Sariettes' Branris. Datas are pcî-etee sommer -mornleg betora sont- Vegetabtes are a eheap sourceofe P W L T tentutive anal subjeet ho change. rtce. Dur- rutres mece busisea an me ritamtnn anda minerais - essentiel te Oakeihie 16 9 7 0 fbase listeal tsc hiss ocea are an sIppeal out et camp toc a sni-rive gonal ioath. Rutritien experts of Georgetuwn- --.........14 7 7 0 îoîînmt: biho. Haht-mny up tise stape of the tise Doparument et National Health Milton .. ....._ . 14 6 7 1 Milton Sept. 27, 28 mountate me sac tise sn rise mn- anal Weltare, Ottawa, elve ibis advice: Antan.- .......- 14 6 7 1 Bramptons Aug. 31and Sept. 1 jesttcaliy abuse tise treos anal by 6.30 lu gel tise boat ln valuead sisalîvar Ouatin csmbtg-. Elmira Asg. 30, 31 aisd Sept. 1 a.m. heen appetitea mare ready ter teom regotablis, buy tbom. etten, store Adosm pîsys le Georgeownm, anal Fargnu . .... Sept. 6, 7 i breakfant anal nu ftied tisa peeîy lbemn earetntly, coala tisem qaickly, Oakville le Miltoe ois Satucday aftr- Georgetown- - Spt. 6, 7 morel te turîber adreetue, te the anal. et course, est lhem dally, an on naona. Grand Valley-............Sept. 12, 13 tohp ai tise annarpent by ladaler, an thby are raady. - - Stount Forest ..... Sept. 9, 10 soareisine tisceug tisa bush for the ________________ ESQUESING WARI) 1 Nec Homburg - Sept. 13, 14 traitthast lad dume tise mauntalis Orangerille ..- Sept. 10, hi agnin te a desarteal basse, anal pick- I-.-.-.- PLANS CELEBRATION Caledon .. .. ... Sept. "0 21 isg up dodios anal speclmensen route. FO RETURNED MEN Gat Sept. 19: 21 Camp mas flnatly renois by 10..30 s.m. Events Jus t Ahead -Sheibourna .. . -.... Sept. 17,' 181 fh mon an expaditian lisat mitIl ove - Grand Raliy wili hoe hel ter tisa Actui - - - Ot. 4. _________ ieebrdb i.A""cet tM.igC Mues mas adaleall ta h oy et cap tse -r Dtbse Eisn, aslier Ibis rehurneal boys et Wacd I, Townahip Straatnriho ..ct. .... Ifc. Ont 8 aal kedesa e par lbîdmne, are ciard sisa et.t pr et Esquenine, an Augush 1415. Ward Aberfople- - - ....... c.7- by tise lnterest anjidesopr line, inava, Onrst is i

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