TH ANDANCAMIN HB luxt Its,26 energy ahoulit bega ta sW ltWh- E Freezing for Home T e W e i in about Ive years, Mr,. ow. predlct- END Veg tabesFrutsaly would b the direct transieraace ai Thei.ppularty of frazan fritaItn6d O T W o vegetablea heu been increaslnaet 4 LCC O M Atog i a e l h aia oo rapid pare recently. Bousaivesalna tiD" rs tff e a DEceIODOONalthhven ltla tha cita oTar partrular and the consasaing Public Caaia ao Saf ,r t earte nthe aentf aficeaOthc e do In general are reaiting the many atd- prime Mînlter Macksenze l<lzsg wa8undti lite ofdplt ol eaaa ct, oth repaatin TTAwA Pi-Sides are drain notadintaOttawra last week-end. Mr. Mu atthe ltimtofespaiatfility ays W.and issues cutiined for wuit promis- King noir has held tise Office as rouid R.dth ltiate Div isi iHticUlreW'Cs ta bie the les major dehate o the prime miniter longer than any othm e d Centriiper ivieinofaHricuttaura. carrent parliamentrY sessions haora Canadien. Wher Cientalt pitin pcoceuot ttaw iea. bd vhtuii iijrbhy The record iras reaciteitai the 72- ol aie tTahoa e taiiltatttli.'ia1,ollem la scor-atit native ai Berlin (mai Kit- Motr wihlt iait> en nte eitibto.cienri, Ont., took prt ia virtOry te taule andt quaaity ai the rouen uia Reditribution la a thora patients- cOn ane n o daoain srvet ,93 i and vagetahies. fuiset tas ta iaeonce a ietade-altaril Odays asthiiead i e Cd s 693 fian May ai the errata ireiqaently the iecadal cesas outloas popula eromas e-ote y ane hn theln natad ara easy ta correct. DeiasnIon changes tn the carious lederai cas-_erd n-n ylner hn A.he helieen harveet and ireeing resit aituenrias. Its net as easy Job, ha- ecrdesabllshed by Sîr -JohnA lnlait tofm mch of the iresi arontatic cause no tira parties are ikely ta uadnle ,.Kigsered aaelyae flayon asscisted ith f reahnasa. tink sie on mttersafatictisi thea pat leaMr. iang er ai pubn The ieal proredure ta taamneraalteratton ai canstttuency haundaries lic 111etalnhsog erofpb the praresiac as san as the irit or lie namber ai represenativas fr iar lf ait vegelahiai are harvesteit. a rives pravince. Vegetables, and samne fruits, should This ime il's particuariy tauchy. 'NrRNIP BROWeN HEART b.e hiancheit halara irei5g whtîh la Due ta the mar, redistribution iras dane hy placinc the prodactin bobiing psîpaneit titnair, and maay Wast- The cause ai braira heari la tura- irater or a team cabiset loi, a shart ern memhers leel liaI the 1941 tan- ips ta the absence ai haoan la thse time. The parpase ta ta acret cheni- sas - athîth reilactad. population sali. This defitlutasy ian b. avrrame ical reartiaisa. atea raierrai tota sUhifts fronm tha prairies ta ther pro- hy appîalians aihras, as damont- e-naymnatic acttvtywihh iii tasse viaces ila osner a fair hasts for rateit hy a foar years esperîmeat at tains or oli-Itavori. redistribution. Thay clair these tha Dominion Esperimantai Station, The chatte ai pakage lacrIcacal trendts have sinc heean revrsed. Lenaassiie. Que. Borasx iras ap- pradace a important. Rctangatar Undar the British North Ameuta pliait helore seaiing at the ratas ai 20 packages, mth the contents cearly At, irhich sets repreurtatton hy tir 1hi. and 10 1hi. par acre. Plota an mariait, permit a tanvenitet ai- population ai Qaahec, miii 65 mens- mhich no hrasxiras apptted weea aid rangementini the lachr wirih a mn- bers, Saskatchewsan motd lot ou ar for checks. Os the average ai the itmmoa spore. The package shauld seatsin the Commons andt Maitoba four pears, oly 38 per rani, ai the aise prevent tir matariatifront dtp- three. Hoaever the goverameat pro- reta werctstait irhere no hrasxiras tag out. For tuis parpoar, heavily poses ta amrnd tir B. N. A. Attula sait. white 76 par cent. irere sotnd irauad cellophane or ruer mater- raisa tic ttalinamier of seauta tram i 10 poanda ai hras par acre, anad tais are very satislac tory. A wiai 245 ta 255, unit uniertealis iropoard 8814 per' cent. soand achan 20 1. af seateit gtaau rontainer is good bthat sYtptam Quer m wuaittain evpn hras par acre mare osed. At flu liahie la break mihreeotin. seuil, Brtish Columbiato aaditOnu-t. as treaturnilîs acc eshthttad, the Aterhbeing plared tn containers,aro and Nov Stota oeear. Oticr ttivaolaic ai siti hras a notice the rus and vaetaitasi shold ha povincra would taIt udher otan, tx-- aile troocîs helore hetng plcat ta the ,ptiiflacSasatchewtan, wbti mooltia locher. Most locher plants have lor ont- sat. avaîtabie sharp, fat, or praierahiy PatLîe rs pre-ireezeri toribits purpose. If an dPaty i nie ivartmcî' A CTEINGS L goo ta ha a 'cethepoionoft he Parti im FARM STOK, IPEMÇNTS, h<A, gIltitsmtnt, ie a e ht îh idatolly üocîvîceut'. Pragt 15- GRAIN. FURNITUME ETC. locher storage i maintaindai aterso iv e1tost' itandtSovialhul lit . r- udraietior enn a itaîreas F. ai ait timea. At hithar . t t i art t uptheiort btuaathec 'Tut Oiio s îrt haeîmcivd n temperatoras the proitutta ietertorae C .PrYw upr h li 1atin ri aa mari tuiler rata aven if stilîittti tcits ifor ,'tpttcvai aifte tint- WALTER T. Me<t<PîAN trze.ilt ParîtamntalTa sett by publica utiota t ita If hes prncile ar foIoýd, John Dicicnaoer (PC - Laie tarir, Lot 6, Co.1ISS, Toans1hit ta lrsin reing fruits anit veet:yCe tre)whore ret hpar~5t - fTaagr 1. ie ato rf Tir Division ai Horticulture, ot- wit ilstonstitution aperîs. Ha e« AtIM-1 oloor, NEle iao194ng taira, has preparedaitaPubication an- Pesdaamta Memv ol t1OSES I Perc.. heo aro ra.. titird "The Presersatton of Freitt and rîtabihita adangerous" pieredent and H ORsais- erroitni, M re,8 ycoot Vegeabls b Frezin. f te p mo-iaitan amsendaient mitira wutd blcky pair, 15M0 ibs. Vipeectaed y ineetng.'pulitir oni mahe it nrrriuary toc al provinces ta COWS AND HEIFERS--t Holstein are iolloired, utresliresuts niauli a pprove iriora a"king tir BritihCair, 5yrs., rrai ime ai sale; 1 Hol- lieobtine. I laavalabe b wrt-Parliasient ta umeoi thti B. N. A. steie Coin. 4 >s., frsi 4 ueehs, net b.abana.I ta avmi ttanla p sentA- At.irait; 2 Holstein Comm,, 2 anat 4 yeara, taculaurDnOtawo eaeta i A d- pt ionofthe )enmn'sp t raui 2 mes.,fnt irait; 1 Holstea ricultarawOttaira.a i prapCoir 3 yrs. irasi 3 mon..fnt brait; a ________ Mr. Diaieniahar, 1 Holstein Co', S pro.. iresi 3 mas., GOVT. LOAS HELPIG giveeay party apraradet toa angeirait Apc. 12;:1Jer.wy Cor, 5 yca., GMPOV.LOANSHELING aamot evecy sctin of tir B. N. A. lresh 2 mon., liai irait: 8 Calvera4 IJIROVMEN FAMS At meraiy aile, reretvisg a major- Holstein litiiers. I la 2 pra. ai, open. Loansexcedigone tly cote i pariamant. IMPLEMENTS- Grin Bioder, Mt- Lonaraeatii namitlion dot- Satan Loir, Social Cratit trader, Dt, 2 foat, te cors shape: Moirer. Me- laro mre made iy tie ranrsches Of suit is graap mou id support tir D.,5 ah;:He, Raie. MrO., the cnattere ait h lCahn oaa rProgressive Cneetia an ni-ew: Groin Dril I . : fine; 2 loir temoth ai April, 1946, uniar tiamml Ha att ti pro entendaiarid k Wagons, in rxcellent shape.1 tiret H ette rvnessol!pair oa ieirtISInush; Fiat Hay Rak, Farm Iniproeamant Loaa Att, A hieconsultait an riait Qoahar meam- ner:,2 Waiinî Plotra.' Double fur- large prcentaga ai tIeserloas ire hrma a at atmm gi ow GPlaIkGaa oa e et Itaerseiata tarme loins for prtaatrmli rooaI l spt is Ilarcoirs; Sel irovy Harroui; 3-arr- from he prposai ta spport lias Drag Cllivaloro. leu: 2-mirai. lUp la Ian pairs toi, tir construction, view.Il they dît net, lha outitvote eritrrailerr mlhi îsi rcar; large altaraton unit repair ai larm hbuit- tor lie mats reditrîbutonreslaI- Waerr rani Sant Saanit amerS lac, s, nuwttimter: 2 Coionp licovas; 2 single In viai ni tIse tact tuat lie 1941 M. J, Clitweîl, C. C. F. traiter, pro- ire Srrîcerri: 2 stts Pulîrys quan-. renoua figuras dittclase liat 39 pr misesi support oa isunparîp ta the ltp 2" Puaip, H fp LamborWand cent. oi rural tan ituetiaga ta Can- gvernuants plan, Ha chargait M. Plusti;Crat oîrtacmathini hais: 2 ada ara ha neait ai repaiI a lhecit- ODifnbaker mihotttag up a 'trair ats af Double Iliorocis otthai bond ant that thî filaitfortlits typa ai mai" ta 'irichbien aotittades oî oh altnit hcerainc: OititColars: Coler loaaig a astensisa. Itla ta iinataie ae'aidatta ae e Ts:ep;Bai Trck;ah2 long Laititaco bY he dmiistatin o sees"andsai th goernenta teWiteiiaram: Anvil: Woch by IseAdmsisratua itle At plan iras 'fair and 1001 unit îouni.' Becrianit quanlilp ai Toots: ChoInt: tiat tmprovemeots wil b. maite -a Witihahse caserai attituiteo on re- Siovris: Coi Blla: Haiters: Double- user iva thoasai nd srmalnCanada tarithle partira clearri thle drain ai Irai: Whiifltrers; Neci Yoira andt in lia aet yer usitr tha At. Saa- mhat iras ganraiiy esperttaia many oher amai articles. an thoasanit ilva huadrat armera long uni tlangrit daîla HAY AND GRAIN-2 tons Ttmtity have tabas dvatace ai the Act ta A stidelgîl ta rarîy itriatairas aHay; 200 hus. Dais. the iraI 13 manlis oi oprattali. HUEO.DFaNTIR a Farmers deitsrtac loaînuundar tIse pooa yJhnMtua P -orIgany SetIeer mihRocher; large onto Davrapori i enitorsait hp F. K. Wirbrr Rocher: Hleintzaas Steel At ras cet fulInfaormti rm onslonsley-Smita ICCF-Norli Battis- Bath Piano, ta excllent rositioiai; sny ciarlerait banh or irom tIse up- tori)ti thle Norlimaît rerritort e aerai OditBonikers;:exra wude arvtssr, Firm Improcamant Laina ha givra a seat tl te Coirmons. e. Louage' Dlntng Boom Extensios AcDaparîmeat ai Finance. Otsa. aittr b Tuile wtli55 raves andt Bufat ta LAart, ad, nd r owDominiomithmatch: 4 Klaien Chira: 2 Etîran Loaenae md, aerDmiIntry reptresenîrd 42 parrani, ai lie-rl'ae;s: iait Drap Leat Tablae ilti G erm au aspices ilt ise par dry uanitta Caadta andt yel Yuonos. 2 Chairs ta match: Huit RaîQs. 4 tam ranI, simple itrmt as teo atoftetrIoyWooit leds: 2 Dresarut:"uast interat. ia sdirecrprl otalie tInrtoySits'Springs; nuer ai Feanlar hasatitrelcpraetato nIhIle richî 'Pilloma contaîning cosit cose W ould Curb Ardor itlbou.. Somne 12,000 persanls ta lie itan andi tors e ialiers: Quiti. tires, mhih rh itctsa mrullh, Crtaies: Codapis Srtîbers; McCiorp 0f MinmciRookçies mre sait mthot cepresantalion. Cook Stttve ..ilS reservîîr,iwringf _____ mtai top, lmotst : Qurbee Hcat- oire tetoils of Canuit'saatoncme a;C Dilclr.Cr1OtSoe Fomr ia mtWarna Of ergy plansaunit a limpstie the 3iba -urner oihaira: Cool 01i Stase, Pmopatissg Hasards tuture af atour e earcy mre iven 2-horar Coofl DiSlovc, -brner: last meri iben Reconstruction Min.-cornier CupMtortMîrris ChirFruit WINNIPEG iCPi -Hunitreits Ofistter Iliote isuachet a bilta10 stai- Culiboacti:Odt Tttabiî'v: 'iToilai Sels: Commode: FloîvarSando: Lama ra-tersirairen, nItent on becoming liii an Atoure Energy Contrai Board'ChaiTo Lois n taih. Sîiosing Whaai prospectera, are portnc ]itoe tai Canada. Tier inistar annoanrait unit eel: Revoving Coup itriditît; mmmc gdisrict af Rat Laie, Ont., sait an aiimatrit 9,500,000 annuai an- qosattîr cvrrAniques; Ditues Platy Marly ai liernsara qaila prepareit ta propiatton ta entourage sciaotîîc i~c te s itit An Clit1a as as: Pat-r . set oailotlatihe usa nt uini goliInitiative unit researaidirectrit ta- avis C ooraitlaess: Pitchr minas br theirselies. Bt G. W. mrd iliiat contructive applications ltlensils, mostl erre lmn,' Cioapaîl atarra, mll aner, for lie ose ai atout renerrc Be uair; Eniaes: Pris: mneratusalaiar sapa thtas juil net tir ay Il's saithle question mastieh approarhdia setauoli Ettecla. itane. ita a boit, ronstructive mannar.- TERMOt CASH Mr. Camipbell reports iaet athoagi IICoi.a Say Selement viti clr e ay ni soie. 50 Pr cnt. f te Wil Cutine Sudy Nothing talihamovrit sîti seltiait 0patatailapeope on Bat The Alamnia Eaergy Contrai Bart for. - Lake treeta ara veterans, bau nf thani oult canttaaualy staity atomut an- No rsera uas the a r tasalit. baseanay real epentein theba ard ergy, proposa regulatiosa itsigaei tla HINDLEY & ELIIOTT, labor and trange maya ai s mnng met nawitaitons as thep ielsp- RB B.Ford, Cierh B-1-2eer coten. rit unit eep Canaita ln tepmt har ___B-1-2___________ Mail o thamfns ii, soner or 1 ter.Itetrnational abigation&Caada mt-and________ 1h01 thry muaI largo the prospecto the Unitedaitsi irre te aaly- mahtng a lablauso trihe andt ettle casatrias operating Planta proitucisg W s t tt h dama laaaork ta the mins.on an ta- the final proitaca irons tehtataiele à,b taret hasia ai bise pr ceat. Tat aaargy tareand itiras tateneaitta uap, they ran mite about $150 a haep "verY strict contraitt oser tIse h j0 C O. I MOntb Plia board and espenei. rau milertal uaeit. ~ SON TAXES oVEI WEEKLY libeiy prospecta ai uranium itapoaitta e SHAUNAVON. Sait, iCP) - Gara- Northirrat Territortai. Ia titis con- - statteaI hosoflncmthetlacIs erehp aithe haunsan taadrd, ectioa te sait hir aa i lttieafarait weeely nairapaper ber., bai been Canadia hait ast been chircing anougit tratnaierra tirons W. . (Bill) Sharp for uraniumr. Te prire hait bean . ta bu îaa, Aiea. Sharp and . Sidney baeit an tha prira ai radiumirnirh Sharp etabllihed the piper nearly 26 Of atomir develoirents. Yeara ago. Practinal appications bfi, atoure AUCH FOR MUSIC ID ON 1O)ORSTEP cGINA tCP)-Search ionracpies tenitelssohni"St. Paul' oratorio a choir preaantation led hn vainto into, Montreal, Chicago and Lon- iEncia an d iras aniteit usan rbcolrnaater iaunit thons aimnat ar bis aoua-la Racina. aîict stores ha tba above contres itd not aupply raptisaifthe sire laed by aacit nember' ai the choir. un it appearai tIhit tite oratorio lit hase ta bc abanitoneit, R. A. ore. orgatat andt chaîrmaler ai !Metrupoltan Churri bare tiacoit- t captes ai the acor lthtirlibrscy the aeigitbortng Firot Preabyter- Churrh. ISeerd hat Yeu «ni ~t Yom 1" acoU.cd1momit T Il '1 RETURNED TO CPR.: iaoh Canidia cacabit 170,000 psoaingean d îteamail437,189 uluesla Pariflo paaonar linetr ta hlierlaoad irons iar aid the use servit.elras whishtahe.itaDowu hnaratsly dis- repatriation sarvice the 20,022-ton Dunhesai Richirondit raiai. Still in that serice are the Dschesaoaf Bedfordt, bas bhua returneit ta br aunera hy thea British Misistap Rmpiarons ofSoollai d dEmpuai ai Australa, ai thea oflTrasort. Upon roirpiationai tise rmndiluinoni ndcssa flirt$ ad tIse Priacesa Kathleen ai tIse Bris irodrrutatinancaair tai fiee yeaaa au a trosp Combia CoastI Steaaoshipn6«et4 auneaindtoperateit rcarier aha mil resmahlir peacalime roa for Canadintt teCndinPcfiaîsý.0 h 2 hp 1'ucifit Stcasnipo balisas Liverpont ont Monîreal or Cahy the Cacifiea Pnifia Bate he . OiW otIs 2ius SaittJoha, Rît, Tue Dues ni Richmond latitonhai tw-CcanisaPctia ltuit avB or ata tsrvtir nste in Canada t Qunea oCty in Auutntfni1945, tssdiîîg tiaoa C.SSfritBJ.naatevlantIs 4,000 Canadiena rept. încisitisg the tino tooabtnc Canadien Amîtraîssian Lise, tain tc it ia partser, 12 i "Isudia o ui, (tait). Prom JauofnI1941 antit liar acre tik, tua lait aidtwtuataies avrrperuanetir by ,voyaiesonsthe Liverpool-t-Boirhoy erîtt ranis st t:tsAtntcaitp. Additions to Rural Hydro Service Your Commisaion deaires to briisg co the attention of Ontario farmers who have applird for Hydro service, a condi- tion which is now seriously slGwing up thse building of rural extensions. Essential materiala anct equipmenc are in exrcmely short supply, and the prospects of obcaining addicional quantities in thse insmediate future are very meagre. Stikes in variolia basic industries and the extraordinary national demand are holding bock the aupply of ail equipmenc necded. While tisa Commission will exert every effort to obtain nsaterial and equipmcnt for rural line conatruction, it caen cotaplete ibis year only a smaîl part of tise full prograns which lt had planned. Consequentiy, nsany applications already approved wiil not, of nccessity, be conspleted tbis year. Your Commission wil endeavour to serve ail applicants la order of receipi of applications, giving preference to al farm and similarly essential applicationa oser those for other types of service. Thea. facts ara preftnîcd for your information, and with tise expectation that they will enable you to beau more patiendy with a situation bcyond the control of your Commission. THI EEHYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0r ONTARIO m THE CANADIAN CHAMPION . TMMDAY, JUNE 13th, IM