TMUBSDAY, JUHE lîtis, 194e THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE IIVP Mrm. George Carrutaecs spent lise KNOX PMlS"YTERfAN week-end ils isr pasentsaiatElera. CHURlCE Ms-, *Mar-old CosniiebI s! Ayr visilld BE.Minister waMs-, mcd Mrs. Tisemas test oves- tis wek-ed.SUNDAY, JUNE lti, 1946 Mrs. T. Bsomsot Tes-ente is 1100 m.n.-"Chiss-ls Reliine" bean visitieg mitt tas- deegistas, Mcs. 11.15 a.m.-Js-. Senday Sciseel. Jeohn Arneold and tamiiy. 12.15 p.m.-'-Or. Sumlay Scteel. Me. anti Mru. Franks MeNie ai- 7.00 p.m.--"As s Hon Somatis." landedthetsaAssaccors Cenvention baiti Ttc 'Ceronation Croup' mili oiti a in Toronto tlisa eais. Pet Lecis Plcstc Seppas ait tce Sciteol Reem os Tuesday, Juna Ms. mcd Mrs. A. Piseansd fmmily l8lb aI .30 p.m. ot London seait tceaee-endi mitis Ms-s.M. MeMuBlen mcd triants In T AU' NTE.CUC toms. S.PU SUIECUC Ms. asti Mca. Joeph Teastar oet g teRv. Goasdos W. Poter Benton, U. S. A. ara viatieg Mrs, LA ID Teaalar'e grantes, Mms. T. C. SUNDAY, JUNE ita, 1940 talas and~ aunt, Mc. M. T. Harris. 10.00 a.m.-Cburcis Scituol. Ms-, mcd Ms-s. Cae-nce Mille et Te- 11.00 mm.-Mrnieg Worsip. Holy rente and Ms. MeDenelt f i e Ekiasti Communien. Receptlon et Hem Lake vlale letmlsMs. antiMrs. Fs-anks mamiers. McHlven oves-tisa week-end. 7.00 p.n.-"Heaen.' PlIgrime Ps- grass concluedt. Ms-. Multas Cemenla isuarriveti F-day s p.m.-Preparatory Service. borne tront tisa IliislaResearch Mospitliamd ahl is friedaslncarely hope that is pisysical condtise le GRACE ANGLICAN CHURC esuchimps-ed BE. E. A. KIRK 1D. C. Femîhertona o! Horhy bisuBete retucned home Irons GuelphsCanea-si SUHDAY, JUHE îoîis. 1946 Hosptal alter tevtng undargone a Ts-lety Senday sestoua opea-tion. We sais tien s 8.00 a.m.-Holy Commandes. Quart- apeedy sreovas-y. erly Ces-pa-ae Communion tes- Ouests at Craiglea derisg tis eaels Aterceon and Evening Bsanc ha. were Mis Lul Row Mis Lotie ef ttc W. A. and tae S. S. Staff. DemseyChaelaneMises ele Mc 1000 .m-Seeday Scisool mcd Bible Dempay Calaaîna Mieea elenMc, Casses. Kerciser, Mary Andesson, Ellm Shep- 11.00 m..-Mernlng Prayer andi Ses-- iserd, Jean Wellington, Isabll N elsen, mon. Elizabeth Miekiar, Relis Heltisy, Mas-- 7.00 and Sermon. garaI Moltby. Isael Kenan, Beets-Ice Wad 19t1-4.00 pin. Junior Auxlliry Mars-oss, Ms. antiMss. R. H. Nixon, maesIn' tae SS. Hall. Mise E. Patidia, Miss M. Fers-a, Ms. 7.00 p.m. Junior Chois-Psatira. antiMs-a W. C. Chsambsis, Misa Gert- Titere. 20ti-.00 p.m. Sectes- Choir rode Ttompeen. Miss Mary Evans, Ms-. Praclica. Ttc Zoee eetieg mmc s el ln Mil- tee Lagien Hall os Sueday, Juea9. In aitendanca mas-e Cesradesfsose Dekicihe. Streeluciie, Georeown, Arien, Port Ceedit ccd Beonte. Ttc maie speakers mare Dstrict Com- mandas- Hase, Provncial Sacs-etary Bur-ke, Zona Commandes- W. Anlder- sec and Pasi Zone Commandas- tram. C. H. Eiiiott, e! Mlton iied tise brencb os Moeday, Jonc 10. test teorgal Hilton'. Meeemotb Cardan Pastp, apensoreti hy tisa Mil- tee Legtec asdthltaBoard et Trade Jonc 10 le Mlton Asena. Tsao tours of vaudeville provîdati b>'ttc VicIes-p Esterleisars andthett Top Hat Ehlitea. Aey eledani mlehing to eladItickets tes- tis abaove show may obtale tem eI Marchant's. At a rarent meeting s! tise Brancis m donation etf15.00 mes pproved tes- tisa Cancer Foundatlln, Ttc Legien aliisarecectly hean undargoico repaire. Ttce ptaire portion hasn nesabecs converteti 155e a meting isall. Haut Leglon meeting Mondmy Jonc 171is. iADVERTISEMEHT) WHRAT HE DD FOR TOU GARAGE OPERATORS DISCUSS ROUES 0F SALE AND LICENSES Tise Jane meeting of tise Garage Operatore Aesoiation, Italten Cosnty Brancet saeeld lentisa Odd Fetis Hall ln Miltes on Jece 3rd. Presld- cnt Red Waemâley prcalded. Les Mc- Ktndley on beasai! e a Brancis ps- seted a cep te aset yeare presldeet, Fred Sinclil, le eppraclatlen e! ttc mendarfel werk tie ted donc on ba- hltofte Beancb. "lice gaunine questien eau next trese eut tee discusion. Il mme tait tisat tisa Beanci shnould itar seti s policp nom er tergaltisah e hla tiig. A Head Office proposaiase prasantcdi bp Mr. Lurry Hastingu te Issue per- mite fer 12 mcd 24 tour operationu mes rejaclad by tisa members, Il sasa fait tisaitishe Branci s sised appiy te coes undar tise Industriel Standards Att aiecg simiier tUnesatuta taiebli mes appiid for mcd grantad te Ter-- ente. Aler an boss- discussion en heure, rates et pay aet.,fil mas flnaiiy movad tisaItisaeSs-ancis eppiy tecoma uner tise Act etes saine pronle- tocs esTes-enta mîtis tmo amendinenta, esmaip te ressaie open entit 10 p.m. os Seles-dsy nigis anmd tise nlgist ps'acedlng a isolldsp mcd tismt a min- imum mage o! IleInstestif et 1kper- itour tores- epienced lielp bo sdded. Titis means Il apps-oved tisailise Gss- lice Indesls-y le tise Ceuely salti op- craie ts-om 7 am. te 7 p.m. Menay tu Friday and 7 m.m. ta 10 pm. on Bal- esday. mcd tac nigisl isetre a hoi- day. Sesdmp sale mli ha fs-ose 10 a, m. tu 5 p.m. hy permit enly mItasnec permit per mentis toeccis stlet, Ttc saut discussion cents-ed aroanti tise lesumce et icenees Le tise ceanty. Il mes moed tisat a daiegalios tom- prising lise Setrelary mcd ttc Lecal Adviuery Bosrd bc sent dem. ta ttc Dapastment et Laiser le demsed tisai ceme action teta Isisan les-ctp tac Issuancaetofmecisasice crttltalas mitera titey ae-e st qualiltld. and Mrs. Alex Brome, Mr. and 'IM-s Advance Notice:- o ogaoaYugmnl n an eghadi a ruh u Stuart Reseveare, Miss Jean Brett and Sunday, June 23rd, 7 p.m.-Dedlrat- Ntln g en a i n ealet c twelreh u Mms. A. Perrett et Terento; Mise B. ioeef etMmertal isy the Btshep ifoera s e htîed Sp te the speaker that thse Unions are organtztng te try Rsddell e! Astigreve; M M. Ceertice e! Niagara. platferse by wilttcg hande. Nia lsead te unlenize tise wisele garage trade. Mr. acd Mrs. J. L. McPhiaL Miss wes tendaged. Hic ene srm wss le Il waes greed tisat betere any menthes Melaulcer and Dr. Horrits ef Hamlton. And Ye Shall Enos tise Trsth adth a sitcg. And the otliter hei e cretch. elgord a contract with a unies chat Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Wallsac, Mies Trstis Shahl Make You Fs-e-Jas. 8: 32 Net only baed hc come lrom, btut hie the Branrh ahould get togather asdj Phet Gucipe:bMr.aTHEoCEGRClph;CHRISTihid bacc lhreugh tise very isms ecfotrm s standard islirti. Artyhus Hicintots , nrans Ms HECUC O HIT dcaih. Sevan limes ite mes baptised Thc acarclty of used cars and tise JanrtrHingnisottmJeanrogai;MssGI clttoce flîmes of bail. Seven limes taris yard car deais waa cocdemned Mrs. J. E. WhItlock, Jamie Whie-he wmss mundcd ter you acd me. isy tise memisers but Il mas feit tisat lotis, Mr. acd Mss. W. Marshsal, W. A SUNDAY, JUNE 16tis, 1046 Wtee titat greet crowd rcoliled wtet ttts condition, ted ieen preclpttatcd Marshal and Mrs. Mars-hal, Milton; Ser-vice at 1 iL h e ted becs treegi fer yeu mcd me isy tise snderisaed eperatleca et tise MsM.E. Creedie, Elgin. 111. Guesi Speaker-George M. Johsosn, te veit toit reng mtlisir riseers. ssed car dealers ln tise cittes and tisai Mis oot. Ddt lialeve te ibis yeung mac? tisera mes net muet coutdl te donc Cesse Nes anmd lt Us Reas= T tey did.. abeut IL. _______________ getter Salt Jhovst-Isaalat 1: 1&. But fntl rae hnay Duc 10 tise istancsa ef tiseissus, I ~ ~ ~- ______________________ tsiiieiyratheDer tis e ayscversl tiser thiga wera leftIoves-. a. Engagements Nj nucit rlsacrh if iws site aod ba i n t wss mverd tat me adjeurn for 1 thred mut aitfils sicnarel isete mcd _______________________ GOSPEL TABERNACLE terse vent ils rage cite cInnocenttcmotsetJymdAgutuee Sec ef Ged, wito gave tic Bieed 1h01 saime urgent business araue. Ttc engagement Is asneerd ot Milles Yeetis for Christ mii jets ccv mightiliva, aed Il ls eiy ln lm Graeaelai.duhter ot Mru. J. C. tise greet VutRaiiy et Mopie Leau!,toat me cribhve esernl ttc.Ttc GEORGETOWN MeLaughtiic otNervel and tae laie GrdanseIbis mach eeiy. leed ls te ery essence etfte Gos-i Mr. McLeugitlin, te George Robert MID-WEEK PRAYER SERVICE pet mesge. Aprt front il tasre sneo siee alheScslhm Fraarsoi e Mr ee Hr. . 8.00 sop.m. Every Wedneadayaiet thereetef lite, ne living mter, ce anti Georgetwn rasidant, Miss Jeen as of Milton. Ttc marriage 0,111 taise tomaetfMr. and Mrs. Brlslow. traad ot Heavan on miicis te lad, n) rlwt -eelgast its place on Juiy g6e intae Presbytesian SUNDAY, JUNE lott, 1046 defesce le meet slte ellmîes.I if seerlawet Nareec et Gaul aes-sith R Ciurb Nrvlet4coct 301pm. Suedey Icteel. Beys ami you haea cver epproprieatd ibis dlv-Hoptl - -- Girls eootbee treel jie instore tee ine bloodt ransfusion, you heve esTnlioilu.( SUPIEPARTY FOR yo ibis eet. Ttare iii te te rentes, yeur neeed te fimlm te as ;eorgatemc Councit ocre lices sde- SURS E MDOAmotion Picturce. preseeting ls e 'edfu nitctaited aocois ofetsuggealed charges MES. A. MDONALD Gospel in picture ont sang. se eliepenne adfali.adt e morptpbi îecîî neer ON RER BIRTHDAV I7.45î1;.sî. Evegeiiatic Service. TheChrist oS Cols ary's cross salît spply in musynici t uleii nu-" motin slîde le presenledi lis cleanieg Bicostin10you for lice 0tMndy ihts Ci meeting, On Stutrdayigiti, Juse t. ao eithIis service elso. bloodi e on thce lles S e uto ine- and allerecosse itebata decidedti c surprse paty ws hel ai he bone Eeryon CoriallyInvied imnt fr you sou. D.ntcoromprltteeaia o apphe lley p salîtwthA. serprsa prsy ses hlti t tt toma EvetyoeeCcritallyIevied mel te- yer sel. Det focelaied Cso.cs asi Ce.tbr genteeet. ef Mes. A. McDolci, R. R. Ne. 4. A'- gOui Dit Btsid tee you. fo theItlle C. rbîîîpeoe aiasyearîy rute et ton onete occesion et ber biritdoy.c. centthe Blo,,d."iii e Ouests cumtered about iety mcd Ine1945,Canada'smrep$175.3ol0.toimeoloe.e Aijrciccsieuieslt wara irem Acclen. Toronto,. George- ioces ertiesaied asi I-Mqsmillion For 1ha1 my Lord es donc, etfte tewne esesos iltte enneunca- tusse. Port Credcil, Limaitouse aed dollars. Bel I cseuld eorb lite eny slave, ment tduit Ms-. DaviciI Briltes sold Milton. Musieceves supplied by r,. ________________ For cote et Gode dcucr son" lic e letrmeet store business te Hr. Key. Craese 'sCorners; . Foutain -Rm .2 etCle.Tasoetsbc and T. Gibbons, Arien: Bill Summers, Rom.It6e:re2tdJwrte otltsn. meaitrseeteyaben Ltzcteue; . MDonidMcion nd . r f ~JACK MOUNTAIN oeil oui re-opan on Friday undar Mr.' Eml Scott, Georgetown. A. H. eS orest Collee's maesstl.-Iliad. Ater a beuntifut lunch Ms- Samw Gib aldMes. McDendtat het TA SE V C- frrnt. An eddre mas read isy i Wmn. J. MeDeeeid ont e pursa wal >Tt AXI____ SERVICE____ I filaed wes preeteti by NormanMc Denaldi trom the 8 sons and 2 deugli- Aitt lcueseera tuily iue lare. Aise Miss Doris HcDeeeld i fsieid N rend as address and Miss Mary Me-, NeTrip Ten Long T C e D g Donald praelte alovly boequatet 2tOISERVICE N T C e D g rosas fote c raneetibliren. Maey or ptronae, please isvaiy ftiearsancd gifle mare reiveti by Mes. MeDoeeld. Altbeeghtateen PHONE 218J1e XIO îe' fDc- i h by surprise, Mes. McDoneid madea c '--/ epieedid speecht of teets taeavarpona eî o lhî preserit and ieviiad evaryoea iacis as ________of___________ ofttas tbay cei'ed te visit. FRIEUS HNOR RIDEPRINCESS lig Licesi.c vwers' situe etcApril It, so a lot te Cierk't 0F WEEK IN SHOWERS t T H E A VT1R E . Officse unit gel yecr itag and avc trouble aed expen-. MISCELLANEOUS GIFFSAise loke Coice thaIal li Dog-, ccc net eliowesi lerue lit Miss Mrion May, bride of iFblsand SAT lurge from April lOti tat Ocioter Isi, eeeerding le By-lea 694, mont btee tachie racipiant et tOO* 0 Bine Crosby, Ingrid Bergiman wihwl cscl nocd somarreacatliy. De Mey 22ed Ms-s. Roert Meffat, Cisorcis Street, itld "BELLS OF ST. MARY'S - W. G. CANNING. Chief of Polis-a e miscalieneoun stomar te terr inr Thc bride-to-sa recaivcd bar gîftîs fici 4 wacbs aiIme priai, To- - from na large, gliy dcratcd medding conte. ________________________________ cae. Amesg tcensenp gifle mes a Rae. beautIful lerge iiemdr vasa te ttc cerniiomar pattern ebicit mas pres- MONDAT - TUESDAY eeted te tee by raca Citer t Youe' Bry izealWlerHso Peoplea Society of mtîit se1 erI itcrld eta utoa., mamisar. Miss Hergeret Arcitdaacen' "AND TEEN TERRE WERE M ILTON~ MILLING CO. redcrad tme soies mcd a numitar ot NONE" tumoress conteels mre teid. Marlon thenkad hb anmy trieda for tae 3 Stooges C "ents Wtbest Limited iovely gîftls and lise evelng mme Cents" hrougit ts e clesa by a deIety lne- Ceierad Cartees -'risc Tais- Facti yens- ciickciîs 'STARLIGHT' Greming Mosh le pre- cis. Fasriegono Ma gpiaa. ,pae tem fer ttc fuil mearket end taying sesen. This is the Mn. ra hear Tiserfte byrid- itmce afadtiIem 'STARLIGHT" Grewieg Mesh te incee tede an kîtris a yer2o lta bria-eIthir weighi end kccp tlbcm itegoed condition. gittesabit ware whitelanmd blacks Fit.& i 5., JUne liaI * lId esameimara, sacre errangati ce beau- Pael Hcsraid, Meurcan OHara The hYng seasonealmoat here. Get your supply of llteiiy dacerae aleis. Tie star- fresh sait now s ltag o t swlîl have lit0onhand mIses needed for non as espent leInkleg*Brtde's "SPANISE MAIN" ha>'. Boonimd escis lsdy enereahtînt (Techiclor) on «Hem te Eeep Hobby Mappy.'- Marntestiacisd everyeee fer tisis Dlmey-ýContrery Cendor" O t iiu giftta ln ier esuai peaeleg NawsP on 50M to mannes mcd tise iosteni ses-yd a de- P o e5 itnO t ticlous lengiseon. SHOEREPAIRS PROMPT SERVICE R. HARRIS Main St. I...... A......N'.......NI.... ,VER".......àS .....A ......RY i' SERVICES i BOTeN2t Anniversary Services of BOTNCHURCH, Esquesing Twp. willlbe l ens j SUNDAY THE 23rd DAY 0F JUNE BEV. DE.LA. C. GOCSSEANEI of St. Andrew'a Prealîyterian Cisercit, Port Credit I wtBl conduct tise services iMorning Service Il aits D. S. T. Evenlng Service 7.W D. S. T. SPECIAL MUSIC BY CHOIR loi C A RNIVA L Sponsorai y FRIDAY Zone 21st TIse Rotas-y Club of Oakville Twn ' nigis ta SATURDAY Juste 22nd Georgetown I AUCTION SALE Victoria Park Girls Pipe Band GAMES - RIDES - DRAW - BINGO Dancing Both Nethsjj PETER THE CLOWN <MMHMHMBMHMHMHMBMHMHMHMHMMBMIMHM IH NATIONAL CLOTHINGi COLLECTIONI JUNE i 7th to 27th Sedwhat you cen to the local collection centre, as Sed every article lessurgently needed! Milton Hardware I Phone 43 Mkiltcon IMMMMHM HMRHMHMHMRMMHM<EMMujf HALLTON COUNTY FEDERATION of AGRICULTURE FIELD DAY FRIDAY, JUNE 2lst AFTERNOON anod EVENING Milton Failr Grounds AFTEIONOON PROGRAM Commencest 2 p.m. Aston Boaps Band Iniec'-Tosveuttp Sofibati 'roureumcst Icler-Towshctp Rus-ai Sebeel Cildren's Sports Hetton Juntes- Fermes-s' Tracs Evacîs He.rsa Sise Pilctteg Centesta Speciai evaclu fos- Publie choSetetauriere, mars-ted ladies, ctiids-an undar O. etc. EVENING PROGRAM 7.30 pms-Finals Halton Junior Farmar' Softhail Tournaseient 9.00 ptn.-Top Variet>' Progrant FLATIRINO Claire Baume, the musical vmgmbonsd Giadys Gainait,' sages- mcd omedtensse Roy and D.ansHemd, mOaganmd vetlcqulas Doubhle Maile Quartette Speakear: CaL tisalion, Tis. Kennedy, Ont sitaister s! Agrie. Special Esiits o! Arst andi Creft Stiertat Gata Prte-Psre Brodi Yorkshiire 80w Piccie Lunch Brlng Yoor Lunch Basket snd Copa Booth on Growtede ADMISSION CEILDBEN 14 year and osier FREE ADULTS 25e 1 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSDAY, JUNE 13th. 1946 PA= ri"