PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TIIUEBDAY. 31>1<1 Stit. 28(0 MILTON. ONTARIO Pubi.b.d E,..,y Thrn.da, Atrmm. AutbSt.t.d as seontd clans mail. Pnt Ofice. Dputst. SUaSCatPTn« AT-4 a .V<Otin <houe. Utilte§ se. p I .L Bou 0,. <.Mthal ..swodmohou. b: ÉUVo h.. d....of ADYSRTIBIOOORATS-O. oppucioan tMd a t,. in ,.d..tMisa. ht.HDtg Athottgh «.,epscatol.. b1 . teks tte .,.td du ony àdverti..ottOt pablihed h.mi.dr odtes».. r, Md ..retumd t Th F.. Pes. bs ses oS.duly iguedI byth ad,..tlttt and .ltb *teucts.. ostnttntlott p planle toted u i. .tt.tht.... Md lb.utes tase, U any errer au noted la tot eo.vttl b, Th Free Pu....iltsl.blittp ubotott too..I auch ao rP.onttlt09 theentr os omuch aoob I,.tlu..urtt .th b . tt . bar. t te chot. op= ttumpladb G ARLOF tILLS. Ute Eu..Offic. . MinlSretMon Tlep a,,tNo.âu EDITORIAL A Need for Careful Welghing 1 A perusal of weekiy newspapers in other parts of Ontario reveais that the larger areas for second- ary scisoos is causing quite a lot of discussion and tisat many cotomoinities find themseives in the same position as the nortisern part of Hat. Counfy. In one section two fair-sized towns are lined up bdding for tise location of thse schoot. Like acquring a new industry, such community aggreSSivencss i only to b. anticipated. Tise foks thait are wortiswie in any community are to ho expected f0 do everythiçog in their power fo obtain a now choot or sew industry for their community. Above 111,, t s anfîcipated that there is a desire to frefain present institutionts and certainiy no tisought of iosing any of theto. Bst perhaps tht school buidings tisat might bectosed wouid titi tthe cotnmusity needs as buildings for community centres so poputar and needed tisose days. In one of tise excianges, we read tisat a suitable tract of tond for a large ares scisoot of froto 400 f0 800 pupits wil require an tirea of 25 acres. This of course eliminates mtliowns from pufting sucis a new structure witiin tise municipal limifs. Or ai leat tiseidea of centrai location in tht municipality. We have given some stody to tise proposais set forth for tise Norths Haton Ares. We havent cianged oor attitude in tise ieast in regard t. over- centralizafion wbetiser if is education or industry. We havent altered our opinion regarding regiment. tion of Canadians. But we are frank enougis to admit that studicd from tise angle of prescrnt scisool grauts, costs 10 muicipaities and greater educatinnal facilities for al cbldren, comparable witb that received in tise cities, tise facts and figures are muchin favor of tise new plan of larger areas. We have isard from friends in New York stale sisere successful operat- ion of tise pis. bas been in vogoe for several yeas. We earn from otiser friend's tisaf in Northern Ont- ari. larger public sebool areas are giving bel fer fac- ilities to tise residents of districts mucis larger thon tisaf proposed for nortis Haiton. W. are iearlily in accord witb tise plan to move carefuliy and give careful consîderafion before mais- ing steps 10 area in nortbern Halton. Our analysis of figures and tacts presenfed for Norths Halton iring only a favorable conclusion for thse new pion. I.fiese days of fluctusting prices, tise estimates may be nof entireiy accrat, bst even a fair measure of inaccuracy migist be allowed and tise balance found quite safisfactory. Tbe more careful study we give tise plan, tise more favorably we are impressed. We hope ail may have an opportunity f0 give carefol study to if and a presentafion of tise facto before a decision is finally mode. Prejudices and objecfions must be placed in tise scaies and baianced against costo and grealer opportunity for tise young folks of tise district. A Recrd of Publie Service On Mondsy, June lOfi, Rt. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King will bave compieted is 2th yf5r of office as Prime Minister. On tisaf date he sut bhave held of- fice for a longer peiod of ime h05 fisc head of ano other governmeff in tise surld bas held o sirnilar of- fice. On Jonc tis be will have exceeded by one day thse term served isy Prime Minister Sir John A, Macdonald. * To have aciieveci this record ivlise most trouble. somne period of world istory and f0 have soccessfuily advanee along tise road of lberty and progresas itis admiration and pride. Yet nover perisaps bas lise world beid Canada in iigiser esfeem tia. in these tant f ive years of bittfer conflict during sisicis, under your inspiring guidance as Primo Minister, site bas played so splendid a part i. tise nsw imminent over- Iros of tise powera of cvii." Wo join witis otisers i. congratulations ta Rt. Hon. Msckenzie King on is long record of faitistul performance of duty to Canada. We join in tise wisislie may long ho spared f0 serve Canada and tise hope fisat is lite will inspire other Canadians 10 reoder sucis service lu country that if will receive like commendation frototise public, ont in ooe short period, but over tise years tisaf bave prove. sound judgment and desire for lasting progresa not hased on immediafe adivantage. Sesaîl Towns Are Good Bets A Canadian prospector sibo bad 'struck if ricis" in tise mining country of Northern Quebece wenf hack f0 is home f055 of CampisoliÇord, Ont., a year ago wifh is fortune and decided to seulie down. Et- nesf J. Ayrbart was 45, filied sIs vigor and vision, and 10 him settling dovut meant ns retrbsf to arto- chair and sippers but rather a campaign 10 bring prosperity 10 is community. .Wiîbin a tes montbs, hoe owned a fouriot camp, a hardware store, timber intereafs, a tomber miii and a construction company. Ho put $350000 into capital invesiments and new lite mbt Campiselford. Tise town bummed sIs activity, employees sbared profits of tise nos projects and Ayrisart realized in- terest on is investments. RosI ctate values wont tip 40 per cent. Elected msyor, tise man siso gave Campiselford a new bease on lite recently predicted that witin lise nert five yesrs ifs populatioîn sould jomp fromntishe present 3,000 10 10,000. Not everyone has a liird of a million dollars to 000esf, bof Ernest Ayrbrts esperience is an indic- ation thaf money wisely spent in Canada's smal îosns will vield dividends in monetary profils and satisfaction in helping chmmunities 10 prosper. if costs less 10 start a business in a small communifv tissuin o big cty and the odds favor ifs success. A business foundrd sitis a sar seferau's graua tics plus a snalil ban, or a omaîl company in sisicis several young men pool Ise resoarces and tiseir on- tisosiasto, bas an initial advantsge ifs prop. riefor is usually sell.knosn in is home town and enjoys fromntishe outset valuable goedwill shichist would labo ycsrs ta accumulate in a big cîly. Every thirving business is an asset toao small bswn, just as every successtul small town basiness- mail usually is a stauncis supporter ot aIl commun- ity projecîs sud a leader in civic lite. Many smsll towns otter opportunities for lourist camps, radioi ropair sisops, laundries, bakories and smail indust- ries. They nerd more yoang businessmen siso sut blp biild commanity rembu, nos scisools and otiser public buildings. upporîtishe cisurcisos and serve o towu councils and school boards. To tise youug man considering inveslmoul if gratuitios or sarpîsut carnings and f0 tise older man looking for a way f0 set up a son or soniulas iin business, small towos ottor msny 0f tise hst oppor. tunilies in Canada to-day, togoîhor sIs a way of lite that combines cify comforts sitis more lisure and satisfaction than lise urban dweller ever cao hope ta achieve. EDITOIfIAL NOTES Inflation comes when se psy 100 igb a price for living sud 100 small s price for living rigisl. Jane tise monts tif roses, strawberrics and grocin peau. il's also poptlar for brides, too, but thon se is every oliser monts. For headline nows, strikes are 100 commou 10 cause any comment and mosî 0ffisom 100o foolisis tv gtve any £redif 10 grosnup folks. This is Jane ood lise monts wiseu buffer used ta have h01 brigiter colur aod fisere was plenty otf'tc iTisunks tu storoge, ifs vos sot a sesonable commod- lity. Tiscse are lise listing days for scisoul papîls avd tise ime whrn lise years work coutoîs. Boltsisal a frward look 10 îwu sisole moulhs ut bolidays. lIeut ld sehool days. Tise hiciswoys scee0o0e and tmore automobilLs led a unitel Canada Ibrougissix yeurs of sur is sifi United States license plates, as our cousivs tind sonîthing tv ho proud of and a cnuse for rejicing Canada a govd pluce in sbtch lu speud a holiduy on fisc part of Canadians tiasausci a stalesmnan bas Make tisent selcoîve t every opporleinify. heen sparel tu sec tise fulfilment ufthtie days ut peace again shen others fe11 onder the load. Canada Tise edifor pions lu spoud tise neuf 15e days ut a bas beon fortunate tisot in tisese imes a mou sili esue ufeec udn W aef.îh sucis o hroad uderstanding ut Canadiaus as Rt. juI afler you gtl yune papr ad hope lu deriVe, us Hon. Macksenzie Kng sas aI fisc bcad of Çanndian suai1, some benefits tisaI eau b.cssed in giving affsirs. readees a botcr eommnunily newspaper--os seli 1as On Augut 7îh, 1944, Winsfon Chsurchill paid tise a brief holiday. foliowing tribute 10 Canadas Prime Minister: I«l earn you set lu-day celebrsting fisc Silver Jtabilee of yosr assomption t0elise leadership of your According fo tise United Statesuateasr Bureau, parîy. Ln tise shole hstary offrtee Parliamenîsry fisc soeld may ho slarted ou a haIt century of <pie- iustitiutiotts tes, if any, can dlais. lu bave led a gressivebo clder wealise. Aboot îid.July se %suli parîy of sîste se long and pre-esinenîly. Throogb. probably ho calling for faster pragresu.--t'cînhbr,,ko out tiese 25 years you and se bave wafcbed Canada (Ont.) Standard-Observer. NATIONAL CLOTHING COLLECF ION1 Business Directory European -ildrvii us t hve nvived thehoreor of invasion and thse squalae of lite saler enemy occupations are cadl n rago. Tisee palisetie victimsof at Oss attermatis sre ln lesperale nemi of lotis- ne To relieve teîr mise! y an accent appeat ls maIe ta every Caslian tas.tiy t. eansae h li utles, suedrobes, and trsniss anl ontribae every serviceaisle carment tist fhey con spsrp t. the Natiunal Clotiing Collection, Local depuIs selh. annouscee shortly. OEAPE.NUTS tao w tmoat 27e0T lummEDD WUAT Ea . 34* GRAVE aewalug E mete.1e "" S1AVOY CUSTARD at 9e WURA? SPAIKIES «070ot mue CATEI'S NOOOLES smeg S*Tat NECTAR »4 M. 7e MUSTRD on.ast170 r.ootoattu se~ .~t.BINESruai DINNER As '07ÀA1p "a se OATbMAL 2. 4c og t s. 3 CLEANSER ,Sen Q g UM a P4. Ina LIMA n.A uea.cos6e.,r,,. O il,"T'a COCOA o2 98Z sa: î LLT OTEEL WOOL f%0 14,20e8 tOta1 6e vE La NAPUTEA 3 oAo.m noafl MM OPBERD cOA!T ant sQ. qg W§ c-ACIS t-h240 CeaMàut1Ls pr. 9q». ma ueunt.-cuts.ueo PAIS> DOS 155»a eMO& 298 LITEACTa SMtt. TOMATOES 2 35c Frm, Ripe. .. ......... 5 RA iIISH ES Fresis Daily ASPAICAGUS Fross Dily S PI NACH Fresis flily Green ONIONS -3 forl14c 2 forl19C 2 lb for 17c 2 Buches 9c DR. C. I. STEVESON MD., L.M.C.C. Phone 2w - 3-Ray Office Houea 8,-R5 amn.; 1-3 '"-9p.n Coroner .CPM. and Gaat Brgen DR. G. I. sYiRu Office-James Street Phsone No. 38 Office Houes: 9 a.m.Z 1-3, 78.30 lp.. Coroner - M.10H. LEGAL DICK & DICK W. L DnCK, K.01 iCounty Crswn Atorney) KENNETU y. DtCK. HA Barriotees, Solicitors Coart Hoswe - Milton. Telepbsne 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON Barrester, SoliciterEtc.. Ôfflce--Next 0500 Chisont Office Mais Street-Miltfon Teiepbsne 54 GEORGE E. ELIOTI Dereler, Salicito, Ne<.r7 tuME Office-ta FarmereW Buldling. Mal Street, Mitao, Telephane 70 LEVER & HOSKIN OhaueeolAMctaa 1305 Metropolitais Bldg.. 44 Vctoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office in Royal Building, Mi.t Houra-59-5. Evenings by Appontient X-Ray Service Tetephone 19f DE. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SUBOHON Office oc. Pinces. Tbeatree Night Appointlnents may hoiee.rrngel X-Ray Service-Gos Extracton Hoars 9 f0 5 Tclepbsne 65w NIKISEN-The Ciirsacto, 33dYcae of Practice Wei., Soit., 2-5 and 89pn Costeil ThoeOIay Over Dominion Storc, GeorgetoO Phsone 1W TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIOIC RAILWAY STANDARD TDRE Coing Eaf-7.27 am., daiIy; 2.02 pes., dlly; 8.40 p.., daiIy tactS Sunday. Coing West-9.09 a.., IaitY <Gag); 6.28 ps... Ioily; 12.47 a.., dalY t- eept Snay iflag). SUNDAY Coing East-7.27 a..; 2.02 P.13.; .17p.. Coing West-.09 a.. itag); 6M2 CAIIADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAlf Coing Soutb-7.30 p.. Gtlng Nsefh-8.09 &.m. IS. A.FAY Phoet205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHING Main St, - Miltn, Ont. Dan Hunter EXPERIENCED, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Witis an auctioneer for a part- nec witis 40 ycanat experience Mr. L Ss.iths, Ancaster. (OOAROFS VEttY EABONABLE Phone 271rlS P.IL 3 , Ceanpbelivile Milton Hospital (Privafe) VISITING HOURS 2.30 p..f0 4.00 p.. 7.00 p.. to 8.30 p.. (No Children under 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semni-Private - $3.50 Pivate ---$500 PHONE 216 MILTON THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TEUPJIDAi, JUNE Oüs, lffl r PAGE TWO lýl 7 j