Volume 87.-No. 1. MILTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JIJNE 6th, 1946 Eight Home-Print Pages--Five Cenis. Chamipionship Trips! Thirty-first Annual Milton Couneil Opsed Driver Escapes Milton Wins the .1Meeting of W.M.S. pos When Brick Truck Awarded in Junio]r lu io(x CliurehtclD miinlitrn n1ie Opening' Ganie F~m rC m~iton The thirfy-fic osnai Meeting ai Ch nea Michie Wilson, Milton narrowiy es rom Georgetown - Setio 2 o ToanfaPrebyfeiaiwascaped injury Wednesay ai terna Il One Hundred PaIrticipate in Eet hda Man Koox Chrci Mrlio onW. ltosPàad a etn Ladies NigIht at cehen the Milton Brick Transport Hardball Seamon Opened Here Tbcsay Milto 3Otb Me Monday Favor Retaining of Pre truk ich he was driving to Miltao aMitnLstSturay- McClure of Brampton and Mrs. Edgar t Igb fCag Md a a inCu verturo in the ditch. To, ,cd" Last Niglit With Win of Mtier Awards are Made Riobertson ai Milton in charge. GOttS a u fCag aeC ia inCu cnt happeaed a mile aodan l!eu 9-7 firom Georgetownl behali o! the Knox Auilars', Mia. Red FJigil be Adoptttd-Mltt ofd ~ a Trafaigar on the Dunda Hif st TbeAnuaiArievmit fas ia Aaîn bouat reeino f tc- ude of Itemp of Tfown Business ~ when WIuon, in order ta avoid coi-, In a twiighf gaine ist nig'at hore Maltas Junior Haomemaiers andI tie i guesto who were present fronm Bas- Deait With ait Session on Tu- lading witb another car, had to drive Milton defcated Georgetown ta the Livestnrk Judging Campetition for tan, Omiagh, Georgetown, Brampton, 1 ' Ladies' NIgbt ai Milton Canadian into flic ditrh. The trucka was badiy tune ni 9-7. Milton had qeven bits, Halton Junior Formera were heid ln FStreetuvilie Kno Sîsteen, Norval Jesday Night Club had a pragrant tast Fridas' thaf èrmaged but tbe driver was onit four ai tbemn againuai Pattersan wbo Miltn and district on Saturday, June and Union. - -osuieanafptcurifretbt.reiieved Bi-sdon on the mound. B. lot.Mrs Wm Meoddn a Omgb be eguar eetng i M ta tbe ladies and mes tan. Tite speak- Toiefaba and "Babe" Ciementu bath The Junior Homemaisers. under flie read tbe acripture. Mrs. McFadden Council wau beid on Tuesday evening. er was Mr. W. C. Kennes' of Tarantso o rpe leadershiip aiM0 us o iCa made coînpariaon between the coter- Mayor Gea. H. Dawsnn, Counciliors anih ule nsFae to a tipesO. inneGagfsri Wamen's Institute Brandi, made their ing the pramlsed land by the taraelit- J. W- Higis V. J. No F, L. etedy To-ay omro Plenty of~ Acin 1Ite lhinn.Gogowral dipasand sfaged finir demanstrat- es ta ftle apportunhfy for advance giv- Crasefurd, H. F. Wliewell and G. C. Tbr -eemds iand coor onib * oîna ýeg ed ien and D.ow B run Paffeo Ions lns the Milfon Towen Hîall. Bath wr ovû n oo o h in n .Buh .t,. fi.dispias an demanulcafiona fe ie rsye. Sinlai ailoin Gereasigommiîteea prescrnt- straebers' sbnrtcahe welf ireah- the Milton bahf ni the it . cenfred araund fthe fwa projets con- leIiipae.- h aiwn racen berrnes gave a fine sampie JL ,aen G iesRLaie-up Cor Georgetoan was: A. ducfed lis ftbe Junior Hamemakers The guest speaker ni fthe aiternoont edth le ioloing arenualts andI recant- and proni nif lie new mnefhnd ni prea- WiLES iJvui G m s ichie 2nd; tD. Chapman cif.; B. Rit- during fte pant year. These fwo ro Mrs. A. W. Pae ai Toranto. gave a mended tllat tbey he paid: erving frçsh fruit,.__ chie, c; Pafferson ls.; Ward If.; Wil- Jents nere au flanws: l r f h a Slieng vers splendid talk an the wor' a th e, wrk sonite c$13Evns3h.M1e4s l. Gamens an (b)The lubpingi .M fbraugboof the naiId and Wernarka Camifnies 4011 Annîber tala icafure nero the Campbellville Hltting Great Stride Bron .PEvn3b e nmyl. Entertains. F gave many esamplea ai the fruit ni litreeta & Watba . ._ 4083.53jnmesb h aipelil-D.By Th atenon rgrn flicgt hir efforts. Miss Marjorie Daw- Towen Hall & Propeî-ty 4.'24 ville dnule maie quartette and their to Lead the Lteaglie in 1 Georgetown had f bre e errors ta Tite Seno pragranie ibrsagnd son rendered a very beautifut and Relief Commitice . 35.00) numbers nere indeed a musical freat Games to Date !Mlltsnas tie and 10 bita ta their 7 men'eior nkesfte molemrsd h ile FlainLrdnHaee Cmmittee passed teaport sl"0LdHvMr-Mr. Bert Eiatey infroduced the and yet Milfon came ouf wifli a 9-7 Senor ioemaersew n Calloaeti CY1 an1 nsirfîaîn peaker. W. A. Kennedy. General 'i ree gumes weie played nn Wedl- a-Ictnry. What's the maffer George- demons tein ii keen Minseresi An interestlng part ai lice meeting i 1,167.91 for paymenî. Sales Mýana'ger ni Frigidaire. Mr. nraday. May 201h. in thie lorut souhbailtofnn Dn s'ou want ta look over nur Aempsng fc vitaifos eas Mhis Lata wau when escli Auaîîiary responded ta Cîech Jas. W. Biais braughf up fh- Kennedy faltI ni the past biatars' ni losp. juveniies? Dempss'y ai Cltane Junior laoe-: ni rIl lis' îeîîîg ni higliligite advisatiliîtyaofpurccasing nood as ahtrll an ironen innds, thte present ofate ni the .eginA leut fa the Business Men in -Af a special meeting Tueay even- inaka ator'ei nA a t Juome afiiwermnb.Tremmeaeeret dseîîyfrnu îîr industry and gave a glimpsn inia seht 100 n ti tbe fane ni 8-5i. Bus Knigbf. ing a nnw manager and caach ceas makrsCa thir.5isrofisue oa the Toronto Exerutîve o-ere pires- Cauncil a-as it Covor afi Ibis soggcst- flic future hoido. He waa cmphatic pitching lac fhn Busineso Men ailowcd einrted for Miltnn hall club. Cliii Af the saine ltme, 70 Junior Farm- u r irii rsdn.bagi on b irisa aivciaefi n the point that onis' gond inoda andI ai hu and bad sîrnng support fromt Houstonosuceceed Stan Fay as mati- c.E. s el Agicarge, Reisefathe grcetînga andI Mrs. Hehrv. liiotorlan posîlilts' ai pracoring a soppîs' aif fruit he oniecicd for frenaing ani lus tram mates. Gaiinay avent ;n ager. Cii wiIl maie an ideal man J.E. Wienek nra chlarge aiie fi nd Mes. Wood, sayyis' secretoîs', a-ood andI repoart ai nc-it meeting. trankIl ascurrd flic audience that for flic ast hlt aiflie aiatb and as lie lias heen pas'ing organici bail CooieTaagrTownship iarm- spoke orieiis' ni their caaci. Mes. R 'Ille Cccli andI Chaîrman ni tic ireeing wei nat Imprave the original aseveliil iiigs. and allaned one bit for over 18 yeaes. He han managed es: Perey Herry, Feafberstone Bras.,Aoro eiGfi ro n c.TnnHl n rteî omtr qoolîty. Ta-o tilms wcrn ahoan: "Tlie and w Inanulis. Tic Legion bail ses-eral teamo and proven his abillîs' J.r.ay mFar InValycrttarmnf 10 S. ociiesieadershîip assisfcd grcaf- n erefta ee aboutfgefliîiuaubisready Ke tanBetier Livinguad KeCy It eigiîl en-ais ta the Business Menas toleud men. J.ase H. Wiiotstn la i atoac iik vcifi ign flc ynu o olfcfi ue o nto Fnac 1- ilre. ani i cnet then the ganse. We i Bos'ne Clementa nitk yeaes ai ex- ciusgea ni otstand cntestants. acre vaMca. Micluîe ni Baston maved a supp~ly nf s-ota fic h en lii Apreclufîon ni the Clubt and tlie arr- cetting gond crows- te tiese tîrience bebind hlm is CiiOs aaaisf- ofWjudge yth 7 ctst ants. . Thie sae ai tianits ta flic Milon ladiesca ul bcl ho rdered. viajîcîrs n-os ccliresoed In a volc cif gin-c buaI aculd liki fa sec even at ac coachi. Thc fean betd 110 frst alcia lue aas iatings J. . Wifc-tt for Ibeir optility. fa lbp speakers, Cuneil n-os ugrcohie lalceiu hiankshi i Rie. S. A. Kirk. Prcaidit mole fis ouf. - practire Tuadas' niti flic new man- Mtoncr ast illers J.orH.town;A.the li soliit and ail those cvbo liad as- cga!f 100 flding chairs lac lie Taseti J. E. Witî-orb cens in chargc ni the - ager. A hundrcd per cest. tamn aut Hilon;Rolt. ilir.Geogetcen A.octeI in making ttfe meeting an on- Hall as5a nmiter ni lice hcilriesieii favogean. Canpieilliilce reails' ulcat tlhe Nci- proves fly ics' h ave the support of He. artin. orsito; DîEln Agr, fit-uccîafion ta evecynne. Mes. Nixon ot servicealile. Coni-ioding teafoil ws. lice seraing sion ine hy a score ai 22-4. Nelson ah lth pias'rrs. thep Beradi sToct a; i nd broaghtifn the repart oi regitration Caunclior Higgioo rciiacf-d fta -ltaubereys' orfnake nithi ll- roolin't do a thcng cîclîl andI Camp- Brce Feerf Li.stac fBran anel chowing thaf fliere nere 92 present ilice toans' Enginecr ia prepingli ceci creans and c-cuire. Hounfaîn hciisîile kad gond calliof pructîceIOALBED S Bruce e. Agi.Rp.CrPc Mec. W. E. Dent sf Knos Sisteen plana for fie bridge an Miii Sireet andI Union Icafiiue 4oitr pri.y:irci Iis: uacanst tic Nelson plîclier. Neil Ma- LCLBEDR Ionites vnie. h i-iuicm n lsed fhn meeting niti peoper. certain sidenabo. When piano are di-iiicc and flie herries iirned flic pil i îcling for Ille Tar Babies bail PROMINENT AT NATIONAL The ladies ai Knox Cbureli invited i.nmpirted Co,îacil cciii tben lic in a nlains ccl lic speaker 1h01 Insu0- -icici amenaond li- vilinge ni Camp-HO TEN AL aiz Ct n-rs p raeintecMiltton Tow tbeir Caccîs fa renomn and have a cap poasition la judge ithfalc menitn met- icozn producîs retain alh fie a-ar lirila-ille baching lim ait. He did oa prinsfm plceinfit Hltn o f -ai wnhnich Oas aervcdl hy mcmbers niîüis are neccssary. cf flic frcsi frîcul cht h, ually I.ice- gosd job andI os the main reason celis E. J. Meaglier, Gakcilie reccîved Hall under tue leacdership. oi Gea. fi. cf fie Y.W.H S. A ntiber oi tihe Priotcng andI Coni- ilcO fa lane and Joly. ilis Icn is icaîuîng lice leagoe la dole- $1,00(1 Cor a bull cal i athfe National AfTihe a!ad th e afo unors Fame. _________ ingeocles Cammîttee andI Mr. Coul- --Nelson i-minis lie is taking afttirt Holstein Sale beltI Mas' 29ti ait Oak- Tiranardu n er s ioias: nhi ROBERTSON-SNIDER son are fui cieck up on the gambage THtAIfNCAE aicîts aller tins îîrabbîng. vle eso ib-oft-l a Jnior Honnsemake CBaron p andI aak collection about bah liefor THE_ uf'0 -(ýAE vile nHed ali-ndinth-l Monî TnpWincr-McgenlBcanandI WEDDING AT BRIDE'S thc calîttucior a laidi full. WEDI)ING IN TRINITY lovîedeccdfieOreFa-lo tpe oer lCdin Hi Mucotce Irene Mitchell, bath ni Hilton. HOME AT SHELBURNE Istrus-tians acre isued la bace CHIJRCH IN BURLN O Lo ll d-4 004 a Illae h eur a Faflc. ceas Mppl B. M.Hilar. ois Buca e' anfo ain irnt-owrspi tant the ibea iproperty cleaed upand the ane is We nuzrobed. The uns- Quelic. W. L. McClure, Narval sec- Ab ionet ninnisg isertnnsî teamzdir n ubshdso f ytegi -Esqumsing Township Teans. rampas- A ueTednresslmic îeanIulildscst ils ln livits' tnitedl (carci ceas tlie pires takî- a houting agaco. F red $1,100 Crnm J. M. Fraser, Street- cd ai Eleonor Stark, Georgetown; ail Sut ucias' Mas' 18f b at Boena VinllstOa nsplas'cca. -cenca o pretu) audding ut 3 o'Icclcc seille for flic s'earting beifer, Willmnag Betty RutIdeil, Georgetocen; Wilmao Sbeibone. cehen Laurena Onider, Casarîl deeldod to liave tlîe par- on Mas' 24tb nu-n Miss MarguccttoI'Vr W.A WigveCap Tiampuan, Harnby. cloie7IM.Wicat hlt îglnspuîda i anSr ef. nioer. daîcgbtcr ai Mr. andI Mm AIl goses, on Mas' 31sf acre con- belilile, reccived $925 for a two- liserellianrdsScîci loitMe. H. Whiteu. nus United in murriage Councîline Cronford gave a r eport Hughes Cleaver. aaa unitetIcmc eid u an yrur-nid irans Hoaper Bros., St. Aehgrovc, Horalis. la lu-arven Roiuerln. sonof thI fli e ofe n a t our afiînspction un regard tu iage ta Hoceard Hamilton Wilation. i Marys andI Howard Laidiase, Narval Asigrave Womea's Instituto spec- Mr. and Mec. J. Robecrtson of Leiras'. suitah)e gamioge dispoail site. B A.. aon of Mr. cn4 Mmc. Franuk Wat- rhcre wece tilc cooteats on Mon-serd 50 Craf-ec-l lai, higt beginser-Wlma Tionapsalu. Rev f. Pognon of SIý fouis Anglican Cauncil recommended fiat fin morn- an ni New Toronto. Rec, Russell lIas', Jonc 3rd. seougit lis' Q. r a. Whac A a Ha Narval Junior Faroser Callcage Cii CocioimaeI sIc e dfis1 eadf ac-Ore hlinted. li'c bride, seha Aiter hcing on tic short enud aia Gî-ecnierg, Freeman, paid a total ni Trapits, ta fte higit conspetîfor o! lte Tic btride nore an aiternooce tIress iîig a properi' fom gîchuge dispos- ceas given anas' bs' ber iatther, ceasý 14-5 mare at fie endI nifieh Oithf $3725 Iar ais heliers, leding $87.5 consiioed sentI andI iivestomk compef- loi alate ilue repe niti corsage cfail anneca rseta i gocened it Ivors' salin andI lace, antI innings, flic Ocrese Factors' canin back for a tsýeaar-otI sired its Soverelga. itiona--Gen1 Fiic ereoe. Fmac aried s cascade of wite raies, Mus alcofg la the asit andI sevenfth ta tic Dr. Chas. N. Blannitard, Freemnas, Palerma Junior Farmees Challengei Tic nsarriage laik place ln the nseetincg. Hn suggesînd a ligit bie ln- Jean Smith, moitI of honar, %ore a ceitit Lonville 14-14. P. Las gnt tna paId $500 for a fwo-s'ear-old entigned Tragits ta tic coacha of ticeseînnîng prenenrce ot the Immediate familles. atahictI af fh black ut a business peaclu satin dresa antI caried a nse- cuna in lte siatb and tien had a fild lis Edwcin S. Eits, Kitchener, Ontaio. team-Jack Marciment, Horsbs'. 1 The cosple ceeattended lis Miss plame ta impreve ftle durs ollepseas. gas' ni Talisman cases. Mr. Janses das' aI bat la the seventi. Whcn Thc membees ai ttc ninnîng teant - Margaret Robertson antI Mes. Stanlcs' Tis malter ceas lef tom flic commait- Tassie. ai Hamilton, ceau Croum'maR Coulsoa neakened fies' suiored anven wer asfolows Wi. Bain HonbySaidor. For travelling tic bride avore te£ ta attend to. A number oI athcer andtIhle astlers acre Frank anil Don ruas ta tue tic game. P. L.'s bad Lyle, ~ and amera WisonantIWm. ace a crepe soit ni cobaIt blue nîith gres' suggestions is' tlue Chief a re alao 1nId Watsn, itrollurs of fie groos. Barnes' Couisna antI Leannsant pifcb- son ai Hilton. 1 otadmatchlng accessorles. Cehaeou ntio n.gasieole l Miss Anaa PoctIni oac Geph icresided 1Iung. George Couison, nia bad playetI E e t Js ha C h c g l ieWn n r W . l x C o n ts'lo g a d e epr t laa n t tf hfe r g n a n tI R o n a ld S t e w a r t o i g o o d a l te n 'e a r a a g , w s e a b c i o n v n s J t A h a a n d e r , G e r e t w .t e n t g r d e 5 O s5 t a g a d e t h C a k o ! s a n A n n i o n r s a n s niin t h es e . t ha - iru i o o v l Bakcf o eot. h, h OMAGE DISTRICT stet sso stemcie ai iniag oftic register. Aiter lie- ns r ne Ota ti ondting. con. winaslng Ine-onhptcam-Eaqus- HAcO~ALaalie eremn ans receptlon wsea leltI at ic TeTgrCatIiala theli icadiner -r h.,ed, te aent. anc Ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ote ainsip icncingd ff larce taon- tEGEFome ni fte bride's parents. 7 Guelph hoît ai tic last inalaga ta guve Nelsn mininum chargn for ancy annaunon erWg T len deri , Bose alean. ii-LAU OMDlots fiat aoin en0 ltain propeîs' ceas Lune, Cor ttc Camitles antI Immediain tic gane 8-7. Erie Toletaka atacred me55ni of oe. DcrW. Adeasondcrh Bob AeJno h on e fOahander sciscusued. Thc mcis ceai 1t0 ai the fieada. Tic bride's motter seare a Cor Tigees seiti a triple amI a hanter, Dr. it An e 6 Tioplis fav hetJunio Ti 'g mtrct hae oaganI soc Town Solicitor for a ruiig an til gres' sllk drens antI corsage oi pini antI plfclid a sevea-strike-aut game. Tic Jane meeting ou thc Scotch itigisa aggrecgate score on the comn- softtail leans antI the first ganse lie. lance'cuises. Ttc groom's motter avare a Ad rhm etefedrfrteBokW .wl ehl ttehm itincd competiflons--Norval JunIors, faveen fie Omagit Pirates an5d tic .ercuialatIones dtiacg ua l ee see pes Fn orsgaey or Tigers knomked lthe iirst ionier of tic ai Mes. D. MCGibbaa on June l3th reprcuenfed by Wns. Alexander, WartI Milton Mîllers wsea playetI ai Omngb Croac ntlaioul icssc ywie we es Frgigaa seanon, Ttc Tugees thaugit tins' bil at 2.30 p.m. Alcxander, Cralg Alesander, WardtI el a score ai 26-18 in Cacor ofCouel Atfe bride noce a paie tise sit seiti tbýýetgain0the Dag la ttc last half Brwrde rsrMNbDu.Omagi. The retors game ws p As letter irons tic Mortgage and4 black occessarlen. Tins' avili reside la ai0t ccfs Ieat n el a facBokll aI una' Crrie, Frie McNb Mitoaugh Ply Haasîng Corpe-ralion ceas eatI, It Belleville Con tic aummer montis. nefrt n puis t onue Tig- Ju Dne f, soorled Hals' Suqas' e C-The. DoadnIeso ro ,t a ioa gi ScitoOlâ groos cequestedtI fat fie hausingalftualias Gazette. cr's hank stop) shouid hsave got started seifl Galbraith Orchtestra. Mot dogi th ihma ionat Roeso Tropis' ta antI on c r agfi 231g . c ea snea- in Hilton le ceported ta tbemn antI tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 yîg tantag nf hores-Bo Aica- toI cethascre!231.Ttenu a rails' antI Nelson matIe use oi if ta and cofice la beoti. Admission 5Oc. ander, Georgetowsn. gm stbcplayetIo Tisesdas'. scrahe us hr a ag Th ucnCmbelToht Jn i tOag ewe h a on. The information requestetI wa -Junior Inmtittite tIwdl atteadance, antI noitiallius Th aisoIcoc lc .I ttc tigit mon ini beet caIlle- -Cralg icea teas. 'rîc Mor ed li 1ii ouî A.dmnorF rnrs lcc ing sport la this ban andtIhle are sponsoring an aiftenoon feu at AlexandIer, Geuirgetocen. re-uodc Couniora GaiaatItapu- surrouuîdiag dintrict. Mms. H. Brocens on FritIas, lune 7th. Ti BrinfinTopy.1 feiliBusiness Menî sîde. Hld Joint Meeting -Admission 25c. Procecds Cor lthe Oaa-c man la daIms' mutIle-Word Brown- -A mnotion oaa passd flot the. Thei Canupblivilie Tom Baies laik lie Children FunI. 51-2 mitIge, Georgetowen. C.Tup S o srLa esCounrul go os recorul as being apus lthon uuîgaiHlo airle Legias by acusco ai 8-4. Nei Cm afi nno rsTaa Mosa Kntfig Osaid ta chaogîng fie riante D.ominion FaTer joi metnl flounior Instfatesea thie Atrionasla is chredif. Oe. C ther nunt Iis eht o tic higi man in siccp-Jim ns ,, FaOrsad-uioilsiut a Milton. oftioaii Ieaeeue Dos' ta Caada Dus' asdtI flt a caiiy IcoitIe ofik-ot tau liam uitit Mm.c antIh Mes.a C.ofi o The Thos. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~reie pîtcîisg fuirtof fitesoltin c f î.eginnteeldaith oaa f rJonc r. C Gh.e, Homeg fr hesklag ws Jnsale Hmebaltosae irasfon Hiltomn. in swn-Gro nIto ieslsuon hmite lofthed cofaeicrd anMs 1f f -slres it lisi-t, and batil no support Ci-n,1 a 15 p.m. Everyhads' seconse. Note higit ns, an BusiesssMnvlneiltonorean AitthendeTiconBfsineat atMenednnHIltonterarcngnuirenguit tticmaFsedonhafiooe o!rMayocangeamaplac.e51- Freeman. ~~spuonsoiring o Lodies' Soitiall fen me in lancouver fane 2Jtht ta was TIc .elnptcItceia Ial Nambered amangof fiosc a li par- cehici eu iccopheg ao cau Jnc2t1 l ocucculdlaIcie ic"irnplyaatIbaIfaa rplsfasGt ie Si eagdoubcleuivil, n ticipated la fie prcsenatioa o t! .0 lc bme nopln f Ic Ica Cufoce olu r soh. a ceIpsud lc l fart proleul la flcCOfs aIt tdBruba f1 cthen beaua flue lu org le' SOich aivens aie anards and alo spuibe bruIs'l cecre Tnents' gicla fornetI outfion tic firaf flua Cousail go on recordI as bcbng Opc I la il uirFresfet a aIs i iitiga li hniaiisc Mes.Llod Caseuird prsidnf ai-proctuce antI Hilton Intenda f0 fieldI poscd ta ans' change bcbng matIe in fîe dus' al Guelphl ceas also la le lirougli c ona'Jn 3r.14 f tan District Wansenas Iastltute; Mrs. aostrong team. Tic last gil-l teans pu-coco fl!ag taf Cnaa but if taflic attention ai lIn Couîufs Bard. vicesuo gt i alcatua n antIa ette folad, lis' at ade J. E. Wielock, secretars' Balcon Hilton ra-er tat ceas tic oltI A.Y.P.A. chanuge must lie CatIe, flttnCnIm>bi et ce 1 e ~ alt uit fa n îd an ouaanCf Polalt al-us'. aoMnd s', Julwe a 241h,1948 DIsrIc Wise's nsîfoe; Mm.oae atI lo ces scas aa.Girls, adian RedI EnsIgow uise bct adopl- 1îaiîîfed f0 ucprceorcl tic Hilton Jun of, fils ceci aiea fao leans fion- 51-3 Frank Wilson, Asigrove Woton's In- tennis are golng at rang la fie cicis, cd as tic Conadian iiog antI tiat a lor Faicuucrs. TIcs' ceit certainls' 10c oltiated if ouf. L.eactnl plii-- utîtute; Lloyd Cranfuird, chirmas Ag- ani se espeiit tht w fa a f0 m om ut caps' of filis reaolatioan bcformardcd give tic Haluiu Jonuor Fsnioers sortie ing for P. Las antI Knlgit Cor Suai- Dasce ecital bys popils ai Shirley ricuifarai Canstutten ni tic Bouton antI support fie bote teat. Ans' fui lte Resolofioa Casmitîce o! fin stuC! conspefition. ocon Men sene bafi cigit an, andl ElliaIt front Broafe Barîîngfon antI Casais' Council; andI Oea. S. Atliaa, players Isterested pleose get ln tosci coafercoce of lte FetIeration O! Mas'- Tic tapir ai tle gicla' meeting ceas totIe lie grime a plîmien's duel anlîl H ilton. to b. hiId in Priontos presideaf of Halfon Junior Farmers. aih Floreoce Cooper. ara meeting ln Vanua-er Jonc 24tb 'Personlits'.' Saine ielpfîil bînis aimait ttc catI aif the game. Tic rTheatre. Wednsdas', Juan 12fl. start- Atbe! anyc esfa nlofpie Mitn -tf 27tis. are given by Misa Eadie on Haie ta Sce Factors' ou-e biling finir stride ing at 8.30 ptm. Fonts'-tlvc caterfain- bruh t tc e Bar ans Orta moC HIltonfu FAT FO0OD RAW A draft doctI ai tic roadceas asseau- prdpare intcrestiag programmes for antI nîi bear ceatebîng lis thie ailier crs. aIl ln heautiCul costumes. DosIt ctolog n.tcds 0O ssceso ment sili H. F. Wieseil astI De. meetings.' terras la tfis league. Thes' bave a iiIbis bit ai tise seao. Admic- niras.Rase foids munfain flic taimum la Morfla andth fe Corporation of tbe An lsfercsfiug addreos nos gia-eo lis font pîtcher in Leormont %villa gelts sio 35e antI Mn. cafrlents astI tierefare saaler quarît- Towsei o! Hilton seas presenfed Cran Mn. L. L. Shunt Coloieng setluul ai hetter ca-crs' gante. The Business Mesn JIIIOTICEý FOAR IAVIWAIuîrR-Q tities of ras Cods satîifie ppe-III. Solicîlaur Ellisitfeto an cntira 1-1.t s oi bomnse bld. A pllana seleC- h.,d -eec mnicit on halte. fa1 rthe 351h Anlersars' Tca of the