PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TRURSkIAY, MAY 23rd, 1948 aiNol ofai 9lhs. Mlieages a.d Desn SOCKS COMMEMORATE SOCIALISM B'! TAXATION latiia o otht. are of ins4 in tdrawing Up the new budget these nSH P ED YS TAXI rarnw orth B01etn 9Ncite.sdeseoehs btuoy Ir::I: :L9'WNBoyd, 91, sider tlat white durtog tthe war the Éor Reliable Service at M em orials r.-.--nt of Ireland and wdaw cf payment of taxes cao hetd eut au a Reasonable Rates ARNOLD-At Rock Terry' Cheshire, MRS MARRI' ILSON Ritchmonda firt ceeve wili be pros- patrlottc duty. taxation In peacettmee Engiaodon Wednesday May 1-bc secu 5th, vlasoilnde- A NHT MVC 14,to M.and irs a.Jacks Arnoltd Funerat services cere Wedneday, erved 1n a gisess case ta consmeior- beneueaolttisntt a octt ad e- Ae NGaIISEVIC (nee Mavl Mowatt), a dauglter May 15th for Anna Rc. selle o Mrte the tocns founding. Mrs. Boyd onomie probtein. TxiSan Opsie rceI Joyce. Harry iton Milton Helghs Rever. sent thes ocks to Ma. J. S. Matthews Te~e methods on which taxation.s and TaiSndOoieGae CEMETERI' LETrERING HAMILTON - In Canterbury Eng end SA Kirk offitele t the er- Vancouver archtvist, and he ougget- especatty încoine tas, ta teved in thse Church land, Nurslsg Haone On Frtday vices at Ai Sants h chi.Mto dte e tp saioeno future snay decide wbether f ree on t-__ May 3rd, 1946, to Mr and Mrs Les- Meiglt, and et the grave Maor Matthecasais: Theeais~ erprse cao contble. or wletler tatle JAS. SHIEPHERD nmB tcantr lite Hameiton nee Tressa Wrght) a Mrs itltsen wasuin ber 55tts year hands tsai inade coffee and sandwih bureaucracy Witt tatte te place. PHN 31WGRMO. daughter. Carel Lttt an A sster - s c for tise nudfatters' wh. camInPON 01QEZ1 OT for Michael. Site sanbron nEsqueslsg Townhip______________Ibebonethe______s____a____ rdUcio Beides her hssband, shte lssurvivcd giiot efsn i e on ise iserme hax.Yeb ee a sintredutioh______________ by te, rotersNoras ice Chic- mnaicipslty of Richmond, made these jcm a.Vt eepsfenta MARRIKDby orbh Rre, Nrmanwed;Reere cs. sorce have increesedneesrty 12-totd ega; Jh ie Rcwo;Roet-icre 1939, and wele tise purely wec- Rire, New Toronto; Jerry Rite, out time "normal" taxconetinues tisete ANDERSON-CIBSON - on Wednes- cet; and twe sisters. Mes. Williaimo e em eb ui ropc f Y ' day, May 15ti, 1946, at Doverceut Hiteon, Miltens Hetghta; Sarah, Rock- POSTPOSEI' cat et t eer ta indmustrprtspectyte Preabyteclan Church. Tronto, by [od orsiFe n attseis A TIN S L get realy under cay chile the excess Rev. Rose Caineros, Grace Gibsonwo- orsnFrdadM A C INI daughter of Mrs. J. Gibsen and thse o oo1;JhMte egeu profits tac tends ta detroY att vital late John Cison te Stsnley George Harry aet hoine. There are 13 OFHUiitate Anderson, ton of the late Mr. and grandchlldren and 6 great-grstsihild- 0FHtsEHoiA) FURNITUItE O it admnsrtvtadrfralve.ttos he hne pfrSndy rn e Mes. George Andersen, Hornby r-Oeieaottertr ie eorn e en hs sesste pfr .udy rs c Ontario. B ___Tise adersigoed bacc received na-isave heen long overdue. It la an asubeis frein aid pritcile et taxatton thlet "tise Saturday merning and take 'cm homc in the evcning. MRS. ELIZABETH AGNES GID- .90E GRAHAM toclecacis Individueltla hound to pay MêLELLAN - At Hailtons oserai Saiemen Giddlngs passeel away on STIIAIMI M The depaty mnse tntoa 1946, Harr3' MeLellan, lte of -Mit- oa Ms iiigersddpHlo At 8 pet., D.S.T., tise feiiecieg: revenue--hitis, In practice means is (est eaas' âhi ias tonHeihtsIn is 4t yer. ' Ms, iddng reide IpMilon Chsterfild and 2 Chirstma tiscis,officiai tubordiates-b55 s sch discret- tonHeght i bi Stb 'er,. foc a number o eyaes hetore tahing jot lbise nec. Day Bcd; 7 Chisiatis onary pocer that taxation las oins- GIDDINGS-In Milton PrIs-te Hos- ap residenco citis bec daughter la case eats andi hacha; Cabinet Elec- luios s matter et chlm ratller thas pital, on Mosdsy. May 20h, 1946, 'ronto. Elizabeth Agnea Standes rir Radiol. Sewart Wernser; Vicicota _______________________________ Elizabeth Agnos Standen, cilese cas the cido ofethtie late Slames and Reords; T'iite Fusr Lsmp; aio precise tac. o thse late Sotamon Giddings In aTsmmseetts rg able Lsosls; 2 Bedrom Lampa; 1 Tis iliv st overstatemont. Tbe her 79th yearý G Chucis.da me o h n-Large Mlroc; 2 End Tables'; 2 Smli îeputy mnister binseit, glvtsg testi- licanxhr .'rable ; Drapes and Crtaine; 01,1 Sosato committee, bas ROBINSON-In Milton on Tuesdsy, 'rco daeghtcrs oeil foar ss e- Cshleta 01 Wasstend- Staal, many betoce s May 2let. 1946, John M, RFredorer.01 ap- nm Saedflt o hefsalya edn (Fr011 Roinses, beevlhraik main te revere lber seemori-,Me.RCeeetDoreOhLpsEnm aedhtfrtoficl-scnlg o! d)Rbcis e, n hies1 SitaosrEme), Hilton; Mrs. Franis el Cook t Slve cisiscoalisg leset Marceh i,1945, aseescnents o! ncmisie yea. auha (lays, orntsBet f nd rosai voir; Qucher Heater; Round lac declarcd hi- tas pyrscei- ______________________Milles andl Mach, Ernest anoi George Capheard; B isg Cabinet; MedicineRE D IA fL IN NZMORIAM aif Calfoe.Ela.Rgiteen grandrisild- Cabisnet; Eleîcr Cleris; Breahfast These increases of assesaineni, __________________________ ee and îhre gret grondrisildren Saieetftsar chairs, tali, china cah- oheliser justifiable hi- tact or tet. Thseateelaaraynretfrpupboee.Fd Piso remain. m~~~et and i hien cabineleitained mccc pacely arillaci. The War In- Thsya eri aed mktfoplpbolr. u GALLAGcise remain. eoy ofii lierelsie topa lînishedin icary cisexasArt,"'b cotapting tise vour chicits "STARLIGHT" BROILER MASH and get your GALLAGHEnR I lthig eisr fTise tunerol wc el a-d an Weilnesasit-lackhiers;Ata Chair; ElerlrieWash- ma-May lird. 1944. etiernee t cliiservice aithlie homo iag Machinte. I.e seesiser; Cengeleut aniantosi e! ieprofits or gains to e ho o - i atngmre.Yo ilIlesrrsd o c Loves greatesi gifti-Rememisanwe. o erecilagiier, Mcc Si-tons, o. i-Rg,51 Lnlstfe.Oi; ossrlprsl eîeaîînc- eae fti atngmre.Yu iih upiedhweei Fonilyressemeredby f.rienils ru hi-servir e i are Anglicani sevv Pisews; G;rass Rag. 9x12; 2 GuI I rept -os lise aînisttr In hu discret- oinicsl 15 le(o fecd "STARLIGH¶tý-the balanced ration feodl. Edn, Sd, aria. lenordChr .ch.Rev S.A. irkci lises. 9012; 011 Bcd Sihiigs. lorgi-;ion taiv allo,. 'Tho mînisier, taclh. ire.s Erccres (tar- lihie; liii i al 12e. Igel DiiCm i-mare, "esi.y dialloc aOy iaîpesOe GILBERT-le loritsg smerr etofea yMilles.15 cgii. ReIrn liirs Fosi, 11 cleed; Oliîiieliciteisadlaretien aay detee-1 edeschshetManther,941. - .J___.' Laun Cha('ires,:i.on Meir. Di n se le bcn excissaofi mis v e ai-I ,Tt a*w i cd e-i- ai 210.191.. F. FFD) ROBINSON filoouni: 4e ox:Foldîeg Iroiiebonase orr nol. For lisepar- IMiEltonl M illg Companly, LLU. Hisseary hersanid dyseofpain . î , tîlil2 Sni-în.ieli,; ub eiStand; iceeicemiigcrelInre is teeLuhled nigitssarcelust. Thisa .eaunily vcas indeed grievi.d .izu-, . pose Rofiiii iiov--c ier-. PHNE 5 An nour oriing herîsis eas- let lerteofethlie sadden dealli et Jahnatri(, latel; llalcv; Si-iisîislaHtlas; HN5 I ,OT Hoissteanass-elu-etataeî. Frederiris IFredi Robinsotn osn Mon- rcusCritlhu. anîd sieu chier emoynlaiavees.eshi Evrer rnetboeil hi- doy 1He had heen abouteasuscual Posaie.geailîra or honora-inchicis, Inhîc His Wite sod Fatelyulil e asbrr i dnt h YERMS- Cslielemetlmthi le opininît, are net ieotainscate ailI, HFERRtIhcERvny-Int eo. asl eaosI anlled hgtac. ie ce- Ile Services artuaily rendered." dear mother. Elien Ferrier, mise Resîdeni et Mlton toc tiirly >i-rss ii aecsisse etle Hecc weehave asiuaitinthat hibas' HÎT! peaei s-a- ay lts.192. JohnteFreileriri Robinson e-as a natice ieuigiste, nlise lai tfsuc yeoev oeil grsn up simtt insperceptihly clore COUNTYOFHL N Whtccouldwe gire hec hated lteofHallen Cesnli-and a snofeel iia soseese-ell tehen cirectf. N Re the originl Ac wanîcawsn n1917. Mr patient tare le tee, lt nhn and Anne Robinson'verveoadislealie oeiîehvu,. s ieooui îcerdJ yacaa 1946 -LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR -1946 - Thar hec velce. lo e 00ecrtsmille. Fer many yeaes he cas agent iece (c n i ernglîerre cesparaiivciy negligîie. To- An In tise daye tiat useto bee. fer tise Inernational Harvester Co. HINDIL' & ELLIOTT day lisci-airecraahing. Ever emcmerel hi- hut bas been living reired tac tise BAarlî neeca Th irstîrtapîieaî aliowel lise les PliceofSaing55eDse o Siig .. Mr IuNJ. onsei..1 Rer Dagiter andl Son-mn-Lac pal (cm ycsrs. He tonk s heen min- R R' Forîd, (cirkhpayr______the________________w Lize and George adFamli-. ret i terommateiti-,e-as active sneiemassls odr glts stis,,, ,FrL - a e da î os tise Victory Leas Cemmittees. In shrapalsre scualli-made a a e.sno."-,Wte.dae s aa thebolingndculinglubsndth______ ..' A __Thna.. aa CAItDS 0F THANKs ts eln n urlgcusai is ualaigieinile parti- Witise case and 5a i tsgas Mals - o 5n. s4 Oronge Lodge. Hoeia been s mentm- . langjudge in hie ecn couac. Tise 5ggries- Ail Dision Cot. Opa.a sa.Staa6lTn M. John Agnew ated tamili- isis ber oethlie Hi-IreCommission teecil es axpayer mai- appeât furîher la to thanh liseir sani- trienils ftlse vera eo -ars amnde-as chairmnseai l e ccmmecd- lise Eseheque Court et Canada, but beastitul expressionse et ynpathy tise lime cf hisadeslis. cd naticnaillie-must post a bond et $400 le order 0.Nuance andaiAdOcoat 1Ciastsa-i B. Kiteeiile,; ilJois b-aýbeo. estenilcd te thentaduing tlicie eceni Beiles his imie, he leaves one isi-Ase7Geas ledeoso.Oeeiisl. ,EmrTopoGogtw;4 iie o..At0 .C 1lni isevmnt rtehr,WilliaionsMilles and tee l-cîingtareit- ,In bisinevu. there is %cliiinequiti-1 Cenie eiesd-eenie.bn5adse2eei..iid MargacetCreceler alises leio hnissivîera LiCounretaMnden od i-tiiSeusionds.iiîelîîxOiiîO TeJeulieoa.ip...; iavealo, isen hier msni-treedstoreacl,tfruit and A. Wiggeseerlis, Toronto. Many iture Siiîstaxcion.urtuertiec ofdoisdle e- tiiiionotCnny -onuisuJeInssAtlsiSnii flocees c'S e c e - hile a Iîl senl te teîeeulsfsi-rporaisonepavilis andefiln Mlton Peu-cie Hospitl, l, ove lf fris e nseeev m i lisi h lr a iuttec el.-ion sofi lie 1îe(ered posiionen '.- îeh Otciertine, Staff andl D. C K.Serensoen. e lnel eus isehdve his ller- - qi,hi e-prîee ilCon xdilCtiiJiiidcneuentTiesOboaeTB- (s. a.iget isiesevîeîhank the ccesilihsreieuhaiafl ile homecoii - 5il- i1,1,.5îh Acci: u; Tda, suis hle;, 51 Guctoea. Staff ci Miltn Pirale Hosalu Aclli- she pole te îlae b"saisciiide frietede and neigihsis orua i Rad lr nie Inleuctel -syusev. oi -egeîîakldi ohrccres .1.DC, âo indnessea reeeired îîaing hec e- R- dc tltemn wsi Eegf-nreiii exces-eva on oirîieiy de- Clarko h i5h 1s cent ilineva. ris0-oce re er sersC enîeîeîi- The poliseerea cc-;asti ,,it- incentire lii c cris snd luise1 aPppeerbted. Messcra Ceo.iiawvon, . .1. iillii i- iina ada, iatteno uest he - ____________ The tooily fi- ili-le le e v is r-m. tasdell. Chester Euî 1..v is l)ui lb-ni li-re. A uovialistli - ___________ Gldings cuiss îe..-e-vsluie I- 1 Ilîggiîsaarol cd Boundsli u î-cei-l i sgi leoi cece tlins o he lv- sui t h i- ilila -t-l n liuuiu u-u Privete Hosptal for ue kisndacas edn R CEEAII cli ii iusi, lluui txtiounasi tisoagifulnesa elîccus 10 eIr otaue FR SHEEAii yiliuv uuuiule. emed ro duin errçnt ln, r t-NEMIMYEN'I) BOYS Plwit i. iauisTuE CA N A D IA N LEGIO PIRERl-1I,.-lSuh Afi l(IIi ii', .arpeings, T itýIlTE A A I N L G O 1 ,uIîu'm i adIN Ouulii-iuiv~ as a d(F THE BRITISH EMPIRE SERVICE LEAGUE -Brevities - : -" uuli cu i ucy~,'Orienta n sa aan 911C R FEZINi ,,, -sb iig %oi-isiil cni :te Blu _NO._1.3 -Lila;uiareerevil,- Afîrcloomardd1luhiv tiusluiril meswLll opi-n ISliS-ION. B C. CPu -The c-eh- -Luse ac emig tc ics cd ollhv ih-semiI îu-lis lu'( i- ne Upho1seyL tîeionisslure is cuhis! plans the mapec aeeinefulllent. nuueufumlrmcotleiishe i-l>*u- 1 lr cuusi uiulieefsaqaiei teeceing IL ON'O TA I si-Victoria Day to-morro î-and ia c Yed iiuv ' If "'"ody ow:,itleuadl, n lai isui£16lrut atuor hoidy aai ibs ear pobalybeadmniteid y te e- 11seao usTe pient cul freee75 bar- Branchis136. Canladin Lmgun, B.E.S.L. s carrying euta staetei-ecldai aainihî icar larîmeni t fiahuin ro-oeratien wmOhisuv-lh for ithvui-;iuiu Iuuîu-uu ile i-i-s etftfaillise equiabaesi of 30.01 ,rOaogVlcossodrtWicoe b cîicet -Moa hoevecharo een heîpbng a 1hie deîaclcIc-t cf egrcultere ici îîuraiSd dily. ccd uili sceemmedae1fr - inte- on fMitn gr - ~1.50 hocrula cf feuilin lise holdgniisngta o1Htî;i lieue i-cuiis ilcciint he alu ic ion .1l- %oolîuuuifilais. î';îuniauucscl'ncm. indlytitfuli ehhet mhe icm cmi ceand eus te Secreeleri, Branci -Mcci- sf tise store fronts in huetewfrmsa mccii-asoceheci- choc. hbutl it 136, CaneainLeguen. Milton, Bas 604 an tir hetore Mai- 25, 1946. If are ising irigihencd up ils a ceatthlie end ( i iheieiuiiprehue-viil usulue. Cîlcîsrvi-ru'FuiiiiscoufficsiVeleecnvuare inleecsied.liesrce mai- he ceugit te hear te of pint. ucih cill pecisabl lie s e i -aa, li-la-uiî-uui eSiici.i I(m( A E impre reediluens n this regard. thisci- eubcise iîd trser (c-ren nyu oe.N) A C IN S L -Aceringtgheeiireperts people Thi-eillb ev nthluiiinacihhi-vundu iis-iiii-ciuglusgur misa tinistise eccursion -ts Nagara toisers, usilS flue neri-vearyfli- iiihev icm- eii-i n ain le gn-.1 j NItRF.,IANCO I"i'iIK, ET('. I,.theu nuluevîgnud, om iiiieesed in ohtiiing hovsisg aoeanumod- Fallssten Stedayi-tad o st enoa-and cci a;uhîîîîufoihec pcidung a veundi he u e- tMho day. uuOîcIl itcI. ed ii oîucud ufiuîîîu'i ) arc a r T -u l-riucigtiu'u1halve cecuicuil us- LiteeliRsiai eactese 11653 i- vîuîî il uId vuvrihu u euîuu- ~ '-rvice ailable thru re-îua nýfrum iii'i-vu-i ulcr oh Illei Jeseccmhbredsandemwneîsy Maur- e- ehtugicihltu eluigv euuof lis"-'i,Scrheck the ipcof hsng t'q5red. ire C. Beaty, Miten, Onarios, o - ~ Y W riTC ATE NMl-NIE TttINBLE~ completed a ire . yeur record octhi Su-elorii oaduler tiuvsîinit LEM ENT'S by 75 puiiihi- libu ee-îuc uuisbe* SRVEN ROOM HOUSE. 900Ih. et mils, 534 lisse!f fat In artac Ohiiîl isiliing a mcrid fiit Pint - lppr-Gfs hile ivi,îiu ercl Maey Sti. M'licn 301aismihsan everaeevt et oecîha s ocleasind-ouucfrontmeelliatlo 5.87%. She ila cdaghtec o e acfc ilesi -Man t. 5MILTON- lhi r1I29W SATITRI)AI', lUNE 1 Q SIX ROOM HOUSE. Mr. Bettys trser heel sicec Ceoriigil 2.00ui 1). S. . lsI' Brampton Roi-ai Champion. - lloiccig; IEROMHU Clece jldCnreiStoshre. mol sibce. IERO UE _______________ ocviisi a rgieîgu ec; 4 Cane Bctloîm Chairs. C'eryei-ReeitgQ FOUR ROOM HOUSE. ARMY FARM SUCCESS Chir; 2 OdId Roi-hi-i-; Acta Chir; i Kilcisen Choais: RoendDais Ex- INTRIGUES INDIANS ute i-ehal is BufftîIolematchs; OMA RTE COMDTIN Steel Bu-l; Loi-gi- Dresseavis OralQ ROH PAT NT COMO TI.* NEW DELHI (CPI - Inquisitire Mrccc; Celer Cihst; Kiteluen Cul)- farmi-et ofJsa ea. near iscce, arce DOMINION 0F rhlenel Siinr lant Mchice e ca- thrrqieens lae tt e flte ing te tise Raputana Rifles Reg- qcl(tri eTablen: Vsee0e1LteScburmnyui ccq FeetI-ias liebic !mental Centre aaningte insc hesa CANAqDA BONDS Peclnl let Ple; Elceiceiren, No!- tise Acini-fartia yields taice sars ah vi; :S-oiCoh;,loas ag - - bsrîoy per acre cespared tote ie ilesd due Jun. loti 14912 s 17; Sentile Rage;et Mts; o tiser factas. Cuielins: Seveu-l Llnen TabeeCiehhc;.................... assai ahDi-ese. Fenci- Weîh e tnIl hnîs; Tise sldies hell tiestise "msagie" HAVE BEEN CALLEU FOR PAYMENT Odut Blenheti'; Husosn Boy Weei....... ... ................... le btter ïeed wlt itstai, and fertil- Bianesic; Pilihece;Siecis; Qille; Lite- mzer fren masure iicistise vitiagees en Plec Coeec; Cusisonstt Table baise ste discs and bhans. And tisJ N t 1 6adDesseeul e s B atai hîmur es..................... .................. tcoops sow tis hem - eve- e ie usî-d; Feelise Tich; M t- ... ............ ........ ........ . ........ Tes montha aga tise Rarita "16-Tos bna ahould b. pr.s.ant.d for ir Odd0 1Die.soyioatl acre tarinm a nbarrenasete.Ram aedemption with al coupons of luter pieces; Toiet 'hSel; CenpileeOi China.........-u....... ......-..... t me gaînîng tame as a pre-releano dat attached. No further (nerest wiil Tes Sel; sonse GCssare; serre SiI- j vecwaae; Crnus Sel; Gratite Wohee schsoil is agrclturecisere inen ot ho paid on thes. bonds afler Ibis date. Pis e; ss eei;.Coisi Reg. No. tite Raputana Rifles are gettng fnUlensila, etc. laine eeb' couseI e btter farmnitd TERMS CASH Namc ....-............................. ...... Tise farm has succeenfully experin- Ne reterce. d rs ......................>....... ested i grocIng dfferent inde f ELLIO'i'T & HINDLEY,