PAGE UDt THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TIIURBDAY, MAT lard, 1941 "I Had So BACON OUTLOOK FOR Man'v Mîseries" The Week at NEXT FOUR TEARS Tise dennansi for Catadian haona SV]LJ EwsnitAN OT AW for thisaet tour years wan clarifiait "Inctrnce apound of sugar lua TTA A hen Hon. Jame GGardiner, Dom-: 115 troncs. tes.artm1000 ta rI E OO N iinMnse fArclue aet 2,000 francs, butter 800 trancs - tise (udo Po.ItIWts y announed tise resultu of tnegoiat- tranc i. worth sîgitîy lesu than une ions witi tise Britisis Mioltry of centha Cnadin mooy,'Foosi. Tise Unitedi Singdom lu pro- cen InCaadin one,"OTrTAWA îCP) - CanadiansronSOi aresi ta purcisase tise manimum A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l troSsa ei eattus-a ii o Canasilano. Wiie tov supplie s iebCanada cen provide ha day-I have known hlm for maey persan s asi any resi dout o! tls 1946. 1947 ansi 194«. Furtisor dsca- yearo. Ho pullesi a letter film ni isa efore, Stote Seretary Mrti's iI- lois are ta lie iselsi iefore Janaary, pociset andi isodesi it to me. «Rea izlensi Bill whirhi pasasi tisougis 1947 lu conider requirements for il," ie saisi, "but hetote pou 51011 lihe ('soninios huis eis dtioielY l1019, le egv ou the backrgousndi of mtblislvesanud rescgnis OCnosion Tise coutiariprice for Grade A "'ia romam o yng vaman in eriy tise oniy detifitiult ut cilinenalîlis huard moas raîsesi*to $25 ettective France. Ais.noacshe a no longer vos foun in 0tise immigration seOt. Aprîl 1, 1946 andi wiIl continue to yoong. It wsaun 1918 I knew hier. Tise ch ange wiii lie awelc me oe Decemiser 31, 1947. Tise price for tise Il vas during tise var. tise iret ta many Canadiana travelling aiscoasi 1048 agreement wiii he estolisesi t Great War. twaas stationesi in tise sho ve heen punoiesi iy tise desig- a lter date but vilI not lhe heiiavtise li11e tommn ut Ares-Gironde in sauts' citia -'Brillis Suisievi" on their $22.50, saline has, wisiis won elteet- %estern France. They were fillc ttuoe, ail ('anadian cve durlntise 1944-45 agreement. people, tise etizens of France In pssaparts viii arn' tise vorss "Cao- Foliuwiog Iis announcemnent tise tise doa ansi ae were very happy. aiait ciices." Wrtive Prîces ansi Trude Board Ater 1 camse home I enrisangesin Polsinesi n a "aidaui clause-hp- secluresi an incremse of 21/, renta per fev potrars ivimsneofuttisem clause alady in tise Communs visicis. ncrcsbli, n dmsi but you inow iov it a isîtisthose ioagint ast many ansi variesisabates wpons, cariecan hins, ufomeatic tiings-tisey d e asoto do pnon te prinriples dasTise reiationasip ietvees tisde set- -taey are In tise hock pigeon-isoles ansi rigis of citiieiisiip, thisl511 0w le ansi expert prscc. viîri bas ieen o! memoa'y. Tisey comne ta tise front resuires onty appraval ufthtie Senote in effecî siursng tise pat tvo peors, égain only visea anmetiing stirs the ansi proclamation before becoming viii bce maintainesi. Tiseeincreases esiners of thepast. loy. itvwangeoeraliy approves in In bacon prîces repreoent anin "A fev dayý ago I receivesi a let- prînipie in tise Commutins ansi pauaed crecase ut appraaîmateîy $i per bot. tee. il vas tram Andree, tise poulIg iird reading vitisout a recordosi Hovever. tise quaity premiamsofo!$3 seoman I knev. Suie vonderes Il 1 vote., per Grade A rarcaus ansi $2 per Grade weule stilI live. Sise tld me tise gos- Tise bill, visen proFlaînsesi, yul es- B carros have been reducesi by $1 olp. ishe wasnest morriesi. Sise his asi slis Ibese principles aod consul- sutisaitishe net Inerese la $2 per ho,,. adoptesi o littIe girl of fivee seom asci on at citicennip sThisincrenesiprice wyul, t saisopesi, rallesi "Pepee." I repliesi andi asises, 1. Women vîli ise gîven tise right asis a simuluo ta bac produaction, es esiteasIcl, fosene vn ay-ta decide sieir osen nationalite visere says lise Reviev. tiing I roulsi do for hier," îrevînunly tisep aulomaticaliy asaum- 1 reasitise letter. It vas in excel- eul the nalsonltp of tiseir husandu, lent Eeglisisvîtis onîy iere ansi A Canadian womns v marriesi a NON4MOs6ElS HAVE BUOBTO wteeIa ar dlyasaesifor fev aisie la retain Canadion iiiensip if Thle deluae streamlsesi caaseisir sreanter lilooean10tshe isvisises, îuuny ailoado are planning uound 'Do pou inov visat pou cao do for 2 Wamen vis arrep Canadiaîn oeep inviting. But a eoninulng flowe .nie? Enquire about the means I onens i vii quasisfptue Canasilas ciliaensiip of letiera fromt unr readero mais it oua money, tisegauc ta bnis persapa uone peoe altere risiaishing resideore plain tist nuo umber of 50W teatur- ansi tisen rII tell yovisat ve necdin s Canada,.rs designesi for tiseir comtort wilI mmst. "Pepee", thissis p 11it,,els 1. Nalîve-isuro Canadiens, Britishn offset lise disomfoet ut being con- name no er ro innme .l^Ioeeesuisiecl damicie irdn Canada, brides oiunily auhieciesi la lusacaonohe nisoucisif meano hile pou %slltend aofviCaoudsun ervsseeendosil hlose acdsiill viîle ieaveiîing. -Canspiseil- parce] ta "Pepee",sie oI ic ievery miso nuv puoovos ntoalizalsun ce,- tuo (N..)Tribune. pleasesi. ticates wo-llitie declaresi Canadian _________________ "Coulsi pou easilp fini: 2 ordscaep iiienasvmediuiely poalaspruclamat- - exereise isookss; 2 veting pencila, ion. CLEARINGM ordinaey; 1 yard ut elauile. swiie; 1î 4.Nan-Conadians visa have seeiM N S L ril f hiecaio; ews oln tis lie Coîsadian forces outaicle AUCTI N ~ ua needîcu; 1 tin uai am or maemslasie; Canada viii sîoalsyfo uer ilisenuip- a fev sveelc. a oup. Ail lisuse stîre une pear ut suris service, FARM 810<1< U'5PLEME'aT5f, 5AY Itings are su verp scrre iere lisot 5. Tise billil iiitasonthlie situs AND IREAL EOTATF wien .Pepeeovoans teoviite.or tauf British usîects vitîthe dvus rscodrngei aeereio .0ve fur ber soli, t allen isove ta ce- augetist Canadiaen iiîensip paper~ scohesusa trausi eein Osseiser, Yeu ras have nosideu v.hatîIIiibcis uppîedon request aler fî'e tuiosfm lie is ere, epecialiy in lisis prt ut peolnis e legol isesiodaifresîienre. ('SARLES4 W. MeI9OWE5L Onc n asunio u cilcesisp pp- Ta sii isp pubie ouctisunailisis France." Iîiîpseinofctznhi a-trmi.Lt 5. Con. 1t rp. ut Eaqaes- The ise ivtisongit ut Pepeen tamn- ers, isep viii iave tise rigit ta ester ieg, i miles noti-vest ai Miltion on ly: Canada ander dipoatie protection. TUESDAT. MAY lth "risey weeew pouer, moîher, fatn- t 6 Naîuraliied Canadiana viiilune Commencinc at 2.001 orlons, D. S. or, tour braillers, aImat riotsess. iheir itiznsaiip If tisey romain onut fT. hefalaviots My gronsiparonta eft masy thisngs bt lise Dominion for ixars-s or mare HORSES-1 Brao Mare. 7 pra., during ait tiese pears t lisoi 3 masp vilisout deciariog tiseir intention Ofaouot 1500 iis.; 1 CGeey percheron Irseriea everytiing is gose. So remaisen Canadiana isp officiai en- Mai e, 8 pr., aboutl 610; 1 Boy Geisi- ut po have ciotises hat are of no ue dreientonanposspart rcitiznssii soc.acesi. foroyucud et hm h ertifivate. COWS ANDO IsiiysiS--I Hostein fh or ' pou ipo dfcusi sensi tse., t-Cav, apisint; ilRed Durhaom Cov, tiseyvontte sffirit l plese, u- -due lnsJase; I Bloc ansi White Cav, ehisig vouisi do." Mlkis a cise lu rosI vost Cacoil' gcusucr; 1 Holstini Heifs'r, fresis; 1 Nt a word luerierseif in this, ail lansan asrdd 100 ents a quart afler Holstien Cov, frvsis. vaif aI ide, 1 fac otisero. Depite tise fortt a l une. Holstein Cuv, mlisinsi, nul isee. 1 ait tiese pears se hal "sa manp nis- Arivoture Miniter -;ardiner luýt Holsin liter, 1 peor aid; 1 Hlstoein eres"-nooae eseinmblomned. ves annunedîthe coaernmetvilBlrayfrsvie "Sa fer a aur moicrial condition- erove talsoumer sissip os milk YHiOGS_ chaieYrk;lyunks; 1 areconcere, we arevaorse tban Pv- al tt dteand reiars catral uto a', serd MurCis 22; 1 pun York er, but vo oeed sot vamplis vwe de- si îîal iepuira aîu u' seiMri 6 iseces ai tiai sapeneI t'incuve hourda. Canodians,lies t is te cou- tAF1 usgasiTsuspHp Ihat, in polities, a ntion rais npeer'rene vise hem îîusnuuas votilas- IMt'I.EMENTS. ETC.-M . licolsi avold the lio ycsripcforotisss s is- More 7fi. cui 2 acasuna: M. Il. avoîsittisetcansrqnenreo utatlyfoorl1 . u sub-924merBi6si l. ouftrNo.Nu21; Olsase 'Trac- ansi ours vere namerous." .sidy fitas l aiseripeu ers. Nuasil tise Do-ng ('ulîleatura; IViel Clivai- Hasi tiese siinga isppeord i il ie puisi drerily isy tise vaons- oe; M. IL. lOup Louder; 14-ploie Oui- Conada, ce wvulal sve isiasesi lie r. .tiseaseDisr; Davp Rilkie: M.H. Side gaveesmrreni, tieseianess ma,tihe ris 'aller.-sioîilatseidut bîsiss uve vols o o . Ligisi Wagon; Oliver Ridine Pluar. svives. Su I baisi, fr Fronce, osnai- producstion oasts ruse, In oeder tsi isvp 1 R-socuk, 21 Feury Vs'siing Piuov;: iding balpe. Wisvn peuple ovrepsice,%- duvs tise vot-u-living ans inltais Wagon Boa;Ai-ariratriue large punsibisiity foluelielemstuises sivy lise prive eiing. 'riscincease causa- itular oo'; lune 'rucskisWaoun, have a renerve ut pavmer, n nîceugili s'i isp lie stoppage outh10 ubidy lois apeIn g iso iais e riWaBggy; oi'sivsosiiisrigiieivs-impiiu II'vIii avunu gecoer returva lu lira. 'opis oi O Rulîlir; .i a ed Buggr- end. dorera, ca-o; De iuvol Creain Sppretur, My friensibhuiseoni tlisexcre c Mils prives msy luise a furiher,.joot luveiscuird; lia) I. nom, hioyfaci bacha, tise penis, lise yard ut easti-' iva-vrnlo-u-qoarî ivup neg a t oittr iope; Fotenaivo ,',ider; Fouing (uvhilci, a suap ansi murs mre. Huse lie gavernasent aime isas deridrai la Miii; 10 Stel Oiuisrisians; Olli Pusis, rnnybil "epe ilud Rsili andS trel Coia n u m yutl"Ppc"tiere areIn thissdilscninsue Sept .30 lias usiady laid Rriiad ni evr sin Paset;oSu duvaSaiolus i d, nu une inows. Tiseplupruduceres utf5ents a 100 paunida ut Olegir Driving Hornea.; a; udie; mot be u saiered in millionand oa nas ilS. Faraerip produvecas euce Odil Culoa; Oitarcela; Chiches tena of millions. Suavisesn acep tram pld 55 restosiaesing vinîeremauîiss Crissiv;ng Ciaina; Lgisi Chiale; out he arkess eaces our ear, ad 3 cens drin surmermonhs.Ferisa hu0es hrela, Wrcnrs, etc. renus te siasiofsa er h e rie nsihe enta ra ll ie pnainetr onlisv RFT, ETAT-At tise marrieime rcnon t ilusiftier uthen al l*te sumaser thisîs purbal th.se1sole , tise ii Wbifs llreS -for iven ta sou lise Po-uc ta susse lise oisjber lu o ceserve issthie Iscm narovsa! aniindsiidp iii isu dropyrd esticly in theco"nslslng uf 117 as ce, mare cr e1m, sroso akn.Tiscu la tise eip- fl. fcI elv ay Ituon as viîrilmserers- lmsiess tearîsa ornemthseîirstWî - ay rup asiulh e a10rolrsasolid ick bsbne its fîi ll îîviersoc rap utfîîgisîansi hope Wicourt sy îcsy aroo is isaund phone and sueraisssicsii -map il came s-ion. essry prtesidlishe veuve, lise gue- iciaiflal my lava; bars go n crameontsi Ilva vnsidering tac- 0 ilhs tabiiiandsilarge siedbisn user tise quetion ut aohsidien on mnilk lisîsre, 20 x, 50; sepuete garagf,; ise U. K.WANTSLOTSentering inoa heese ansi provessesi onm'stlcernecoffam 6 acresofa U. K. WANS LOTSamlsa ans it vu îs keîy aysîouissiy hus; sping crcech laog liseugis 0F CANADIAN EGGS Ouevas iavr.rsner u ofPssure; neyer folilnt veil odusaimcnîs md ol voter la bilis. Frs sa Mr. Gardiner oid nu taniser atovan isiatesion nscoulmain Cuonty Pouitrynsen n0v )lave as idca af vas raîssidered necesoucy lacr lise Rends, 3 miles frans, Toncf Multan, visaI tise oen tva perm 'saisin presn u bsip usn utterlat In dv i Mll fntaschoo~. Thislan axo store tue Ihens tates lise Cuscessiofuthlise cenet prive Increase aliaseesihue vionls vgond fralira nd asilost' Reclue ut Agrecatocai Conditionsin tishe clait prive ut huIler. hm wIan. efl lw n itat n -uuu Tise Untedi lingdom- Tecais ocf Resal Estule mode hnuvr vonîn Inreascil quontilîes ut Canoîl- C'au-h-ungry Ontarioaond Quehe, day ut suie. ion sieli eggs. Tise crent cnîruviteling tise pnch aIflise bisuminous wTvus-of Cistiels Cash setlensent rt iens doy ut sale. sesisca pires un Ieemer 31, 1946,.raul trikinlutise Unitesi States, are Na reaeve as pruprîetr s a ving iii lie exiesuies ta cver 1,750,000 iscîing foacornlinueil voras eenie.u mn vu ulibat casensaIfs-eil eggsaond 5,000 tansut Rcranstruction M wile aer.bal Eig o iIOta &11HINDL E dricil egga ini 1947 lu totalofaut ssl ervisorderesi th iInst ruw a mp J 'oL Ciccis & -dl- 801aillion daîn etta a urret i ieued t ino uIIiecais] aildinga tn,, -k Autin baiseprirvo. TiheUitedi Kingdam ivs- tases, etua, etOffceuiin shB--45-2__ tu larniais lu Canuda hp lise autuasa ingaor auyPlace aofibusinessa in lie sf 1946 pcferaisiy by Ocluieri au tva rentral povncs.Oieing ila G 5 I i t Indicîation a!fliserequii-caens'ofai cvs rîer, îîse gavernaent siappusii 0 eggs In sieli ans inludriesi rOru.ein isiils!lsuvu ibuildingsaIn tise cap- . taras driag i19a,.iai. o<A NA cC Shel eggs are talieshippeil duing 'l, iuvec cs l ie tise aanlis OfutSepicasisceta May 1, s-ise vus cupectesitalu iclg me 1947 Inclusive, ansi mre rsPevîiiy suplpiles nIarisete Dominion, but Mr. duing tise mentis ftram Octuier tu Have saisi tissseaul ie meogre Decemisfe, Incluaivec Owing ta lise Mcunseilehc ie gavecnmenl eosideresi L D diflvulties in asdiog supplies in use furliser stepg tgaconeve U. S fl UnteSdPingdam îirlng tlis camer craniin Canada ansi mode efforts &o montisu. Canada ws erqucoled ta feusi easicro ieavp Industrieavlsh 15, 1947, diverting the u ouser surp-.U lu ta tise production o sugr-dried If sec itunte urose huIer suives, eggs.'ý.. vesi liec seula or isu ce haires. STUDY OF CHILD HIEALTH A nation wide study ofthtie health of chîlsiron su being made under thse auspices ufthe Aunerican Academy of Pedlatrics. Tise word pedlatrco la de- tinesi an the science tisat treats ofthtie hyglene andi diseases of chilsiren. That study la comprohennlve, andi It will take twa peurs ta complete it. Any niovemnent thst lo caiculatesi ta Improvo the isealtis of chiidren wll be gladly welcoanes. Modern mesurai ana surgirai science ansi many isealth measares have alreody arrumpiahei wanslerfl iresuits in iringing up healtisy viilsiren, ansi saving thern tram tise maoyp piysirai dangers that confrant tisem. Infant mortaiity ls far loua tisan It osesi ta be. Tihe public la far better Intarme s o atise methoda of caring for rhitdren and brlnging them Up strang andi healthy. It takea wisdom andi cooprienre ta isnow ahat ta do for chilsiren vises they are aiiing or lack physiral vig- o.Many foailles nees Iinstruction on ibis paint, partIvalacly hn localit- les vhere many people have ot heen able ta ceavh visat van be callesi a Canadian standard of living. Many familles satfering are sot able to give their rislsiron tise food ansi rare they sisouisi have. Tishey neesi goner- oua help. Itl luof tise most vital Importance for chilsiren to grow up strong ansi veli. If they are poorly docolopesi phsiraiiy, tisey are handicapposi as lhey go out ino th ie working wocîsi. Tisoy aro more likely ta gel oins, ansi la fins i iftirulty in performing a normal day'a vans. If risilsiren are isluggisis ansi inactive, tise reson au atten tisat tisey are sut dovelopesi properiy on tise pisirai aide. Famil- les are deepip roncernesi for tise vol- face ut their littie anas. Whatevor ran be dose ta give lisem mare phys- irai vigor viii isring isappineos ta tise country. SCOUTS AWAV UP NORtTH Probaisiy tise mont nartiserly Boy Scout Troop in tise Britishs Empire, If not in tise worid, la tisat localed ai Dawson City lu tise Yuko Territory. Thrisc Sutmaoter la Corporal A. KC. Biondofuthtie Rayai Canadian Mounipsi Poice. Tise Croup ot onip dors act- Ive Srauting but has generausly os- siate i n tise vurlous Boy Scout wae ,'iariy drives. They offer a chance for IMMEDIATE JOBS- STEADY JOBS too. They also offer jobs for experienced for. worker-for mechanically trained workers- and any otliers able to help seasonally. Thon, there is the challenge ta flght off star- vation threctening rnany nations. *JOIN IN THE FIOHT AOAINST HUMOUR *JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN TOUR DISTRICT Apply todaoy for work on the1'arni to either- TSM OUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Nsm PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE moof DEPALRTMEIT 0F LABOUR 4q HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. M«cNAMARA Minister of Labour Dopit y Minister "The next place 1 live in is going to have... Meny en oeo-oxpandod heusold has endur.d the "bathreem preb- Iem", but teck ef ADEOUATE ELECTRIC WURHG la e mor. subtie Inritaton. Havlng te mevotho chestorflold te plue in the vacuum cleener, fer Instance, Iust beceuse the only wal uI et la bock thore ... with eUl th. tumps end the radio heeked up te U. And thon there Us the now rongeore wator hoator yeu weutd iko te have if the mois wirinq weutd enty stend the strain. That ls where the reaUl ub ceres ... whon .yeu can't use seme now eoctricaî convenionco until new wiring la instolled fer if. Mony homses or ouf wirosi for modern demandu. As moro oppli- oeces bocomne aoable, flhe use of *locfricity keepu riglus on climbiag, and mokoulift wiriog adgutmotslu tit trouble. Thet Us why lt lUsas nocessary fer you te insist on adoquato wiring fer your hoe, be oed et nmw. Hydre rotes heve been redsced until they are new ameng the Iawest n the werUd. Enley fulU besefit et Uew-cest lectricaî servants by havtnq yeur hume aeotety wired. A goed eoctrlcaI contracter knews how te wtt. adequatoîy, and yeur local SHydre wiUt etadty glve yeu Information. l o Aouf. roing for idighe ofomea ElotrHyfo esboCanka. lf ot Au o im ri for thuilding aceu rHde foCana."huk demi uop - Point ep - Plant up - Beetiffy paeur.mmtmity Advertisers Meet the Most People IL 1 Là THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PACIE Six THURODAY, XAY 23r& IM