TMURSDAg. ~À~r 2Srd. 1546 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE (KW Mc ad Mcs. Ray Gray visiatd itis eluToronto on Sumday. Mu. May Clark visted ih frtcnds In Gergetown svcr tise week-end. Miesa Vaine McAcdlesa of Toronto istad hec home heme this tet waek- end. Mms. Retph Hiller of Detroit la vis- it*eg mith hec parenxts, M. and Mrs. Jech Rsndail. Mc. and Mca. T. Meipceea et Scot- lad visted ith friands le lame or- ar the week-end. Mc. and Mes. BabHMaanet ofetreet- avilie visited mith M. and Mre. J. .Arnold on Bunday. Miss L. Calmns et Mamiton has heen isitleg sith hec eleler. Mrs. J. Rayer and Mc. Rayer. Rer. J. 0. Tottan et Richmond iii tormerly et Mornhy visitad ilh triands ln Mltensononade. Cyt. Bah Charitan et Brckrvilie vis- lIed ovar the week-end with is par- ente. M. and Mms. Mrey Charlton. Mc. George Emacy viied milh hjs temiily ln tome oer the week-end mhila on his way le xhe Red Lae distrcrt. Dr. Marehall Gelend ile hic ite ecd eon scrlvad le Mlton thtis meek tramt the amoa Islands ta viil hici hame and triende. &fier an absence et eaven yeacs. HALTON JUNIORS TO STAGE PLOING MATCH ON SATURDAY Heiton Junior Fermneresae nder- xeking a nem ventura ln the torm ot e Jenior Fecceer Piemcng Match. This avant la mchedulad fer the J. A. M. Taylor tecm, neer Mecehy, on st- urdsp, May 251h. etas Cea. . At- hcms, President et Hetan Jeniccr Farmers. Keeo clvelcp ea evideot eang the Junior Fermer groupa at Arien, Hilton, Hrsai and Paeina, tor the Bperlel doeted hp W. J. Rob- erteon, p"eldeel et the Helon Plom- mens Associtin. This le te ha emerdad te the greep rngiog ot the larget nsmher af entrias. Clark Young, veteme Ptaevmn and JedgaetfMilliken. le te ha the coach and ofticiel Judge. We mece ietormed hp Preideel Athies. thet ohile an ecellent prize liet ije feed. the pclxnary purpose et the avent le moe troa e dmentrsîiee end coechlog viampiet. In thie convectien Mc. Young je isled te dementrete preper piam setlcng, etc. eI 9.30 s.m. Ail le ail, ether yecmilxleg, a large eory seems t e ha amured. THE TRAGEDY 0F BOOZE A national eelheritp an the ettert et excessive drlnhjng. Preteseor L. Jeelyn Rogers predicle thel Cened- lans iii shertly tsrn fotmmdrinhieg ase the socdld caeedar et crime ce- eultln ehcrnce apparenet lethe puh- lie. Pmteesor RogesleSateched lv the a Fcellpof Chemletry ce the Uo' isereilp et Torvnto. In his capecixp ase dviser ta the Atterney-Genecls9 Dearîmant et the Pcavnce ot Ont- aria, heha hexnvenigted e great aucc- beet ofmerdere aed lerner crims le Ontario. "Whex chance hee the yeeal gea- emliee etf boys vihose mothece ara ehaeaese le heer Parloce?" eshe Pro- femeor Rogers. "Peopleahhe suggestad ta me tuai mm a tlimes mut maeamen djegested mth hemaxenenaeue. tx deaen'l, bhaese t hnom Bcd am cee- stentlp reminded thet Ihere aeesa manp fine yeople. Thal's mhp I cen- net hlp feeling thet thie country mil scian cama le lia sanses sa tac anse.- cess drlnking lasceecereied. I thinis thece very soon mjli he e revutsioc ageinet drunhannegs. The drinhuxes eiteation le going tl e tlorse foc liclelahile, t thinh, and the People iii he a seevOle i tthe toeiishnaas of t tIhal Ihece mii he e drestix change. "Thte nel ihtal lhinhing an mî part. The men a 15 otenae hu cee loah ey ta hue mjte. hut thaee ren't an many ssch men as there mwece ce ]Y 25 peere ugo. tt'e Inavitehia the: Ihare iii ha a swing-Seck ta the mon. dilone mierea eman mes pcaed tx leek sp ta his ita, flot lest look stler s haa-silar." Prof. Rogers said ehat an Ootario meagistrste, chacing avecr the ce"s which have epyesad le mouri. mtim- ated that avec e yeriod et macy monlhs 801 par cent. of them arasa dir ectly or lediractly trom an anrasseco i]qUor-driling. Prof. Rogers rid tist 45 pr cant, ot at molo eccidents are due tc dlsising, ather on the pari tfpad. estriassor drivers. "WVewmlii sea le. rreaeingty hasmh sentences givan tc persane tound drunis t tha mheals ae cars" ha rnid. "DrueS padestrienl and drueS drivers milhiltiBcd bh killad ln shacklng numhams durn, tisa years ta mmne.", Presenca ln the humsn ystam aa leveraners of ocdinery whisky misiis le 40 ta 45 Par cent. lcahol, il actepted isy coacttseinmay parts ai tise United States ase sufficient pesai ot drenisannese.- GLAZEBUIIY, Engtsuîd tOPi pram cotsiolng s 16-maeths-ol bhh mas rase dame hy a steam-roller a crused-issi tisa cild mes enhuri. ]KNOX PEMSYTEfflAI ENV. JOHN BEiDD INsites SUNDAY, MAY 26th, 1946 1 11.00 .m.-Fueamantsl Religion. 9 11.15asm.-Jr. Bemdsy echeal. c 12.15 P.m.-Sr. Sundey cheol. 7.00 p.m.-"Ail Thiegs Hew." Meily 301h -Thc 31c1 anuaai ecrijexai meetingofetIhe W. M. S. milehe heid. jenEKnox Chucch el 2 'ciech fi Dl. S. T. ST. PAUL'S INITEDl CHURH mrme oav. OojwrW. Pous« SUNDAY, MAY 26th, 1946 10.00 ,,m--Chumrh Schrnl. 11.00 a.m. - Hernieg Worahip and i Brman "Recel Lta Bandsy." v 7.30 p.m.-Pilgrlm'e Prograse. 171 "Cient Daspir."t GRACE ANGLICAN CHURC v 81EV. & & Ern SUNDAY, MAY 26th, 1946 The Fitth Sundsy Afttr Easer Roation Sundsy 16.00 a.m.--Bundsy Scicolal nd Bihle Classe. 11.00 ar. .Morning Preyer and Sec-t 7.00 p.m.-Evaneang and Brman. Tuee.-2.30 p.m. Aternoon W.A. le S.S. Hall Wed.-4.00 p.m. Junior AueiUcy l S.S. Hall. 7.00 p.m. Junior Choir Prectice. Thers. .00 p.m. Senior Chair Prer- tire. Thorsdey, Bey 3th, Aensmion Dsy 19.30 .m.-Holy Communion. And Va Shah Knem the Titi and the Trcth Shahl Maisa You Fre.-Jo. 8:3 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIS OMAGH BUNDAY, MAY 26th, 1946 Service et 11 am. Came Hece and let Us Ressan Ta- gatber Baith Jaiovah-Isalab 1: 1&. Dittacent races do et clahsa tlog1 ase hey run aide hy ida tomards ana goal.9 A POPULAR DELUSION One vt the mmlt popuier dlea- Ions jeis hat et my hsptism Itose made "chiid et God". and sm thera' fore eit rigiet. end yae have mmne grouad toc xhis teliery, toc bath Prayer Book and Celechjsm teara tis in as paien morde aara le the Eeglceh tengeege. Hendrede et tend mothere hae rueshed te min. celer or aochers te have their dp' Ing bailjes "chcjstened" hliaving ticat otherwicea thay mitht ha ax- ciudad ftram the Kingdom. One tsclealonepcovslthe error ofsurh a lhery. The feues, pisons, Pan- jltetrce sand euch lise in nur » ead are tchaed ,jch pacsons who e haecheeaciety "chriseed" mjlh' 3 outay etteet on thje lite. How then on thal cvhcch le 1a come? 'lhjkofetIhis ssd tect! 1 Reel sceured Ihel nather "cpinhljog" oitha eeedrops es e ahehe, noc jmmcrsio on"much evelter" io haptislcy, rvez-, or lehe, has thae lighlrx.l merjlaste ere- oui Belvetien. t Rememhec, Selveljon le hy hloed e nel eveler, and unlese yee ara t "wahed" and "made white" le the Blood oetIhe Lamb lRev. 7: 141 co yewril bc je the LaeeoetFire! "Beon asemy al]I tvantue il O the eloning Blaud, Tha Holy Spirit enter And t em bhem et 004." 9 Jerk Hounlain Ty PRINCEssE THEATRE s Vivise BMaille, Dalais OKeat, Carmnen Hirenda "DOLL FACE" B de W Bervice Bpeiai - 5 "Learn and Liva" z- Coioced Crloos-"BSwooning Iy he Bmoonars" News. MONI9AV - TUMAY t. Gecea Tierney Crnai Wide 'LEAVE BER TO HEAVEN' Maid avec 5 meeha et Sheas ta Colored Cerlean-"BoaS Re- la secewalMatines Moess.a Sp.m. le 1 eaavoid evea rase iding Msaday it cooafeo y. FL, Sit., 1Maylseial usse lod ea George Herphp, Ann Bothare Di "UP GOES MAISIE" 'f Paing Perade -- "People on Payer." Cclored Ccx taon - "The A. Welch Dog" )y Nae. Rev. A. W. Fosbury Elected Moderator ['lton Presbvtery (CantInued, fram Psgs One) ers, Dr. Agnew retucncd her ein 1942 teking wlth hlm large supplie1 of relief geedes. Duriseg thase four meare'eparienre, lha ssid, lh ail geined a clse erstending et semaesc of the conditione ln the Fer Eat. B "Ne tapie relates mare cimseiy la el )oe and me,", ha decieced leler le hie j addreca, etating heldiy 1501 China,li ceving discovered thal she ceulci te fight axcd toits It, might depert tramn ai har hietaric chsmplacing et the peere- E fui wsys and derida that the aniy a7 vey te saturity measmilltsrlim. aI "The poet-mar ara le epan us. Are Il we praed oai h?" aahed Dr. Agscem,ae pointing ta airite civil mer, the Un- a ited States and the British Empire's ec leaira ta kaep chair ewn lite lices, si tRnsie, metching thealethr natios wcith feer and the athar nations x walchiag Ruie mith fear. Ha eeid het mhen e ha hd heen hindixeg hrah- e bodies la China ha hsd thsught et L achat the paet-msr ara wauld hring. Ir lVhat ha hied sean mes diseartanlng. He admlttad thet it mes e time ta ctand epan principie, hut ct muet ha dare, ha meieteinad. lna sspirit et C~hristiean dretsnding net le e epic- tit o suepicions mhichhut ep miece- derstandcng. Theafetrnoan session et the Pree- hytery cemmenced mîth e hriet mac- shiy perled uexdr the leaderehip et Rav. R. F. Marrer. Reparte et the verieus cammitteas ot Presbytery mare preeentad. dlacueeed and deelt with. Rev. George Service atfZMon Unitedl Charch. Mamiltan, epeke to the Prea-. hytecy regerding the Pension Fend Capital Cempeignasee t epylies ta the Hexmilton Coeteraece. Ha reported thet the genersi rcveeu is going mail threughaut the canterence and chsrch es amhoe. Heitan Pceahtyexy show- ci ihel gead pragrase mss heint made tlaerd meeting t lis location. Carilema the tiret charge le the conterence to repart thet t s elloat- ion hsd heen eccepted and ender- evritten. Wslerdae'n heing a clave second. The aneeeof Ras. E. B. Eddy of Oahviiie and the cheirmen mare nom- insied s Cmmiejeaner tram Prea- hytery ta the Genarai Ceuncl. Atter r tmo tie vexes, Rev. E. B. Eddy mesi ciected on the wjthdracvel et thet cheirmesi. Mr. R. F. Banerean ors eiectad Lay Commisalanar.j Preehycery yeeced s motione express.I jet ita gratitude le the minîstar and the afticiais ot Acton Beptiet Cherch toc the tine Chrietian spirit eehihit- ed hy them ln alemwing Prashytery i the ausetoftheir cherch toc the meet- i lng et e Preshytery et the United i Checch.i Thé' meeting oeaadJaurnad et: 5.45 p.m. te meet et contarence le c Gelph on Wadnesdsy, May 29th et 4 p.m. Notice to Creditors IN THE MAlTR 0F tise Estate of ANN JANE MeCIIY, liste efthtie Township et Nasamaaantisa <Jessty oetote4 Spisoer, deareai- bd. wiss dird an ose&uat tise iat dey et February, 1946. Ail pcec ncascot gclaims ccucixcvt thc uhee cee e-e ecequiccd xs fila pcccoftlheccst ejlth The Gelph 'cruel Compcany, Recuior, occ or ha. toxe the i5th day ot Jue 1946, alte'r o'hich claie the Execuior o'iii distrih- ute the elate. h evceg regerdociy on the clicmo ot mhcch it dccii chen hauvc hed notice. THE (GUELPH l'TUST CO., Exeruter, hy lis. Soiirc, GEOR(:E E. ELLIQiT. Miltoo, Oontario Mjlton, May i6ic, 1946. 50_3 tiUtt-CIEWDM S MUTT YORKTrOWN. Saeh. lOPi - Therces ut ieevt one dot hece mho cen't ha ia tevor et plie rchewing g6cm. Tisn puPcornes iota6àcestauraot av- ccy day avjch hie oanec. The maier drinks cottee, the pup mahea distcech- ing noises and njhhies otf the rcew- lng gem Perhad undar the ateais. Plastic jent rut eut tocer adega Ile. BRUIN STAItTED TOO BEDFORD, N. S. iCpI - Mrs. Peut Heroid et Bedfordliead an eacly rninng visiter et hiec haci daar--a hig, hrown heer. Mrs. Herald sald thay hath loehed aietarh thar, ocre stertlad and withdram, Mrs. Mars14 te the heuse and the hear hans inta the neacy meade. W. BItOWNLOW Geneeal Centrat Work-Elctrâssj Appllaace.-alesMdsai Ss Scyne Ont. Phone 9OrnS Milton Potlock & Ingham Maautaetueeeaor HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVING 151 MAIN ST. GALT TELEPHONE 55US 9 -lm BRANCH Memoren et other d5ys mili ha ce- alied when the Mlton Laglen and 3ord et Trada stage the Milton Gar- c Perly in the Araeaon Wedeae !ue191h. A cpaclty crred ilex.a cleilfotochis event as thc commt- ee hba ooked the comhceed shoms )fTop Hat Follieand the Virloep otartainerb ot 1946. Rapeted te ha ce et Ceneden oetetandlng vaudeville xoms, there mii ha 20 ceet et top- lne tltent mlth ns contlnulty, s each cliets miilpecticîpale endar the dit,- etien ot Me. George Thatcher, whe, era e ec ar tsclad le1939. has rut on avec ana thousevd ehoms fr ar ermad services, The Hilton. snd District Softeii eugue le nom In feuitsing. Follea- ig le the scedula. May 27-Heson aI P.L.R. Hep 27-Tlgem etl Lomvilie. Hep 29-Bue. Han et Leglon. Hep 29-Heisen et CaephllIvIlie. Hep 29-P.L.R. et Lomville. Hep 31-Csmphailvilleaet Tigars. Hep 31-Legion et Lomvitia. Hep 31-Bas.MHa eHlson. June 3-LomvIite ait P.L.R. June 3-Lagioe et Cempalvitle. Jane 3-Tigars at Nelson. June 5-Ses. Han et P.L.R. June 51-LswvittealetCamphahlvilla. June 7-Lamvila at Laglon. Jane 7-Csmphailile e aieson. June lO-Lagien et Titerae. Jane 10-Haluon et Lomllla Juee12-Titares t PL... June 12-Lsmvlille et Helson. Jane 14 P.L.R. et Lagian. June 14--CemphetlsilleaietLsmvil. Jue17-Tigece et Bus. Han. June 10 CernphelvlaietLegion. Jane 21-Lomvlilaent Bue. Han. June 24-Leglon et P.L.R Jana 26-ees. Hen aI Tigars. Jane 28--Heteen et Ses. Han. Jeip 3-Heleon sC Titere. Jetp 5-CamphatlvIle et Bus. Han. Juty 6-Legion et Bus. Han. Plesse note: Anp ex-service pemuan- cei ixnaned et living accommodation In rquesled ta mrita Canadian Legion, Bon 6M4.Hiltoen. ACRIRVEMENT DAY FOR HALTON JUNIOR FARMERS Saturdey, Jane lt a the big day f®r Heiten Junior Fermece and Jun- Me Hmemaers, ohan iheir ennuat ivasteek Judging compttlosennd echiavemant day wmut ha held. Tise 3eung ladies mho have heen csrrying on verbeus home econemien xeroects viii meet ai the Milton Tomn Heul, -here ender tha leadership etfHess LUIL Rom, elceir eehlhitn end darnes- .lcutlees milie haiged. Duriog 1he mocoing the Young Men mith Agric. Bey. J. E. Whuteiorh le Charge, wmlx clxxi tive et Treteigsc's ieeding ljve. stock termere, ohere tan classes of icvesloch miii ha Jedgad. TVImatw high Young ladies are te hea ee'sded e trip te Hiagara Falas and Hem York State, mhila the champicon JuorcFermer iedge ce rereise e tripc te the Chicago tnterax- jonel and 4-H Club Coagrem nrxt Deceme. The esnoeerernent o et1h- emerds1 and peescntaîicc of prizes miii he omade le the Hilton TomenMail the name esenung. An oettandcng liat et icophleo and prices have heen donel- ed aed a large tarnout le aeaed, seexes Gea. S. Athinis, pceidanl et the Heiton Junior 9'scmers. The dape yprogrem mili conciade e-ith e short intormail dance. ACTON At the Meaeing et ArIen Caornil lst meek stV'ntioe wascdrame ta the ererîlea ef e portable huilding on Hill Street. Na permit hard heen seccarrd and the huiding did not meet the building requiremeexe toc strert- a res in the tire limits. The hy-lem caraned and the provieions noled. The lem hart heen violeied le tava peines. Pire Chiet Roszali met mith tice reencl. Instructions mare ieaued te Chiet Hsrrap le have the huilding cemroved sand the omeer et the land wae e lih nolitied thet the retuil- eoriarcarding huildings mustlihe 1rompiled mith. 1 Sevecai cmPresvernx'ntn are Seing )made et the Park lhxn meek prearet- ary te a ebig summer et ertivltp le Ihie eet-ot-dooce centre le Artan. Tha !hbrd hait diemond has heen lavelad ailSthahe ase Unaes mdened end pitch- are meund raieed. Some hem spots have heen tiiied in and tha sede ce. laid. Severel loads et illing rnsterieh have heen p01 on the diamond. At e meeting et Ceuel and tocal c.crgenizatlans an Tuesdey elght Hmr. W, Coea madae asuggestion .mhich mas laler tumaed Imb e motion sevonded Sp Mrs. Collierand epprov- a d hy aill ttending thet tisa Ceescîl tahe avec antirely snd that avarpone herk thair decision mhalhaedlp. This action Il wms tit mad save e lt et contusion and discussion. The meeting sdjoseaed aftr sevac- et sîhars hard spahan hrietly and as- seraneaitd eengiven that Councth le thair evaris ouid hÉxe tise assist- ancaetofaillOrgenizetion ta ecrpryot their program et recognition. - Free -Pres. FENCING We carry good stockis for al purpose Chan Link F«nc 8 and 9 Win. Fam Fence Barh Wfre - Poultr Fonce Snow Fene per 100 f.rol m $12.00 Electrlc Fencers, $16.00 and up Batteries, $2.40 ecti - Inatelator Clips, 50e pet 100 Ineuletor Knobs, 25c and 35e dot. Milton Hardware Phaone 43 Mtilton Spring Clearance 1 15>-' Subatantial Priée Reductions Ends of Lines in ineomplete size ranges of Ladies' and Children's Coats and Suits, featuring, wonderful savings. Of course there's a limited range of sizes and color, so make an earlv choice. LADIES' COATS Farmerly sald nt $19.96 ta $29.50 Redtxced ta Clear et $12.95 ta $19.95 LADIES' SUITS Formerly sold et $12.95 ta $24.95 Redaced ta Clear et $9.95 ta $19.95 LADIES' SHORTIE COATS Formerly Sold et $19.95 ta $24.95 Reduced ta Citer et $14.95 ta, $19.95 GIRLS COATS Sxzr 7 ta 14i. Formrrly soid et $10.95 ta $18.95 Reducrd ta clear et $7.95 ta $12.95 GIRLS COAT AND BONNET SMT Farmtrly sald et $6.95 ta $10.95 Rdcdta Cirar et $4.95 ta $7.95 BOYS' COAT AND CAP SMT Farmerly eald et $6.95 ta $8.95 Rdcdta cleer et $4.95 ta $6.95 LADIES' SHOWERPROOF COATS Farmeriy sald et $12.95 ltedactd ta Citearet $9.95 LADIES' HATS Farmerly eoaiet $2.98 ta $3.98 Reduced ta ctear et $1 .98 ta $2.98 A Clearance you must not aies for saving satisfaction SHOP HERE AND SAVE Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Store Open Thursday Evening til1 9 P.M. Milton Dept. Store PHONE les 'Advrtisng It Always L'Iuverlslng-Gets Resuits PAGU rm 7HURSDAY, MÀY 28rd, lffl THE CANADIAN CHAMPION