Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1946, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION NEWS of -the DISTRICTJ VariwuItems Comnn& cüvitàma lu Communlties Nealrby Whoe aMauy of Our Ramiers are luterested LOWVILLE Anulveroary service of tle W.A. of tle Uitced Church will behald un Sunday Jonc 2nd t 11.15 om. Mci. oeil Mca. Hrry Kisc spaul v 1cm uays lbot mark lu St. Cathur-f lues and Niagara Falls. î Mr. aud Mrs. Marr Bllilad, Jersey- ville, vata lat week with Mr. and Mrs. RImer Foster. At a meeting hld recently ai St. George's Chral, Lowvllle, Il mas de-c cideil ta cevelate tle FicielI An-V ivrcary ai tle chral by holding specîilservices un Sunday. dune 23. KILBRIDE Mc. Pearl Shields la vstlug this wcek iel Mr. and Mrs. Marris Acss- oirong of Burhngton. Mc. Frank Watson of Hamilton opent Sunday mit lists mther. Mrs Wm. Mitchell. Thc Y.P.U. of tle United Churel are holding their cloing meeting ut tle eason lu the Sunday ScIaI rono i being lu rdar f a social evening. Many frienda attendeul tle fuserai ai tle laie Mca. John Aguem, of Watardown un Saturdoy alternoons Mauy of île vyai;g peuple atlendad tle rodeo le Torontuounaturday M. Lloyd Ofitches las receutiy dioposeil of lis farta ta Alvin Coul-j Mr. and Mes. Stafford Curtis and fomlly las recenlly moved ta tle John Camopbel fart, near Campbell- ville. CAMPBELLVILLE Mes. Roy Simpson oeil son ut Ham- ilion and M. asd Mca. Harry Hooi of Carlisle mare Sunday goasie ofii Mr. and Mes. William Roberts. 1 Misa Wiima Cilles, Torontaoî, eui the week-.ed mth elauset and hec cousin, Mes. A. MePhedran and Miss Katharine. Misa Jean MePhail speni lest mach with Mr. one Mms. Cari Rams of Ab- ecfoyle. The 91s1 hicllday celelcation afi Mr. HugI Rasa mas heid lot Satur-i day aI their lame. Mms. A. Wrthisgton ut Toronto, vlslted lac iter, Mes. A. McPledron tot Thursday. -b Lieut. Crawford Halos ut Hamoil- tan and Mms. Mahan and dsughtec viited Mr. andl M. Edmard Mahon un Sunday, Mms. McNiven out Elihide la risît-j lng witI lac daugîter, Mes. William1 MeLaren. Misa Olive Mahon spent the eel-1 end wth bar parents. MOFFAT The rereut raies hure gives tle fields andl cardans s mure pramnisief ouloal. With îhe worm suuishine me may expert copid geumilandoeil ci tee prospects. AIit ii ha oveedita meet Casadas share le tle loch ai feeding a famine tîreatenail morlil. The large cosgregatius ot île Comnsmunity Church greaaiy apprer- blted tle visit ut Rer. A. W. Fosbury of tle United Chral, Acion onil lis splendid choie on BolIers Day, en tle cveniug. Mr. James Martin oeil son Sssdy lave finisled the building of tle kit- chen ai the rac of tle Comnmunîts Churrh. Me. .1. P. Alisnsh, the ruetract ut puttleg us tle imitation brick siding and clearing amay tle ehis in conoertios mllh tle teurieg doms of the ol4 shceds. Tîcee Ir-t pravemeets iii add greatir otahele conrenienre of theasungregatios. We ara alma grtetol tn tle uperution ut the eaunty grader on ievellieg thea gcound le tront of the Clucch. Mr. and Mes. Frank Hathawaoy and Iheir daoghter, Mes. Rimer Dyson of Guelph, ara houe tram a very pleas- ant trip 10 Chirago and Moun City White in tle latter place tley ii- nesaed the onderful "Don Passion Play" aansisting of 28 meenes and ce. suiing eerail undred people Ile tle cool. Pie. Abert Roberts orrived homet tram ararseus, wsdece la las laeet aevice for the pont fnur yeacs. i M. and Mrb. Fesser of Gait meeei visitfng theic sas, Mr. W. A. Fraseri ovec tIc meek-end. Me. Thom. Simpson hud the mIstue- lune ta slip on île, asad fluor ot bar'c homue sud spralsed her misl vecyt badly. Little Jodkle Black lu qite idk wth a lad ttacl of messies. i Me. and Mes. Henry Docaven andt haobl atteneddthe wedding ut tibeir1 sas. Murruy lu St. Caharinesone Bt.e u-day.N Rev. Clonles Henderson af Prinea Edmard Island asslaled tle Rer. J. A.i MeNei leInthe pulpil of Sodla,, Chucch as Sundoy at.à MIas Marie Irelaîsd of Naison mss rallng le tle neigbbocod on Sun- day aflamns. Cnndeale - impcavemento arev taklng place ni oserlahpping milii . 1 PALERMO A suoi a nisg mas hll sn Pal- isoso Cummuiiy Hall un Friday esiot, May 1711,. u so lsiiins for for oucîre mccc: ladies, Mis. R. Stesson and Misa Cucul Hopperc; gants. Mr. L. M. Bray and Mc. A. May. Music iras prr.vided toc dose- Ieg ly Doris Hols Orchestra. Miss May Adersouvisitcd lhua cousin, Mrs. D. Ciamastos oar île weekend. BURLINGTON OONVINOIG OURSELVES - CALGARY ICP)-Foccoatlon of an W. T. Davîdsos of Bullugton la orgauloatlop ta Include avery peruon among the 343 Bell Telephone eco-, ployeas who have beau amartldaidsae lu Canada wth tIse purpose of sellng driviug buttons for 1945 by the Out- Cauada to Canadians has beau pro. ario Safety League. posed by buslneamau Maurice At the cegular mouthiy meatlug Of Brown. He uald "me lcuow that thla, the Water Comssion, hald on Fr1- la uecessary for Whecever wa hurn Wa day evaulng asat, Initiai stepa wara tahen towarda aularging the preseut hear people damulng the country, the watermorko plant ou the lokeahore goverumeut aud aveu flue Canaian Iilghway. meather.1" At a meetng of the Nelson Town- slip Selool Board Area No. 1, held oren _______________ Satsrdsy eveolcg lest, R. M. Acleson, of Windsor, wos oppointed principal ofth llc s. chool lu tle course ot erecrionono Gleumood Ave. Mr. Ach- eson comas highly cecomneauE L L I mll commence lia dulies lu Saptem- f SNASSAGAWEYA of Peensylvania, lace lakecup rasi- Tîcra mou a large gatharing ai he1e deece le tle Hoger blase, social eresîng lmoi Wadnsdoy aven- Mc. and Mes. W. D. Smsiiy Toc- isg lunRîcee Unitedl Clurce. A onto, have msced inia flair nemisrogrmomfutgonds anil conicots mus lame. f ist ejuyed, attar mhlcI Mc. oud Mr. oeil Mes. Wmn. Fus sud tamiiy Mcs. Ernest G. Wilsou mere Ievitcd ut Tassicy lave movcd ho île village. le coma formard ta ruaies placed foc i aise Mr. sud Mes. Cccii Jonleel. ilem and an 4dles mas ceoilly Res. Mr. and Mes. E. Joues entertainail R. W. Picleragili oeil a misceliancoox tle Cunservative Club on May 15tî. aluner ut mony lesulîlol and ose- _____________ fui prescrismare preuelaed ly Messrs. Gordon Dodhy, Elios Eserlroul unil N sMi. Horion Wilson. Luis Wisoe, and ZIM M RMAN Dona Rsterleoul. Bail Me. sud - Mes. E. G. Wilson mode vecy tittlng Mes. Jsmes Hunier visilcil ast iaplica. llunling ail for* thc hlnd c.e cawith Me. anil Mrs. James Carca. mords oeil heoutîtul gifis. Then F11or idk aI Duedas. ilcy ara joliy gonil felows- mas Nias Patriria Benett reiscneil ueg and aser îhe aongouthîe hume aiucdsy nigît fler spendlng iresento anil rcadleg of the names ofi the inier lne le met. île donors, a dlnty lunch mas sereed Arduie Galbraîithracaîveilflis dis- anil a social ime oas&petit ini mci. charge f rom île ormy on Btucdoy ceoieg and gciiing scquinnedil it iuxi. Mrs E G. Wilson, on Engish mac The W.A. hld tîcîr msneîîy mcct i ete 0 reco tiy camie t Canada. inga the cuccotihlime Mm. Mr.andlMrs. Thumnas Richardson B- A.Campbll, Red Crosoconrenor oeil son Geville of Fea-gos risilcil nul mu.s ircscuied wisii a iovcly roe nd udabuses aod frîeils le Nassagameys s bouquet ut enopileagues lv Mrs. l.sGicraii Rennett snd Mes. Hadiey ou bhalIt Mi.,,,Muegarci Pirleent>gili. Il N., ai of the nInerasî îl te association. Braentuord visiicd sitl ber poralits. Mtr. andl Mr.. Hery Dossusion lireil ndMes. Piclerogili uil-r tle celesicil thiar 50th Weddieg AAe- meek-ed. ut oci lme e ridy. TIc sym.cia i yoftlîio cmmu May 1711. Thilc er.rimaremrIedet Si leddiltluthe relativres sfthelie Sacopsou's CbrIh, Gusey, Channeli Mc. Thonus Lueglîîcd mIs passcd Issls, May 1711, 1000 Moey leaut_ uouy oe Friialoy sc. Ifu ronds andil oumrs marerecceire e Ir asy friinof iiMia fluetnas ly t1cm ron ,tîcîr trîeils. liamoîid mccc aoery ta coco iurilsIlo xnerseut s seriosa peratiîsein tle - _______- î;cse-,-l Hsspial. Guelph. ansi aIt boele emaY sonse c csiorcil la HORNBY gaond IcaltI slst. Mr. J. T.Wisos of Kîsaielbuli vis- Mr. Stanley sand Mes. Learlmus iliedl nul frîedsin Toronto for o luxe boas In Wîedmsr risîieg relat- 1cm dayx last meal. iresater a tau, doys. Mr. sud Mes. George Nightingale MrGeorgecand Mrs. Yeocs of Van. andlfomily visiea imthlMr. andlllco. couve aie risiing Mr. Josephl and Tos .acy of Doniloun Wedneac- Mcs. Holliegsool. IOay oas mach. TIre em ahoocbls boan In. Mi.osnd Mes. Ivan Harris andl oiallcdintle hdparsonge. Fs idb of Aclun risilcd i mlIMc. sud Thîe mîsisiec ond a lurried isait Mes. Duncun moffai on Suniluy. ta Simroe tamarrylits ee' Francesý Neiftao HomardlMiller, boil sfi moLIMEHOUSE aiei tIc office ofth Col Sturage Pluot in Simcoue. île Rhyhm Rubet suîpleil musîr Four baies mece boplîneil and tIrer c.th Mc. R. i.. Dariilnon fluor moni- auals Oece leu ic. sur r lurrcsoaci for o W. 1.sîlnsarcil cîire oneMullarxsDuy. Mr. Ainsorth tuld oeil ioue e n Friluy sveieg i tle tory af île Cîluese hume mîlhI ,ncboaue Memudiai Hall. Mms. Fred seineoaditioin rom his oriental is- Bromenend Mrs, A .W.Beelse mere ,ionory esp-ricnce. Cudigregaios hie csreFnrtr.urindilJuntior marc guoil. i re mou île doi, lric e. Mr. Jos- Undes tle supervision of Mrn.ieîîîS,.,,,îand isîsîIrieScoruîeer Arvhiv Kieg tle Wumeuo îOnstilOie ail ronsolations. love plontail somne sîruls ai tI ýMr. Ilealleriactsîi ucoinsboaîseil Hornby Triangle, Mi. Haraoli.e:ir- souril films in lIcHoul ast Weileas- mnt inlkepieg the gross inacondit- dayin the afternop for srlnu chld- ion. ieand aucu in ee seieg foc il Duc imo sidesi cesîdeets are Mcs. liges.rIe film on tle figi uginsi Bella MIntoat, andlMi. John King,.dî1therio proircil oery lîmely as the lotI ut whmaraesinlaîer eightian. M.G hj.i. o ciceil lac administrai- Mes. BrînlosIhouacs enstuyieg ilb ions ai onli-losin uuy day nsc.. Tle Mr. andl Mdx. Fred Hotimafor île di .ixliuol e.iîelni home on tle 711hue. Mr. King bas Foiloieg île National Film heein uithlis son, Dr. Leoliv King, 5in 1Rouard sowigs n Wedneilay eaee.- (;itlîducing tle inier rconnîs, sud ngoarommlite ut ladiesico lMea. ix nom loch ta0flis nid hume mîithhis'Soeturo las cînîccons ol charge. sou asil daughler-is-lan, Mc. Russell Mrs A. W. Norton. uccoasslieily aid Mre. King. 'ray are belimell Ms. H. Noron sangimo acillaand ThIe Asîgesse Behoul hiielOll ica Mcc. Hougliy suppliid a panososis. marc guetofi the Horuly Nln,îl Athrc-rpiicorelsroftMiss lielen recnIly. Folaiet a game lelmeen Meredith, Messes. Jak Nsble sud the tmsteotas,sidcoiwreachanen oeil Emmanuel Kores obigeil nul o aosier came mas playeil. cjuiiof t ulariîoas aad later tue Gn Fridoy aresiug. May 1711. tle dnc<ing. Mc. oeil Mrs. KenecilHumn- rcgolac slsmieg ut National Film ilIon oeil rhiidren maie ralleil for- Hoard pialuces mas gises lu île Houcs- mur ilaoeilMca. Wrightl andlBru. ly Scheeilua a ry upprecialire Spitzer presenle ei1cm mtI on endl guilerisg.'rIe film, BSaring your lubie andl n pielure for esel nf thc xme Garden eBeci" alomeilthe lest rhlilcan toiisc.îing a shurt ailleas pants in tle grdeu belng markd renad by Mes. Scothuent. Ken Ihaeb- oeil lter polmi, disld, nociail, andil citI their tieais fer île gifttanod put amoy le.scatiy labeileil packag- goal mishes oedi nviteil theco ta visit as. "Detcot Dipialo' ms a veay 11cm in ilaîr nom home, ninî l Ilea. timcip pirtuca, as tosuil Is leing giren Rin Tomnship. A socall aitlaxior nom ta tIc sabool ahilece of île toliomeil. aounty andl parents are urgeil la sea Be. oeil Mes. Von Gardon oeil îlot ail pre-solnialdres love tIceilsoghier Fay of Metamore, Michigan treaimani. SBernes af Nemiossilianilspet île ponttam wdaps mtI tle in5 auelo mare moul lnteresting slow- WrlgIts. big, as tley dil, theIe ianoeI ndustries Mc. snd Mes. R. B. Blncey andl le Englanils oldest roiony. tomliy of Torusto opeet Ssndoy ot A piture of the hearer showe ierIanad bhume blace. soteofthiesa anImais hisg raptureil Wc malaume M. aed Mms. Russel en Algonquin Park oeil leunsterneil to Thompsou ta tle rilloge. Thay love île watecs of Jomes Boy. Ie île porrînseil Mn. Ee Homiltono lasuse. film "TIc Comoly" a lap's Ileasof aMe. aldMns. Wm. Coplay ond litee nîle Wll Wet as ilepicteil sons Art andl Don of Toronto spi-ni sn Westernî Magazine.%, mci adIr, thc eek-endl miIthIe Halles. thoogh icciy shoilareil mîe la vis- Mcc. Campbell and Mes. Nellin iare lied lis nscie oeil sam tle varleil vlitleg 11cmr cousoin, Mes. R. Lasse. aid usetul lockssofthîe lelpars on a Mc. Aedrcm Mneols un île sickliîlt western raI. Bloriefilms olomeil ai preneni. Wa boa e m il ssonn le the liner Qoaen Eliabehl orviig In about agin. barbor mitI ceturnj.ng raierons, tle soimon rus ondl coseing of solcose, PRISONERS WORR FARMS oeil china bronches and ornementa le-- lng madie tramthIetClayoy f msters WINNIPEG ICPI-Ficol ut 1,500 ho Ontario. 2,000 Germait pnîanec-o-mar slect- Atethe Iapîrsures a lighi lunch ail tonmunkI n Monitobo's augr-leet %vas serreil ly tle ladies of tle Homnby tieldls are espesilmi tram nortîmastern Wonens Instilsie.jOstarinlumil-R4ap. WANTED Elderly lady, on Mactin Street, good home, modern convenlences wlshes elîher maclled couple or a oingle wQOina, to live lu and take caca of home,.l'or further partlaulars PHONE elther 52r5 or 288r22 FOIR Tous GARDER mmD We have a complote UIne of cabbage, tomatoes and flower and vegelable planta, also vines% geranlumsansd other leddlng stock. We Delîver JONES GREENHOUSES, Phone 2573 King St., Milton 45-8 FGTON'S Ice Crearn - Confectionery - Gift Shop Soa Our Wlndom For ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS IN BREAKFAST andl DINNERWARE Our Supply la Llmlted MILTON----------------PHONE 14 '1 BAILEY1) TOEWS Electric and Radio Shop Arc you satisfîcd wth your prcscnt lectric wiring or appliances? If flot, cati us. Estimatco gladIy givec for à completc wiring job or altcrations. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LUNE 0F REMAIS PARTS Ncw Radios, Stovcs, Electrir Rcfcîgcrators, Lamps and Elcctric Sîcoco Radiators, etc., 00w coming through. SATISFACTION OUARANTEED-PHONE lSU Old Company Lehigh OLGA POCABONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STKER FOR FREEDOM FROM WORRY INSTAL A Livingstonee' Stoker LIVINGSTONE OIL BLRNER INSTALLED AND SERVICED PIONEER FEEDS CEMENT - LIME 1Phone 48 R. S. ADAMS NIa gIts 16 LOOK! Here are opportunities you cannot afford to miss If pou bore s Uscil Car, Truck or Tracior muid pyou nu longer cequire et cii 100mb milI us. You milIlecamaîcil ai whaî mecacn pay yos for 11cm, as mc love s long miîieg lisi af Buycrs, If inîcrasîcil in Radios, mu lare oa lani Newan ad Uscd Rttcry sud Eîecîric Moils at lurgais priccs. Wecacn also sspply o limnilci suppiy af large siza Electric Ref igerators. twal" bois~ Early's Ford Sales and Service CAMPBELVILLEPHONE 38r3 1' w. PA=E FOUIR -4-zlufflljax, MAX xam IV" JE 1 THURSDAY MAY 2SÉ& 19M malAdvortisement.s Aerctssss a doesI ds 2casuh alîl ocdenel vo. dflcmnm esc 2o..I toc eo dsidtional ac ml sc WANTED Youug girl for balesa hop. COULSONS BAEERY FOR SALE Scoali Citerîs force pooîp. Appîr JACK< MOUNTAIN FOR SALE Reglstered Hosteiu Coma. Apply D. E. SARGENT, Phone 158r2 FOR SALE Slabs for sale. Apply ELMER DOWNS. Phone 84, Miltou FOR SALE Boys bicycle lu good condition. PHONE 157r22 A treat for rour faatUsaeloysl' Coru and Calloua Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Picketta Drug Store. FOR SALE 13 lght weeh old pîgo. Apply WILLIS JOHNSTON, Phone 98r6 FOR SALE 1931 Durant cor. braud new tirea, and lu escellent condtisn. PHONE 257J FOR SALE Ose bise colapsille baby carniage, ln good coudition. PHONE 81J FOR SALE 1935 Oldomolile ln good condition. Write CHAMPION OFFICE BOX 50 FOR SALE Dne. sis-plece diniug roo suite for sale. In good condition. WrIte C. E. BMITH R.R. t, Miltou FOR SALE Cocointios electrir oend cool store. Apply W. J. NORRINCITON, Phone 14 FOR SALE Cedar PuaIs oend dry hardwood. Delivered. 50-tf E. SMADES, Phone 295 WANTZD Veteran requlres apariment or a smoli bouse immediataly. Apply BOX 60 CHAMPION OFFICE WOLIAN WANTED Part time wurk. HALTON POULTRY PRODUCTS Plana 1w WANTED Posture rus for about 20 head of uil Young ratlie. W. J. MARK, Bus 575, Mlton ADDITION TO W. ELLIOTT SiALE 1 Lawu Momer lu good condition. ADDITONS TO McdOWELL SALE 1 Maay Marris Manure Spreader; 1 Grain Drill Dise; Plalforco Scalea. 2000 lbs. copacity. RACACM<00 QICKLY. t.. star frt dose. M4te way action attaclu the cause. rellav tle pain. Karrca Drug Store. 1 WANTED Man will one-way disc ta work up 12 or more ocres forecorn. W. G. TOLTON, Phone 157r31 110118E WANTED TO BUT Scoali hlusse mitI hydro. cash. Cire full porticulars, description, prlce, taues, e. BOX 40, CHAMPION OFFICE WANTED Mason r loy to rut and trim lawu and flOwar lads, oh sommer, about Imo duys o meek. Apply CHAMPION OFFICE I'OSTPOyIED FURNITURE SALE Owing te rois Joe Grohaos's Fus- tory Bals n Milton sras pustpoued tIII Saturdoy crening, May' 251h et S pm. B FOR SALE 7 Youog sseuullng Pigs vlihle for recistration. Apply T. W. ALDERSON R. R. 1, Hsanly FOR SALE MeCormocl Deerlng bManure Spreadcr, number 4 steel lus, in good condition. Appiy W. A. CLARK, R.R. 4, Milton FOR SALE Good edcraie anses ln moudrful condition. PHONE 1w 8-9 o.m. Or 5-6 parm. FOR SALE Gureey Electrie Store, four hur- ners, ores and warming dloseI, lu Oirsi cinsa condition.' Apply ALF BARTON JON(ES' OREENROUSES fCut tiOwers Of al kinds, pot plants. fuerai and weddleg worl doue. We deliver. 50tf PHONE 257J WAPITED Live Poultry watd g«pre as paid. Cali atd lla ea Tel soe RUSSELL THaLlE ,_VoeMlton 23fr4 WANTED Dead Homes sud CaIlle for free pIck up. Plane Mlton 210. We pay phoue chae. CODON YOUNG LTD 35-52 Phone AD. 03é, lcot, FOR SALE Bled 24x42'. the proparîy 0f no', ClurcI Bîstean, lu le soisd ,tahîe Hîglas I hdder. Offers lu me mode to Hoard C. King, R.R. 1, Oakvllle. Blds 10 la lu ly June 3rd. LAWN MOWER S SOARPN NOw la tle limte to fat youe lawu inower slarpened and rapaîreil, also Acelylene weldlng. WALDIE'S BLAKMT Io 45-S-C LA SMT 510 PASTUJREz TO ENT 20 acres ut river flis, gond ohada. mater sn4 planty ut feed f or 12 to 15 heod uf raille. $18 a monil. W. G. TOLTON Plone 157r3l ................ . ..............

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