Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 May 1946, p. 3

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0f 1ntere§t 'to Women Urge Prtecion General Sessions For Mine Industry Cbnot! aIce Ontario Mlsing Association Pres- Te Wt: ev Notice isaiereisy given that the r ente Brîef to Senale Coin- Court of General Sessions of the fi. î mitteePeu e and alsu thse County Court of!r le m JCIONuou* oTTAWA (çP--me unique poit- COUX 0FOPHALTON the ion 0f Ile mining Idustry andsi Colbeisls Hel oeaes hnIswvital importance to the Dominionsa Town of Miton ell tIe witigmuide ! itycas neconomy stresusidin a brief presented Re a traffle te-up On tise main treet toie. estecmmtretnau lecestly, 1 buito ietageu eore by tihe Ontario Mining As- MONDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1946 th tltse hnou la ofnthy lanme osoaciation bre thisaweek.authtie iour of ose orlons p.m., D.S. to dlthsinr pay nues, tsaee e The brie! uid that because the T., of vhch at Justices olite Palace e sides dit pa suite, t bOM pruductive pon of any mine wssa im- Coroners, Constables, Osolere and i al strekes coUcs tiers concernesi are rosquested te col cltses, ed iad eie umss andil wr lied isy tise etent of tise ore body, (taise notice ansi attend, to o and per-« clohe, e ie deidd o a atishe return o th ie invetor front a form al duties misîc appertin ts h tise wosllen blanisets as meli as tise productive mine Includesi botis diid- tie. a bcd llnen. After tise liteup of endsnand capital. This unique sitat- WILLIAM 3. ROBERTSON, ns clotises were ail moving in tise breeue, ion uboulsi be taisen into cunideration Sieriff, Co. Haltoason titres blansso crasises to tise gs<smd in tise taxation ut miniof property. Sisiriffo Offre, Milton, May 13thit as part o tise Une broke! May we re- Tise speossîtce nature of mising 1946. tn msssd otiser iomemalsers of tise pOI5î suetpisasized in figures gîven byto icemnans directioms to send few hieanyth ie rommttee siowîng tiat osîy une ME tisait a Urne along tise line, otb- metal ninissg caim in every 4%4 ermlne re-roste tiem ta antiser staised survives to tise compssy 1in- apaâe. corporation stqge and only une prof- J. Ai. EJ3 O Letsa keep tiingo in order from tise itable mine renults from every 100 Li~oe d Auctioma er foi beglnnlssg and sort tise sotis. Tise companies formed to deveiop pecific1 masin Idea beiusg te deal mitistise properties. c cleanset tiingu fixât, llgitly soled 'Ways muât ie founsi to encourage F articlesnnext, aler tisat aprom. dre55- tneue substantîsl riskss oeîsg talsen," For tise Cssntles of Isaîton b es, play uits.tien meSs woris clotis- saisitise brie!. "One metisod l i; b andi Peel h es. Unreliabe'dyed materials soulsi iousiy to ensure tisat tise return to Phoni liOrlle bie done separaely-asoak for 3 t !%tise invester from tise amaller number' Rural Route No. 3 MILTON Vo mis. in trong saty malter, tisen of success operations la suff ient 10_________________ washsin a iigissuds two bains, Ifroner lis captal tuoses in seeling d slrtyi and i ruse qssisdly. Dry thoc- for tise eventuol inner"b ossgily. Place the germent in an oid Tise ndustry mou eessiel to Con- id towel. presu out excenu moisture. ado's prugreco ansiif oem ore boistAH Hsng In a breeze to dry quickly Or were 10lie found te replace ta LA.H D f re t a pad witis s tomel te dry indoors. nom ieing woritec out, pre-production eors Staisse lu compUicate laundering. searris and deveiupment must be con- a Many are nu trouble to remnove mien tinaed. T AAX 1 SERVICE â fresis, but become permanent if tise Tise suciation estimated 85,iilis articte lis ett until laundry day or Cunaduiis mre supported drectiy sy S put lmmediately into bot ospy mat- tise moîng indotry and more tisnasi Au posenfeis fuly Inuured F or. Haise n practice of resoovîng tiird o! tise tonnagce issuled uner No Trip Too Long stains as n sossPible. Cnadian rilccsys cran minerai pro- 24 HORSEVC Be sure to siske dusty garmentu durtu. n uutdooru te get rid o! loose dirt. Em- Fifiy-in per cent, o! Ontario gold Yuur patronage, peuse 9 pty aMdwhisni out Rociets ansi cuffa. production came rot mines dsconer- POE 2J l Hard mater t anotiser consplict- ed iefore t9to and 32 per cent. lie-PHNE 1 ion bcreuse boni has, isard to, use, tu-en 1910 and 120 No nem pr - a isard on everytising -md mut liesec- duing ntine sod ieen fond In Ont-___ Pl__ ially treated iefore it can iegîn to aoiu since 1936. clean lotises. Tret tise voter witis Every possible step,isould be Dissolve tise softener firt; maise up a "a long time elapses' between siscun- O L B R E S ae strong solution and ieep I in a mveIt- ery andi actuel production and 1'old AVAILABLE NOW l corises bottle out of reacis of ciild- mines are surely sepletesi tu a point o! i cen-une V3ottle of crytas and fi centuai extinction. QIET MAY OIL up wtis ater. Measure fromtiste Tise brief assied tisai ct o! explor- u o s bottle exactly-too mucis milI iarm ation lie asliooed as a deductlon frontURER fabrirs, tao litle wlt fait to do a income, resooval o!sles taxes on witit storoge tank gond job. Huderatety soft water e- products soid 10 or soported biy rmetai quires 3 or 4 tiss. Harsi water neesis mines and dedoction o taxes paisi sutomstic conîroîn 5 10 7 ibsps. In 10 galens ater. municipal and provincial goneromente t Now, add tise soap adspdaiis tise iefor-e tederai ocesments mere lnstalUed Complets $375 b mater to create about a 3-incis suds. mode. From time to tinte dsring tise wmssisg CALL FOR SURVEY 0F YOUR you wilI neesi te add more sosp be- HOMEa cause suds sie down. Unleso a gOood TORY WIT. A MORALa laitiser la ,naintuine-d, tisere is danger H L O AR of scuntmy curds îorming on clotises. -RTHILLATOnN DAIRSPP Y M Fresis sater luisportant for o good ere a stoi y ils a oruat. Mcx E. cleamsing of mulesi gooss. Meriti csho a 4-pound biear mien ts<LTOI4, ONT., Phone 347 &t i Saften rinse nter to preveni part- sc rcaogvs groedy bruin trying to es- 26u.a Idles of oap remalnîng in goodsnmiicis rope froso er lfuem mus bi, heud soll turn yettom mies irones. Use ouçi-bnoamikco tise sone proportion of ciemicot aaj for tise machine. Mucis depessis to. lMiU:iUItUiUfU on tise mringing. Wisen properly done . ELECTRICAI AXE tise rolers prcss out mot o! the î 5I,' I O ooapy nanti-mater,bu if tise clotiies 1 l'O CHECK WIREWORM'tIC L BR S are crelessly eino if pressure l cringer lis buse, tise cmxc mater snoni ItAtIPENDEN, Iti-ifardvsireEng- becomen soopy. Al tiese points bave land (CPi -Scii-ntiiccts iînRothmsteiîMONUMENTS AND a direct influence upon tise miitgness E'iperimncno iStation nown on t rie -CM o! tise mas. the movements o iremortos by E T RY LETTERINE TARE TIP eansof onnteitronie ieetle i isser e TAL ATF ecen tisougis thceieetico run't ie seevo M Ac-ociated wtb A. .. Corbett 1. Fruit stuins on wiite or fast- Wesi~MV Binsn sl vo ir-tOt color materiat usuaity dispper cuir tseprosîM. ut ise cvîrerp Mon rtO . completely if tise materiol in treteis- o serioucN enesny te tereul und cuber- ed over -i ioul and ioiling mater crups. 2 Smail oil spots asu ocule respon "tise lPrent eetie eun ihave no prie- ENQUIRES teo corosturris or tolcuso posder te ]lite. No mtter miere ise ides.-is- tAgr pattesi on Immediutely. Tise powder modern science iii disconer is hab- W.CoLSAtlAgarice absorba tise ol iefore it seeps Into ins ansi iaunts." olOfc tise tireadn. If thisxli not uccesfut, Seieted ieettes are fitted itmii cochon tetraciloride witI do tise tioy radio-octive dises iesmiend ouit PHIONE 120- ACTON trick. (tlu s sfe tu use and quite recognition signais day ansi nigt. effective.) mimutmtui 3. Try rubiing ordînary lrd tisr- ougily lîto tise spots niade iy blocS grease or tar. This softenu tise grau isstes It may lie remnved mitish., carbon tetrocilortde or a good ciema- ing soînent. If tise clotislaIn shiable tise remaining part of tise stain may lie bleacisesiout itmusjavelle mater; if grmnent rani tle laundered use 2 or 3 applications of solvent.A i t e R E 4. Strong ammonla ater la a goosi solution In miicis ta sosis a ruât- stainesi germent. - --- -rE QUESTION BOX Miss T. M. ssis: Wbat are tisetri- gredients o tise ollen wshos e cere glven In tise lasndry clossofn isouneisols science course? Ansmer: Maise a solution of 1 large bar or 9 o. o! milsi soap In 3 qis. o! water. Wben partially cool add 2 tisnps. bron mnd 1 cup alcoisol. Suais garmentn in solution for a feso mins. ietore bieng laundered in audsy at- Mr T. J. soisus Can I dlean a irencis colt itiout destroying tise ris- pcooflsg sualty? Ansmer: Yes irusis mus soapy ns- ter. Dip brusis In suds andsiocris -< coat. Poar clear mater over h to rlsue. Altow hto a drip dry. (Thse'I iatituisla an Ideat pace te do tise job). HAIRDRESSING in Latet Styles Nemet Methods In Permanent Waving AU LUnes o! leauty Culture EWOTf BEAUTY SHOP Phsone 61J for Appointntente A. R. ELLIOT7T HMBES School Off ers 10 Cent Special %vorite Beauty Tretnmta Avail- able to Modela at Cnet Bl AT REX (wumaalI Press Stff Wrltee TORONTO (CPi-For 10 cents anly susemife may treat berslf to a acial. For anotiser 10 rentsasile may -en indulge in a sisaspoo andsi fng- noave. And If sise ban been naviof iL il rmlete re-do joisnse may wdec a cold mare--toc $3.00. Tise lineup continues to groso ai he Hairdresning Scisool, nom be5ng inductesi for men ansi momen vet- -ans ai tise Ontario Training assd e-estaislisiiment Institute, but tise adenin neesi rustamers upon misici topy may practice. Anyooe miîling io nodei for tise clasntay bave ail te avorite iseauty treaimonts it tsit. 'We'ro maitîng for four sisampuo cairs misicis have teen iseld up be- cuseofa tise steel stiie In tise Stat- es "- saisi Miss Reisa Sarnour, Tor- oto, one o! tise instrurtars. "In ad- ition neyve ieen isaving ours a timne tying ta accommostate all who mant toktaise tise classes tisai beginning nent matonus mre oponing a special nigisi shift., Believe It or sot, mon outnumber avmen studenta. and for ntany o! the frmer. tise course la entirely nem. Building slrcraft Io a long Jump from balrdressing. but tisatu misai rosi Johnson, Vancouver, mas sioing before ise joines tise Army. Nom se's hoping to Iosrn ail he cani about beauty trcatments bof ore reiucning to Vancouver to go into business. J. Hasisa, Winnipeg, wan a hail-. [cesser before ho ment into tise army, tut ix taising the course to get nom dean. P'aul Le Blanc, Sisodian, N. B., mas anelertrinian In pco-%*ar years, but said ho milI go ta Nom York ". . Just ns con as t gui my coarse ansi picis up a litho enlpeience." SCIENTISTS MAKE FARM LIFE EASIER CH4ICAGO iCPi Sone o! science's sou' developrnsot Iosoci-rut drusi- gery ansi matie facm lite eaoier are ueiag enisibites in Chsicago isy tise Un- [ted States Rubter Co. Among Oea ogrîcultural ciiesoicats ansi rubses produnts un dinplay are: A new cniemical spray tisai smots- estise meesi crop onsi destroyn IL Tise cisemicailamDe usesi on fawn andsisn fields to clintinate aucis bronsi- teavesi plants as isinsieesi. Canadiar tisite or dandelion. A steo seesi Ireaitent sinsignesi h tîroteri plantesi seeda againsi doray ansi iarsofai soit fangi sîntit fichue mealiser ceaget to trcS mdstart groltis. A cubisecizesi etectrîr iseating pa. tisai s instaies i n tise top o! a cick brooder cvr A lorger version o! tise pasi ix avaîl- able tocrisotisesn.picesi beneaththeis unit hbere it ectes iseot 10 frmie- ase seesi. For tise tormero s-îlfe.ansi otite aises. too: A seul tenitie lermorinot irsil treetmcnt tisai n Invinible un label- andunisfferted isy isundering ans siry s- eaning. A ts to tuel forursiyîninises tSu is mode ous h201 pee cent. ucsovtoq fibre.Tise faisele c oul 10 iace gsi-ot aisnorisency. quicis polinttiOi iinislin tisidiesicStiiç Io tire. LO5NG MNILK ROUTE Wi"IItIORSE. Y. T. tCPi-Wiio iseitieidto se thev longesi miiiý iot n tise waiicisubren estaissî cil on tise Alaska Iiighmay, oscrE milS is sauled 1,2(01 miles In refrig crutor trcs front forma orounsi Tut. lier Crenk. B. C.. ta Yukon rn.isents t ct-.livtai25 cents o quart. PLAN MEMORIAL VICTORIAVILLE. Que. iCPi-Res. Idents of tise Athabiasksa County tom. -lt bse astiesi to contribute $2.511 chortiy for tise building ut a cenotapi In tise centre of tbe toms to comment os-utctise mesnmiso fouglît ansi due n tise mo morisi mars. WELD9NG Electrlc Band Acetylmsa W@ga hespafr Wedlngof!A Myf Portable EqulPmOSlt PRONE - 34 bmILL ,T.-PILTON 1 If yeti dont knoa thse sdistasnt beelon user, plte aes a as f orfuture use wseem yetis hear thse oporttor repeat iL. O,OISYANCIrcus [UST --:y U go m er mrig975,000 tlepisooca J =icr "reoe120,0WZ oet= eiones andiasmarcendt jo.:,,,ceca. âbs tea y incrasea-v-n tisosgi tis me s osrActaly tsevoUmne ut caling la nom aboat 100l gier tisas mies thse mr Iegen. TisaIs mlsy it bs nbipful mlen you observe thse po aequesce, as aoenibon, bnting 1Long Distancecas We anc building nese lines andi news witcimsiscbot it mil taies mte tuaxe to get tise ntto usIntise seantisos we'l appreciste your hrlp amsI soderstadiog, especielly if youc cal la delayrd. P M Tom . tHE CANADIAN CHAMPION 7»UIRDAY, MAY 23rd, 19" WHIN YOU PLACE a Long Distance Coli FIRIT, gise thse opaper tise nasse o! tise distant City ... THEN, sise telepissea aurne oyour pary., THIN, mies the Opr. ator emba it. pose nown teepsone unaniser

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