Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN CHAMPION 'l'MIIBRDA'nf. MAIICIt 551h. 19... Noicsof aIBeh.. Marragm asd Duhî au I .d . hi. ooswfthoSt ahar.. la MmoorimNoie.s c ad zople ha addtloasl for poetry. Ceof Thanke or- BROWHN-At Brldgewater, England. on Monday. March 25th, 1946, to Mr and Mrs, John F. Browen, a1 daugbter. - 8 FREEMAN - At Mrs. Rasperrys1 Nursing Home on Sunday, Mareh 24th, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. BertE Freeman, of Casepbellvllle, a son,1 John Robert. (Baby paoaed away a1 few heurs later.)t MARRIED VARLEY-PAUi'ST - On Saturday,t March 23rd, 1946, by the Rev. G. W. Porter, Helen May (Pete>. eld- et daughter of Mr. and Mra. Fred Paupat, to Orval Raymond Varley,r son of Mr. and Mes. Fred Vartey. Milton. IiMMOPIAM AYRES-In loving memory Of a deara husbaod sud ltinr and brother, Henry Ayres, svho possed eo'cv os Marcb 30, 1943.r Three years have passed snoce the sad day 'ne one ne loced nos called away.1 God ouk hîm home, t nos h(s wlll But (n our hearts be livetb sjîl. Sadly missed by is wlfe Bertha, aod son David and daughter Jean, also broîber Fdnerd andsisd (er and famly: moîber aod fomlly;1 George and Irene. CARIaS 0F TItANES Mrs. Gordon Ford is ofIlned (o4 bed nith an attacb ot p.,esmosia and pleursey. Sbe nlsbes to tbanb ber frlends aod neighbors for tbeir ind- Tbe family of tbe laie John F. Ford nîsb (o tbassb their maoy frienda and relatives for beautiful floral (nib- Utes and maoy expressions etofpel- patby during Ibel r ceest bereave- ment. Mrs. Fred Mortey and family wisb lu express tber sincere tbanbs and appreriation ix their mony frlends. relatives and neigbbors for tbeir ind expressions ut sYmpatby and floral tributes daring leir recent sadt bereavement. Ashton' Shirley and Jean Luxe sold libe lx tbanb Ibir 6100 friende and neigbborx for tbe iodness asd Sympatbp shusvs (hem during their receot sod bereavement. alto Rev. S. A. Kirk and the Bell Telepbone Staff. - Brevities - -Loobs as If the maple syrsp soas golng tlubhescarre again Iis pear. -Hoils-even frosl hoils os the road-are rather o pain en the nerk. -The 1946 automobiles are comisg on display-ihe fonst nenv modela ie lice pears. -Main Street bas hod ils spring clean-up and clearonce ut the sin- ers accumsulation ut sa,,d. -Miss Shellegh Adams won 3rd place in the Lions' Club Public Speahieg Contest fbeld sn Oabville lest weeh. --Worhmen have comnenced the panting and innulatiog nf the Couct House. Tbc Court ooso. Judtes' Chambers, Oertl n Office and bail are al beng edecoreted. OAK VILLE Mernicrvoo> the Gaho .11e Toue Couneil aere gucoîn ai the- regular neekly meeting ufth1e lRotary Club os Honday nht. 'The îuestnspeaker for tbe .'seciog aas Mi. Chattes Austerberry, field eretry ut tht Community Weltarv Counicil lor Ontario, ub.,'.i,,ke ou juvnile de- linquency. The British AmnervnsOu Cumip' anys Clorbsoo Refinery bas p.eseot- rd a $25.10îrize lu he aoardcd to tbe student hbcnsg tbe higbesl standing in Uppetr Sîbhool clemiotry exemination. Su'.nging alung wns lba (t.. ..tnndev Mr. Charles i'riestman, coseple-te wilb shillalab. eus wucerd hy Ii-v Wor- ship Mayor J. M. Camepbell on tbe rompt etios ot bla 16th annuel ihe feoso Toronto lu Oubville.--Record- Star. C'LEARING AUCTION SALE 0F FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Tbexondecignedbenh eenlnteurS- ed by W. J. ALEXANDER Te sel by axetion at is farm, 7th lUne. Euquesing, -et Asbgroce, on FRU9AY, APIUL 11h At 2 o'ciock the folou'lng: Frost and Wood Binder; Frot and Wood Mocer: International Dise Drill; tnternational Horse Rahe; Pe- ter Hamilton Cllîcater: Masse>. Har- ris Reier; Massey Harris Cltîcator; Deerisg Seuffler; Mrrons, 12 ft.; Dise Harrew; Haod Drill; Rosi Palp- er; Turnlp Drill; Set Single Hareese; Sel Double Marsese; Wheeibarrows; Bell Lead; Bull Malter; Set Short Sllngs; Fsnslng Mii: Nuseber lat Claie Carpeters Tenta; pipe Tiread- or, ose hait loch. tbree quarter lorh, oenrbhssd ose and one hait Incb; Pipe Coutter; Pipe Toga; New PaIls Fee Streteber, chais and grip: Han. Stretcher; Water Feantalos; Fecks, Shovels, Mammer; Bag Truck; New Electrie Preesure Systese. TERMS: Chah J. A. ELLKIOT, Axctissseer Des. Carnle, Clerb JOHN FEATHEBSTONE FORD One et the oldeat sud moat wldely noon resîdents, Mc. Jaon F.ats- stene Ford et Trafalgar TownsMp, passed aney at bIs laIe resldendh, 6tb Une, esrly Sssday merslng atter s short ilînesa ln bis 94tb year. lHe belonged te bbc third geseration of the early pleneers. Mr. sud Mca. 15e. Ford et Tyrene Co., Irelsud and Mr. and Bru. John Festbestonr utf5Dcr- hom Ce.. Engiend, wbo nettled in ibis cummunity 125 years ago, and bia parents nero Ausdrew Ford sud Mary Featheratone. Be mas boira, sear Omagb sebere he spent bis boy- bsud and esrly manhaod, receiclng bis educatlen at Omagh Publie Seheol. Flfty yearu ege be marrled tsarg- aret Ellen Coyue, mablng a new bome fer theesselces ose mile trom hie blrthpiare, sehere bis eldeat son sou resîdes. Bers Into Ibis home were Wilbert, Clarence sud Emerson living iu the commusity sud Estelle, Reg. N., a serse in Peel Memerl Mospital, Brampton fer some tîme. Mis wite predereesed hlmn 14 years ago. John F. Ford alsvays bad the wel- tare et bis commuulty sud ebereb et beert, glclsg et bis time unseleih- ly. Wben qaite a yoasg mss, he ronnecled blmselt wilb teeOmagh Llterery Society sud Sens et Temp- erasce. beromisg su expert debster. This led büise sSubhlie lite. Be wsea elerted as Cosciller oet Tstalgar Tow'mhip in 1896, servîng la ibis cap- ecity for several years, later bcbng rlerted Reeve and agaîn elerted as sWardes for Maltes Coty. tn 1919, be nas elerted by tbe U. F. O. Partp lu the Ontario Legîstiatere by Halles Cuunty bat unselishly gave bis seat lu Mon. E. C. Drury, who hecame Os!ario's premier. Smo atter be con- irsied eib te tederal elerties and eMilton Districi 1r SEEDS 0F eFer lac s, Fieldansd (dardesn Sedrdan WIRE FENCE A» ELECTRIC WASHERS NIAGARA BR ee PHON I ENJOY YOUR-SEI then retired tram politîcal lite. PI E Suffecers c linqsoh his activities ln blo oburekP I E S tridlasg plIt lite. When a bey, ho conneeted hmi shotild knoi sl ith tbhe ehureb of hi. parents, Bunkers HerbaI Pilla (ceaI thoe aut the Omnagh Methodial Clsureh, beeem- ai (ho source. Mosey back If the fin iog S. S. teacher and later spesin- baIlle doe net sallefy. At N.1 teodont. Upos (ho cloalng oft1h10 Plebella Deug Slora, Si-a-e ehurch ln 1906, ho sud his tamily Jolned up nllh Bethel Methediot Chsreh, Irasserring MaIs nteresta (o (bat S. S. sud chureh worb. In 1915, F r i o t on deciolon ofth(at rongregation te a n o t beild s new ehecch home, ho maa beoseo chairman et the Building Com- mi until (ho church debt nos paid. Memoriais lu 1925 Bethel becoar n. United Church end he nus elecled Outs irst Monumess t iMaderate Proos oider, mhich otfice ho beld oft(ho timte et bis doatb. CEMETERY LE1TERING Duciaog the laut cight yeara ho ha. spent much et bis lime ln the home of is olaler Charltte i Brampten. FElra Rd. BsCote especialiy during (ho inIers. Whlle GIJELPUI, ONT. ibore ho ettended Home Chureb lSb________________ ber and taught the Bible Closes S. _______________ S. (bore. Mis surciclng sisters are Bra. Mary IINIIESEiIVED Isglehart end Miss Matildo Ford, AUCTION SALE Bactîngies; Mre. Charlotte Clark, Bramepton and BMr. Harold (Ida)l RD HRHR AT Gembie,DCli Labo, Sssk. GRADHE SIRHO RN CANT Aller a short service ls bis lte YRSII E f0, RIN A homoe en Tuosdoy atternoos, s large- numbor ut relatives and frlends front Thr underulgsed aectienees he, near and fer attended the public ereiced instrsa'inss rum service ln Bethel United Chuch con- R. N. BfROWN duced y Rv. . . Ttto. aforer To selI by public aurlixneat1 durite by Ro. J.iO.mondteillsfemer ta, Lot 27, Tnp. of Esquesise,i misiner nn etRichmod MII. eN. 7 igbmay. East et Actes un F. Answortb, present miistle n sd TSIORSDAV, APRIL 41h Rev. J. A. Leere oetHmer Churrh. ConWnencieg at 1.30 oclucb, Il Miss Marjocle DawsnsefetMillon Sm- CATL E ua Cn.rat I peesslvely sang "Jetaia, lover et my Rean Con, clt of font. hred; R, soul." Con, volt aI fout, brod Noc. 7; Rl Aseld msuy beastiful floral tribules Con, raîf aS fuet; Red Melter, ci carried by the grenadsona and rhucch ut fout, bced Dec. 2; Roan Beifer, eA members, Me. J. F. Ferda moreriai t foot. bred Dot. 6; Blecb Bellg t0mililg. bred Dot. 20; Resu Bellg mains noce laid to rest le (ho tamilly milbing. hrrd Dec. 10; Red Belli plot ln Bethe] Cometery by lhree duo Jaly 10; Roans Miter, due Jn coosins, George Featberstoeof et a- 12; Red Meltcc, due Jcly 15; Roi agb; Charles Fesîheestone, Hilton' Meifer. due Jely 20; Red Motter, s. -Juy 25; Red Melfer, due Juiy 20. TO T. 1. Featbersiose. Churcbcille sud aboveore si red by Commander (Cý lhree nephena, Clare Fend, Hilton; sn Blythi and bred te Milîlîilu Rt Alfrrd Ford, Omagh and Ales. Mc- soin (AI. Deymosdt ere in goed et Knsey Jr.. Brampton. 'diliosn wuld muke gond tounderi 'ton b Heeford Cow. fat; 3 Ste. >r;1 Fol Steer. 1100 Ib.; 3 F llenfcrn. 000 ihs.* 3 Baby Beov( Shortinors Bull.-2 pro., hy Billhi YEG ORKS-I1RE MO(GO Yoo t C -oerative 'o i hl litet,: Young Sunwih tere. holOhberd y Perey Kitches; A dyne Suobtaso nilh lifter. 2 Yen KIN)SSonS bvhovenuv: .Bu1or.,,oervlc AL I Sabl:,'Io-. îkcBînar, 1M mustbs. purc an'ýd frosem .tt loagbr, Allisios. -Long Torse Pasture Mxtures ;RArOF OS Sou'. 2nd ]lit, bherd Dc2:Sou'.2n4 lifter, b. md Goose 'Ahoat l '-2:2 .,. 2nd IlIter. brrd Jan.1 Snd.liutr,11rhrcd Feb. 23; Sn lot tiller. hred Jan, 12: 5 Suns, dot sîvenunt soie. Theaose sus a ND STEEL POSTSý bouc.s aie sired by Blue Woler Prit Bout u'birh bas qualified smo ]liti AND REFRIGERATORS lie A. R. SSOATS AND WEANERS IANDSPRYS Snîtlo.100 tht.: 12 Shuels. 75 lb RAND SPRAYS 9Wcusnes;2 Young nors GANADSEEDS- 4 hus. R mixai OA.C. Barley snd Cedt 00 - nols: 200 bus. Erbu Doats; unît hE.I i2 udnlulot suturebuvrA quE 'R 127ltvnntlIrnsh Cutbirrs. Cbippesve t .Duuiî'yPîttes Nu. I and Ne. - Ien iusoehmohegond seed. T r, heaove u'iit be s.41dulîhot occn aon'so ib er situation 'rErlMS: Cush ,F THS WEE-ENDPurebouer niti recelce o rece P TRI WEEKEND rose lerk lu us.sist isidentifiratl ofnt -slntlbern. iOOY ItINDI.EY, .. AniEI.ti* Aunt ione, NIc Enit-c TO MILTON TOWN HALL Saturday, March 30 Dancing 9 -12 Single Tickets 50 rens "Modern Music ib the Modern Manner" CUBAN PINEAPPLES ARE AT THEIR BEST Buy your pîneapples ISow hy the case and really enjey their fressh fldvor ncii faîl and winter, gisnt size 16's or 1S's Speciai $8.00 per case Simply pool, cube, sprsnkie with a little sugar & pack in cartons No Cooking or Preserving Worries When You Freeze Your Fruit Our Way RENT YOUR LOCKER NOW AND ENJOY AIL FRESH FRUITS AND) VEGETABLES DURING THE YEAR EIsley's Frigid -Lockers Phone 131 - Milton Ontario of 00 BLEYATOEWS -escri n adoSo Emn= înie t Ritrc .n 'Raming lho cmeTo wnobfoMltrtons Dog a liesose r ecosril lxfi, e atI ampthsCankd b E lOffie a gel y ort n sac tr houb e epe. ia larg roApI O rilit t o ber mlacordngteny-the94 or, k o iessaedlpnA rlIt e ala h lr' F or Your EasterbePerranent cornecin er. aJdAaeSneofth.Nw ree aves.l« dued ThBe tflSftNtrlCrs tldb x Col oeaos oyu nivda esn tan- ty bell lade fMilnaoiTY SALO rs Fo Y OrE Ster eriCS ntc ei Bn ~ budt (r Canadians byMFof o(Cnaa Hiere's headlce news for motorisis. A braoud non Camadian car han been hemn. The newcomer ia The Monarch-a luxurious 8-cylinder car built by Ford cf Canada. You'll like the Menarch front first ight. Yeu'Il like ils hacdaome front end sud gracef ut linon sud sparkling louches of chrome, and Monareh'a interler nilI really make yeu ait up and take notice. Bore yeu'll discover fins f abricsansd rieh ap- poinînenla-the sort ef car interior you've been naitlng for aU tisese yeara. Yea, nhen you meett Mecarch yeu'il knon nhat it means te "Ride Like a King." Early's Ford Sales and Service Campbellville - Phone 382-3 JIII~ PAGE EIGHT TIJUfflDAY, MARCH 28th, 19ý. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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