Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 1946, p. 5

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TMURSDAY, MARC!! 231h, 1946 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE IWP IL t 1 .Mte. and Mrs. Wiiîam Feasevrîvîsb Casse Nom and ]et Us Besson Ta-! toanounve the engagemsent et their arîbse Saitb .ehovab-Isaio 1: 18. onty dauahe. Adaile Louise, to Mr. Robert Macbay, son et M. aid Mes. NLO John Mavhay et News Yack Ciy.i GOSPEL TABERNACLE The mevriage lu tahe pave an Sat- __ ueday, Apci 2tb an Knox Freshyter- ian Chuech. SAiITtDAY, NARCH 3th, 1946 Miltas Yuuth toc Christ. Many are isding lb esc services heiptul, yaa tuo.ssii eny a pitblelahihur. GEOR(GETOWN u-ekPryrMein Wpm ssery Wedneiday et tbe hume et __Mr iod Me'. Brîslen. Grdas Martin b as returceil ta hie Sl.'NiAY, MARCH 31st, 1940 position mitb the otfice statf et the 3.(d) p.m. Sunsiay icheol and Bible Provincial Fuper Miii afte eeviina Siady. 001 dsca rais orthe R.C.A.F. 7.001 p.m. Esaneelisîle Service. At a quiet ceemny ai the brides 1 Eseryene Cucdsaiiy Icelird Mary Edytba Squires, dasabter of______ Mes. Arhur Squires aed ttlc isMr'_______________ Sqaiirs. hease the brie etEdwin Euarsr Hall et Gewgaada. Ontario. Po oc & In ha Mc. Kesceili Herrisen, a pupil otf u~c Ig a Mise Lynda Stewart mas succestai in Manufacturer% of psssicg his Grade 3 (istevyl wiih HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS honore 4 the mid-wintsc esamicat- MEMORIAL ENGRAVINO ions et tbe ToronoleCossersatory ot Music,. Witb o successtul hockey seasen 151 MAIN ST. GALT cuiisineling in the estcy et an ail- Tw5Lg5qOyg312s48 sar iidîritram n the piey-otts et __________________ Mapir Leat Gedenssnexi Friday ________________ esebi. the Georgetosce Recetuoasi Canecil arady has pans undreway fsr hashali fer the sussuer and are PRINCESS discossise the pesibility ofrevivng, Aecosejusof 250 dascurs eejoyed the T A K E Si. Fariche danceespessoced bhytbel _________ Lions Club ilut he Rase Ruais as Mon- aiay eveina. The dance was the ae- F5IDAY suai ATUJIDAY ond seisi-tocisal hsld in tomn thie "DOLLY SISTERS" yer and asdmssasuecesuful hat thse BetGrhe JnPan club place te makes t os ennusi aI- etGrb JhPan talc.-Hecald. 4 weebs aI Shee's Cartoon. - News. I - -,,-AT --I MflflAY H A ppy RESULTS Imipossible Acemptehed On Mareh ird, 1946 a lent mete us-Cheque rersiveal Ysu are wandees. t made every effort ta esileet hie bot taileal anal roneludeal t mas Impoa- ibie. Thanks.11 The same effective servie la avaleable ta yau. KELLY & AIKEN TUE OOLLWI!ON OIIANOEVILLE - ONAti Leyd Nolac William Eyths "BOUSE ON fi2ad STREET'1 Gracie Filds Claresi Ravelty -"Young aed Beseitut." CuloedCar etaon - 'Lonsome Lensie." Cooamt FrL andl S&L, ApelI th sald511 Ed. Bere, C. McCarthy, Bon- 11e Granville "SONG 0F THE OPEN ROAD" Disney--"Teambace Trouble" PrIs Smith-"SBadmintons- News Me Sf. Atkîns et Toranta epent4 thse week-end with friende lns taws. KNOX PRESBTERIAN Mim Ida Oeeapan of Mamltan vis- CW C lIed wth ee parents avec the week- 11EV. JOHN! IDDELL end. MIaluer .Mises Kay anal Mary May visited SUNDAY. MARCR 3let, 1946 wth relatives ln Aneasier avee thse 11.00 .m-REs. L. DeGroth et week-end. Toronto. Me. Jack Coohmec c eat lts Came 111 ..Junior Snnday Seheet. rceveica fcom a severer attaek oet12.15 pm.- Senior Sundey Seheol. pneumoneie. 7.00 p.m.-Rev. L. DeGreotis. Mr.BobHanen f Sreesvile is.Missios Basdeery Mondcy et 4 p.m. iteal mith Jaek Arnold andl tamily avec _in________________________ tise wek-end.ST. PAtJLS UNITED CHUECH Mr. Jack Elliott is ln Hamsilten biOnjsOer-ev. Gordon W. porter Hoespital and le recoeringafater a M,A. B.D. arrians eperatlen. SUNDAY. MARCR ilsi. i946 Misatrerne Damna et Toronto iit- 10.00 a.m.-Chuech School. rd et the bosset Miss Giadys Feeth- 11.00 s.m.-Mrnina Worchip and Sec- erstane avec the week-end, mon. The Lite et Christ. "is Chueeh Lite." Mes. Robert Pickering asd daugh- 700 pm.-Pilgims Freerese il1) ter Joyceret Waterloo viited sith The L.ite asd Tisses of John relatives in toue avec the wee-end. Bunyan. Mr. nd rs. ilfed pups ofEvey Wedceeday eveningaet f8 p.m. MNanda callN . Wîied Feupt a Mr Bible Study andl Frayer Foi- and Mc,. Fred Pauput and tamiiy ever 'rues. Apvii 2. et 8 p.m ,-UMere the the swek-end. auspices et the Evenina Ausillary4 ofthIe W.M.S. Me. ced Mes. Frera M. M. E. Nisan attrnded the tue- Auid oeTo'rointo, mili pret erai in Toranto an Monday efthtie laie Easee slides nnd musical nom- Dr. Ssson Frewlrigb. tormeciy a ces- bers. The merin! iii be hrid La identof Honby.the Chuccb Sehooi Roomn. Na iden etHarby.admission mili bc eheardeo. Mrs. Vela 0. Chantasn, ite oet Pe. P. A. Ciarlon aand ittir daughtee, GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Jenoiter. aaed tma are nehedulml ta 3131. S. A. sURE he ahoard the Scythia and suisi ar- iteetor rive in Miton this week. SUNDAY. MARCH liet, 1046 Mes. Tam Deac ai Milton altenedi Foucth Sundey in Lent the meadidna et ber yeungest daugh- Maîbeise Susday ter, Hele Marguerite, lu Jamae Gis- 1000 ais. Sundey cheul andt Bible irîl. on ai M. asîd Mc. J. 1. Gilîrît, Classes. oftEdmontnuaAta. onMarch 1th.tl110() am.Maeis Praye and Ser- 19da. ini the Fict Feeshyteian mac. Chuech. Ednmonton. The toupie wll 700 î.m.-Sîseiai Yeuse Peuple', Service. Seeai Yugmeeof ceside se Kînuse. Alla. the Peeisb loisa part. Is-mn Guess a Cragle durng he wek hy the reetor. Gueue o ccieia deîn th We 8. 15 pis -Fivesido lIeueln the .1. wece; Miss Belle Dauphine,Halaiftax Heul. and Guelph; Dr. Flore A. Lttle, Guelph; Mr. and Mcs. F.P' Whitîe- Wednsdoy.> April 3cd bous. Tceae; vels Gîher Ta-' 00 is.L.eneneeMid-meeh Service hose Troto EIn il,,,'ir1Slbevbuthe hrch tliuteated ad- osto; Mrs. K. W. Whtrbuuse and! dvess os "The Cluevh us Action Keney, Toronto; Mr. and Mcu. Sidney in Bovisa - Saedecs. Toronto; Mr. and Sire Ger- Irue'... 2sd -23(1 pis.. Atevuoun W. alid Walherr.Taronto; Miss Disaand ea A. ln Paeish Reom; .00o pis.. Ev- Miss Dephie Waibr. Toranto. eesîsg W. A. is Parih Rose.' ________________________\h'd. led 4.01 Pis. Junior Assit- iery S.0S Hall; 700 Pis, Je. Choie __________ Peeclive; .00 pis.. Se. Choie 1' Favlîe(o00ym..Church Es-, I Engagements eestive meets intes ety IAnd -seSh.ilEnan the 1Teote and th. Mr. and'Mes. VicIer Houl, Hucshy TuthShalMake You Free-Jno. :32 asseunce Ihe 'seseemeet ofttboic THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST yauegest dasabler. Mary Leus ta OMAGOS Loyd Fred Woî sasi, suc et Mi'. Mas Wecbman. Hacnby Marriage SN>Y AC il li Io labo place eaeiy in April. Servies et Cil st 14 1 BURLINGTON M1 MMMMMMMMHHHIMMMID W. E. HORNE CHABTERD ACCOUNTANT Plgatt Bide. um.nlltes Ont, t Phono 7-7848 Foot Ailment8 TREATED Miss Allan Reg. Chirepadist tets foot aliments fer bath t ladies and gentlemen Open Mon., Thurs. and Fr1. eveninga ttii a9 a'eiock. Ait hp aaspoletment. Phone 130J - 27 Arthur St..- GUELPH IIIS5ORSE AUCTION SALE 20 Choive Faim Raiseil Herses, con- sieeed by D. McNlven, Vuivan, At-s bert"ia. te soid eith1e GALT LIVESTOCK MARKET, OALT TIUESDAYAPOUL Ced t At i p.m. Sharp Aise tcrsb cons. speingers, cnesa, tees veo. ,stockers. tredürs, veai valves. hobs, sens. fttpigs, chenU,1 suvbrrs. sherti. pouttry et ailleids. Briot yiiur iivestock te Caît fer higb- est cash prives.8 A. R. INN, Manager 1 Pbone 485 . Gait, Ont. AUCTION SALE s (>1 FARM IMPLEMENTS AND 1OoUSEIOOLD GOODO Os SATIJRDAY ' MABL'ISa saa t At t Pis. 'rhe proîîevty et MR. ASRE? C. WALKER Wvbo bas seid bis taris sîtuated on Waiker's Lise, 25s miles roui t Our' lingle asd t1smile seuth of Queen El- izaisesb. About i9 loes ot mixed Ilay; i5 tons ot c trawin cbart; about'2500 bas. Ot; 75 bus. Whrat: 170 White Le-t' hors Henu. blood tesird iFisher's siraini; Brouder Steve; teaitry Eqiiment. IMPLEMENTIS - Binsier; Mowee; Diumi) Rabe isemi; Ouitbvhow Dise; 2 Waibine Flous: RelIr; Speing l'ootb Cultis-etor;Itacres; Macure îreader; Sed Dtill; Faris Wagon; Lorvry Waeon; Hey Rack: neb Siihb; Cutter; 2-cen Cern Callivat-i or: Cuttice Bei; Root Palper; Ovales;q Fucoise Mii; Seuttirt; Wagon Springs: Bat Tvuch; A cambr e bot bed Sasb; iHavniss; Fers Te, etc' 1I0G1SEHOLD GOODS Kitvhen Tabýle; Cupteard; Cbeies; Walnut Dicisa Rueis Table (reundti; 5 Dicicg Resus Choies; 2 Writine itesbs; 0ev- esîseet; Glass% Culîbeerd. Cbaics; Cina Cupheoard; Sideboorît; Sevral Rockers; Smeil Stands and Table'.; 2 ilots il mobair); Bedrois Suites; Gîd Ovossi-re CbretofDraessr; Cet; 2 Heaters; Rees; e sumbr et beeed acd bveiîtcd mets; 5 Feother 'richs; Puis, Ovel Extension Table; Wai- eut Wbet-net; Setter and 2 chairs luailnuti; Cushions; Dishes; Sealers; Piclures; Hati Rack. Cbuec and nom- eos ther artivles A. ELLSWORTHI & IVAN SMITH, Auctîsceers a.1 NOW on DISPLAY The New 1946 Mercury The car yeusve bes maiting te ese witb ail the big appearance, and tootrabie and ecenomical trovel built into this slardy andi luxurieus meane et sefe anal ceoscoient transportation. We invite yoa te taise anal sec il. Examine ite many fine featares anal big value in the mederale price fielal. We'il leave the descisios up te yen. B3e-11Bros. DTR UTRS FOR LINCOLN AND MRRCURY CARS MILTON - ONTARIO At the ceanIse meeting et the toma caunecil an Thursday evening thse membece le session gave tna readlaga ta a hy-taw ola iftresîdestil lre- strictions on Brant Street team Maria ta Carolne Street and et the sasse ime e depatatian ot resîdente teona- ly oppssed the aleming ot e machine sbap an the ceer oallai esseesed os 104 Brant Street and teeisa John Street. J. S. Denhais mas naaeed Tenant oeil Trattic Otticer toc bath thse pub- lic ad bîghsecheel boards toc a pee- led tram Muvvh lîtb te Jose 111h et e ssiery ot $50.00 Fer monlh and 6c per mile cor allewnce. Thsee- pense ilii be dlvided equally betwesn the twa hoard,.-Gosstte. MOFFAT The Match mether bas hem crather lessb-liihsand bas been e severe dis appintiset te those tarises amnina and eperalina extensive equlpisent tee produce gmeple ayrup. Many haves tlded up that equipisent far asether yeer mithaut realiincethse de- sired inenelal ceturos. Wr are carry te las tcam oue eemmusity Mr. ccd Mes. Samuel Bemers and tassity. mbe are mavîna ibis meh te the eeighbeehaod af Et- are. They null have the aoed mishes of macy tiends le thele ehange et location. The St. Patriek Social and Irish stsm hetd st the home of Mr. ad Mcc. T. C. Amis mes melI attscded and gcsatly enînyrd. Il mas Cetd an- dec 1Cr auspices et the Woman's As- socialise et Sedeis Preshyterlan Church. 4«u*««eemoe4 H. C. LAIRD OPTOMETRIST - - OPTICIAN TUESDAY and THURSDAY EVENINGS APPOINTMENTS MARCHAND'S -- Jewelers PHONE 56 Buy your New Spring Cloths now. See for Yoswsaf the handsome tailored suite and oeats, «epeiafy presented for spring. You wifI be impruaed by the fine, unart styles a"d high qualIît) at Moderate Prices. LADIES'SUITS Smartiy styled Suits, taiiored just the way you like tbem. Materiais ef finest qaaliîy in shades and patterns you prefer. They're fine weol shetlands in varions pastel shades, imparted quality worsteds and Engtîsh gabardine. Site 12 ta 44. Prices $11.95 te $29.50 LADIES' COATS la new sofit shudes for spring. Well tut, boxy sport and dress coats, that wilI top off any costume for any occasian. Coats oif soft leece, shags, tweeds, camel haîr and wonl gabardine. Size 12 te 46. ~ A ~ t Prices . ..........a.. --- .. 1495to$2 .50J LADIES' HATS Top your soit or coat wiîb one osf aur attractive Spring Hats. Smart new felt hats in high fiawn spring calors. Adorned with voft veiliog, tris bows, and pretfy ornaments. Flatteriag styles for youthful Matron and Miss. CHILDREN'S COAT SET1S Coat and Bonnet sets for children. The neatest coats yau have scen for a long t ime with bonnet te match. Princens style with and w ithout Vetvet Collar. Shetlands and Tweeda ia- ctudcd in most attractive colors. Sites 1t 106xi. Prcs$4.95 te $10.95 BOYS' COAT SET1S Attractive Donegat and plain Tweeds. Cout and Cap sets for little fellowi. Quite o setection Ie choose from. Sites 2 teo (x. Prices $4.95 te $8.95 GIS' COATS Senior Girls' Coats in the widest range of calors and styles. Loose bock, form fitted, fine soft nool materials in aIl pastel shades and sturdy wood tweeds te varions colors. Sites 7 te 14x. Prices $8.951te$18.95 BOYS' SUITS junior Suits. Boys' Suits. Yaaths' Saits. A grand asnrt- ment of Suite te please aIl ages. 2 and 3 Piece sturdy tweed saits, single and double breasled styles. They include shorts, breeches and longs. Site 24 te 37. Prites $6.95 te $19e50 SHOP HERE AND SAVE - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Milton Dept. Store PHNE112 Footweat for thse Litire Faanily IEUUDAY, MARCH 2M, 19U PAGE rivu THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Poultry SuppliesN ELECTRIC BROODERSI j CHICK TROUGHS FOUNTAINS m BROODIER WAFERS JAR FONTS and BROODER THERPVOMETERS MitnHardware I IPhone 43 Milton H1lmHlilmHMMHMMHIMHRMMMJII MMH1WHMI A very pirasant rorenig mas spent et the home et Me. and Mc,. W. A. Frase on Friday evrciag, it being the occasiono e brithday et Min Ctharise Fraer. The eveisa mas spent painna cardsafaler which e vrry dinty birtbday lunch lccludicg the cutemary cake and ceedîrs mos srd. Wr cengcatelate Catharine on ber 121h lrthday. Our cheppicg miii Is eeein busy al- ler a lime off toc repaies. Mus. May Baystec bas retueneal trois the isspitet ecd ls censidrrably impres'ed le hraith. Mr. and Mes. Fesser etfCGalt ers Sunday vlitocs at the home et theîr sec, Me. W. A. Fesser. Pte. W. H. Bayliss and Mea. Baylissa. and baby have broc siiendrg e te w day. et the hase et the latter'as mesher, Mrs. Bayeton. Pte. Baylisn Ihome trom the Ralias district and esipeels te relues et the cose cf hia leave. Me. (GererPoole, et the Waek- me', Compensation OtticretfTeroe- le. siiest themwehk-end mith bis par- Misses Icone and Ruth McGilllvray et Guelph mer e ueste et theie sister, Mes. Carence Deedgr. Mc,. S. Spechu et Weodetock term- erly Mies Rutsh lesdeeson visiteda t Mes. W. A. Feesers dncisg the mark. The Commucity Chueeb, mhich ha, hem cloesadurina the peut tew u'eehs miii etein hold service brais- sica mith April 11h et 7.30 pm. 1 iiiiiiii

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