Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 1946, p. 3

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114E CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE TUEMI I AI$D.MDOWN POOL A DRER GOES PRAISED BY MOTHERS IN)THE I>G8 HAIRDRESSING SYDNEY, Australla (CP - A TOANA, Va. CP-"ýWhlte Flag"l In Lateat Styls O f 'I , te r c to o m e n "hand-me-down" cyate=, wbilacela- la a 10-montha-old bock who litcrally Neweat Mettods ln Permanent braced ail the sehoolchlldccis Of Syd- hesusgonef0ete doga--and lIkea if. avn ney ln oae famlly, for actool lothea Ha tarted a friendshils wtt av during ttc war-timc atoartages and Blackie, a hall-Irish sefter, haUl pol- AUl Lînca af Beauty Culture Blind Nonagenarian leading t.relher. r.W .Hnisfudtesa Puts Roof on Barn fblag to Autralian chldren who leat May. Phone 61J for AppolntoscatO pktoand, la t' ad gradualty he becamne a friand of lly ~~99-Year-Old David Risoadas Fixes case af boys a 'publie chools", fiat, their dog, Blactie, wh' watcted ov- A RE ER lockos a Hobby straw 'botera' lan aummer. Ail ecr him snace then. ta the 10 monthe ths n aymr amnsrsinee the Hatios found the deer lie ________________ MORLNId C)Nn thee dmo oegrel e _________________ amRLN, a.()Not- quleîag specel manufacture werc has learned to round up sheep, chose iae-yeoc-old David Rhooades, lfhough prohlblted to uave mteriol and tabac strop dogeanod regulacly at 4.30 p.m. 'Bello Homemakers' Wtan we ran Place le a bot ovan, 400 degreca, and tllnd for 16 yeoe, leadas an active durîeg the war and but for fthe clth- eaeh day, White Flag amblea out ta tll Aunt Marys okteten ttecillter coot for 20 Mina. Reduce hmeàt taaMO Ife aot bs farmo home near Moore- lag poal would have been unpraeur- meet Mr. Hantina. fJ cvenIng and found 14 ycar aid JiOiey degreca and bolte until don. If a ad. wtere te livea alace. able. "We toow te thinta hec s adago IL JIhju~ eageraly watig eoleteacW ml a fwter 1 plccdlattcWbuthtear ettaarettrata A blacbtaard, placed atte top af fromnttce wsy te acta about ttlflgs. AVAILABL NOW oatraly epetedta ce uter ai'I ven duriag the eoting perlad ttc the chores, ouf fo the crpenter stop ttc escalator enfering ttc dapart- He rues, wlft dage, and playo, cta or a barblus pce appear but ta aur crut wll te muehthtinner and of ta mate repaira, or. fa ttc garden ment of ttc atare fsfering the 'pool- and lepa wth tem. We thînk ted QJE A ansezement a pan of plfy wtale tetter color. wtlet ha tends atîtout belpi, Rtoadesa wssavoilalte tQasadmtea eupiodf et ft al e U ERAY wteat cinoamon rcollaisauad forth. CulvEn LECAT ROIL liotas a "trolley ride." Ta oudcatSphaîreldrena tîa cîf," ria Hatîns aa ld m UNR Since wtenliadt th obby-soxera te- Proceed, using ttc samte mettod as Hîs trolleys are rows of tlnty lbey- Tre uiremenalesry latherln, h ing wltt ttc kin sadg. Ctewt boetn cameymreted ttch low l bo. -boya, bt artea sponge la rcady for Irle trung f romntte touae te a c15and ty nigttfll ttc! reapansedllPlace ln a favorite patime of ttc Jamey et ed 1hese ted cutrs-pans, break Off gadi paces about et is habituel destinations. Ha boots uoualy mcefrom somme sympttetie dcccad If ttc doge aroamt go oîmtccnr ing a o btueand a tursscd longue tcec z of o large walnut coll is cane ovr ttc trolley lte seecets, mtelatc2000Iacatoo budn ofwft lt nde t.u i C oomlet $ proru n frm o out Antllghtlly mnte poilm of ttc tend and then folloara if esaetly ta ttc spot teclInariet $104,400 eteged banda,tem acound sntil they do. madye wthpla d hat fleurmos ollaplace Ibrea oftese togetter Il a cda .I asantsfreale. a rdeedet there oaa neyer more thon $108 wortt ,Oaa of ttc thînga oblet worries CALL FOR SURVEY 0F YOUR mod wttoboe tet cur oceIndvdual muffin in. Alloar f0 rIse Ilt 0t înoilpnet"of clottiag la ttc Pool ai a time. ttc Hantins, towevcr, lea wtat sin HOME jut to gond for anyone to reslt. and place la oven and eaok about 15 liboades asys, and shows arbat te bappea ta Whtel Flof affer te gets Ansd ttc samne cules oppiy ta ttc minutes. means bp dolag ail the ctorca OILBERU CROFS fon tlg f te t ept os a paf. cooing of ooycereol. Mata It ef- CINNAMON Roi" a rouad is farmiatone. --Pertape ttc otter dccc wîîî show H LO AR tractive and ttesatola family oil Hote sponge sîmilar to that tsscn je put oaco w roof os hîs tara A revîc ! t 1wpstonfathttc hlm otat te do, Mrs. Hantlas sald, H SUPPLAIY esjoy If. iforuwtolcpot946tpositionof the fUtel fo wol wea lmatbut place an tcbis HfP e cants ond bates il and fat situation tY tise Combla- tut stes nol sure ha'll an soaw TAKE A rTP flsuccd board and rol teabaout % o imef Ha tends ttc garden cd Food Board Stowd asaubstatiel hbas oaa of temn. MILTON, ONT., Phone 84J a 1. If ito porridge you arc mstbog loch thlet. Sprcad witt te flow- entirely by Iis sense o!f ouet. mdellat Of supples ofla strequire- 'tItassa. te Ithrkals s dog,' aell bsueilesuffiieotly eooted. iog mistucre: 3 ttspa. fat %aicups Rhoades' hobby la, fliag edocks. He mente. t ol' xoral u-add te auraoIle avis urd hespl'sexorabecu-tydd Manypeope hve asioleita brown sogar, 1 tsp. cianamon, wcU a seca adept af rcpairlosg se- plus otietoa dlvldcd approsîmte-________________________________ dilite for cecal tacause ttey crcamcd. Rol ttc dougt likete iq1ue oodca clocha, matlng ttc]y trme a ys, that la, betoea ttce have ieser tosled it wtan Il b Jelîly rail andtiurtalotomslices about an cat htned rcplaclng. Unitedti Elgdom, ttc United States ________________________________ been free of starety flavor. loch tie. Place in greoscd mufin He olîlcelebrole is îilOtt tlrtt- and Canada drlng ttc period! 1942 ta 2. Serve cooted cerel plping bt, tins ad let risc. Bate la bai aven day neal Septeecher 10. 14,ms o caprindi smootb, witbout lumps, and wtt for tan minutes. Do try ta serve lm- Canada, ahOsng 16 Or marecledmanta TsIIEU R U I U A u N riet mut or cccann oppod aifl mediolely. HO UEh~~ ao are demandlng thelr fair store ofte dos te tickwit chld-of svortd supples, sapa te Csrrent ron. sgr. Ti I sie hOudTaE: A btim ae ofteore t Jh anrwsrcnl ov .Revlese of Agicutural Conditions. ia eessary in order ta obtaîn test reaulto wth ecanantclC8 ofla des tc rie olt ail aotd t atpriulsea coarmscth oai Rserwseeeetcnie-Ifasi l vir o! hese farta, 1h01 fcading. Thislawhy nu maay people une "Starlight" feeds for :3Moce i rqir m a Il che iag olelss odae o lod dlanRegna,Sassk. on 17 ruants o ttc Domlioa-ProvlalbConference oait eir requirfmenfa. e. Mo ant ecro s aiqu e metiugte matchnectiig enla. No drafts utord utcerieg foeged do cetsanad cet- on Agriculture rcommendcd thot Baby cticks ted "Starligisl" Ctick Starter will groar inta ttc flvortan otte- food. la fart, ai ont lime. A cle uenc t ev n a nji nechtefase n ufoe ceg -1. Use ao tlirpycbotogy wbca sera- mates aIlthttcdifference In ttc quoi I-Freaaeoe rua concurrent- te iarreaaed and eapcsaed and sy trnhatyaaids"Starligt" BLeying Mashare aiquhity ingoaorcscostad cercal: never ty aofte flniotcti produet. 'Y.iaiseracesg boitpuectoseaig Mahafds forlihtttc _______aeaie_____t annoosatathat ci is full of ite- "sEQETO I RaiIe, ceas arceoge molntaforatheftrds coataiaing ailtlthe ccenaary ingredienta for a fuit talanced mina asisHE QETO KX ParePortiof Company, Regina, FSOE~ IE ul ri sd Minerais. Watt ustîllInanserta mony rectoratsse ,rddgit 1 ofo o er- _____TI IEShis erfeeor td.Solg"Feafrtn the teen-agers exetaim "Hutus- publlsb Ibe simplie mtbod of na g mende git taog preman ur- TLONDON iCP, ta ocdcc thot sup-eed forbes giog Coveramn o rmu Huba lbcannoaetalantly iftod- Butter peci: L.et o poued of huter raLODOsts -l rîsm bltcpelm 1 li a mder ots- ransts. sce a fris bcalth pointera lit stand in a waam place until soIt, but rns liigta h rmu le ftnmyb aeaalbea tbaeosyerotioo.not melîrd. Creoso butter. mncGrraancddtacemtrc hmsonosospossible, ttc CoonallOffice ________ 5. ecp le mmnd that wbole grain add 2 cupa mll, beatinfg tharodtarby for the extra prire poid for litge. s rparînf a plan te casore thof *l rareats arete mot inespersove beole satltprfartlp blendcd. Add, hswsntJstfe nteivet h ahnryadpato hom l M lo iL l flg C m a y, LjLUa foulas1topbu.fThis l, i elauf, Slp sI ni obe oi.C igalba made ty ttc R.C..P. Rett- Mlayan tle mines ieaf domogcd PHN oMLONT an important ressort for their hefore pîacîng on talt e rmobîag sîao $1uatt oiio ra-dueng te Jepaeaoccuation arc HN 5 ILOOT extenslac use. sandwiches. ucy a peomlsad. Peemlum war.r given fleal prlority for repaîr pur- 1__________________________________ Sals rol sp out seeves andrants aere la mony roses mode out oc.Cmelsoseeilmn moete twoole negttortood jeolous te pacsons oho dld net market ay oses.la mure ceveeey oage omt v _______________________________ aitt aom o rohogtesda1 DOrt AVEIK AFE tu .e0 aail sîlli ttc more eosiltprepaireti rolis. WOEWHEAT BEAD BHIlIIXFWATER-N. . -) PAETIEplants are tn operaflois. 3 cus iscwarm mallt, 3 tape. sait ping a ine-cjîsths-old -NcCsouod- rm B nao 3ttsps. mitger, 3 tspn. fat, 2 yeasIt Lnd dag prubablpsanvcd ttc lfe of l'rtc question o! ohat people do rmB n ao rates, 6 cupa obole oteat flour, 2bis Artur Weogle onaa îrme bacc cc- oit their simca flme heu a hcaring u e Po r cupo otite tread fileur. eatly atm ho bbla g distrcead thc an tte question o! tuwa pregreas. H ue o e Combine sal, mstger, fat and itmtatenton of o an lafuelsled bull Ttc Same peope msy te SOgo urcletiand and otan utearam, add ruintict bull tod goret Weogtc and Gordue fidrivea oittaîir dlty worh, t bat Elactric Commnisaions Sub-Stat- yeast. Lat stand util hobbies ap- Master ante ehet ant i cis aftertey have ltîbe or so spre tîme. lcsRgra nCo pear. Add otite floue and test testaff as lhc onimlo naose bcame Wtcs peuple do have sare lime iosRgde as"S oeil. Adit ola oet fleur. Place usl:oatad. Mster lalec dled. iotlcb îbey raa use in any oap ttey Neighbors" Is greascd bow, rmmiatrng 10te____s"__ aefit, te rsmmuoltp arouiti teglati greosa tte urfoce of ttc sponge 0150, unit gcslefub If ttcy coubt i gve came TORONTIO Cpi -If Yeu bosch an LaI rise unlil s-otie is buta. Ened PERENNIAL MIATOR o! Il as efforts forte publie god.ttc dooc o! o trios buagalowr somte on flourectiboard anti retorist te o, Il people ose somte of that sare een inf and gel no ansooe aven * P R I E R ohietheuasteen wastetianti gresiseti hhEEISBURG, Que. lCPi - li me for ooc Inlalotorganlzations tlcougb tthelgt n lalie are tlazlng, 0 I J a a wel. Le rIsc agein untll doubla In F. H. Pichel. maysr s! ibis MisUOIslandsi movamals, thcp bllitpet malte dont ha ton sure that aayoae lîvas tulk. This timeka ttina tth osai osai y village for d0 cotisusus ttc tome 100e more ntcrectbng at- typre. IHydroEt nete of er omssrm anaroeta s aaeio Let riac unfil doube. Kocati again yers, îacentlp celetroati bis 8Mîhtbrctveanad esutîfut. Ttcy are tp yr-le s oe Cmi-ýuEatierr ttc P noses apeecs lu ttc bowt, aloays greasolg ail nue- hrtbday. Hesotr o! polilameef focor eIlrecoacieti y ttc greafar pros- sion au-tatoos. tereanaas fr tis oe FaIpo ar at lacs.LaIric aal anildoulaBroa-iss si lom1930-35, Dr. îcrty that rames ta ttc fown, and Ti ogao yesut-statIon la toalsi cplemessc s, iecstock., ecsr ail andt l acin10a floureti boarti and Picclc graduatati fromnt te University the bacc! Ils ohic e cheîpîsi teo thcfat bccomlog "ttc thiisg" for reojti oppiacces or a fautm eecsrccc ssa or shape lintobaves. Place in pana anti o! istup's Collage olta tegreeIn eopte geocrabiy. aclSm lac bofOtai mncia. h ialaoncIcod facowecs. albo1teclssatîl doubla la huit. medirine in 18M9._________ lIlas.Homitoas ras te fiet ta have simresnoe oassasemads o! a!r eacrose ItEAED o~MIT hogalow-housed lecteleol equip draliagcosuctaooao! tc em meat snd foloaret te espeelmeef tome cndi otter farmc mprovemets- Anodtme el owh i o lt thars Torontobatesfao and a Asit uc for thc desis. An d tme r foo le sar ldd avebis b t-Ird le bbeig plasneetioble Owees 7a7 3 o cacdtilecI 'Recard or Mert'.Sondrtas anc n ecawon. anst Sotea tie ltaitidonc eapeclly oeil. It Yaliatnirprainan n * ooltinoetiubt clianubafe tetild ti rawailg Intalation a! equi- TH1 C M A R R ! RECORD - cm ~~~~~~~~eno! those da>'s te renaweti effort Ncryelasfist on-0F C M E E as- DIAYL'Pqa Rea t9o mn r tiltlgdistrict. "Is fart. the peope s.sy wMilton Brnch-R. E, McAndlea, Manae ILdLILLiE~~~~LF .,,~~~~ . givesout le varlousoforma, Th t usc-argntcegbnoîij.Wham ent wh gaishigh ark@Insllen parîoneticofo! " ahe E.nsiclort NO RADIO ERQIJIIiRDor collage la honoret inlavarloas w3supedisteento fiwysteasthYork * wtti!TiO DASATNE Ia chances o! geftlng a gati job In choaritsti anti neyer mateeito muet Secan*Haroorb Wkorr business arc grcatiy improv. noise." * Ses anti Hear il NoaM ecd. Tterecare ewurdsofa!menit ________-- Radiosa - Electric Mixera - Automatie Irons - Toaters - Etc ~ais nre aelu efi and buies.To Short Farni Course *0 0 0 àfol arc iketegoct etter chanes orwihVt **Promotions or hlgter pay. Ttcearorîi ropular wfi V t * * sîilîl rerogalaca marît anti effort anti * J ~ ~~~~~~~PHONE 376 ab! oteitp1do thiaga specelby oeil. Fo-W kRfiihrCuacl TE EOAIS TO SIJCCEsIS Raid at Qucbcec Dairy * PEARL STREET (OPPOSITE PBI COL *U.U.UMM MU MM UMM UMUUM MU UU p a usr businesn dapensa o S-r HYACINTHE, Que. <CPI -. A tir daI an the mttoits oblat a faur-oet rfrester course is agric- --- cancers adoîcta olo inattentios ntanultureanow la lapeogreas ai ttc intisca people ta gîve il ils patron- Qocter Daley Sehool tare, for form- agef. e aterons woa ore farmers hefora COUNTY 0F HALTON If Il clis atention by ativertiiaf te oon. ta ttc service If recticra, If Il de- H. Pinao, chiafinlspecter o! ttc am scribes ttc goodsanasi services h01 Soldiers Setttemni anti Vaîcraisa' 1946 OCALCOURS CALNDAR 1946 il offcrs if it quolco prices and giVas Lad At for Qoer, sistecouse people on Idca o! sat the publie la la a "doon ta cart" anc that Pace ai Siting Dstayoittising Jas e . ,5f rlie sc Oas ' as. buylag asti at people usuoiiy want, qulettp aida relturcemi menc oawee ______________________________- i ttc lime i ill îb taa taehbiSp fthalformer farmers. s hIssa - rd .~~~ ,~ a s so business cast e gceatly shorfeocti. Ahtoea prsa talgfc ailonebi -Tc a , 3 a a a TcWosaara. tabba .0etis cous a t elat t servicea 3 ticea s- Wrc...sdey - s9 s1 c a se 5mi 4 ese- Tutie 1t e aor thooseotin o! peoplewhte tceicaf a yeaaeandthbbcmaJorilp o! ttc 6 uitoca.,,,Ofo.Ise -- 7t s 56 sa4 59 s 6O soicma le slaintgoncorea fw. mes bavesencevercean servira. Ttc AI] Diiai.iaaCoo, Opcs o ot a.. Si.sdri ieSo Ihe peoresa o! attrucitlg atteot- couse s ahett Inlaconjiibon wt Ion onti obtalniag saide repulotion te Yot Training seteme anti Cao- la etioceti, anti soaceas comes soner. adiac Vocatianal Training. Nmmes cnd Address09corkicrOs-,, a. Ra ilSiton; ., Jobs.Chambesa, An part o! Ihir modern training, s £ OahiiocsKier hoosateccaoc; , viiac Cla, assiOC 3,Dci, EXPECT V!NtTORN te mes are fahen ta Monrcal once Coosle Cort adit eiSeassssioa., Mna, djrgpisi onaymia oekte st5ldy commercial ostîcîs Da.be, c p. m. Masat o~ otc QUEBEC ICP)-Lcon Trcpaoar, us- for their future praduce. Siti. f oumtyCout ithut ur, Mndy, etAprl, t a a.;Mmdy, dusteilicommissionar If Three Riv- Ttc men have arcatiy heen steoam ,Ociiigc siCaset Cut lbm sjce aassc aei o n. m ea r0, Que., sai Ina arerent addrciîc araunti o fruit terminlea y mensters'Y att tios of erimnljutc mmOony consTeda tajamay Te. re ha1 more fourîsto aroubtiialiof te Qacter Chain Retal i Dstribut- For TICKETS and INFORMATION CONSULT- tAui S Ceiniay thj luesei ;Coossa Aoac, Tacdc, thjsOO Tos' Canada ibis ycar andthtt Province o! ors' Association. Ttey have aso Qochea In partirular thon nlatise lest vîsitat i dffaccot ebsia stores fhrough- W. T. BARNARD Phone 14 m'y rdr W . DICK, Milton quarter o! a ceolory. Ne cai prcp- ouft tec cIpft0sludy mettmats of 5-Us aur Paclsage Express Servie for Quiet DeilverIca" Cla oftaIes arations shoult ite madetie la acIhantlilg farmi produre clîht Sp tae ____________________________________________ &_ tem. ttc lime Il rearhcs ttecrustamer. P&OS TUM 77- THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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