Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Mar 1946, p. 2

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PAON TWO TUE ctAt~lAflIAN (7POAMPInN MILTON. ONTAIO Pi.bl.hed Ee,, Thur.d.y Aternes. Authori.ed a. secondd et..mai]. Pout Offic Duarmt.t Uut.d Sates lac .dditilLOug.ul. .Bath .14 »da ad .4,.... hold bu glu.e Ouu u of n uddresa i ,uqueted. ADVEtTISING OATS-Ou applcationu »d as.inu iun vetn. lutu bundingo. Altbaagheb uny pretaution uit be tubuu luIn, lod mWOr. The Free PessaccetpI.dvertisiuuin lu cluu ma h.udutaudine thalt iil uut bu fiabuleuforuuy arr inay adaatieat pabiiubd hruderuuies& a peintof ut tari da tisn la ti. ui.ted iun clwutby the udetiser andretumed tThu e r"Pres.s i=88u office dut, ujgenbthe etis uuad club uuuherr or corretionu pliuly o u atuwr itinu tbuu.uu uud lu tbut oser, ifuy ereranuutd isu t outed by ThpFreu Peu..t . Obiite ub@h al ua=eid aunha spuuputiuu ot ..u ..ti f au u hb dnuuti.euut at he .p.uu uaeupied b, thu uuttd una, bu.,. tu tbu uhulu pceu uuupiud by -ch udvuti.u.uuut. G. ARLOF !Lut' Saue. r-»Of-mie, M t S,, ilton Tlpi., . N 17flTflQ!zl peninga of the littue townss round us, one gains re- newed faith in lite. Here are set forth only that which uplifts the commuity-the activities of the business mes, the church items, the happy social gatheriogs of the people, the marriages; births and deaths, farmer?' items, and ail the theusand and 00e daily occurrences that make up the simple annals of the great comman people, wbo are reslly the fsund- stion of tit country ot ours. Scandais are slde.. published in the country sewspapers, bat if it su bappens that deceocy de- mands it, the oglier delails are omitted or given a kindly touch that as widely different from tht anfeel- ing publicity of the city press. The offenders may he our neighbors, or people we have rubbed elbows with ail aur lives. They are real humast beingo ta their town paper, while ta the greot city dailies they are merely grains of a sort that are grousd oui houe. ly in their new milîs. Sometimes people speak lightly ut the country sewspaper, but il is ose uf the moat potes' and up lifting factors in aur national existence.-Christian Science Monitor. Sow le Save L.i L..dA 1 N%-FI xi 1_1L4 Intensive cultivalion of home gardons pravides A ast Chff thousandso0f Canadians with the appartusiîy ta make a coucrete contribution toward solving an argent When the auto salesman starts calling on bis and desperate hutoan need. prospect lit Iis sommer he is likely ta discoser that The warld fond prable.. bas reached sach mag- there han been a vst change in buying habIts since nitude that millions of peuple in Europe and Asia 1939. Old custamers in the medium salaried claso are faced with famine conditions. This is in addit- siho used ta boy a new car regularly every nîher ion ta the uverwhelming task of rehabililaîf on and season may have ta ho conviuced ha1 they con afford reconstruction bath national and persanal tbat iti- a now vehicle atter waiing five pears. And pur- t.iitably failows in the wake of war. veyars ut radias, furniture, rugo, refrigeralors and Cndo n ftegetto.rdcu an a score ut other gonds in the semi-lusury class are 1triesdut thtonorl, asue rakt d-pouber almas goin ta eet he sme rsistncebecase e l alesiate .the situation. To this end Prime Min- Surplus" money that used ta ho avilable for such iter King rcce ntiy anuounced a nîne-pint progratît purchasing now largely goes ta Mr. lsley and ta aîimed t restricting the amnunt ut fond used by Cao. meot the higber cant ut necessities. The tact that idians, maintaining war-increased farm productioa there are 00W almost twice as mauy Canadians tzarit- and providing more for tamished lands. m!g $5,000 o year as therc wert. iin 919, and tht, , Tht prablcm is essentialty one ut increased pro. same proportion woiild hold for tht $3.(1011 and duction and a redoction in Canadian cousumptian $4,000 citiecus tan. makes non ditterence. Sbarply tif wheaî and ils praducîs in arder ta stop up supplics higiter taxes anid an ilicrean ofa more thon 20 pur of exportaîble fooed. Here is mhtre every hoastbold. cent. in the bate necessîtics ut lite bas drai'ned away or wba bas a piece et sorarblbe crand cao do hi'., the nuIt nf ttc surplus parcsasîog power aI tht meediumt salarîcd classes.-The Financial lPost. (.etting A D)ollarss Worth btI. lligh ap on the goneroments t ood.saving pro gram is the enco uragement ut home gardens. The intnriitit came in plcnty ai tîme ta allow bacL. 1C. L. Burton. C. B. E., hcad ut ose ai aur largent >iid gard cuers ta tas' their plans. At tirst thaughî mercantile companies. dlaims Canadas argent îîecd planting a n extra rîw oft tettuce wîîuld not appoîr i5 ta cul nul contrais and promote production. Ho ta make îîîuch imipressonaon tht famine situation, but says Canada must chause. and chause sonu. 'heth,,r nmore homcegrown pattats ad ther vegetahîts ta hase: s'uuld affect tamily wheat roîlaîremenîs. 1. Large productiona and full empînyment; or Lîke esere plan for alleviatîng humait suffering 2. Small output and unempluymenl, dite lu prîce tht curaent foîod production progace a ils foîr effort ceilingo and wuge contrais. on tht paît at individuals. H aseser. benîftel il This question of guvernment restrictions an net hoe eîirely ont sided. Nu trittineprsasr prices and indusîry certainly han become contusing ais titaI ackyard gurdeners gel hettor fooîd, for îlie ta tht oedinaey citizen. Il isot made uny cîcarer elasi'e vitamiti bas I css chance lii esu. cape îîîiils shen se find two ut the iggesî industrialîsîs in tht jortes from gardon lu tahle. United States directly apposed in their opinions on- the subjecî. Heni'y Ford 1l. for instance, tasors re- EDITORIA. NOTES musaI ut ail restrictions, whîle an tht nîher baud Henry Kaiser dlaims such action will stielI econum- A lîrm cut oýiiriîcc' s bcîter Ibmn a stiff tpper lip. c disaster. Thuse who tueur remasal ut contraIs say large production and keen campetitian shauld combine ta lretrauit u >sic'%,bat 'or tlînk is importat, bt keep prices down, ut tht same lime pravidîng maxim- te courage lii doi s tIme sas i s ertitmare su. um employmenî. Thase in apposition suy tht resaIt wtîl be sky.rucket prices and inflation. A home Ibat îsn'î fîghtîag forc some thîag b..y'iiid The decision which aur econamisîs and expett5tsei sîli becîîme simple sweî or decidedl:s sutr. munt make is une wficb demands the greatest study and cansideration, because aur future prasper. - as L îhrtîîg.aeuIt oloe ity is t stake. a Ndw not fîtie otrth seabut anttr les otîlî The wrkîng mon and farmer are nouiinterested atsnneither rc tentrle, u nte e oii n higher incames if il means the cosî mut living 'oiii ete eenrtee jump outi n proportion. Whut îbey waut is a dollar "________ " which wilI purchase a dollars salue. nat fifty cents worîh.-Barrie Examiner. Cheerful People and Towss ModernIe emphasizes tht value of a cheerful attitude taward the wcrld. Il ix the moiden cantate ta greet tht waetd 'iîb smîles, and ho glad ta sj-ert friends and acquaaiuînces, and ta mako new tritnd., lu thut spirit peuple mahe sunsbine 'oheraver tbcy go, and 'tht warld likes themn. A tawn can also gise Ibis impression of cheer. luluess, hy tht solcame il gis os strangors and new- cumers. If sath a newenmer finds the cammuniîy îWeltamiug him and trying ta do tingn ta make im fuel aI hume, if ho fiuds il oesy ta mako triends aîîd gels many invitatiaus lu jaisneganieutians and sut- ial circles, ho thinks thet bsn s a cheertul place, and ho hapes bu will be ahle ta stay there. Also weIl bepc dwellings and efforts tu boauify tht.. sageent ohat their occupants are eheerful peuple. Sacît o place smilts ta tht world.-Peel Gazette. City Paper Pays Tribut, bo the Home Town Paper Turning tram the city ta the'saol tawn papors ebset ome taous is lîke steppisg tram the luma, full ut vice, intoaon old-tashianed ' gardon sweet with lavender and thyme and the atone of perennialg flaors. The pages ut the big dailies are 50 full ut murder, tbievery, immoraliîy and eltishness thal the btter nows is abocared by tese gluring abat. erîngso f tht Decalogue. One pts the paper oside witb a feeliug ut deproson and hoartache ehot the world is su tull cf terrible and unhoppy Ihinga. Thon pickiug op tht papers that retord the hop- Il's said that the btter weather hbus creited a new deruand for ara tires and sales base hem mitucb bouvier Ibis munth. Appropriations for bîgbways bave heun douahid n te Ontarîi budget. Stîli wondering afti twrnîy-tise peurs if il aillitisîlude the road brerti Acton and Milton. Amfninla 2 ua9J IAr - O T u u SOlVeASuserlu u.uPLS lucisu u A ;a0u Ia t... , AK LàTIN49 A,.. EANs. , .I7uLE N SU. uTu 11- 0NEL uuOU 2 uINS 74 sP0 L1 uu B , p- aEANU.0I l T0Aup Is ee 3aLAIU K 375 BRASELF . uN L DU 5T tul? GaroFMFEE ;K Ko23.cLZNSR INc TEtEI-. 1 PLE -" H c1 In vies' of tht tact taI $20,0010 is set uidi.-o inteDSIb OXYDOL - 0 9 23c tOntario budget farthlie mainîi.uance ot the Premier. . 3 il hurdiy behooses Piemier Drew ta critîcize lacai C il I PeSO nPs2 scboul hourds as etrtavagant bodies and out un oa p affuu osuatE. spending 5prtt. Pn21 C Ive 81*flW PRO 230 canhay 8«p.ap J..7o Every commaniîy sbatîld reulize tht uted ut jais.' pruvidiug industries in rder that ils yug peuple Texan GRAPEFRUIT5 for ot nut forced ta fi'ock lu tht Lily ta secaro employ. Site 96 8 totnt. Industries mean payrulis-and papralîs enable ORANGES, Sunkise yuung peuple lu stop and hclp build up their uvu h. ddifO's49 hume cuimuadities. Boards ut trade and monîci- BOCLE ea 5 palities shuuld encourage Ihese industries- Altonu otB unChOI, ea (Man.) Echo. ebr E UC Large rieuds ..15C Annîher cautiaus sttp along tht raad ta remasail ut goseeninent restrictions and contrais is the Wuol Florida CELERY19 Administratrs order (A-1871) toking the subsidy Stalk ..........1 C att impnrted raw coul, salis, Bradford topo and dry_________________________________ cumbed worstod tops, la- aial canon shere nabsidy bas ~____ - -- been remnod tht price ceiling bns been roised by the umount ut tht suhsldy. Eftecî ut Ibis arder an tht lA w y wolln nusryexeta see littho changt. A d v e rtis 1 g » ets Resuits Business Dîreetory BMICAL DR. C. IL STEVENON SMD, L.M.CC. Phase 2w - X.Rgy Offiles Houe. 8.30-9 ....; 137-9 pin. Coroner, CPR, adsoi aSugeon DM..G. L SYE PhysundiSurgeon OffIe-Jamet Street Phane Na. 38 Office Houars: 9 ...; 1-3, 7-8.30 p.m. Coroner - M.O.H. LEISAL DICK & DICK W. L DICEK. f County Cramu Attotney) ItENNETso Y. tsncn, MA. Ostriateta, Sliottorg Court House - Mlton Telephane 4 T. A. HUTCHINSON flarrtater, Sllte,ENI.. Offite-Neut Doue Champion Office Main Sereet-Mileon Telephune 54 GEORGE E. EWMOTT flarriater, NoUiSutor, Nsoary Puhit Office-In Farmeru' Building, Ma Street, Mitton Tetephone 70 LEVER & HOSKIN Chatteruti ASouanmt Suetessots ta JENNONS A HARDY 1305 Metropaitan BIdg., 44 Vitoris S., Toronto Elg. 0131 Book-keeping AcoSustlm Personol Interne Tai D. M. TIMBERS Foemeriy ut the R. C. A. F. Box 197 - Georgetown, OnL DE__TAL DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office ln Rayai Building, Miltun iaurs-0-5. Eseuings by Appointmet X'Ruy Service Telephone 197 DR. F. KL BACOCK DENTAL SURGEON Office user Preoss 'Theatre Night Appoîutmeulu may Se arrangea X'Olay Sertice, tus Extractton liauro 9 ta 5 Telephane 65w NIELSEN-The Chiropractor Druglesu Therapt 33ed Year of Pesetice fb Lady Attendant OveceDominion Store, Georgetowun Phose 150W TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC EAILWAY coing East-7.30 ses., datOlu; S2 fip.m., daiiy; .45 p.m., dsily ecept Sunday. Guitsg West-9.32 a.m., dalSluCBs9 6.37 p.m., daily; 12.57 a...., dally ez. tept Sunday mulgi SUNDAY Gaine Eat-7.39 amn., 2.Z 9.U4 927 p. Gaing SVst-9.32 a.m. . flag)t 6-l' CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Guiug South-7.30 pes. Guîug Nati 0.00 se. Se A. FAY P'fien, 205 PLUMBING HEATING and TINSMITHIP4G Main St. - Milton, Ont.. W. BROWNLOW Gusersi comt 5Wok-Nlsepeasl Boys, Ont. Phone 90,13 fMte Milton Hospital tPrivate> VISITING HOLINS 2.30 p.... ta 4.00 p.m., 7.00 p.n. ta 8.30 p.M., (No Cbitdreu under 12)e RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Private - $3.50 Prissie- - - - $5.00 PHONE 216 - MILTON PAGE TWO THUPSDAY. MARCH 2Rth- ig- r THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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