Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1946, p. 8

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PAGE KIGET THE CÂNÂnIAN f'»Imm,5flN Ns5lrn, ni Birais., iarciaem ad IBaah. BORN GORDON-Af Bayuvtfle, an Tisutsday, MareS ideis, 1946, ta Mr. and Mms. W. Gordon, a daughter, Mabel. DICK-At'Toronta Wetern Hospital on Tuesdey, Match lSth. 1IdAti Ht, aisd MNs. 3, M. Dtek (n"e Be- lyn Vansicklel. e son, WiiBam Iaag- JOMNSON Btr.ond Mes. Charles Johnon user PeggY Marshi aie happy la aisouanco the iri h oS iheir son, Robert Sewaort, af Mii- tan Private Bospial, Match 9ih, 1946. MARRIED JARVIS-ELLIOT - On Thursdap, Match ldth, 1946, Beten Scotti. youngest daughtr of fthe fiste Mc. and Mrs. Walter Lidlais Etiot ut Miton 10 Laurence Ecsinh tarvin, anly son ai tht lofe Mr. and Mcu. W. B. P. Jervis ot Toronto. DtED MORLEY-In Milton on Sunday, Match l7th, 1946, Fred Morley, be- taved husbeod ai Catheerine Freri- uson ln hiu 5Msfyul. CAPBELL-In Toronto os Monday, CMrh16f h. 1946, Annie R. Marsh- all, iidow ai George Camipbell oS Nelson Toiship, in het H6th year.j FORD-In Trafalgar Townoship ait Sunday, Match l7ih, 1046, John Fethetstsse Ford, beîoved husband of tht fate Margaret Ellen Cayne and dear father of Wilbert, Clar- ece,. Emerson, of Trafalgar and1 Entelle (Il. H.) of Brampton, ln bis 84ih pear. BAYLIS-un iaving memory ci o dear hssband and father, Joseph John St., isba pa2sed eisay Mardi 23rd, 1945. Nothieg tan ever takre isay The love a heari hotds deer, Fond memories linsger very day Bemembrance isecys hlm nar Ever remtmnbered by is solte and famiuy MII.LS-In loving miemoty of a dear sofe and moiher. ElIma Jane MIlle. wib pasai away, March 21sf. 1944. Tisa pears have pamsed aind gond Sînce ancesoc lovae s eli Was taben froni our baise an erfs. Wfth Jeaus Christ ta disefl. The flowers soc plame upon ber grave1 May sother and derop. But the love for ber asho sleeps lie- neof h Shell neyer fade aisap. Sadly mlused by hushend and faniîly. CARDINELL-In tovlng memarv of a dear Brother, Ediserd Chester Cardincîl. isba pasaed asoep Match 110h, 1036. Ten peors have passed ince ibaf sadt day, When ose ws olvel wsocaifed es'sp. The bIais sas bard. the shscis severe. We itile. fhoughf bis death sa near. Only thase isho have iot can tellI Tht pain of parflng and fareiseli. Ever rememierel isy Sitr Elizabeth, Sud anid Famliy CABJS 0F THANES Sgf. Wiil Lambert stasld ]lise fa thanh the Miltion Branch of tht Can- adian Lcgisn, Canadien Club, IODE. Rai Crosus, C. B. Knlghf and sut other arganboofionse andfriends hisba 5 hiedlp sent his parels ishifeseetvlng -Brevities- -Match bas certainly been iseli . 1 hehavcd sfar tim yesr end is-dny las liefed as the Oirsi dey of epring.- -Wc appreciate the prompt te- *uu mo** **m. ocisafs of substrîbers. Vaut label Bann gives You the stemcnf of pour ac. 2codaugh : RECORD -Marilyn Morley aeU2,daghera EC R tune t f aio aorniofIason Satut M day and hally gashoil ber eyv. - LMER Mr. Aies. BurOco, principaol of a NO RADIO REQUIRED fise Miltfan BusinescuaCaf cgr wsai0MW11111TUE IANSATONE emang fhae wisbals'ihd frois Tot-M ontoat fia Dviiid as St. Parriks Day :Scead Hear iBois egain fhîs yeat. M Rils, - Electrie Mixers - Auto -Tht road miuisaine isut pafnie oprolioasnflic ighs'ay heiteen 0C Adtos and Billon on Tussly and !as maisg se sî-vded iisprooemvsîs in'! ~ .H m l --Jolis Caiifvan ishe gave a ni,- cotiuint h rgato h PEARL STREET (01>1>0 s'as emiiied hY misfaho In tlî Chamioin aifiilre. We cegrei fbo r he saaaliihich ha airu muaid on lie Bain OStrefduing ihe iinfer nonfhs habetii Parfiaiiy vavipi off shîs pafs'cvhe The bouevards havi- iscen rahol and gencrafip cleuned uîî ishich boy groatliy impravei the ap- pdarance oS Main Streef. Rubing ln the afher mens mis- tubes doesnf rab ouf ours. W. E. HORNE CHAIfTERED ACCOUNTANT IPigote Rldg. Hailasston, Ont. Piesne7-18 Milton Distric SEEDS 0F Fer 5,awn, Field and (Garden Seed flarley an, WIRE FENCE AIN ELECTRIC WASHERSj NIAGARA BR, et PHONI f, Farnworth Memorials Meau mm broa Mde"t a CEMETERY LETTERING Elor a&d.saiceuetee7 GUELPH, ONT. OLEARINO AUCTION SALLE 0F NEW FAIM POWER IrtI MIENT, DAIRT CATYLU[ DAIE EQUWMENT Tise undetsigt bas rtctivtd In- structions f romn mm L Bill"51 ta oei by PubiB Auctioan tise 3rd Tafaga Ssd Cn ort h of DundaStreet, TrflrTinsip. inosvn as tise Base Lise, one qusrtcr mile soti aod ose mile isefof Sirelsvifie. o SATUEDAY, MARCH f Oed. 1946 ai 1 ociocis tise foltoising: BOBSES-Teeni Bay Horans and barneus. DAIRY CATTLE- Reg. Ayrnhftc Cas', close epringer; Holtein Cois, close epringer; Holstein Cois, ctone s prînger; Ayrairn Cmv, ceN 6ae foot; Holsteiii Cois, caif et foot; Holsein Meifer, cait et foot; Gurnacy Bel fer, miing svef f. ired Nov. th; Molsecin Beifer, mliing isel. ired Deci. 7fte; Bolsfein Cmv, milklng steit, brcd Nov, 15; Hosfein Melfnr, fullfloas'. rnd Fnb. înd; Hosfein Belfer, fuit flow, not bred; Holtein Case, mihîng iseit, ired Jais. 2ith; Balati fn Belter, cose apringer; Bostein Mefer cose aprisg- et; 4 Yearling Holstein Heifers; 2 8 maniha aid Holstein Beiters; 5 Beifer Caives. DAIRY EQUIPMENT-Douile unit MeCormîcis Dcring Mitiing Machine wifh pi plng for 25 coisa Dema 6 cen Mils Conter, 2 yrs. otd; Musk Strelser and Pale. BAY sud GRAIN-About 10 tans ai good Timotby Bey; Severai fane of goad Claver Bey; 200 bus. Qafs, FARM MACINERY and EQIIP- MENT--Farmaif H. Tractor, on rais- ber cdf h poiser takse-off, ntsc '43; fMe- Cararis Deering poswer fake-off Mowiig Machine. 7 fi. caf, used 1 sen- son; Int. 2-furrow Piose. nec' 1943; Masscy Barris Binder, 7 fif.cut, tract- or Btch. gond repaît; Masey Barrie Bey Loader, goad repsir; Meuety Barria Side Dcl ivery Baise; Dump Baise; Corishsft Fertîtizer If disc drillt; Cokbat Ha. 3 Manste Spreed- et, good as neis; Coco Blsder; Douisle Rois Scufler; Steel Entier; Gond rshher-tired Wagon; HNew Bey Rack;, Sel ut Sfelghs; Sissh Screper; Ftosf h Wood Chopper, 8 blade nFsning Miii; Cemcsf iset; Circuer Sais & Beli; 3 serftion Sprlng Tooth Barrais; 3 Serftion Sprlsg Tootis Barras', hcavy; 3 Section Sprfng Toofh lMat- rois, fighi; Roof Paiper isith paflep; Besd Cutiing Bos; Set of Seaies, 2000 is.; Orindalose; Anvtt; Vise; Set of Emery Stones, with eîccrit molor; Post Bote Auget; 2 toile Snois Feneca good ai ntsc; Besvy Wirc Sîreicher; Barrel Pamp Sprsper, neis, 2 Gai d Frenie Sashea 3 s t; Exfension Ladder; 2-50 gai. Oaa Dram,; 1-33 gel. Cas Drsmn; 2 Creuse Gana; Gema Eletrir Fescer, neis; Namber of Sfaes wihifinsulators; Shovefs; Fors; Necispoise; Whifff e- irces, aiher smail articles too nsm- trous ta mention. POULTRY and EQUItPMENT- 50 Sussex Reda. HBred pulets 5 soCs, aid ime of sale. Brooder Bouse 12x 12; 2-î2x12 Sheliera; -lOslO Sheliers; -isO Shelfer; Brondet Bouse 12x12; Brsoder Bouse 10x12; Brooder Hoase lOva; Coaf Brooder 5W10Chfrb rap- acily; 2 Elecîrie Broodets 500 cap- acily; I Elecîrir Brooder 300 ceperify; 7-3 gi. Watet Founiain, Namber of feel froughs, large and medium; Sisaf Cich Fedrrs; 4 steel s'ateting ftoghs. LUMER--Quanflty oS Hardisood 2" Pfanbs and 1" Bastds 20 2x6" 24' long; Piiie Planhi escefleni maieriaf. BOUSE FURNITURE-Bed, Cies- terfield and 2 chaire slightiy uaed; Smlall Ktchen Table 4 Chairs; Steel Monorch I'c Boa- Bappy Thoughf Slave; rand Jseci Meafer, self tenu- et; 2 flash Toifets; Corser Sinis; Codl O11 Beafer; Boa Slave. TERMS CASH PaslflvelY no reserve as the taris is old. Nothiisg la he removcd frsm the Poperty intili ndilfed fat. W. J. BcKIHNEY, Autisseer W. N. Atinson, Cleris 40-2C cLEARnme $27.50> Il VESMENIr AUCTION SALE BASIS 0F BUSINES AN E IN PUSLINCH TOWNSHIP ROSTHERN, Sask. (CP-A basI- W N E FARIgMST KflPX5ZtEilT& HSAT an started! on e eapital investmnent o aiKITE GRAIN, LIIMR. TfltflEnt. i.oei .5U27 bas itourished for Peter îpp BS NTE ETC.and hie son, Edmand. They malte Relieble man with exper. - tand-propelled scashIne machines. jence os fieit bcd end circuler The undcraigned auctionnietsae h t s the aid toty ni netesstty belssg knif(iag machines. Reply i'eceived instructions tront tise mother of Invention. Epp wU Ca, tating salery expected. E. A. HA&LES hardware merchent during thse de- To eit by public auctien et hie pression years and tound It neeessary THiE WiILLIAMI - TROW farm, situeted on the Gueiph-Hamit- to turit to something etsc for a liveli- KNITJ.ING CO, LTD. on Highisey, 1 mile sourth ai the 0.1 hood.I AC. onhoh So c ated mabiog grain hoxes, TAFBO . WEDNESDAY, MAItCII l7tis then door and window saah and Mien Commcoving at 12.30 oclocli the lovcslcd $2750 ln materiais to maee- foliowiog: awsigmciewihcudb HORSES, HARHESS-Aged Clydeued insheg uma he whh cotdhee Horse; Cotisrs; Set of Tena Brnen sei h ua om seetee Bianisete. etc.; Set of Piow Harrean. is nu eiectcic piower. CATTLE - Aherdeen AnguaSBuit. To-day he and hie son have e pant Royal Bandolilet of Gien Rose 5th empioylng 8 men, torning sut about 76307), 2 yrs. old, red hy Thos. 160 miachinesas month. Benderson, Guelph; Beceford Cois, fresh 1 mos. wih ceN ent font; Blacis AIs> IN t>EION Cois, due ln Jane; Shothorn Cow. c'ltb white teer caif et foot, bond adule; Red Heifer, part Jersey, due BROCKVILLE, Ot. ICP) -. Two ai siale tme; Hostein Cow. brnd ln Prnocott citizena bois a trial run in Dnrember; Hereford Cois, ceif et s used car aiong the highwey oeer foot, bred ln Jee.; Hosinl Heifer, here bat declded raif 10 boy. The de- hrcd Nov. 5. HOGS-Yorb Sow cith 10 pies ai eisios wss made afler the righi osheni foot; 9 Itogs, nearly flnlshed; 21 fies' off, the chassie ditegcated and Shoots; 17 nig Chuniso; 4 Chunhe. the other Ibren ishecia fIes' ln other YOUNG. CACI'LE - 21 Hed of directions and thn body ieft the cha- Storbers, 400 bo 800 iba.; 3 shot-heep is. No one scas injoced. Feeders. These sre good breedy, _______________ thrlftv caile, motiy Shorthorn. SHEEP - 18 Suffolk Eis, with lambs at foot. ESTATE SALE IMPLEMENTS, ETC-M. H. Bno- der, 6 ItL cut. This machine bas eut- legs f han a hundred acces; M. H. 13- MORSES, utILE (OWSI MORSE- dise Fertiiizer Seed Dcilii, nes'; M. H. DRAWN MACsSINEIy, ItAT, Spring Tmoth Ceitivetor oith teel GRAIN, CLOVER SEEI), REAL Es- ishenia; 10 tt. Dump Rahe; Frost & TATE, FURNITURE ANTIQUE - F O R D M Wood Mowec; Ithrow Dise; 2 sets MODEMNF D V~ Harrose; 3-druis Steel Rouler; Cors- abuti Manure Spreader; Scuffler; 3 The ssdecslgned h ave received ta- Waiig Piowu; Cutting nox; 2 anis structions f rom ehe Executor of the of Bencis Sieighs; Light Siegh; 2 estete of ehe T R U K Wagns;M. . Plpe; 2Fla Raks LATE W. A. MOCARTNEY (gond pinel; Bag Truch; s..reia Toslhy bu fseLt1. Puiser; Msd Scraper; platform os llbpule tautionB USt10 Orales; Endiess Chsain Moisi; 2 large n , p. Oa o raelgor, Bmite Feed Troufhe; BHog Trooghs; Cross-noh0fmahSree rot Sais; Cyclone Seeder; Clothes SATIIRDAY. MAECH 2ird Recd Irons, neis; Boxes; Berreis; Commoscing ae 1.00 ociocis the large Sagar Ketties; Copper Refile;foiioscieg: Leddera; 3 Stairs; Fred Boxs; MORSES -1 Boy Mare, 6 yrs. nid,. 96Fr rcsebd Bego, Sachs. Chaîne. Whffletrees. 1500 b.; I Ren cîding, 6 yre. nid. 96Fr tuk mo ENGtNES. MOTORS. ETC.-Woodsa 1500 ihe.; 1 Bey Marn, 6 yrs. otd 1M5 Elecirir Chopper with 2 hp. nineor, i.; 1 Brown Gciding, 6 yrs. nid,. mente that mean even gresici ses; Power Emery rînder; % h.p 1350 ihs.; 1 Grey Percheron Team, 5 Motor asd Boit, ses'; Llne-shaft andpro ., f hich, hiorhy paît. Four ut these and sf111 greater reiiabiiity. Palfey: Grlndsloise: Table Type CIr, horses ste ver y siible fa îardei cuar Sswlng Ouifi. gond; 1 Extra tcede. Cia 46 CHÂSSIS AND BODYi Cirruler Sais; 8 hp. M. B. Cas En- MILK COWS-3 Holstein ws se mouilled! on trucks; Being of fresh, vaives et ulde; 3 Holstein Cows. offisl ds. selirnging heaviiy. MAY AND GRAIN-25 tas, Bey: FARM MACHINERY-M. B 6 ît. Our 1946 Ford truck line 400 hus. Fol I Wheal; 15 hega Poat: Bloder; M. H. Damp Baise; M. H.Hay' yevr 0es; e qsanity ot ground nîfaîfs ITîddec; M. B. Beaper; Grain Drill, l e br asiing need. Bring POULTBY AND EQUIPMEHT- Noxoa Orseufler; Spring Toof h Cuit iv- 50 ess B. R.:nrooder Hoase -Range'lor; 2 Root Palpera; 2-serilos Sprlng h ave tbe correct ensiers-thi Sheler: Pomp Bosse, Il'x 6: Beatty1 Tooîbh Drsg. nec; 3-secelion Lfghf COol Brooder, 5M10suze; Pouitry Berrois.,1iSel Orales; 3-seciion Evaînmns. Neot Boxes. etc, Beevy Marrows; Laond Baffer;- 21 M. FENCfNC.-150 Fente Posts: 12 Wefiing Pîo'; Dii Drums; P. B. Asehor Posîs; .1 40-rod Bolîs of sec' Wolbîng Plois; 2 Boggies; Pather, 1 lae.in., 6 fI; Creeni Seperetor; Lumher~ aisF FENCE -. hkeg Fente Sspleq; Wagonaend Box; Cutter; Puni and 1 E r y s F Fente Sîrecrer: 200 fil. Snow PumpfiJarck: 250 gel. SteelT anisl Fente; Stei Gaie Fraiss 2 roa fLlght Wagon: 2 Crass-eut Sais. nec Berhed Wîre. - Slngs: Band Sais,: Shovefs; Vise; TIMBER. t.t.MBEB UItLDING Large qoantlly of Bampers. Bushel i rc; Usner! splA Floorfng 'îtaîro; 2 Otchard Bond Sprays; Nethyohes; Pipine; Davis; Frais,,etc: 2 fx'tunisg Booho; Whifflclcee; Lests CAMPBELLVILLE Stall[nZ: 14 Eum Plonh,. 14 in 16 Moctrin good shope: Groin Soths, inches cide; 1,000 fi. of Pine tumber;^tir. Itsed tomber ssd Plasbk f i HAY ANDO GRAIN- .00 bus. Serd binds; 2 pletes of nris Pise Tme at;20bs. Fred Bsrlep; 6 hon. ________ 1 t-x1,x i-Cold Fromes ec Coe ; 10 Ions. Bsfed Bey, 10.- - A quntill of long Pise Barniniber, tons file Strois, long. siîg htly ,èorched. FIINIIIBRE-Piano. in excellent Teris Ceh. shepe; 3 Rochers; Petiot Suite, in Speciel Di Term: Csh. gond condition; Large liphoistered Came atît asd spesd e profitable Chir; 2 Couches; 3 Wooden Bede rrsF.aA ail tnsooncth us. $1.00 prize to sptings and mottrt-,vev; 3 Dressers; M .F .A f rserv a.,o 3 Wash Stonds; Single Bcd, sprins AT MILTON INN, Not-t cver, ovthe fermflsaold. andlsistres,src;:2 OditBede; Drop 11 2m- rhe Wamnens Assioiation of Arhclfl Lent Table; Secisg Machine, drap Usited Church islII have o hoofh hcod. New' Wilflanss, In gond saepe; chers- Yo my putchave hstfrdngs 2 Sideboords; 4 Cuphoards; Bal Pc,. cobe. etc. MHii coffre solîl bha sck; Curiain Stretchers; Bammoch; voit~ scrved Sfrtc la evecyodp. The Hîgli- EletrirtPloIe; Electric Bcd Lsmp;li landl brifer sill heeon eshibit on Electrlir hirsîci; Carprl Siseeper; sole day, Olvo o collection of antique 2 VarcumCleoi-ru, f1îvlfh ail t' af»a fai*m isplemnte. fochisents, almovi neis; Bond VOsh: A dWm THE MOI Boy BINDLEY, J. A. EiLton rr; Efecîir Iras; Quehet fIler; HEWOS Auctioneeri Queher Cook Stase; troning Board; POWERI T J. OfCBRIST Cîerh B ilos lais; Cool 011 Lanips; Banging i.omps; Toilet Sels; 2 1f" Furnece or HEARINO INSTRUi Slave Off Burners. loollng fred, nes'; -. 4 Vecosdoah Chairs; 30 gol. Bîlh Vat; 1 caispît Disnet Sel; Childas Crede, C U T ON S *u*.m.*uu mu****** ltgb Choir and Rocher; Coshing Ut- enail-; Crocbs; Seofers; Complete *Tra Sel:'(Sc eSilve-tr so OineCol- M octd Glasucore; large quanlily oI *lishssand sisoli boosebold efforts. *REAI. ESTATE Af tbe san ie ct..,' . ~ M' and4 placet ibire ciii bc offered for * af, sujt tooa ceiervr bd, f lie, *fOii, bingot . ilon. ,islî aIof a , NTrofiogor. ansisiig ,f 15 aces Mmoro or lts. Os ho v aîd faim is Mi-ctriiadu liicaoced Iramo bouge, M bhacstil.i63x4. .ilthgodstahfing;I M îîîloîoing bilding, 60 vx35:.imîifem- M*en-s hed 25 v 3;:idouble garage; no B*e in iiog c u pîîly fhum 2 ela : euh 1 fi p rti -r ssniîîg ibou..h tomatie Irons - Toasters - Etc. *îîîscoS farai. 001v ail goal; 121 * iir- oif 2vilgir*ililiisb; 20Flitrv *f1t]1 aliet:;12 oîîiv voit ooig: 35 acrrs iîioiveil; blanioce lias n at ireTis lias becs on nid îomcstod, PHdNE 376 maki,îanmob eal hiomie. Aiv~ PHNE37 îî-..,îîs nioîg Sforfim hi- sure t SITE PUBLIC SCHOOL) : nv fie. lk îovmymd 'i .a .aOsi lon ie a sh. TOM THUMI" .1. A . IOTT 10V 1NDLEY. i ATT R.il OR, Auctioneers n!tehreil _____ _____ ____ "R" CELL tCooperative H A P P Y A megnificentintueth poot-isar tealization of evetj ALL KINDS R E S U L T S îlgisest, sameilest, ms o -Long Ters Peinture Mixtures Impossblt Aeeomplished case, es easy to Carry as e s I ' ilI thrill with pride to wî id Gesse Wheat Os Match 3rd, 1946 s client LIGATION! s'roie as- Ciscqon rocelved Vas ore nionders. 1 made ovey IDSTELPOTSeffort fa coifeef ibis but faiîed ACOUSTICON 116 Ki 4D STEEL OSso andconcioded If isnImpole-E sibie. Thenis.' ACOTISTI, AND REFRIGERATORS The sanie effective service la se tAND SPRAYS oviel ayu, AOOt!7STICON-Bert Rymal, KELLY & AIKEN Sendi me pour * ~TUE OOLITION Hm PECALIUTS Address .. . . EB 127 ORANGEVILLE - ONsTARtIO City ....... COMBINES Mehy nmoath. IWO*LBIS VINIOIT 1ATIRCT COMBINATION lai brings you the final, happy, ytbing you dared hope for! The >wetful instrument- all-in.one spectacle case! So beautiful you test hilSeo lt Ttyl! NO 0B. BlET RYMAL ina Steet E., Hamailton, Ontario Hame et the Fâmasaea [MON 8-Peine Meeting Binions Sed for Valsable FREE Beolelet li, 11 ing St. EK, HMaoen, ont cr FREE Bookînt Il LKES GOOP FOR ANY INESS -a- dy notable engineering advance- cgas and nil economy, longer lite YTYPIES TO CHOOSE FROM ýincludes a model to fit practical. iyour truck problenis to us. We ie right truck for the job. -0- Ar Sales & 'vice PHONE 3 emonstraion by ,RMSTRONG SATURDAY, MARCH 23rd n. until 8 p.. ST BEAUTIFUL, MOST WUL end LIGHTUST ~INT..Aà the Woridi rM-**UNIPAC* PAGE EIGHT THE' CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY. ZURCH 21wL 1«&

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