Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1946, p. 5

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MURSAY, MARCH 218t, 1946. Tise Frto Forum ielsi thir weehiy meet ing en Monday evening aItt home et Mc. Jay andi rlond sili a large attcndlanre. Tise sisiel fer- dscussien mas "Con tise Wertd ie Fod"" Carda ocPre î:iorcd ansi luneS ervesi. On Wedncsday erenint etf toust wektaocrd party masieid t' Lîmostene Sehoal. ander tiseauaspices efthtie Forum. Winnecs tonr ardo' were rMs.R. Broshand Mr. W. Homo. Prereess ore in aid efthtie adoption et o chilsi evecteaS. Tise W. A. efthtie Unitesi Chancis ielsi a concert nnd play in tise cisurcis on Fiday veiot. Tise pay "'Po- der PaOf Lady" oas presentvd hy te itirido ladies ils Mc. Chartes Peer dietor. Tise pay mas wel received hy al. Takisig part in tise progrons mre Messrs. W. Greenless, G. Peletenie. R. Wiseeihond. Mrs. F. Hadlcy asd Miss Annie Wilson. Miss Iean Btte, R.N.,olMion spent tise week-.end ith Mr.uand Mrs. Motis Miliar. Hrs. Wmrreo enisy et Walerdomss vlsted tlisspast meok ithlsM. and Mms. Erlaed Coiilg. M. and Mrs. A. W. Coulter ansi Jerk spent Sonday ils triends n I Mamiton. Tise W.M,S. efthtie United Chorcri held tiseir menthly meeting ut tise iome et Mrs. Mervyn Colson. Tise Stady Books as mittcs isy Mrs.j Fealisonstone Colint. Tise meetingi mas in charge et Mrs. Ge. Colson snd tise business part was presided ever iy tise preeldent, Ms's. E. M. Readiseasi. Lunchs mas servesi by tie, istess. Mrs. Morley Mrris etfMoacsiurg isoeturnedione allervlI.0tIng ils M. and Mrs. Featiseralone Coling. Phone 61j for Appaintmeste A. R. ELLIO'r 5AIEDEES5ERS TPRINCEssE HEATR FRIDAY and SATUSIDAT Paulette GGsidard, Fred MacMurray in tSTANDING' ROOM ONII B0. & W. Service Sîtecial-I Hlaîpene i n Springfield." Disney.-"Tcomhone Trouble Newse. MONDAY - TIIESDdI Ginger Rogest Van Joisnso "WEEK-END AT THE WALDORF" 4 meeba at Lnem's Curtottn--"Wid & Woolfy." C03UNG Fr1. & Slat.. Mar, Xeth and 3H "DOLLY SISTERS" Betty Grable Johsn Payn 4 meob a t Sisea's Caciaon. Nems. ' MiesaBetisMHernie et Toront pn ---.u--i~~ tise week-end witis ier parents, M. KNOX PRESITERIAN and Mrs. H. C. Morris. CRIURCH M. Arthsur Charlton et Guelphs RES* J01N IDL spent tise week-end witis hie parente. Mialster Mr. and Mms. . Cisrton. Misa Mary Adrews et Toonto SUNDAY. MARCH 24ti, 1946 spent tise week-end ils Mn. and 11.00 a.m.-Rev. L. DeGreotis of Mns U.. Waters and famnily. Tarante. 11.15 o m.--Jonior Sunday Scisool. Mst Marion Sprct ofl T"oronto 12.15 p.m.. Senor Sttnday Sciseel. spent tis emekend titis be parents' 7.00 p.m.-Rev. L. DeGrnotis. M. and Mes. Adam Sproat. _______________ M. Jack Ma HeMomie et Toronto ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH tformely et Mlton) visted mitis Mieter-Sev. Gordone W. porter friends ta tawn on Hondap. MA., B. M Barbare Nxon et Tocante vis- SUNDAY, HARCH 24th, 1946. lited] avec tise weekend witis lier 10.00 .m.-Cisurti Scisool. parents, M. andi Mc. M. E. Nxon. 11.00 .m. Mornîng Woaip and Sermon. Tise ev. M. Todd ef Mr. Jîm Andrson af Tocante vii!- Georgetown. ed over tise eeke'nd tsth histtpar- 7.00l p.m.-Leve Storîesofethtie Bible. ente, M. and Mcs. Wmi Andersons. 5. Josephs and Potipians Wife. Misa Patricia Ureli et Ottawa bas 8.30 p.m. Sunday Eve-The Young Peoples tUnion wli meet eithtie received bier distitarge free tise Air- homne ct Miss Btsh arNabb. foreand 10 now vistlng wlIh bier ________________ parents Mr. and Mrs. P. Ure1. GRACE ANGL ICAN CIIURCH MEV. S. A. KIRK OAKVILLE Iteter - SUNDAY, MARCH 24tis. 1946. Tise nnual meeting efthtie Oak.- Third Sundsy In Lent ville Ladies' Lewn Bowling Clubiso 1000 s m.-Sunday Sciseol acd Bible ield at tise residenrOetfm. T. . Classes. Smith, on Fcîday evening. Tise reprt 11.00 a.m.-Morslng Prayer and Sec- ofet tse Sereta0'y-treasurer sosed tise mesnisy tise rodeor. No. 3 In the< Club te have ised s most sttcesstuî Angican Adesece Appeal Tlseme seoson."God's Clt te Mis Cisuri." Mm. W. R. Ostrees died in tise Pri- 7.00 p.m.-Evensong mnd Sermon b; vatle Patients Pavilon efthtie Toronto tise Rev. A. C. French,. rerenti; GenralMosita. o Saundy, el- returned Air Forte padre ans -GenralHosita. o Saurdy, oi- nom asistant mintten o ths low<ng ilineoa et tires, montisa. wicb Cisurvi etfte Ascension, Hamil- reeulted fromt Injuries sustained mies ton. slle mes struck by a car emniy in Wedneodap. Mrris 27tis, 8 p.m.-Len Decemiter. tes id-meek Service in the Major Genersi G. B. CissisIm, Cisorcis. Special preather; The M.C. Depty Mnistr ofNatinal He. W. B. lewis ut S. Mary'a MC..Depop Miistr etNstînaî Cisorcis. Betonville. Itealtis, ias iees eppointed a memn- Hunday 251h. 8 p.m.-Special meet. ber efthtie UNO. tecisnicoi prepse- ing efthtie Cisorcis Eserutive si etoe2t committee miici s tseen set tise Rectony. up te pIon an international iealtis Tuesdap 26th. 2.30 p.m.-Aiternooi cuntenence. W. A. in tise Parlith Room. Ater sity minutes efthtinll peeked Wednesdap 271i-4.00 p.m., Juntel hockey tist kept tise fana nn e con- Aoiieny in tise S. S. al; 7.t( tlnuosouproac tirougisout, Oakvile p.m., Junior Chsoir Prectice; 8.X staffords emenged ils aoune goal p.. A.Y.P.A. meets In tise S. S margin ever tise Wiitity Red Wings, Hall;.90 p.m, Senior Chio le tise ganse ployed et Grimsbsy rena Wednesdey nigis.-Recard-SIac. An eSalnoth Y adth Trutis Sisml Mite Yu Fre-4no. 8: S ACTON THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST tantise Acton Y.MCA. lest Tues- - day ntgt tise Actan ladtes badmintan SUNDAY. MARCH 1tti, 1946 club ised e very succeoful tourna- Servie t Il am.o ment mitt tise Guelphs Y.W.C.A. tekt-' tng 10 eut ot 12 rnattbea played Comne Nom and lt Us ReamanT: Ic tise recent lisI t onmp men de- getiser atti Jeiovaisalat1: 1.& conted tor gllantedditnuile service oversean ils amordsofaIMent- ]M O ion in Despatcises, me noted une GOSPEL TABERNACLE frein ArIen, W.0. Jack Ml. Alger (R. S.M., H e retucned tram overseas a few montisn age and esumed iis pris- 8 0:pot. Satueday. Marcci 23, 19 leonYoth forCChrist. Tise Iion as guard t tiseOnt. elecmtor trt'cttctrct ieng enjayed k near Guelphs. ' msny. ieont altet attend. Tise regutar monttly meeting etfSii-,ehk l'raye Meeting 8.00 p.m.- tise Woman's Assciaion ofthtie Un- Evs-ry Wcdnesdap at tise hemei lied Chorcis mes heisi et tise heme et lic. usnd Mcs. Bristem. m. Ivan Marris mitis M. L. Agar SUNDAY SERVICES presidinr. Tise devtionai period mos Mrris 241h, 1946 laiton iy Hs. D. Richaordson. Tise: 3(t) m Sundoy Stiseel mnd Bit ladies have decIded nef te de any Stooly. mono qilting antil faîl. 7.tW) p.m. Erangeistie Service. On Wednenday aterneon. Marris Ereryone Weicume ft, lise OuboetfGevonsiire Ci:p -______________ tee at tise .0 ...isld thele annuot Officers Tes et tise hnme et Mrs M.________________ Siroeder. Semer Ave. Tise Regent, Mrs. C. Matthemv presîded. 14TOS>;G Tsr Miss Chant, tise local sh..l nursee 1flJftLlSINGl. mas ties peaker efthtie day. Hon top- In Lteot Styles le mes "HealthIsn tise Scisels" (A-1 e stM ho IPrmnt ton scisselin particulari andlier tais Nvee Meisuoln enses mes mut Informative. Miss BennetWen moved a voeofet tianis.-Fret Press. Ail Litnos o Beouly Culture LOWVILLE ELIOTTflPS EAIITY SHflP THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Town Planning, Halton Seed Fair Building Diseussed And Bacon Show m By Milton Council Another Success içontinued from Page one) (Continued tromn Page One) tise town. Thte committee witt go ln- shipped, coutd eaiy resait tn rmiing to tiis mtter further and report tise percenlage o A'e marketed ln bock te Council. Hoton ta et lemt 60 -per cent. Tise Streets and Wallis Committec The five top Wittohres were made reported on requests for odewalisa on from the respective entriez of Arths- Woodward Ave. A survey te te b6 ur Dickismon, Milton; W. H.* Greenly, made hy tise engincer and a report Paiermo; Miler Bros., Georgetown., subimItesi to Couneil. H. L. Mathisoâ, Hllsburg; and J. B. Ileeve Heslop hcought Up the mat- Miller, Gergetown. ter or policing tocrte town. Prîtes Th i nnere in the varlous Cios ssere ubmitted foc hoving Provincial of tise Seed Fair .wece as foiiows. i Police appointed ta poice the town. Lte ond Medium 00ks: W. E. The department soggested tht tee Breekon, Freemme; S. E. Griffeaitd men were needed for an efficient Son, Acton; Woodiadi Ohari job. A represeototive ofthtie force Bronte; Wallace Swackhamer. Aiton; woo te be ln thse town sisrtty te dis- M. T. McNobb & Sons, Gergetown, coso ay matters in regard to police H. Croîs Reid, Georgetown. protection. lwao decided to odveri- SonlyDoats: WoodlandO Oreisards, se for a Chief of Police. Bronte; Hogis M. Rteid, Acton; W. E. If wao moved and possed that Breckon, Freemon; M. T. McNabb do' Council purcisase Bickle f ire equlp- Bons, Georgetown; H. W. Ricisardson, ment for tihe nea' fIre truck at o cot Milton; H. Crig Reid, Georgetown; of $367500 ond oter supplieo as tv- J. H. Wilimott, Milton; Robt. Buck, qutstioned hy tise Fice Department. Milton; Colin E. Beaty, Hilton; Gor-. A letter from radieotation CHUM don Leslie, Acton. stated tist tisey were fetoring rA¶i. Rough Awned Barley: Woodiands ton on the iroadcat on Sondoy. They Orchords. Brente. . reqoested tist o representative of tise Smootis Awned Baniey: Geo. Wilson, town bc sent te the broodcating stat- Georgetown; S. E. Griffen do Son, Ar- ien as soon as possible. Il waso 00- ton; J. B. Milter, Georgetown; H. geoled tisatishe station ise contacted Cralg Ried, Georgetown; Woodionda e ad suggeot tisat tise iroadcat be de- Orcisards, Bronte; Gmo. A. Fiser do layed ontil some future date. Sons, Georgetown; Walace Swaek- Cosocil adjourned et 12.35 a.m. isome, Acton; H. T. McNabb do a Sons, Georgetown; Hugh H. Reid, e FLYINO EDUCATION Acton; Gordon Leslie, Acton, - Red Ciover: T. J. Brownridge, Y EDMONTON tCP) - Surplus air- Georgetown; Chsas. Austin, George- yplanes and engines are te be provided town. ýby War Asets Corporation for ln- 10 bs. Qats: Hugis M. Reid, Atan, ýstructionai purposes et tise Aberta W. E. Brecison, Freeman; Walaee Scisool et Tecisnology ln Cagary, Ed- Swackismmen, AcIen; S. E. Grittee do 1- dotation Minister R. A. Ansley an. Son, Aten; Gardon A. Leslie, Aiton. ýenousced. 10 bus. Bariey: S. E. Griffen & Son, e ________________________Acton; Gmo. A. Fiser & Sons, George- town; Geo. Wilson, Georgetown; T, J. t. Browridge. Georgetown; J. B. Mi- kt t'Pock & Inghain 1r, Georgetown; Mugis M. Reid, Ac- ton; G. A. Leslie. Acton. )o alutobaeees09 Husing Crn: T. J. Mrownridge, HIGH GRADE ME RAL Georgetown; Walace Swackisamer, Dr MEMORIAL ENGRAVING liPea usM.Rd.AI; )oFil es uhMRed t0t )o Gordon A. Leslie, Arton. S' AI T GALT Timotisy; T. J. Brownridge, George- ,ir. 1 151 MAItown. _____________________ Pottoes, late: S. E. Griffen do Son, ________________________Acton. C Potaoes. emly--S. E. Griffen d 2 Son, Acton. S During tise morning tise annuel Junior Farmecos Judglng CompeUt- OIL BURNERS ionsoin Groin and Seedu. Potatoes aeî AVAILABLEC NOW Wiitalslres, etc..oere ield witk 44 young men competing. Norvai Clui QUIETr MAY OIL sent tise largeot number etf ompetit- BURNER ors, ils tise Milton Club in second place. Tise top wlnnero mece s toi- = wth storoge tank lomo: Grain: Seniors, Geo. Fisher, automtic controis Georgetown; Juniors, Jacks Stewart, Instelîed Complet. $375 ArIen. 461 1 Smali Seedsî, etc.-Seniors, Anges ee1 CAI.L FOR SURVEY 0F VOUOi McNabis, Geocgeown; Juniors, Fret- by HOME cc MeNahis. Georgetown. I Hs oretesandPoattSSe -~I H LTO N A R lors, W ord Browncidge. George tow n; of SU ppJuniors, Ges. Wilson, Georgetown. SUPPLY Argus Meicaisisof Georgetownoa N MIIL.N ONTtise high Senior ils Fraser McNabb MILTON, ONT., Phone 37 tise iigis Junior. Tise Helton Sme le264J î;remers' 'lrepisy sas won isy Jack Stewart; the SlrsliscoOa Orcisards Tropisy iy Fraser McNoisb and ti ItalIen Cccam and Butter Ce. Trepis 1 1 Iiy Word Bcomnridge. T laughton Laird CAGAY ALERTAN OPTOMTRIST PRAISES WEEKLIES ANUNCES A COMPLETE CALCARY. Aberte <CPI - Payiti OTCLSERVICE tribute te tise weekly pressofetCet. adotie Clgary Aliertan sai! nà For Appoinîmeotu recent editorial tisat "tise gras PHIONE 56 rols prest-the country weeilies con alsvays ho suce et a profennionat IAt Marchandsa - Jewelers and tisecelere sincece end Ifre trisotelen lise officesaoet tieir lacge is eri vice oilise fer ccett- iselisen, tise dailies.' llegs oti May. Aller tiis, doy Tise edileriot sent on teasu Ifth potintocolo mur bte srcînged 1 peole tissy serve iave tise same ap priao fetiscem. Repttlits irttisn cases, nets' "Tettttor et tise cutywe - ":tlv andm:niotrîtoirtmayis i s aisard tvriing, vlulosan to e4 t toP tail Urnes. elles ndeevalued memiser oethi ____________________ "lie_ Hos o ciroicler et it ltfe, of5I tetsanti irths, ils dily roond an ~ ~ o- o ccosseeal calatity . . ise issnt pate toisvt sc ~r reverybodys trouise 7 ,..s jand everyltedlyt jeys. Ho s iellttd - 4 geedly portion et ail progressive put lie ciotn, and eithtie same time tais "'greet pins net te inllict prlvst Imrogor sufferins. "Ho s more Intimalcly a prt Sp tise Ite efiis cemmanlty tissean ît otiser type et writer or editor ra iecomne.flis reward Is net tise o * .t miration oe issproteosienal iscothis ioedisut ls tiseprogressofet is toni and lise ffectionsoetits people. 0000 £S Hie leyalty te is cemmuniiy Av a01Iii4 t flectod b is tsloyalty te hism, an 908 -' ~ .,,.s, many a four-poge weekly set an eos printed isy tise editor hismett, tisea * a Ils circulation msy b sesal aine sendtestiste for corners of th esclis. te old townsfolk in Cslitori s. Cla, Floride, Esgland and tise Antl a odes and otiser ditent pleceu, a pr à portioen of tisat cirtulation wici I iiggest Cty dailios nover isope1 GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY ine TRURO NS. <CPI - Tise Nî% ne Sctia Farmer' Association bas reoe BUY 114SIM &I <aUIR edts golden onnlversary. Promni Angos L. McDensld wseonos andi ýC> of FIC te 50 e nnuel convention et tisea 1 l -soiation te tongratulates tise del A motion picture on "MONEY MAKING MILKING" IN TECHNICOLOR ODDFELLOWS HALL5 QUEEN ST. W, BRAMPTON MONDAY, MARCH 25th 8.50 P. m. This la cf vital Isportaneato ail Dairymen andI aIlare eoMlly ivted ADMISSION FREE Under auspices of ysae Surge Servie. De& oera Peel mai Blatone usassses Horace D. Ailion Brampten On"aj 4ido A4! Buy yossr Now Spring Clothea now. Se. for yourself the. handeone tailered auie s ad niate, epecielly presented for sprlng. You il b. inspreseed by the fine, mnart style andI high qualil> et Moderate Prioem. LADIES' SUITS Smarîiy sîpîrd Suiîs. laiioed just tht may you like tiicm. Mattrials et fincst quality in shados and pattern you prefer. Tscyro finc woel shetlands in varieun pastel shaden, importesi quoliiy worstcds and Engliîh gabardine. Stze 12 te 44. Prices $11.95 te $29.50 LADIES' COATS In ntwsc sfl shodcs for nprîng. Weii tut. boxy sport and drcns touts, that wiii top off any costume for ony occsion. Ceats et sefi fleecc, shags, tweeds, camel haîr and scool gabardine. Siet 12 te 46. Prces .. .... . ..- ...... $14.95 to$2e 5 LADIES' RATS Top your suit or coat wtth ose ef our attractive Sprîng Halo. Smart new feit batisin higis iown sprîng colors. Adorned with sefi vriiing, trim home, and preîty ornamenis. Fiatterîng styles for yothfal Mairon and Miss. CHILDREN'S COAT SETS Ceai and Bennet sels fer chiidrto. Tht ncatcst ceats you have sccn for a long timr iih honet te match. Princess stylt ils and wiîhouî Vlvet Colior. Shetlands and Tweedsnin- clode i n mest attractivecoclors. Sizts i to 6x. $4.95 te $10.95 BOYS' COAT SETS Attractive Doegol and platn Twecds. Ceai and Cap sols t fer hitefelows. Qiic o seletiion le cheose from. Sizts 2 te f6x. Prcs$4.95 te $8.95 e GIRLS' COATS if Scnor Girls' Couis oite idesi range ef colars and stylts. y Loesc hock. ferm filtesi, fisc seft weel moieriais in aIl pastel shades and stardy weod tweeds in varsoos coiers. Siucs 7 te 14x. P -m. $95 te $18.95 BOYS' SUITS d junior Sus. Beys' Soits. Youlhn' Suits. A grand osst- s m et Suits le picase al oses. 2 and 3 Piste sturdy tweed 1, suifs. single and douhlc hrcasied styles. They include shorts, he rttches and longs. Size 24 te 37. Prices $ .5te $19.50 ýo SHOP HERE AND BAVE - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED) OR MONEY REFUNDED 1-Milton Dept. Store it PHONE-------------------- 112 Footwear for the. EStire Faumîy PAGE TIVT HURRY! U HURRY! HURRY! Clearance of 'Last Year's - Wallpapers at Haif Price Phlon3Hardware HMHMHMHMHMHM H M HMHM MH MHMHMHRI IANNOUNCEMENT NARRATED

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