Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 21 Mar 1946, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TMURSDAY, MARC1~ 2iab, 2846 il E'i nfbp ssiv5W0Wf NASSAGAWEYA Tase sudIes dealli ai St. Josept*. Hospil, Cseph on Msday morning oI Mr. Juin MeGegue came as o chock to his mrny frissds ib is dot-5 rnet. e lad bessis taiing heloil ansd mas taien te tse liospitai fori treaiment ast Tsesday igut. Ms1 siefspredecesseolirnabiost rigolO1 yearo ag. He leases t mourut hsi f os ihees daughes, Bessis. Mabel.j and Anna, al ai home. also ose lra-i uher. Acoander amAi tcc sisers. Limze asd Jeosie Metregor, al ut Acton. To the bercaoed facoly ths depesi syrnpathy ai Iis rommsiiy goco ual icteibereavnmcot. Thie St. Ptrirbus Suisper aed pro- gram beld anded Ithe auspicesoftoithe Womcns Assoiation f Elienezer Ui- bled Chudehl ouiFiday svesing as stalioned silli tbe R. A. F. i0Fi FAIM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Tbe Farm Seevice Commtlee of - the Brlingios and District Fruit and WiII be bsid at the faem of Vegelalile Croes' Assocation metl GEORGE TARZWELL t tbe borne of Mr. Jobs Allen. Kinga 161k use. Erns, Lot i5. adjoining thes Roodi, os Tassday eseslng iv dionussa1 cidERin Cenre Disciple Cliorcli on -FRI5AY. MIARniS iind. 1946 the laor siuation for the coming1 ELLIOfI' & HIHDLEY. i sesvon. B Auctioneero 1 Decîsing is ualmovi conidencesln iis country and ormnaoty and ex- presing the opiniosnIliat tereswuld AUCTION SAlLE lie no viortage oflulmbe n Canada, iis year A. S. Nicbolson gave a moti lu ibig drestote iLions CsibLOAL FiOSIPOSE GRADE SHORT- ainthernoladronou IIth IBant SENS. REGISTEREI) AND GRADE I ibeda regue lncbn s i ratORKSIMIE 100% 1SEED RI Inn ondy evnin. - ANI) POTATOMM At a specool meeting of the on cousicol. bridt on Fidsy evenosg last T5hhlR.SIAV. APRIL. uS in te cuncl cambr, ancionwas R. N. BROWN on Ie eano-l obombe, aaclutoms No, 7 lglis y. aI Actas do en 10 lite auobhoeizsg of os ogres- l:i».oo'îANI) hiNDiFY, ment froc, the tlscn yrmtting thon Auioneoes AS.Nichoolson and Son L5cbeeCo.Ooo('uritý,,lerk B Io co ý,Ontaitco Street o-it, a pros- oo-- - - -o- - - - - - - -<LFARI'thesmai ouiinoa ucoevsful colni. There mas a lin e ncois racnion Brant Ave.- A C N S L coud ccood cliîo tnîoysd the upper îGazette.o-O S L and peogrom.____ Ancîber eico of mvine PitUre 1UTA -'%'.IEIF ,YR films ens put on the sreccn by Mo.itLT5 W. IIEOFERS.ORE R. S. Hsalbeiselooln Bioomsbury IIORNBY IMPLFNIENA, aIIRIN, TRAPOR I INIPENIETS, IRF, P05ITR Solfat Wedceoday asilro-reusfuti DAIRV FqIIMN the sebolars cf -cco sNo. 5 and 91i -l' ooe,-Monof 0the Beibol Uioo t,-ioconoo vlonoes tse and inbhe esenlng fortbe adults. ltc-t o- ,lhola-cmu crit- ie.igned ao,,totit.onflçhv Miss Liddîa Hecry, nurse in train-t ,- iotto on Wndnesday fiecnoon.1 GRANT BAKER ne ai Hamilton visitad itllilier par- noglig icseladdcdd T elb ulcacinn is BctsubMrilandveebemek- nry of o.îs ms asulperefor relurco-d men furco. f,oi f1.. on. 4, Top. cf Trafai- Broovill ovr th wek-en. ccd m'orenslobe gioco on tbe 29hib 1 oi clsecus of Miltonon o M. asd Meo W. F. Botes sîanfdbi onlo1 qlî,jui esoîl TEtDAI. MAR(tI iSili dougflerisi tIasîpAi visitedurelatIvesl 6lrCmenrlcto ;tlf1.1 scîcci, tse dand fenof celNs sam reyatvesî Ss- oosed. o-as on dospiay. 'T'o-eprel- lollOownif; an rî ns nNasgw. tatSu-iient, Mes. Emo-cvoc Ford. gave a lfIOlliF.S I Bilaf i-tcding. nise Cieule votsg ec fo 11e n ,s-y fisi- reportof cisicet-i-cnt Pnes-- os.7 ou)611; 3flo-Grey Cirula %ain bes fr hO ar--docg, rising 8 yo s eototi 60 esanc1the order oi tbe day in litheoco oic tI o t01' I.<COSAiIEFii iiletrct a arolthe mittistco, îles. Fred Al5-lloHolsti o. tooivtitre ofsl:1 _______________ -io. lobrel-ly sjooon the sced for;Ayicsiot-o, (lt, A1rii 5:1 Ilitoo- lot-Oit-clotloy in thé - 0115mband ti iîti oit , intoi fouloto-. roi lotd; i f5AMPBELLTTTTIL 1a rlmiayfopricp olstein C0o,titfui floow. lreol Fe.b i ytlminryiv iuticp-14- i HolsinlsCois,ln fuli lsobe le ninVisitation Evangels"n 'Tbe' jn M;1 v i fo rseyo-o. ln fiflow, Wediing eIlswereringng i thi Devitnal J'criaot mas labo-n by Mrs. 1 I a,5 losenlvfr u Wclbi4Saiu omsoni andth1e tuoly bobobu Mcv .'Ma% .;1 pot Aycntle-andelt5ieriey~ disoto-t Salut day oben Mcvý. Ettea1,I SVlvon mu- uniled in moccluge iO Mloîsol- U . d u Ma 3;1,o- tscoli owMuc M. Wiiam Huo-biy.Hcs. Me. AfI i-- om- 1 b Blyuoo bttv lot-bk1J-orsylf-i, duet- li15f bihtbiof Feno-iloon officiacol. M. adoedt ie SI. SepthenvoAnglican (fouet-b1I lottil toilettot d- o Atirt. '5 Mcv Abe-rt(Crwimghbot oi Fc,-lo-llon cFtitluy noenoîoefor tli o ,('ciiu toiOin H-rt 'o 11N .i, et 1 ooo-edosbcimasvoluionvfbe- l of JPrayer mo-o-ice. Me. Wl- ic-lSto. f;t0,fis lotO l,cd: iIHoti lihelfes, 6 mos.; or. Re-cptiionmos fild iduth1e home itt-oiTtoci(stt s msliceKoy Wtrio; .)ils lo ieifiq-o tliis': 1 is inivct l), i.ftandlMes. (ocrlwt lsitFrce- Ms. Fco-insmoricl gave n onddeesit-Il Cltf tic. Thoe bappycosuplen vît-ci tîeit o -bic iogs (b altue ftîr our 70111< tf05015ANI)i 100f I loe oinut Paris Station aolîelî îO "-Mev IlHarold acism nd'ati 1 troi ow-lotil8brtitt-t- figs eny home f th brie's sster IMr. ClaenceWiot oso-its11.iYtk (titinbs.;1Yr ttimoflebeicosots. Me. l,-ocnrnWilon sari sg O I-loti. lîco-oMarct- 10; 251 fegbhore No. 1vsehoosfortmforumn met onvsolo. TheAsbrtoebhueeh liaitthe flotis Mooslu>enn g ib Arhie Caidns i angesl co-(oicsen latioc. I TIAClOIR ANfI) lMPLEMENTt1. acting as thirmuil. Discussito h lotrclylUledii-tloul, IIIoug iC 1M.fl,12 Juiuoor Teotr on. grrufis top00 mas Con Ibth eol b -tooo vlotttmi iI oîie, ulbet miitosiulec, licbis andel tti 1 11ffl's nio me ,I th Jonte of' * te ernw Aoog.1947,;iTetoo Oîd ? A danoce folloced mitt, Mileco sMr.scnd MisSaneyn fesomont on >Seow -Ibm: f 1Corbobuti Double j orchbestra suflying cecMuio. Mr. Mtiesiay evn-ieg. Morb ifth. I ic ts I. e-o-.1fInt-fueno Walter Ferrîie mus fissemasager. svolteNeocosliit cr-eofthelion-yî Culiotîl1'otos: f ft. 3-section fDraog Oe Fidoy esening a St. PatrIrbo gram, aolgoe edie (5lisvs 6 or: i M. H.iGrain Cinoor, and avea radig (i tl sut- 1A"plate; 1 Cocboitli6 fi roîn vuyfior isis sersed n tbe bsement je- le foot Moment. Wiirna 1 hneo t1f ft.il 1. Maîse 011 Bahil: of St. Dfist Churclo by lie Ladies Sn-isocvang s solo acoompanîrd by11 it. i liStei-oIfiyfLoader 1 M H Aid, iv a larec rocd. Pecgeam mas Curne Canein on flitepano. Mrs 1 Side Dfi io-y hlsli: i rubber tii-co vufpîtolly arplefoifeîîartti. (ffoeo Wigecs ocb svnotreprîWagon: Fiat Ilhy tRacb; 1 Set Ieed NUPPied y Cmphelvile qarttteClifordWriglesorlt Ia f are ee> 1 , s -v-ion; M. H. Ns. 51 MisLyla Caiens, Mes. George Bacli oi tiie-Yung pctoio-o fion bec t WrokegPo M. IL Go-sos Dnull, atnd Mc.Orner Vassicile. Rs 5;emooln'bio atroso i h.bot mîtb fcileeor autahmeoi: i Johbe Machoil oas cisirrnsn. Res. Soeday bl. lIons Bromn read lie vot Slotopo litigloo: GrinlaBomer oand Goredoc Poe of Hilton vbo-eolscifturd evsnoand ohnfIStank lie 29)0fofoie; Grcin Convoyer, 35' log; piueisonvoebotad and fpfaces lefotayer. Fni]plnswremac Hi acîeso.651gsi. anti 45 gal.:Eleel- Finl Osos ier mdefor rit- Fen-or ;Forlis 1 551Brcecrhtig vilvol mwhitehnssseass. enyelniningftiîc Y. P. l.f boilohlitccoss: îlot-o: Ibosss, (Cicanit sic Fricodv and lrelatives of Mr. Jul Asbgrooe andl Bsibe. Poggy feor- f O)AfHY EQUIPMENT i-H1sm1 Ellisit of Milon are piae o la r mont bail charge of tbe darnes and' Millier, 2-unoi Witt' motor, pipesao2 lie ld a ucosofufopcnaiossrcfcsîmcîs ilere -nec23 yns-oorurn f alis; Steaner; 1 ilnicof Mieshd a. Oceothe Geerul Mnons- rshet.Thr ec pe 6f-lon Ccler, toniee:Miii Coit: Mondy. e i In he eneal Hs- nt.MiiiPolils; 50 fi. ruiber Gardes pftlai utHamilton.sMe. Josephlo Romari, brot-er cf fose. Mrs. William Smith andl Herbert Mes. Edcoî-î Brlgoiee fosserd gaoy IiAY AND (IRAIS 10 ions Clcscc visited e. anolMrs. JaesRedd lo-t y. meif eured: 50lias. of Bar- vstdy. adMs.JmsEaefy ot suddenyin Tootnlon Oto urday, ey: ibus. cf No. 1 Red l Cosor ssol) Suda.Mardi 2nfi. Meart ause s hasaid ta Terrms: Cavsh soihernent citb ceri Mr. andl Mro. George toglis and base bren 01he cassaf flia dealli. o Clsy of voie. fsmly attsnded ils fuserai ufthes Te Lees fornify bave moved Imb pNo resereolis faralaso n latteras graodrnoticr t Migrove on the former Williams home, chicl i-tolript-is glief sp armine. Mosday, tic laie Ms. Margret Aso tlOy lhave pureiased, and iii carry i1. A. EKijtOfl, NOY HfNDLEY. AutIoneers Manile, cis as bin lier 92od reor. on Ils buteler business as asuaf. RH FORDO, Ciorli B Quality Work Shoes Ful lisnes Of SISMAN'S - HYDRO CITY - GREB H. C.-Fuil Grained, Doublc Solc Army Ploie $4.95 Sioman's Full Groincd, Douîble Solc, Goodycar Weli $5.75 --- -------- (.LUKU ,I, w i- M NEWS of the DISTRICT The discussin on the 1946 budget I ku h retrpr fthie aven- ing on Tliursday, and counil mas fin- jaly auccesoful In strlklng a 40 milI VariosItemsa Concerning Activitie.i Consmunities Nerby rate. Where Many of 0ur Renders aXe Interested M or Cordon W. MeLintacli, for 16 easmanager of the loca braseS of the Canadias Banki of Commerce la LOW VILLEZIIMNLRiNIN retirn front lIe service of the Sanli LO'" ILLE and M.R. . Ireiasd of Windsor bas - boro sypoisird to lobe is place. TOc eMooo-i eeotcingoof 1the W. A ofi Il - Woo esAs ou-iltio- loItboir McJ. P. Isoonilic. aoel),celialise Si. Gesorgec's(bureli, Loc.slie, omet noootl.o meeting l,îst Wdnesdos of liohe clel tet of Municipal Af- aithbehome of Mrs.Ceo. Catle Wei- oieeooon authteoshorne ofMrs. E. iir, gav aninformtie taikotbe nesday afleesoon, Mardi l3tb. witli Pattersos citb tbe peesident, Mrs. A. al5w County assessisg ystern at a tbe presidesi. Mrs. Rsrry Richaed- Patteeson presidine. The program joint meeting af Georgetown and Es- son sn charfe, Mrs. Wili Powell consisted of as instrumental by Mc. siosing Councito beld ln thie Municp- read the criiture. It ovs decided 10 L. Gowland asd a reding and con- ai Building lat Friday nigt.-Herald. start oms plants or a saie lns tbe test by Mrs. Greesîesso. A dainty sprisg. Ms. LoePowelicusdocied lunhwsssereiedby tbebuotess. - a Bblcai quiz contes1. Miss Cowliio Leoten Seevice mas liru in tbe FOR SALE read sarissiosoty stoey of Cina. At- Usitcod Cbrcb bost Wedtesdav niebl. Hlstein and Jersey Coc,, o eai lerwoards s daisiy luenbhoas seeved MeodMs amsCroei o î-oucer. due Mrcb 23eo. Appiy and a social balf bouc enjoyed. Dna iie atwekwt r. tnPoi. l'-T J. Hunier tnd Mr. and Mes. A. Hun- ter. FOR SALE K ILBRIDE Mcv. C. Bridgmnon pent the oest- 501 Oce faim of good ciay loarm, ail end snGobsîille. oocliobte.10 o oom btick bosse cilî lurnuce, moderneth otroom, boni bars The Kiîbeode communty rs tend- St Lesli, Bouluoce, M.M. of Brsnt- o lb goo stables, oiler ouibuiilss, ering abanquet intbebhall on Friday fard,. sioîd illo tle (Galbaitb fam- Oydco tiooogtout.2 gcoud ello. For esesone 10 ail tbe boys in ibis dis-i-ly oser lbhe weeki-enoden rosiee rsrn furiber isformations oîpty netsoo bveseceds ie crnsleo--eoin hn dororg cmm li 41-2 R.EARL GALBRAITH rictwhohav sered n te ametirecivig hi dichage rom he 0-2 Ril. No. 4, Hilton, GOnt. forces. Eacli guesti s expecled to scooy. Pbone OOei, Molton bring o frieod. A prueram and con- (meD.G albraithi roceived lbs dis- CAsaLINO ALL LIVESTOCK MES ceert ill follow the banquet to whlch aref- oh am l seeli. To stop couglis. codo, ditemper, i tbe iublicearec ivited, after cicb ail Sgt. K. E. Frencbhoand Ms. Feenchi levo ltime bhan y os ever tbougbt pos- areinvtedto njo th liht antst-andEal sîsiled Sundoy st C. V. sbe cilb ZEV. the remarlioble vet- lfor the reminder of the evenisg Bidgmns linaroa ad bronhlt ract.nZoEV, Mes. N. Sbsat and Ms. M. Cari-t ra an bochltat.ZV wright o-es prizes insera ai the M. and Mes. Bert Smihi of Nel- made Sy the mabero of Bclsys sucirepary hld n te cmmsîîyson and Me. and Mcv. Feed Harbottie Mxture, gives arnaing reoultu ln thie bail os Wednsday esetoone. The of Loovilie peni lsol Tborsday oves- Most tubborn cases. $1.00 a botîls Miller orchiestra furnialied music for log oilliMr. and Mrs. E. Paîteroon. aI N. L. Picliet's. the dance.____ TENDERS WANTEIS The adis aItbeW. . prasneo'Tenders wilii lie received up untii The ladies of the W. A.Tbsrsday, Mardi 28, 1946, Sy the us- ibirpiy ocde FitG4i10 an D fL.Nif desigsed for panting asd decorating appreciatiseadience in Loosilie Un- Milton Public Library. Detaila of lied Churc last Friday evening. - corlto be dne maybelie a (rom A nsmbee froilo ers attended ilite Tbe Womes ami Mes Teacliers M. R. MeAndleso The lomet or any banquet and concert ln Mernoriai Federolios Associaion of Sosthi Mal- tende sot secesarily accepteol. Hall. Carlisle on Mosday evening,1 toit bsid s dinser on Tsesdoy eseisg 40-2 Sec., Llbrary Board usder the ouspices of the Unted en Tinily tUnited Cbsrcb gymnasim. _________________ Clisecli Choi. Me. and Mrv. Harry Hanna, Bur- M. asd Mes Wm. Miche oece linglon Ave, bas-e cceved mord iliat (LEARINO guestv on Suoday oitb M. and Mes thisidougblee. Moey bas sois joised AUCTION SALE F. King and Mr. and Ms. G. Watson her busband, F0O. Pairies T. Hunt, aiWaerow. n rusls Blgum wer b s ti $5.25 Creb-Flcovy Duty, Arcli Support, Double Sole $5.95 Otlicr Lises of al icather work sooc frorn $3.65 to $3095 Greb-Policc Shor, Full Groîned Caif, Double Sole,$82 Goodyeor W clî ..... ........ ........... 8 2 Tom Dear & Son MILTON Old Company Lehigh OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STOKER FOR FREEDOM FROM WORRY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker ANDS LIVING.STONE OIL BURNER INSTALLED AND SERVICED) PIONEER FEEI)S CEMENT -LIME LR. S. ADAMS Phn ! . . ... ...... ... ......Nihtsa16 NEW 1946 FORD ON DISPLAY SAT. MAR. 23 Here is ltie- osi licoutoful Ford ever boli wiili more ad- vancements ilion maey pre-mor yeoriy models. Tiseren oa ccc, ride, improord cconomy in oil and gasoline, iongee if 1e . . . agd massive, ricli secstliig. We cordioliy invite you 10 corne sn and sec flic smart nec, 1946 Ford on Soîurdoy, March 23rd, 1946. Early's Ford Sales and Service CAMPBELLVILLE PHONE 382-3 Sismanas-FuIi Graned Horsekide Double Soie PAGE FOUR ISMaIIAdvertise me nts Adcet ti.ot. tsad-r thi. knh= A,OâItoa.W srds. nWsa«!a. à per word aiditiosol for *h oshad FOR SL 1sorn, due to farroon any Urne. PHONE 199r4 FOR SALE Bell Qegan, good t00e. Apply PHONE 88r2l MAN WAJOTEt> Forîoitionasu Janitor. APPIY IE BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA. Milton, Ont. FOR SALE Seed Barley, Gsi rs variety. Apioiy A. E. CAMPBELL, Plione 92r2, Milton- FOR SL Improved Eariy Askla Oas, grade MEL. HUNT, WANTED To rent or boy, 5-roomed bouse. Write P. O. BOX 192 FOR SALE Guroey Cooki Store, warrnsg clos- et, reservoir and ovter front. PHONE 277r6, MILTON FOR SALE W. A. CRIPPS Plione 257r14 FOR SALE Seed Oas, Ajax., grume f romn regis tered eed second generation, aise Tirnotby oeed. ALEX. HUME, Plions 156r5 LIVESTOCI( FORS SALE 50 chice breeding ewes due in0 April, Moy. Corne and se tliern. CULLEN, Ricbvlew Side Rood, Westooo FOR SALE 1 Sprlng-tootb, 3 section drag Cultivtor in At condition. GORDON HUME Plione 156r14 FOR SALE Queber Heter and pipes. day b.d. bail tree and Sali table, rocking echair clisot of drswers and odd diohes. PHONE 375W STOCK FOR SALE 75 feeder liogs. average 120 15e. sonh, aiso soovo due In April. CULLEN, Rlrbnlew Side ltoad, Westsn FOR SALE Home-mode Tracter, russlng gsod, will bondIe 2 furrow plow, sîso 1 tused stock poomp. Appiy H. ARMSTRONG, Pbone 159r21 FOR SALE Cartier Oas, rommercial ose, ger- mination 99 per cent. Apply COLIN E. BEATY, Plione 282r12 R. R. 6. Milton FOR SALE 411 fi. oitdmilfl In ot cisso condit- io.Apy J. E. MeKINNON Pbone i5Sri2. Miton SUFFERINO FR096 DACRACUF*o Rbeumstlc Pis, Scistica, Lumbago le sot neresry. Use RUMACAPS a once for quicli relief. Kerro Doug Store. (2) FOR SALE Tem oPercheo borses,3 and 6 yrs. old, Appiy BRUCE COVERDALE, R. R. 3, Compbeliviile FOR SALE O.AC 21 Seed Borley, 97 per cent. germination. Appty HORACE BARNES, Pbone 266r14, Georgetowno FOR SALE No. i oeed oats, Urbon and Cartier, $5.011 per buobel. lso ruliber lied w'agon, troctor or boroe hidi. Apply CORDON ROBINSON Plions 98r21 FOR SALE Polrocf mcli mtrbed dock gray Percberos, 5 yeoro old, sound and gesile, seigbt ueound 3200 Ibo. Apply JACK FENNAMORE Campbelviile FOR SALE 2 Holstein Covo, 3 yeoeo oid. Firot naît by side. Freobenrd Mardi tli, Applo J. A. M. TAYLOR Loi i5, Concession 6, Hoenby WANTED Live Pouitry wanird. Hîglisot prie- spaid. Coul RUSSELL INCLIS Teirybone Milton 234r4 26-26 R. R. 1, Compbleville EASTER LILIESl FOR SALE All ordero must be In by April 15th 10 insure delivery. Orders talen by pbone, Clt 257J 40-3 JONES CREENHOUSES Milton WANTED Deod Horses and Cattie for fre pick up. Plions Milton 210. We psy plione ciarIg. GoR ON YOUNG, t.TD. 25-52 Plisse AD. 366, Torontu% FOR SALE Coversment standard No, 1 Ajax Seed Ons, germination 98%, lat in Field Crop Competition, Mlton Fair, a tiff stroced, lieovy yling rust reololont varlety. J. H. WILLMOTT Plions iSril Milton, Ont. NOTICE Boob-keeping ond Income taxsers- vice available Wedtoesday and Tiosos- day of sonh weeb, arrange appoint- mrentu citli Mes. D. R. Timbers, West Mary St. D. M. TIMBERS APPLICATIONS FOR CIIF i0F IPOUICE Appicstions aeldreosed to thie under. igned for tbe Position of Chef of Police for tie Tows of Milton. Duties to commence on appoisiment, State saiary espected. Thee iowest or any tend er sot necesrlly accepted. - 41-2 JAS. W. BLAIN, Clark THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THuRSDAY, MARCH 2»t IM

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