Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 1946, p. 4

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PAGE POURt - -~ZIMMERMAN USE ?NEw sysTEM Notice to Creditors ~ f TO PACK APPLES- NEW S 01 the jD . IS A I er.dlhfis.A'I etHutattend- PNITN . C)-Anwin the malie cf thebateho f RAMY SmaII Advertisenents I IJohn Mahon a, Csmpbeiiviite iast systein cf parking apples,smilar to Esquccsng, la thec occalI'Of HaMac. dec u . atsdr thiisdiaa8 I ~Friday afternoon. the manner ins which eggs are packed Fam-mir, DeecociL53c oah euh order ce te oiscda HUIiPIDi MAGH end mith i cousin, Regiad Smith u y British Colmbis TIrer Fruit, tAl peros having cams againat ahdc.ctaccsytfor hndc Deimar Oairsith spet the wec-a1e cartns forWretil, iseheeCotricd dditinoai crd. ir crd.MW Where Masiy of Our Readera are Intcrced __ tPîrn imtWMr ds2~cs~ 0 naeo sc iiolt ftc t~ci it i hre ai_________ ___or__an2000 cntin Townhip of Esqueaing,dincth eCsunty iccei Mr. ccd Mrs. Goldie Cartwright ers hsve becs osed for ttis se5555. o HltsFaier àdcesc, h ccd Mr. ccd Mrs. J. C. Rtsgers arc Theca first chipmets havene isfl ded os or shout tcihdyc HORNBY OMAGHviiticg frienda ln Ottawa. cent t0a&Il parto of Canada, shipped 1e ainto46,are usegsted taSlci WE Mrs. Buroneli Bridgiman reiehrated coder normai conditions. oceoronnfoe the 23dr day oicMar Transpiortation daiiy 10 Oalsvilte '19 iîcob YoogPeole haos 11 ChC ee,'lll h 1e aro ',..h,'r iineyfilih ithday lbot Thora-! The nom melhod lo nomed flic Fri- 1940; otheemîse the escale mil c 'Flcaforle\Yrng aole' X0iin ,11If *î,le, homel ortf Fa nForldstributed o'Ithout regard t10 hird î-e utuni ea e.adSto cat Onagh aaalald Moday ee- dy eray2td ttehm ffay i uaco aed after its ovector, îaavl. WANTED mitetas e. BomelcofteMr.inh nd or, a 4 aiic eni h er daughiter. Mes. Arthue Smithc and Paul Friday of Portland, Ore. Ecch GEORGE E. ELLIOTTf, Girl te art as househoid aid he- MM.ltonlJh ofoPnlenith. AhoUt tOneOtynappie 10 oestnd tactsaionoeg Tla Mr.tSmiiltonPanerreo About 4.30tccdi7.30,pin.arioiy os Monday evenicg, Feheuary 25t. atecdanca cous 25 mîîh hies.PerY o h meit aly r rs pl anetdjs sa g ans-Slctr1tn 40ad .0 pHONE 308y Pcggy Learocont had the topie, hch Merry, preident, ln cageHilto nlt onanerOct Magte rhe 196 9- utor PHONE 308________ was on Sewardshiii. Il was decided guet speakers for the evenisg mere est for the occasion. carton la uoed. Woodec posta tneacch MloOtMrhlt 96 3- ta Invite thc Y.P.U. of hoth the Aîh- Mr. Willume ccd Mr. Bradley corser tahe the weight whcn the car- WAsi'rw grove ccd the BeUcci United Churche Cemtecto f rom LimehoUse Forain, ton îcascled.MS.ARYDCS to hoe preserit and take part ln the o ho gave a detalîrd expissatios ccd G O GEr Two ooardera. Apply ineeting t10lho heid on March 18th in drococcirsîlon on 0cm ta operclea e .1m erîinntes contact brulslsg, __________OF_______ictoriaStreetMilto the Horshc' United Church. Fivee Faria Foirum, schirh avas maucc au- "Msc's Park," Belfounlalne muni- speedo pschlng, cesiles no prolecl- IULTURE SHOIVING FOR SAL-E dolascma voted for Hissions. preciated hy ail. nier home of t9e laIe C. W. Mach hasuIce paper wrspping and mahes U -ooeirn-huc.Icieit The Scîhel Young Peoples Union _______ eca soid and purchssers are picn-s-cction easy. Wter-prosfed, spd -roL..i osseobAriybue meit lced ls eeiof s hLcurh ing t0eîlchalich ascummer hotni and lsly ip l-recîrd Irsys check scsld CHAMPION OFFICE choolroom os Friday eveicg, Msrcrh iler mecca cn the Peel Counly acd other dtorage diceacea and permit lait. Evelys Ssl iehd charge cf the C M BhL I eauty spot familiar t10 iny George- more rcpld cooling of fruit ili cld i MFRSL 1rorSls. Me. Sanley Turnee gave -. omcerc. toroge. RdDra adet rse an neetn totk os the generai n- The Grace Mission Bond held ihele MissBecleice Pt caJoan Bon R e cnanr sd o h mediDeyherode 10freh gaiainof t9e Yung Peoples Mrch meeting et 1he home of Ruth acad Me. Ormie Corter mere msrried esperiment mece made ln 1he Unit- Commenccf Maich 111h, the PHONE 156r31 Union ic Canada ccd cfterwacdaeoeets. The rice-preecdent, NreSoîuesiay, Fehrusey led, ln St. Pals ed States, but If Il procci icircemfol chen iii he Dhows t-g cosducted a quiz. Ecri Ford rend lise Bracrn, psesidcd. The sciptuce les- Aglican Church, Norvai, hy 1he Eev.1lhey ccnhe mansfacturcd econcinîr- oueCauctye sof Hatho. RlihI hp sTh iyle ii Bihter aL esson. Oorothy ourse tOc cn rsrous ered by GerinCaloicelMe. Leigb'Pich, etre, lip cn Canada. Seversl millions ilime empîaymenî., peaer ndBety Heya pcineslit cc pape ofecd 9 Main Hod.Ta'a hethees mho huve seeved foc bave heen used in 1he United Satea Miss Elbe] Cbcpmcc deiigned ELSLEY'S FR1010 LOCKERS led "Hic Lcmp." Lois Mery wma i Aoc Porher gvecaeecllclioc. "Jut sevreul eoru overseox etuened t10lacd good recullo have bcen repoeled. this 0cm itches and mas on . ACRACIES GO QiIICRLY, aftca the piano. These ece shot twenly- Mary". Nore Braon and Boboy Cunada ogeiber lest eeh In 19e _ _bon__ hid duicg acli19e ihootinth afler Set dose. RUitACAPS lwo- fiee prescrt. Alîe the meeticg lise Loch eaeh plcyed piano olos Mr3 erson fC__- S Nc rw direciof the mshing of tbis way action sttschs 19e cause, reiievca pay, which la ucdee peparalion was McPiîee rend c story "DrySaonaiPt eret'.Bon film, tOc pain. Eerr's Deug Store. (5) prsrticed. Plas" freom 1he slsdy hook. Ms.LeodfI.ourbeeldH ra o. ad LIFE 0F THE HOME TOWN ______________ Menies renod cshort chapler frM. LooftueideofM. n- This la 19e pirture ail tOe lad- FOR SALE The snow plows have been doingfroinMec William Schenh oI 1he Glen t epecnwl s hmevs10lshv enwligfr n uidn os eto riae p he oo o imsheecs urrodsa"Church 5BelsColicg." The roll clI etuen îrom service overseas, Licul.teoptre cc ettigal ckteycmcland f colesOcebee wittg fr, nd uldiglos hn FAiNagOREYA sleae gofd mow, nib isg or s oau as acccred 'hy "Somethicg 10 ho Bertha Seheal rame home isst mccl should cul of 19e life of their home Iherefore accloos 0sec aid ered ofhsnom, cctd.ti or 5Thanhiol For." The meeting masson19e Queen Elzabeth. Seyar elioeatlby oadcc c cus everyhohssdiespn y om raNKSretMiltn ciosed mith praper hy Joan Kng. The hscquet emomt cn19e Oddîeî toms Ose of the principal thînga iaee mI50ilscehchOc ccCmmria Stethelo vhegiesy machltblck frcpprecHllialedey ecraedwi l a he donc cn getîcg tOcheil twhlch bum aher nemore crous teFOR SALE hrgtismed quilobtshiochobea o abiWl msoeiaostand r119 ýthe boine toms life Oci 10 offere, lata oum ifesue. cdmr lesn Imprsved Eaely Alaska Gats, grade short avlylime.hMes.Rhets ered b ht n les9emr nStr-le a eeguicr reculer ccd cohicriber 'ME1HUT LO'WaV'.LEts the"Whocee Home. feagpsd ccdIfor milleNT lovlyluoh shîismccecoy d y a hil tcda lme s otn Mlbn e- 10 9 oeim cnppr f Nasasagaweya Tawnchip mill Phone 229J2 R. R. 4, Brantford The ruserai f the lto hIcs. Wiac. -qee i mtoees rececîîp reurcel pyou rend that sheet you 900cr about 9 flestiri10a sceibis film,. tOm Piket ashldonThrsa ale- ro heAredSevce ad herail the activilles ccd doiisgs cf tOc Esquesing, Trafalgar ccd Nel- FRSL trnwt evcei h ntd C O vva sered ervis. d1ehome ton. You flnd sut wbst ben- sn.NemeombeuprigOStpiano, rosewood Pichît ai hîd o Thesdp cier- A~'ION alac acl soeetefils an cd sdvstcreis aecavatable, finish, in firet clams condition. Apply Chusrh. Roc E. M. Carter mc as inProbltpfor tl irs edime ln the ed o n î emisaI pounihsve te The Warble Fiy fîtslm ili0e W.READMEAD charge af 19e service aisted hy Roc. Me. Wison reported ta 19e Pub- pIst l lecty p 5ersa = Ggetomc n- cc lhe.c howoduricg tOc mweck cf Phono 85 N. J. Trucs ai Ccrlie. Durisg tlie rUîiteo omlsl that plans tî'rrnîiitr tetam e imc IseArasdo tc chre esceadeantages. Mcrch l1119tb 1110 n Nausaga- FRSL tCssmmisssionaol. li1usnWheo there re public meetings, en- mepo Tomnship. This fim hOsaFRSL seraice the mle quartette sang. Tise soulidle mode to icsaol largpreropper I tA îeecimecs.or vets.10 hoe îredyheitcocsîhacgoo ilmlnhoothehrtseiBun.!i- pallbearerc aere sx grccdsoco. Davd acd more ransissemers for eselsin inl l ay'ssiis ofai 551 O. 001 .-per ltispou cil sh ho9m.eTOc 1eadothe he Tmoh. Ilquant i Rd LiovrhScedl,.is Picoit Wiisa PikeI. Lsli Psh- eciocoai isetao hi ssrh lrrid.home palper deserihes ln deloil the other film entltied 19e "Hanse- MES ho.eRIC9r ot, AI Pichet. lHasvey Pchett ccd ahsoild 9e dace duriogth11e suoamee - crcOdsoe hp isscal, rganiotiocs, ccd ed Gocît" s la icludcd nPhn S Hasvep Peudbsm. Nec transfosirmera taserve industrel, N ASSA,%(; AWT7EY.\ 1,15i publirty lc s greot aId tc il pu- this peogran. WANTED Tise Facm Faoian met an Mocday sertionsmwere aico disrucsed ac nomhlile movemeclo. Lice Poullry mciled, HîgOccI prie- cvecsog athtec home ai Me. Velma ladmerehbeing addcd.espd.Cl Norris. Tise suhecet ander discoas- Corpleiig ceuriy ais pears in 9t'he c Sîsut1 îsf ibis,cammunîîis ad.Cl RUSSELL INGLIS to as*Wisat about expert imark- rmp sn Worid Wcr II oci acveterai oses out tsc Mi. George T. Ilamyson Telephoce Hilton 234r4 eots?"Eeiewspae n uc ftefrtWrdWr n.P e-ýon ntermr 26-26 R. R. 1, Csrnpbellville wcu seeved. ncreamee laAcîo ast Thurs- 1 lssreaemrct. throufh the desih of !e uu îANTE» Miss Marlon Radhead af Toronto dcy. le wao a pseccer an the thue ile ond cither af 19e home. l &petitth1e week-end c 0 home Qceec Elizabeth and, seeced five Osiog ctise ieasn Sta m s n cd M NOW IN STOCK . . . DORMEYER * Dead Horses and CaIlle for free ece. eorsovoereeci hisrhed rondsson 'reslay, 1he arueMph one charges. M. ccd Mc. Fanl CollBng acd M. Mes. Young, Churrh Sreet, Atoc. sssnsle Of Mr.Charles Ryder mas GORDON YOUJNG LTD. 9401cm Ccbing, Hamilton ipent Suc- entetaioed at o trousseau Ies for: issslssseduscili Sturdaylesot.35-2 PoneAD. fl.Tornti day cr119 M. ccd Me. Melfard Cl- liec daugbîce. Miss Mary Young, cl Wîîh 1he 'ituraids cn macp homes 1VA I M FOR SALE cm mtoohM x e u One slave iCicre Jecrel mitO Imo The Ceasadees of 1th e d In the gicriaus finale of t9e 41-46 shuesîscahave hads mIl attemincrsUieda MA.ND FRUIT JIJCER al no ,aly a eigo r eek-end- Charch heid thele ceehiy meeting on seoson, ArIas lancers]bit ouI t10 t itsmoclh. A*j ' e J nin SCLwek-end Tissrsdcy eccing lat et 19e homo tesan arryicg Georgetown retorc hy lit. and Mss. Reg. Wissocd M.: :Mii .tret HloIt, f Mr. ccd He. Venan MeAîhar. a one gocl margio l Thuesdsy. Erncest Wilson of Atoc vlited reci0 0E OdS'OENHUEB LW cith s good alenulancc. - Free Press. ntaives and irienda cnl Eoalrhhoii on Mi -E é ýHu S LW£ M. acd Mes. F. W. Harbottie rail- c..._______ iundoy al M Opeciai on Pot plants. Cusnerla Josph ohisonThece mas a smoi gatheclog of 1heM RADIO SALES AND SERVICE primalas, misod pccs and 01e car- cd on M. and Mes. Joeh oinoletues. We have a gond sdock of rut of Hamilton. foemely ai Nelson on KILBRIDE Sioomnshsry Farin Forum group a lwr-51psok, afdl n Thuesday eenicg lest, il bcng the lise Scisoboc nMonda es'eclcg. *M tuiioresas stockc,4sf fdigstoc. ffty-first csniveraary of Iheir wed- - Mes. Arhur Nightinugale ano n* . -M Weddicgs and fuceral moek dace, dicg. The W. A. ai t9e United Charch BsrI of Orocceilile crc gueits cletj - am io PHONE 376 W e PHONE 207 1w(1siriseeFeruary meeing aI tihe the Raherta-Wehher csptiaic in St. R .J.H a ilon392POE27 home of Mes. Win. Mtchie. T9e' Nhla' Agia hrh aeiwCIIGALUET 9 priscideot. Mes A. Wetherait presid- o Feruacrp blO MER SRE OPOIEPBICS )To stop coughs, coldc, diclcnpec, ut NASSAGW EYA1 des. The deotoal perlo u in la Mr. Bert Nighticgale of Ornel...........u u u u u u . . ecs lime than pou ever thougOt pas- charge oi Me. J. Liliyeeop. Others aillie sprat Suodcy cr19hlics parents, I ihie mth ZEV, tOcecinmarOahie vat- S.S. No. 7 cnr'uigt tepora eeM. ccd Heu. Arthcr NigOtingale. ______________________________________on________ Mes W. Bullard. Mes. F. Davis, ccd Mr. ccd Mes. Cccl Cargiti ccd sons maecIccdheoncatra fct. eV, No. 7 Farin Forum grooms os Fch- Ms: H. R. McDoccid. A coniest Srce ccd Sriac sps't Sanday mith ixsuehy 1esmaki ers a uoincyh ray2510 met ct 1he home ci Me, ccd Msb.msMe e.AIor______________________________ ilegcsesirsu1c0 iii tlce rury0 cocduted hy Ms .MeAeI9ur wsM.and s rhrNightingale. .Most îlubrcsî. 1,0chtc Mes. Joteph Frank. Betoseen 27 ccd mas hy Ms. F. Davis. The Womne's Aocitin ccd W.* ct N. L. Pidet'. 30 attendeS ibis meeting. Ater The communily esehre ccd dance M. S. or EhecezeceUited CIuedh, i AN /ORUNr istcnissg la rado broadrast discuss- held ln tise hall ci ensdyecen- beid Iheir moctOiy meeting on Tsa-talsed Rural riWf,1 -- ADOistrictT cf;utleeeeuhewste n atteacted c good cromd. Pize dcy aItOch homeocf Mes. lics Eascier- o e f r A V avalichle. If pou see aggeessive and ecicycul and a lovely lunch ac CiiP icers mere Me. . Wcie. Mes. R. brook. helonren thc agec cf 25 ccd 51--hava cf lea mas sered by the honlte, . Rserry. Jamec Liliycrop ccd Chsas. A meeisg In croccec ion mitO 10e cr ccc seccre tracel sulfil, lOis la 'Pic la ctlii finding ls ay teail Woobct. Woî ld's Dsy cf Peapor iii hoe heid To-dcy fred daairs arc facing an estireiy neon problemin Ycour cpruiyt elelbihdh filt aie or ocbiy. Music for the dance as fueisied cn 19e Ehesezer United Chureh on îryicg Id secc 10sf heir customers do sot ocerbuy during the fuît particcices rlte to-day 10 On Friday, Fehruaey 22nd, the Suny hy M. and Mes. Keith Millar ccd Frlday, March tis. for this commcc' prcscnt icrd shortege se that Iberef may Or SOME FOR ALL. The J. R. .WA77KINS COMPANY. Mcci hcid a progressive cuchre ln Jark Cochter. îîy. 31-4 Dcpt. O-M-f Ns. 7 school. l'some icning prises The Worbd Day ai Proyer Service The Heaiher Mission Bcnd cf Eh- Wc are msking gvcry effort 10 rare for li 0f 5îuî cuctoin- 2177 Masscn St.. Montreai, Que. mere: gents lit, M. . Mrisheoran. iii 9e ohseeved on Fridy afteraoac eoezod United Chureh beid thiee d' Cd cdmc o veay oeoccs ust go ws1l - AUPO .sADE IIG ladies letMrs.Ad.eertisepose atidtioneedmied '0 ilc lcdeula, rs W.Sdllil A tan th1e home cf Ms. H. . McDoncid. egular monthlp meeting lc thc base- cut. Wodbertdge yurAdvtiosal lObstphe 1c, Min, W. Kennedy. Lunch mss Ms. C. Pe, pesidect cf 19e W. M. ment f the Church bot Sunday hnyuoeusreoeel m t ACTO SLEAVMIM aeeved ccd a social liime pent. S. iie hon charge. moriof uîderte 9eadership of Min. Wc ask your co-operation so Ibat yaar ofighbor cîso ima> as c lcrge ferre circulation ln Peel, Mns. W. Keacedey eld c Sasy Se There are seceral cases cf measieî Iiarey Fall. redcive s Cir pooto.York ccd South Simce. T9e charge proportion, enesay.for advertislng c fulb 1111 lu a fiat rate Mr.ibtig iRoWeinsdncy. oe te moof the yoasg folk in 19e district. Me. ccd Mes. W. P. Raies siand______ charte of fve dollars pier Incertion. Me.Stn.Roinon ccuner19 __________douihier of Guelph clclied "lotivru Secul copp acd romttcsce 10 19e pub- detoca care lat meek, suffico ,,e.ger ' ansi feuds in Nssafascepa]lat SucIn.i s.eM~I~'sc(cs,-e'ic L d icher. front icfection. We areeplecsed l teJsVLI.,7sK VAaSLt i ng .~aaaa Comp.aney, t . R . .LVRPie. report 0ee ls chie t0 he about afaso. ___M.tCsanles Ryder hled c cae<ess- PHN 0HLTON. NT FOR SALE iss Loess ak, A os mas ho e 10e eo Iegioc Hall mcc filleul ta fl u orion sale cf foraistc arknd 5 0 acresof senti 1cm feai, mitO rs9a l, achrcf 'iu. vehoig oolndo afenonfor smîsemetaociioaarisold bgodsilest - ricg rreek and overfloming mcii. Me. astorerfNo. 7 an4 the lediruissuadrernsril srice atordo'. heremoas alarge cromd -racd uram bc os 36'c55'ro,d ashc motors train lier home in Adtos odurtvd hy tOceîssdre. Coi. 1he Nec. tnsd hîddicgs bco riskamics goiI ondadioio a 4'ro 48'. drive 'heuad1 ecch day missed lier first day ]idtC. E. Nirobi. s res cere realioed. I 30'. casn' x48',hdie s'c 1' e Wrdnesday becasse cf locced oads. 'l'Ocie5Rotary Cub of Oakviiie ccir- jThere isave heec s frm farmers x 36'auce ccdmouse Ip, Hyd2'o ils Snwpogsha i ed lerbaehh 4s nie oose ccd bar.Fcm situteydroan foror plagd's l o ds eafrerohdIh -ls cccrof ithe mcicg mnoPsyle pep daricl i tises'ouseL ad rn o emlafein stehoni fo M. omrd sb O Ie ceerlondlng of he iteronaiRaloary cr114d peii. Tieseap mcc rsnnciag Pflffl eurncd oevible traei c pas Flccey fanastlat Wedoedday. We rgacloalson aItlise Clubi reglai igod. î , U U Iu'aicusic ndvl Mg. IO. HAYWApoD- iear there ero feos tecdlcg. meeing in 1he Oohcilie bon, o Mos- Ihere as qciie c large ttecdssree _________C om pany_______________________ sess.i.on.eogcom M. John M. Wison bas sood hic day. ci the loomdhary Fatm Fsorum Pho0.e 189r31 Dilo iamlt 3.cn.1 1 hcso--lac, A large cumhe ai rilizeos loicrd mselng held ls thcesoal oc Msndny OLGAhPnCAHONTAS -MCOKEn M. Chrisiac Frank. M. and Mrs. cr119ftise Scouts, Revers, Cuh, Girl eaechcg. OLAPCHNTS - CK Frank are planning ta moce 10 their Guides ccd Seomniec cn s Memorici 1'J'le frmersaaI lOs disiarue CAVALIER STOKER nom home ibis Mentit. M. ccd Mes. Service for Ot. Hon. Lord Sodoîs- gtiisg hide aayyy ohmoord cal forî Wilson are moviar 10 the homeofa Pomell, helil c St. John's United net sommer cnd inIer beisre A C I N S L Ihhe soc. M. John W. Wilso. ChurcO os Sucdcy afîvrcocc. spulcg mdrk salete. F014 I-iEEDOM FROM WORRY INSTAL A FAMSOK NSIPEEIT Ceomc have eec heard biseverai Msehed progress mas ealdenecd by wN""M' Us - 1 FAR.. TOEKDAND MABOL 1210 ons 1he ccmee, sonny dcys mince 19e the reports Precccled a et cno SDA SM, L. . a t10inc ao-tm.Maple syrup mahees eogegtalcimeeting of St. JohinsTHE DODO Y'SA OAtJItheiL K ernli ofA are prepaing for the day cf top- Unted ChuscO, heM n Lusk Hall on L iv inmiegstoncfeteetacîle pinf. Taesubsyevcenisg. Ts loie oobas aimosi hecome a ANDS IIOele n ELorth of Autioeer M. aad Mc. C. . Davecport ccd 10e quick action cf Chici John D. mylîs o a Symbot. Butl liscre mas a INLY&ELOT utoer Marhti anteund Beue 4t srry recaited ls 1he areedî of Ihree icîlfaitamore c large flighteis'i LIVINGSTONE OIL BURNER INSTALLED AND SERVICED mitOIher ucugterccdsister, M. avillo pouthi, racgiog fron Ir)1t relative of the pgeacs, miich lohaba'FEED ccd Mrs. Vernoon Cole, Gueph an the if yececnifcge, respocibie for a fles thoIslsand cf Maiiscnîîî' PIONEER J. . LLOT occasion f their 51h edding cnlc- merlea cf heak-ics lhat bcd taken 1690. At that ime il became toIally .A LPT ersary. pace in Iomc duricg 10e fast fem extiict, due Id the ttachi cffîsogc CEMENT - LIMEUcsedAtlm r Misa Pearl Kennody of Hilton apent meehc. mhieh hsd been icteoduced laoe ee O OAuUgee Sanday et the home of lier parents. TOc mareicge of Helen Julia Scrccs isbucd hy Ruropeacî. In the Royal Me, and Mes. John Frank report daoghter cf Ms. Mary Sorcoc and t9e Onario Musesm Ihere cm a c elos no 0 oîîe fHio Iheir brother, M. Wm. Frank, AclonIteJeîoroBalOt,1aoioclof0edo ovo, a L A A r. adPl cr0 saben n uephOcpiaMfr M. Arhcr John Henry Rihble, took Tise lcter, iaicled hy Dr. L. S. Rsa-. ,1DAS 6dP lSS MaIy echs la rsting more rccfor, lapcre icthe hcme ni the bride, an suni caased on the mork f a"lajHrmRueN.3 HLO ahly anS ls mucdObrigter. We are Feb. 23ed, mlO H e. Sinon EdoscerntueY sarIst ho hcd een 1he dodo Ihone_4__________16_Phone _______ PIeasad 1e heur lOb. offisdctteg.-Hecoed-Star. lalMe . _Rural______Route______No.____3___MILTON___ . . . . . . . . . . . . TH]à- CANADIAW CHAMPION THUPMAY, MARS 7th, lm

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