Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Mar 1946, p. 3

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PAGE C E THE CANADIAN CEAMPION THURSDAY, MAihJCCIIt, 190-0 I r athera, Thora la pionty af sen- ployment but hia doua net moan Cht I the average man la llkoiy ta Ï1111d, ah I once, the type of Cta kho denîrea. This moay hampur temprarily thueiraa 0f 1ntere§t to__W omen :::teao :::vryausnto ____________________-~---...4 Wo ight againut prueroau. Scenca F t I ~ "hneocsaury to accompllnh a purpanu. Uses Aireraf t 1Aevisit The Itother mrdue lit houud hoeaatrlorCa ni;,,a.ea fa man Cu acuru a motur-car 00W ToBag Coyotes lm s o thun t ha heun etat oothor por- lus M onodrt fthe put, but the prieuof cr Shap -Shotig Fom tla e Moo' s ikely fa co Iigher. With modern Shap 0400 Puig rot ll leequipmnt we ought te be ahble te eV ngs 5040aPlty R. J. Duehauhmas huild homos mith tous effort, that l, î raLYearty A C em duys uoetuthu . A. C., toms cost, thon uvur isotore, but Chu NOME UWNOMIS LETHBRtDGE, Alta. CP) - Hunt- ulptpku uChseodyapnuthmaharinau ht eru who seeh uucceau ln huggisug cay- cluis lu econumica. Time hrhsaa people hegn Ca duuht heir aility tCa etea ahoutd tuire a Cp ront Gordon atcunge chages. t gruduatod tram uown one. Thero fa a raison. Fer HloHomnemakeraf Maosy a tiny C.eSunda o Havre, Mtontana, whu he . A. C. la 1905. Thes o hys mll siu peurs the minda ut our citizuns tut mimica her mther hy srvInt hunta hem f rom hu air. gruduate I 98 Fla As rn av encncnrtd nvlr lierbestlove doiy sadwicesChutIl dte huy ou, muy look huck Thinh ufthu mervetu mhlch have hem huest-tued ottyaunbrdge hm und Mr Sanda. whu visted LehhridCO trum my veotuge point. tt ml thon heen uccompiahed te hrlng ua viet- feus "au tihderfMommis ritu purtya seeing a marhet or a toud of hie cloue Ce the endl of unther cent- ory. Doaht ntotht greter miruclea chil a mntt poeantY for sin huia heen u pilot or 20 yura ury. WiI i the viem holieurur, hu lu peuce-time prohlemu miliiyet ho ciitomiCepse ndw unu and acoyoeehunter for elght. Hia prospects righter, or wmlii hey utain ruught. ta hese, agricutture mlii Your juni or hsthui euatn bgruas heto'een 250 und 400 peitu he living fn hu shadow f mr? Hie- huve u share-Chere, lu hu hope uf helpor hefore yeu kIom l. Don t s year. tory atone cou Ctelnd hitury lu ai- lie. S pou hink heue teu parties shoot4 ho H e ses a liiht irerufi, mhich ho cuyu rtten hy hu aurvieuru. Alil Agriculture in Cunuduaha tuuht SEt encourueed wihout tueo much cuncerrn sssafiy flies uhout 50 feet abhlie me cena du is wsh hem mul and la hurs igti msch remuina Cu ole in hu gossip wth Dolly. Glve pour huiprairie. Il gunnut la John give them itihe help me son mhiio Idoue. The terraino s nowmomre tuir- daughter sonme ditp sandmichesaund Hury, a Haovre sarpahuoter mhu me inter alune Chu may Iorahi e for victury. Agrrulture la ru- til ler hem theyare mude und mhy uses un outomuCtie shutgus mith No. WhuC oie hese hoys hinkint reivlng mure runidurution. There la they're cood te et. Heip hr te au- 2sabhoia h yp ouei s hut? Feue, t imagine, have fui bm- u croiug cunsriuusneu uet hu fuct route a feu sandmiches un her eon edr for ceeue.H proCra BB aht, edi the someht romman cuit hat ChC .gicier oundfy haaud la, lus doiip diahesaundl grnish iCh crreC hut haeen unuhie te ohiain it mun wmli oun uhuish toit, hutthu uruountry toue Cunada, hu toandat- ticks. When yuur hock la turned ftef y. state wmliide everyhint, feuil hu Ion et ntionalIlprugreas.Our ugric- evry ord mlCh hu sume inflectiuls From the plane IC' asy eui spot cttie, milk hu coma, tuhe cure of uturui courtges have huil u hre in iii he mhispered te diloiy perched up huuilhouettes ut coyotes uganC hu the miih, market Il and guorantuo uetablishing hia point ut vium. Ail n a great ig char, horizon. Once une la ptteil, Sonde prires fer huyunil hu dreaina Of av- henur tu them. CIUDRN' PACT SND- puis his piue into a shuiium dive, arice. WnCnEalSrn uCu 0fot. Hary COres fIsagriculture. hru lua acloue ru- Soun hu cloenout'48 authu O. A. C. 1. Trim the crusCa off hu neatty through a reur indum rnan the hch itiunuhip hetmeen effort and resuit, iii nccupy hu front liio-thu boya Cen aiced read. seot ot the Cm-suter crait. The cuwsmumet he mlkud hfuruhueuofcer peurs iii pas tehu esrv- 2. Ct a e msqures or circies de- Tu hiC hu coyote la net esy. Nor- miik luauiod, The poung men and me- us. Theru miiehopiuuCy of mark Ca pendint upun the numhor of chiidrul5 mai iy hey run directiy mIC huh mes entrint upun cureers ln agrc- du. Worh. hord morh, lu huehba" Gro, te hu arveil. pane, veering off mhun hey relize ultueuhuve heir Crt on hu ground. et a happy Ilfe. Courage iii ho and 3. Spread mith huter mixttue; % iC la lmuat apun hea. The position of hu frmer iii net needeil. Such ln 1922, J. H. Barrie, Thr. hutter eten iCh 1 csp aniih and Herysasys a srt ut "reverse i eud" hle Impruvud hy ahortening houru.,Iffiltatbrililuni and mhlmslcai Scot, de- chitiesi for as huer ln hu eecie sl needeul. When shuoiat running hu frmer morhed hitCy heurs a lilvered un uddruaa ut "St. Andrems" chur refriCucOtor.ge, the ohet asualyiiy a 'ed" a euh the price oC hu proilsis uuid t tmus euileil "Courage." Il mas 4. Mue seuerell open-fucud cunes: crtis distuncer ht s, hu sports- nuse e hu point t mhlch demand printedin hooh form. Pick upua cupy a) uau ire etof ed r ag; h)Omas tefires uheailoutlhts Crget und hu moaid he redued-hu change muaul if yoO uslindtune. Sfip It in pour, sc la-cohed eCC Cce) finteiluur tt mtsCuued thssumeen deprussion, aoC pruuperitp. Thueiochut. RendIl CC hus the teint teta: cheese; 54, yoreed prunes or dues rIgu hem toguher. uorid needu more efficient product-uoh t iigve yucuu, Be lui)uasuhotu sardine. Ion nt hither pricea.trlshcuage for hu tlof e to-mur- 5. Hahe dusty iiedOunes: Cul Difficuit Target Se urus' hoys, ln stailpng ecenean- ro. finey minced meot misteseil mith ta hetint from un airceoit, itslesuetithe0. A. C.Oae or d caimre- uufud dressng; th) creaomei cheese, tremeadees peed us comporudwmlfh lofs. Tise thîiu 15,-y mont te dia- Ol D RECORDS RECALL ci molîrd coohed fisah wmuS usaisiS hat of the ressînt coyote mokea it resu in regard te he u te e har M OE.A N10 o.i l; r)choppud hrd-coeked etteuereouoary tCe"reverse hu el' "If hu dilictiy apen rois of production, M OEJ- N10 andi ne creumed iuh o litie miik, anImis lu rning La a direct liSsuih marhets., more efficient mufus of de- te) hununus mshud i uSh oiiud tise pfune, hootnt hehinil ansi etting lue ihinga. Here ure somne ofthe 11100E JAW, Sauh. CPI Bock ln dremsing; il shredded lettece spriak- uSe shot 'ctchl upwlhhu anml. quesions they hoocht formerd for 1903porot e e osacyo e J or o! Ch. te: Do fuetseasn iCO Tervesu iodmet o reti decasob ourd of traite mus sent blo the lner- Not: OnOueuun uîes îgliyveril if the sht lu fired ftor he Cff WhaC miie hoehumajor chan- iu ur f the United States te fo hirS ai esauficieui. coyote reahs froan a direct lino and s in frm mchlnery lu hu neotate, w udueriuet0n' omu ie THEX QUESTION BOX stihes ofao n angle. but Hury hu aprc?1$ fo xes. Mrs. S. N. nessots rucipu or hldcnidrhesuccoas, and ha 2) Whu abuat morkets' 0coespeus cuhhuto rila previousty puhishud. learard Ce jeilgo distaces and spuuii f31 When muy me espeet menid 'iheseand othurinreigtuu CABBAGE ROLIS ta a fine detrue. conditionsu Cua ttie duma? acreodeil latie riînt in toaruan heflput rap hr1uod Hasy coyotesOarehOmid ovrmith (4iHumroanmuachieveanore e- lofleihroodof tradte.cItbe- Ille ofgrond eef,% cp beadisingle ht. Suimetimes 5550 ure ficienttusueofut imlands? ioued te her]aie ieetuasitugvernsor crumha, S eten efc, il cup mk or (5c)d o oeistne ana CIWhal ut lahor rlans isn theii Sashatcheman,'rhomas Muller, ond tomate juice and 1 cpscoe '.'iîdedianinem einstancOthu ae? hs son trned thehbook ouerIo theu nule. Seasen and hiend hr- slt lalîe i iesht e utrpecuri hard. nouthiy.Ad hlcnret fdofes r fse h, uocy fofded. 1 Thei intercut ie larm mochlnerpý o u ali Ad tcenete ndhho em uIcaees ird, Sue: 1 s i i u cuuecsîuî. ihe rchanges et a 'lle boosrcord tIsaI aller ihel efarat cbag hchbsben is,".a0crolise aeassihensiden- colary haur ees great. Isdsîstry olueriilig s'emfsaig, correusond-.1 chaped ail setee la 1111 a lesi, nembr lusse hes hllesl, then secS, smarket'sset'.lisoduct'.. Ag- î.ocî. tiodeinsllir, 1ls, attice ai the - Place mixtuelsos the ueuIt.mushOd ls andilrsliecle uhe hides. Th1tulelieicoislîee Ile ilst 0els- utus i'tcs di oterlenu.es fthe cuab fuond roll: Ilue n s ee ui ia single hi11 ]Ssu .enitiulie(ustrlilTogress anuef- '*iOigscein e ord ceuisledssf 3 spuoisosoudfsIen -th maede o nd vlesr%.l ils aiissie etaun- fcivi, demand. uss'obesi:anosd 11, sel Illeise upieck.Bosse a luatet d asput eilecosereil. DLeng the latter half of hu lOCh ussrs e'sssls'usl :,ils .liste pisu ,sprinhiemlth sait and epfer.As--rci newtîss'ding lruiiu feOe op ,-5efller5ioh:,coslhilctheinestmO rante in huiet dish. Pu uaul ssuhe.5,c ieh i ie;'. i'.:c. urs inesiugaria'. ur.:p- ils,' tsîe'iIil,. '.scassis iso,, ithe %a îo a dptheofahott1lich. CovsrypaîstheroyaltyPandli len ,eehks 'sas ehuusslhP055 îc'ssse'.ulueet: oeil hahe in as dlevIne uses 325 sets. siii:ik,5 oi1ernc. Freqeentiy hu Ai- 5 icîl le coittiselu OCan uiassillefor- ts's saisi lu 'i e ý r iv fer 1faàhases. Arrange rais li isst erte markthriSuseshighec picces" u 0mCus Cîssi chu~ulsslu e leusr'ec s pittur. Mahe gavy uilh diîpssg Ta1: htiinleMotanaiandusi nds a market issu lis ps*sssUitsu. îreeded sssî,'îssîuslsisreiîcy îss'p s toreîsîi su pnusufgahbt of top mifk aoei Is he h11'Iidsr'. heh lss his re'- ue isatruimnts'of prodcionle. SeIu,.s,.suliss'pgsssil But ts'soeceop sri mixsturee'.'er thecreils. ss" sssi îe hseiusessthes!u,. :stess.iscshemtseeîe Buhe pisetoer.uaithe sormeelime anoe ii yaondHveasý s i relis lie s'siicle h,' rs'tec.rfi-om 'ils,' ovrcdser endftiluisseAlbertia.casula l,'c'ssc is,' husI..ramthe hlssiise.s'sl Isîsbouse,' i ai andsa chu ose osn oet.'eshcdine chanusse.,s, aresss1isiteAifoi1:a lises omhiuisisuaue'. arireti tosth's s',îsss'i'.'eas 'ists lheuUilssueeu Ora uetirlse'sad- 'iill akssgipla'e. SuVuMay ei'ect rl u i 15"ie shbook srer s t'cen mi-S. B. C. ashe lac a meuisisilfr51 s1 ~ p -se',c iueuriefmeied.tausiise.555eIssasllsslie dessert ssg asaat nuto u-W ot 11111 Pilot S CiidSs .v, o'sisC s'umy me erap he îss'sîis' ssls the'pr've.e lus' aialfritmestf.g-siisl't e I'lls'e '. ue Mue, n luse toil 1shoi self fortac7. Eartp LEMON SPONGE ss-I1u,'s000fcssrs .ciuen Oislsssgs:stisai.el We maeirthis temonspssoge isel-1 - w u s o rar e ei t igi oguil rhus dilsutthe ether day. oddileissu sugar >tru. Winnitred Fait Hetîued Or- WgIo.i)S I.R(IET DR-DOC f4alituir more fheur tli ses l essai.AII DR-DC Inseail aif 1seîfe of sgac e' seil gotize Womien filers in anus .sssiiss'c tssli as s'tered c ufladfousdil usfticieutfp iriain the situation. 'ihere lu e teudeuscy t ONDON Ene.'lise iurgessl ry seet. Teathe % eepeof uecaeol lie' oad agrftaMoenm-d-ki " N1àirvnl pnd lelco andl gcaied riai ef 1large Ie- lON"TREAI, 5(Ci')i A'ssusltcine isse'. es his'v ossibe. '.l 'tise aid ssc u ls sll . crcalSutsslip an mon. 2',lIbupu lieue, /itu, soait ad asir.i"ssic ias e.rejossuel lser hesîsil, g voir C~ es e'stly cmo et(iAInle, heaten yoihu ai 2 eggs. Whs'sen sseth ('lit. PeIer Fsir,. e îscrit rcs.sslius e 5,'ss u Ill lreter cmaiftco ecmnsiauts' lstc onmeiiederue ti s iriseMonties'et aussinsus lie'.S'el ii e oeIý il I hîe Sîsesses l es aussiMore. 1 bjo r "Quesu Elizaeh." At tise op- 2% upsof nil an 1 si) meteBitisi 0ersas irwys ori 1,is. dlvacs ts uMeu Thssrtiese malli eusig ccreesessy, Mr. F. C. Surrutk. is/eu'.lmshusdt'is.neiuflrisiîucucs. sruo f 's ssrst-.__'frasi eilsisoîsîssr. "lisvre sii l nSteuof Tiraspsiort forIsle Union buCter, ausifl lain thu stlip iss oln, sîsus. a ll On(f us-e i, msie chue elthe 2 ees aon luse sreus'csl cîusîsu hues l is e W( li apsIe ersuantesortise mesrisoud- o auliArsie, %tled tisut hu ratss uel2e ee haPur ishetlss.sey. stessl'fiveclillloîl. ted- hbuiliget flis' docskh au complted. greseilesl c essrolr orbakîstai Ils lIse mý'.aler ieassuy dîsîclsetisliasud ho'- iu pas ai hot ater aussi ake iniea A eeiofetmore lIsse 4,0010 Ilîsus uisasyMTb oIs edCseuuus ta lSMan escoir, lisltse r'cordsilime etf16 modeate surs 35nainss. or entl t is isTe la, ir ensi abie t l hp6Odîtter- tîscu ' oie wl b elnd maoulsand tClîsiISeku fer Ilis ue- tiran on top. Suera .ettpe fmltryarrfM ssse se uh esîand iesreeuralareoes aidues. mîrs'(ue stir lie Britishu Admirul- FRESH ORANGE DESSERT Fir Souas evsr heiousan esidut I or' ' lnesofeui-te seho hads seisîîd the varleus ana- 2 thup. gronetaird geietius, '&cul) danlged oaiplane lus ait lir ers a muo fcf h fw' us 1rth fr nlîiacn ud rqeipmrestuseceusy. cel mater, f csp hot cater, une Iiyiag, iseding sixu ers o a ma omie. iRefrigeraralc on dilerent eighth tap. sit, l u cp oronge juico,,ttyiusg in Eagfond. Ips laîogec, capable et storiusg suh REST(SRATION 0F 'I5'IE f thap. emen juicu. oraugstectiousu. 1SCie hegau flyiusglunf134 ansi t tise laliai quaieus ofs t acanpieductu i5EGINS IN lUNITED ICNGD<SM Sfien gatin in raid muer tom 5 ereo et mac hart a,'hieveud 2,000 are eus the cap. The Cransofethe mine. Adugar and sait undl ot oi hs. teh le r credit; aa mîcricalfturaeu.thiryaip o tnypes hunce, iLONDON Engiansîl- Nealyseee- mater undi tr suer hot sutlgriatinlisceuce mhieh usecssiite'.a o husun- lie hurCaheailofetihe turans o! tu- enesue soasausilcherches aussiresu- lu disuivoi. Aid oronge amdrims e drefinlern onut eglsatise, nue- day lus the uiuiusu hlch asisite the isuicetaiuiligs ufferrei damageuia jsice, mixint mel, Pour 1 cpois he hugalioa, meieoruiogp aad a certain auseussîles etfle. Biloius ad Nertiîrn rustlousi. The mixture finCa alilghtip gruoseil anuli0msut ofregineering; an iussunUCt- -War iDamage Commission lhas mochei andl chut. Whun Ih huginu te thiceoîs ose licnce; omuerahip oflihe pane. "le ic pruhirn t eoeragricultureouet as esaitahie compensation aScenic rrange oronge seiouns ln t. Chit Sh, aise mas au aie crohatie sar is markets ad is is liledl sp mth miii a committre ruîrsusuting ail the rumalint gmixtureuad oeil i theh- tocsix moulus. tSe prescri enattird conditiona et musn e rrfgsaa'deaumuslatisas. Tise una mhip until frthy andl thlch thun Ile mol. Ths islua conditioa n hirS Chaîcis af Engiund aleh as le ru- peur Inte Chu mouud. Chut ' unîîî Shetiy alefte t esih ofet mr, uemfyCiuamr aCurcn ic jtu edeleaee ui u tiran in etetric efrîgeratan. Un- Mrs. Fair oldedin usoganiing the nral olw a.I h eetsoesxenhnrdcuce n e maulil andl guniah mitS udditiunali msmns sotioa ef Chu Air Trasport mon the dstrucionea sa hnreaetr huiid is hued wmich iii cet orange sections. 1Auxsliiry, aas.rganleatilea Crmeu te thon ia ait the murs af the pot 200 srariy ilsruipmilleion udu. Ealis Mrs J.T. skshowte erv canedfery mlitry ircaftin he ritshyeems. Nationel passilonsSaur Ses doceso,'Ses o rergeuizution commit- eut J. T. asuher ureecunet ferrymiiuy mf neB ta ouasesi. they wmliipasu siomip. Nover lue moeing ia cloue coapeailea mth eut eun. Soturiu carc athue sic.il modeen histery hue hu emird heun the civil andl platifuslgauisoîitles. houseuandl hey dntlilke crean Aiter 1Sle useond fi-ont mu'. mut s- se huugry as it lu C-day. Normal sauueo. tehitl hil,'lhe ment tus the continent. meihudu 'ofeteshago have Seus dus- "ITEEN TOWN"ý-NEW TYPE GREEN«BEANS, CREOLE She sail meut thu ATA. casuitiua ropeil hSe lnabliity oftsante nut-- 2%ucclps canneil green huons. 3 mich ,Inrilui aeerai wmeeuspitetaobsa lepi adore. Thuse thingu hump- CRANBBOOK. B. C. CPI --The tigeplehbcen tt, 2 thaps. Cneiy chop- ec udeo te hai l tying condton. rcnecovey Fermera' tasti-ute here la hoeing ped anlua. /, cap eondeased omate The A.T.A. mou demehilizud uithu endl On the ther hau If il mos con hoiels oma version oet "turC toma." The auup or chl sauce, uit andl puppor. et 1945 and hu memens setion, mhleh uvideil reeeemry may hie qaltu rapid.l. ntilu han oflereil te bail $50 ta Drain huons, Hit bueon fat and alarteil mitS lght pliais, numeaner Thore are, hoeuer, eSelees restict- uapbhe or girl mhe iii hep a ei sdd union. Couh stumiy anîilienona 70 ai the Cime of demuhli]tien, aubHaae aitlgt g uhandl ere fertanlClu eay a are sfi. Aid tomate sp or chilI 0f lSr future plans Se Sud ibis Ca te hir ol johs. They sareh or shom la hu varos hee-cttrsles sauce andl hoas. Tus tgethen moul. ays "t ujoy ftying se mach ht cosier ass-more pap. Thene ia tuas tSroghos C hu peovincer. It la hoeu Cuver undl eat hrouh ever eiectric seun f I iiehokeen te gui ut it ugin 1self reluuse-a gretur tendencay Ctoihiswmlii mail e formatuon et s leaent turnedillus." Ylud: 4 te 6.- jusi fr my omn enjepanunt." oeaa thon there mes la the dapu a! beys' andl girls' cuit cluS. bemefits THE WHOLE community Regulaz empîcyment and puy unvelopea malt. for cuxefre. farmliea-for pruaperoiza cummunttto-fur ".guud trnes" for employer and emnployeeauliku. -Theu Nationnal Empluymsnsnt Service, witla afflcea in mura tIson 200 cilles ansd toma. acrusa Cansadu, sees tha rseeda of bath empluyersanurd emnplaye-and th. local N. E. S. office taIses ita place in importanuce ta the cummrunity arnung thse timne hunoured cumn- inuniiy inutitutiuns-the Puai Office, the Court Heuse. 1he City Hall.......... . Withuut National Ernpluymnent Service, the wurker ta 1.11 tu hie awes initiotive lu fiasd a job ta support himaself ansd hie famnily. Tho employer mnay bu un- uable ta eaeh workema he equires. National Emnploy- ment Service. i the cleoring house. hraugh whCch employer and umnplayee are brought together, au that bath mnay have their free choice.of the entire employmnent market. National Employment Service has 5 main functions: 1-Organtaatian of the whole employmnent market, and bringing together emnployera and emplayeua; 2-Collection of information ann pîcyment peuh- lemns for the use ai Govamsmnent, Management and Labeur; 3-Adminiafration ai Rirstatemuent la Civil Era- ployment At; 4-Dealing with Unumnplaymnent Insurancu Bunufitta; 5-DeaLli.ng mils Out-of-Waek Bunafits for Ex-Sevice Personnel. Make feullue of Me, Locol Office of Nafioaol Employn.ui Service, k la th.re to serv. your a,..dan d limes.of dme'amwe CSfflnatya Biended for Quaflitv SALADKC TEicA Good Start-A Successful Lif e FEED - TER-GAIN 18% CHICK STARTER by far the Moset Popular in Canada This is the Real Way to Wclcome Yosar Chicks because li mean- GREATER HEALTH FOR THEM GREATER PROFITS FOR YOU Considor Theae Facta There were more Chicks fed Shur-Gain Chick Starter in nada iast year than any other single hrand. These feeders have found that Shur-Gain promotes Rapid owth, Faut Fcathering, Fine Bloom and Leg Coter, Health dVigor. Duc to the fact that local manufacture saves heavy hauling rges, Shur-Gain Chick Starter ju Low in Cust. Priced at $3.10 Per cwt. Sure of Spring Succusa with Chicksa-Give Then a Real Welcome and Have Thefr Hoppera FuIl ot Shur-Gaîn 18% Chick Starter MADE A"D SOU> BY TE Lowviile Feed Mili PHONE 267r2 MILTON Ioda

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