Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EXGMT ~~~~~THE CANADIAN, CHAMPION MBSA.FEU .TBt,28 Noie fsrh MrigsM uh KHA.I SCHOOL - 'Teen-Agers Earn O<1RSI addisiosslu ors pSino ito u ItOi Chers T I&E K~ NS $20 rpigPloughing ondor green swbet nIa- XImDorIeIam NoticesA ONd $2,5 tTexs, nt ver crops for- a period of Yea» Il EOBN BT NqORMAN ALTSTEDTPR _ __________(Cp)--Solieri latin ln the army arernonEprmetlFrm ui canadien, ~M m B» tf iiatpeaig o iilnlf tkai iggst Fur Dcii of Yar.Ineludu toba, haî tant reoulted ln Bloy wOrth- BRUBM-Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Bruil ____________ MR. MARY KELEHER irbool, a model ochool for war vet- Marteli al $W0 Bah while locreso hi the yields t whéSt. are happy ta annoance tise arrival I e71t yer M's Mary Kelh -rn hosdi tefrertRMowever, It bun been defitly citi- of their son, Kenneth Wayne, on TORONTO (CP)-One big problm capirthle eal oed hib thefmer mNiagar FR T ON .C C)Dnlshdta ihryed fwetc B.unday, Felruery 24th, 1946, at loomlng la Ontario li 1"how ta, kaep er died on Satarday et ber home, 2 hi e enar CmpNaait FORT ST. JOHNti, B. C.age fcusin ofbe tiatd hiher ye lov f lmea o MIlton Privaste Hoapital. tliem down oft the fa=m" and the old Glagow Street South, Guelph. Slie Oeigaed ta helpi army mon awa- an8; eti,'cnae oan f i bandwe we lvr.6l PEDDIE-In Red Deer Municipal song la beig surig hi a seddr bey hadl been 111 for about a year Ing diiehirte miRe Up for Une lai Cold Bar, 90 miles west o thua nortb- Plougbed inunediately ettor tiso r.- Hopital, Red Deer. Aberta, on thon wlien tl origlnally beraine pop- S oin ln England, Min. Kelelior white tisey were ervlng overosa, eaîtero Britioh Colombie aettlemont, mcvai of the lot hay crop thon wlifl Mody eray1t aMr. and il r ater lise lait war came ta Canada et the age of eight thaki choil prividei courses ranging 'do flot miis briglit llgbo and the brome or wetern rye grauo aod Ja Mond. Tefera Pe Ste a dagtrand ipeit mont if ber i te In Guelph f rom grade ichool ta seniior marie. otber amenitiei if civliation-tbey pioughed. The difference la the Mcra. elfe Poeiea duie Surveyo bave idicited tha onl aiY aid Mo rstan. Sbe yovd cano et ver- ulatiai and alsoo givee commercial'it the acpo pt aoudit by ail treppero yield may boe the resuit if the claver tMrgre Rbeno.fraction if thoin ahi left the ferrma toua timea li Miltin and Kitchener aid vocatinl trainig. It eccoan recenti y inhen tbey soi d a peck if addiit itragifi ta tbe soif. DIMfor the armed forces or for war wirk She retarned ta Guelphi tram itcb- mntdâtes 720 mon and la itaffed maini fIn. moîtly merten, for about _____________________ Intend ta rtuin ta agricutture. ener etter the deth of bier buahaod, lY by amrry personnel ft the, $2,50. MCURDY-At Milton Hopital on In preparetion fr whit la feared John Keleher, e yoar ega. Kent regimont, which has Ite beed- ye a the TIebos furo relofn Nthe t Thuroday, February 21ot. 194f. moy be the wrt shortege f adot In Guelph, Mra. Keloher was e qoorters et the camp. I erhr.'eby eerrig N tc o rdtr Anale McCurdy if Camplielivillo ln tarin lehor ini the provîices itory, member if the Ciurcli if OrLd. The '"tudenta' con tske ane cours aihle trapline if Jim Seettie, Sr. wbo- lir fh e.tise deprtosent af educatian annooac- The fanerai was held Toeidey if ibeir ian within the limta if the liii only one leg. Don ia is son. Jins il thse estaOe et JOUiN SPIOAT MASON-At the home o bier dsugh- i leut week thot It will conduet i marning ta the Crai if Our Lady curriculum and ttend clases In la the ion if Sali Beattie if Sarrel VOILLMOIT, laie ofthUe Twan et ter, Mi. A. T. Maire, Camplil- orvey ln secondary ichoolo ln Mainh witb requiem hifli mensu et 10 a'cioci. ther preicrlbed ujecti elther la Creeli. Mis,11I1 la fthe f)a.mlY et Blla. vile, Ont., on Wedneidey, Felruery and April ta enral pupili for frai Banal was made hiMrmuttemcîco teco.vcto- The trapline which yielded the rlcli Rolired auie Masuger, Decnisi. 27,19f, ics Lwrywidaw if wîcb net urmmr. Cemnetery. ai courses are providcd la art, draft.. nirveit runi along the batiks if tise Aipesfahvndim eglt the lto John Wiliam Melon, lnhiPaeRvrfo heJlnBate Atpran aigcam gl lier 77tli year. ' Premier Dcew, eiss minister if ed- The friner Mary Hindi, Mrs. Kel- ing, radioa nd electricity aid negot- Pec ie ri teJi cti the îaoi ONSRA IL Foei biile held tramt the ucîtion, makiîg the aînouireinent, eber as twice inarried. Mer tînt iationî rs en oet iv o-rnh otrmt iUc5ftOl MOT, late if the Towi if Milton, in avie etdd3rclo . S'IdaerIst , Said the inive na lelieved cecessocy iugaond, Benjamin lott, predeceaied ther vocatioael courais set oit ln tihe w aetwr toardm Jacky tilia Cunayr dcf ean, Re ied oni viceat 230 abri. Inern n i Otario sa ta do Ito share ln meet- ber ln 1907. romps Royal Cnadian Electrical aid Obi adn3a ilaMngr oe.d lade no îapelil eeey ng tIse criticai aarld denend tic Sscviving lier ore twa deuglo Methonirat Engieers' Worshops. cekdtecac aigI srni e rut e d a ofn oeaier ta9t5e BOYD-In Miltas on Wedsesday. tood. Min. Melvin Hall end Mcc. Josephi________________ 0piemre i ieihr T re uceiigned oltor aen oarn lto the February ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ __________________ 27h 96 oteMy Tesre ilb are tflr n oCalsA tmsteî briagli $90 aptece an tise av- 16th day if Mercis, 1946, itiserwlae F'eloary 27tbw1946,fLRoter ouy Tis answ tpcideMs.Mr LAIGese the otate will lie ditriliutedl wthîut Boyd ln ler 71s1 year. o nuinler if uarger rentres in tisa aid twatl Maryr eroce. cait FaerI ran is rsience if lier province by tise Inîpectar aid regdît- ScidlodWliiAtlbr i f .UUI ION SAlLE mte'tran the railbesd that eod and T. A. MUTCHINSON. daugter Mr. Enes Radell Kig'rr o th Gulph Sheals levessixgrad-Hilton, Ontario dagito. n.Erea anef, in rc f-i edîcotian deprtint aid elpi h lil vsiitad lîveatads usct le iaulcd 159 milci Soliitor for tIse Elsartor. Strrteent, idon Mrch siet, onoffaialifsientaet 2cn rnidrffiictiel reotfrtdhetd-OntaSTCi, MFLarci T, AI> gain catedir eedaid aissaie Mtai Feisarh12h, 94fe6- pin. Torntere. iPrpetCe-Srvices. Service will be vaîuntory. ren. FIJURNITOJBE placer di ggiîg fi tic sommtier. Scomed ________________ try Tarante th-ln rnias ne OETONSOPN ntted 30 renta a pound lait ycar. Ta IN___________________ e nder rtic poai prhne poal s ner HMETooSlOPR Tic ucdriticd ouctiesecin bave thif tise Seatties odd tise prareeda ON ~ bors MENtA. tIedsrenai e o cal icot___ receiu,-d Instructions tram tt ordmyrtenac feMase23 tan acaîli 01- la a pîcaoant thing la ga ost tri- ALYlfRE HAUSIER a tram ti trapline. tsiîîe trîdoire otteg Mayor of, an ranfd thie home stores aid boy gaîda. Tic Ta icil b y pulie auctias t Lit 4, Tic boys have cducatcd -hmele millier, Mrgaret A. Price, unher ai h a tedi colrglr a ppers re wlcoined ivpoliwoCn 2 rms, itsotcd 5 mile east tiraugi correspondenre courses., Farn iirliday, peapeadwh as YO wol nildlnteoiinofso ulh mile souti ai Na. 7 -____ cd ewey Mrci 4t, aid9 1nopae tye orinial ts etr nl an if ainhein wieli. Titey gel a wamm igîwoy os Eden Mlii Road, 1 mnile CH CHSPESf er o al Der Moteyarri 4 ti 99. 'iepiniplladpotiela ta grooinc. If peuple arc nil wating ave Eden Hulis, on CUC UPR e o il TOcm o miler youl tigte ig itiot writiîc lune examinit- fora thiir tarc., tise store people ire TIESIAY, MARCH 010. STisi on camrt yo ar ni moeu asosraodc oe aeft idt li i oiotl i Commenint ait 12.00 iriloci, tise Tic servinc ut food ta a public are1 no momrey ions orr whi lisrtke usegg n I so n xhne kTe Ai you almoyi acre lictire ai ai IenKS oro onxiusa Si seve .totytsohinintt rmoe Momint atMden Pie Everrcmmbccd sy orr ai He Brits iniy lie cliiid ln Septen-.1vr la tin me arIgl a id i ORSS BIar eceo of assciy ans lie maeft pim ate e.oil iMdocPls bertaiep it irvitng pucsi aua le cîîîe ont ut tal bu uc. 5 yro. aid, o goud watai horse;finsiadt aepbi ai CEMETERY LET'IERftG darTmNite odinitiemr, Ainer tag peelng wid hresing roodnabu lie..Oe rishoautidoîit l dtatd t;ry Porcrin Haro, 4 yrs. aid. erfîco mire sociai. Thc variouî Cialti, and pohe amFers- icg tarsarge dclu g rulfe ie. n anlecofdn of mai- rra] thiri. ieîvy set marc; Gtrey sapper served iy aIsrai irganinat- ihrtn h asdaayFbu h ao 251h.g 1944.. ig a god parriase. Glcdisc, 10 yri., general 'purpase; lacs arc vcry pîputar aid thcy dtew 5e.R.. cair ing nd ind n al he was, R. M. Bolier of Ktchsener tld' la lie homoe stores yaa invct yaur chro Ho.S AN tri. R ai Pe Peuple ticelier In doser 11.* Tise Lpiig and iit h nd o llbe erys memisers af lie Ontario Fedratiai lowspoplo andthlîre are maîy bbiter. bcd Sept. 21. mltiig soit bacfa conversainlas a pleasant GUELPH, ONT. days, at Ariralture recntiy h01 he frars icocît conversatios. Peuple maie. Rai Cou, hrod Jan. 3, cit ail foat; raund, people telltonny starica and mmcreadtui e er n amlbrwl b neteeydf ae o 1fc' Red C, rut l taiot; Roac Coin, due ecrince bitu cf humar, andtiy ..- Blcc d taibrirladtinca iilca srmldt-aesir sîcci otr arotisait at ime ot soie; RI Co, fresi. clftel toifr iii personal experfenaca. Boastitul memonico sic ef beind f uus poblemt ibis year. Me this abaat irgoiiaatlio and Osieraiiment at toit; Rted Melfer, bred Sept '2; 'Tisy mccl strengeri ad mae tisein Ever rememiered iy Oad, Albsert, ta tarmers mnust obtaln groalor jpracrains Oic rrîarîs fron a home Red Co, due ail lime iof e; Br ool 5 an adli sdtie Join , ladys. .prices for ticir praducîs su liaI lie;, tuai shopping excrsian feeling liat Cia', due ai ime ol sale; Ron Cia, 1fe ihmadte Idta ran cîmpeto efaitst iidustry in the bhs iiihon ta a iont ut pîcasont raft as lat, tresi; Red Co, caff as, iowîspeopte wntIs mlian prcviouaiy M L O CARS O TRNKS labr mrke. Prty f tt brod Dec. 2h; Rien Cain, clt aI thep iad ichle eoquaintancc are vcry CAMUS F THAlES tur moliet.font: tb, red Jan. hi; Red Miter, ratil ise fibia. ~WEL[ING Ose eveiig tast eek on Ga c. lite olt d eiai Mier, c aifnt e hecuc suppers arc an oxcel- Sgt. Danabd Dcviii iisies 10 tiaisHao MELOCHEVILLE, Que. cCPi 'ilfr ctio Bcd Heitr Red un poore tetbrgi n i nysdc h aIl triends aid orgonicalfaîs tir ticHoar Fergasai mas entcrliniîtf iag otr ri h Stn Fr i Rond edu n lFo.asMier , rde aue lond srven sn tse ood adea ebeti n ctbn c parcla and lettons ie received white is Toronto haine aid tllicg il is river watsfrnsel the Sum-acs Roed culf, llait; Rua Moaiter, ood atmrei as lierdc aegond.dn 'Pis ri cn Wegtl Wiypc srviig iverseeo. TIey acre vcny fi mt meeting asa sboy if hi i lb the rive whc oet h orfo ee cl ifo:Ra efr afetmr hntepieakd h epir ednofATys muci appreciatcd. Caiserostive nhid Sfr Josn A. Mad- i parti o ibifs maniiipalîly, toced foot, is'd Jai. 3. Tieie are goad people mia glethem up are cititbl,. Donad an whe asCanaa's ighseverai familles ta abandon theur grade duel pupîse Sioctiarna. ohgcrdtfrhe sviead PtblEqpen Pnoîr miih ta tiai lîcir fiends Cimmlaafonr fn Brili Isîmh il hume eety om etb ot s; Ret. Sisorthîmc Buil, nuitn 2 yrs. pallia spirit.PR E-34 and neighliors for ticir many ncls f iven lie Pcficesses Ebabe li aid WBIS atr an; Saw, mcd kindiesa and eprcssions if ympacîy Margaret Rose o Seîîsry Cross ride Nov. 15; Sane mcd PHiv. 21 2"on, Hmsacls8en i einML T-tL shîwn theos during tic reent Ionof Ctt LEARING iced fi Fei.; Yog Sains; Yrk, bi£7d i ni cc aîrt_______________ Iliir millier. on hi kne Nav. 7: York, ired M yv h; o. Are me suffern __________________________ RanI Tiuscdoy, Ontenfi's premier AuiUC ION SAU~ brIl Dec. 16; Ycnocr ecla Cpi. Bih Chatin misld lif e to tram 1923i ta930 di aI lie ageoif 2__ iYaork.red Der. z3; York. oi .- tietis ppctunily laihnkth . 15; 7 Cbunsa; York Sior, about lalso n 1sfDE. se Oitai h F REG. HOLSTEIN COWS, 11055- 9 mai. id; 19 Sots. Cnos LWg- n IODfChcE, Raded aieo epvle Ont., Mr. ES TORS HOtIS, TRACMR, TRIAC. SHEEP-14 Ret. Suttîhik Em wes'; Club ad ail other icgoniaasiaia aid Fegsai came sole tire mit l i TOR IMPLEMENTS, FARM IM5PLE-ý Suffolk Rom. ciracntte mia lesu hidysn adleeg î tisg sisît n tibcl MENTS, HAT, SfTRAW, GRtAIN. IMPLEMENTS - radaor and D r e e oegacts ai bohIer mse rvog iel if the halle Sic Wîfia Has Eqipint, Fardson 1944, on ruiiec,j No w in Stock . .D r e e lvnssu 11asmneoflnsadfr l'lie underîigned actuaneer bas e- afit F ergasîn syttoi; Tratir Pul- Pten 1914 asx minfîte of tonduel eidfor ceîved instructions fron ey; Tatar fi equipped iiti starter PI.k JhecRe Cxc$ misety, ilny cala ond liclilo; Bock Raie. mcaîled an thoS tscRedCrs, orety Mtas Bi Wilifan'u admnfstration accn J.O~ ROBERTSON Hotînalaile caf i aid onigne ln ex-v if tise Caade aeiln Datisers codo d fi yeatetatog r clpi odto; comc en F o o d M ix e r s ofteEpr adatohr red ' ei 7I bista, Lt 4, Cii. 5,1 oîi adla;HC iDcî andOrisinsa Legor Dgser 4 cd s fie-ecitedr îc Mn Twit. at Neflson, i miles sorti of' Bindr t fi. rut. i I! runnsng or Emie t,,h Feraso ma ro-icta Fc Fcg di, Sreetc1 miles oct ut Lîo r' Pea Marvesale 1(e ng om Ittîcrs lie reaeived m le ervng ti- sai neer sufteced a peroonat denta der;r Octf.nunga repf 5ing MwC erseas.a r--le $N316ficll95ndc orscaut ahetI polis darnig 25 ycacs fi Ontar- TIFOSDAT, MAStC11 illi Dmis Raie; Picola Plain. Cinas dFuixu Earl Wisn mold tue c tisa ci faplitfe. Durnîg uis terin as pre- AI h ,,'cî St Tuali Cufliviilur, 9-toali, tan n rutJ ier$ 1 9 relatives end tiendi mho sent hdm muier iii administratfun eoalilhed MORSES t h)an i ;rc Percheron Ruacr.w ie HC a Pier Ifaief giflsanmd alsa vislled isfm white in lie Ontanfo Liquar Cuitsrai Systeiit. Mare. 5 yrs. îid, aoutîll10 iii.; * îbiol2ds li;BeuiCf- laspital aid dclins and staff if Mil - i raudhl about mnany educatf anal e- Back Pmýrcbcraîî Mare. 4 yî'., abous prs; 2Ne. 21 WalkInt Plains; WagnRDOSLS N EVC ton Hoapital for liseir ki d atention. t oms, espasded lie Onlari a Hydra- 140 iii. Bis; 4-sctii Diaoad Hennins; 3-RAISLEAN SRVC Frlends mfIl ie pieaed o knon Iie a EHarcPmcose i îoiar E(;. ANI GRADE COWS -Sylvia dram Steel Raloer; Cuter; Corishull nom omedafg naciy Hay tani Mi Airarîru ErIso Paschs mihkiig mli, Na. 4 Sprooder, îoarly nein; Sprint' Ear Wlsn heProinia Kngs iginay ccg brdDr ; Creamlir ('Iacil Tailla Cors Sculer Buggy; 2 Gen- t.. Ci. V.fludyf terri.o huiiud eMrci 12. Sylva In- ecal I'urfîiie Scutîlens; Wîceîîcraao; IA . a i L.n Wilao tV. Provuncio Rinda Sp, Rv. M. J. Cdy. Chancelor ufthlie IoMca. miiiiag 9.ired Sopt. 14; iund Cri Panter; Mmnd Cutîfît PRON 37 theiaadint i ution, anch fUiesl tTcah trlefn ii!cartra Man-O-War Elsie. stînngiuat Bu;Plr oain 12-spot Seed tiseP.A. Caada eis CrahW rlsrvie Cisuncih Lrs ral;: ('lanliso Han-O-Wac jas- 1Onil, equippîod miii spcîsg cultivatîr PEARL STREET (Opposite Publce Seliool) DAgtr Y. P.A.hOe Cmirc W.d A.,s erun servies ahe i euig moren sprfcgiîg Ils ratil, t Part Mi- 1eelfi broadrailen; Beatty 40 fI Lad-I Socegt es utis Empre, Rnd C ohrc ie uhaugselt rmes sti and Jersey Cw. irod Ian. 2; i'çer; Clipper Fanniig Milt, power ai Bfcty.d andlihiLdeadalai strualfana, deoriiod ifs nid tîiesd Oo:1tlnîsey Co, due sn Harci. This bond; Pawer Emly milan iý i p. tnod rsdiganiiinioss miosa , nu " big man." hebrd s Ily accreditri!. De Lavai Creain Sciauntor, 600ilils.;_________________________________ kbndby sent hum parrels whifte servicg HOPUTYad EUP rt ia;Rp aftMdie olvocîcas. They ocre very mach ep- MENT. POULRSm adeMcî2 aganP mft lisor tee iei Machi precieted. EN loi So. due. Aduei t;rc 22 Y Trsnude anmelta sae.vees ga au - l~aaiîA~,'11 1 Yhor ol. uerl 14i; 5 Yck Sco n Mca'l fc or sa 6, aoncai aacc,..ocna..a )fl about itu i.bs;. '75 Mccvy Red Ms-rack; Sol il BencIs Sliuhi; Carneal I ý en;Scf,--' Wbftc Wasb Spray Pcmp" Bre iles o soate T wn 6 ot oer"..50c'ck rzciy; raeIBis; 40 gaI. Fini Cokr A Goo 'tr-A Successful Life Bre ilis - ToIsoate Twîî lEioùc Banlr.double e ment, ISaditg Trsgfa; Cappe TApple But- -Tise lecîci se8ac Openu sesî Guidaoi hy Modical Mon Ovor HAGAN SEED. ENSILAGE, itgo Biai 0 i Talc Af Wedesdt acld u TRWieî 10îtnsar 10e ta i Faneede tan fas CTar ol A qun -'r EE Wcnse.Long Distance Phone Tumîîy aid Roi! Chiver; 2 longe Seedor; Ensilage Truck;hopr -JUal lmenty-ane daysuantil lise HOPE. B. C (CP Minacie C. 001 cci ofie Sa; 20 us if F;meee Trflen miar Pinis; b - Cas tirait day of sping-fiy île raiendar. Ontihea inr uBaarn;îoî 2Mum bu a, tH oi fs. o Oay; Bonets; Traite iStc Racere; SIU-AN1% HC TRERb a h Ma oua Cook becme ffeciontelykn n bas il Musai! Gra Culs, Barle0', Cuirlotur Wels ; rois Sog ;, aa -Samploma liadt qofle a iusy day as "Duc" ta hii tellowctzn yhs40bs fM dGain, aiticen iyrey iiiivte Pous;s Grai bas,; ilPc ;Miss his;Pn s; HaeaAI 18%ets Mes-is STATE Ca fanheade PPU on Tuesday îecpîîg treilr uines op«- eoponivared ist-uid mri dornî t10 he Poil 0us Wof 100rlis aled; Claver. yîio. l He; hvl;Nr nCnd enamr oard4, mies ifis ton hadt na Sood; 50 is, ut Chomn Timuaiy Seod; HARNESS -2 Set ail Bacb Bond dortoir. 18 i. aot Rond Enilage. aneos; Solet f ngle Ilses 4 This i tbf Reul Woy ho Wectmc Your Chicin liccause -Theice a ieing cul un Hrins Hopo's nea-alsi dator wa a Ciii- IRACTOR. TRACTOR IMPLEiR- îoin Colais; Coulacs, Bruldes, Blcii- it h iii men- Pond and! appeons ta he nil prcttlpmari, 35 mifles iisant, but lbis FNTS. MORSE IMPLEMENTS. ets, ec. ETC.alty or it Trurlun Ni. POULTRY AND EQUIPHENT gmcd qality.cauaoi! filo mrcp heno as Mr. Coahe 79o îie.salnlcslal30 yid Mono Ciii Bnîader, 5X) GREAE ALHFRT M -Febuar gav li usul fne womiairnîd hii fnî-aid us a dcug- T s rlc lria ios aid nnslîkenýw i rp.; 3 Doris; i Peifi Drahe: Rance TRHA HFOT M Peisry avote ils s If s ' opprnssino dîrnnt ho îaîcig Cv-salTcanPinN Amoi Sielter, 10 o 12; Feed Happons. FI- GREATER PROFITS FOR YOU sIarn -nid rû abiat lie cavos ifc~ai inPo' 3-disc; icI. 'Drag tains. ec tise~pe anuu aid se-rvionclsMeci Culiianliar, 12 Il; i Tracîlun douuble PIIRNITtIRE wTroosune EnamelCoidrTisFea tepp in aid tase isenf. df'Coiiol Ccii Crnirn 10' Range rai r Oord. mthi wammint' -Mca. Doaîby Jomifson, ite ole Mi days i ero suent befiingth li , lim; I. Tvîi B Cullfng Bix l lîa Qee otr Arme Partir i W.O. . A. Jamieson, Hfito, laenon c nil ti be lame aid bo c.uld bchs- îo Ia Craf.nBinder, Il 'fi. lot. îr RtHe Tb; 3-iurnir Tbcrc r mccoîurc Chicis tcd Shur-Gef n Chiai Startcr ia the pasecîeca as the Aqailonia seen ut ony bouc, int-aid bt ln icod, Cors M.1ivde; uM i. Graiv 10H11. Ciii Off Slave; Chiiss; Dlnfîg Raom ais-;ld t doc i. Coalpai'axc Sel 'Sen 'a- Tba ni!Cd r;D nn ui Canada lait ycur thon anp oîbcr singlc brand, sriduld t do a aifoo n Sn- n h s mmdi u,;esy WI3-a(ýeiîon; tom. Poato tllgten Cfma-d Caphuosi!; 2 Cheals il Dran- day. roqaestly ir mcv guîded i fIfiý; rl Wl' Farroir Plain; f noie esns 3 Onsors; 4 Bedcleads mti Tbcsc tccdcrs havc ton! 1h01 Shur-Gala promios Hepid mniolcuaions by luit disasnce loie' Furoir Rfdlîe Plain. Cliva-n 2 Wahlî- olins asnd malIns-s; 2 Wasi Stands; Gruarcl, Fast Fcolhuaing, Fi nc Blomn and Lcg Colar, Heaslih -Maurine Beaty, hindaie Jersey pîhor istructions tramt medicol ma >v 'l'ions;'isc. islhnoa': Mairer, Spaul Wiîtnul; Parlun Tables' Vir-1 Farm,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~rl îît" nai a ucac riCilwc.Mn 1. H!Ix a, iyL.,tos d Renards; Wnftiuc Desi; uni! Vîgor. a Jnos ire "Bra'poni puind L s Cifilf y irmcolenl c' conra B drut aa Ple; Mv Luad Bcd Ciloe; Blaniets, Qofits Pli-i Finn"-11104-frM B; H.Buldovmr t Tcdda-nd Hrobb Ifch s-adai etc.; Is'îîaug Buard; Curlof a Duc la thc tact thot luo.l manufacturc savds bcavy baulfng Fini" onh4-ni .M ul h o' iiae seler icar Hope Sh a- Wioa-l Woeon; 2 Ray Racksb:2 Strelaliens; Pils, Pans, lacs, Dishea.'i charges, Shîr-Gai a Chici Starter is Loin Cash. San. ain~oes lo ie lu lin optoin. Wao Boxs:o Sel o aI Sîu SleiRhs: Keffiig Wisi Boilers, Tain, Sinten' Pie t prct IFonaiongtiino"Doc paidut ofS-'iiibSrsa-Sn eiBccls25 Sw.ingchie Mawll3.1OclPida -Tise aîiy seriouc u aitumst tribobaaipch- o oenaoua- 1 .1 gallons Cirua eS 25m0ea'v i Maiine, Wrngen, etc.n'1$31 Pe w îccaîîy ea amang thie nir shovell iesow 'oke Coî'tras sd is c R5glouI Pirer; Fuss l Cidea- Bomnls; Punb Barrots; Meait misa refuue lu co-peol:. t5 a tang lotis-ils, but roses pid upiinlr Rua naah Pa r M nng Clive ll: ae:Lr rs n asig ~Ssco pigScca ihCik-Ie smcR anthier abtral;si ton Cie Minuster aid aveifuaily be iras furcsed la ail- B3usn-ia-a Rip) Sain: Croin Lifters; Mu. Ras îmeLs. lus utis eSr fSrn Sceswt hcsGv hmaRa foofnent ucmlomn dtaa aid badaes oh, Pia bes a-is SsoIl Rues.o POArpTOS.5Bg obea i Wclcome and Have Their Happera Fil of cfe Uncmlay n uOri.ae ml-He slooim sheuaI li te gset arr- S- olevv Bner iing Harnoss; Cdi! Si-s OS- Ruludius.er 1 over ise ~ vice bc eiderci! ifs nainmasity. ".I Hirnpas: Cdd C'ilarlo',umbr;E00 t, a- ,Nie tadinu s r1.1y Shur-Gsin 18% Chick Starter riîe Roin Tilnts aiWod uton Hua-e-. bisa MovModCen 0tn pby y no Damli Bcty iad tac ugu bi!" ae nl s-k WN C-ls 100 Cccii TAsaek. On% oomdey.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~2ýM Marais 12hy ilxe Grin 40oni fitonutshmi l uCfliei TRS ci olootiii EH AHMD N OD H Sona cal c m uaia i d u he aui Peut n CPnti Duvl utd Sal Maîbied ut lus No a'emuved l e ic 1a50 m a

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