Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 6

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I.' THE CANADIAN CHAMPION -*--- - The nteinn nt f çs staff Inciuded 3 cases of iace-siap- WHfAT THE HOME .The W eek ai Civiians at Irregularitles ln bw gand a iew O NC D O TT W A < omilar es.in the mensa camp but therewere no instances of imprlson- Ihome wn tlii ha h OT AWCi aontne from m oent tow-n "do for Iheso, they EY IL DROIT HODOMSN otnui ro atW* i) menyther orpoes b csharet nfi tneed to h regular buyera and read- <~aab.sl'es 115< oI - amp tt ficeslmechatreeof thek ers of the home hewspapers. bInls Cffld§MProe saffWr '<' he camps requiremento in heds ChampseAmtth e i nrn boteo columes lhey learsniofail the activ. thi asa mtte o corsebutln t es!t and bedding were nover iuliUad. llght of their later experiences they iis fte con<munity, what the or- weremod listheganizations are doing, what enter- bumaped squareiy loto the facti nter- ahop whenover lahor and matorla8 shown by Lieutenants Okazaksi and Mîes are going on. Tsey are iuliy ln- national maturity and responibillly <0014 be spored. Some heds and mat- Tokoda were a mattor for surprise ormed nf ail opportunities open to soeie rn nsvr iimtrersses wero boughl but at the end and gratitude. teadcntieavnaeo i soetme bin I.evrediloatethere mere 01111 eerai huodredsofoi Contînuesi <ext Weehi <heand on Plabtocalageoniatl headaches. intrnons <'lîhout bisdnand mont n _____ hneoofpesn oia olca The ful meanigof nibtis new-foued the hedding in use wns ln tise mît "SHOT IN ARM" and or ioleresling expesiences. internationl renPonsiiiy, a0nOut-lugines nf diapidation. Thug the newspoper reader comne 10ctoyos o n aaa agcovntriaon In e ltmtter ni c<tiing and ot- TO AILING TREE cnneîy in contact wîîh ail phaso fn .te nicto mewhust o aamiensguise wear the position ment rom hasi lue-home o tnnife, and la able 1e iuliy nwlanhe volent Moawreain 1is wosunîilidurîn< the tast year or gsemaBERKELEY, Calil. (CP)-Libe hu- onter laieail arlivities that attract at diesvioein t Mow that ite of internmenl 1the standard camp mc einga mbo rereive «'aboIs" nf him. n i secre n O aîî <oa <ego sering dreon hsd been reducesi to calcium or Iros, trees now cob. power were being inveoligatesi. Va ((a species nf bathing sips) or given Injeciona la apoed the diagnos- shorts. Mot of tise men were bore- la and Irealment of their nutritionai l S~FC U Il ail tactesi wilh careiuliy- foot andi legss han bau nof them bhad deficiencies. USE FAEDO wnrded statement by Prime Minister haIs. Microncopie amountsofn elemenîs IN TEXTILE IMPORTS Macksenzie King, who saisi a Royal ThadisttonfteCmp such an zinc, ropper, boron, mangan- Commission inquiry man being madc e admnsrîo iIeCs o. e and iron are shot dlrectiy loto CANBER1RA, Australia <Cpi - Int siorssreaofserotan cofii-passed lhrosgh four phases an<ithe sapwoocj, mhicb is the rees Austrslia ares a bean year in 1946 enliaIinformation 10 unautbnlized equivaient of veins ansi arteries, with or cotton ansi rayon textile importe perono, Inciodtag sanme membere Of Phase t: February te September, a lree gun doveiopesi hy Dr. 3. P. according te a recent sorvey isy Con- tise staff ni a ioreign mission in 01- 1942; Controiiing Aolhorily, Nippon- Bennett, professor of plant paîhol- toms Minster Senator Richard Koane. tawa. Some sppeared "fr more ene Army High Conomandi ta Maiaya. ogy nf the University of Caliorne. flenator iteane warned that Austral- deepiy ansi conscioosiy involved than Phase 2: Oclober 1942 te1M 0 Vagueiy rosembiing a largel piste], ana <are a drop ni rom 30,000,000 ta others" sufd o number ni arrosts had Oclober 1943; Contrellng Authnrity, <ho gun consiste mainiy ni a bras 40,000,000 aquare yards in rotIon boons made. The case, ho added. Mililary Adminisrative DepI., Singa- lobe for s barrel and a plonger isece goods rom Britain. Rayon b.- wnuld remain "sois indice" onlil tise pore (M. A. D). wblch forces lise mlcrô-eiomenls ot ports f<mm Britaîn wmlib. lower isy investigation was conrbuded. Phase 3: Oclober 101h. 1943 t 1 unI Iroogis the monole end. A isole about 10,000,000 square yards. AnsI- Snb Iodure or not, Ibere mos no Jaeusry, 1944; ControlligAtisorlylya19bed ln the Ires trunis or In a railsa origieaiiy imported 70,000,0()o atemmlng the lido of rumor, soapie- ipponene Mlltary Police (Getapo): 11mb, the elemenîn are abat la and the. square yards of rayon a year. Dorns1 ion, report ansi deniai tisaI finoded Phase 4: îlot Jannary, 1944. to bole la seaies i mii a hardwond pbssg. <ho war years this dropposi ta an se- tise capital and olisor parts of the Aguil, 1045; Conlcniling Aolisorily, The resuls. If any, are apparent in orage of about 35,000,000. counry ailer lise prime miniters Nipponese Armny Higis Command in a iew menths or even le weeho, b.- anisoanrment. Maiaya. cause tise Injection acta mnur ________mon_______ quicbiy Iban If the elemenlawr p Il wan Canadas irst major npy PHASE Ipiei Ieeso a w ty,,wbrouhe p tory, and even the parse and guard- CstoPbltsiNpondeAsin tb o, rhynatrylg "the eaesTs qd Inormnation avaliahie mas tinder Cossesassi taMNippaon e rsy effeoliOfysu<ayinteor vsrayhe <or wiilfiro coriosiîy. Artini journal- OmadtauSplesoar, 1945 0 ref coeil1apremn ortî asasn ltir prodding ati mpregnhle invere- t etme,14 fe r e paetutlasao ment sources estohlinhed some bisa Dsring Ibis period inernees mere panses, and sometimen are deiayed a for helief 1h01 he Rossions lied hem sendor the-direct conîrol ni <ho Rip- yesr or more. buiitg op a vagi "fifth colomn" ln ponese Milry Authoritles. 'Th<e With tise gos the plant expert ai- Canada; <th leisenformation songisî f ct Camp Commansiment mas Major no cao do anme sharpshoollng. cOnoerned evrrylhieg a spy mlght he K<rommhnse attitude may ho 104<04 0f Ion <ees will net flourlsh If 1005 lnterested le ieciuding alomîr mner- fmtise following esîrarîs rom i one micro-elemeelba been depietesi gy, radar, arctic meaons nnond Conad. î:mnoncemeîts tn reirsennîssves oi from Ithe soui. To detrmis tiha tan conmie nd olitcalstrutur;ise Camps dorieg <he irt wmeohoof single defirlent substance, the expert Ianrmet ecnnomic nndppepoliliconilotroofute the Rossias emre said to have em-iirmn.cnllo oprm n 1bo h Ployesi a sysleso of "blaciali" ln gel- "If you want fond You must worh <cee, zinc int anotiser 11mb ni the ling inormation hy firol ob<ieîng le- for il. Tise firss Job sa tn repair des- sanme troc, berone mb anoliser ansi as nocent date and <hon Iiralecieg <ul nls. nw. e gavercnent officiais with discioaoroc <enlise Camp yo are to do cvery- Aiilg pear, promis and apple rch- 1h51 lhey 1<4prvnoid cmiteo hiing for ynorseive. Women aed ards have be made hoalhy and ev- thse lcdicretiossof aouîpy ague:uta mon are te ho sîricîls' separated.' en eucalyptus and acacia Irees aed orizd iformtio; anOttwa aent Ye aeford yosrseîvesan rose hoshes have been Icealesi soc- had "SPRIiositise worhs" to R.C.MHP. 'ot ln co-operolion and ieod a gond es<lby with a 11511e roc. Pear offciiswhe lsralne is Svit if c le ho Camp." <ees have 1<e mode more producl. , r mitaions."Tise Govereor lisn shed us te ve ils a <ors hondiolo of opper -soppiy you oilisbedo ansi mosquio ls. Olive rocs wisichIs lved 1<u1 Slrangeiy ecough, theort oficiai flts hbutIbiene are <souries lc mac cever bore fruit mere made te fleur- Information thal Rossia mas <he pow.- lime." loh ils o litîle beron. erbcnvolved camne rom the Soviet Il- "«YOO mnt oosmit aIlisI of modîcal- CA self. WIlhout isovicg heecamed Insruments ansi medicices reqoired. OfiiallY by the Canadien gavera- The Eigh Commenc! ii Iben decide POOTPff ED ment, tas Rasiagoverement sued miether Ihese iii ho oppled te yoU (tEAIRINo a tatemect seying ilo mîîîîacy at- or wheîher you have 10 gel lbem AUC'IION SALE tache ln Ottawa, Coi. irsiai Zabolin, Yoarselvea.IN AS GWY T NHP had isosis iven certoin informatioc ai (R.BI)Tise nnly medical supplie£ NNSAAEATWSI ~ i "a secret chracler" f romn Cacaden receivesi rom the Nipponsse durtag FARIiSTO81CR, IMPLEMENTS! HAY, fia or ai% ritizeeR mad thal ho hasi for tis resa. thc first 25 mostissof Iclerement GRAIN, PURNITURME thOR t on been recaliesi, mos 1 baie of ration wona. 1 - h1100 Tise Ms.rsm alatement saisi any in- Major ialo tbal co opportucbly tof Tise oesersigcesi aoctioneerx have ,tfoc nv t thei formaion rereivesi mas o! no value informbng the lterneece that l « az r eoves Iinsructiona ram .0 SeaoOi ta Rusi 0ce Ihat contry hads sp- lise Intention of tise RIlponese te, CHARLES RYXiER &a55<' punîss tem lc revenge for <lie alleg- TaclhpiscactnaIhe , o 5s erir tcbnca <ailîie ani cidsi si i resîmenî of Rîppocese itere- frm, Lnt 27, Con. 2 iots n<oa Prime Minster Mackenzie bia1<o 1E11Miis 2cn <e iuamilonsote 4 s<emllg asee ocBiIh For- 05h hoBihAuthorities. On ent of E don Mille anCrs t rilgo Mister Bovin the "face" the 25tH arch whec ho handeui oser SATUIWAY. AH 2H tou~a aller wmsssaisi ta have loelst <aise cnrlo heItrCst Let k nmmencing a<1.00 aonisc, the b ai U.NO, canierecce ta London. Il 044 zahi ise saisi 'When me combiler tise fomng 9 fir ci th acton a!the ' - ay ln mhich Jopseese Inlerneen isave HORSES-Gry Prhrn r. ~ <ess ed he ctin o th Cnadien prime rroabesmar Pyr<hoonBritis. osbnater mas "001 compatible 011w hent h os< Ci osi oos meG ohot 1350 lnsuso frendly reltionbelmeen the Imo me cannot gîve yoo îreedornor a 2rd Bac Gdrey Com, sue Joit conre.1easy îîîe." 3s;Blc ni iieCom, iresis; taosss Oneofth pnnhmes,"hchhe3 Fol CaIlle: Cai!, 2 mon, nId; 2 glent01dis Whle sme authoclîles ansimny OesiheInnmcsmsmbo Shorthore Heifera. risieg 2 yrs.; 2 0<ce newsaper remrk ydocreesi ansi nhicis mas mointaicesi Siorlisore Steero, yearlings. % rn oapaeenta riaoaresi on Rosias a-do b ise tiraI 15 monlhs ni Ierns- POULTRY-17 RRococMes; 1 Rota - *îi seing psisiciy o glsed, or ment max lise oopletc separation ofCckerMeR ieffortsBus Washington andhLonaonsieansiotive.,,Par entsanad dec, 7 fi. cot, n gond russing arder; ta aly anist.N asondpfomore 0Ca.0- cîîicen ansi male assiemnale rebat- M. R. îi'spoot Seesi Drill; Peter there t aillen Capital mas expectesi sotil Mr.ivso generaby lc tise Mn's ansi Wo- Hamilton Homer, 5% t. cal; 10 il. h es Jsalines Robert Taschereau ansi R.L. mecsa Camps. Except for o meeting DumPRniahe;4section Harrows; M. else ai tise Supreme Court Ofsn Christmas Day 1942 ansi on lih mtnh Cubivalor; Tuniii Som- nSa %ers1 orad cmlScuffler; Ciserury143hubnd adwies . atham Fanning Mil; ~t<- complo Stte seioricrydent cnare n thsa3snsossndmrStone Boa; Tolo o . 7 Plow; la:ebflP th Capital, isomever, saisi tise esnt slomesi <n ment ss<Ii Jane 1943 Bo; Oneehorse Wagon ils bos, chage arkd «th Doinin'sfirtrom wmicisdole meetings as o îonmn: <sas unom; Portlandi Coller; Rois- hang marses "tie Doisicohfrstber-tiresi Buggy; Sloop Sleigis; a; y artiipaton n os paty < anicle- e bScîslember 1943: l ior Racks; One Horse oBisSIelgisa;Feesi ational raugis-and'Iomisle", and asis- ever otbhForeace; Hansi CalIing Box; 'l'rnip bd hat lnforingtheRusian te 131h Septemisor te 101h Ocloiser Puipor; Scoab ize Graie Chopper; ýdenify hemelve asthe owe ai-194: 14hou Hnyy Fors; k 3 bpC(as Engino; Rope lweliy hanvhar 'ondetise ors I- 101h Otoher 1943 tb thDecemiser Puy;r rp orSelTak )unc.11 943 No eetigs.slongs, etc.; Set of Brechieg Harri- sciesi Caadahs "lndei lse<irI 143:Namer 943: cos; Forisu; Sel ni Pbnm Hoccess; 251hDeemisr 143:Meting focrS1<Ions; 1îpir of 21" long trars <âif Many newspopeco mre oulpoben bouc ImScchCoîars; Sevocal 044 Co<arî; s taeir crilicirisof iRossia, but lisece hI Jaouary 1944: Meeting foc % Shovoîn; 2 nom -Wonl Bionhel ROgs, 'as litle Indication tise proceesiiogobou 3 Buffalo Robes; Chaîne, etc. 'aulsi have a very damaging ffert onOui r. l194:MclngfoYio. GRAIN. LIMBER, FUEL, 'eaton btwenRusi ad he 71h Arl14:Metn o e r TC. -150 hus. Alaska Ons; 200 bus. O 4hot<angsh-etmen Ro i as tise 41is <sec1944 <o Augusî 1945: Tnrnips ; 1Mi)bus. Abondance PoiZ, J. Vanisicgtoc, Prosient Truman 404<- Waln tns o2hur u.Wet 2tn ie a;3iaý tiser ~ ~ t Ecls-pohs ootis i 1<o bucsu Whesl; 12 IondsMioesi oy 3tondo dany qsetiono cOncerning tise mat- l ocoioq0Mjrsuaoity of HeêmbomisPîseis; A qunss er nLondon, Foreign Sncretacy I uceso e ao alo, Lieut. lity of Hemblomi 1" Lumber; cord o eevn Pl~esigos long ficensibp ilsOkazaki ossislesi hy 204 Lt. Tohusia Sion Wood; 2 Fnrly Rosi Rol<sorof10 tussis. Ansi, Lt-Cee. Water Bedeli coctrolidlise Cisongi Camp from slcansi Wire P'moc, nw; Poni<s'y ;rnthnewY-aPOnt UntedStaes211h Harcist10Seplomiser 1942 Il Nclting. mbssutoi, e.appia, uî;nîesi a a s on the munie a negatîve asisin- FURI711E -onng2 o mn'laiie un- , ' rm m e ;ewYor'k meeting tisaIlise oorî s mo Intornes mccc <ot ta et; L.0enher nvesi Oaks Couvs; or m bes 'kee the natonalte ork Ut.heirownorgonlîstîonsTise Vicîrnis; 2Oa Romhkixg Chairs; Par- ormal." atnai bmperaîsces conerollg ffce x eîsim enleresi or Table; Table<C loths ansil'<'<(ne lise living quaiteo atlie Camp. Tisere b.inees; omnster ROc, sen ug Menhlasuc ls eteI-Connoletsm Rs<; Picloren etc.; 0< 4ADT i eiatinmiengosr ls ts .owre ncro rniicatIn or routine iospect- Cs01,12 ^IpD isoogs; I heepeitdaIn.Coh,2Hpy huh anges, SCRO stigbatios <itsg Oncboe usedlriO no.Afier mId-Aprib limlesi ansi ir- Woosi Heater. SCRO nd nohl i" nte syrso inrl recolor oiporunittes mere given for siBEDROOM FURNITTRE-3Bcd- OTOTH s4anhrs aisi tise ronofaitise buyîng extra <nood ansi auner supplis as o ils mal iressol andsi sringsi o OUATOI NMP blw"syhih- houhafimofIdinrnrhat.comnplte' Wasis Stands; Chiffonier, j PEACITIMU ventîatoc onii hnor"ais biis"<brugi a 1cm i Idia mocbnls.Dresser, etc.; Talel Set; Besi Col<s oe Mouroor riaim tht i I format- But hoeefaciities more Insofi<iieientIgscisax snn< banheSERVICEs dns avanmo aieeifs Ca.tenabie tise Camp ta cet n suffie- ShPecîs. Piliorsaans i ploworcvera, etc. ,DISASTIER RE lacs.ent supplies cf foodsti laoîcre lise ICITCHEN FURNITIJRE....itrhen WOMNI' WC _____ndtheCap____n heTable' Worb SIeel; Chsairs; Cobls4 dureoAnsitiseamp ason teUlnsils; ilises ni ailicds, suri s o vof i obeasn beri-ber lin plates, cops, sascero, vegetabin dIsis- MILLIONS FOR K1<518 June mies 0<er cepeotesi reqooots es, Plmisers, loIn, paes, sealers, bniv- permission mas given ta hn , cees, ionise sponns, iait pano, temps: OTT!IAWA ICP) - Tise gnverjnent puddIngs, RaIsin1 monsone ta ce- ar ator; , etc.; Metiolbe Cream Sep- 1il spensi 23,t)oo,100in pravidicg lîve congestion or imprave living aSo Gentlemans Blacks For Cool T E CA A 00ia n raietWasing Machine, Wrtcger, Tub,' î THE C NI ditionsi ha* casi tei ornsiltions. Indeesi tiseo beame TERMS5 Cash fCIlîtios fac veterans, Vetecans' Min- morge as lntorneeos...macy ni tiem Ns article la ho removesi ontil or Mackrenzie bhananeonesi. Ar- iil.eqsippesi.conttnued ta ho sent 10teltlesi <or. Lunchs Caneter. R teMEMBERI as Claarie eîncnm ien mlsie Cmserte os tise iarm bulasi dandi lie pro- eCasitan iMea oobts 0 Ussier Ihis regime tise admnisîsîrat- rietsr <sgriuitieî tise facm ans i 0v- v.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o etro taie <po-oaio ai dscipince mwubot ln main ta icg sp haumeeping. orge Ineatonent attendesi iy=famy hoe Camnp Committes. Indivîiu ROY PINDLEY, J. A. ELbTr Puishsmons Intaictod by th iseRPPns- L. MrMian Clerh k Bsor I p ni tm n ai S fa i, fis da 19 RED CROSS... rship will Iseip to continue those vital Red Cross services- ETERANS ROEUIPMENT HOOPITALS PROVIMENT BLOOD DONOR 'EIE 01RK COMME JUNIOR RED CROSS NUTRITION SRRVICR VISITINO NOMRMAKRRS CANADIAN RD CROSS CORPS WATRR SAFRTY AND AOUATIC PROGRAMME NOME NURSING, 11<91 AID AND THE RESERVE MIAI RED CROSS SOCIETY tHIP WEEK - MARCH lot- -MARCN tIs -I.ktuxBPAY, FMMUARY 28th, jw, ML

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