Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 5

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1!IUR8DAY, FEERUAIIT ~Sth, iode THE CANADIAN CHAMPION Mmt P red Stringor ef Trnte vin- lted citt frîcude lnte tccuou Mon- Mr. sud Mca Wtilsn Edgeofe Wa- terdeen visted citt trieude lu teccu ou Satarday. Mc. Jack Mutain le travelliug ttreugt Michigan on a preactieg touerthis eecc. Mise Helea Marcellus cf London viusidihlier parente, Mr. andssMc. J. A. Marcellus fer a fecc dase ait ceet. Mis Vera Nerris, ccti le ln training foc s nuree at Torento Geucral Mou- pital tea poudteg trvo coe holiday citt ber aunt, Mci. J. W. BBgtt. Frieude citt ho pleased t to ar test Wlamn Beiscietd ccto eedercccnt a goter operatlon et Cat Hospital fa thoee gin and rnahing a succeitful rccery. Refont gueuleat Craigica cerc; MUn. W. J. Srigger, Hamilton; Miss Mary Srlgger, Bsmtn-lteu; Mme M. Brichenden, Torouto; Mies Maude Berry, Toronto; Mca. J. M. Finlay, Tocante; Mise Christine Laider, Te- route; Mns. Fiera Wlggnsa, Toronto; Mca. Palmner, Teronto; Mca. J. Cor- hett, Tocante; Mns. Jean Gachîtl, Te- route; M. sud Mca. Freernan Merses', Geoargetownu; Mc. sud Mca Jack Cun- ninghamn, Georgetownu; Paul Cunning- ham,. Gergetownu; Mca. W. C. Cu- ningham, Georgetownu; Marold . Ag- nec, Milles; Miss Fiera Btggiuu, Mil- ieu; M. Jach Dichosson, Sirlitg- tee; M. and Mca. Bugh Becaty, MUI- tee; Mr. sud Mca Clittord Bcaty, Milten; Mr. sud Mca. Norsman Lawc- son, Mlton. Laboratory Aids Prairie Farmerî Specilat taAdvlse on Machine- Mryand Eloctlcal Problens SWIF-T CIRRENT, Ssek. tCP) - Prairie tarmeca fcem ttc Rochtes ta Manitobahan eapect soie tc gel au- theritetive anseeec frem tte nccc tederal agricutural engineering lsh- eratery st ttc exprimeutl atiaone tere en amoeta sy tarin mactiners' sud etectrical proet. The accc lahoratory, seneouncesi by 'ttche mnion gverneut aIt te st sesion, ltecxpected te te lu opraien hy Aprt. Anddieu It:gete Itl trlde. it clU have ttc aisceca te questions rsuging f romt chat a tsrrn- er stould use for a cerain type ut -dirt mevtng prject ta how te shoutd go choit vetleatlng or lectrityles h515 leutcusecor harn. Ose et lis main serviceesciii bt 1 setase liaison bteecec farmer and Cauada'e bis mactiners' rneelstur- ins busines chet aisunestirnatesi snuusiturnover utf060,000,000 a ycar. This businesos ciiisocu te luruing cul maetinery thel bai tees scarce durtng ttc car ycas. 1ecent sur- vcys indtcated thatlnteSastettcv;am: atone, tareners tope te bey 60,000 necc tractor erateen 1946 sud 1948 and demanda tac disci, tarveiig macliluers'sud poccer mocceca ciii te Jut aseteavy. L. B. Tternpseu, cupriteudeul ot tce SwitICuccaut Stalles, sais it Ilclii value ecdipace ef machtsery citt- eut regard te lie mate. Itl cciibt gives a rattes oulite capatility te du theejob requiccd andI tce Informaton citi te pasod loug ta rnachincry sacre throsgt belletins, circîlars sud correepoudence. Trapped in Attic By ", Areticit Bear .Brown Beant Sleeps lu Cabie Af- tec Eatung Tub cf Bread GRAND PRAIRIE, Alla. i CPi-Btg Jini Feuls, s trapprof uthttcBecaeeau district ucar tisci ermuelty, 107 mile urtt and 103 miles cet et Edmnton, toiktotathe atttc lu Ose et hie cablue atoug the Liard River aud stayesi there ait oee ugtt, deepile euh-zeoreaethec. Peusli ai geod reassuatoc istrip te the attîf-te cai hetd priecuer toc 20 hoice s' ya tige tcccn tear, chîci ceigted tait a tesMc saw te hear approachlug hie ceie-not ttc biset type eeually teesd l is iedistrict tut salcaus' trocs hesst "freni ttc Arclif." Ttc tear igeorcd Felt' sartiug doge, teadesi fur s tut at trooe tresd cctinh te hept ousetide. Pella eau an- ]y' a .22-caittre rifle ase a ceapen. He toit uo ime terucisg it sudhils sleeping teg tb ttc sttlceand cltrnt- lus atter them. Au the trapper catched, the tear, aller fliehieg ttc hrcad, put tie wight agatint ttc deor sud trohe lu- te ttc catis. Me cent peacetutlyIo't atccp aller catlsg ail te food, break- up ttc fucature sud paclsg tedctt- es te ttc fleor. Net day Felus made s hle lu the root, stgualled a frieud, dia, carrylug a .303 rifle, ccse appreschtsg theecah- te. Pelle etot tteter bctsd te ear sud os lhe tartlcd truin jurnpeul througt a cctudacc tcetghhor fie- tehed t citt s siestee sht. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BEy. JOHN ED)DEML inlter SUNDAT,' MARCH 3rd, 1946 M. S.- "Ttc Ettieof thee t<tgdorn" E. S.-"Ttc Word Became Flesi" Mision Bond, Monay ut 4 p.n. linfe S. S. Routa. Friday, Marc icI Ladies Auiliary in Vestibule ai 2.45 p.m. Stoccer tac epron sud variety toith, Wedueidsy, Macch 6t, et ttc ST. PAULS UNITE CHURCH Mtestec-Rev. GOseso W. Perter SIINDAT, MARCH 3rd, 1946 10.00 .rn,-Cturvh Sctoot. 1100 a.r.-Mersing Worehip sud Ser- mn, "Ttc Crusade for Chrit- 6. Ttc Great Suppor." 7.00 p.m.-YTuug PeoptesMsitt. The yuutt et ttc Churccit0 uduet ttc service. Tte miaiste clii prcact, 8.15 p.r.-Firesidc Bouc. Me, es. Galtoccay wccli eonouhisexeper- lesces lu "War suer ttc JiegIe"' sud "Lite lu a Germn Prison." Retreett and teltecetip te tetiow. Tes are cordiatty iuied to ttese services. Tuese. evesiug, Marri 5tt et i p.r.- Ttce %veniug Auiiary of the W. M. Seut1mcet ithe hteeoe Mrs. Cccii Wood. Fr1. evcaing, Mrci tt at 7.15 p. m..is ttc Chrct Sctoolrearn - Ttc World Day et Prayer Serv- ice. GRACE ANGLICAN CHECE VEV. S&A. IES SUNDAT, MARCH Ird, 1946 Ququagseirna Sundas' 10.00 a.r.-Sindsy Sctool sud Bitte Classes. 11.00.r.-RIoty Commueion sud Ser- 7. 00 P.m.-Evessesg sud Sermon. Tceeday, 2.30 P.r.-Afterneen W. A., Paruth Roomn: 8.00 p.rn.-Eveutug W. A., Parisi Roimn. Weduedsy 4.00- Juior Auailiary In S. S. Rail; 7.00. Junior Choir Practire; 8.00. Ast Wednsday Serie us Chiait, cetaced hat- ccc liden; 9.00, Senior Choir Praclice; 9.00, Ctrcct Meerutive lu ttc Vetrs'. And Te Shsti Muw etcTeute sud thc Trutt Shahl Mate Tee Fce-Jns. 8:122 THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST OMAGH SUNDAT. MARCH 3rd, 1946 Service et Il ame, Came Nec sud let Us Recae Te- galber Saitt Jehovat-Issaa 1: 1J& MILTON GOSPEL TABERNACLE .30 p.m., Satîrday, Mardi, 2ud, 1946 -Miltoe Tett tcr Christ. Tteee service are hiug ejoed ty rny. Toîr teacl, toc, ciii te str- red. Came sud lis se and eceice e ttesiiog. In addition te Ibis service e ceet there ciii te s Bitte Chacocter Stîdy. This wdli te vers' tntcretiug. 8.00 p.m.-Mld-ccetk prayer meeting. vry Wednesday ai the Brielecc home. Sudas' Service, Mrci 3rd, 1916 3.00 p.m.-Binday Sctoot sud Bitte 7.00 p. .Evangelisîic Service. Mc. Gea. Middlctcn et Tcooto ciii prcact. Ececyuue Wet orne Setterecri et bteeding sud pro- Icsding pe Bunkers Rectal pille treat the cause ai ttc sauce. Mines' tact if the OirsI tsttle doe s ot salies' At N.L Pickett's Dccg Store Sl-8-eecc T PRINCESSE HEATRE FRUSAT cad SATUEDAT George Forrnits in "MUCH TOO SHY' Rcgt Recbet-"Wltc Dece'." Cotoccd Crtoen - "Drearn Midi." "Neccs" SIONISAT - TURSDAT Chare Cotour, Jean Benet "COLONEL EFFINGHAM'S RAID" Pel Parriet, Jachie Morse 5LLTS GO STEADY" Cartoon. cosonto Feiday d& Saiserda', 5Mar. a5& 9 Rtert Walher, Meessu Wyne "WHAT NEXT, CORPORAL HARGROVE" Coloresi Carton_-RsrA TrIs- Sport B du W-"*Ski Whtz" News. Earl of Glami' Annual Report Election of Officers Officeru elected b hte Esci et Gîsucis Cheter 1. O,.fD. E. are ase totiocs: Pcgent-Miee DoeecuWslttn. isI Vtc-egcul-Mre. Bruce Mac- 2ud Vice-Regeut-Mies Olive Cau- Oeccetecy-Mcc. Chus. Anderson. 'reeceucer-Mcc. Due. Cuturcc. Stadard Beecer-Mre. Jute Can- Ttc fotloccng le ttc annuel report ut ttc Esci of lamie Cbspter as pro- scuted et the meetiug. Ausccc enter aut seven ch ycar air sccempistrnts have teen vers' grat- ltyiug lu the past yeaseasd s vote et sppceclstlau le extcuded te crexe- etive sud rommittee chae ecar- rled setteir leste so tatttelly and ca intirlugty, Dirteg ttc yesr ccc have pacheet icoca crtons et uce sud usad clttieîg fer ttc Escopesu coustricu. Moetars' donatious bave beets made ase toites: Cansdien Red Crise $10; Sich Childrecus Hospital Fusd $10; tutitute toc the Blind $5; Cltt- cfg Fuud fer British Wenuasd Ctlldreu $10; Cigarette Fued $5; Ceroestioe Bersry Fsnd $5; Lucy MerrcleesMemrisi Fuud $0. Oic memhrstlp hb ecu Itcceas- ei derisg ttc yeer hy four n uerac- bere. We have bad tes regeler meetings sud touer srh meetinge lu ctlc cc made s layette. Stece ccc bave hecu tsittlug up att the service ysrunIel clothteg tor reliet. In May ccc tsd'the Johu Miltoni Chapter as esc siestesud lu Deccm- lier tsd ttc plessucaetfjointes citt tem at a spccisl Christmase meeting. Dsrlug ttc gemmner mettsecac t mcmhor made hec taleut moues' ta te ieed te purcclise books for ttc Public Scteol llhrary. Ou Septeniher ccc spouseresi a tag dey toc thee Mecs Lcsgîc. Wc spprcclste theceucouragement ccc have ccceivcd freont te cittzecuset Milieu sud ccc clst to express eur theuhe toc their support. Oir meetiugs havce liccuvers' Inter- etiug sud teiptut sud I think 1lte llttilig thet ccc express oic apprerta. tilou tottoec ho gave their thoc sud talet l tee oic meetiugs s suc- Aisccc have secu posce corneaetteset durteg ieisyeac let os uet forget tere le 0suit a lot tu te doeeasd let us ever ho mtedtul ot suc motte: "Ail that ccctrlsg tbinttc lives et cthec. came bort ltece r occ." Jesiie Auderson, Seccetary Osecal Fcnd Reveiple Balance terward $81.43 Mcmtcretlp tec 6.75 Esdoccmeut tend . .. 550 Sale ut Badge 2.15 Beekblneresi . 107 Talcnt Muncy 3.00 Collcction . 10.80 Total Rereipte .........0110.70 Distursemens Prociecisl Officcr' tees . $ 1.00 National tees . ....... .50 Endoweuct Fsed........... 5.50 Cotribtios Lercy Mucriccu Memeriat Fîsd 5.00 ('urevsliuc Beccacy . ý-.. 50 Books toc Peblieuctou 9000 Toronto Slct Cilidrcc's Hos- pitli ,. ....... 10.00 CanadieNatilol tcstit'itc fer te Sind .. ..... 5.00 Pcepsld Fclghtt.. .80 Advertlcteg _ ...... 2.65 Stsmpe ...... .1 Exchane .....c . .60 Total Disteceemeut..47.15 Balance on tsud .......63.55 $110.70 Wae F.nd Receipta Balance ferward . ..........79.38 Contributios.l .............. 2.30 Donations trem membere..35.25 Banktteterest ... .............69 Nevy Leatue Tag Day ...... 66.00 Total Recelpte . - -$183.82 Diebîceemeuts Materls ...... ...........$ 4.38 British Clutiug and ctildreu 10.00 Service Litrarie.............25.00 Cigarette Fesd ..............5.00 Navy League Tut Day . 66.00 Donation te Red Croie 10.00 Exchauge. . ......... 45 Tutal Distursemeeto .........120.83 Balancceonacd. .........62.09 $193.82 BR1EV NOTE Gond weritece incocetract taespek- ers elcîve te condeneeteir ttoegtts tut tew cc cteve ttc ideai a i ctc Laurence Ifeesman glve aunceseaple n tic cemnifices. One cf tis friendesunIrish lady, etter s proiceged lllecesd ait ter Icetcctraclcd aed ceut te Itsly ta, recepecate. Hec necc tett cece te, te ferccscdcd ccten eady, A te eeksctc aer se crte te Heesman teiling tim that lier heet ccsc mect impcoued sud that tce e Icett ted rescted ber saely. In his aneccering lelter Bouamas advlscd hec: "Be sece net lc cear your teett wieu you go tathiug." By reteru mail cerne a posîcard ciththtt plaintive qicry: "Wlihy dide't you telegrap?"' Expect Eradfication - mCB&zNuMBM 0f Chicken Disease STYLESALLOWMI - rovided they , manufacture nos Agricultue DapartuantTellta mère than tltty styles ln any tati and May End Soeurge of spring seseon, Wartime Prices and Pufloruxe Trade Board ls allowed manufact- - urera 0f womsei, misses'asd junheVie OWrAWA ICP)-Agricsiturc de- weolen coats, cuitis, slsts and jsckela pariment officiels helleve refont ce- treedom etf production frem 550w on, cearcli on new tests for pullorun- It wsososenunced recently. No. 1 poultry kilier-will lesd to ev- Effective immedtateiy, restrictions enteal eradîcation ot the disesse. goverslng the manufacturers' sale Dr. Chartes A. Mitchell, Dominio and deiivery et suci farniente have pthologist, ccys the diseose, aloseo een revlsed. This meas tirat lisses os bacillsry whlte dtarrhoea, ciceve and beck styles 0asd restrict- ia wttiout question the must serlus os bette, sehes, eties snd cuBas cause et chickl oises. have tees ueaeed or removed ou- Fottowlsg the recent dlscovery hy tlrety. Ttcelise on culottes, 1used Dr. Yousleofe St. Catharines, ont., sirts and double panels ou sips tas tht the "asttgeu" blosd test used te also heen Ilfted, the Sourd arenture- detect the presence ot pulorum ad. wouht not react te ait strates etthee organissa, ttheaatesal pathalogy div- aYSigRoY SOLVE» talon bis tees deveeptng ue "setigeus" citt "e coeetdershle mrea- CHAMBLT, Que. tCP)-Worlsmen sure et successes udged 60M rt0 dtgglsgseecs cerne acros chat ccss cuIts." tbetieved te e a coffin contaleleg Ttc "Intensive attsch" on tte dis- "tuman boses, s pair of mens aed a easee tn the pset fecc yeacs alresdy la psir etfcomen's hoqie, a tenfe and beglnnnlg te usoowresutts sud *"there corne fragmente et ctethteg." Inveat- ts ns reson why It should flot be or- lgsttou revesled ttc houes were chose adlcsted ln the sot te desttfut. of a csw or horue, ttec oufte cas pro- ure." Dlecovery chat putlocum a Is ahly an etd tes, sud tee articles caused hy s micro-orgautem ccse re- . were part et a pile et rubliel. ported hy Dr. Rettgrcetf alc Un- tverutty somne 46 yesrs ego. 0f the gesue salmonella, hoportaut le hum- su and animal dîseases, putteruir salmonella attache oety hîrds. Whtet It lu poisibleter o oses te lu- fccted floche te ho tiglit, lu most cs- es chicli eortstity la tram 20 te go S tart Y our C per cent, sud mauy et ttc uurvivors heome carriers. Eveu If tte uumhor et tnfccted cggs haîcted laIs ratl, tshy clcts arc so susceptihle iutect- LET US St.PPLY TOUERItEQUSE tee sprcads rapldly. PEAT MOI Inferted adulte ueustiy appeer tesltby sud thc diieaie eu anouty ho dctcctcd ty hiossiltetel utthcre oc- For eîreng, healthy hirde cestonslty are ftatl epîdemîce lu asd- Starter, su cveuly hataucesi foi uit ftochsase wett. ioule to promote trong and te Symptom-tlseitude, lesetfeppet- tie sud sormetîmes dtarhoes-ueustty Ttis ycar givc Starlight s appeer citt lu s tew dsys et hslcb- teg sud Peak toises are reschcd atout ttc 10th day. Stujvivorsuuusly he- iefj, corne spresders, hoth ttreugh Infect- M lo iln ed eggs sud hy direct contact cite PHONE 50 other fted. The depertment gays t teacster te- _______________ cstblst sud msittsluascican nids Ilisu te sttempt toeraecsdtt the dis- -___ case lu su lutecied tiecli. DOUBLE OWN PAT I<ENTVILLE, N. S. tCPt - Pftcr ElectT ical ù< couucil have vuted thcectseveosunlu- creasie tnpsy. They ccerc recetvteg Full L outy $5 per day tocrte Jsuuary ced April stttlugs of tecroîcil-uocc they ELECTRICAL APPLIANCFS wltt get $20.1 ESTATE SALE REGISTERE»OUENSEYK TTRAC- TUANI) UIMMNTS. FAEM FMPLEMENTS, HORSES AND issooli OWS Ttceedvdrsigscd have reccived inl- elcectiostrum ttc Eutste ofthtt LATE V. H. MeINTYOIE To sel] ty public surlies at Lot 7, Cone 3, tep. of Trafalgac, 2 mites soutt ut Millesnusnttlttccy No. 25 ou FRIDfAT, MARdi ilh Cummeeciet ut 1.00 o'clockthttcftu- HORSES-1 Percheron Mare, aed; 1 Percherun (eldleg, sged. Goud e'urtcre. i Bsy Percheron, 2 yce. old, nel troten. IIECisTERED CIERNSET COWC, BULI-S AND HEIFERS - Kluetetm Maricold, freet Fet. 12, wilh helter cstt; Itintehelm Doisy. Ireet Jan. 31, ilthhubellcslf: Kiuetolm Dorolhy, duc Mar. 24; Kietshulm Sesu, Ireeli Pet. 3, ccitt helfer eutf; Kiucehotrn iJuliana, trcsh Jeu. 18, wuh huit rutf; Klugetulm Maestir, de limeetfsle; Kietchuini Sutcsm. tresh Jeu. 4; ccitt teifer rsli; Elugehulu Flumer, freat Jan. 27, ccitt bull cait; Oies- erchy Pride's Song, tred; Klutshohon Primets. treet Nov. 20, ccltb heiter csit; 1 Bell Ceti, 15 mus. old; Kings- hetm Moity-O, tresh Sept. 7, wiuh tilt colt: 1 Bell Colt, 12 mec. oid; Gieu- urcby Suoctiaee, reet Dec. 3, ccitt bel lef; (lenochy Moyted, treet Aug. 161,ccitth uit coll; iieaorrhy May Merrue. trcch, citt heiter esît; Cleuorchy Pride'c Carol, ret MNov. 15. citt helter ceit: Rerd Sire,.fDou- cidi Royal Patrick, becu Dec. 22, 1942, Dama rcord 14,811f; the. mutk. 679 ttc. fut. eire Focemosi Rotyal Barcae(Impertedl. This tend le mcclvae] yeeec, etacluin bendnce cf mut sund type ccith R.O.P. ep ta 90Mt he. as 2 yr. aide. Their dems tove recarde up le 12,041 ttc. mutk and 1614 ttc. ftlase4 yr. aide. This herd heu aliccs cheentond mittcd sud ccItt te stdeujct ta ttoodetet. Fer ceteiccue, oppty J. L. Chiehoîni, R. R. Ne. 3, Milieu. HOCO -6 Teck Socce, bcd 2 mes.. 2nd ltler. IMPLEMFNTS--Coco Tracter on cether. Mode] S; lt. Ttrecr. 22', citt trutccr and neyer coecaves, et- mocl nec; Meccer; t'ose Rsy Lter ccitt steel tcltem: Cectehttiauce Surear wcitt cotter wcctccte cied. Cocv Rluder; M. H. <Irein Bleder 7 tt.; Mut Oranles: 3 ccc Truck Wag- sec; .1 Hey Roche; 2-ferred Cort- steil Tccctcr Plecc. 12" tetteni; 2 Tracter Double Disces: Dccc Cultiv- stucs: Sinop 5Sîcichs; 2 Sitarie Wsib- lac Ptcccc: Milt Ceci; Reo ul ec; Pisîtecai OraeecRend Pcowec Clip- vert; Dit Dram": .1 Breeder Otevea. roat; Sien Lffddccc;6 rccdpr Rus. es. uecc.10 s 12; 8 Chîchen Obeitere, ucw; Odd Cetters; Feeders, IRoppere, Fuuntoiuc; Preccre Tank, neyer us- c d: Cceem SOctiacir; Fccctsc Miii; SelP cf ReavyBreechlit Rsrueeo; Ncîmecoc cther emait erticlvesuad TERMS: Cash Setltene citt Clerli onc DivetfOSle Nn Rpeerve J. A. ELLIOTr, ROYT IINIt)EY, Aictioeers R. R. Ford, Cierh 1B-34-2 Pollock*& Tngham HIGH GRADE MEMORIALS MEMORIAL ENGRAVINO 151 MAI1N ST. GALT TELEPHONE »U JUST ARRIVEDI 150 GOLD FISH and SHUBUNKINS * l0c eade amsup *ANACHAUS SEA WEEM *PEARL CHIPECoorei * Tropical and Natural * * '1H FOODO RVE 9 W. F. Cross RoetS. Phonoe4 * MILTON hicks Right! alffEN" OF OTMTES HELL Ma - arnT Sfood themt Starliglit Chick d with ail the eseential ingred- ealthy chickeue. trial sud convince yourselt. >Company Ltd. MILTON, ONT. ontractors' Liîno of RADIOS REFRGERATOIS WASHING MACHINES Radio Service a Specialty BAILEY and TOEWS Radio Sales & Service - Electrica Appltances MILTON, ONT. POE259 MHMHMMMMHMHMHMHMHMHMHIMHMMHMHM H SElectric uioouers ORDER YOUR ELEMrIC BROODER NOW AS OUR SUPPLY IS LIMITED h Milton Hardware 9Phone 43 Mtilton CMHMHMHMHm HMHMHMHMHMHMIIMHMHiII$J<JjjgI r WEEK END - DANCE! TOWN HALL, MILTON SAT. MAR 2ND Staniley Porteli and his Rhythmaires k Single Tickets 50 Cents Dancing 9 to 12 P.M. rAuz raya .UMM TRUPSDAY. FEMUARY q6th, IM THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAJU invu m

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