Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 4

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PAOE FOUR -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -~TSIURSDAY, FEBRUAJYI4 81, W TECNDA l4M8la NEWS of the -DISTRICT Vatou Items Coacerlng Activiblu es nCommrneties Nesrby jWhere Msusy of Ouar Readera are Ietereeted LOWVILLE, rhe Crusîdersoaf tIeaUited Ciaurh es ciai a laiccin e iii h on Susdep svenieg ilS a gond ai-t tendance. The meeting mas n i chargesai Ibe preident, Mise Irmeai Rechefert. Mite Irma Rocchefort,1 Mc. Thomnas Rasnas and M. El-( ruer Foster sach enve an sddreas.r Thse maakiy meeting lest mesS mas1 Ssld aItItaeSaome of Mc. and Mca. F.1 0. Coig wmInte bdiscussion mas on the looks ai the major prepisats. Depoîp-reava Elmer Foter la at-t teadisîg the Goed Bonda Convention% Ie Toneto Ibis meak.1 Mma H. A. Fsetr ai Borllegton la viiting ilS Mc. and Mca. E. C. Fos- tac. Mc. and Mms. Mrs. Colsna nad M.aned Mc. Maurice Beadisssd and John visitsd on Sandsy ilS M. and Mc. George Breckon, Branle. The Fscm Forum Seld a social evaning in Nelaon Hall en Monday eseaing le c-epersîlea witb Appiehy and Bail SeIteels and Mount Nemo. Mc. John Taylor of Applaby mas eSairman and Mc. Gordon Blair mas goast speaker, on the sabjacî "Oses quaiity pay?. ne addres as me ry inetmoctive and morS appreiated bSp ail. The ceminder oi theaassnleg mas apeel plaplng pogressive eschcs mils Owenty tables. WInnes afor carda mre ladies, Mc. F. Hadlay and gents, Carmas Bell. Deer prises mare mon Sp Mc. Stan. Colson and Clark Beadbead. QoBltIng Sp the ladiexsaiflias Unit. ed Cborcb ceagregalien mas beld Obso Wadnesday at the home ai Mca. F. W. liarSattie.t OAKVTLLE "The coalrslî 5v munie! palîtiîes, f îiîyiasc oal scia ivaeri?, t la vei tise possiîiiity of lami in the future lse Onslp my te ensace geed living arsas in years le came" mas tise epin- ion epressed Sp Han. Dans Porter, K. C., Miniter ai Planning and Devsiap- ment, aI a pablic rmeeing speasered Sp the localCSnmrofaiCmmerre, keid le Victoria Hait an Wedaesdep ereniag, Fsbruncy 131k. Ceanril dsrided an Mandap nigieb te ondertake the pretection ef tSe mater iront irern the SIS lies tatise Ealen Estate and frem Dune ta Don- des Streete, et an estirnnled cast of $27.500. The protection iii Se nmade ilS rabbis alene. Thte espenseslat le Se met Sp the lsse ni tee pear deSea- tures. A large turneout ni Liens and Ikeir coess u Ined nul an Fridap evening ai the Oakviiie Ina te meirern Dis- rirt Gaverner Cliflerd J. Hunes ai Ing- srsnii mbe paid 51s-officiai viel te the riab.-Recrd-Star. GE(ORGETOWN Fcisads la tawn mers grieved te heer oaithe deatk aI Welleslep Hos- pital, Tarante on Suedsp, Fskcuary 1015 ai Mca. Carence Near, wSe pasi- ed amap aI the age of 30. KanxPreeSpîscian Cilurrk mas bast te ls retSrned mes and memen alt nigSt wSsn e rkirbea dinner mas served in the Ssnday Seni B ooms. Membership la BranrIt 120, Canad- lin Legian, mas iarreased bSp nntbsr sigbl members making a fnur-montil tIniai 104, wken an initiatinrcer- emnny mas Ssid In the Legien Hall eut Wetlneaday svening. ACTON Il f te omu ty toeneprs - ing rsturssd sersirernen iii opethe Knase CIurrS W. M. S. ietd îeir Gergetown Lnundrp nexl Menday la meeting nI the manson FeSruary the Clark BlocSons John Street srrras 2415. The meeting mas ln charge )f rnm the Arena. the vce-preidenl, Mc. E. J. Hassard C. V. HiSasr. eeeof OaSvlle and mSs gave a short csading. The dec- HalionaContny Worden, eut the riS- otional priod mas laSe SpMes. GOa. ban aI the afficiaI npening ai the Lanta readine the scîipture leseon. aem Glen bridge lait Saterdap aller- and Mns. H. Alison afiered a praper. sean. A gend crrwd mas on isaad te A ioriser Acten rertor, kindiy ra- mitaessethe event, Inclsdiog membera mernSered Sp Oe People ai tIis cern- ni Equeiig and Hlten Coonrila, rnenity preaesed in St. AIbans se and J. V. Ludgale, Distrirt Muniripal Sosdap nigSI. Captain E. Brillin- Eaclaesr.-Herald. galr, mbo eelisted from the l'scisish ofIE OIS Wrnena, reeently retorned te Canada, L W O S nitar service averocas ns padre le ix, Hajesty'a brces. In te frstgam ofthegrop smi- Mc. and Mca. Wiiired Hablasse ai le 1e OsI ameai Ie gou mi-Guelph visited ils bier mother, Mca. finals Georgetown rnnnaeed te hold Ras and MIc. W. A. Lane on Soednp Aton ta a 4-4 île. test meeS. Servicernen affiiiated ils the As- M. ansd Mci. Jehanp Grahm a nd ton Uni tad Chureb mere gises a mel- rbildren have mnovsd Sark te Acten. coeerSeanigSI on Fridap lat misen Tma Tuesday aiternoan eucbres n eieken soppar mas sereed aeoUt Sors been hsld le date aI Mca, a bandced men ai the renecegatien Wrigtes and Mca. H. HorIons. Ad- and a deUlgistie soial evening an- mission la an artirle suitabia for sale jnped. uaIthebSzasr ln OSe spring. The event mas favored with tsi Tbe acSooi gardeas cammttee held gesat speakiers, M. Hughes Cleaver, a eucirs and danean Fridapae- Matoses representative ai Ottawa iag mirb mai quite n surceseisi as- and Mr. StanlepHaill, HaItona crep- saS. Mr. S. Kirkpstricte and Mia. El- resentative aI Qoasesa Park. Mr. lsrby meceigesat scerera, consolaS- Classer mas latredurad Sp Mr. Ornie ions coing te Mr. Ken McDanald and Lanb-Fres Press. Allen NnccIe. Muir fer dancing mas ______________ presidsd Sp the Rhythmn RuSes ehe milI f111 anaîber engagement bers le KILBRIDE the nesr future. KILBRIDE Res.. C. Tndd barbcarge aillas - service ni Limabouse an Sunday, wbite Mcm William PickeO, forrnarly ni Rev. C. C. Cochrane rosducled tSe Lowvifls, passtl paaceîsîîy ams one Mens Club et the Gerctomn United Honay mrrnIng ai the borneofilber Cbarch. daugitar, Mca. Charles Prudhont, We melrnme Mc. and kIrs. Cpil wbare abse bai made ber home the Carke and baba te the village. Tbep lasI ism yenrn. 55e mas le Ser 900h meved te Obir asw hSea ijerely year and sltbougS ln fsîling iesîtîs wned Sp Mc. and Mca. A. Hillal Pr sone Uime, mas serioualy III enly esS. ans masS. Tise fuecral mili Se beld eTursday siteresen ilS pe sale BURLINGTON sevc tte itciIng FaneraI Home at Wstardomn nI 1.30 a'cierS. PubSils service le le Lowvlle United Chorcb AI a mail ttSended meeting af lb- nt 230 Burlinglan Cbamhber of Commerce Tisa W. A. of OSa United Claurgis hsl i th5e Esamnentons Mnndsp ac- mers gueula on Tieeselnp ntamnen of esingleat, Items censtiteline ttha Sas- Carlis W. A. aI n Vaentine tee le peiicpad aclivities fer the yeor held le the bal et the 55 c.Thte mers ntiinsd and action taken as thc 1e Ime major Items, tbe dramIsg ai guesta centriSoted a em asmSers tea the preerme.a plan or pictare ni mhat Brant Street skold lob liSe an a maiern and an- The Y. P. U. met la the Sunday Iferna kusnes eciesand thenaarnag ScItool room at esS fer their ceg- ni a cesteîse te geom tbsth quasI- uasemeeting. Alira Psgg mas le Ion nI mailideivacy. Amese ater rbarge ai thte pregrame and presented den advanced man a aew toms the lepfir. Fends Harduand mas la creat, slogan stickaca and manp aIS- charge of the cames and rerreationearn. perlio. The DeparîmestofaiEducalien in Manp Sendrede ni ahi entSusaealedeirnue ni the crealion ni a Higli apent Sondsp an the hille ai Cadar Scbool Distrirt cnvering the Tomn ai Springs. Weather mas ideal and OSe Burliigten, the grenier part af Ne]l- skiff et fres seew made the lides son Tomnship, Brlinglen Bearh and perfect. perS ni East Fiambace Township. MISe Derethp CeS of Hamilton This mas roubt oaieth Ie confer- badl the msiartune On break Sec îeg enre lait Tbursdnp ni Department ai- wSils ibkling ai Cedar SpringasenBat-filciais and memsofnit1e Brlingias urdep stamnoon. Higb Orbual Board. Mc. William Sceer of Aldecsbeot l Harria Armsrong, Brat Street visitIng Sec 515er, Mm. Charles m'elciant, mSs foc a nSmSer ni pears Hsedine. bas crried onan as sectricai epplanoce wihand ucitare business, bas diîposed BalpIt Lllyrrpp la visling milSni is entire prepertp, including Ohe relatives et Hrth Bnp. James Street frentage, te an Owen Mr. andelMca. William Milceavis'a-Sound eedent, mSs after March 15, lied frianda le Guelphs on Sunday. m1i1 continu e crry an the baîin2' Mr. and Mc, Stanley Ford an e as n nw nperatad Sp Cc. Arm- son Of Hamiltoen mera week-end vis- strong. lIera mlsh hia parents, Mc. and Mca. ire braSe eut le the residence ai Wilbur Ford. Howard Skappard, Lecoat St., nsortly Mc. and Mc. esnets Rbertusnaif efere 12 0eclock an Hendsp nlgbO, Hasmilton sPaet Sonasp ithlSitsand b108tethe building and conentsli 19randmutiscr, Mca. Nancy Rbessrgen. la asiimsbsd aI S,OOO.-Gztte. 1 The Womens Inalîlate heid s pr- creseive echre party la Ne. 10 srhol ons Wednasdap eseblng. Des- pile the slnrmp meather. a gond crmnd atsnded. Prizes mers mon bp Mcx. kIcLeen, Miss Norme Agaem, Miss Marina Hnad and Mcs. Charles Kiug. Aiso Heil MrPSsi. Mc. James Deforestad Brocs Hod mare min- nera. Tbe rammIlles ls rhargs mers Mca. James Maban. Miss Jane Raid, Mca, William McLaren and Mrs. J. Tsbanney. Mmi. Thomas HrPboil and Rnnald mers Saodsy viitora mitb Mci. John Agnsm ni Wulecdama. Mr. and Mca. Colin MePSili and non, reidelni ofBoriinctnn, visited friendi and relatives on Sunday. Mrs. John Maben, frmeryIp mass Lnmrey, pnaed amnp Wsdneadap marsine etthIe home of ber daughlac, Mca. Alexander Monce, aller e mentbas sairkasîs aifIsert aliment. She mas 76 peera aid. Hec bSnSend predereax- ed Sec 36 peaca agomntbylr- sd nan Campbelivilie. Mca. Mabon' bas Seso e ceident of the village for 20 yeasuand an active memSer ai St. Davida Cbac. Leit te or are ans dancSter, Mca. Aiea. Moore and ose ScalSer, lames Lemrey oi Guelph. The funersi miliibcSe Sd an Fridap ntervoan frani Oeir home nI 2.30. taterment iii be ln St. Davidas Cemeterp. Tpr. James Bayaton ai the vilage and neptaem aI Mien Eizabeth Bsynton ercIved home frern overseas on thes Aqitsnia lnt Tiartday aflar 4 ycarn service. He sow figtise le Frasca, Hoiad. Beiim and Germanp, mas mnanded onoce te the rlgSI arm and apent Ime moltsa le bspital. He rnsrriî-d Mina Margaret Fem la Eng-, ]ansdlest fait and expectusîhs wmue 0e jis Sîne sen. Mra. O. Morse ans returned boe aiter npeodlag several meaks te Woodteck mitS Sec daogbter. 9 ZIMMERMAN DO YOU KNOW? - Do you know tkat the hlgknat, Mms. EB. Patteceen spent tisePet tanard of living le tise world la e- week witS her nîter, Mrm. N. Sinclair Joyed bp thse people oi tka Norths and Mc. Sinclair af Burllngton. Amneriran continent? Mc. and Mru. MrCullougk afiOt- In 1941 Oera were 1,562,146 tata Inwasulet the week-end wîtS Mr. phones le Canac"-ne for avecy 7 and Mais. Goldie Cartwrigkt. Canudinna' .. tkere mare 1,454,717 Bill Mecedth lu wenrlng a kappy llcensed radie cacelvarn le Canada- emîle. Itas a girl. ans for evecy elgist Canadiens? ..- Mr. and Mms. E. R. Patteruon vis-. tkere were 1,279,5Ue pasenger car lted Saaday witk Mr. and Mca. W. (iarloding taxi-casa) reglnteced le Luftine Hamilton. Canada-one for erery 9 Canadiens? Threi. a - aýeof aiaisinlathe ...belwrra 1931 asd 1941 Cao- neilbkorhood. oda's populationa jaresed ky aaly il per rant., Sut duclng lieseaaee perlad the number ai tplephones le Canada inrceaned mare Ikan 14 per cent., pa- CAMPBELLVILLE seeger rare mare tItan 24 par cent., and radion more tkan 178 par cent. The Fekruary meeting et the Lad- . .. Canada wîtS enly llgktly moe Ies AId ai St. Davida Ckarrk wau thonan nali te 1 percent,.noflise kekI aI the kome af Mcu. C. A. Elsley morîdo Ppopulation, emno almout Okee witk the presîdent, Mcu. A. T. Maore and a Self per cent, oi tke worldsa preiding aad'sinîteen ladies pressait. mater vekiicu and more tisan tkcee The scriptare lesuon wan read ky Mrm. and a quarter pr cent. of tke woldas Menzlen and praper ky tke preident. lelepkenes0 Tke Okeer Serretary rend everal . .. arrerdlng te incarne tan data lellera ai apprerlallen tram tkoue wke for 1930-40 and national incarna psy- kad rereived frirat mkle fil. Ailer menta fer 1938, tke aggregat nest the uuual routine business, pianu mera lacormaiof te 11,817 Individuels le mode for a St. Patrcks Supper. Sev- Canada mltk incarnes of $10,000 or e. aI otkec itemu ai kuniness. wece mare, evea Seface dedurtion ef taxes, disruaned. On the iellemlng Wednea- aronueed te enlp 5.8 par cent. ai day a qilîl ma quilled aithIe home total lacome paymienla te ail lndlvld- oi Mca. Menzues. The Soriety feel osto le Canda? tkey are off la a good tari foc the Canadien wealtk lu idely dîsîrîS- New Year. uted. Canada Selengaset ta a ism j The Blair Y. W met nI the Sanme e Sot toalal Canadians. Mms. Menoles for Ikeir Febcuary meet- Itlslaile ur bSt intereat te mecS ne wtk Mise L. Black la ckarge. The lagelber te develop tise enlerpris srriplace lesuan mas rend Sy Mis nptem wkichbSas pcovided tilo kgis Verle Vaniekle. A rbaptec front the standard ai living fer ail Canadiens, lie ai Robert Moifat Oas rend 5p ao tSat Il wiii prevîde even mare. Mise Blark. Mise Della Vansirkle ________ rend a ebapter f rom the tudp Saob, Eariy Meengera ta Aficra.' OtEIMCAL NECESSIT? Christian Service Sy Rev. Josepk Wasson leClad Tidinga mou rend Sp KINHOUNT, Ont.. CP) - 7Tis Mca. Mencies. The offerlng wa.a ded- iombecleg village ai 400 people needa lrated by the president. The mem- a ceident dector ne badly eltiaesa Sers engaged in aemlng for a short bave eifered te aoarantee lime. Mise Verle Vanuicleie laaed Seuing arremedatien equal ta tise the meeting mISS prayer aiter mair eSten th e sillage aad even ofier le the koteas served ceiceskmenlu. The rendort a ranapalge ardering prompt number present mas amatI but the iayment ai ilts. meeing wauvery lntereatlng. Mina Annie MrCoedy. ceident et ibis villace for avec 35 veaca. died le Milton Privule Hospital on Tbacsday eitShe age ai 86. At the age eof 14 yeocs, she rame te Nassagameya te it n D 8 rc keep bouse Par ber braiSer, Alexnd- it n D s sc erMrCucdy as the famm mere tkey lived for 37 penn s eioce ceticing. Se bad keen in the Sespital lwe yeacai rtlies1n followlngao Pul l n m hckhe tracter- e tlz r an ed ber Slp. Miss Mrdy wmn an member of St. Johns Anglican If you bave not orcecd yei CSurrS. Leil tce morn are ime is- advisable te do se. Potashbin pai era, Mcs. George Teebit ai Wlngkam Do net ftlcget secd grain if and one ister la ahe meat . aise one i 5agtted SUpply of grass sceda, al] braiSer. M. Frank MrCurdy af Aoo- timetby and permanent pascures. Sclla. The fanerai tank place an Hasday allernean rom St. Jakns Alil in stock nom. Place yeai Anglican CSxrrb ilS Rer. Mc. Can-I an Smith ai Qabville oeiiating. The BewaceaofaSW plibsareca mecs William Reld. Sscatd Boras, acS Blarbiork et CampSsii- que ville, Jlm BlarbierS ni Guelph, lisr- aid Cîsmens ai Heapeler and J. Me- PHONE Cucdy ai GaiS. Tkas arrylng item- mr ers Harvey SaBak. kEnri BlarSiarS, Jim MrCurdy and Mac ________ Twist. Intermeat mas made ln the adjoining creeery. Mci. Pced Petera ai Cleveland a spent eerai daya misS ber parents, ~ g Mc. and Mci. William Hurren, the RIM former buvinc bren 111 for scierai l C om pa, Ne. 1Icobea Farm Feom met on Monday evrning mISS Arebis Calma as, rkalrlnan. Aller a shert disrussion,I OLGA POCAHONTAI progressive eurce wmas plaed.and .CVLE Ikese inning prizeamesMc. Ed- AAIR gnc Calrna, Mca. Wlter Ingli' Claude Ingli and Arls Calcnn.Z A FOR FREEDOM FR086 dulsly lunch mas secved inter. Livingstone Stoker PIONEER FEEDS CEMENT -LEME R. S. ADAMS Phn4M . . . . . NIgbfa I1 Special'Meeting! HALTON MILK PRODUCERS COURT HOUSE. MILTON Monday, Mar. 4 at 2.00 p.m. Subjet--.Proposed MiIk Marketing Agreemenit Speakers-W. Il. ,imot, Secrrtary-Manager of Toronto Milk Pro- durera' An. Harry Watson President of Toronto Mllk Produrera' Asan. ThsI la an opprtunlîy te kear a fuldscussion of the propesed milk marketing agreement and nil Toronto milk shippers are urged te attend. Halton Milk Producers' Ass'n. L.. DaVRIES, Secretary M. T. McNABB, Prealdent OIL BURNERS AVARàILENOW QUIET MAY (bU BURNERS, wilb storage tank sulornalic controla Inssled Completa $875 CAiL FOR SURVEY 0F YOUfI HOME HALTON DAIRY SUPPLY MILTON, ONT.,, issas $47 & as" B aby C hicks! Goverment Baoded and Blood Tested BARRON STRMIN &C. WHITE LEGHRNS ANI) E. P. ROCKS -NOW BOOIUNO ORDERS WRITE FOR PRI CES- S al"Adverptisemen ts Adeecàtissse n derttisSid .9 Addtianal. nrscda an e :Sc d, If tisassent, minimtum cacsem a s par scncd addlitimal' facmor ea A treat foc your feet! Use Ueoydsa Care and Callaus Salve for prompt relief. 50e St Pirbeta' Drog Store. FOR SALE 6 Yong Pieu, 8 maesa ad. ApplY E. F. FORÈD. Phone 57r2Z Soya mwInIer top cent, ise 12, 900d as new.PHONE 238 FOR SALE Sst double haress,&:~PIY BR RBBIS Phoene i1Ma FOR SALE 3 Yong Sema, e montks old. 10HN4 MOP Phone 251c5 WANTED Reem and board Sp single men, near C. P. R. Station. Write BOX 30, CHAMPION OFFICE RSIOTIATIC PAIN, SeIM1. LumIbagoqockly relleveid by UMiM RUM[ACAPr.Rcemended by th.sU sanda mise bave galeed Setter health. Kerrs Drug Store.(4 WANTKD Mter car foc private ose, casis bay- er. Cemmonirate iS 37-2 R W. FOX Phone 264J Milton, Omit LOST A black and tan gernale ond, Sa or near Milton. Anamers otea nana ai "JSdy." Remard. WALTER HAYWA3ID, Phonee 32 FORiSALE Wal Sred Calle popa 5 maes old, aise lKentucky Red Bone fox bound, 1% W eara aId. Applp HARTLEY ROBERTSON, Phone 94r21 R. R. 1, Miltone WAI4TED Live Poltcy wnnted, lllghaet pri> e ad al RUSSELL 11401.1 Telspkene Milton 234r4 26-26 RH. 1. CarnpSellvlle WANTED Dead Herses and Cattie for frac pick up. Phone Milton 210. We pals ponecbar GORMDON Y0U7 T 35-52 PhoesA. 3é Toront.. NOTICEC The anuelmeeting oetthes siars- Seideca of the Hilton Cametery Ceom- pay miii Se Seld on Satorday, MareS 2nd, et 2.30 p.r. n.etk Couecil Ckamber, Hilton. 37-2 AIIIED SALE OTEmI In addition te the liaI of OSe peal- pened Chas. Ryder Sale Blsted on page 8, a latIoffPnacy disSesanad good norsture and a large qoantity ai rarpenteca toolu miiSe eofieced fer sais. WANTED 3 or 4 onfSrniaked ceors na eteme by a yong maccied cople, ne chlld- cen. Apply MRS. DON McLEA3(, CampbeUlville, Ont. Phone 391c4 WANTED Girl or maman an ruaS genecal la gaed bhrne. This la a permaenet pou- Mton miaS every cemiert and eoaid- ecatien. Write te 37-2 HRS. P. CADEAU 71 Lcoat St. Brlingon, Ont. FOR SALE We bave an Send a geed sSpply of pet plants, aise miaed paneu aibulbe n bloom, defiedils, crecoses, toSps hyacinthe, ectt Damera andsap stocka and n iew rcantions. 35-4 JONES OREENHOUSES King Street, Hilton Phsone 2573 FOR SALE 3 pure bred Jersey Cama. folly se- rredited and Sined-teeted, due te ireaben sens, aine tracter mounted coneroitiVater, 2-ram, f110 any Farmail H. or M., aIse 3-section npriag lentS drag rullivatar. Appip GORDON HUME Phone 156rl4 R. R. 5, Milton AN OPPORTUP6ITY EslnSiisSed Rural Watkins District avaliakie. If yen are aggeesive and beimeen the agen of 25 and 55-bave orrcanuerors travelotiit, ti lel yoc epparlunilp In gel estakliesed le a profitable bsiness ai peur eme. Fer flt partirSiars write te-dap le The J. R. WATKINS COMPAN4Y, 31-4 OspI. O-M-6 2177 Masnan St., Meetreal, Que, ASSESSOR WANTEI) For ltse Tome a iMliton Applications miii Se received onlil MarcS 415, fei, te position ni Asa- essec foc the TomwnifMilton for Ohe year 1946. Dolies le Se aisotlieed and demandsd by the Contp Aas- essec. The lomoal er anp appication nt necssarllp arrepled. Perseal interview ilS Conril, If desired, on TUedaMarcS 515 at regolar Coon- ri, meting. 37-2 JAS. W. BLAIN, Ceis CLEARING AUCTION SALE IN GUELPH TOWNSHIP OF FARM STOCK, i1SpLR1RNTU, GRAIN, ETC. At the farmoef MARTIN STACMUNCH LoI Si Cen. 8, Division C, Guelph Twnkîhp %4milse esî aiWateonae Sekoot1 nsd 5 mites nerlk and eant ef WEINESISAT, MARdi 015 Cemmeecîng at 1 e'clock TERMS: Cans anDay ni Sale 5INDLEY & ELLIOI'r, Aurtioeeaa Acton Poalty Fann BOX 378 ACTON, ONT. tCo-operative id Seed Grain ar fertilizer yet, it mould be ,rticular iS vcry scarce. F n necd of any. Aise we bave falfn, ced clover, sweet cdoser, ir order as soon as possible. art supply. i127 my Lehigh 'S - COKE RSTOKER WORRY INSTAL A ýq 1 PACZ FOUR THE CANADWI CHAMPtON

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