Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Feb 1946, p. 2

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THrAADA4HAPO TTSAY ERUXTMlO MILTON. ONTAUIO Publehed OeceThurade, Meceeeea Auth.rdeed . etconddcsmail PU Ofite Dcartm«t. SUBaCaION EATES-gc.e e., Fr e l acu. Unilted StatePa addititeeL5 . iee~ . - Do*eo sud ose addee culood b. ge hsane o, of e addme e la eted. AI3VERTISING RATE-Oa appication cad .. ce invriu clm hadins. lthoh eeey pecatin il be. tekee toa mld erTh Fm ee .acepta det ce inhts lU ate.t mthe aedeataidtee that le -fi eot be Habieteor ero nacaeadaeti.emeet pahliehed heesadre unie-& a octal oi .ach detiet i eqtelheIn writ thte derticccad taeeed 1. Th.uFee Pes b. ma ose dair ciaed by te.adtetice ad elth $Wbeti fe or orecetions plaily ated in eittat theete*Cd ih bat mo'if cter, oa se eatcd iD at oetd by T7i0 Pee Pess, itsliabilit, hall ne oceed cach a proportin Di th etireect of sch ad tietateates c8 p ie by te ated e beare taeh.eaoe apt u aped i saah adveeti.am. G. ARLOF DILLS. Edita, Baie. Office - M.i. Sue.. .Mt- Tepho.ce . EDITORIAL Quit the Camoufag ze, they are hoth puffed-up frauda who would have lest their reputâtion years ago .but for naive or nevalesa noepaper feature wrters. Much more reliable la the average garden-tebd- ing, lawncutig maie, nom plodding half-heartedly 'ihrough the anow-ahovelling wntor daya. The more tact that ho is thoroughly tired of the anow ho wel- comed asat November la in itaelf a more reliahle tip that apring je coming than anything a robin or gîaundhog cas produce. Soon hie yul cock a speculative oye through frosted windows toward thie gardes and talk grand- ly 0f whai yl h o dne about a new fonce, a larger vegetable plot and perbapa, yes, almoat surely, an arbor. The abat stage is an almeet irrestistible impulse ta rake the wintersdebria tram the lawn white it stili holds patches of snow. Before long aur gardening maie is pauing on his way ta the furnace to clean lasi summrs caked dirt tram a holo, coil the hose ho drapped in a corner in Soptomber and read ad- vertisements aboot the new robher-tirod aluminum lawn mayers. If ho is a golfing, lam-bowling, or fiohing maIe ho gives infallihle indication that warmor weather s on the way whon ho spenda evoninga fondling the tools of his spart. And mhen he actually ventures ie othe gardon The fight htween ima radio stations aor the -' . ' ý. .. - . - - hroadicasting of a pragram hy a broyer is, ta aay theo ihdgigfr n ae eiv ts n loast, amusing. CBC officiaIs turned down the pro- aoand the corner. gram and CFRB is roadcasting "Ontario Holiday." Short inier, wasn't il? The sponeras namo is mentioned once on the pro. gram. The amusing part is the elastic definitian of ad- 01111Y 15 Millios in 2M0 A. D[.? vertising. Wýe understand al advertisîng of intonic- A rade shock ta planners of Canadas future bas ating heverages is illogal in Canada. CBC interprots camne ftramthe Dominion Bureau of Sîaîisîics in an that lam as me do, that al adevrtising paid for hy estimahe ihai the Dominions population will bic on- bremers and distillers is edveriising af those inter- ly S5 millions hy the end of the century. Uncs ses and their business. Bt CFRB and the majariiy haoyed ap by immigration or e swing tu larger (and of newapapers take a different interpretatian and healihier) families, the estimat shows Canads if uts calledl "Ontario Holiday" or same other name popuattion will increase lets than 25 per cent. in the ih is no langer liquor edvertising. nexi 54 ycsrs. The simate prcdicis firly rapid Its ahaut time ihat an interpretation was given growth ta 14.6 millions hy1971i. followcd hy a fiai. hy the gavrameni that made the raling. From aur iening.oat in ihe nesi 30 years and a declining oms viempoint, wc dont care, hecause me milI not ac- trend afier 2000 A. D. The trend moaid ho accamp. cept adverising fr005 the rcwers and distillers that anied hy o morked incresse in the average sgt of carnies iheir naine or their prodacts. Without a Canedians-unicss immigration or a higlie raie of douht ius advertising. We carry pleniy of advet-i.fctiliiy camne îo the rescue. isemenis every week ihat coniain only the name and nature of the business crricd on and uts adveris- A Sîrike Againse Strikes ing the firm's praducis and psid for as such. Yau Thsayia ocnr.wd frms'îik can'i ialk Viciory Loan or Ontario Holiday or any Thguiosi înke v akiacn rai n Nehrassstmro other name on it and say il snai adveriising ihe tan in iesiîng. roti Nbasaismr liquor business whtn the rinme of the maker appears hnitrsng in it.Tht farmcrc compiain ihai ihey cannut get in .foret machincry, haihiahs, and rofrigeraiors becauso icof cîrikos in tht culies. and ihcy proposo ta put an Key lot Deadlock end to thtst crikes hy not shippiog food o ihe cii- Haw do you deal wiih deadluck? Some peuple, les whcrc these sirikes arc. If such a decision wac, docide they cant. Or won't. Sa ihey leove homoi made hy the frmers cf the Stoic ,and ibm ithroagh- quit their job, "bot" the convention or go isoat, out ail the States i wauid do moreto tc an end tu anist in world affairs. Somne just grin and heurlstrikes thun conciliation boards or gavemntti-ai t and loi the sialematran on. Othor compram. ficiais. ise-give in a huItt so tht family, indusiry, nation Tht country is more thon ted up vîth strikes. or wrld cen hegin ta tunction ogin, bai noa unýe It s tsti Ile that i viii taketihe empioycer of is really happy about it. Tht lot rcsorti s ti Gcncral Motors fivr ycarc tu makc uap for what iha.y smash thc deodlack ihrough divorce, o strike or bacc aosi by strîking. aad what's trot about thcm s locout a evouhon r o etm hmh trac cf thers. A stike iv like a war. There are None of ihose woys exactly beaves the doar open na winotrs. bath sides lace. ta pacc Thy tuer avet lckedor akemcn If the strikes in tht automohbie pants had contin. bitter enau gh io breok it down. A sledgc hammer aeda hUiîd tas.aagwhtehgscc is ta answcr io dcodlock. Wt nccd a kcy. instr e n iedgSwathesalnguphe big n teUn A wise mat once said ihat 'when peopt coselidStswehadhvcam lortaue n the door on eoch aihor, iboy tasten it wiih ont ut Conoda on cr0aof greot deprescian wouid soani set cocon hols-prido, onger, sioth. giutony, ocst, cnvy in. the vcry îhing which bath capital and labar want or malice." Tht modievai church callcd ihese thetot avoid. -Pembroke Sadard-Observer. "Severn Dcodly Sins." Today wc mighi coll thcm the seven dcadlock sins for if wc îrack down tht couse of on indutriai dispute, a fomîly husi.up or EHOIA fE oves a warld war, wo uoiily wiil find omnehadys DTRA N(IL pridt, angor or camne ther of ihec o mtives ah ihe Men rcaiic bcgia tc feri equai wben ibeyre hotiom of it. Mon rying ta work oui a deodioci.l o h c I hi a ring ibose insc nia tht coatercncc roam vith thhm IlathedofhW p. aloag wiih thir ablitits and briglit idoos. Thi ss ug. gets tht micing koy. Higbvoy traveli n thi.. district bas bort rcmark- Tht kcy o deodlock c s ot compromise or able this ycar an that ilirre vas not a single daywhca clash, but change. It is williagness ta lie deod hantesi tracvas c.omunpiteiy stalied. wihh escli ailer, cbecking up our ovn fouit', iasteud of poining oui the oCher folow's. The boys and ginls wba receîved skiîc and tob- At the dinnor table or tht conferontaible, ibe oggons for Christmas havent hod mach use of themn ma who lways waahcd ta lie riglit wiil have îu bah then lasi vinher vos diffcrcnh. change, cwalow hic prido and odmit ho was wrong. Tht mon angry ai ihe thor feliow wiii have ha sot Nov tiiot the ladies bave their aylons, perbops whether, posibly, is ongcr shasid ho redireched o ameattincnb ient rdcn reca himself. Me vho ency ooch other yl have ta drap suinatteinca ccks or ento und theavt'rgeloi i their tug of var and shrt pulling s a ttom. fiune alwo sup.r e-n te eIlji h The key la every case iv simple but expensi ve. ______________ li hurhc ta cwalluw prido. Therc is alwoys pain sITh change. But it iv olsu pinful o smash deedlacks Th hockey groap is aven for the Inermediotes and h loaves sure hc.odc. We might on velI cheose hil, ycar buh the laccalies re cilIlanhe ranning "ýgrowing pains" and end the deadlock ith a cure tnddiakc 1h oul round. vc had o prehhy goad coas instead ef with a broken principlo, a broken home, for the upcning one aiher thhe vr. o ied.up itdasiiy or brokon skullc. We Can Dream, Cant Wc? Nom ihat Groundhog Day iv past with its aryiag reorts on hether ho sam hic shadaw, tht usual thing for thaseof us mho dont ski or salli cal is ta maie mure or lcss impaiently for the f irst rubis ta herald apring. But hardy irda mha flatint ed reats against the anom are praving tht robin no more dependable a harbingor than thc graundheg. Sa an it a te real- difficoih to tapiain wby oeomargarinent nt mra- ducod o implemeth tht cupply. Ccrhainly it would accer becume o compoitor for good butter. 1h will be a big day on the way back tao canamnic normaliiy when tht five-cent piece is once again sufficiont o huy a bottle of saft drink, a chacolate bar . . . h wauld ho gaod finance and gead plitica ha ring tht nickel back ta par.-Surmoeraide (P. E. I) journal. SOUTH 1A1'RIAN CW0ET CAPETOWN (CP) - Amerlos, zeada etclargo varleY sam la lam qeaaitiec are pourlng bts South Arica ta a cale alestna eapar ille pre-war daya. Clothiag and doeutic goods, raaging frem cmetite o O- ery description te radio cpare paris, are appeariag on thipe' maeitet aad wiii siartly he on taie. J. A. ELLTOTT For the Ctuttue of Itit and Peel Phone 155M3 tRtral flotte No. 3 MMITON gara savng of even a smail ~ cina arincarne ton cernesaohalit that wilU standyo ia good stead when you have M.c opportunicy ta cake a eaund invest- met, or need funds inc an emer- gency. Open an accaunt with ut naw, sucd make a practsce of depositing arnaunt regularly. l'c TEE CANAIAN Elm 0r COMrCE- Milton ,Branch-R. EL MeAndiesa, Manager FLOUReet15c,SSc FLOUE ,aaat 15 Cailuma SUPER SUDS met23 LIMA JUNKET eathaec a,--- zs DIEANS wRTEO2-9 17e BARLET m. 6 WHEAT -- 2 e Z Cle OatS Ltee 19c OLLS Boets -e7c \ \b l/- m e c ]Lc Fleure a30C WURAT n. IL40, e :iLjkjoK8».s AMMO 0N 1A me50 IW DIRD $£BD met 174 *m WX 1,net 95 Cle CFRAN ceepma 140 " joN»-a Ax ALMONDS tt26o CREAU "zm LINON lUISE8 ns ete CARIOTSeee eee3 lea.mI~~ K MAVFT7DINNER ne 7e %-t HEINZ SOUP Se o SUNKIST ORANGESt Sie20 49c doz. Saze 252 .......39e, doc. California Icohurg LETTUCE Large Head . . ............... .. 15C Florido CELERY HEARTS19 Bunch ......... .............. ..... ......19 Fremh Stock of Splnach, Rhuharb, Brocollila, Radiahes. Green Oniona Green Beanas, Daily ai Business Directory DE. C. IL STENSON MD, L.M.CP PIcalehma"seurs- Phono 2w - . -Bar Off.ice aurs 8aie-9a m., 1-3 7-9 pas. Coroner, CP.R. atd oale Surgon DR. G. E. STER Physciate and Sureona Office-James Streest Phone Ne. 38 Office. Hatra: a.ar.; 1-3, 7-8.30 pzs. Coroner - MO. LEGAL DICK & DOCK W. L DIM I UJ tCotaty Crtwn Attorney) KENNEITII . DICK, . Baritert, Solcitors Court Hause - Milt Telephone 4 T. A. UTCHISON BarueacSallefte,, Ete. Offce-Neat Dose Champion OSto.a Maln treet-Milton Telephane 54 GEORGE EI LLIOTT Dac4aler, Squaetter, Ne0ary Pdbl Officl-Into Frment Btilding, Mala Street, Millto Telephane ta LEVER & HOSKIN t7imrtered Aoecaataabal Stceeatrs ta IENEII45à*HAEDY 1805 Metropolitan Bide., 44 Vctoria St., Toronto Elg. 9131 DENTAL DEL G. A. KING DENTAL SURIGEON Office ie Rayai Building, Milttn Hours-9-5. Eveelage hy Appolntmeat X-Ray Service Telephone 197 DEL F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Offilce over Prieceet Theatro Nlght Appoietmete may ho arrangeô X-ltay Service--Gas Extraction Hoara 9 ta, 5 Telephoeo65w NIELýSEN-The ChiXopractor DruglesTheealce 33rd Vear af Practice qi Lady Attendant Mon., Tues.. Fri., 2-5 p.m. Wed., Sot., 2-5 and 8-9 p. Cioaed Thursday Over Dominion Store, Georgeown Phione 150W TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Going Eat-7.39 arn., dally; 2.M p.m.. daliy; 8.45 p.m., dally sacept Sunday. Galet Weei-9.32 a.m., dally <rn> .37 p .m., daiy; 12.57 am., dally e- cept Sunday iflagi SUNDAY Goiag Eat-7.35 .a., 2.2Z pm.. 9.27 p.m. Gine Wet-9.32 am. ttlg); Li CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Goiag Saoth-7.30 p.rn. Goiag Norili-8.Ot.m S. A. FAY Phase 205 PLUM BING HEATING and TINSMITHINO Maie Si. - Milton, One.. W. BROWNLOW Geteral CeatrotWork-Pleelrleal APaIbacee.-S"a"e melservice Bayne Ont. Phene Wr3Milttn Milton Hospital (Privats) VtSITING HOURS 2.30 p.m. te 4.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. ta, 8.30 p.m. (No Chiidree teder 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Semi-Privato - $3.50 PrIvate, - - - - $5.00 PHONE 216 - MILTON TMMAY., immuARY mgh, lm Mam niun - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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