THUBCttAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1945. THIE CANADIAN CHAMPION EDITORIAL lit tadening the b'iamaniiy hIl tr i ttu th r.,t hl M~ilton. tth hr' ttttttie ttttt ,thL i ~ ~ ~ ~ II tt hI t'li val tt Il h i t t tti h I 'I a tttttit I eki t i ot'il ", t I a, i lII iu i lIiia d l i l i NIu h'tththilhh eJ A , t ti Ai ' ~,, t t 1 h.h.tINhtRAILSh<hIh -d - . ci h h . h , 't h hhh ,ni int- la, , P. aý- lot, Iý9', Mll_ to Cal- .CI 1 i Il g n0i lity un- t 1t -1 il a t th it Co t " t a. ht tl rit t ata" g t a"l i ,a"t,'h. tait Il, Iat tj ý i ', h it C tt tIutti j ttt hl,tI,,tah ICIha tî taChaLi t , ilti Iit' h Ji" t tIi t l t htt t , ' - t t Il i l, alin th e tti h tll Ilih i-; lL i a- n aHJ , "Ca' hin lttt blikt tiila tit t, t t i l l' tthtt t ttlt, I i: I 1I i il -it a t, 'lud - ttt it'h' aii ' ai laata e IUt r ' l a tilCt a !t i, , t ttt t lit t t l t ' i a tl IC tn itt t. N Nl Kat I,.i"oG tl 'Il' . li ý , gi ,c Tt h t, t'it ' i,tti i, Iiý t' ah Ij a tt t a NLI 'at l ira t \tt lkaa diII'lI ' h i " i' J, ta a hbatpaplC tit aIItaI:I Ig .t tha - k t'Ch,,tt ar, C tt 1-t'nt i 't t Ihl I la i t tt ýIt t ' 't iai' att ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r - Il-' t t itt ilt't I ta d t ' i J t' 1,, i til IlC ' l 't At I tt t ' t a t t 't LFatt i, -to.k î t hr t,. ý i,,t t lI d a'aiit t t ,li i t aaiul.h a tatdtdth. h a'ti h- li tt tf ku allll h t s ile the ' itaa t t'ttls i\tt\ i Cu t ttil,r t n hthi tth' - faic ia'î a if ittht an ht .tg ttht t.ntChhhithttti tttu tChthh hitChhC , hti.,tta tggharg hatta 'htttt i.aiattî ChahI popuatio ,a cu- itt ih i aiitt 'ha fath t ifssoa t'in t, Cl t et I r , riu th ll play tth -t.ttt hht\di hr Bi'ttth , ItaIt ai the Fhhhthaa ,,L[tistht, ttttg t th e îbh . hth t t ac ha Ch u hil Il Chnahitat icth ba hah Cee isatga phhHht- on iiii ilcvtii I'rýah lat thhea atn Damn to t' afl tthtt'tht th, iu aiitur di i a a t, i, ii . t lh tht , i to tlh'htt fl r v.t a,t tIo th t ti hLi halltt i \t h l t ftlic %hahahah t[,u )l LIý B the endhai theah ria'i ti h'th t th i ittiCat' tt t i ttit tt t', tl t a c hhlt lthltht 'Ittthh it - ilt'h t th'thh ht ihhih iIit,1a hi ht aCî thJ i tLd ih l- hhti'l ha.,tiahtl dohhhttai Chhhr t, ttt t IIIhh ihttht al;t hi ti t air, h t t het h iI a], i tttiI 1,tu Lt, , CCt tir C C i ,I hh ttthh 'tt tt iitth thtiig; th ht n ha Chia tttiti th C tinekt ila h ai ta i t tChahl lti tthttthhhh' a' t L. ta noaat Score tc i , Cta hih lageaI N\ianI itt dlili)lL tht.'i haiptah th hipta ,1 itt m i h.hCntthit'ttth thhit bahttllel-iiide e h l "t 11 t11 0 11 1 ilI hIlit EITI'1RIA O.TPES t lgn g nt' Io' t' ItIýIJ u I arr i dalil h' Ihhthtihh hh ht thaln'"lL'lthl haha at tf t,, h l h i ,d h'i iite thtt t1 h l-th tt lO Ikatoi aitL lhatt t aiim b all ttld I h lionttt'tl t th' tthhttt i ..i, t ,' t n t,, otaet, t tl"a, hill ht t L iii, tl a t latit t h a aIli tIl , dat , attt l a ht'Cts hi[ 1Ik an the tI ti a ilatth ttttîh inaath haoli ahata a f h Ita lih -aier prohtitha t it aai t,aitr.tht ýhhîaaa aI ipha aad tha m yl i attlt 11 t'he LlChi sort ata htgn .tgatittttg ha hj'hahaithr andibisatfolat!ia a hhCf'hCht'r ai Itln hoibma. ah hihhC fotIahaof phhphhatCghhibh tittîta m' baitt-cotinu aatt'brakhhp- i-'haiaiahbihHN.B,)aihahli-PrCS. JUST ARR Largtaarit at 1945 i baaaaaalla Gtî h'aCr PhCtiatî (Ca, aachaa aaaapaith ia Catit. Behtt îhtin Ftt-I Bt la 11 '111 223R. BERRY ehtter th.e go P DIp Veau' HEDE 39e GRAPE-MUT h h~ PANCAKE F STUFFED O CORNMMEAL Ue 5cC MAL hah 59he mULS h1 CHEbUCO a' 25e * 1sou * 2hhhh 17/ SNOWFLAKE SeftM CAROI TEAS ... h h DBea 44e EXTRÀC RïïXi'I-m --WHEA'T1 VITA.S CE! ln4,e f1 QUAKER O0 CHE5I 3l1f Savoy Cust r 71nRIl I niaI, - Chan Speet HaL-RN i jwehs; Fleor NF,% EutP (0hSEEIDLESS Zth 't0t' 5:k iaa. at- 2 i St'I'NAtI il tt h itt 'ah th AINIERI('AN RIhi-ET Wh TkOb t'( t. ý 1h bg $3.100t p 1 Mm the hame Ch hitayh C bamesas hh l asu hos oba f the POTATO) STIIRAGES j PFI.I ENCINO. ('IIDREN h tttlln cliWe the htrag ht uls ARE IMPORTSNTI1 Business Director-y hti ii> hý haliii ibha lhthttttthh baCC hi' t .h'tilo ig t l thh tth ite ha b t tA natio ofttt 'ttdci ontttttt thethh torse ta riot ttttht t CtI chroch DII. C. K. STEVENSON A taiha i btith ht bhtChh hh h h't hi Agahttha ththhhhthth tttiCe,'ht haI Il hht rcith M.D., L.MC.C. thhhh'hhhorthnatthhs fhi batîhtaa chiithh Il il ta -g hth ndihtionttth, hhe atifta, hfth h', tttt ha thhy arett tahght th hohah Phy.tnIe andh surigeon hhttthtatithbt Ivh abauldigatgb a C daa of tahe h t111 h aht-hhtI cght,thha..,tthattIIYthhahha thihhhtihhhhChHhhhh have 'L'estt ,'tttttthh tr sThtifrn atbre fao htloo ul inth a h . tIth' tiroi C hoir foi, htttptt hihhh, aCd Pihone 2w X-Ray mehhartththhahtthhthhthhg ahhaad. hi- hhust crete tire ahii CatChi'g tirh prCfter Chgrh influence'hthhhht CoronerC.P,.hh ad GardSugeon iltnatttio ottudCaitllhshif"aCC temakh aay 'I ththtetihhith lie alhhhatheurst Parentshwtlit hhhh'hht iithihhi-D Ilt'hhthhhhhhhhheicnthhhhh bC h'it]htthh'aalingiht'a ghnd Chai a! DR.G. E. SYER igatht.'hht contbthiothaiithtaithhihhhhnaton. ,h t'thtt'htht Ch tho torg rhhhhhh. finiehhthhh' chhththh. Cahy parh PhyelcaEeanhdsureon Tha fitt irithhhhhatmdeChCrneCCChCo a bara. t hor haCýlhhlu, ittththttthtahhCthhtshhvehshhathhmethaht i.idif- bhaspirîithtîo hhritat'hanrCCCr ohmes CCday thCtttt ah'er o taC ag thhhhhhhhtti htt(thth IfiihhCraa.BiChth OffCha-aahhhSihhat evnhohhs thai bath gtaaal ttkt a bara daa fiC icaI' frj' inhh tattgthh ahi hathîttra, atith hhCoih Chitihh, a' Cat ChgaghHgl Offth ice ha Cors aah.; 1-3, 7-8.30 Po. hîttiChal and titihtreChh Ne.ho bmes hti ma l- hhtth'Cl hikeltC dhtat Fai hl hrtst ahi pCaaht'hhaCh Cheha, Corhaerh 94.0.H. hhh'hhins. tbhhthii tanhia hhhe-aaCpîhC ththhihththtck.a tthathhhfi:9 th hhtthi hhh ____________________ Sloi' cl il ta Cthhahihd, taid 36 tattîit ai hnlecet ahCt fihle Chhhhhhhhh LEGAL aittithnemd oicLatai ast. fhot i Cil Ithtk. Ahtelahttiv hhdb ahititiitatahahaad ai 9tt jtht oth it ihhth'tbe.ihaa DICK & DICE Fhad - The Theatrh W. L DIUIh liC. SSPI C(T IN('EN'DIARICM MICKAS iY1INERY (Cahala Chaha Attahaney) OCttat ktai, iCha bhpt'iaataah bg'.t1 KENNETIE Y. DICi, H.A. I- l t flichthh amtatu ptroduction ta the saailt- 'tli,t'tttL CP TCht hrd iai y Chah T C STlE. 'tAIEi, Oat. iCih-trises lctr h.ahhaida11aahht'haia, lbhh.t'hhad alookh'htt'tata at , hhttraitht on aadaaa Courthfiaa - MilCtn tnnit nflueicetofttthtthtronttthCth i hehahadhttttht illthît ln ,hhthhhth IlorCC hhrathtttaihtahhattLCathet'hahh an al ilt-Ilaa i lahatt ýIntttI loaCt Lit't T. A. HUTCHINSON aI haewntflscmr et i,bth asaphhtat tttthhhttt, 1tt "'a' 1tCt~ ht'hathh o-t onhth a 'h n aillheh bhithSaIlhhthEtc. >-MAWilLuda -wofr N1i1lon IIospital 21frpt C. b0i p-i t Na t'lCh hhih limirt2 Piae -- - - $5.00 2' a .x do f19c 19c 15c Maha CthhCt Miaao t iC hchh hi GEORGE E. ELLIOT ~Tfl UN Bîeiebtî', Saila.Nataehy Pablle J ~ f"- In ru»rmCC h *aaa Batilding,.ai ctCC Carda, harîptaha C, Gti Watt aad Biti- DENTAL DR. (t. A. KING CTS offcet in ahoal Hhuitig, Mlo IltCha -5 CC Cahht'h Apphhihhhhhhi MARTIN ST., rMLTON Y ltaC Sorelta Tehhhthh 197 DR. F. E. 13ABCOCK DENTAL HUICEON tttht - Atcethttt ,Cttt ath tIatrae NEILMEN- TheaChI'aphta Lady Atrhondih t11 ta t. t h - h a t".thh WIEAT2 ". ic S FLAKES ai- 17e _________ FLUFFS l ec 39. IIiIE..IS IiD IODE 'th.; 17e LIVES t c c 9 A_',ht'h15 t le,I ItAILWAY 't I, 7.39 t ui C ht, hi 225 LOLLS ll Ct'I Lt t. ti .tt. ahtta fLiagt h37 1 , ha 1.,Iy; h hC, datihy ha. hop atttt.ttttthlagt h ls .31) aim, hi25 p.ý; hhAhA tthIOAL AILWAY lADY r,7e ;:i, .9am POLISH 2at ANMONIA st e ES or M4EAL lige S. A. FAY MI 2tq taÇ 'lml 0 h ha iLUMBING TS In-23e REAL ta crc20 NtIHN SACS h a h aih 18 Aita - Miltoa, Ont ad .25e Coataroisqc, qSe ________ WaXTl,45c 83 IIAIRDRESSING GREEN i l Ih Sahty ila. P S NeCett hIlýtlhtta ta Petrmanent ELLIOTI BEAUTY SHOP Piitttt 61j fitti Aaahitthahai 'Al, ORANGESEiSRh PAGE TWO