THi2RIDAY,~~~~~~~AG 0(F1R255 95 TECNDANCAPO i4»tp frens n al lstwek CHURCH ALSO MisJanCl vstd ihMr n SNDAX, 0(4001ER 28th, 1945 METAL or WOOD 0<AS-Iop d2911 9', Prsdst W. J, On»- M__s» »p Y5WM.î. Thook B. McKERR 1 oïl ing so <4» s »st»sspd t. ak Osi, avstd ihfind ntw Mn. dsisii Dskss of ItsO iso Street - M to 4ls(iisPh<s» M » Sonday. 112t) a(i'dP . dsti. lp(S. si. tcI tl in h mS .BonoToot a en12.15 psta.-Sen»ss S. Scli . 4P»<Istis bssSssspdsmkoesî MArol fosr aitisdl fTtssoitS.PU' '» AUCTION SALE 'f.ns nd wsasl»,sg ph»' crosnps iisu n Mrsk f Regi.clociP4d 51-e it,psspýd ts îlvo, ,,atc nSma ihhrsse r. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2(95, 1945 'i(ysdcsgpd(sr.4,ss 5 ,( baîs<( ais',s trainp»pt nd aitageilBc,- aid ' il h, e ioff G ttiON BARBER tO, n,»tp s» fi t. fl oo ad Mss.,T.»] Wsoods, Tsiomy IIs ti sd' gisî bossk.I ssi S publie sscis. st Ls foi5 c d, ti ici fsshs iPîhsss Fsord. BertJohnîtso adfillMo- Atssndlssndoylpssio. Css. 2, 5ý D . SNs!» Tnsi1, ... I aldspe»t Sodoy in Buffao. 11.00»s a .Mso(oigWssihpiondlpS- sslps»s(t i sn,,'. p s »,pdsë, r MisDooh SotofGelhvs- mn Ths Lssd'i Psssîs, 'Ttsp O ,»in oî»i-wc hI av».» en fer mon, of» the Moi issisyIPs siCs»ph <' ,fil b doncs U s» t so s l i . ino WEDNO7SDAY, NiiVE9SOBER 11h '<'»4»»<t»< il]<sts vit s»' (<4 Trsoll îsi he week-end with hîspo- iwssss.' I h 5SsS.lsiss: c1. i-i»i,Mr.oond Mi-» Sct. 700prss .M. CartMs erii ofLp,. 0001(45 echlo Pi-54(4pP4 85t44 s,»S( 14 'Ji( loca association0 is 45 ve doîghtis~; CossE psip s 1594As»sîplsls. RGISTERE1 CA'T'T'tI »<,E<»»~4» « - dauhte Cartsssoe etii Brantod Misted f40P»». - ..Pii ,ý Cw7y.. r. vsthe wee-en (4t sM». anid- ittfusilahryow 0hl IIe - cic c Sidne Danc andchildon o Miltn y(,,p4<» aair 5. 2 Appt i, 1s 1» H. if foi,,s < 4(s,' , otstat larder4 184 <'(«» »( GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCII 404 PBit < c »»n (<pp (<l Aao H. . on ci >,»l, ýlllgtlý1 eo E-Ci-t Missn PF-p.ier, C(VAC, 44e- ,M t,>obe ý' 'mnatM l e ftefa (<ia pt ss4tgs REV. S.A. KDS I44 U. ».'s< l4i- e'.44 »<<'5» 4 ( 1 g,'i mi4h»s4h ' cousins Mr. an rsiio o oAr4Il<c,1. ., pps,' p si Ms Drs4pand («(idpcn-s l fs tti-t<» »NDAT, 0CTOBERt h, 1915 TSSiI o s44» I'««. bi<<(<1<<s <, c (i 0 (p n s»PI!» A («i-st, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C s(, Malhh' î(<ssspki <<<»»» do('4< <<i (i,, ,Jht u Es'»», j Ms Lspor itys, M s. l , a- S, 'n Id (4 niole s t 40 (4., T44444» 444 <(4 i-ooLn 44<4< j".< si IlsG. Mhati , M((i- Ri H _psss, is, (S ds1 220 A(,- (onigpp»»» nd» r lil.ýIN Is I (VA s(i544,54,3454< 5,»» <, tiS» <(444 ((<p" (44<04<4». foi 4,, 0.,ï MAPlid- M y' i-ss (IV Hstsîiiso. i <», n i t :<ts 6», ('«<p 1<1. IL4"<4 Sig i potih. ilIllII el 4.m . B» i4s 44 .i-. s»d ce Ms.. S4Uneî o»i»i70 Iss-Csp Piip P iSo .rI \<«4<404 F44s»4»»: ' ni ' 444<<r 4 <44,, «4»444b-1 .4< <(St.i clin 'i, M4»~» Mis. ((si otnis 's le fo th 0.4 i45 tI1 1644 '<'P-, lý lT< i- ,T , Th-4<4 ' <444 (S i-p iO»î Is44 »(i-sti- etpp-. fi,,( <« <«<a (n- Mi.h Evsd M s LA< r W »s» , r . t u dsa N ip 2.30 i04(p Sf W .A . I,,,, Unir Boxs: 0.10e C»iss Ni tr co ,s f 1Ftt, JoMti l 2 p t<<, 1r.05 t.»dwo Mi" ih 4 om 7.0p p ofrm to Nstp tt c'ssp As t»», p, SP ((40<1- b Ash ,o _I _IIt IAits»» osl(p4»4<t B'. M Ph r, I- . anlsdHcnft n Y» hti K.» h i so il, 5 1(it EQ<îMFN 111 (4.,»' <4'i »< p,,< Mr. and M ', _______________Mr. and ti Issu. M.0Y.or F ,iio., in P(»<t<< M,(i< t <04p4<. no44 p. 4~ P~< »t<»ir »r 4 o s have C<ts0s444<(s 250 nb 't» ,-(4» i(sSP4I-. a (h h,» l E.s11 ngagesim Sret Il'er n . . . 1(O 11 4',TU ('i<t<(4<S""'; l»i<< 4(14i <di (Il.4 0444 Tri <444 »<'9 ro »< 44 i Regna;Mi t aBatma, Huni- h U sdtiy 8ý0 S loi ChirPratic Bhre i'«.(,,s lt:<lin 54444» ; 4 Po»»i- h(ipl-, »<i<S»S(.t.<»h.p lis; Mssd M- 1 55», Barman Hailtp o n; S1l» in. <S--4 hl»4l"ht Chu 2. 0444444»ý- P.<,'4!a g i<n 4i,,la »rýJ e nin Bhy adM rln .<<i- or -<4<»<nre b ' cg«<44, (<4444»: 2i AI< dis d opnl»lccuiiso ii ss»»(Ms, Ncis40s(h(( 0pg<r< on444 S4<S4O dP454t 4(5 ,»<<(,( (<tP h.s< (p s»,«< ssi,<'5» Nt»o» l h ils Si.t T» 1 04s54444k4ph44i44SS< 4sIIPP dph»st< .2,2i Mil Coo<4 0'»lS«4r 4 < 4 <4,» non4< i4<4i<h4 444 k'»(0s4 1,05ar euF _r .h _ , I,ýi a<,, o _____________________ I iii 4(0(1n 0,pI 4,'r 3540"Sk <<b'. 4 cap,(4'<4 or n. toingli to TH4HR H O HR S 1 11 n, 4 4 4 1<44 1 i I 44r4ri, <.4444!i(4'o<< Ib <(4 s<<<4 4'l MîN AY ..»l'4(< '<<<, 1945 440<«b.' Kit,< 7<. '(i,11, '.î~ fini], 4'<..4 E.'.<4<<< 4<<, F- M .44444<44<44i T ld4,4.n,44(,4 ish<4 <4 Iiil IL'<4I< <«ra îs.'î.îaîî î rhe:2N-on Ril.At'hu'rî,.îî, < <<'<<«<< << '<44< 4444! S < <«'4444 4444.4<< 444 ('i(..S Ssiirie ccig.-itSt " 'ln r (44o» M .Nef» rat 44i<45444<4 s'4 the ]4.e f<44 <'4<4 -k,»'458' ((<'A<I nos '4<41<4 I VA<<<4 p ,< l,,Ui<<<e , -c M,.Smih o 0,ooOnt Th mt- n:loiTon<<<' loi0 (<<'< Crever< 4.<<'<<n '4 54I 4!4<4 .44<4 i, h o (jing t. fol 4.4(44<4 1 )4<i )c b' .m ootIiU essm T -la " "ý o ci 4ýI' 4444 4.444; 't'a,<4 << bal-4<4< <4a,i<4 ..< m; Bip4h ~ ~ ~ cte p»s<Opd »44!.<'Is1ý 1:4< 18.4 104 To , '<4444 44<4<!!< 44<<,, . coS» ...... "4iI 44».<('~4 . (.'<4 vas'444, tt i snd lit <(44 ! ' 4'4<44 <<<('4<i: 01 '4. sid -i-p (sî I '44 4..<, '414< 04< pli-0»s 4 i', 1444<4 of4 Ilin,<<4 4 '4lI Ille',('1< I.4 4 <4 . 'il "<<< k' 4<4<44 el 444i 4. 0 I-'I'(44s444(<444il]4 S<4i'<40< '4(44 I N .4<445 54 t<4' t1, ni <t 1(44 <lot 1(5'l I»4 '(. 4 (5< 4ic 51404 (S o,444 P s (4< Th , 5'l 044 ('<4I-I!.d M- 1,. MI , l<. on4<4I <'444 itstt i s si.1thi y Et sIi- l ' 'I s isigolM. MtIl sM- ( i-s bsd ,'.ip dc Oi O nt: Is ,f Fis( sss Us ed Furnîture id o1lii>\Iiîî tit.»isissg Rsoioio» oi-Sii <' "~«i0«,0<4<» 444<44 . <.4i4.4.(4441 l<k«P»tQ»si(p -w» '< »s<s'4 <' P»ldsdr-.i»iip ('- c 'oi ("<4,, (4.I: , i; ia 44<t)isi 'e Go<!! i nes< ilg le t Qu lt !'4 44<.< ni 4<:.' Il", , 4j T i PRIforJle S li Es o;;:;tk:..:;:î«<l<;;.sl<;<<'..'I ,, 4O .lc)n l St Gu lp 4-I oi,4 .' :1tsl [Il.,""(<4 4 4< < '<< ' («"4 it< Il< 4< 4 lillNI. N T I 1,1(1 ~~< 4.,Go ('OMi0oG <»»l I i 44t,4s 0<4'44(0<<r Dis»»I N<gti f45 tl A 1îîiCrp s BO HNO PT Atp<spi-sts. P ller»t ss ttip s,, so _______________________ acon Psi-d Ila .4o1; 1 tt (<4» e t Sp--5s- it Prower Interruptionj POMEl NIl] îBE (OIF ON St'NI)X Ii~O 8.30 (.31. 'IIL 11.00 5.51. 1.0 P. TILL 5.00 P.Al Milton Hydro TORONTO The hSuday M4snig <.'rsic~ of The Pýopics Uhsrch îobi-»,.dsast rsie Radio SOttio (HUM (pusr 11.00 to 12.15 n I "on, 100o Ou i Lioss'sin. Dr.- Ostsald J.hSmith, nr rr Sih' <iw booN 'The Oslp W»ay,' AJes 'ous Clî i,h. 10)i Bloo S. E. Feed "STARLIGRI" Feeds j FOR ('>1 \i 1<< anîd EC( N( 1<11 "'iTAiiLIGiV I" Pds are hais»wed ration4 i»»ds, p»i-pai-edi ands«tt»lturepfot»îolo'tcd(fprmula pîsd»k» thi-bsttI o psstts » oh ec<n,»i-s I (,pdi»g. I OAIOLIGHI' Pou!ni' P»»ds ýi44 1(4<duc tirg t<»4h<lth(l hIrSds nd k1, egg prduiotn or g '»ASICH»" Pg i'tdý ico id<îi <«4r (<<ls (44n h<ghp W» al.4-, haie <s s'tmpii-is im of» . Supîils-m»st<tp I'ptd Cod Sipsr (li- snd %Vsîpsoiipsrins Milton Milling Company Ltd - fi Ao»î G50A I. toVi OEi)tîAitE MY5 Wl 1fo T441 LABOOATOOY TC eM âl5 PLAtN PIC,10415 90001V COi' iOTOIN- ON Mi. l'vi OtO)iCHTOO MSV LI50 50000 SPCLAL tSSAtEis WR0001<00055l7ARM0011 Sh I- <<<<.4 h- ,i I< l , Ili 44 -ý1! li f7111 li 44<4», 4 <<-5 ,al.»» os, ,i(i<4id,4<.r MILON ONT. 4 <Pi TLHURS. NOVEMBER Ist Spe iI Pr/ s t o it» and sptiIanv RoseRoom Georgetown W )1EBNUXRES 011(1 ESTE ADMISSION 50 CENTS 'l'HURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1945. THE CANADIAN CHAMPION DIXIE' aind Al, CERTRt DE CALN ADMIS810N 50 CENTS