Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Sep 1945, p. 2

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it 7ý PAGE TWO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20nb, 194e le MILTON. ONTARIO I'ilýlilIIl E.... TI la, Aft-.... o-iýtIY il, a L taire lel sirool, -pli, - 51. ,, -l'i il, I luI. à.roci, AD\ 1 RTISING IlAll le,, ItlilIýýti.,. ..a oý i. "in Il, ""Il The, m et a il, hu a., il oo, hýýý..d- .'et t. ni C ... di.. C" l oi Il tri, Il ... tola, or, craillai, ,týd I. -rolu, ri, thal a'y pi t- -IL lit -pSd bý the, rol cSd b, -h led- A. DILI.S. Elle,., aled BIIai,,,ý,a IlfI mai. sa-t. )l EDITORIAL Thanks to All Il mortel indeed bc remiss il we elle! not expres our appreciation of the help i by many, tha made possible the winmilg of the Dominion Troph I i a tai a aat~a iatk tacanthat.ahat IhBusiniess Direetri lineu orh th ýtif taha enlitcd ta, the sevcs Used Furniture Rchbushed MIIA l'ur nas a tac tunancd the cedccc heer Aniu sDR. C. K. STEVENSON aadu-nt:rtc as, vics etatIttýed hy enani felks i .MCC qu ct- lc eaezed ft a ait dcc. ltphaleleng, Rnfieiahieg, Reltr Sinali Lathe W'ork Phne~ 2w C SunRa teckv thanhia %'u finit the ame coming teck front et Reecenabin Prces NIETAL er WOOD Office Hceri; 8 . a. 1-3 7-9 pt mur servitce and stlarttag ia htaiet escnoraîecty B. MeKERR Corner, C.P.. and Geai Surgean ittanf htck ta aid orc neta jobs. Wr alit led meer 80 NMacDoneli St. Guelph Brne Stret - Miton DR. G E. SYER a erkae thoAte c in the bigha paad car andustries, ________________ Plleiel.II and Surgeon ataiaattg -ater-at.a csbthfon rnleis-- . Ottare-Jacee Steet atîdgearenrtt t da-at natac tathc eiiehPhnne Na. 38 an oenre t Tcyn't tatertt whce offincea , ait 1-3, 7-a.,3f pa titetaageselle lapon chanh theuaeds ef peoplr e TIRESCTIREnerI-S ! Crenc Canada tacnt chrtagt thecsix years cf car on. Thcy TIE! IR S ! I E S . GA havecat scced ay meeyand thcycuant to epaid fer menthe entaif they fied the ehb et the pay that Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us r DICE & DICK auit thcal. W. L DICK, K.C There are a eot of Canadians tahe laicd te Werhace iestaîied New and Modern Veleanizing Rqeip- IEENNZT Y. DICK. B.A. itreiteer on th ac rbusiness, bat mCa beeght beeds ment fer rcpninang Ail Sanes of Paseenger and Truck Tires. acîeeStcie prc!d tabac and cnppered wer charities, whn canîcel FACI'ORT TRA£iKO PERSONNEL Court Hante - Miltons cne cctan d tbe attatude of the delegettene bc.anigieg __ Telephoe 4 provincial and dominaon gecere mente. asking a con- ALL WORK GUARANTEED ltanace of beang hepi ce at the publie treegcne T. A. HUTCHINSON ahat the mac ils cer. Sncb Canadias den erganane a ff.I-Nex Ete.hmpo Of aiciegataons te gecent, tbey'rc tan becy ce-' O Mic i n neeine cneyer taeg. Tbcy bacc eemctbing better te de tbrai Johnsans' Ga agMeeSteneM54n tl cga ce serte The attatude the gaccreanen tc take PHONE 174W j thbihs smait greapnofdiscnents a-.going tohave_____________________ GEORGE E. ELLIOITT tatrthe htct aiitatatdpiprin thect.N taft tloO li ditincthaeaen the-aaaeccso aiinrtaofgn- ,arcalataatetctcaek, -aernnenthtanancang. Ie'eeunreasoaeeeatot ca.tebhat A naptapaapc a- bttt a reilactien attche distaict it tata granpis getngencdoai th-paying itaentte -l Thttcc Il comta e at aiaccati scace marcks in erenpdConc cing bnttncce and ctng tea ands. tas tatoaagtcçh ta\ta act escccttk aad adaîcrial Laber ced laber unins baver ednetnîtuerir sact andlittspire(ifthiecprrtaetcs f iat >,crthe asnel tastater Canadians, tahether tl i-a te prace Ch.tapon aitab te)ndoatta n ilaapoaints. But truitnortattinimer. the districta.tt is an acrtasang cicta -teaed tap mtcrksa caian tht-c aide pactaicar i athe cain- m iN ýhait mccc, nanarg patia1 Sa ttat caraa-apaadets andaadacta-,rsc mcaat to aatank atanfiat tae largc aic centribtiadnitrangang the trohl eu a atr hote caatatrttaneasap per and a aik, taaaaaa taffand ntabefiatcdstahecaaaitedain the achacacectt ianr atn ata anaathontearo nt %re arec trntadc. cicatae". it atati sIhr nirs-t bhe y icat e i vcid ait a Bt ata o tahtee tlttattcaa ttaa ci-atn Irotitit te al ta ac ccc ta an ie fi o aatna ta a p ta iii ti t a t Guctati t oreata o thitta ti attat,,ta aicat actIT ttat p nai ah lute in Il -te in aaaa a 5a a tt tl ta-t-' a t ~ ~ ~ ý at ' -Ia Ilita aaaat ta i tt ta a t t il a a.tt at. daa oi tt 1, 1-aa c. tl ta, ta t a ato a a -, aI I! to I a a t ti t a i - - - - tatat t .ta a ta. tatah', ttndtitai III.tataa A t"'at "Ilt -l gaail" ca i ittd IItttei, i h taciatan cri Iîý ta att tc i at itat tttt ta tat foý Ill', e Ilcna fodi coinc i-r Canada'c Stripping Cenadian merebantnccyetonncge, fiet-e e tarer tbcn an taNt., cteres the qnuestion of the futue ,ai Canadan ebappang and seamen. Theecord af thea ebr cei ad men an the mac yccre bac bee meg- aaificcntndhcasernc'd that Cndcanare qulle caache ai cente g an efiacient mercaant marine. Canadc no anaeiaueehnmong the aceae car- racera, euraarnced ont> hy the United htates, Bratain and Nonecay P ractiacîy ait Cancaian cbt p. nu neI rcatn aotes caca baitt an the Domnaion dntg h iica0ýed ha thc lcri htamhap Company, a hroan ittayan- i peracg buan ir . nos --rate di t cagat shr i ofi t0.tti tons, i hot 4,7( toa atn d aanacdi25PlarhatakersaicrtIo ,00tonsnemar t i ait caeccca a rt att the nacaciaetn" lao pattttiaaifita aandc,. daaaaagetac car. ta ioaattttaitae A-raatmaecef tansporrt dirced e aIl 11-Tai..Iaenataa.tsI manaingrolsaurcaacah tal ti t fIiat Salutt Johnt Mattaaa aid 'lan-t 0iii tat actatataiactati aNurt;a aectritet ii it tai tania r ha an actai-ratai eutiti. -t adian iuatt-t mitl-taen tata certaina rchiana Ilth i tcrntacea t apreate encaccsfulit firaace-tinan Ilittt io tu tait ctanta cettea eath ltiag-a tititahai ctgattagttnaato-. NoteeIt ana ha ati ta accdin taharan ha tata-a I t aire Iltt t-att tttar o aaiadtcaa-axpree iiaaaataaa cuissaad e ailtt tatiictatt. Iltas u aaaeeatengc t'ank- itaiaiiitatalita.tasaatatdieahtttnarecahanaietac ct ti ais ttcli tt-ah iqatatint. Fandang ofchacu taite ptsi-ttao a-f Canara rattheawrdbsern tratitai a the (aat etc y rare, that the car-mec tati tat atou han actrieti marieae dematada ,,tec attacttata tat thc fcutue. EIIITORIAL NOTES i tetia Thanhagaaang Day t on Ocachar 8h ath it iit aý ana k i frntenc na-at Mandat - HeIitaif Iiatttght haîaing o ic ie cultesaaacthe atatitiaataeta \Xaaaegradaiaaiigaeaaghackti tlu!- a itl tha airthl cia thats atti an- ta a taatil hi t i fa cati tc tatidci att iloi-l'iorit Li' i, ao nii til ha abhle tu e -car a ta( tal \ic anceantial dir ata ai hait- Att tinta Dtat tata a that ha tha cati ai -aIilc cta t5,-att -ametn tti Catadaia atticai 1 - latta tact tit chat the iant er an ai dît ati nii chai are naît hcang dettioicadc cnqaarc thta tiatataca Mirant-a t irict a frpe taaaenataag that the liagaa paritt oft -'tasctiai preaiin dliiqnenye ifpret - tai tat ttti l e aathie cite coutid ha geaatty taidît I omatneffoartaaeeadae ocnntrei theesale al anaexcataeg aiqune. \\he ac fittiting a gacat icti aitltat iatada ait tabite ainancaa h-ai toi a at atniera s horear Ma. Hagh Til oa.n Feagna. artiy eteatad ittacta biglepl muraael ttiaataaceiit), fer ait preedant ofi ahi Canadien Waektî Netsareer As .ngi-aaaind aa,,ttie ttaaellaiark-ers ait mare1satae tahic ahscammbarshapofnfearyt600 indusetres tar the riecac'aaia pertd papaes cannes tui hi-a high position mith a sptcnda'd Uniaareunee-tî tac haiang an that caee-lhoedtdet haccgr.aaund ofi eperarear ta fit hate fer hils acta itcra ant taf the mae ontractsancd ce-at rlus per- daai Tht' Asscaion c te lac aongriaeird asl cantage arrangementa near-asitaed hy mac. Lahe mcii as Mr. Tempin an the ehnie that bac beea e. Milton District Co-operative Be Sure To Order ait Onrce Jase arriaed 10 tnc 1-48 50 Fertalacer "Granular." Be surtaatnncer erl ifinteretd as thissae vilermaîacoder can i aurw cati gel. Aise, ane Uninnaraal Milking Machine in stock, stainless stee alis. Get in toch withaus atone. Sc e usfor ether hines PHONE 127 COLLECT FOR BIG LOADS, 0F FEED £m a SPECIAL -Ciarte end S ebeen's COFFEE -.41 TEA cI-tP. la.44e WIIEAT 2 taca 23e n a t.i a u,,a a e a- a it, OVALTINE te 5Uc, 9111c FLAKES a i19-laa 27c OLIVES 6- ce, Iln CUSTAIRD Cleo1 26e SPECIAL -Ltbbyes PneaEE Mustard 2 Barý 1 5c BULBS rahIlle JAVEX Iu 4C LINES ar,400 WAX c.b r 49e FLY-DED 27a OIL 1le 150 2s. MeL. ns 'becen Pnbk COFFEE J4.C NRUSTARD 1I 60 J ARS im Sen 52.05 SOUP 2 iln 17e IITAI il. ILO., 27e FbOODS neut 7c CERTO ML 25c BRAN --.-Lo,1:5c PARD ZîkgI 29e ORO.PVP 2 Ili,. 25c e n e , e raiaas , Del MlaEA i. qaî 19 àMAL 2 na. 23c 14IDGEThS 2 il, 25c SALTS cit 29C etoeîyt Feny Cuttcec PUMbPKIN 2t Tnl . s27e À- I-CZ- FLOUE bkgc 15C R-INGS deu. 25. aI, D.,t Rs e tce e TEA e t. 321 RUBSEES tela. 60 We relleme ch. ligue t lei[aie qaecîlu. nfIa nil llleuacdl (HICE TIIAI(lE fi (kt. NOl. 1 SI1ANISH lIMIONS l'Cr lb. HE.AD I.ETTI CE-36'c lier' Ilead (EIEI' HEARTS Bleî cîl :l 35C 9c 12C 18C Frnit nd eg.l.ble prIErt. oulijeita e t flctuaion& Cooute ue September 2Otb 1.1P luaIa 17 c ET ml ntoE 3cea fl.eairtc.. Solicito, Nelary Publie Office-In Fnenacer Building. Main Steet, Miltn Tetephene 70 DR. G. A. KING Ofite tn Royal Building, Milten Heare 1-5. Evnenga be AppeletelalInt X-Ry erviace Teteebene 197 DR. F. E. BABCOCK DENTAL SURGEON Offace lirer Pranrean Tbeate Nlgbe Apetnnt-,I naab anrerangeai XRa Rervent-e tExtractin -tar. 9i te 5 itcephene fil NEILSEN- The ChùrnPraclnr Drugierra .hetriait LadyAttenatt C]ýdTtaaanday Ocr Domntion ecte, Georgtetwn TRAVEI.ERS' GUIDE CANAttIAN 1 'It ep, " I AILWAY .aten .aca-729t aem, datte 2.15 an.atot, , hir 8 tt-t5 daaiy ecela Sunday. GCng IXeat-9.i cac, dette ialngi; 6:17 tata., aale; 1.57 am., dattyex-n tncg ieit .3nIl2.15p. me., a;tanc Atrat--cc-a ana tlîat; 6.3 Xu.NAtatAN NATIONAL RAILWAY tea, NaIta, eee ena. îaeaanaaaca Selete .0 . S. A. FAY PLUM BING HEATING ccd TINSMITHING Main Se. Miton, Ont. IIAIRDRESSING N L atcalIetida te Permnent Weaang Att ianra oa Bieaty Cultce ELLIOTT IIEAIJTY SHOP Phoneae ai- frn Appoeanet Miltons Hospital aNa Ciatrcln unen n2) Sem i-PrIbate - 3.5e Prcate--- 5.-M PHONE 216 MILTO 1ý - THE CANADIAN CHAMPION M.

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