THURCDAY. CPFTPMCCR OtS, 1941 THE CAN F~ >1-lAMPiON lnt reg C.nt__ * [c r-tie hgpan.>ggI gers g> lg b>e»> vce .I.adil rig he a n ogyste Ont. Phonge 1Gr3 Milton 1.--.. i.4 Furopey theAient4Fo- .. Ce -________ menuta repre n yur eig dap. '3)Upptenso ,>, t ht; (4) .e.Oy. destroyed] ormgri lvtr '41prrdg scgrlf; AeePf.endfelepe a ccu f suee d> eb e Il P gt ggire I o_ b regks thggauseggg be' (1) mt i in rie,3> hbg. hbcue hr s5 oc. tir b d l2> T. FI>gh t tension; (3) Ceg,,,jI grain i bals;>k n f thc Mao 4.~~~ If>ht,' eel hreaks, thecleo. e,» d p,i,i,,,2 f><',fheg rnpotto HOME LIRNMIOT )'lld cg 1,tt,,, d tma ho: (1) Thge fabhg has , un O geain or crcal p >4> bts an- H L » e coke n eike -r,,d; >321 'lle3>g~ (2> ma u e Ihcc anlkasfgn tp busy g tig th 4-idý' Ite PIT NO E A IGA [1.- cnl h, PCl ep . . TRI eIN MACHIgNE >2e P3von I >) 4', o slol-mrdn leig ou>hci ouue>ap'> tcap. e'e"4' effor ilml oe 'nd Pc og'e gFcpgf,>,e,, alay t),, ndoltéelcremchn " tf h-" bri,3 h., kg»t F>3' GIRL'S PAININO.' lURNA ('>3e). 3fgg>tg4 u) Mof,', F~ ah TOWN PALE Doheun Plant> »,,,> t ,,;Oa >hg y.qj eepga, I3REVCRC, Mgss, >CP> Wfhee peet- s,l> -r A>gca43 >haut >40,44fi lVi rgea Choc puffed h'psef 120 ha>,,, a>,g ("shpp 'g ,,h>, tO afggf r a g,,htg>,g,p e>, 1e(ac Fg>oe have hpee tuatefd g,a on ,tee soc> pafd t cf>4, harg, t. thc, wpl It os e',pgtv thaeed 3r Idf noeminalpt Cgt4 the gplr)ghttp bracebte, ggtaie it o'gbee d.-,,, "Hrgck, ltîs totmne gI ant 2,000,00 bugst dureg the tafo b,,gth af fhch MirIl ltc,,g, tChcC>eh3t'eaPePetcacic 1tplant. Fumgation il donc 'e g spec- MI>SIÇRAT FUR COATS Il»F Ceg Pepa,>tp. Thegs areg c'"ee a tfccc heg cggetnf forcoins, is oggbcef. Atte1a g> ' gý h et f.1,M h,' e3, in I -1 conne ftp, 044d ecîeegfg none la rgn- gt Inc 4a 7ýdeg, c, Fghpgec ced tn Pgptihitp ten the 1943-44 ggs- hcf 1h,, ctctef resl,>f 'e a 10 e.n >gfgotlf et 98CCC3 pelles weee (>4, ýal ile> 43 F.lictf> rtct Il (deen>,egcgecpp)cetof$2.26egch divshdgfl h r o i g,»gd ,>h174C,23C pfe t, tbe so cg~ g~,,'hpt4~h3 19:17-.38 ,cas. e3ec thc aerage pe- fi g3cg3 kig4gfg,, %s73 cefts M>,efet furisuil__d ^ie ase I >3ccfheg,,f, p .,,,p,>I in g3gte. The bege qggi;ýep rutu of damiigig inl', f. aa ,,,d t i, ,3>d codethe tP3c e e gd- - ca,rlFlithgt3 egde cne FI 0,4Ipu n Cce Lgke dis- (JCinivai fiait." or 3pp>7jý or _33 kg,> tfhe proCine I>nînaturet Fali AI] Fli province and the tue ut ) vde Crujs '>gof,,g,'3if,f many fholl c3ldpeegs3'fth asc vvC tcf at tPp>c e,,,. intstae you vaine, (C) Mecd teeecd edges et Fleeees gndci atelethe apef stplfsb tge, ,tgemegfccgt tepi pe eePh seee.e (2) Use aC> C>,tghfe remmailta te Fisc pocPets ai- Paed lege Ct)egb the edgec et sk,,t pleats t>, stregtb- ethe rogtecIa. f3) Hae4 sltth ecrgt ofggakel op- eeegs if the garaient ho toct (ts press. (4) Cc,> a "t>,ceed" cdge ons e hem whih i s net deep ecoggt te let (5) Mgke sale fg,,teees. Ctc)pe of 'oete a g,, iiahfe and yCC cgg(d cli p ,ff aecPton 4an1 gftcb incg th gra',"P > on whg, te hooks eare,,tt>%>,',33f>,c e-hgi o elli ni, eve ni,', tce en.tdf h t33. ,,f,.,,,Pde,cfteti -yf 3oIl,e g4 3 eaI) en megl-gcftt>g 4 3> fo, hgg Y'>> e,,g>, k'">33 Fgu,34,gglt>,,3ii . 'Ihegd, t,,edle rad h.,, otr 'crepoedtforpePfePtC'>,,kgC- .h>p. F, the averae famte>fse jigF, os.60>uFthgggdfisgg4 aneIlNo. 1 gedle formachine. 4. F3,has gheectes ,ehe, g sewetil machine ,eas bouialit. Place the needfe cn eFedl bar eth lieft side tgg>gd thee'bee. Fgstee eedleFclamp sca(ely with sge f. Alwasusefthe stccthregd te belbli as ce top ot machbie. Bap the bcgt thcegd and thaI o'bfp corresponds t if(ah c ep on rayon, only. b. Rcpfgge hhhe f>celg n gcor 7. Np,,c, forcefthe eigomachie ove, the shgtefe aen> Iige ouat or-Pc Fin hr be, thgeed. fIýl,,,gin af s,fh3,gý ,XNFhfEff '>2 Q(S) f0,3 ON >,3JOk ff,le d 1,c Pctt' 3h'r3 Fh"3anual cathavccgges ab 'i/cie cc.V$" fl/~ Ail aver Canada, in citles, louas, villages aad on farmas, hundreds of tlsusands of men and womrn w-aîch for the poste man to hrieg depeadense ailowance cheques as other peuple look for pay-day. They are peopie of ail ages whose hread- wianers are away on active service. Thee include reeurned men flot yet hack la civil life. And Soon1 there will he huadreds of îhousands more hack feomn the war. They will receive cheques 10 help ehem bnp civilian cloches, 10 go tu coilege, 10 get techaical or vocational training, 10 stare la business for îhemselves, or 10 set up as farmers or fishermen. The baniks have to be prepared to cash ail officiai cheques for ehese and a doze aither purposes-aad to do so aaywhere in Canada withouî charge. la facî, the baaks supply Canada w ith the naaioawide machiaery fo0 facilitate a grateful couatry's pians for reseoriag sersvice men and womea t0 civilian life. This is a tremendaus task. it ui enctai a vs mrn of bookkcepiag. But pou cala be sure fihat your baaks wl fl tk it in eheir sîride wlîhout impairiag regular banlkiag servie T&Ii Advertisamegg lit Sponeored iy your Book -I Bîritish Pcieesti>,t> Esîterimeet, Uecoser Treatmeet chich Re- savsMajor Headacbc [At Proe(rror P.,>. 13, l , u- ' .3>3, li 'F334> f3 > 013F33k.1 (ViTR ('HIEF FitTuli UN ~ T kIN.LF g' j S"hý,' .3> F 4,3 4,3"4 3 ' k BELL BRIO Lieenscd Auctiorteer Fthre Cegetg f1 Hate.~ Mifes Cteet-Mlton-hge 365w' r/SFOR LONG MILEAGE 5. MILTON PROTrECTION ES THE NATURAL THING I The- Rhinoccero is hut like a baeticship. Nature ha-t prostded hie>, o th a toegh, aimst impreg- nble hide-ceigged, iastieg [rtctkion. Brantford Rootllet oo, prîtsidg- e rgcd, la-ticg protection. Daricg the pot 39 vgars Braetford ltoeficg has afgaardcd kogti-t- thoug-acdt of Cattadethomesagaiestsua, rai, ,i,dsil ciee ... y, andheie. Whcthcr pou arc bailding or -st rc-roofietg, specift' "Brantford' for dogble p rotect io,, rcaote- ableckOst, bcasp of appi catiotn, higcdgd bpagt, and a roof tht %il cur aorAarp ortpic. Erantford Pools Beantfford Raofing Company Limited Brantford Il Ontario -1. ~ ~ C fr.' th iltoncemllo ri 0 fortha conty. f foi TeM lo.u b r& C a o 'k' -M COUNTY 0F HALTON I 1945 - LOCAL COURTS CALENDAR - 1945 g.Ii rjl: 3 i 1. I~N ,tt;'X'3 CIcirk of the Feaee PAGE THREZ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, 1945 THE CAN.A I-HAMPION