Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Aug 1945, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THIRSOAT, ADODIT 7090, 1945 e.XO Il t95 eo rSS CHAS. T. DAY Mr san Mis. Ltsee lst on. t scese s c c th cul45 tVisF'THANt Oie. Sses Mis. NOhheehase 1t sinte fi b-e ia'iscd Ms C hre i ttcettette.ttt hsth of t p,'s I) y isd awcyon csda ihec iýd.he ons Suntc. A gst 26t Il 5 StS S sic ses in h',tSîtt' -sts bett onc Ksis s St eet .B e ta'rt esDcc smas Ocicce hercuirSt- MARRIED ceSJoue Masal 'OIt Day lecs Oeen e ccisdect of 0Its2StSDhA 5 t tise ys th ttsf c ncs tise Aessistst ~ da Msst Miltoni forsdse cec the Fea est ciiiY- Aoet '5 Ms M S te gttiii -ict i is ecs e cil to rd ilees' ti' Il t w s le t 1,I .1tt iI Arnold 1ett"lcSociety acd ct'canece e S ctetott'St"sSeau,5t \S. Arnsold.Ko 'te sPeceý4eseccChucet te5eatcs s e c sic Fies, cf iOfiltce. DIED ý tc' sie e tsS c.l Siteto H SWct Jan, ,tit intteett' test i' Marshal, ctf Ili"' ett.c t ci T B. C. AI;E Ii otise-ýeoj Srt te Pe t 3555 etet c Altti, e. gc"' e A 'tee cr Ce'in te Union Cecte Dairy Hours Milton Dcsey ssii be. etpen tise iciiett eg hccts t MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 aill. ta 6 p.m. Etacept WEDNESDAY -Chases eit 1 P.M. OPEN SATURDAY NIGHT SUNDAY A97FTERNOON 4.30 te 5.30 Ilm Milton Dairy --- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - Il (I isetiý isIt.)ti hite 5tit andi ssaid II - tý .etet rroitittttt i, ' dtsplyt ili eu l t-t iite Ot t1i setetets. gelt ettis it.tIIts t ts the 'lIELtl hYcI'TINGl. 1ttd0 Smith 1l. A. iA anFLris cd Iftiier irS'Ili 1fttl'I'Ot' 1.l hllyEli & t 0til1- .1. Nobclce & li. Itsctdsworeil Fred Hsîteard PARKh I"ORIII OYC 'edi Harecp T. liEARl & tSIIN-Shcc Store Win. Vansickle tet sue tisa t , t ' arae otn tht aie i et ti set. ttut ande S.t.e. et a, tli gehe ait )n ster tand the siete 'ins t.tttcd eei I T 'lliI.EZJx.-tafeereation t'entre N. L. CKE'sITT-Nsa1 lIcug Store I.I.'SI"9'sS IItIID LOCI)thl liert Eisie, % d thcelce Heileemasn F5f(~'6ItSII ANI) ('111P iSHI-I' *MILTO'(N HI IIW AVAE.....i. t'. ieeiland .J. 09. IIGIi.51h.'- Intersaionsal flac'stier Implemens sS. A F XYiPIclmbing and Hetig 3III.TIN IDiot T SiALOiN- Mes. and I)orathy MýacKechie C". If. hNIi.H'l-Men's Ileur CilR IaERRh'-,rocer NOTICE A Meeting of the mtc'hecs cf the Haltes Gamne and Pssh Prectiis Assocciaticn c'iii be heid as 8.30 p. Thursday August 3Oth IN THE PALERMO SCHOOL Tc descass the advesahiity cf an cpen stases fce deee ce Haltes Ccueîy; aisoe iss eterestise discassions. JOS. M. EICKSON, Peesedeet <CORDON BOOTH, Ste-Teue Open ng D nceTHE DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT, 1938 i c' Electoral District of HALTON R~ose I¶oOfl Sunary of Return of Elertion Expenses Georgetown Arena Thei c. e ..o eurciI I 3(' fTeDmno + citeet tr.ýesses stade ta me b is onc brillait cf CARLYLE C. BROWNE, 'nI .1 Illft e .cd1d1, -tt caltcletion fetat titerta serve lnthe * MIDNILiHI FKULIC -Brevrnins - i happ>t o-eeeieee esesti- testa teesa Mceiaraniivuuu Sept. .uU (oe eee' btetsittt+ 12.05 ELm. c tiss I_ icd , 'cit tt tol i soittat ___ ;ERsi In lttttee5 ""s's e te ie tieccdcs secS on 'iceday ss"t at stet oe ' ec c eedecalitecalon titeeruption in MODERNAIRES ORCHESTRA tttl h a .I',lei Fa c le Stdesysse 3 SýI)temc'ie tit. 1914 MODERN AND OLD.TIME MUSIC En lireestInking'tf :eteetcdat At' -Isegisecys ac bsetcmin me 'i isg ct tees cd tise .t rohdd Plan ta siteciit st e d ay h'etceecsc stasesou sesecy t iscc andcd ttend tstatteileaes ADMISSION-50c .555t as Sca sawyuIt ete __________________________________ e dl este et y> le d c'a-N 24 Hechesay tees hete tht 'mi ýth rug 1t ledoor alo t e eaa t cao t ectIte soete Mai ttc c n ie cn îcg îec lc tin- cttdj.se isA thsaenn ;'Itt l ci Pase long aue tss A'td;ER etn Feicet 'Ft Seittcetiscc onh...mpon Fal Far dcheote tise d nl.Pe.eed 21 - 9h ilm k i i - 94.- ddl> 'ssd Se ptcehbe, Stis thte Heent nat_ se sc'iý tagc et Caesda asti sali uis He, ised hcid ey ilsseia 'tecag dat iseseute asdce i SXTý'IURDANY and MONDAY ttt'ttt'tttcttep ete fteced ie thetiEarlitiGi.issChap j Ant cc th ise teid et hettie . R D. E. Ste 't c.dIe t1s k tttis teo Thseco Uno sttitetef e setst I cee d!teS Fesr tAreete i'tasy serc st September 3rd Ht' thet te' ttdst of îte ti F!Ilse Ht netse Ca Feec' M tI f et iat", opt Ste 55cs e . at ta pitci sehati.l l, 1fiý Ilei'ttsttttt l t i lctalttittat 'T'htcl 'ssy5' t 55h tt.ttt elIi ett't e s ce etith tot.eal scss rd:IcrIc'TaM il, I;,Il1gIý , 1 11, Il,- il,- lakeil le e al laIt A lt, t l Iý filr all Ilfe tld El, k 111 1 Il, "i'd 1 '1', in filgil 1 k I, Ti- ]If. I, 'I', 'I'n, Nou fill, -Il al, I-I, I'v le, :o, F:,, Ilolidd ýo1la Il A l 1 il I'iý 1 - in T! ou "'Illy AII! :-Iý Il- l'.o- "I'I, lo Il q1ol 1 dý 17 \ACVFFRANI CPs M A "Sc- -.n.e'cess'St. 'l ion Sspaty s' Oen picece sitc priccede bcusinsg tSi' Setecans, thc Nec' Vecccccs bcacce of the Cacadece Lcgccic i 5.3f NiT' icli5JECtT 'tets t ' e c i sC- I RA\CES --- 1,1 gFI*,*FOR I "tletfYoar Fr tsttiieh saidtretuee est Stfie ait ey office and etat. te past.acc cf a tee ef abie Ilc durine the six sscsths nest aller the 71th day of August, 1945. bis thedIlay pena'hehihthesidcetuce wsfueshed ta me. D.ed ta CamceIcile ibishe 27th day of Auecat, 1945. JAMES K. MAHON. Retassise Off icer. Surmmary of Returs or Election Experses of Carlyle C. Browse Eceesipt AtSSSSt pertsnstso Reeipts, ectributn, e. . . 9760 M 5 Total $7605 00 5 Patset. Csedsdaie's peericesil espenes Ttiteesscr. Tcieptctcs and Especets Petty Ctuis Hieeof peises Gccds sappticd Adeetteesseg Sf5 0t .3 55 $895 40 No. of peesas peid DSîSed ai CacSphcitS'ile Iic 27th day cf Auguat. 1945. JOHN WILKINSON, Official Agent THE DOMINION ELECTIONS ACT, 1938 Elecloral District cf HALTON '-iuîiiiarv oif Reti of Eleetion Exilenses I 'ih"et isielo. set cut. 'a., etdt ieud vSetei 3t5 oft tTt,' Dcomeiio VESTI' CK SI1ONW ,gcIolx- Itttt'.ttehi , tsete bý Osn ie teh.eteictt H ItttttEVEttth o 't I t te t tdedats sle ite et" eSIIýt "Ii ,'tttt et s teeteiste ta urete et thet YOltN(0ANI) )LD 'tteied retese tl cttteIle n cyettte"sandteca, o sesa>et of ta fceco I5t'555'5 .tte"te't.eett'astd Nt'ii(tes tatieteeefiaSett'ste as. etttt'ttes'icuttnc tise six tt.tttit ne\t t.et'ltie 7eti dayctfAut, 95, cndes ai Bframptons Fuir o t'.Ci' a pten utc il, ts 'aid reteste tes tees tett t me ... lAMES K. MAHON iturnieeg Offiet. Summar' of Relues or Electicon Expesses acf Hughes Cleaser No>'at ottttfts C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~%oln traintett eetee.et .50 ttcsd cyî le dS'r co tcc THE DOMINION Eleceorai lis secesces peed ced $atce .75t5 tsI $30t43 60 tie etI of tusst, 194. R'tiW.tOOK hfieciiAgent tI.ECTIINS A('T, 1918 iriel ocf H.XITON i olEl I EI3I<II c n\ttI9vs .e1 t t, t l 't 'h 't s -'.III S-amsar .%o eten arn or Eleeticîn Excesee cf Atlas S. Nichocles 5555t555 it et1 sets teoct i~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~bn t'0 tteiette1's .-7S5 i5 te teo etet' Aeisetetee eeesons îeatd 9 I3 h td 'rtal $240i7 S2 tlicoe at Catephtiest tie 27th daly cf Acesat, f945. LLOYD DENHAM DfNGLE, Officiat Agent TOUR for ITALENT C. K. C. R. Kitchener Saturday 3[to 5 p. m. Milton's Own Pro gamme if titte 'etig. \Ehttl. Dac.etPlcaylMusial inestrument Isst dop dw'cand csttitseceto et that 5ca hase a gccdtieIe c IIEMEMIIEI CKt'I KI'iCHENEIt-1499 on Your DiaI-Satuurday 3 to 5 p.m. ~~~~~Ti isga o~ Mt' a Bencett Brewsster Production Miml À&464 Ço&&~dd~4~- . 3 M iù Z THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSDAY, AUCUST 30th, 1945 PACE EIGHT %oh[rc' est Arei Timi Assurance List of i Coutil mer and ait Tuesd M'eeton Cu Pt ciecet. G. ser te Cnep csisad c Aseciter fd eais rct theste spee ,bsed hy-ta ,-rTht dci Aicc cpcio Faeisepc,. inet tcc dw 'rTe Ttc Ila the fil'1 'Sterwocs es At,'s ead peeets iIs peTehe te t Ce asetic Mr.see e.t Case dil asectt p i

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