-~ -~ ~- i NII t... t tl C t ,, i- t ",,- I, NI, tS an NI MN I M i r- t Lý I;Illr NI, j., Ni , 'ft Eo t, I - - t - t-1, l, . - - t, -A l -, \\'G\ ANV E Y MOFF Vi'1 -t-t I- -. I- t, t l :1 1 t- I I1 ýI 4,11, - Il t',t ,, 1 flo - tt t i I , Il t III I, - I,, t 111 - -- -Il fl t,J ,t ' Ir W. Ni . A. Itahtt and, N ,Lot, a,11 M-,tr Du.o Uhoa Il-,t,,,,t, ttiog Hîd,In hot lt,th Hoitt O odat. Mr. atd -th,-, %,,tt t,,t fila htit ttl % ,,,.,od ,,,,,, Ilt t).,, t ,n N I d t iltt,, IL -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 , A ttttt do,_ loi-, Ag,,,,I-t, Sia F 11. ) 11.1 A "tItt-I't<. 11- th f tal- lI' LNI trolls clN t-l, fl llýj- s, 'A-- - - - - - , -t , 'att" t. ,, I,, ti I, ' Ap - Ill' li t ' I.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tJ -L ,t--tt.t,,t,,l,,trt. L iberal totilong. Soft wodS$12.50.th MpbdBrh4tpet :1 4 f. trd, C. 0t 1. a l an Be h$1. H,,,aloc, Lothor ctuî tIL, ode,. CUSIOM SAît NG Mll Stîttd t tle Soth ,f A cton on Seond Liar ,Xddreot-1. tXNIPIIEIL, Moffat. Oni. -rd atlatrhrtii- fame tathe Guel- ph Trust Comt,,a, Guelph, Ontario, oror tîitore ah, 1ot,, dop ai Aaçîiot, I J45, allter a t,,h data th, Adedelg- frater. %vl ditrhbuta the Estate taith reardn to1 th, rIaimI of tahiet Itîr, hall titnra î, hed rottre. SNMiton, DOnarto SttrtorI,1 ha Adeoinittrators Iotie hto (?reditrî AN OTIFERS h1e Mnttler, af 11e E.ntai I MAI)- /%fdt.ft ~ e IE MýJA',NET, Dereod. - At lot tItIn tt,,ig ,liiîa,, alliti ttî Eliot, 'If Ne GtIE NIIA E', ~~~ I oII t,,- IlI,a, , Nîta ho ded iti(I X HALL -MILTON t t l1ftI -itti, dIrvo, ,,tMît NI., t,- nrr ,, t fe,idta par- Ilî,-itl,î-to,) 111,1 Thursday, August 23 dIa t~IItlt,t lttfbho' h.0 îlot -tIA fl tIN ,ttt-I,. .N ,B t PRiiili M - llIiN( PiS THEATREi - 9 V'.MIt. oo o t LItt, IÉ,, 211h dap rit ..........~~NI *i,, lt ild il k & , îo NL Ille,î.,,,,, Eharotor IlîipTe 75I CENTS ABSOILU i PIA NO "i ICKETi Ai-F iR AU- 'UST 201tIOVNO PHONSE 127 Appiao~ r .. id Sortie. 103le Col PhI 'tone tOr1S ilton MILTON WELDING Vîrcriî land Acetyiene WeIding Beprir Wrtdîîo ti Ait Type. Parlotte Eqotpmeteî PHIONE 332 MIARY ST-NMTOg orotI Dr. Iieolop'. Farnworth Memnorials Oo IttNT. MacDONALIyS 1 Used Furniture Antiques Guaoaootred Highesî Qoolty Woek lt Rensonotie Pela,, 80 MacDooeil St. Guelphi Picnic AT Milton Fair Grounds Sait. Aug. 18 iOM AND1 B'l lN Y(ILR FI lu D> Races for children commence at 2.30 p. m. Softball at 3.30 p. m. Entertainment in front of Grandstand at 8 p. m. Lucky Draw - - - Brief Addresses Georgetown Girls' Pipe Band - - Acton Boys' Band BRIN(. PICNI(' LLNCH ANID YOLTR 0117 ClIPS Tea and Coffee oi lie Supplicd on the (.roaunds PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN CH-AMPION ISAAaCS 6h u IFW By theŽ1 DIT IC NDS TH -utieP.. 12 ei.h ith "a., p t. I jTECO-OP RALLY-ALIGUST 23rd Addit ..I _4. , P., :,d.* Ii (anîosIleo Cocening-Activities in Communities Nearby TORONTO (CPî Jo aîan - ts for ail 01 Co lomitrs If ou hate flot pat-chased pour iOuhl,. Where Many of Our Readersaire lntereoled atooaaPeraIgîethl a Iîa itN ot vAuaî2.Paea 2"Sea o ddhhttt. o---- - - - -'~ - - - - ;t, in it,,totatk baaîahî aot bh antier parlaif this papal. Yo oead yaur Co-Op.L....I I~ I raaarîi att-at ratttonog acrattothe Lhhthttthhîa LOWtîeothaO Plaeoyorrdrfr abarrei orîto ofmoases. A car FOR SALE KILBRIDE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , LOBIL c Jo,,OrCttaattraCtaI ad ta ba itara ta Sapt. ahahopa. Permit alreadp through. 6 Pig. 7 a.ekI od Appiy or ota eatrîl an.. m A haw holdrad of ttaine lait. B e tare ai yoar sopply forO UBI hceNfî I- N, ,,tt ,,tttthtO t I,It l"Il ,tttttt tO,tItOtý tItI ia IhtItI ai ,osetîrataaîongbut corntkBttg. FOR SA1LE 1,11, NhtIOhNh,,OI tt,,,-,t,,î,t IL .t1~t~ , igIth il~ IhtI, r,t-onee oher tha Start faading W OaîrpiRationeoot. It paystgood dit. Soitreottoîatî fi VI-hîtttoht-dotraah drodhaedkapNeî,ikchottogoadcoeî,ervoAip. NI ~ ~ ~ ~ l -~,NI0htt1,,, Ih t, ý I n NI,,t,I Ni, Mî, lir Mioî,tVltLon Disrit o-operative FOiR SALE NI,,h lt , t,,Ittt1 t ,r,,ttttt-,,t,,t Il,, t PH NE 17 hrood Ptgt. Appîy lhai~~~ ~ ~ ~ Eifcea POE17 SAIOtEANT ~I, NIL, t r M. ,-io Ia-ltl I00 1. OOitîp. ý that (ille ol sod ul 2) JNE.sO* POULTRY 130.E GEORGETOWN~ I:kti b t tp p r PAIN RILLER FOR CoRNlSl 191-, ,,,,- lopl'l Since-- th fharing ofthe trt gun CaadahaspodlyPtoind IPicke tîIItatg Store. la Il,,,, i,,~ t f,,,,,,,,,,, & îhthîhthair Altad Nationstin theaPaar of trgge and ,IItttr acrtttheor aa-atid ofireadom. No ti.ait e haae agaie ASIE loI Th -,,,,, t I I n itîa,,,, ottIOtI) eli phacea aroattv. May we direct ourthoughtt and ambitions IPtahrNTHO MASiB. DOUGLAS k fion IL h, K il, - f f.11"'Ig fle metig.Oead loereo alot Cottie for tree liýtilg Athr bl ,,lhave paid the Noprama tacrifice that wr might sae the daato Pij uIaSO Phooe Mitton 210. We pie Nttt Ftt tt h t,,,, tt aîa ,tA CORDON YOUN, ()~IXCII t ot I M42,,. si,, M a I, i,a ttg-,,, îiîltthrd, Phone AD.166 Toeon.p hTt.r h,, ftrd. Seret oteS tig ' afatile ilo ML C A, li J 'f il.rir i Milon illng ompny td. Notice to Creditors I ol 'i k 'r. L.joýoi ibo tefi, Lfvi- l, jiusbanlas ýingat tta,îo ta ..----------0 AND) OTHERS f i, t -.. MrNtî aha MA ROSELLA GOWLANI), De- ,,,df, W ood and Lum ber.foef i ow i!Ml 111,1 11, l, ln ll a. Ail t tir ofl ot I ahtI , agatow port~at t rA le on rahoutlthe 2810 day IEMMER-1l \ ....It3tt,,t,, .d... U aaraB 'THURSDAY Saîhthoolptu Ma .ad faillaru Mi', My. Mr, Dai,] .et aod a Lek. I, (W.tN fI, aî NI,-t t-, NI 1'l' , I-III :fi fil,