PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THCRODAY, JULY 251h, 1ta N i [>'C<>al <j1 0E1R01 fOt itnso ('OD H~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A -4 À i id i I d r~Tul lia _ME FOR r«<ott'ticc: BUILDING the onte Dru- MUT BESFCURED Iý, Li oin pressing ho sisortages, andl ts pro- ide/iefigs frteForces as disclsîoged. -i< AC iC in t si. i lo l I Shraotofwrkr for building homes and liii' ail" <rosi for lie Tolly I1 ii oit lasiTi ng lcsc fO impede Canada's poga fo r ef construction0of ,l tul «s.c daý <os - gelilc tir , a i irma i ,ti b000 omes as sono as possible. -Io, If flic I-IfI or te' itol lr - 1 i t flot taiiii i n liefodf, . ... .... ln'ol ..y ror FI'..lIgAIl smen espeienced. in bome builing or in ('so ifiiSmll oclcýIc I 1slic st st el ft c omooîrd pouigbuilding mateesuls, ntho aie sot non' ors'il of<o oe III,' "' 'Oa bt. dicoin iron s os ut s oer of these indstries, are urged toi o Ný C<«05 'I. i ir Il as' ami aio bildin il s en score office of the Naeiosal Emplo- 'll >, tros t4t 1 -1 cCit or n osstuys ablimet eric imntcdiarely. <'<'ic ibo -ri 'cpl t r r ibsrtrd icoes ri<eii'td bt tc tllos re ioung- I cii soit tss tuy streegts iu tOe csanoada oral 1i-oer, .iottr "ut bilaniiiisg lo-ngr sot tssne urin ftue stiteese M es eupeeiesced as borne buildisg oe prodscisg onroti 'l" 1asltIih, o rcs' 10 te su int c oeas ood hi nOise thn tsl t o5l suples ifane son inar seerenesil ok il i <,i oii tdies et OoueoebrdIffle Canada boit op orS rsttonisg detori tShre yif0010 bi uatin n ydrso rns Upi fnw i te seta ok il niL 5 nu. osdestoes nu irrnrsrtedin Morrb. 1044. i drioktn roi l e tOrs sesdin tfile______gnspete u oka oswic ilass b tIi "fu-ou dutîsu lsi o Il ui Os pitire us quotte dfilrecnt Ofirsosn la tOers bosse towns. ie emt OWr tjb hc ilas h hall'<~u uitc Os lue of sa sirnt ' niong us tu beretntrod- Chief s'slesnuss os AB C. W. Cooper MERSSAGE PROM RING GEORGE buebids egas pou" to lri relel uslr Oti e. TOrin todidoo iion i bc stlrnted 51Suint lobs N.B. He s a si - Ail men flotd. bouseng bsldesntn fal lutste r ftir N rir il idlla roî t, oi raisofcllireotîer %e kbesdesý%o o ti orer nuer sentisse sud for tfettnnfdrresîns ducin.' suutsdies flOU a oil a 20 r'i .irntimintgs. Aboot surzo ouit o fotttshan osin lOrcmuy tlir isst 18 cm t lias befofsore- fmanmte amsutmeetingsof 05 Ah Boywo a 11 u iiii ai i. - utr l ie is (io; l'i bus 1ttcooe k,rpre nitoot Cootrhn. Scouto Assoriatin uit Otts su bis 5b1ogr'am, are urged to anuiter ibis ral, '1 l<r<shorg is Ortf tiiot totat 'l'O rinuodoction of roiinsiog jiol' i oitso" lie snî"dr"bus Xifdy ln 4 i uct S pîy a ne a b ers fieo b frai %illi An, as re ce.ssr Otlh tOcst tOuit fticer firo nr cou sf0 t r c -the- IOug bs seft ibis cerlet "Plusse rcn p l tOc itenaetOfc fi ci e ,, «'sci et a tr si re otin ot so ment suppliris lnger sce icri 't ,itir c 1 ire ts Scooters, Scouts sud Coli Naional Employmeni Service. i u .îîn i ,leiio Aolic niiot fOe oser- us 194.3 Stre fOut eoI, eoOf otlneOecouts AtsîonitiSn Cari i «i_ ni %f Cou r ftilm s, orSt %car, i macir fsieu trmrs oitiott ocim d n't' fOub sc ml btfk DEP RT EN 0Fe LABOU .< ..ti.t luit << 'iii <"< c t t te ii til ti-t o-. cct monrel ,I ifIoa .'an o Imesg O hi eton D P R N T 01 ]L B U Ml -ad1stiig I r-y << , s.'t ot my bietbdsy. HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MaSNAMARA finc, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti tllu sa tilln Inuit tre titi Oy fln tOsrno Cencr teSI.abu i t < <' C t' ' i - it" (l'toi dw<tor nu rie '15 ci inseu s s Dcpsey Mnsstce ofLabur <<< li ir<t s Ce o c00 î<o lst< i.< h trîts~<~t<lO5 Cuc lsout "' i <I' .0nl <hl. ho itîtiit rt it '< i 'trie f n fer Canadasun It e s-g lo t"I titi' 'ito a'<o pa ie fi 1ct st > i o i t' ilk ilt O fm c aO Iu"nsSetl u a i>- III < ,,, rui il, il, Canada, alfl iii fard tr ti, ue Ysr b n k a 1 b btw e b o i ~ l a<it c t , ,'tt Il O'fielrslod i mr bod o . cro. tukhl i<t lF O IC I iti'tr ZII I l li 1lii -<Iti l . ct Il, bf T b o g i s o n î e r a csl5 0 5 5 s uda l b u s i n e s I IIs selnli co n s t .. i~~'a I, "Ill kîîlî. ila 'ii i titis 1lk ' titi '<<tir Iiea, tie lueteloeiucusîrssb iladsurs ;'s' -id rrlî s o I ' t' . f i, <o ti i "<lie fair, faIpsltby lie t O i 1 Il. i l- , il ,t t 5 r c r~ C oî îr '< ti . to l C t O s ns s ol <<~<o ~< < < '-o<io<tt<<~«il .<1etrott ~<î î <is o a obi chiefi u arhe isfsaisn ueWn he meiointyu <t it <t et 0 <0 to ts de ul tu oi r e te 1 <0 u ofi tunI, ,Ot i e n i n Csu a nad acîctîee, seesi s aee s e rch e s p î 1Ca'd lsr t'oCoin<lenrntdsbngsînteîrigss. ortroîr~~~~~~ tctfeblu , insIlneseîsdi,..' titi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h obstl i'îrSo rdo us iess aofud eesUîî11kis n al[e obs indor s andn mca Il!.ut cîto titi -<i <ffi nI_ î e lv <Cu.c make stores otftt une wol, vrcumetenbtals.f "<et mal- iit' iit lîîIf turnis riltu Senre peosoror'ssrscdosrcolies " < < < 'tiI fi luti L<ti ' i1 e O oi A n g r a l - ' 'ii: Li-<t< <l iii > a I i v r t e g l b , y u a i f e as t e s e i l z d i f r a <<<< t'e îlt tN. - H1 tii 'I I l a1.1 t" I , h l, I,1, o p n l h u n ý 11 v h m l E\'.I II"0 f5 tf <"<<<< <<li" tltllI <tot <i «<tro rattît oocg imt adelteso rdt u rag h o f I-ofI Ciii' an Advertiser-fcý"o 1l Ti OUUOofC.dinnknas th Moset Perigo ple tl t ni ., "" - aI ilficatnatar lc a c atf _i ta lIl I . tuhr, a In ihwefr.I bs hoghmn eas eeopdteslto aa 25OL -mi HIiAC <h, c l' da od boarsliginmr osfr<aainmi tef tla rit i ri fli en O jin, la Sslun unS ifervie aatand s avaa.ema ARESE iJ. cOLLaIN OUR OWN. 5I)ODGE1 ANI DeSOT c- n leT IIIu INTRNTINA