,H CANADSDAN CHAPIO PAGE 194R5 Oft lnteree4 to \)ornen !\olliihi'1l (Cfdt, Ameefc Office Worker'. a" 'Experýit. ; t'N titae Amoti, Perfore b-eut xiJtrW'orkers {nu itoru. '[e-ti li.. ttctuc 'y(r;ientisLs Sfcek fat Ieare Effect of \-'.ttt t k lt, tottttig taett a DDT' on Fîsh, Ilirds and ther "Y ..It'taitttttcttI bt tctte'..t gtc. Attdof i t ctet,'.t antet tir ttlcg,, pubtet 'd hy ttte Aoteicett ho sl"Ied ttt> for nuork ttg (cet cçnttctttt .tt Kt'ci) bttttttgltmitce. ((sIN ;rN t DDT, tte Mctttt'.t A'.it o,ttct coer' her, and ciecctar e ube. Et'ery pccetcr REtD Ct RtIAN'r JAM ttc ai'teccece trti thtttcooccte by 0 i the ceetoce co in te (dcsty tehich, ttgccero tfcttettlisait fe e.re 11c .tc,t scit ts ceekng ta dctteitcttheth- I sueed' cttetIecoet haeebee advtiesing honeeokethte 3tt ets ort2tt'. rtf cornais er letgesceicusetilprove aboon cthtd f the ttalaurai ofday'( taieateeeed eied pdtct . If 3ltt tir. r7 t'ttt' tttgar, 1 box cto, enace. 'lest inercceetectctee. vuheave r ettleet .tte cttplteg. droit pecttttcryttls. The tebeeetecy me weet te feece ,The stuccp eoeg cither hiegt dis- ut ereqet forHitttontdtteMais- Ccsh thccceghly. Steve tee-tatI the effects oftpeyteg DDT traintfc air. cc'dtee liat: ti ttts log. oft1if tescet. Meetcct fruit. tattttec feeetfeldeadtett. Th cie l eiieptent h 'rct.ecteect oueet the Tteehtdb6et3bt 1t ftttcefkeetete inecdette of odt.oith the hget prescatfeettInthe ue otPf etn iqud net ect eonteet,mteetp byeadd- aegceeteceecfe.tyeoftneettetllatty Jcty' end pecttttcrtalsei. Constdeeteg the ic tio oftee rceet eceerdtng te ttht' itttecticide keecte te man. Ites Tht ta efelete eeeeletiee tie- te tfetfttyeae'etetst eteeg ltt geneecefdiectineîtorpectte jett. been seccetttfIclyemeployedeagefnttt Teetpett edfeett thtfettencttest et eecand the tees entrctitons oft at reie han- de BLUEBERRY heest et pettt whtch beset etn. bteeî cete -Y ttdeeep ttt ofe artrerof bisprouct ai av de AND GOOSEBERRY JAM ted ,plant, tiroireffectengteide pettt- atcctbctgteficed i adIleor 'w îccteled mcttttccoertttca ît il.eca ofphilit efor iseeneegricultueepre- .ye ttecheeeette tjctoipotanece. Thtts 1 -ps of bîbehtttis,n. gansece- ecttteomedicte.fccctcoereetien The htgheaincdeceeofceîd wat 1ta ',ceelyt anty me eettte lciee, t be., pect lsa, anthprtect ioytrgetoa fudi h g rop2 a2 e, eobntd fthed fr i tgt andt 12ed tire pettct(t et aBefend teetheeîeecenthte yetcupa ceteiet ret neuiteee te mget'. cchr tcoti ctte fruieats thed ac testeo etetechcetec.e(p eoin Hcttet'cthcecce' merecipectittttethdttsthefttteetttcicl c 4, cul,.,* o 2,01b prepece hctetilui ncctettuhcas hey ec,'ett tie .ttttetthe ctic fccuits tcfih patte., c fccttMo,tc,,,tgct'tcc etcee. I lttcitteccietttc ettt rtee'n th ctccctden; ege pl oerthc focicit pteg wthot le tpc SEBRR tttAMcc tttccteec'epc.t tt instcis cuenhde tpt ctctetccccptcctte moe ctids dititicof ttn'the et12 glasit,., t t e ttt'kctt. rit tctlni t tett cttte tttctttttc ofccettt m rktcc tttce moeg et eiitt' tttc c nte nt are ttt 7 (t' j tftt'tttc tt'te tcci,,efr oftctc 'i',ttt'ctc - itcccteet -t!OdVt ttt '(At' r intUt g Pt'cý tptt tttt e, tte intt ticid cf 'ci n- ttoe Ittcrt,'tt ttt ttcctt int airc c on- s('XCCI IN CRYTit'AL'( tl 1 t. ptctcctd frcit. t ni'tt cttcaee tt ctc t Moccti tt ca t on tcttday thcc '()'(ft, Il .ttttt dt ie t't'rtttcil" ttMt tetib t"ct tt.t c il itt rettctt'tc tectct. t1I l l, fl tc t ct t ,tt tt di ttt. i,ttt.t'c [t ,ci c t t tc ','ti "tt,C a c cc tt t P. ilT , ci Ilt,.'.d torttt ttc.' glas :' ctcctI d tcd tt, t it i i1bp tttt t actt,$ton 't 'et ut' t . preen' t . t 't.' Ig ,,tt, tctt' liait act et , t ii T.ttO t m'lon 15 t -O hsset. c ttc etc- "5 _______-iti' and t',ttte it t tc ctJ t th m cci ,i tt tt ; ..c 1 c tt e -1 t 'ctc.tttcc(thcttcSn.kicghectltl 1 1t f teit tttt.cttt c ectt -ttlt .tc tt. 'tttttt ',tt it Il t a In Il cftccIf ot, oldc ti att t t ktt t..cttc litt> t tp ,tt. , ,t i l, tcz wcccitt' t ccc' cttc fc ci ecc eett t'c c.tc aci, ccc tttttt't tt,'.ttt; t'et nece Ilodran le R restrictions Removed On Bus Travel Yot e nom hv ch-cXh tict tcr ;ti on onth tenda Ch inslti Daily Service to Hamilton Mondat , fi' , Fi1i te v tt t.11 camcl NVWT 'I BRN tRI) -Mre1 HOTEI, SHORTAtIE .XCU.TE IN LONDO(N th t, t tul tt.tt l't 131 ctttc , ck te fen 'cehtn sacoe. Ie the etou wec -t1c geereit. Jt'ý Cwi ù y "SALADK gîiD TEA TiRS TIRES !TIRES! Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us Wtt have installed New and Modern Vulcanizing Ettjatp- ment for repairing AilSizes of Pasenger and Truck Tires. FACTORY TRAINEDl PERSONNEL ALL WORK GUARANTEED Johnsons Garage PHONE 174W Umm~ THE RATES arc low. Suppose yete secuIte a ura f ý 10. Paid fteck inmnte isa clts f '".34, te kcste of tfte I tn t ci si.29. The-n ther hg. A lnfog-ec or tIctter ot oubc~ potoaei ot Cihe BANKof NOVA SCOTIA 0- I C- .1 ctttt' B pccý RN IN G! W4««£*0C' eo m VICTORIA HAMILTON VANCUVERTORONTO NEW WESTMINSTER OTTAWA WINNIPEGHULL No person mnay rnove to and cent or orip farnily quarters in any of these congested areas wîthout a permnit frorn the Admninistrator of Emnergency Shelter. t' 1 t - I , . P , IltI, tt thte aider, c eaitsan otence and, in addition te othet penalties, %vtU bc eqecetl ta -rate the shelte, and the district ti his tee expense. -.É"M.àa PAGE THREE THE CANADIAN CHAMPION