Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1945, p. 5

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TIOIIRSDAC. ILILY 1950. 1945 TMP CANAi2IAN CHAMPION PAGE PIFE r .- t -1 - - --- asIr Eit.1 tîtIIc «Trmo',I ar ht1sho ,,iigi cý' rvtewe-n. KNOX PRESBYTERIAN Dy FRED) KERNOIR tf1, î otk . Ite Pttof Ms rmooChcg,,viâ- CHURCH (aass Vers St.ff Oni5r tiîo Iîît frelaos 2.31 faits h. ttIg M t. UNITD __________________ H té ara,t losto , théO pinttce Pte. Rot- Gray, af i Ooe, as sperd- ST'AU'UiEDCeRI ' oaltîa Cootottto Mot-y dis- 'lot. 'lI.. t.toîton tce dates of Oh, mis c ieaeavillaMr.aadMlire.A. t1_o1-tails roftiottinttherNooth'lt,îin11 lîtoîdistrict hcotî tad. oit Sororote Servsia , Attasstic moraeofiloaoara ago bp rtîdors 41 lot ontersvoi Me. asd Mes. Johs Arsold are hol- Iciiotn5 PaoI's Cioroh dortsg5n hg th a i aiu Gr(asUbai ot' ttpt-îe cdapîsg as lRd Lag Maoîooalta Thett covete Jotowakad -fome Is li ts ýek. OUINDAT, JIJiT 22-1, 0945 TiorrraCtltcb dP.Gtoto Mfsotr Bro C1 okaa a r and tho fittae St. Casharines aad ACTON Oeo'îrsho 1h-5s Mr. Taom Fard os apradisg ia Toemate. ltie destoyer Gatssseaa figared iltse Cookootîtof Sopsesobr 14-1 aerk ocssig alh tieas aad ret- or. PoltaSo. Soodapsohool 0a naeet cins v2 ioOcroitgé I Orptrembre 11-12!' stivrs ta the Statrs. (.'al ineau déte_______a__________ adttCou, Sl1t.,behrS20-221 shortlp aiseooaoda absrroe a a nsaaGad Valley Septrohoî 20-211 Masoer Wapne HiI-s as oitsg waSo. Depth chargrero OoGI Ohelothfi or Oroebrro 18 1 asîsh Me' and Mos. iuloi reootsîes i RC ANLICAN CHIJRCH arcau, the Prasel, thr Sa. Catlarlsev .alotoi Orpleter 216UI Hlasaltorltoaoaeek. REV.S. A.ISIRK andate hrLtltîoaokcsedathe Utoas Cartos Septoare -2910 lete a surfacerahoosio atercard. MIILTON SoptoboIr 20-29 Mo.aa Mos. H. A.Cti- 1 A Casadisa soratior, Lient. TroArlpeDoor -m pcadtoc tter holidapa ai Maitoat- SOINDAY, JULY 22noS 1945 Dosa of Québeo, of the ChOlliotoot MtaOrtîs i il,Iasdisaek atooSsday allew.,odp osoasog anOostitosdc orsthe stalMrthas, GOtohes -61 N Miss MargaaeosFord ai 'Parent. 11.00a.av ,Mosotaa Srie.o Prearh- tîsoraoooredhits onsil 5hadrsoon-ISDoti'Pt4te Othor3 'isied l h es.Alex Meive oan iri ro I T. N. Lace, ai rtsg aocer and led a boardisg paoiy Torlltoofo ofober 2-tf sie cs esAr. oteaad Hoaiton. o~COc fe oeosin Woodhordc Dcoohr 6.8 faiaoportheoweek-end. Foais trott thedeto UO Uih bosateiAaftorfoooaodIoe - Feaacls Ferry R.C.N.V.R, ai Hall- Serfesoor 2ad. Go;rooga ,tslp, she Casadias maoar'd ad M k ,ac, a spsadiog a ieaoe snOb bis par- tat t fsthe easoiag lcer and esi- B lyM k ros, M. and Mra. F. Peerr. And Te Shail Osoos ths Traso ad Sheou or a teshr G-boss. Me.W. H. Mefoasie "ad soaa Maafrr Teoso Shail Make Yaa Fres Jaa. 8s:32 l'hr mena in the Chtiloaok vcrr A Coniebaek 1I:essesh apraf a fec daya la aoas es THE CHURCII 0F CHRIST 000000f listes oftr fOr alatats of for 1Or goeas os Me. and Mrs. Walter OMAGI raidr on a mater toosto OC tte yr-aadPauio BsReR Lacieae.' EVANGELIST- MDRRIS BAILET Chadir,t soloshr crcher ai the errudPouto a e - oooY, airer thter chaees trocn t0e aaiied is Isarease ia Nambor Mes. Jck Carr and ber sisaer Mec. SDNDAT, JiLT 22a4, 1940 -v"s Or hrvoo ahp a lonee f Raid Ege Lecaa haoe jasa cefaesed ater en- Oeeoioe afv és 00000 0 sub me th vissac cia Ia- Oa.anda8p.m. itoal f fOr opérratooasaafba WASHING'TON (CPI The haId lafloas asd i-eada sn WesfesiDa- GriSetr MoPher nstCaoadaa Ilie ,as ls, 29 Nazi racir. vochol -f is'eodoc, la skiogE 2p.. Se Oeoe in cie Scoo Aad- 0000 crcmboeooeroataeed and alxa m odeot cobaob. Pote oea-sacgaj ada. itos la.cdtaîlroovotpfbeiaaoosehftrl a Goapoel ogcs Mooday Wedaeaday stîsh ad 8meonindsae f51 a a osrat-e tr thprS on-too and Prîdt a in0te cible Soas Recsaddfrdsrcino h rS ýv lya rtcin S Auditosriuc as a Icl o-o Noc the PisO asîd Wldtifo Seooice iCone Mac and let Da Rosas Te- Ci-anou a cseporRs Engagements gefhar Sadoh Jrbaoa.h-Isal- 1: 18. Thé pIl ceek-end beooghf h fOrBes "Av Iloast coi 00 S aso(tlad 1_________________ sttaok as flie Japsorse boce Isand, fOr lato tpoidtsg penaffies59asiE Mar asd Mt a. H. W. Riobaedaaan A CONDEcroR, AN) Ilasef Hatro'on Feral aaeîctefeio s reladoo e ais' 5e Mio.aatsnteeaecsoS COMPSER,) OP PARTS the afrel olfo of Kacasbt. asly 275 0111 of bafd rotaeo and, as a relalf abelr dsoghtr Jeran Patoica, fa Hie-'r .Id Rus-veît M\fotte , efflaft sas of Maoo Borge cil ean sofa Tokyo. The aigailocasf tbere hos borts a sligh ist-eaîe in Mm. . Wi M,;,at "i th"a M' Asistnt ooro'nelp appaloard Iasoectof atheO shellsg asf at eshee fOr aachee ai fhrar bleds.- McGah A f BurfMîtteas sa fecisteM Anatlaa Ca or oshae BBC Mid- Or obiptese o0te plansat allstaei Tht eeaso1eClrdSae MoGlec lai Bot usgo W ic 1 asd Liaht DrchOestea loilca hoed la ed the tootherot boce Ialands as fOr Sa Alaska, cbre fOr biod isaetee salaoSAcat g 5 dldaslrce e Oveseas prgrmmesIs arx-sametme rle îppe td rsl fédéra praotin,Ifcae besorere s'co netasL tienrge'a Carob, Lac- ct'roallt sersafile casîrîsan. H- rotest. has Ilr an inorease also, 0,01- fhr vile.baa bers a coosttor af the orcetras If serots likeIytha 50shIe st-oaai oS abolition la 1941 of a hîutasf os. îts of a acOr af Esgaada Slashioosbie tttsccbs wch a dsooafr bambieg soalp. aeasideeresos'fs asd spaa. As sîntinial alose ts besg Jopas ta her aea cay Whitr it'a afll osiheis tîat yoai Eleetnecal G.adgets asd p aas taospsrstfl. e bra so ets tis ti or fOr nsaia acon c-e a halO rogle la tocs' oaorfabse ,IS takea part la sacroca opeassî per csehf br a peélcdr ta as Inion paît-b. for hiod Oes eoac t0e cbole Aided Allîed Agent ftocse icoldistg foar Secaans tedtoatrd oleaeloI ho e oocple rfe c utr osaspcid csp 0e rsaasîerrd -it the5 Oceltrbed Carl Rasa Opera oîgasseaftao o ich ho tras5. away tracn a wildettess a litfta mare -ytriu Sels Guided Planes lu Cocîtaso. He alto piayrd ahssed the laRasas t'qcsptOtbi err'oe' Mysies-sossufaco5a CttotO linrv Asîoifaaia, rî I Eco t Italeaas faoo tatsts ftho gais ele nbl, Secret Service Mes WVoring Moorefasta, asd Beteagi. rtsh Eaiodstg tOci Nietc siats TO cousintr goen oo dt in Europe A fpittai -oample of bts rrasiiy sotn sorai 0tmaI Nia sl and u e golden t-sas tsostrs halOvas --l oiiesods ofssoo tstttr w0fou bic collarw n otas oba LGNDN CPs Botis-taisd ofed ins Ba stos hoîd ofe i 50e oppsition and indict-ons pinta an white ose) le 'snoble' Set-ase lie svLODON (CP --Briish-raied.liewasBatum a badroste oftheicotodtote insoo f ttett-mllcdrthases Ons pe in fhr geand atle nf oot-eefaervtticea enropped sn oses- DbatLicOs Issast losg iseond chat bat ioeceriy br- the humilnatal-on He soosodotîs pdEuropetor-epooiedctwbh ThéoOhal of Peroiaoas paai o ged teBritaps'0ron irama efbeîaboîksoîb offse-I "etetsetat gadgeP'ht" v isgided Ai- tht 01,0 os Oit way ta Ctstfcssantnple. Chssene fort-rs have bers poahtsg ablet- blds asd aalmala. liedplanesdbit aeedîoîlaed hee. Tht- Gosotat t-ocmntdtsg aedereerd rptdtt- and ap Io asseday aldomokas hiseteng t-e The gadgeftws aottd ofiomber- Burgeasseoaiearfe éPrat a- Ovd rr(apsrdf fomrPS. air filos sot, oorsco saavdg U ne .snnéeadioaseatthchans,,dthd osbaIa Aothora "Bol," tOetndator baes and weeecOhînsel torsileaofcasrr'îeaérg, otaîscsforoden]sîîor a os -and éer tottse aidîofayî,,rt-t-ibtd "I oet-o hesed Il! tatoithý Aathosifohsoé outoratotro' etotnais os to, orrshhiag OnO lagta-eotdd liataon plana lootardai fi 'tt c t dîtsorrd vn Arcenias, aosdr thr impresin thOns t0e Japas- hats etfO thiltl Bei-uts e ot hoe agents rom as motO ss 20 mîtes t-oit, in h thetp oho t-îîtdcwista est, mogit be ohanonisg 10e aho,- nat-i snîsspo'tna mbaits, tho, htO 100.es tntrsdtd t-esata ttItsdt'ohivcOie ha paeoathe srotttChinatsaaft Orftîen Isdo-Chisa rooteOca Oroo tOetsrgettofttis sbtersaintdsasBC bradi battossn'tedapotdoO ongsKcong héplanen a.otd s-oot- ooer 1cr Shah' 'lo eocptittterd Burgess. 1 ic omec Att- Mînstes Gîbaos an FiaS Maln DMet apsaosedifacestcanily gdedSt- sîoosted arraneents fothse 'o,'tt RctolIoIt-Obellitaie taovndt-t 0r sotf sirstrs aos thot ceoe Oispc"' ot toit Oros fotobeo asO;ncm itr bot-bt-h fi r. litî crl v sonsttd froin otir gsdget on tOe sOrs-e sac -ange transportisqoadroanon a sh Ho motc VttienOt bic-, gemmand te as instrument la the air-- R.A.RAMILTON ta the Paifietobe fsSsîrd sa aselfic oaotaltontttOît os file ,otsc t-oat," be evPtaised. - Lioesed Auatiuneer laser date ho- sto, cdditiosa bomber tom"Iesra Ogiog oo tint il pititrd ,,MLterstil, i Frnre.weshal FortheCouty o Hatn st~iditu o gdon Or the ttitars situation gniottes ' lacr stwi. laPatec s e nb Cest ai Malta *nt . Na, tOron O',Oeosve oit-st Olion of1 ftlphone ta for pîlt or le an>ove tMles Stres -Milts-Phoae 365wc Istita, Deus5arla dsoh dot-O ais h lto ihrs insthrcplanerittcibfifpot folusaa. tîhepoOOta fi-ont, Loonetre.Pc-dOtIl ai.tsOtoncItt eîo1 .rLondo ofie lo gis diec' lits, totteSi ocIc, ,i troisattIot tIlt- hlle aff tait, __________________ 1 aiîn. fOr second aiseot ta miller odr7000 ditotdttro iacre ites "lie agont droi tOd sîtootat at-booms j tdîa's t-lashisc ta-îts [ls lailrd. Idn. .itd fl fe fli te Bt tais wclireme o ,r eoptatd oti MaDONALD'S ît-oo L.ord Waooll totO Inisdîts cy sn fOr ohole constinet. Bird intulet. yIi Or t nd sh it éao dn this daagrîîc ceossofsabotagehc bat.carioooro iooeost.ta aeoit-tea ,iotdAlaàsptO h sogi tereed tîér Ogases - sr onvs Il, seI"thtot fOrc reapooathslieo feo lteé lef ait -ote for a ogtro. Oc îsgd o ,af Sooe o o adesgt Useci rurniture oe-one" Discussitns Otîttlo-t- Bîtt-t-s oto -t fsenoîs Ooo.ttsg 00c tn oîr loito t-O îOeo the- Msstm toguîe toîtaîd hitni st-te o-d(l 5. oe dotîhsoi Ocstct mc-istrt and tî,isot-disl' A0ntiques OttoI Mos inothé tpopoat-ode n ts.g_ t-i lo-t H olat ersoat-rîthe fios flic,, ooa.aoî il vn aýi 2poipoal a i Oloosg 5' Ofrlir tOrt I.-t fg t lralfrlu Rusilsu Ruse f tcraCogs Paoty detegîte oos tceîglî ie of îoî-to t-opiedOEuape. i ttoarattteed Htghes Qaiay Wrk poitelsO t t viol hooiOignîorest oîriOOmîo O on ith 1Iaaîufroi-taosavenr titocdi elO ut) ai casonsitte Ps-lois is ow oller corvteprtsentatai antO' Isîtr asd Oet-erttotOtosoit aseatftcsdés, grtses ..asert-. aiebs,t refustteoto to ogwtOf'teéfolotts ao-t- fid glas. boa' ta pieh set-h anod tov' 10 tivr oSff Mraei I uip ogi 'v Ot-oottîto oftIt,î Or ootv otOhit, n'it- ood 1he ad lite a poichor. 80McoelS. G p Tht- lt-itoi t'eettise otf St oittt-lurs - Ott rot-t-t Ilte. a hikon. 'hrcOoreett.,ooIsos-ntPtOtst.ýn vhto tov at.ticrtsolotooottr _______________________ aaotîs tb follooti. the astoot don'tevtle tlcmtt- for til' Os REFORE THE ICE CAME it I 0'îoîîî- Saliro lîperact-binoOt t-o t lit lo-tIi i, lorest IN ONTARIO to oie'ýneso,ýtitotfet-td-ttci'tci thttuilea( Aypettt ___ ru' PRINCESS E PIl -e -tists tot-hi-ltS--O-to i VAT E t-ii et--ltfrcgu afiit. mo il ' 110oui i lool ls Orl le filot briho,,a kh, Zflh L tPte ,, ot tt igl ilTh to- oe il doserd pes-st- nei ohooét-aoitie etPcsdlt uiltIrl ý 11 R, ' th il1 FRIDA aritoie i Ptotosdam. Oieý ]*i,'iot.lolitoleivOttt s fislir pit-latlg tha h osc ~trOt.gtli- Bondstîti Soti ait ippsp Rase ,ei Ie, Ci1,yte.oîîtt i i lhe o.1 SotIlo it voko ri Io moswer:Ler, in titor -ast Igl toItettîtîso ces,111 t..ît.o teit.itlctch lîittîi vtl naîa Rie eMiî fi lait,,, tocs ta' -BLE0 H UO' hîO-tti i 'trt-h -t iî Bs ossst-ý tIn îlot-r os it -t 1e-if 1 Tesole Otil, litogtht-to lîolndsorltîogîîthirngtla I, tges LIke alrg rv, n- as hé Mrc o a' 'i toi '" oot-veeitatsda il' "t ttio fi".o t 1 lit-I 1-t on Lakîsta o lo-r tisranoîse v layot b.o-eh Cuot vvt- n 'obte ' eýli ,on fil gills ord îthi'o .0>0, tý1ý git il , a Ilet-0.tt-t- Vatill ,.ov Mealîi' tiovpîîlIstsîstpot filet- 0 ttlstt.to't 'tl' b oit- it týI Itîlît lae r ctaodbi. 'Thr 'eis tO-lontg tOrBigl.tetaldOi tiltt-- foe ',>"io 101 thel'o1Ot, tit etevitctarntn icsolt -- ii -it ortî piilî. 'e iý t,- Ilttit'.t-'-l]ttl tl tîtîti sgt' I t-l1et itler arot eow otocas MONDAY -_ TEEDAI ,gOot-idhog ottttlatotvottt.i' floie"g. '01ý it, 111 ',itho wh li rockst h le t n otil p te tsa ho. In ha oOc hasre l'Or tii o s-tal oo matf Thévoet Brlitis i,-g îî0ofGll tos de 1ti inose- Oighir aoiv-toltt a se doral eh.1ché KEE O '0R POWDER oi-i do'li-vslts ~tP-i ~î,t4. t . o ut 00sts tIodas DRY"1 Ohteli o ,t , o ot agreemt-tttvitth oth, 11 ii li-to t Ott Wittt lot- od of, fil 1e glaciers tt'ivt MîtU,t il ('ortîîc is, 10' ttiîo, oltit ti t hos, soOrîsd ho, he, lond FarOs FuEh-stvetthasi.v I h--ot 10vtl101 i fiîOes -ivllys ha-I~ve tîlen sos .. desuats eti lOuN in01 F It-t-t si sio Btish ami t-to'-ot-t c itgdotit 01 lit-O ot 1ccIl ' to t-til rtbto %ell oit-i in sttrtit-c-nntt fortoiti't'iitsguly27-8 ltt-ttsmti 'i',gtîtt- Iltissto ,ottlîo., B.îî.v L îss.ot- rOsoutfand whetheOt-,oU ghîire Ml- Betot sstdlIdaoLatpinao In to oiîvîîthsaoligcv-9tretsfost fîos.,d Oitoist, Ii li-el,. N >p. tel-d it 01 at thr sIcc spt-s hot-e "HOLLYWOOD) CANTEEN5 lte ooîcoc.. , s 1 îls aso-oti.v On Ohlto.,M ftOcO it it o-aIr Los or- fot- -Nit-enavalvfrmationsobrcao j gutai At, C'teeotitt bases in nsrda.sdfhecwaes-s'asocuata the o Tvkotaoerrs nt clow s'caa p Nooc Soloi ahoo--v as oe-;'Id as t.o'est pointa on bt-l'e rima Tbc ane n o or eoi, .iiu e lu lrh enti,]yil raiagesyserawmf Fri and Sos. Pîrcres an 7.30 panoer crasd ioo sico taIret esecro Catt Oit- botbe croîtit k>01 nidsaw s ?tt2 ialtaz forr Rigloo t-ho resoinsof ai e Japasse air tare. for thr Pot-lOt- The brefsalshcfs-- grrai itydro eleofeo sitesa, TOessned atîtrOk brats outI Admis- petsqadoa aiSi Irais etsrcec. TIRES! TIRES! IfR S Bring Your Tire Troubles To Us Obo hlavetttsalled New and MoIdctti Vulaîcîoottg Eqip- ment io oopairutg All Sizesof Poooottger and Truck Tires. FACTORY TOAINED PERSONNEL AlL IVORK (2UARANTEED Johnso>ns' Garage PHONE 174W HMHMHMKMHMHMHMHMHMI4MHMIIHMHMHMHMHMM K t icca Can CSeaie- Nov tc joe t.o t.t planni hg f o Iia t il c ann ant réalîp seolred UgtIy. " l' and tfceltltdé. Ac-oottin oo alot' Itot o u o osecn avec and avecaon t, otothertops hattttcttooIi ened. PAN PRICE OF CAN SEALER $14.50 PANTNCANS ANID LIDO No. 2, $4ý20 Il, 1.1,) Noý 21. $5.20 pllr 100.Bb Ex tra lis insto.j Are You Prepared for the Canning Seas? If Mat Sec Us for Supplies STORE HOLIDAYS This storeocll boclosod frontSaardap eiegAgvî 4îb to Moadap tranng, Aagoof I4tb.I Milton Hardware IPHONE 43 - - MILTON, ONTARIO IMHMHMIIMRMHMHMRMHMH1MHMHMHMH sHHHE Alberta Coal Wr have an order, aad especs ibs month. toto cars af, above. Pes arec as aboat deîiocop as our viorage space iS Iicîscd. OLGA POCAHONTAS - COKE CAVALIER STOKER FOR FREEDOM PROM WORRY INSTAL A Livingstone Stoker PIONEER FEEDS CEMENT - LIME R. S. ADAMS Phono 48 Nsghis 16J WILD WEST RýPODEO' F air Grounds, MILTON Tues. Wed.~ 24 -JULY -25 AT 8.30 P.M. Vaild Harse Rsdsag - 55114 Stee Rsdiap - Sirer Bail ibîcosso - Caif Rapiog - lDane af the Rasgelaod an Haorveliok Sci Cawbays and Cangiria; - Triek and Fan Ridassg - TriaL, Rapiong - Claowa and Caoedr Maie Aciv - Xavlctsias ItSip Aet and Ma Otheco Over twenty outstanding Events AUSPICES 0F B XLTON illlitILTi i RMi 'OiETiL Admission: Aduits 75c Children 30c A. WALDIE. Presîdoas P. M. IFAI2HFAD. Otorotorp THE CANADIAN CHAMPION TIrURSDAY. JULY 19th, 1945 PAGE FIVF

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