TSIUSDAYifTLY 5k. fff1f TH CANDIA CHMPO LCT -"'- "-- -' 'OI lU E TI I B E A U T IF Y A N D P R O T E O T ~Of lnterlest to \Vomen ' k'i;YmY a'~~~-~~~acga'a surgir, Lchnî Canadiaîi IHoies ~ , ~1f -oA fff l'laeîmllîed ssfsfs's'sf'îftIe ' , 111k1 fs'Tfk1T11T1f1TTTk11T1' f'f-'ifTs'TTfî1ffkTf'Tf1 kf fIT" of'1Tî' TT'T fTfifTToîkkffTlf 1.'s"'k ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ffr ffTTT1' lierfTfTTfefsTsf fet onTfTfTTffiff1fTff Thîtlfe d""01 kTHoî lt lE QIESTION HIOX pTf'f1fT ci " , o ms"' , "sf1 fssfîs 1. ,esc01 01 h11 te thf111 1k1 I'S fs ' 1sî,n'"' î's"slssî kfkffTfrss tir1'1 1o-' fkse m1101 a,,,, brille' vitf"'~ 'Tf sTfffT1fTSiTSfTTTT 1h11ie andlI Sf11 Tf1fa f W11115 e . Ifl .,k,: Bal kan ve111 Tf T "TfTTf clf"ef ,aiqtaleu f or'1f1Ifft 11TT ra if'T 'Tfl fk, 1 a 's"fkAflis 'is'fs gsf IhT fi k1ma ssn î 1,1sf I111îaîfc thenflaouf.tdsî turcs"'"'"11f"'""f's fl'r lfTîfTffT îtoT"k10f1f'1f'Thlu is'k0511,.s Ae f11111- r 1e co- la r1i5,1 f with' TslsT lii tlff1 e dwk11fiffcg,,ý ok'kTTTfs'gT1, 111 orse, kna -1, îl .tireo jar; 11f551 f,1Iitk1as lîhtuiTfcftf1fT1T5ffllfatir. , 1T l îk'h k Theîlf 111ff'ffe Lie 5R11. 1,11i1h1and0parkld1 sss 1s'sfffs'o, fk's l fos h"cp asf spec~ts of tff rv1'l err .ff111b r1k.rTl1T11f1are 11a 1'Ifeu "'Ts ballk i I iic lf 111111 If 'sqTT11lTTf ff1ffffT fT fLeic ko tt - sTIf l sdt1,1.Dsif l cannj11'Uselaits1R, of pecl.Ee B il Ilgcc kfeoe k f-IY1(tfTfI repotsfT fTk ff al f5Tksein 't ri e ef, ihIle csei.h saifT dfff'f sit hom glf )P-li f 11 e îis111f1'1Tf1f'1111k Ae1s1faTfO T k o p anlkT ,,'T'Tgkflil ied fýie tl.1 n [,u 111buh 55"Tlf fI l l ink" et wa e >r It1I11 1. f erT' ' t er,' f'f' " 'f' e 1 fk \~1f1T111,Tlis.T .k1.Ti keTBgess rr, rl TIf muraisT Ts.m'fkf alfT $4fTT' 00f1f Are fy'u fur 11<15Tfu kn sIT khe, l "" 0or, lraso 01 c ., k ci t b se w th fo d'k HIIII,\I lii i, I'Ilfd ls ,ort Fuel "A" lu îîfk"îkte I f ke% tami fIT'1 f lo in 'Tf" Ilff Tic ITh I ' """'T"'"'~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ "e. m-î"'l' Cffss flfk k ' f ' T~' ss î. ss o a f, s f' of 'f T ' Ici f" fscsli'ssssf ffte Iaop-tpIf ro,,5 f f'fffT"ffT"fsffs ýsss" issT fIý 5 v1 '1',r in T'ffileTf se, n am , h feressssî es ts uv ildTf for' aTT s' If ffTff'fTfff.1f f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i f I'ffflffff1ffffff '. S.T S"'T ' sss1sff' fput îîfff "fîî' fi ktcTT h ff'fff f bf'kfT ing,'ffl'T ff5fo' f) ffs'f'ff Moref Pork andffs fk 1,si cleff T f TIl,,, AfTTTffT' kfTfff, ffaTe I ,sil li sîs sfffT'ffTffffilT'ffi 1% i f , fTkfff'ý 1f'fTcl, >f fTsT kîî1 fia 11f Il Tf 5a fTTfTf fIT fTa:- Th: cipi'm i lk an" Iss f inp iel orf If ff'f' ff1f 5 annales TT T'fTiTff foilflf if 'i fffT Ifîff1il -',ffrfnt ITI TTT k' a ole signal foi 'f fif a food~ f15" boi t- ss ak e amiE. Tg - Tai,>paclo T"TT1ff l f,' fkI ffTffTIpar, Tf ' cis ]itg i f'1Tf TfT'flTT ITTi 1i I lTf ff f ifT ffk'fi 'ou I: býnhl'i brll 'T_'fJf. fs' I T T f' I f T 'T T f Ifte T' I rpio' g f 5, tT T 1 f1 T ' TT , en ffsfg i T ', ""T"T 'ff"T T'T T D I, T If c- 'f "' T f "' f " fýý m i Tfus "lt'o n ici 5 l ' fi" o"" Tl fui Tsf" ffffff fî 'ýio . f i 9"' ii'fil ali, i if ei l TTT i"f Tf'" s T T Tf s fit : TfI s 1' '1551 fbief tTfs TIfTf îî' T f.î kIîf' if"" Tf' iii-c foT TTTS - pig, liinI k il~'a fel f f Tf 'cid fa" t~T riT Tf f S I f' JiIf f afT~' î,ff T f T' k 'sf sl f 1T f fIT ge T "s 's' ' , Tb ls BI~~ 1' Tiul, ffffTf f îf Il 11in I t ""lý Il t fl "i in il' ' f" fi ) "'l l'f . 1,T' iIT' T' lal f he TI I'" ' l, ' "Tf' f ' I'fffffffffff,' l l il Tfi Tîîf îI Tc1ýIoI1ý1 ff'o 'îîT il 'î'TTn 'T"" fftf'f do'yen fil :oTI fhTg TI 115fin e i, p "f I~fkTsI1ff1fT cilfT ilfff ffI fIf Nigîoiîf Ts r îf Tf ,i u Iht ,i IIa - k OIIi lkf I" f5 "'" Il t bs111if ;c1f . pfni "'s ' ,î1, o lI ' i . li f f 1: AT u ' Il1i 1 Tfin ,. a lls Tk0- f fî' I"f 11 inefacessl i'bT icf i n,,ýo ill l F th ai5 i Fîssi Bat sfî 'l kooffff a" kil) sa1s1 or f1 aile, 'îkT kin,1 dr.IkTfTfI" ,siIi, Jet thT"" 1 Tfffkk s1 'f 's'kffif Ifif1fk ifTA' .fepitlk1'f on t Tf1fTin dt-1f l""' 111\f1155f1f1"fTf fTTî' Is cf'f"Id I'l1 , I 'arer tIInd o iri,' e 'fIi "l, il I'IIElt [n the ,ILE BRIDG famT1 an coul sk'"hsfsrhe afîTl Iî'f1 m'rîfî'sf11ur.11 d'1. mi. 5 m m , T e 11; eI 'aOTuI sI gb115 1 in, 1f f ai mf in 1 1 IN h 11se om a li rg idm"(11 ,1 Tfcflff 111f t k i lk1g5 t11111 se ,.. hfbo furnkîIl11I1lîff11fs1h11lan'kl a "l ' poc1111fe1f151 n i riil tkh1 e da>'11f' ffî',T cair O coIlons11 fn Iclu 15 f1111 -ber1 Ig111 7e î.7 sek 51f Ilî hcîgionlo iýa' Pb,, ciel nousl f f1 11ffron iff11 eau hs orai I oj 19, b> 1 lustels okf fiik 755'. insII An11111f1111f If ou ue ar > , I>, b1,fffbrfk1 ir '1f1f' Io e.~~IANO APIEI 11<i11i o l Io .ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~R 5111 ilESdgrs loJ1Im -Ir at-l 1oIýI pfeana ýý Ilf of k' 11 'V""' fi kh'T &l r r1 s long,: ... i me t la 1 ,"~ c f1111 iiii fio g Tf-r lef t1 l fo lis, k ercen' 11'If fAf l f1" i re T T TI 1f sf f f k'I l t n o . :1f' 1f 'calluîîi ge R1111 ffk1sr N-etii. n talc is' Blîfi kAfkan TTsTT1ffî if Nkkiga Dstrict1s Office s n, l 1 , Ti , 1 f11 1fi 55 hoigI o I 'f T îsîle lkI' '1151f II, a kbg fa p-I iaf5 I TI Tfl fr îî ,, pî' ul- "sý,b g th i liIinn ' to r n [n 5- te m % r ii nth c f fl vInh lt. u1 111 ,~if 'if11'" ~ defils shu'lkmg cldhand e;~,dn boms 1he1 envy5 of yotur ,cighbos. 044 'ha&4d P4od.wù 26 GLASSITE-KWICKWORK-SOFTONE "Your Neairest Elastica Dealer"# CLEMENT PlAINT & WAýirAIER MAIN STREEIT - PHIONE If9w CANADAÂ THEIR NEW HO E . sîe iifssfss' 5111111515111111f I5ssff'f ns 51sfý 5515111, Ç'f1Tsfsf ifs aurM7ssssks î 1f1ý111!1cý1 R'ror T- Tqýn pf1bse t-fss TfsdssifsWf's Tgir s-m Hl",eî'f is1fî1fîss 'Ille , k'aýi UP f1-lti s t , fkf ,fsTT nt' tsss ffîsfskf'f "5155 fi,,isthcffrfic o1 f 'î' TT"' 'îllff5 i fi fth 'îî~ s1 . î Nir tlî, l "fiIk .îsî TIT îfT I-sî'ffssîîT fîsssss the'firf' inr ons1~ th cro i l" ea 'i L tc, . 'One-Way" Farming for Profit A steiking exampie of tise effectivertma of a machine, in heiping farmers operate cucceîîfaliy under difficult conditiens, ils fcucd in the One-Way Dise. Intreduced duricg the drought speil anîd p.sdcd cf 1cm prices fer faem peedmsts, it heipcd farmees cet demis thise prolduction cests, tiseeeby ieaving tisem more margin for prefit. It ils 11111e wccder then that Uic 0cr- Way Dise Seedes speedity became one cf the Ofost pCpulSfT machines on the mfaret. Peepaeicg tise soul aod fOlwiRg the seed 1n 0one eperstic, the Oce-Way Dise Seeder Raves lime and eRpeRse. Used as a tillage machice it desteeys weeds and Icavms thc Iand in a condition te rcsist scil deifting. lneffect Uic 0ce- Way Dise cffces Uic usefeincîs cf two machines at ittle cle ccst tisan Uic pri'ce ofone. In design and construction tise MÂssn"-HARso One-Way Dise elfees special advantages that îppcal te, usees. The steedy frame censtructien, long wear reptaceahie iseaeicgs, patented Stone jîmpee, easiiy adjasted direct deaft hiteis, aed qaick action pewer Iift are fecatsees thaï t ooteîhute te tise pope- iaeity of the MASSEv HAaaîS. Yooer loc'al dseer niti be gtad te, give yen fait particas. A A P '1 CANAD1 4 THURSDAY, JULY 5111, 1945 PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN CHAMPION