Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jul 1945, p. 5

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95 TII ESDAY JLB 5th, 1945 THE CANAILIAN CHAMPION PAGE FLVE I NEWS SPOTLIGHT ---- ----------- Ir W . ra f isoelspn To nagmetisauorcd f JU S I A R KR IV ED"ý e L E~NOX PRESBYTERIAN the rad Loy Alice Gray, dtoghtte e ______________________ Cafr.CHURCH icyee pet-ee oute tBtO-yeehyBeMte te Cette Alec- A fresh steck of Bae-egh' c ly Kilter for h occo use and WM cedoTotete hofetfeoceeter the Ausra,eticeHperetsoncofMr. Hee- y BepelatfrStc.L i oeect-J.tWt Mey ofl DTor tty h DA st et ci ttektt dicict tr. Hoppe. eho Old. WhlrEsr ne lti ith Me. and Mec. W. ST. PAULSUNITEDCHURCH tee lecedeet bail tcleed the ieccltbltfe Hee etonetelc -ml ghetnkey. geidgehbetoeteteycacdeeeet- deece. The ceddig otetplceelc Aeo foe e efresheg this queecher r ou Leceon and er. C. N.,Kere and tcctty are 11.e.cnd 7pet. aesc. Acsetcoeethe rlght flcettof Jt2htoltt.IR. BERRY IIS à epcntece the uerc et thefe ctage Held en St. Petttc CheetO deeteg tthe te cttckteg forte Ocll eet-ec te PHN5 2 MARTIN ST. MION et Bette Bech. 'ttth et Joly. S. Seheet tccelted citteip te gîce the Allies c bese eitb- H N 2 cedct-ttetMt-tyctetbtett..Micietet- Bec C. H.Dieckseo Tokyt t-co ceeeoueed Oiwithout___________________ -dd ete Wcge Borey sett. ek Tortot. AllitO etnfirmtiton thet Ble U. o. Allies'Oi S.uppci Met-y MceLy et Ttt-ettee~ttetToeedcy. The teegete et the cheltieg - - - - - -- Mis ter M olyot Trot sat GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH wee ccit tei be eitttcy intaltionse Skelten Fît-et Opecctcd Dering riLttteweecghhteeeparentMe BEY. & RK of hOtoh, aJepaeeot ea te Wtt off South MfricainAR I H FE D j 186 .col Mee. Ft-tek Morlcy. StcOoliet-Jcynee bordet- en tht tslend ST R I H FE D Mec. eiaDuho flrtr hcheythetotet Boccanlec Oct- oee e-ce Hatilton Gecet-et Hec- SCJNDAY, CULY setl, nos5 Shtteie Ilatnd, te yeetty eccecd Oy DUIRBAN, hecth Atti-l- (Ct'> Lt I Help teeftete Ceecets Ecort cf Pool t Eurote lit, feel- flr ttl tbt ed et tOit tecck. 6tO Socdcy ettet- Tt-lety ohe tSoiet Ucitt. coowla heccl e ve eo e thet Lot- tote ig pot- Lioetet "STALIGHT" hetcel t-otite feedo. -__________-- fot- cccan' beltce oheltet ttet,I reet. L.AC. Pt-tek Bytecce et Pateicta 10.0 et..ccdcy tytetet and Btble awy ujttoe m tacot bas ht-rlight" Pif bLt-rtee. I'tet-feght Pcg Geotr, and "Sta- doty, B.C., te tptttditg a futeese teeth Clusees. ccd rc tee-se tccct-ed thettoyplle et teentiel tel hight Pig Pettecer. ceteptete tels ohich wili cote hae thtrn FER LA.C. Netl Ctc-ctctd Oct eetced t. Pete-ts Chot-et, Hamton. Mriae as tht tothe et eoet- tt et tht e f2rl2 .Labradr tte ptdtc afurt- 7.0 y.tensn aneccd Sermonehy cycle ct-cthtet cotte taen ote fet- j eel peot- chicOes - STABLLGHT Layîog Mach te ineo- - otOh et te hocte, Pice Sttt te hettt At-t cf Parîjeneent Legelicce Moe cneso te tmtnt seepr n a tetytd ccspply. "STABLLGHT" Brole- Mach lot- heetthy Weet, Cly ttt ua Scct.S. Pticolt In- to esl.Fv fteods n ries dIi m.eLceursMoreycand Mce. Hlee LacSale et-k. Cars eceoCOuct Thaec20Meeeiae in Eng- let suele wetectht t-cd hon îe old et Peterbeorough Oece beet otait- ce -lich Chettth eeOete0 tytertons baey et Dot-hec P LYMOUTH RINDER TWI'eEj Aed feBtrtcececT-t e BAEBD etc CIB-ActOeo ececcy dangeee thtet j SHELL LIVESTOCK SPRAY Mr and~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~cct Mr.H cilr n n eSalKo h iuhadteGAEED nln C)B-waecetcheet ct-erte titheot Me e e.HMMLc~ Teoth lOtit MaeYccPec-een.58l32 tweee 200 cnd 250 bt-edet co stritlihouegdacndner ya ecoee teith endteteceD teMli aicteOy THE CHURCH 0F CHRIST et tht cette et St. Met-ce COuct-- lcthe oifflteet c eettet cette iigwihrltie n eri hetei ccae lourd eoey are et ealyAot 1400tonsoe. of w, M ilton Flour M ilis __ccet. OMAOH mare.Asei a t ee palaeet et cootoe tro c waet caOct offtey j Ne.ELS -M R I BAite ceewdtge e e-eih 0e peeced te lteltt et t-lcee- Natal -sct. Alcooce tel et thie bas bec Armtroneg, BC.N.V.R. ofcalctmces Otete Net. I. 38 ht-t eteettl cne Uicn. Aboue No -i pnd tgafotgh ect ith las CDAT. Ct-L luit, 1940 Met-eh 1,lhutYetr. 800tsofttc e-ecoffo t inco 1CE t-oece Me. and Mec. Adate Aate- ht-t-oct-ceLceececdt8tete. ILetaseeet heediet-oeed thtthe irng letteDt eaeetRaytemod H. Ct-oct- t-hoyh cote oct li-etseet Ceor teeetiae 12 0 toenseofectccegan Lt s edliec ceceLolMHIMMIHIýMIIMRRR H Frank Jones,(ect-ottM-ctlMriett hlice Bhec. AttOctet. cncthcet--d. othcea l theeurban chle fcttiet. aie. i eteel etcd totOfcitO t-te Oe ble ctt chit hhe Atd- Net- N. M. hyateece, tt-ce ot t>. A Ccyt-toen ct-te ec heaîche ils t-ec o cteeMt cc ebt.e Itertoo Merot., bes afeeel e the bt-ittdesaporn yeecceheanot-de tcttccn f qet dodo Ceey:lccyhýitgc Net-det Wtdedcy thet "ine the ct-t-eoe the Leco teei-fo te îtt.ttt ttc cohete fatt-eey thiy. îo À (.c#«ctgett<l ce Incey n Fia nLi Bebte Setch o t-wdlîec e eytettly lecceeandcootl L t-tt cec t b OIe.telMet V ett. Httte Acîcetlcte al 8 cem t 0e ctteeted ho the dic-oeey. Tht et'c coc etylcyt-igg,, the Bt-t. anS cd col Met. Aphen res Peaet Peeceel et Ceece Now ccd tee t Us esor Te- Octl oct he teer the yoeytte eto t LOîtce aTeh t-. cet dotlo thOctt e lnigfrthtbs a eeihon tt oiic Lt-et-lt ec Miltone gethe- hclth Ichovt- Is-tecte Ic L8. cooclcg loche tochieg tht ocîliit-"8' 000-t N aebrls uigten etecott1 otet--teetctc tht. Octetn dette Iciheit Cet- st-e hlyt eh -tuit hand fe -id. t-lt-ttc et yey vitobetOhe c-cet-te cftl-i htyucnaer lysaed ig l. Miss Oteeth e idt-cl.BN.. left t-et- "I aysi eybatfl an - l c foer-ec Ltthb-del- Aibertîa, STATE HOMES OCleteec t-otctitte- e the ecochet thcyc te tht Rote Th Hute. fti ahn o tetrilsýie,0 ceS cce h ot0 cttcete b -ctt-Och Ohch ttt Otit jeet betoe hte rigelo. The ce-t bile cohaete si uclyadesl ae. Acctig 'hec h wil e o th saffof heThetlocaltCtot--flethclttSeieotheehwttceet-tit-toeetdtee-he heb odchace tetht-tt ycetue ctps theceandhtt-cgclewilh oet thetops etn i Toequco. one et Betiet rteiet ht 1cccel Me. t-ectleboeo. ltrgt-ecott-ch Nt-cecicce Souh ccainegt eeeed. Wtt-I hec ht-te t-ett-cd bt- Me. and t-et-cit hliclot retec t. os eucobeel -Whec le cece tet-cehel tht tcittet-t't Att-ct-c oct Cepaeet cohcleet ethe- fine Ct-ed chattrtrica vieeeceOceeOF ANSALR 145 ctttd 11, Ht-ee Pecyce C.W.A.C. et te 20 otî people, yhyeit-ctly inceapabte cf cote et cec thet ecy yretltetee ccs ctetsRCo0rA EICR51 etcI in oc- ett eee. heatt-e-ncdeehec- e chteete c il, e-et e hlcersthcGCOLO WORTH MILI ONS At-e Yes Prepared fer the Cannieg Seecce? "Whtc t bcce oteet- L ccntctcd IN RAND DEEP LEVELS I o e sfrSple Wc- LdiNgD Pt-t-e lunche anod 000teut tm-,.th il t-uit-t by et--t-ts eti tDAhECN ICC.ib ty Milton HardwareW -c c , Sctoe, Mit el G ilbe t-cPict OCbaeye e Oct eo eeco t oct cet lit-et-ced. Whec ett ttc---ect h eeilct IT N N A I ý t- ý1edt:Mis orsWat,ý;retýile;- re IinBtictt-tte ofIle tak,-cc it-tttt-t1tiec - ofteccccccecîaeeee e ve-t thet t-t-O mis Mccc eleco l;ncOt Pet-e ct-ct n ct-t-et-dctey esc t efrc n or s eow850feti ecm d PHONE 43 MIT NWNA I Barae altc e-eCttCeî.Mt ____cctceif I hall geete intotl hy t-ht-e cecctte- ot- deep lt-ce cote- c MHMHMHMHMHMHMHMHMBMHMH.MHMH MHMHRHM ceSt. Aoc oChette. ht-ttee: Me. tt-d - olhtheteeeheette n eteht--ctOdcetîottt-aîththhthetbect-tt - hic t-ced C. Ma eoinc Lekeoie.; Oee sel t-crt-I te ehe South Att-lt-t ycclie -______________________ etc nc Met HteO. C. Smite, Laet-met t-et tMOite Mecrtel B. MddOttOt-obok R. A. HAMILTON ME%SS 5ARKI PLUOS The cocotte of tht- ct-c lot-ht- et- t-5 t- t-rt Crt-tlie ssOî M. G1. Wtt-e-t, Lieeed Auttioeer ce tht- ltet-t act o fe tht- t-t-t-t-o e. ele, I. teM et-o E.r t-- P tei Ceecty et Helteet Tht- .eer Briih et-ctk t-tc Oc hOcc eitt-ttead, tt-t tht- t-e-ort, ce ita.te t- Cliitoc: Me. E. Ceclt-gt. Leke- ot -e etetou botacen-c- ~ cd te Octe 30 cites ilt ct-toto,1 c iec Ret he t got the 0h0. %,,,;,,MiisEc. MoccilPr DCi t Mile - tetMlo -hn 365w________________ 1c teoilyps ecee t C O Pemce Pe-e ,d- iý- OI-et . B eteytc. Ont-: Mcihe.,!t- et., te.t O S.vn Secte s vaueccbut£0th000 l ders t-t-cet- Brot-tcee Lahe- ________ _ hct-cet ce t-e-O ertis te . ot t-c he t--e otes "Tht e chsie ce- Ieeoi tpa eee e Ai- r lh tc _g__n ah fl fu e- I,,, lleegthc. cetal,>t,$62.OOhila id p ot8 ents -0 e eas. 1lheU Mccfe .lit M is Cîci.oh. etllck & lIngham csofte t eoc impotanOce t-o tie B. C. Pet -bocplcp t34" weide ep te20 Ct igehe C9 Ito.I Ote.MisscE Mc. Ci Beiet- ,- e cO l- ecîatIcl.yth - -P & eu eutrS ci c-ccet Oct t-t-ale- Oel y heo $6it0 Io. ,Brýn ccl an Butt- - t-tl.ý a i t Te- Notice 10 C e io s ldte fth e il eodi- -et lItB- y r -l oî Mc tiW OT-t HO Maeteietuieee et t cîclcct ..ci et the .,ce etlt cils- Gypeot titpeice Boerd i - tht-h 2t uid S ' $38ng a.olt-etc, itttc Mtises IliztabethO IG GRDBA E MEMOBLALS t . ece ttet et tOc etote et 304 , cet-t- tftild ce Ile Ort-e Fit-t frnd'Iz,i etc re. Tot-oeto:. t- tl MEMOBLAL PNDBAVLNG NMOBRIcON 11eLccti, fat. ot tht ht-etc. li tclteec t hec in ceelcee ll tl Wt-icleyueadlt-to ty. Teeecetcitt efTrafalgar, te teht- lt-O . et-l-t ht-h ceehi i, ic Lcied eetcice-Bd cei S> -W. G t-.L tct- c AN S. G L Cecectt- et ltt , nt-tcee ed -,c tt-dittett lexlotatinlo ti Co it11 tt-I Q athievo nu-Bi ii Detece ccln:M. n M. tl N.lec.l- C 5 TEAIN ON ST ste L Decceet, dceo,,d. lt-t-t-_ 1,cel OtOt-. Ct-.to pet -quae-$ 2S gtt-wa, D Ne. col Mc LtO-Jîyeceiecc icc ce WtT MLNLccc fil uetDcec.M at- McOt ted _____________ îcc-cttcehtNttcetttct h-e-cette thte VAeEFCTN icceeeneine ecl-ctec ccct-ct- teo' et- hene l. n ith-- t-he cho rttetc lt-h _______________________________ lice t-ot- ilot eth di- LOI. etac-ct 1945, ce cet--lic PHONEc MITO Ic.Ot S NEN CAS PROCESS t-h c t-ocat tilt b Ot- llc lielcotheet -_________ing,_______________ For the Courbee et Haltte t-tted ce their doi-ce lic ilodii AUINLMTecetCPI- Ct-E P~. tn el ""eî ElEt i ý'-1l7 r O.l ,tLOT cpt-t ,chct-cly bec aseececi raua grs Cotte Dett- ito ca eot- t-t- ch ft ht tkl t-I enst --e-cfetete e -tttc-t hc etO et I-.L- coft eclkn 1 ce,,t, t-ht cet--cet ttc - t-cttCet bate the- etc to ctt iua t-t-cuete Ne. 3 MLLTON SaeYcctkchtclct-l-otd aoung People's 'ON ott-cc deveteyecee en ics eut- AXdmiisitration Sal bcic -- 1t ofi al ________________ cll, t-ecttfecet tnog te tht-h f f tee, leltyt pt-etcee 0eIt-celoyed. ,__________ oî-,te-lhccclt-eahc ttl- cfe ct-cse[t-t-etct R ll ehySh, yi sol ccln ihe octîcceetfron e ti ett-e settiet -ht-octh ce leheet hr-t-e-e-l ctcct ete ttN ANCeETT o t-tet o h, int e lt h iY u h a i eee tccttlt yetche h tie Let e1 PR NC SS t-tt-t fet t-ht Eetet- e te crris o ltet oee c ) e tIt e.,eoftetleeelc hi 1Zact-trl. tetee-ee-e Ttt HEATRE e~tr~ AGEy--ctte tcctt-eii-t;clthhetL PRINCESS THEATRE th ce3et-cc, p dce ro e htect, Milt-te. et -ce Ilî-le sdîeolett t-t-ct tht tie te- toc atece t-t he ydt d LetteY ýitd fJIL ,lw golli o peelàýtrid lt-arte t oct et-ld.ectDc AY - SAT5CBDAY ttIO.tta-thettoftlc otetltOccolectthhctec-cct- ,,n i f - cabilesas r.t-ht cie ete tht -hil, S un-eirieialgei dlt t-e (hehh. te hisetod the gee Aiae Jonet and teune Pecete cn Bilue-tct icteo d Pct t h t e-----ttIe ttc-l--h cehfeetcctd te tleretnet by high- ttOHNNY COMES e thecoîld Oet-eeed hue litl ceolict ettece Ocda tht-in Oît-8 far Tht y-oeet, Oc ecyt, cteo fiti-tt Battec he thtctet-ert-ree are ce-c hitO, at 7.30 p. m.1 eseteoicteaethettctietcy oftta- Cartoo. *Htt-eMetteHe." BEAL BESTATE t-coht-eeîoclhet bon tblt-k peeduetiot end tht t-t-- Sptt "Cote Cctltg." At tht- -olctt-b tht- ical Ecltet- 1 ,id nwt teueo ducio o ehylne achrnialco - New."wil0e octee Lot- ode coter and t-hec etheeteethecteoftt- n y u s w citietetettLecn htet-t et- ect -PANCEL DME-Lot Nc In l Block dec-cet ewiil hae o le ord M IL O NOeT RI antacehot production. MONDAS - IriE5DA5 -- oct- ttote h oo tIRTI NONE I T N u ~ a tt ze* uvy fpato h ono aIANANINE YOUTH I-OR CHRIST AND COUNeTRY cx-Wc ught te Se eble te cte ntiat Deecis Mtc-gc et-O BRt-tond Mult-ce . ot- aini,,g ct-e-Ith cc-t-e t-E ced LtetSOe -- LS tGDM.,et ce morte et- lece. FARM TRAININC PLAN _ __ the rtit- feet et ntuele tee, De. letteS, My CO-PILOT CARCEL TODTht Wteett- pt-- tf ets cc-e mieteai et the t-t-ent pt-ed- B. S W. Muiet- Neutteet et Lot Neo. ce o the South elle et LONLDON (CPI Aitedel t t-tct-lg SPECIAL MU SIC il buettt-udcett.St Mi-p C t Otyt-eL le000 BLt- e stt ericet personnel ic Lobe tteeeeîeeeseoe ouf sixteiv et eSt p in bacytctht ld ltriin echetea YoucOTaln c toteToret Let cctee t-t-cete eeutd St-ttc Texas COMOOSI lStret.Ohich et-t-ht-et- et1 eteldi,.chh ecet lait colcetet- sceccete0 cetclit- cohet Fetey-tct-- .Otee - JeIy et-t4 On etc-h t-ct-c tlhtee cs caid te S bcand cote t-ec e e ft-ito t-ht- tht-et e etc: "a est-trictione ce- holing et- iOt Bedy Myfieceil acd Peteo t-tt-O e ceetao e , ett-tLt e, foc--e ccl the ececheet ceci. [aie omerccce app-li-ationt ae remee d. Pettfeilectice ec h t--et t e-i-tttc- AL-SO SPFCIXI, SPEAKERS vho ~~~~"THUNDERHEAD--See cf 1,tct-e M ti. tlt ht tenal traiin CMe cecedO gnluigjIIý Of FIieka" Ec c eelcit etoertdtefor tsalte e. cocthtt-iih scet-ctte clmtt-eu Simiaret ingsi eMcs HalT o nt dca 00 % ted CANAtAS <LENE'eA lTt-tt-tc)ecyt teo B ettece Blet aed te ieettîut-it t-Oece tht Oece et t-re- eedpt c t C e te e p L o LIT B._ B&tW. -'eA At--Aetttettt-?' Coelchioeeeofthete tocrda coliig eeytecece Cet-in Pot MaleohefGrdl ecet! mTuto Teed t-et-ece t- h e vl et Qoebeel(CPf Mcye LuenccBorne Cotoet-Ceetece BefgHeet ena-e pteet decoe atedaeds1900 Wcehe" Ihbaan-ce et-o Oet-te tht- LStO dtpm et ttt-eetolc- cotoyitt the t-tet-e yta-e c tdee-e t elinnounr-deddlt - tt-ctedtaittte- "Neco" Actust, ee. tt-alttraiingcourest rctett-i tt ine Met-ce Bobeet heceders et Tee- Neltcee Sîcot 2.3 t ret Pe-urte Peetieuteen, etd tee instittes coul 0e madle ceellehe. WATCH FOR OURS'TREETNETIe ________________Cedcetethle tocie Mo Eecet. ebctcie0 e-eeeîtdt SATURDAY ES RNINC ceteeeyt-tt-eegt-eet-eeetuettheB, Dfa&cialseeeteccee oerte etn- heteecetarb- aed cwIL Ot, Ct-c-nt- Weetd Becelet- Cneeeety Pt-b tel St. Ptetue et 7.30 ýDetel et Mitonc, chie 3rxa leev nusaed dtpar et -nt cettu Qot-et- eity Se ehoete se r t-t thte Mîchte 7.41 Acit-, L945. te-e- etttelete-tettc ton, toceet secnt et tOc Ceited! Ntttons C11 OHN A. EiLLOTT, Acettoeee St- depetetectu ami trevelig ettete- ChOe t e Ohi duy cho t Et N l E e r en. Wtt-t Sceceity Orit-eelececJ. CF. Rbinttene Cetet 5-3 ocet. à____________________

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