Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Jul 1945, p. 2

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THE CNADIN CHAPIONTHURSOAY. 31f0Y t n19t5 EDf TORIAL Ge he Skle Ofif Cýiia i;ri g rieai, llbcgld t se the sped dIm bl[zaio o die anu bord tha hi% bei ffbfff povices whece pia eechaefececee h.ec 1VEflIEST MAY IN N. B. !5 WETcOff' Affa, (Cf Me 1 Business Direetory -I cc f, <c, loi c pindc M;o<< f ,i, f<lfc<f e ,fcc 6th fo fh Df ocfic <cc ff< ccf <c c< fffc ,zlff cce- fffffff p h. fc<ec<ccfcc fcf<cf<c<c hccc f b lancds of fc praes -feacb<cfg thiefcppeaaccu ccef,<dcefc<cccc.t Î,,",",Ll t yo i li l,ý 7 'Il. ":d p, lo- -1k m o, -1- lij'Il, f., _a di.a 0 dll, hy thl, rI.i.,y if . . . -- . oi 'l', . ..... Ch..pl.., ill lilléalit, Chl, loo, -'t -f -tUpa atncois ceeadmiceec afbc«eonehceceintefofbbhe c vs <oieecccbcandbeeftieetwhch fot Niiin% ocf chccn cur « c <c <cf and ee cfcb ccpc ifcc clay caid cccc ececcaey ce hccp tht fch, chol bal, don c i«<< fed h fi rie< f ac fl peopl~ec hceead. cc chgcacctg tiefacinhoe . <c b <<,rCjc, hu<ccccc hcccc f\lmtiii lu rstig h.cccflc geeal e0febctmlbceonehe geecel <f<am<cCcu had afni .C<f<flain cf<eC c floCt btnd ccciiiiii Cultural andceccil patte of Caeadial el-; C f« < Il fu bo ffCf cb bcoacds h,c Ii<< bfni .<i<e ccil tell. eI 1c,,if <c t,,, cf< , flc c ]citer____ h c. c < -t b li c lfb f cd bcd il ilclc <b<c <h tCoe Ucoi <ccccc. iCit Kteten Ilacit Irempl ci' l"" ««< nd c J ci <îcmgý Orcc fcccffieLcc facecig Caeedbcc cedeseccaf and -ho<tc<.e<f oý «ii ,c.cccecigend <ccfccciI, taus Ith lwc<ec<wcchbfinithon- fhat< cî<c<c -Ilcbc clfc<<< d f<fId <1crosi, uocthe mi f11 «ceý,, da o<,ai i er ofcccfcccccegh Cead.ce fil fft<patence l'hcc kce toc) ehat the <<<< F f <c1 nom flic. f.ll Ilcccr <c fi che f INce IIc f i lw <<c cd<ffcs. cri.ct un <c ii, chccr lftd cpillcf <fcfc Fccc ieee - ot, n h , 1ýn ,, - 1iialasvi <Nos m<lf 11<1<. a celi cff<c i csb ef e oeft w a J, f 1 f 1 <c ccc < fic l: < ota eroilei osbC < tf fcecced cecechfy.> :., -,1 le- feu;iCc cbcdbd *ceccacitiche hall ccllict heÏ lc.iieiectî-â che ha1t itecce cii lccth f'l c ol cc , l ic f il ccc «ii chn cff Cf Cfcf c <<c u<it. I titi cc<as i cff I c f f <<f < 21< i gCbd fo c lit bchccc. t,- -iccc ccng diiCceict , fct '1,74 v s. Same l h. Mcý an cccd g cr co h c incc 2 ccc<I, c ilc faitc c H-ia c o cf cf cc CcfldccCi cccd <fCCCtc ffthuf p<bic c ý <c f cbcc d <c dfl dci c a l fb p c- 1h c cs cl ifcu UcFUilh coin ccfCccvcfigff Ioc N tcc dic becc cfC c.fac, < fron an ccccccc inFrucccfncc ric . fib Uc-t cccin cc , f Mccccbccb ggcý chc Ci1 cail bc< , il fuicci c hot ccfbc lo cago «<fi càd <Oc<7c<icfbffbcc c.diý c cI, <c fdCf(tl, <ch ý Cc « cb Mcaggiecs dmc <<ci cllh<fn Cfbbo Cu hbifcfUbC «i, <<«N iiLlII <<cccc<ic cCfc <ffccbcffan <Cfd cf - cc-cf î-c h n c h t<c <ccfDfcfcefcf cf. ro n. Ih<I lolo front b\ r c FAf <cc i the U '"'CI ~ ~ ~ ~ dc ccdccccII III -117111 ,d. Fcccc _Ii<I j, iEhu <ccc cfebc~cplicccccc Ucccccc cc, cy piofln <c, tchccccIc dccs hu* ffilei fcc, c1io filentc fhclic un\ cccfl he opentufe cCl ccccccccc <c t f flc. lbc- ckcffcd and cs- «<<<<flud cft nom tuccc fo espcc f<ffeaed cckeeupchci ýiocb <ifl ch a industies cthe ceed etr che pcemtcf EI)IT(IRIAI, NOTES <c.c l, <ffquie hcfcdaC hbcc-nt ccfb ire< hcfcd<fc ch bh hacc heurt c piccel cf fhcc<ciih \<cfecf Lcec <c cchedafcd et nx ffcc<ffbccbfuc<fcc<hfffthccfch latc<fc ntfeppcr <<cfti fl ca b-ffcc fl cf Cff ocncce that e cice sales etfar sok ctd ctfcfbcc entsc botnuetc miete semetmcc iii ut lwi scbcccc ce hc cbecceet nd huies Chc ccff hc agriccc dffpttbchti <f ckatg and; hicc\ c< hc cctec cf cthe aceta cI eodt aeacfahlc, fo o e c g<ccc. Acd <c' hcgh tcmc- te voe0g peopleý H<ghc cc No. 25 hccceet A ctet and Mifieu hac rcc <fd ccechcc «t dccc ctg aed <c agace tn spfcc di 2 hcpc fcr cl ew cccth The weachcrceccafefc' f<fb<ccd fli. cyphb ccc ehcs %car cacd cf cas pet ce <cf c hur Mlc rcbcci houchucchccce tuudechbcc f<ccriccpflodt Th erapulccccie dcgcdee p ati pt ccccc cchacC ofblepng andtieitgecaaccommodation <JiCcecf 2hch l'17 Fucdscl]cfcaccd. A c hen te> cbahaethcfos cfetltghach fceeccccc. rume ce«cc cf<fffccd. Patient hccghc ce vert' d1 cea arceccctccgcnsebhf'argeambcs and gehg NhbccdecCehflcbccrd frchcfk< the'hcsc relln cbe t inteabhftg tclir oesc Jccc<cec .cct 188 -Muh forc fccccascc atd chathe.' <t Canada gccceg, Ofc Lccd hc-< -fppbied ail ccc tccds. Thce g ccc- foc te lace hehc dec- hae hce $590 Tht Il dotcc ccm etchat Ottarco ceeul hc httttesevd eechtnebdbd stluic o acn<cd tecppcccmadae hc aneceqeccc cntfees lebcfctoltof tckseltg and coclipohfble chat hs e icecgehc invcestigatian enth ehsufhj ete e< Ncc 71b fbctf bIacr chc Hospccalfrchchchcd, cpc-ingcfi ecpoihtcaipaeep oneethe< Alteceal] e cs he facgct c hcfdccccc' hc pccel ce ehc-<ctci fhltre ae more vcceccs ci had -tck deel- chantchece cet.id hias c ccici ccd rpefeflfc as e tcachctg cc p<it af eui àcd rucccecch <cr 'lth bcflcil dfccccewh-ddd <igfIc urgetbf <c. tk roffthecbccfacf cacbcg f<cccctr MiitcerMckcezi Kinegcsheld hav-ecai lecc cf 200f p<ftf ftý <<c chi cc flifc foi t cc-;c <fM nraipal Str t <c.]<critt «c<ddc <f,ýu 1, cc iiiccehti ci cveytcseh iio cccgtethceh pact oftec rimedcfercc ofc pa ,cadect het, dcfcatedinategfcableccece iýscoctdcathachbecccpctCd fleh nm Mc.King Tht Nec Faru Era cdll hav nc dcffifcety le hendctg a sait ichecaf scaet cccccccrin populfatioshft fcftcrufcltuCindu- ccdcifcceldhbcthe gcacefef and ceecteesthitgifoi <cfýa <<ccs i.< Ccnada hascccecghteg charges<nte oiFcalfOppsin adte CCf<F tuedtcathc ccctcfcgee<cchfd- pertccbe:iacncOtfaioadethee1thccaclf ntcttet h elece<<" fld an c hl cccc <ci <fff a dfed Pa'tients troni A Parts of Ontario ff<ac ibffff f«<c,, un, ao«f hcf<f<egopiitf Ai -l - o'lI l-p ra l ieo1 TOI ec. 24e if ERA NS ceg 70 JUICE et. 240 MIX e 14c SAUCE nu 16e CATS1UP e~ 7 SNACKS th, 12e VINEA te JUI1C E bue 12o L A R D fil. 170 ICOPPEE< 4q'19cI DINNER1 l t eeg 170 1 11a IIHIt j7 JARS te$0 1.05 SU il \MUSTARDj',, :I:14C- mrCIze3n 15 PANLVE e. vie P0 L1Il au. 150 BRANS *an 2i.90 TUA 4-1c PI 320 CRYSTALS piee 10 W. reue te ntght te limi Ceentti.. it ofC auntee.ah.. SWEET VALENCIA ORANGES 3î'o lier dec. 3le 252's per dite. 18t NIEDIIIIMI S15E WATERMELONS $ 0 IiME-GliOnN (BREN CABlii AGE le . 9c icelerc C au iiifcer. Pr pIer, aand Radiches ai Week-end l'eiresc II , Peti ea ee peen, abjnet te maerket tatene, coupons to utte JIF 5nb SUIIAR, 46 to 6; PttEtEXVlE< 33 te N Pc, BUOTTER,t. 13 <ffdcbf<f<cicgcthehfccdc aed the theftctgahice< e ffcst The hbc ccfse, a ecbent eciaticl<c 2 <fcfcffcfb<ccf f. cfff<fffftfg fcehec leadcc inehyceg offcccct<n and c- b<eg wedeif uecd en icacvstceg «f ffbh bffff<bac beaufseandpces. Matceifthe bf.k <aeb-ac maecde hccahcedctcfcen.e-ccfgeaneld trcb cand sorti ccluife r. Thic tecd ce efcbhacceacecc ha- hreegcc aiceet cc<fbcfg chngsnthe ectincfsîecefctheifaet Onec ibff fltb posbic ffc a gffd farette ceetke e -<cff cccccche li,efcheed occ ei ffh-fcre lacet o et Nome intcef th chad<eg factccs en Oetarce helctsc thatthtniimumecoomi siecra ftai c 250 ce 300 tubcsc. A fartiner cccth oe man ce help hiet <cl, p~<ent .ffecre lacet ifi hc hes oe cfet of fcrecccce<cppfeetetît hfs mchae<eaf eqecytteet. Isotelrig actas plens ae tenet forcon iui, eesi<j ofi echeeiaed eqeipteet ecith the! c heeghc t c hae h asfs ehe sec ail laedheldec cen conin e tucite a lfsb lfhefd ft boetitceceth tie hcc te<ghbec e'cel ehree efecco the lend. cacedexcaclly, fncea-<eg meceftatife oi agri- clue c<ff fccctg ceif fecehet lecetecity pepeula- tio shttsin he earfeture and ee e ecete itecii FLIiMBING iIEATING and TiNSMIT11HING f Maie ht. - Milten, Ont. IIAIRDRESSING le Laeet Styles Neeet Methede en Pencent Ai Ufee et teeety Caltuce ELIO¶T mEunY SHOP Phene 601 fee Appecetet A. R. ELLIOTT Milton ilospital -cet ilc, 11 40070.m cN C-cci bfccen cedee 12) RATES IN ADVANCE Pcccete -- - - 5.00 HONE 216 MILTON DR. C. K. STEVENSON M.O., L<M.C.C. Phyeecen and Surgeen Phoec 2w - 31-Rey Office Hoece 8.30-t ne.:. 1-3 7-t pet. Cereeer, C<P.R. aed fmee Sergen DR. G. E. SYR Physicien and Surgeon Oificce-Jaes Steet Phoe Ne. 38 0Sffice Huslece t ....; 1-3 7-8.30 p.M. Cerener - 00.011 D[CK & DIGE W. 1. DICX X.C. fCcet fCecce Ateeeney) KENNEnTI Y. DCX, B.A. teeefisee< Self cteen Ceurt Heene - Milten xiecepccene 4 T. A. HUTCIIINSON Ineetinter, Solctor,< Elle. Office-Nei oc Chanepien Office Mace Street-Mlltee Telephete 54 GEORGE E. ELLIOTT Barelnter, Soliciter, Netney Publie Office-Te Facera' Building, Mai1 Steet, Mfilten Tefepfc 70 DR. G. A. KING DENTAL SURGEON Office ce Roccal Buildfee, Mitee ifcc O ur95. UE<cfigc fc Appefoitaent N ccey Scf ccc <Fcfecffcee 107 DR. F. E. BABCOCE DENTAL SIURGEDN Office o-,< Eccecc Ti<cafcc M.gl<i Apc<efcfcfefts efee he eceengetl N Uay Serce (;afs Exstracice ccefcs N ce, N <efepbeee 65e- NEILSEN- Te Chieepraete Deteinen Thîrein fl 31ci Yec cf Prcce 1 Ledy Attcecleet Ifeeeset eeetIC 9p.e.. Cfeeed <lhectdey TRAVELLERS' GUIDE CANAffIAN FACfFIC RAILWAY Coing eef-73 am.C ela-defy; 2.15 ffe< fe<f; 8.45 ctf< decly eecept oieg Wcee 9.22 e-, deily mii:) 637 p.. de ly; 12.57 ete, de0ly tex- <clt Sfeffey fîcegi feoing basc -7.fN eec. 2.15 p. et, 9 27 e ce Cefeg 0Fc'c 9<22 etc. (filag; 6.37 CANAFfIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY GuangeNcccc81) 0.ffee fieecefSouthb Icc pet S. An FAX Pff e 205 ~ v PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN CHAMPION

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