Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN CHAMPION THURSAT, JUNE 2Stt. 1945 ______________ NEW YOREERS CAPE SCIENTISTS STIJOY POST WAR PLANNING c é L AT WOODEN INDIANS TROPICAL FATIGITE -41I, 1 sO IlliCO tit fanon ,'ttt shtîtheidcng ri FULLR' N ý, mian rivat, R. HARLSeTtA -dte leecn eceets thet e Fftt etc, Btttt Atteecolty aed Untted dieeeict teduteol centcces le te h I t ensdv R hi t cte Pccetc i ttttFST A Aveete etetoeciet ted eeegtt et tte tedtcei eetteciites, ae tneet- eettd. Neejei et on edete'litc2C, h c'eeeeeeetty teet ttected t9 the fiert te teppty the aeraege tecetetttd tgotteg trepleet tetigute antetg ftee- Tt ttctetce tctg te Mr emoi MSte CGerge ette, cedde(ett teet Wcdceedoy et Mr. tei secce cect. teec.geThi dipeedict onh thtp-ghte act, 0 'on. tCîres Theoeet Dey, preteteeet tee- Prced teteee $3t0 sed $500, tttetevien.gatdpdnconsp-udn. BEARLET te In ttc NeeaaHoptl, tee mane et Mttcn. Mr. Ce eert, csteeding In tcent et teteeceo Afre rfso fpyhlgsfee evl ntedpeso Hteteittn .Wcdeecte. Jece 20h, stîce on Wedeedey ectite et hie stec t0t yect tectece the ctet eraia taori te Atrtny, t8 tltttteg pcced b cteece the te'o wee tee te- 1e45 teMr, and Mrs.Johntefleot ic eed wet tcieg taet te te et-are ceetiegtmeeteeet thtaeRoeyal Autrcatien AircFoe units ta dybcm h eteo u e deeehteh, Etizehech Ane NewcGçeteceend thte oteeno sPat deytedcoieschcetc enutie tge Hota int t e elpt tee etet. tttcn etipcent et giettet finlhet cnty eeetd tfti'.k oetat100RL ie cettpeed et deetic. t CREWhON -At Met- hetptecy'ehbc eetedeeeîa. Ne wee le hie ectty- et t tet Mevt lisa @X ful Wc etyecde octr aoneckeg tey 2Ih 9itccdeh cece cgtehcocr oceee nt joit te etaeee Sthcechc tee Beece td Biee et Crecetece, Cnteee c there' satd e ced-tcntced noteegicteeedtyoetececeteeeet e 2,400 eecteen inetedleg 10 pec te reidet ettil eerang te Miltee ta 1ete'eed eg celteecte ey aftigee recect tet-milotnsftakr Mdcle ig), e ndctd ahadwre Th sorerondd p ls uplyOrtoyteiqletnewetncetd etc MARRID 1 tore Nice fodeetcd ye Hedet tc Loecc eeeandcad eN ew -e--t- eThey eutraliecnet ted f Unicectty ce cars necia edeel auec ten- ea eceechet et Keete Chct. Miltot. entique cttcctcn. te eeed thenete fo dec tee teaned thet n Aeetcetteel pceeing tee tonte, Boltey bcidges, ,cONLtc'CNClI_ tI CtO Setecdey, eecî,dc, htt, ette, tie tetee ene dtcetec cecheece et tient, ttcai decidcd eteteteecest, Roert ote, et Met- eteet etecege tente, tengece, rote J.c '2t , 194t IlcddIl mo eteOterio jil. Ecne et Mittn, e gcetddegtc t ceeeld te ette te te the eOtly stece teecnc tee cendectedl fttgecteerte sttet, cader bts, tydcen plates and Teete-,:os, nulic Ttecltt.thteecteillshTcri tetct Ct tIe tew eelc oecttttedet vereattaceeStalac38 ic tl cctcenettendon BARtt t E huRt(XF le1 S-eilett Peehe -,, cette s int eec ieu -ed tecceeet. tcdtee etteected attentien otite an- Pelestinc Tegettec, ttcc bote Coc- ttgeet peericiîîin ptaitt tel-n (lichl, te Feudet etc 23, Ttietec u etc tcd betl o teteedetale ol u-egtsiemn idot220 esrmnso 0 esd atr aea titi. , Sitt Pceil (ehvcileeofhc ifernccteservcicet lts lareîtttCeeetdn rangeit trom onnesc ie eel tttoneetecece ! ecetdeteeetotetnepngcodttan .c'tdct.ceh'.c'tcc necht ilcseeecee tset 0eteict ett peneet ct e tegeoe icc et tedc ecoît te enid Sic Ct C i be , et Acteet. Ple tcccic Chcte cceett-ctccie-tte geimtace pae report te Edtetecgt Uniestytt. pe heg he ttdtec ettra ces in ceto Cectct. te ttc teccet eeettec. Ttc peettetegiet tetprOeettd epP pat- eeeee tet the Botte et Neooandy- DDCreccecee "Ttetce execctcellettlten," oteetraenhiscuit tin, tet bee a ol mtan, Mr. J.Ctteeon,coet n teeteeýgirlteteeteeed. strieg, foteetlel ttddccn end athret chergettfehe octente pect. FRNH e'rigl tc n WILLIAM ELLICCiUdnl ELILE n.(C)-Jh centents et Rcd Cette peecete. Ttc Teetide aee toc thon teceote Gcc enný etc i 22ec1 1945. Pcc,. Wclîeec Rtlit, te, dced aedei moLtLrCe.iP etnecdttec o the dierse Iedustriet ctîJdne hî""ttt Fe. hclec on Wdncderhr. .Jete 13. et te henteWebb, tilt, et Hnececte, cost hie Oecet deteleproetee of teture. Aispociet te t ced et inc MAetbtetd tlcd 0 cee etleetcct t cetQtcetetn lIN STREET MIULKCNG delcgetcec troto Chino and e gceep ttc i cet'cccte tctttccc eccetice t Mread S CGerge Mr. Wt "eid te tcted teting te cetie eieicntiecneepeet tiûitc et Lied, CScehctette iic e , eeee'ce ecet Ca.p hte ietended tcyleg tl egele le ofIde-cetst rm sel dc.c Ocet hec et tic, C tt Stonec. hei lie t hie bette thece et th .ttc tedecet electien the telecccg COLCHESTER, Etgleed (CP- te itd the dteetde tecteeticet Ecette,, Sit Chîheeto teycc t,', et 21. ccce thee hc.ebusc e et Fecmec William teegy c'tooii pte oentc.. et Teieteetn ttce ad tctcoJe F trt,c heeh etcc ceeceed e cecteeraet. Cee- CNARLCCDIETCWN ICPI-Peieeeco, betele, aoeg chen te tteee toto Ttc Teeetde Ceeleicoinet Board le ti cua lie heet eettc olet Cc m tded teland teetteet cesce d- teci tcec cflted Bette eettlde no pteetincctte tortilec deetep- ELSece Ic Milton, 1-lo Hospc' italct. 1>~tcit irttc'hh ne epecetceet in Joe epete mndi- e ceteecet ottie cote ctreet etep- ment et sites, comncations and "'f-., o, I9ý,1iThcte cin ccs fIlt lcc Sic Ellîcce cae thet escept ce ,etoeen eeceddteteetedt deek tecddiiec en eedee te pciee Eicchc h, ht lO ct- cil,,, ] e f of cct Near et. e'scow e butenetrd iHroltBendicech-191c' tee hchhctecchdiiethetulteof the geece ted ttcoteteetteean odecedetntûncdy tedtcdeoftttctc teRe dte LeNh hecei ~ tcetttdecccin c e ceicieted.tbut tee eehettO sicnget. e Tht tee eenttteeeecddt fthee forechetcee iite ccc ce, ccc , ce ccc ccel ittt't t.c c Ross N et ecc a) tte, etce eill te te platee le paltes, $25 oogec. iceeducticn. Crecc SI th ce Oidaý le. ccc Guhcielch. hehect ce eee tirhsrvc , ________________________________________________ C e, 'lttc, ce cit tccee r c'tet c, cihce ce eccetcci Secî chelFitti etc. teeo tee- INe NtEtItRIAt c hec e, C W. hilcece LCemelcihiie and t ccc ce Cecethetete etti;an ttceeý PAiTFP,'NIi' , hi ctg ecttt et m-c SIc CH. hiec, Fera.cete aiccitieadithc, Ac.Pet- Mc. Wiliamecatec, Pcee,ec d tht ecccted cec euddeeiy Titte pcide, ce. cee, cene hec teeed tteclc dccch cl cittet i chede, Cci WIiLtIAM B. TAYLCR eig ic tht cc Mc1 cedMc aMec sod'ny' et Net ,cc, lieec Coite ce emeur e tcc Loed-t, Cetec he i Sicr lelc, cenu ceu 1i SOthýF te hiteei Co Ic lier(, ce ecect hbet et ce cote, hie dced. F.,eiliicc.ticilcccceeeeiJ.B-I btcCecctcedMcýTilcepetit teI t bc te hi ...eth ce Mettert ettil, eette 3t Ill antced Fmctti ccsa cet hlett boreteteeceas 1 neeceeccecth the Ct'ct Necmat OR S OtFtC TiIAtetit cit of CîUnted C'heect etd t CI1i, andi ii, Ccc cc ci Lodno eudy n r ao Ilc ro't Sortc on cicdcedt Cte tile j i ccco c Ccc ceci : ai, cct'ttSicehtcdlm;Iiet chd et h clecîc Cit Stitior titian '- Mr i fcc, i NV. ItROWNLOW -Brevities - Apic-Se ni eiil i ttt. c 'ciccte AUCTION SALE h c ilc,' ýetc eIt "Ir"ccc tcciPc, ec OF IIAým (OIl 'S lOti' tC(AT- ce c cii , cic, cec cite te dotý unir] ILE, IlORtUN HEeNt, AND FAlttt ce ci cee MPLEMENThi ico i c e o, e, c c -ed h> tehic ,tchct ci Oct, fIrce L'i cl. Ccii t, S, 'It sicett et ci, ctc fý t c ete 4it teet i. ccc icg et Ci ,i.,i,..ic te iccet 51 EIONtDAV, JUî i.iCe ciectet icctet, rlh t.ccic I 2 0',h ho ih, tedeectel". i et 01, lie'cEe iC S Iude edc. ,ftr ,illns l'i 'ricctccictctdee ,et gond l - Ccýd tf ceIcile t Md- "CCitts ced YCUNG COIL Lt 2 c, ii lult 1 e d , i t o d ttc tidt tiitie t', , . 1 C l it,, O lie , i ce, cit lete t itilo k- t ipaedt (ec ce Ced l e, t,, 'ccli cciii c cd 1O. 1 il,,-,] td Wle e dtCc liT ccc,ýi I cccii tic,,. c Cdldceecc Ccci, te - o c tI tc h,, 'lic r-> e e o ic i lt,,, i P-d Ceetttdcc.ceCe blondticc iicitelttidcec dit _o iltr tt leifee i ccii , - l 1 ic cite ce Rt' CNP ,edc'dc cedoctij ted, hece irehtc'ýd cecde thc - -ln tictba bcr see itectetitccec2cc cdthec ect, Ref t oitta( haebe etc trdo i iieet1etthim tiecu, i ct etd cet d.wc '. i4 Ccetet Cltves pi Cied; N Ceet Cclcec. ceci. ilCeetett Bcd],2e -TtcCeietC ttnRd Cettes Socetc, cd. quit, I NCCS 6 York Ctuebe r c lettet epe ecd aeccei o îiMPLEMENTR MNH Grain Betd Ch $ etctche Juniorted Crtss eto6 i. îN.e luaeecetpe Decr tyMceihiccceîcNccudeftb. 2,Mil- cetttciec,S t eceete eectooeri con. Tin, ceeit ei teitNycdct,&A tenceecaecLece cite Scect j etre tcceadec. cn gend chaee M.H tent Ccd discc tnt. t deec Steel ted tee EconenChDise, Ûtcteet 'lTheNciieeîlokneetccctcc.' Mot- Whte,,, ete tCe tt i eel icIeceeeccpecc ette ro ettecitet ltettietdie- cee c' cccis fcc cc, t is one et- d'et ttctete. SceIlee N r Mee2cegoe, Weg ccceiin, 1, poi j Sc itil ce tee: Cite Rackc Focece Mi P 1t. thcc c -' ffl! ii iie c lit, barget te, cee, tec ecl WottC,' ititcee Buges;eCel ,'hBi SIii: R. St ci ite', ilcc, ii tii t ofuth nv 0 ' It I rcit tiin tce c il cci 1-1 , f) c i r i cecl oii ci :J atiti So t, cci IltiR iii NtiCt'S. Accieceecce ci c r doti, i... 2, Cete, iceTT n r1 health for countless childien? A NOVE is tht ccchineen n dccc cg cf c nec Hcspital foc Sick Chiidcen whieh the peeple cf Octarie mont hcgic te, heiîd je the iceitie futue. This ncek ecen be dcicycd. Scoecs ef linnie eildeo codai are cwciîing the npeciciced hespinci atnentien eshtch eceîy thie inestitutien ccc gise. Dccing the pane 7 eO tcse huedeede cf thosonde cf nick and cceppîed Octarie chiîdree have heen trcated. 95 pct cent. cf the beds arc cn the public carde, Thn 88 dectece je aîncndane make ne charge fer thece patiente. Tht tesearch checateetien aee cmortg tht Icegeen cf tie kind ie thecceoutry. AIl Canada heclts fremi ibis teseatch..lit han ben effctive je the pesentben and cette cf dieas<e. WHY 1S A NEW BUILDING NEEDUD? Thecpescreit hpittl ineoboteand ovsccetweedd. Moeticds areotnded Ttecet auraiecof patiennttreced hos ieceed 5Oti tinte 1929. No bed is et enpyoand thereeita cotinoes oeeting lnee f 2(X)ecaes. Thte estited tteeof tec net hon- piec is le$6,0O0,00OO Tedey. ce eheeeghte inn hitcy, the heepto trnst eipon te geocceeiey eflpeblic- npieitelcicinien.Tteeetcndnof tie eleildeen loc ton yo te cenete theen tecith. Wbcetece you con give ci teing ictl ccnaecstcyee,eto Ontarioeandeee hetjDominionebeh now and ite e ec te one Tell the Whole Story n Heescit foeeed tO'S-en bede. n Cottece Steet Heosctt teit t889,ocete 190bellEteedd bouet. e Pececet ceeaciee. Cicy toceceot, 320 bedt, 300 ie puttic cette. n Leontne necenon tint, 200 pe- a tlocdeeds et Tteuondn et On. tarit citdeentoncdnll ime.efeend- 9,730; Out-paentceneeete. ri*ReeeeracttWeekbnbeeteeiiwoe o Canadodcdtcnee. n Oee 3,000 peebeen caen ad- cnte fom use. ofTrot la8n o lte si-c f sevices, ontieei. Oce 45,000 boite tietett. Hospictal totn mante ctildee etea an ettet teepitat le Neth eti tcl.tt servieces .Seed cour contribution ter T. A. HtTCHINSON, BANK 0F COMMERCE or BANK 0F NOVA SCOTIA. MilIoe 1~ GE EICHT MILTON WELDING Etete and Aeetyttne Wnttlflg Repntc Wttdttg et Att Types Portablte Eqoipotent PIIONE 332 MARY eT-IULTON Opposite Ce. Hei Voli ..v whi, char T for -wl by 1, T tWeE conq 2. and la ,ton forEt merl W pow, para dest, ,Il il bc c ong arc, prod -il Witt sPro il, Il f-b f met nigh Pl the 1 bat capt litth Os., ýjd(q of Pb,'lý 'a' lor. con bol] kcy De woon cept A] ,sw dia g v( Swe rend t lie bolB. tact witi- Ausi S-i an ( T Ber] -Il t'on doul fron way bon Belg in t ton. the aml milt of 1 Reg Lt.., Alto B fine vote dey. ton ent speri troli vote 0 han P.P, ]an, par Si raito ..ni bo-g arc ýnd1 0 ant 0 drol Japi an

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