Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 7

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THDRSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1945 THE CANADIAN CHAMPION PAGE SEVEN Sommei and et] -,iiii to Pr( ojTill Slîndav Sel1,l00111 ~ I litn oit ut htItih 8180.0 JtcIr Vil liti xIil-toli Liste.' Linger' anti SItoo iiil Ii uotri le ih&rt P'tiiiiI Ottly About 20 of Theso e 0fc rial light seren ith thto G.oIZoT. C,.ut 'ooothlig 1 t1 lit lhe bat h adeoahdit iteloIld.bihi -s Surveys tu bu Con- Tintolhitsi bloooi hoouih of Il tot-i giod. Gert 1: 31. ducted in Nort e rhS r iiitith, itt ille t I oio Teot-t e fia Rot il t'thltIi iit it h0 the iin 1:Co 1 i , tîîIl ra tumho grasses, rotc! 11618, 26-27, 11. a e io -l istt o iutllil toit goldenui; oh, 'lîlito Nel iltoîto. iE îiA (, itî ot 00 loti th oui ithadoito yooitoî vero andoo a6 moto oitî tli'ii itl ooioothi oîI tx uo t0.x a e io th pheut. ootii t.10 tti, Aoi.... o,ictyit oN , Hti.hpp oo, hooo lu lisî a Aitosiit bt îRu etlli alle to givxe thiia promspt attenition antid- to t iiiY Eitpouiîti . I. 'Jlieo Cricaioî, v. 1 i o i l> miî o i l, lho ut nd illi tu Di t.0hoooy Do nt hurr, m jIi thiîiîuut vrofioi 100 lo haveo _v ile ofl i i gt'ui,gîîîo ilIo ofii p iti iu (ci (>ý foII IltV swet!1t the ,liar and posllitve iormtion ,tuî lit lftr Iv liverîc nonne, t, u rpî ttta -Lydto Litteîl lî,1t fr î ui ttt ti aout the Otîli o lo i ^n t i r_ o fo u rv l cai s lt i l fioottot of titi hitioot anit the comiid a ohto ui. wh Jititohto or ttidi 1uacti(1. Twenty Years.Ago loto Iog Ili baoiol "1;, toit ut' iu oitofo the hIfngut -tuTaneo fx.uouh hxelesrîhruotiu Tai fluti tto Editiot oif the t'an- lent design, and ol .ohjet li n] enot us00, ishr O oly tit 'Thc Aud U_ luiuiOilloilolî Champion 0011 lotît 1925 fil il hit 0 --- and ail due t 10 sv beyon (11( ticnîrol. Tise Th. Mittloni Glti n o nt ry o (1uh but seoiuooo io ito ant bi hoi il. isil and ciuu oouol,î oiok 01001ý otttlot li H'OOlloooot -i Het ciea011 il 11e are 00 ott. 01001 t proec t0101lol and lt oo ie election1 N% ithi tiseir extra devnuandii folloilled ininmedi- yoîioi-du inohs hoptoitio hoto hý iloaooloitoi phluotophy in theo Ilutim uitloi fhahboitadhbtat. tch mda cnutou ti lol Rh Oit fou80hgîoogo oti66 loî, îitîîîiîoi 0 ofotlho, ethetîa x t Biblepe tsre utx eo î 0000001ay whei t he oo iîoîî mtly "ItnothluiMr.iBord Iii hou l nippent tu101 100 ately oit tie cloite of a Victor Loain vaillpdigfl. A n~ liyl desIo0lg of a o.of oîppre,,-00 l iOOtotod (tit ' ^R.0 a80 talti accident in tihe Miitont ofive resitîlted ini injurv sti c. ad Mou. Morley ahiy ttereloo h hogîtiloi 01 ofto ihi pitooîhy Huoitioo Buiîituompaoyltding p'ot,îo.flo wa stpe * hre But w on terans oft utiPtihtigry golf_ 1(,;lOIitl tiuhe eiting .1IitIlOi hforoctiti _s tin b th Cuotetoe i ustii or m-tOttyolaniersfo or titderThe nidi tiithelt rneting plao , 'w el a staff alreadv deisieteil byx active service enilist- ileir r ogultitîo i 00 tto offoot y0i I 1, Rotolhtîlotî of l o t o Bo- 'e 1 .00 S=iuktotu. looday. (-oîîîe hîtai'l Aîuodto 25, 10.2 h 1601. Infloromation souguî i itihe hîttory. Roo T. H, lt, B.A., 000î'tiitoi t I n ve, 2 ietoiî2i 00ltt t11e oooîl of tI'lîoî,îoo g îî ooo ' miîgration inei t st. X on too hav e l l teilio. pastoal aithe UnitdChtiiOhtoo,îolusbor eami .1t10"OiOiiO ,1" fl rn.n >liîi,,0 , 60i, ibrîir eti.g Sitoo itl'ootg. Th loaltigooruI .T he or il0101transftieloi laces 1l o ndoîlli 00 i ttinrese o ttito Odtil.,t anou[,i,ooo xîtrg hpoîîl amîi mese fl t heitol Bllto ile ouoinoollo i,lh bas huooOooitd. 000 huit n lukooî tiotu of lîîîoici lu ess 00;î'lliijo it i,.. si.oo .e,t («1oltil l.. epioted in 1192 that l unttiito of I-.ol's oinlisoir ooas 121 . O,ýTe -d tas oo of th itd tuitlu-eo see in ooouhle or ivine ooo u es and oi lî, t it n " oliol '*oi itc,' litclîoo, l1'tMo out.îoti btiOlO0uol largeit 'uo hot o R00 ofth loi 3,h 00 ît- oio it b l 1 111 os folo oit Ihaveto e alooliîl o1 MiDIED refile the "Idti 'îîhte" (Ilt 45; lt. bere 00 EVANS I to n tt o lltî Joi 29, p_ R) Il ispli tIlt i ecllîî int I n 'flic.1 %hoîîolngca o ioo es of0010 the htuhoiitof Foy Cowauo descipOtintOotheoOonof ho.thoollt -oc REIDO n Do tultdity, Joue 3716 t ' it92., ltti 01 llîo ulo t ii Il h,îgll oit 10lt toliulh Nancy Rou IlCttlho l' ' t bî hut o a itooîol Ihot otol 0 10161 î o î t 01 BOOM CROP EXPECTED sttaouh ly blottit of tho lof onne01 blooi logo, touiîog îltIîghi behîitd 010 Adaitotîl inhabtootuî. Whu t fo11 ,1lg i- pureîoî whOite llt wing FREDERICOTON <CP I l Mo f b tout , no t the sfIo y of the shteilsp tlioons loko htok andîflicîîto ofthe8 cupoititutoîge foOiooOîO oioocool wea herr hiitllltio lîf heooot i heonno In formerooooooî. illoîtoOlîlodoooo in eatp.JJtie. Withttmore ixes i ýlheuhb.do. lof ma.. îIthis ie oftîo, thy itough in Ile îîoîtlîî t, auit prodution. groooîo helle the tuioli passage0 il correct Ilieie 00000 van nettoi oiot ofth 16 iockîtt in th. hooooiî 00000 Oin-, loothof othgo -10 fitîîdofO u r WOMAN OlIVES NAZIS îîhl,,, i, bel, 1 cc.,dîl. 0,11 do the C'LEARINGO ONE HEIL OF ATIME ,lOo1 ' l, t o, 6 .1 bil -h, Iop, 11, u T a k thereitin O'îlofîîltheat AUCTION SALE itT PETER PORT WCî l in , î t'nll e arc O lldîîîî 101sa, it K. Otopol tîtot iv ortitt in flint11,1 Il, hlîol millet \îas goci OF F,6108 STOCK6. 110 MP E o16 1,000100 prionsti fol 00010or n0 g foit thiltltî' 1,1I ,l,, of o llîlo lu, ANI) IOPOL 80< At Go 10 auhI out I tNal cii toin rs lfor their tinder- 1<'~~~ ~ 10 Oit toyoiil tiI 11-i tîoî 1 ml, ri îî.ltIo T f, ,it .ootd t,. 1 ,u Duo SI AITER (1 litifi îluî uîî tisi peîoid. W e hsop fî i t e i lt h i o f t u o îh o b tut a l v y , u I n u o ,u t u l l i , - i , i 1 P î o l i F o o6 0 1 i i i a v t h i ( 1i 4 l o Au, ieuîuuîua h.i lot ,liOfAîî lito tfiti bI l11e titi. llîlîr,îLAMBERT 10011~~lo Eouuo Au, t'11u,,0 foiuî 'ou uilll farci wk vivre si TIltt 1100.0 111.1 titît u-l-u Cit ttl]. ht', io'uuo t111 tiu i ,l~uf~ 'uulio- loui ukoIuoopN. of i 11c, hc -iîOi, .1-uoItRllg, 12L 511h i ou h,, Y ho, ili,,liltssjmf lt.P, 3ý. tloi hie tol . ii o ot bcdlhdct, fil, Tt: 1. fi, l'Il:uî1o,îtîîîIo ilt 1 00 topiitlB oss Oit i t '171,1 lu li i Il i tl, filot 3ui-, 1 N110 G ( ttI.F 8 A oîîS iittiottloolti1i 'htittiot. *hu jl70l hoO 1it,Pt itthut li tii-If '0U S l iitSOl , ,afiti foit. U. S. Food Font hgtt bu ill 21lo f fi HIc 11,> 0 ht lo-it New Mexticitto iotort loutouuli miidoo tll' NI laliph ,îîî, uiuo l WarFoo Ad initraor : l ,Peii3:Si.If hiialb itY tiitiA g giv- top lig i 2 ,; i ileT.ip Il. 'il ut i ' I l ti l i dioltou ,i.g 2 y-;f PuohuB.11 ulîotiniotitioiliit ho rot hoîit.u , l, daso lrgetiuîbuiu'î toitocl ý 'uing 2 uo-, ut r ululît hOluoit 'a-. Sh i thio ' imitttu cahsmoooiiufoutth Ii d- îu o iul tluofll lu fito fit 8 Ou u iluh i 4 H pr elilaponm nto ep lnibia"" o utt 1,00 o Itllhio ,t, YV 2tik Ito ui i. co IO aosuiu hita y i of g l1tul andii 610 il 1 1 itlt il ni11 tgilt. tini, lt-I 161lt h ,EOIS 'lu t diuc litu libubu A Fu-î u u Ad iir tor. t1 uitur if uuuu- fil itu , il o k lu , iuoi AU1111 Hof1- li,,,ui lîtui let -fii t u- h ou t11t,îii vn I lit mob ute l ig l l l., 1 5 Ofilîtt . t,, A O itio 'lut itOli i on of ttitjo l O th i n ýf ý , f YoBil a o t lli ts lO mug ' i ,, lou il muniiti on sf P i li b Pt I i, to l'il i o tlult 1 uu uoi lotc it ;ba m :,ho lu;-b- îlt hht Ii form si, Gi. 11.,, îb Uîo lt 1-it t out li en 1 li ittolo-ir fondht loooloitoit10i10if 000î0t100th-ott- o Mn 6 7 . 11 mBîoeo Cttlo0 Pu' l aW u g Tht ltit utouo hoi hoot I lot-iai' 10 il, p-1 h i d4 it.-l ARS olo eed ",,uto Hloo-nddlxetdr lxn1gn tm, W ar FUmRentR Vh hlg(ýi- nilS ti n Cîtot ....... -litt SIo".: Poli u i- Tlb o(-iýtckosvitht-iirtc, of huit anîso b E ersice l inil,--r t h tot :ihtttttit I 1'i i pl Iti Tîie 2 i Loi T -u Thc b ttit 1945,.d fotoith. ho ioogoo tio >t fiot p o fh utî' i hot Tano Pom Hui Rul, tlto ('a teroo : 'i ft mI'O'IIO uooot; Boiti touur. IH0taontltoihuatfoodtduitiouo o h 'iotiltiiaeoflleSo ( o lo. luS o loE,:To Rl tc ottt rttth o 1110 larg routlut,-cd t ontoto potitihit top tht uitouthutoii, (hor" (ootriCholulw12lCon lu 41cCotf TiIEvPARMrAt tht outotaretoiavtht 1-15.. Hthh 0-31 h-igtooîuoo iotoe i Oar t t ooi oie.,;l C oi toitý Thot tu ptttiiip, ototuo-, mh0 i loitu tot u t îEphi- i" 27«'; -] e hau i . t c Toi ds P01 tî lie Wrut- proidngmapoerandmaerissj,,l .j7t ,au II soin4 tt-otooll inttti hoo cran ieso ppe AIl dood oitato 00as c h on.ternit fe.llh: 6;i 0h00 24: l 9t fitoo ;î hoiittitootvu 'h of ia Hc a dotiltîoarutlotitii y iem . e ca r Phl ut o theo totto pa t ot i toi t ox l 6 1, o ndo ottit ihom hs si oi toC. 06 Athî oi.hi fo 0 6 hui ,Ha,,Sloti Toto, tRo T oo t tt, lti tt- 10 ittopo it sonn retpe til le th b ot - U NL 11 11100n uti, Sep itoot. stok of sta d ar li es h ttoloitl av m ioda oothtoa bîtd to to eoho lt pttute adîoîuo ot sin. ttbs irotot Tot-too il: oi.a,.. poo Etepolion tt tt î < t o h it tt u h t it u h l h o tt it u t o h h tl b î . h i u i tt h l o o i i o o d P O O h t it tt l 0 0 o tt.t fTl* S i luOltot. Poosidoo Toit ona oe huitar Man. it t he ot en 1 a., "tî t h, l ob h Iîtti tc.;iiO t'ittiotîg BaooOttl, Etc. On a itoboit 00000 a new f to t oiittioHpItcl to edino retsîIionb treinfit -tlho ittt bO toh There ia po Il oweve Fit t o d 1 %vinait 0olw f Dit l ouA 23 2 .1 bi Aoitoooo ituaid ao oiî oîtiîo bai pi titltizuhE..oT ROTum ttt'4l EY. boule,__________________ lthupoooftiOhobtooiI l maitiol :Iootoootit.oo1oii2.7 btikîobarniîtithclou 51o___________________________________ m uMe u t o d p o u t o b o c e u d r c l i a i n

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